The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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    - -- -
JnlILLSB6i,()ki:(.0N, march g. 1013
" " ' .T -
. ' -. - -
r-r 1 1 1 II
IffllRT b tliW. ti
.sl Mill Ml 1U MIHHI
, , ... i r r.tu.j.1- H h.-ll a
url. Satmliv
, , and H- isl,i "-''I f'-;
. . -. i . . ii i , I In- m ill H4 e
b v ii H " "
. . . 1 . . I.. II 1 I fit 111
.J( ... I . ii.'- y !"!
-j.,. i , t r " vT.tift i' uly'
.,,!!.:,. Mr. :,V
.,.,4 . M utli. inner wet.
i. ,., I -ir'.. t . I ' it- III'
' r':. t..rti-.vH u.i'x' noti.e
O ut It ' -'i l" ' C
(r.f.,. Cml. I ' rvilt
. ' i i , . I til.-d ! t!.:tl end.
', ! (I , ,..- U lV llV'Kt
01ft u
County Judie lUasoner, afuj
.. u .ii.l li.. until' in tin' VA ftt.
Cu. r raw. late Thursday after-
liikui. decided hi pertnu inr ia
tu nt to i' under the care of the
I .ml h r. F. L Geiifer. of Corne
lius. Tin court rnul an order
i,..i.ii.M. m ntu-vum-i the commit-
r . ., .. i i
nu iil tn Ui' Mai iioapiuM. mni
I that K. 1 kIuiuM take
ran- of the brother, ami see that
he had no firearms oi any na
i .ir.. mi. I n-imrl once each month
in vi rilmir to the county judge a
. . . . .i i;;....
i.. it... i.ri.timr it fti.fiiim i iintiiLiiiii.
ti . r. luirti-.l hire on tin.' streets
Ihat Geiger ha given Stoke
j'hi f..r hm .ri'ftrit iuhiIh. anil
ltl.1 lu.llltl.Mi tl.irt tn incli-ninif V
liiiii. In ha maK a l-l of hi
j.Iai . ami t'la-l it in i-Hcmw
i. .ii. u l..r. t Cmvif hank, to h'
ii.r,,. .1 nvi r to Stoko in can he
i..,.n imn or Uith hi U'K. Thin
m t.ttainly a tnaKnunimoim
thtnif to tin, ami Ki'-ak f"r
In:. NunUy. to aay u i-a.
v, r I. ! . I . . I-'l-l" fur hatching,
i ' i I. Ui ilrt. Itarriil lUKks;
I'tckl Manager I or i:vtrlreh I'co-
ple Write lnterctlnic Story
it 'Jl imr m lliiiL' of ir: P IhT
1M. rnu-aena. i-i " .,, Antwirp rasjiU-rry
,l4lh;S. f. Whito Uirhurn. 1 . f ,f .
r 1
tl.ul he
ll- ,u i - Httl l,'.ll.'U
.!,,( " '-f M.r-'.lll!ll!!l. Vl.t
t lit i ' '" r'"''
shot I n !- i k'r - in t f'r lh tt
:,! , : s '. I 1.m
i .in ft-tt.
.n f i,,k hi ' "' ' ' r
..,.,1 l il- 1 to :in r-
l.'r" h.- . .'-I tl.i'"'l
.t . (M'..H.S. llUlmkHthat
., i ... !.... I.!.... .1 i!.-l f'.Hl
:u..l !
: , t ;!
ilt$' il It
I, .!!. I'l'l"'
l l.J.l
, 1 1 in i y
ft 1.1 IC Sl t
r. r
Tell, a fr Tkii Aboul Mu l
itti, Col. clt.
I- ran k J. Norton, of Suthi-rlin
On.. fn l'l manai,''-r for th Kvr
fn-nh (Vi., HiRTt iMiinir: the K t
frrsh Co., wrtti-i the follow inif
It-tU r to Ih public on th iro-
dtn tion of I)k'ariU rrni:
'The IiKanU-rry wsw projia-itati-.!
in California by Juilp-J.
II. Ii;an. Santa Cruz. Uul
1KH0, hv t-oU'natitiK the Auithirt
baiik'h hlacktM-rry. a wihl varii-tv
of California with the rolU-n of
It lar
.I'- Whi!r,hUILV taken the flavor of black-
H-r ""J V"1 "."- i...u .r,.l r.,m.l rrv The U-
, n.K Will .1.. rualyn ha ch- ; that'()f (lraw
,i,if amj furnmh ek-s of lea-lmit but not s dark. The
vTi-hi. Antlorthefamou Uk 7b and the
Meflanahan incubator N-nu re- , . frmin(J
,,,,"4 b.r catan.k'ue i.y i-wi ... r; .a , , tlu. rowini, h(Wj
Alw have H iine White Unborn PMyi'n . . . h ....
riH-kereU for ale. lw h. I " ,r!ltliri. to unU-ssarti-
H.m.r.dremo.,.ll.MHi-m. - ...teii by covering
oute I. - ,..:iv, Bira- The liovanl-erry,
i i,.. i.i.!l. Tua'ntin Five Hun- ii ,.u. fniitn. ha.l itM trials
lin .--.... ... . iimr mi.
i.'i i l .. I.. ,1 nt iiiriiri.i' I i . . i .i I., ik.. luninnini.
iltv.H mu iiuo a i' ! Minn irinuiuii'Min in n.v
at tlutr HiiH-linkT .-aiuniav mAn i0 n (jn-Bl iniui.n.
ui h Mr. ana J n. ii... i-.rrv u:iin ireai
i .-. ...... - - ni'a.i, . j
i a ..l-.uf 17" iK-racre to Ilant
I cultivate ami tr.-lh.
1 'ii.. i nr.- tint no in the
i if - -
I.'. 'i I iV.i. r.lil .inill Ctlt OUU
mil mu - -
ami are evenly diHtributed on the
. .. ...I nlmmt
trellUf. Hie npn auo:u vi
i I. (In. (ri-i.ur.d
In a Hhorl lime iney .u iiac
tin frour.d. lakii a
H.-.I. ... ' fct.v.
sj.a-ie or a dibble, make a hole
ami insert the tip of the vines.
imnir your foot to press me uirv
against the tip. Then; tips i will
pr.xluce planU wtiien win o
the Sorinir. In
this way. you JMi-ure plants that
liaveiroo.1 Rirorik' nnwnnn
in tin aw that tiu them-
H.-ivi-. (Ioo.l plant are esw-n-th
The vines
of a i'o-kI lk'unl- rry plant will
. t A. 4.. ,...h
make a rowin oi iweruy if i m
U 3 ,
i....... m.r..titfi of Iiiranber-
l 11 H' '"- ...
ris i In-inir planted, an'l the
from f 1) Off
n..,y...wi tfi 3LT.1 wr thousand
ami the Huppiy exnausn-o una
V...... I. f li. t.rnriin! H (lone.
if any. at the present time. I here
;.. ma.w.ii ihi.f trouble th? I
II ll"! II. m v - " -
iranlM-rry. excefitinir the raspber
ry cane borer which causes very
i. 1 1 . Li..
Uurhank's Phenomenal berry
alrmmt identical io me ik'
i.l- i i,o a little more ir
n. I a firmer shit'per.
i ... ;..t,i u far than that
llliW 111" ... .v. " "
..f ii .. I mrnnlnTrv. and where
lit V.i .
. ' I..-
Uth are HolU U 1 umier mc u.iv
1.1. 11.' ItOH.V r -
ii t.,L...i ulwuit 17." iKH-t-5 and
am H,itmii of numin'r 12 wire to
trellH an acre oi wmo.
1 iStik
1 '
a imiii Tiir nTiTiiii
lb ml int binium
II. Tonrue. Preicnt Wtrkl
Attorney. Will Kemain In Olfkc
Salary WUI fc TetlyOe Midred Per
Aaaum From July I
Juhii Stcwurt, it lieirik' the iktb- man'(, and largely planted. Imt
mini of ti lamiiy reunion niarkel was whi'i'"'
. .... I 1 1 I, .l.f.irlun . L....I lu....t ilul'li .
ami no marvel .mo iv..
i ;.. it,., w'lmt for them. Can-
neries Unik'ht them, but the acid
in the U-rru-H ate liirounn uie
Ai M, .i';i. r I'.rotti. r'
:.ini, in I r. -I i;m., '
i,i ,n,. -.i ii at V.i o'clock, a. m..
!,. u i.l. t-i,M.. d w iH il :d pob
In ;i'i th v iic-criU'd
iruiHtU, to A.!:
:i li-al f Ib.t-es
, , . ,ii,., . r . - ' ' '
J mi i . i a 'o i I t. .l-on,
; .,!(. ,.-..1. ....(I- I I
..f .1.1 .1. I I V- ' ' "O
I,.,,., .iv. r... Ii.In., !! . ''"
I,..- r . ll, it mate rli'l l-i"l.
.... i . . I n. I ii. I I' "
...! nil nil- . I I ' !"
Caniiu'r-. and llansr.Hi
l... i , . . . ..: I .iiiii i i iin.t - . 4
. t. ..... i .. . !. , .. , -. .. - .
,, ..v ! u.,l,ti-, I .in. . -
) ll ' ).; "' "' I '''"' " I'-'
Ml. H-t li.tii. -. W'!'n'- 'i-O'""".
ft v .,-,,..-'.- - I M .v
,!. V. i. f , 1-- l.- -l""'k'"
j Hi t. 1 I.i. null ' i"1" ''.
i c, ,;i i:,ii!i s.i!.- vat b
1 luiurt"''! l l.ili I" Cover
T, run ,,f Sale: All uili "
lie. 'I'), (ll I.. Hit "ml mer. H
HiuUl.i tune at H p.-r . id- oh
Mi...M-.l liule. 'J pet C-lit. oil
1 .ii i 'i !i on !iiiittw! v i t" $1".
M. Namer I'.rothern, Oviner-.
.1. V.. HitlnH. Auctioneer.
Ceo, N.ivlor, Clerk.
SOt 1 1 1 1 k'N P Wll IC
The Southern I'uciiic Kclo'dnle.
uh im.v nmiiiinr. il :" follows:
To Portland
M..l.....i III.. i.-..i"....r ti. Ill o;fi'.
Shi-ridan tram, a. m
l illamooK train, p. m ' i
Coi-vuIIh overland, p. m ';,u
On Stindav. I In Sheridan pas-reiu-ei
il.ieH md leave llilbdmro
lor I'ortland until S;.r.
Prom Portland
'unaliif 'luiMHi-nier, a. in-- -Tillainook
paseiu'i'l. ll. til . ld:IH
Slu i idan passcntjrer, p. ui - G:l j
M'Mlhliville lia4senv,er. p. m C:l'"
..i hi .a MIIH.n.. "
hmuk'ht Mr. and Mr. Ivlk'crtori j aml no mark.t had U-en diivel
and Hon. Mr. and Mrs. I raw torn
and daughter, of Portland. .Mr
and Mr. Arthur Mewun uno ,n lorries ate inrouKn un
two dam?hterji. of darden Home. lin umj ,,1, dentroyed the color,
Mr. and Mrs. Toeile. of North i4,nsw,u,Mitly the canneries ctuil.
in TI... nrii winners were ..i i, nn,lt. itii-m so the lotran
II.IIU3 i - - ii'.i i. -
Mr, Toelle ami Mrs. Arthur w.rry industry biwed for a num
Hid lii Minis id a I Kinus. mu no.). .i,,,
anu ,. ,, . .:... u n ivn rreated. AUmt
,.. ,-uuntry. Write, phone or five .siunds id tu f n n ru t .,1. un. t art iskow, corner innnv ." ,
s Zl r. Urtkmn. for which the Knr received
Till llli.i I ... l(V .,. ., ....r lu.linil
Phone, t It)' J. j . , ,i' t;m a n,.w cj.n was
. 1 IPW.l. ... ......
ii . .... urn mi the road and i n,..i v,a onnmei-lmed
? .. , I mvenieo unieii v..v -
meet an aummooiic. jum, " , ran and by IW uw me canneries
t., r that you musi sweur uno i can utiJiZt, the l)k'antHrry. ami
vour bre alh. if you swear at all. tu, t,,mluH for this U-rry cannot
The new auto law makes it pun- . f for w,me time. This
inhable for anyone u swear wo
' a ... . ....... d l,t
diable for anyone to swear on a ap lht, t.annPr), practically con
ivhway. 1'1'e Ark'tw exjHcts to trni.t,.(1 jn dvanee for the whole
.v.. mi extra run of mule-team . ,. . ,.,imm,.r,.,ui crot in Ore-
ad.s. in the near future. , m1)Cl, there will In? none
liner's Karly Standard isiUito cviUKirated this year.
n.M-d for Hate. Potat.H'S mature The new Kverfresh melhrnl trt
in '.l days. ISomeliimk' new. aim memiuaaimk' .."" ;
Homelbintf nno. Have aUiut 40 lanUrry succ-ssfu ly. Uu
....iii.iiii . i. ....i.. - .ii. i.....mtlt,, t hi finest of Pics.
lilishe S. to. IHiKO Ji "r ik-iij i. ..-.. .... - - .
i uuMK i-v ' rf l. .... . i , i.viM'nmentS
ply at UaK ran.,. n. ... . tht,
.... ., ... pu. are now oi'iiik um.'v .
M- , ,,T M unfermented juice for a Summer
m OrcL-on. the iWvalli k rjwt- "nk ,r,lth,.r, of i5ri()k8.
ein and the V. ll it N.. (Wl, are amonK the pioneer
town Pnday. accompanied ny . ( " , Krowers. bavin thir
;. .iennintfs. Iravelimr P,nr cres in fullboarinK. and
atfent ol tne n, t . t m, wenty acres more
Ml narlies knowtntf themselves thisl This field yields five
indebted to the undersigned will tonH to the acre, on an averatfe.
C. Ja.sp.-rs. of Forest Grove,
n-na .t.ivin to the citv Saturday.
II. M. liasford. of near Farm
;.,.,.,.. n ritv visitor the
Utst of the weeK.
i .v.o c. VIYU4 of near Tiirard.
.riii. i, -
w as an Arirus caller the last oi
the week.
f .nth Taa
latin, was in the city the last of
the week.
T. l Imbrie. of Portland, was
out to the city liaiumay, Kreei
nif his UillstMiro inenus.
For sale. reasnab!f. if taken
hv March lf 3 or 4cow3.-h. r..
Nickcron, Vernonia, Or. jO-o
'I'll Kimii.n an d brother, of
Scholls. were up to the city Sat
urday. transactini? uusiness.
Jos. Sat. of Tik'ard. was a city!, -itnrdav. Set), says that
Tiirard is iroinir rik'bt along
Fred at.d Anna StolTer. of
Cokeville. Wyoming, have ar
. . ...UK w,.U
rived, ana are visiuuk uu i..
fives at P.ethaiiy and HillMoro,
For Sale He-cleaned clover
sihhi. 1). TschalKild, liiiiswro,
i!,u t.. t H-51
Krvine Puirkhalter was over
fnm South Tualatin. Saturday,
aUmt recovered from nn attack
of Kripiw-
0. 11. Castccl. of Tualatin, was
.. C.,nril:iv ChflS. SttYS
lip ll'v. II . ...v. ........
that the town of Tualatin is prow-
mi? nsrht along.
(Governor West has signed the
i-ntmtv attoi-nev bill and aiur
Julv 1 of the present year this
" .
will be the law. tor over iour
years h. P. Tongue has been dis
trict attorney lor lour counues.
Wanhiniti.n. his home county.
rinrVamaa Clatsoo. and Colum-
bia. Itst NovemUfr he was
oi.l -Vnit the new bill
4KdIll V - I
r.lipvehim from the other three
-fiimlis. an d he will now handle
the criminal business for this
wwintv alone. The state will
. . .
..,. w;m t'H(u tK.p annum for his
yiaj i.i.i' -" i'-- . i
work, while the county will give
him a deputy ami nis pay "
come from Washington county
Tk rinvomnr vetoed me cir-
lie . . -
.,; i.i.l.Fu V.ill and it is now a
tUll juunv ...... . j
(uestion w hemer or no, me ik-
i..inii.vA u.-ntfn n in vrrwi iuw
day, will pass it over his veto, or
allow it iw oie. ii a uc.iKA.ioi j
U..lln it Inhn M Wall. tVOOQ-
snail ni it. .... . ' . ..
vk.:iur.n ul.vftr.i- u,Mi tret the
row if iiavn v.vvw. - I
;.imimi l.iit should it iro to I
llijinjiii i.iiv - .
. . . . ... ., .i ii f r I
a lU'pUDIlCan no one nyy."'3 I
know wnere u win ianu.
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sich
- - .1 . A
and don I Know wnat is me moi
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
The undersigned will sell at the
Mnf s. rnr i .1 vrrV ruirn. iiiiia
boro, at one o'clock in the after
noon, on
f nt f ii rA ViTh1 and hiizh irrade
Wl"l u.v - -.-
Jersey dairy cows -four register
ed cows, all in num. mrrc i
them young; registered heifer.
G montns oia; -yer oiu
..,( Unuv hull imnorted. from
ICIVU vnv i.-..
J. R. Stump herd. Monmouth; 4
weeks registered jersey uuu
a r ali)i.'pn Mirh-irrade Jersev
cows, all in milk, young, and in
,va tiAtu nt mu at fiiiiinm iicaii
in August and September; four
high grade jersey neucia, wan
ing two years, iresnen m juij
I A .i.nicr. tnmn of this herd
HIIU Jaufiun ----- .
kni-a hart in luoercuieui
..,.. on1 all on. hp.llthv. lhlS
lest, auvi , . ,
herd has its foundation in the
registered stocK oi m. otaui
merich, ot Farmington. noted
for production. Subject to in-
miection at rancn ixorm iuiu...
Plains, at any time prior to sale.
Also one 1100 lb. Simplex cream
t l . .. . L. .
Terms of sale-Cash at hand,
or bankable note, five months.
at 8 per cent interest.
ueo. Dinsuuii, um.v...
J. W. Hughes, Auctioner.
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Ceo, Gallnvuth, of near Ttia
latin, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. PeinlieiV. of Middlctom
w.'ih in the city Saturday.
11. W. Rolgor mid Stanton
Wyatt. of Pea vert on. were in
town Friday.
A. P. Wilkes, of below Scholls,
was a countv seat visitor Friday
For Kent Four ncres. near
n.ii.r. I It,, I.., t" .1-Ull I 1 1 ll l
.iiliiie, hi, lin... i, . ... .......
Apply to M. K Smart. PJtIO liorth
w irk St., Portland. Or. W W
.lohn Ueichen. of West Union,
wari in town Saturday, on a tax
paving trip. While iti town ho
culled on the Arsrus.
Sam Calhreath ami wifo. pH
'I', ...... ..I.i mini I'Wlt-l
in, iiin in, weie iiMiii.jr .-.v.iv ......
ors, the lant of the week, attend
ing circuit court.
Several thoroughbred Poland
China boarn lor Hale.-Oak Cove
Farm, or upply to Geo. U. Rijg
ley. 45tf
please call and settle, raymeuia e or me vines are ir.u
ran le made to either 0. '" years old and have never re-
Frank or the undersigned.- J-cHved any fertilizer.
- ,. p dr.. :ii-tf i.. ii,.. K.wij nf n live ton crop.
liorW.CK, lieeo.ii". ...... -- I ;u lin- - -
. . , r i.i i.t $100 oer acre to
t)rt.gon early wltlew. and ri t i u
li.i-ned hereallerspemi.nK .'-" 1 V . . ":..i... i.. I.n,tl.. nn
ears away from tlhnd- uk e-g
ing no place like old 0. ogon. acre. Q the mx
Mnrctt is the most f iln season.
wholesonie "two for a (juiirter TukinK the average crop of five
smko on market-made in Ore- lom ,H,r acre at this year s price
'., by K. Schiller. When you pf )pt,r ton, would give a gross
. I , ,1 .... in II food smoke buy a vi..i,i nf SUM) tier acre. Picking
G d M um tf VUK) would leave the grower
v" I....... mhi i mipii v enough
business with tiu counvy "- -' ";"" n nf lrftnbor-
ll0 now has the court Iuium an- ' Ucared
nex ready for acceptance by the ries that nave i
. .1 I 1 III UI1U l''""'H . . . .
county Doaru. kown t0 yicW a9 high as eight
Some iHHiple nay he . tons per acre,
building, corner Second and Main. cimate and soils of West-
:.. i i i .inat trivo us a ttial .... nnri Wnshinirton seem
and we will remove that sup- be idea, for high-class pro-
. i i .... . II fli-nnr. I . .. winK tnnm that
posed iioouoo-.i. duciion. n k ; , . -
Mr and Mrs D. E. II ackDurn, aWe drained is vrT r;
r ltmwnHS. vfetcd at the The plants should be set eight
L1,;:nim latter's parents, Mr. fwtaparteach way. If PJ. bk
aml.Mnu Willard Tuppor, oyer t e rowssnou o
Sum av. buuuii " n. UrtrnntTh
lluy your garden seeds where u VVhen the vines be
.1 . ... ' i.., thn renutatton for cVluv.w ,h hm nnc ose.
i. icy .' -. , . i i,,.,. irins io run, "-;, i v.
keeping the seeds in g(H)d shape, M n t ke to hod them
also knowing the different van. "use Rood cedar posts
ties, this prevails at Greer fl, cor- m pi which 8nouU bp five
T. G. Meacham, of Mountain-
ii.. ,. ..j in itu ritv Monday.
(Hill-, ... --- - -
ii. i .. i,im hw oeen un li e
1111. .ue.iv .... ------
federal jury at Portland for a
number ol wcoks
ii i .. M l.ll.i T .irliiirn Mil
I'Or S.lie; iiiuia ." r
lots. . Also several incubators and
bmodei-s. latest manes, j. .
Adams, near JalH-z WHKes pu ce,
south ot the uiy i urn, i n '
I.,.. ly"
B!arl R. Fisk. a son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Fisk, of near Scholls,
: . U'.knAl a Pnritolia .lack.
ano miss ii"" ",uv"- -
daughter of Mrs. Sol. Jack, were
united in marriage uy uuus ...
... ii L. 1(110 !?,- h
omiin, maim . ,
are well known to the south of
Hillsboro, and in ineraniuiiKvo"
tier Second ano main.
itf kf 1 1 ii nam nbnve Moun-
taimlalo. was n city caller batur-
ilnv morning.
Hod Tuesday
J. ! luuiiR - :lthP Seconu on m- v"r ,
morning. to attend the session Jj dWide the intervening
of U. S. Court as a juror, atP with lhe lhird wire. it
in 1) ace. use kuwVjI r ,
for trellis, which should be five
feet above the ground, 3 feet
apart, end posts securely braced.
Three numoer u w, j .Y f
the posts well stapled the first
A from the cround.
aooui iwu i. ; - - fu
the second, on me u u ..;
nf Itanks. was
th,. e'itv Monday. He
III. v. 1 1 . , 1
1 1 v. a nart of his place,
VV'J ." " - :o m
i ... ..,ii nv...i kii ii,- ni l u.
have to put in so much time at
iv.-.. i..k ii in:v to Svlves-
ter Wilson and wife, of Hillsbo
ro, Oregon, a iiangnter. r
in the Cireoiniiie-ianK3 wvu..
nlease take notice.
For Sale-A 50-acre farm, halt
cleared; 6-rwm house, barn, .both
in goiKl condition; and outbuild
a i nmiii bearinir orchard.
.1 i:,.n arA tmvn. Want
INt'ar Mau" " ,
to sell on account of old age and
hen. Write CUX o, vny
Roiltelo. 51-1
t ...k.. T Mnttnv. wife of Al
LiVUWt i. ,
fnd C. Mulloy. has suea me
-.... hiwnnnn a. u.
laiuei oi " - : .
Mulloy-for $25. WH) damages for
alleged alienation of affections.
She alleges in her complaint that
i i Air- i J.i.AVflmQpriBil .15111.
sne anu muvu nv.u
. . it.i,.tt IUa moil
1 o Kill m-tii tnur u hi liic iiicii
.. ... ...a r S. IHl.lll-1 Ll ir.l
everv way to make the husband
.. . .. . i k,. tnllincr him
(lissaiisiieo wim um - r. V"
ili i... I,...! married heneatn his
UlUt OC Hint ..- ,
,,fnl .,111 oie She swears that
she signed 'deeds xo prwpeivy
,i iio nm n n"nMt timp BlTO.
WOrin a oi.w. -tt-
and that after she had done this
Lilt IHluaiiu 'vivvv
the home. The Mullpys reside
at Laurel, and are influential
people. Mr. Mulloy will employ
attorneys and tight the case.
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checks and a ti2
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously receioed.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Mai mnd Third, nunmoeo,
flnatrin. was
l. r leistoauti. -j
a city visitor Monday auernwo.
isw iroods are arriving daily
for fireer's new store, corner
Second and Main, wnere you .u
c.i lion nf trroeenes. boots.
nuu a niiv v.. r.- - ;
niinoa drv croods. dishes and
Kti Ir mrdn ReaS.
uum f M i.-.
m.v aiifArt and Eliza Seufert.
nf nhnvp Mountaindale. .were
... A. 4. V. v,. info
united m marriage hi uie iwm
nkomKoM Hillsboro. reD-
touit viiaiiw-.".
miorv W lilli JUQKB 1. "
Reasoner. omciaung.
p-ooiaSiv fine brood SOWS
1 yi oaiv w...
.-j nnn Knoi. iwot two vears.
anu one wo' r?r w t-h
. . -v ft ir...,. U,.la-1
Inauire 01 J. n. nanoou, o.iw-
bOTO, K. Z, BOX ,or rctcrau...
C.ftston. it. 1. Box 60. 51-1
Hugh Smith, the Forest Grove
roaa superviooi, i.a....
day, conferring with the county
judge, nis sireei wora uiaca m
the city ot roresi urove umy,
with a little outside work.
f a nlnpp tn trade.
ii yim , , l
i ..... n V.iiu oirorvTnintr I
wnere you too "j v.,.j ..
,J l Via lino nf ormppneS.
yuu iiccu iii vi.v - T
dry goous anu anoca, uy wv.
new store, corner oewua "
Sam Tinstall. of Phillips, was
il. U. Inot nf tha wook I
in me cay mo Vi v..
cn kno luaaoH his ranch, and is I
going to move over 10 uw iactt
A..M,r tni an PYrpmiHii suiy. i
uuunu J iv. . i
His lease covers five years so he
expects to ue auscni. some muc
Of your children by giving them an early
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
7o Jty friends and patrons
rM.ic.tii tn mnvincr to mv new store on Second
Street some delay and inconvenience has been felt,
but my largely increased stock, and new store
fixtures and the facilities lor repairing ana niau"
facturing I am in a position to serve the public in
all lines with greater satisfaction. My store ap
pointments and stock is now unsurpassed by any
store outside of Portland.
You are cordially invited to call and inspect my
new Stock.
aurei Jl. 3(ojt