inlllLLSBre NO. " IIILLSI'.()R(),()KKr.ON, rivliRUARY 27. 191 ui. .. . - --- - Na 1 Hi . ay mi 1 n rninu MM KM 1 s Ml 1U I ll-UI IUU-U COOT SMI! BILL ... .. 11... dill Mur Will ...... 11.. iwiii ,M 1,1 di, Alumiiua I''1 I J411 i.H III l ' t O.lU,' rrn'i' 11' .. 1 ...t t'riiliiv , ,, .. I .. I, I i,l t mined U'tlt 'II,. IIHMHMIV UH IIIH"- v tin- oitnly d. oration and had "ailintf 1,1 :i!.l hrt of H'' l'iU 1 .. ..u ii tn.uhle until 1 1,, tin- luii'! of H' Pv 1 lie tin iiHiiri' made lut . ..f !,...... -I Ttiti-, t til I 1 I'll''"' ""I" it nfl'rt xalarv warai-.! (Mm .." "T """'l'' t.llH'r !l, 1,1,-1 til" OMIMV H.ll'd'1 ... ... 1. .l. i,t was t rco-ivi' jl j,, 1 r yrai" itt.iid "f I'1"0 jUi.. .ii-ti-i't la ii-'oiiniibn. jl. . Ihh.I "ii rint' i"l',iit was ,!,, t.. I .- ' d-putv t 1 I, ni"" , ? 1 jl. i-.- .-nu-i Htiit''! tit In vrt ll ,t l ie 1 tl mm. oiu'i" II,, 1MI N. I H . wool, ..... . r i!. niihn v on a. in , but ll, 1 , l.iil l.;ii liii'l mi'"' ami-nd- in. i.o ;; I no ""' 'l ""' "1 Ui a' !,,H.i l' i t i hi iMili' i'" .. ,it r. ..,.! f:iwirahl fotiHiili-ni . .. 1 1... i:il:irv uf tin ili'iiuly Ph. nil. n"A l" r "lh. ,( I . !,inii,h. ati.l ) I1011M llltvt llii- in.-' I iillrlltK'lH'f III')' llUty in tl.e court tvt' n u 1 ,,f tl,.. i- ir.. uf tli.' t.rimm 1 I'M .1!, I ll ilH lt't ''ti'il Unit i t 1 1 , 1 .11. 1 t .. Hir.tltltV WHUI I l MiH-'l. With llif ii" nl rmr I a i.l I itiimif Id' r.!1"1' l'u" f,-h.vl '.uiMftiil.Mi.l.'iil' ollm lid i.' l tin tirvi H-'ary l.y ru n it in. .inn Yi ni'M'tlH ttt.rk. wlitl' t. :t. limit in tl I'viI'Ik' hc!mI tirwr itfitiH tnori' than iiino tniiiilli f i inp!") nii'itl, I I11M.I K S MI t.l'k'OVI t Oni'i.f llti funtil urn! cl'nnt luHki-tltull itamim evrr wtlnwitMMl at l'irit tlrove in won by the rh.-init'A M ImliariH ovrr the l'ad- lii' Univi-ntity lv core of 2T to 1. Kmlay nucht, n the rarinc riiiwntity l!r. The 'nation at l.iiKki t HluMilintf of CU'tnent. of Chi'inawA. who aroreti til field imki'trt when hi If am waa tie tin.l. rimtrilmtwl lartffly to the miiri'Mti of tin' In.liani. The l'a 'ilu' I 'iiiv.-mit v fiuinti't IihI at the Htartof thetnTiind half, hut were twwr out In tront alter l-emen L.,it tlinniL'h MhiHitinir hi lix Imu- krt in rani'l aurniwion. The r.iltnu inL wait the linruu: (he mitvtii ('U-mcrta and St-tlow. iriiuriN; Wtlctu and Jirn. for ward: iKttihar. cvntt-r. 1'acinc niviTsitv Tuniirr and Abn ' IT ham, kruard; Shaver and luu iiuiHiti'n, forward; Hurlintrham, ii tit. r. A. M. iiniiy. or ron liind. rt-fTi 'l the Kami. fur hatching. S. C. ll I. '.arrj iuku; !.fi(i ht iM'ttintc of 15; $6 per my I'm iv rhtcken. U'f cenu ,.: ! f White Ixirhorn. 1 i-r i. r. iM-r I'M): liaby chick. to ii'httL ill J cuUMn naicn- iumI furnish t'L'ir of lead in if vurietun. Anent lor the ramoua l. 1 li.nuluin iiwubatnr. Send re f,.r rutuloiruii by llal. At mi have Jtm White Itrhorn ..u L..r..u fur unit. 1L K. Dun' mimr.On nco. Addnn, HtlUlioro, KouU' l. OEB i:: 1:1 DUSTRY 10 is sura Tli.- u,l id tin- lat" Janx-i H. Sew ell. iini.t er and rutin f ". uu- proved in probati'. Monday ni"rtiini. TlieitiHtntmenl nauien C. I!. I'.mlunan ti t eveeutor. itnd tiut'.i it ii.lintal with him in to taknik' hi- I'-i'id r.!itiennatioi, -r that I,- may take ls.tmi ulutn-s uf 11 i-uir ;lH-k at il i-r nhare. par'te. 1 1,, viil K'iveH I.H'T. Mr-t. A-oi.i ll.lH. and then rvit.- that Ik had already k'ivi n t ah .1 .-1 i (11 tin" and lai.'li t. r. .laineM A. Sew ell and Aln e ll.. and all the lul.uuv of tht jruM ily i t to hi' diidi".l share an. I Miuie aliki' bi twiH it the two In n II, household furniture irm-s wild the homo lilaee to MttW S"A. II. and tin- library and (.ir t u f . a :,re Hhnred alike. The eVet ulor i.H allowed to Hell any unity or (terminal projierty to meet delil, i! neci Hiiary, wiin mil 1. liter of the court, M Wall ami V. II. Weh r int' uitni'MMeil tlie w ill, and (lit two heirt. in their petition, ask that it eo to (irolmli' without tU.",tlO, It l'SI;V COW SAM! The uiidrntinnoil will Hell at t he Seeond Street Lively Ham, IlilU Ihho, at one o'elix'k ill the after noon, on SATi;iM)AY. MAUldl 15 Lot ot ihii-c lnvd and liik'li Rnult' .leiNey dairy cows lour N'Kihut I'll i'.iU'u nil i milk lliri'1'0 . . . , ,,,, .I. ...-- them yotm; rt'KlHtt'ivd heife, i months old; 2-yt'ar old wkm- tered Jersey bull iniiorU'd, from ' . ... ...I .1. 11. Munip lienl. ftloninouin; Wei'krt I'etriutoi' JersieV bill rii'if; eleven hinh-jrrtulo Jcrsov lows, all in milk, yountr, und in k'oim now ot milk comiiiK irewi ill Aii.mul n.,.r U.,i.llll,il.. flllll' ". IMI'inL Ullll .11 Ml Hi." . , vrrado Jersey luifrs. 00m itur two yearn, frtlien in .Inly iind August; Homo of thin hord liave hud tho tuben'iilt'in ti'st, and all am healthy. This iieiil has its fotindaliou in tho registered Htoek of Win, Srhul nierieh, ot KanninRton, noti'd fur production. Subject to in P' rtion at ranch North Tualatin Pl.'O.ia fit ill... Iiiiii. iii'liir ill Mlllo. .Ml,,, 1,II,V Hill,' I ' I I ' ' . V" Also ono 1100 lb. Simplex cream separator, used but 11 months. Terms ol sale Cash at hand, r bankable note, live months, at s per cent, interest. lieo. Hiersdoif, Owner. J. W. IhiKhc'H, Auctionor. iv. .1 I. von wa Friday morn ttiL'. unleri'il taken to the State n,.u..,i,.l nt S.ilem. and he was conveyed thi-r the name evening bv IL H. (;xlin ami a uroineroi I lt till f,,rtunte vounu man. The 1 ..,1.1.. uitb the vuunir fellow H Ulll'H - g 1. 1 tl,:it be wan ttlxlicteil to the .trutt habit, and liecamo violent when he wa rlmrt on the opiate. it., ij v. .rv hrtifht vounir man when not under the influence of the ppy. Mr. tioikiin auiea that it will not Ik Ion until the ,i.vai. ioi at the Ilotiiiitat will Hettil bun out to the world fully cured. I aw rordwoi!. pole up to 12 inchen in diameter, lence raua, and Uianh of all kind. WW utovewoiKl leticth. Will KO O it... ... ri' Wrile. nhone or IM" I-!! j , v all mi me. Carl Skow. comer xtbnnilFir. HilUboro. Oreiton. riione. City KSl The new ordinance regulating the jfivintf of liquor to habitual drunkard meet the approvai 01 nit iuH,i,ii. ttuloon men. as well. '11... tl.llalu..1 Utl lonnH have re- r,.u...i i iuitit of drinkera time 1 11.11 w iin.t i---- - and nittin. only to have the We- briatett buy thmuKh Bme one else. They Ret Home one to (fet it,..,., tw.ttle and oroctHnl to ITet inloxicateil. and then the aaloona el the blame. It Is a iroou or- Imance. and the wiw purveyors should nay the jx'nalty of fine ii.t imiiriminment liolh. wnen auu'ht buying for the habituam. Preer'a Marly Standard uoUto Meed for nale. Totatm-a mature in Ml davH. Somelhinx new, ami ..n,;.,,r fin.. Have about 40 l.iKhel. C.. Ic. Hatfiey, or ap ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf Mr. Mercy Johnson, who, in the early days, was well known the Heaverton Bocuon, was huried in l'ortland last ween. huvinii patwed away lueaaay. She was the liaujfhier 01 a. 11. Johnson, w ho at one time owned lu'tween Heaverton and lieedville. ShO waa area 00 vears. and w as the wife of Capt ;has. A. Johnson, now in mnon. themselves Ml lill urn " "" ... indebted to the undereiirned will please call and settle. Y aymenw 1 . 1 . - ..ill. IV V. can tie mane 10 vw v. Frank or theundersnrnM.J. Tm Hoi wick. Keedville, ore. ao-u ftmt K. of 1 lie 1 Yiiuiiii uii' 1 1 it...!! fumilieti and friends , lion " . , enjoyed a social evening rnday at their hall on aeconu ohwi. Five hundred was the program and n feature was a two-reel mo tion picture of Damon ana ry thias. thrown on the screen by 0. I'helps, of the Grand. Ineae entertainments arc netu evci, two weeks. For Kent-Four acres, near cnrline, nt Iluber; reasonable. Apply to M. K. Smart.l2001k)rth w Lk St. l'ortland, Or. 50-52 1.' 1 MnAlenr. of Portland, t w.niv of Ktillwater. Minn.. IS here, the Kiiest of his brother, with the HillsDoro L.umoer vaiiu- pany. if I. ....nn Mnainr flf I.Afl- Vareiloum:muii i.v., ton, was down to the county seat Friday mornmir, enrouws wiu- land. nt altove BUX- Iwliev i iiiiiii..", z-, ton, and H. Huber. of near Tim ber, were down to the city the hist of the weeK. c....nHni thni-niiahhred Poland China tMtars for sale.-Oak Cove Farm, or apply to ", ley. 4611 Umber freights Will be a ltl( l attor en I. U. & N. WILL TAKE A BIU TRAIN SIKYICE Larfttl UlMMiM Tlwkcr Ml lathe WtrM to be Oac-i Before the end of WW there will be many more Haw nulls opened in the Nehalem country and along the line of the Pacific Itailway & Navigation line U- tween here and Tillamook. Then are already several mills U-tween here and the coast, and new omn are being installi'd all the time. Trainmen say that by the end o the Summer the freight from the timber section will have quadrupled, and it will take a biir train aervice to get the ,,nwl,t-t nut to murket The N'e halem is the biggest untouche timtM-r tx t In Oreimn. acceHSH.U to railway transportation, and the big timber companies are getting ready lor a campaign 01 manufacture. Projects are now under way for mim for lot'iinL' liurtKiseH. and two or three new mill are ready toopen within a few weeks .iimi x uMin the weather tettles and the snow get out of the hills. Several hundred new men w ill be employed in the logging Huntrv between Huxton and Wheeler this year-and this a irrcat ileal of bllHineHS. Dart of which wi'l le aotwrtMii by Uillsburo. AiaiON SAt.II Having sold the place the under ,--. ui 1 u 1 at tne M'niet felin farm. SchielTelin Station on k- l It & N. ltv. 5 miles N. W. of Hillsboru. at 10 a. m. on THURSDAY, MARCH fi, Cray mare. 7 yn. 1200; brown mare. 8 yra. in foal. 1200; gray horse. 13 yrs, 1500; black horse. r, vn lrJM v hrnwn mare. 4 vm. lit Mr hnmn horse. 3 vrs. lkiu bay filly. 2 yrs; yearling horse eolt: 2 wagons, buggy, 2 hacks, 3 walking plows. 2 springtooth harrows, Binder, rake, mower, disc plow, gang plow. 101 cnicK- ana vuarlinu heifer. 10.000 shin ,, r. -- -, .u lot f in Lralvanized DIIH' creamery outfit, consisting of engine, boiler, butter womer churn combined. vaU, butter moulds, platform scales, small scales. IJabCOCK miiic lesier; i brood sows, pigs at side; boar, 5 ahoats, farm tools and many other articles. Terms of sale - $20 and under cash; over, bankable approved note, su montns, ai 8 ier cem. Lunch at noon. A. J. Hartrampf, owner. JOHN JA11UI John Jaggi. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Jaggi, died rco. mini . ka familv home near Phillips. The lad was a sufferer from spi- .i tmiihto rnr manv monins. 1 1 Ml . - He was a universal favorite and the esleem in which he was new was manifested by the large at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Jaggi wish to 'extend ttw.i thanba tn those who were vino " w T, . so kind as to tender aid ana sym pathy during their bereavement, and return especial thanks for the floral tributes at the church and grave. DAVID PATTERSON David Patterson died at the nf hia otn-iinnirhter. Mrs. IIUIIIV W I..O ...-f " .,., , Chas. Gardner, of the Hillsboro Sanitarium, February Mr. Patterson was born Dec. 22, 1 uo.1 .f RamaavMla. Ohio. He was originally a member of the Quaker church, but after arriv ing at Forest Grove affiliated with the Congregational church. He was wedded three times. He came to Oregon in -b, anu sei ti.wi of Pnmat (imve. where he has since resided. He leaves the following children to mourn his loss: Geo. W. Patterson. Fred J. Patterson, urnes. u. Patterson, Park P. Patterson. i-.. a t'omfoivl Mrs. K. N. Wheeler, all of Portland, and Mr. Alien uauey, wiiii"i The funeral took place Tues day at the home of Mrs. Gard mA nti-mint was in the IIVI, ll ...w...-- - - Buxton cemetery, above torest Grove. , ii. Wnttaiunn was a itrauu father of G. A. Patterson, the Hills boro furniture ueaier. I l.nrv kamna. of above Uloom- ing. was in the county seat Fri- lay afternoon. I V Iiailev mad a flying viii't to S-attle and Tacorna the lait of the week. i,.i, Ci l,l..i,.l of near Hanks. w an transacting buHiness in town Friday. Jim. ami Frank Donovan, of U-!..w Orenco, were in the city Friday. John Oppenlander, of Cornell- . a ..... aL A ii4 was in llie couiuy wa. inc lat of the week. John Uid-'l. of alKive Moun- taindale. was a county s-at caller Friday. t-'i.r mill' reasonable, if taken l.v Man-b !.' 3 or 4 cows. t.. r Nickeron. ernonia. Or. F. II. Sinuison ami wife, of ftiuth Tuaattn. were in lown Friday. Mi Grace Haird. of Portland. vixited relatives in the city over Sunday. l-or Sale - Re-cleaned clover Kied. D. Trtthalmld, HillsUiro, Route 1. 4'J-51 Ceo. and Walter .etzman. of n..-.r '..uf erville. were in the city Monday. Mr nn.l Mrs. Herman Gillier, of Scholia, were up to the city 'riilay. v..rti Plains has lost one of the saloons. Mr. Wuinn having closed bis place. c..., .t,,r lliillinwas retiresi'nted a,. iiaa - in the majirity rejxiri commenu ing Cv. West s prison jucy l.n I'mmull of bevond IaU- ..." - . ret. was in Sunday. HiK-ndmg the day with his family. k' em oer. of Verloort, . r a m ft was in the city Monday auer noon, on business. w I. Itntphclder and wife, of eant'of North Plains, were in the city Monday. i' It F'.urhanan was down from Cornelius. Friday, on business at the court house. .It (Ynik shank, ot South Tua latin, was over to the city the last of the week. t P Iv;,.kn8fn nt nliove North Plain wan a citv visitor Friday, . r ' . .. . i and made his annual ca'.i on me Argus otlice. r.nst P.mnner. of near Tigard, uji mi to the county seat Fri day, visiting the tax collection counter. H. H. Dauchy. of Ranks, was down to tlie city rriday, auenu- ;., .r ii niiwtini in bankruotcy court in the Schramel & Davies' Hros. proceedings. I .iU't Delnlanehe. of near Vl 1"- ' I " f . SchielTelin Station, was in the .Ho k'ri.hlV 11 n, 1 called on the religious weekly for another year of countv news For sale: White Leghorn pul lets. Also several incubators and brooders. latest makes. -J. P. Adams, near JaU-z Wilkes place. i h of the i itv rarK. uius ttoro. tf u- vv,.iL..r nf Simth Tua latin, wits in town the last of the week. A. W. has been one oi steadv suliscribers ever since he landed in the coun ty. R. It. Cioodin. of Salem, was in Hillsboro Friday, looking over l:.. ij I!.... Cli't nrf)iertv. R. Ills iiiii wi.vxw 1--. "j . --- 11. says ho hardly knows the old town those days, since mere is so much improvement t.vt... FiL-rhinin. of dales Creek. ,ion n rVi.lav. He has been naj in.,... - - . - .... up to above The Dalles, visiting i:..!)vv l-nnie Peter- uia lui.n.i.- : 7 :r ,r r son, well known in North Tuala tin Plains a tow years ago. I M i-4 (V A. Rovnolds. 1111, Ulivi ' ' of Nippol, Wash., departed the .'.. ih.i u.w tor inetr nome IM l.l llll " l . w. w. on Lake Moses. Mrs. Reynolds has been the guest ot ner moin er, Mrs. M. A. Powell, since the holidays. A.t.o.i ifeiwrt Sr.. who has raised a family of nine boys in the Blooming section, ana wno in a unvvm ill for a number of years, taking the entire crew from his own iamuy, was uuwu to the city Friday. lioinv nf South Tuala- . : ii,.i itu kViilnv Hist lilt, VU.1 III mi- -.ij .i;utriit. hnaA smcial low of iviai iioviiv - k w ten mills, iUl His MHWI uibuivi HREF.1EII HAVE 15TH BIG III DANCE Itoys In Uniform Parade In Stmt And Drill In Hall LARGEST ATTENDANCE FOR VEARS Bo)t Clear l Nrarty Ooe Hn-dred Dollar at Festivity ntALin WlHINTS - i - ' y The Firemen's Ball at Hillsbo ro Hall. Saturday evening. wa3 attended by a larger crowd than has visited the hall at a merry making for many months. The boys entertained about IV) cou ples, and they made everybody feel at home. The fire laddies gave a street parade about eight o'clock and then gave an exhibi tion drill after reaching the hall. They looked very natty in their uniforms. All the visitors were made happy, and the department f.Mi irrateful over financial re- ,vv. r. ' -" - - - suits as they cleared up nearly a hundred dollars. A feature oi the evening w as the old-fashioned quadrilles, which were partici- nf.l in hv manv oi me oiu l - I f Vi k i A nnt- (rirw uuy iucu "ii n4j . . ped the light fantastic lor years took to the floor like a lot of txys tn n Rwtmminir two in June ai- thnnoh mmp of them were a trifle short of breath w hen the number would close. CMOWNINO -IKLt'ND An impressive wedding ceremony tnr,v nhirp wednesoav auemoon. I'K iq mx at l :ao o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. A. C. Freund. Dilley. Ore., wr.en their daughter. Josephine, was united in marnage to craay Chowning. The rooms were ef- fectively decorated with ever- irruuna form and carnations Tho briHnl nartv stood beneath on nh nf IlroiTOn tFtATK HnU ail aivi. v w . r - r ' ( forna .imliwllishpfl with QOUule hearts of white lillies and Orien tal ferns. . As a nroliirto. MlSS JeSSie Stevens sang un, rromiseaie. Miaa r i7ahth UneiTS &3 accom panist The beautiful melody from Mendeissonn. piayea vy vt;a PHna l'nell nf Portland. tflian wi..' - onnnim eivt the bridal uartv. Rev. Thomas, of the rirst congrega tional church of Forest Grove. f performed the ceremony. Miss J Nina Kaird wa3 onaesmaiu. anu g Karl Buxton was best man. The g hri,b ' handsomely cowned in m cream messaline. trimmed in pearls. The bride is an accom plished musician. Mr. tnowning is a business mart of Forest Grove. The couple will be at home to their friends at Forest Grove after March 1. SOUTHERN PACIFIC A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE Whenever you or any member of your family feel aicK and don't Know wliat is the mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. Hut if you know what ails you bad cold grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand and one complaints of the human body, come to this drug; store. We have a remedy for every illness everyone com pounded from the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE itui a Are You Thinking Of opening a Danh Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oycrlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National DO BANK DSQ Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a j big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteousy received. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, HUHboro. ' 9 iii nf five so you can imagine what the tax business means to him and his fellow res idents, ti,,, Wiilahnm baseball fans are getting the fever, and are antici- a.' .i..'U,inrlau trina tn Port. pullllK Hi k)""J land to see the league games. Kven the younger iry are get ting the "bug," and are out everv bright evening, trying their mits to see u iney are bui holding their eye ana aguuy. The Southern Pacific schedule, as now running, is as follows: To Portland McMinnville pass'ger, a. m.. 6:52 shriilnn train, a. m 8:38 Tillamook train, p. m 1:07 Corvallis overland, p. m 4:57 On Sunday, tne &nenaan pas senger does not leave Hillsboro for Portland until 8:ou. From Portland Corvallis passenger, a. m..--8:22 TillnmnnW nnssenger. a. m..iu.w Sheridan passenger, p. m-.. 5:14 If ! :..:ili noccuniTlll. n m .h'4.1 ill iUIIIIIIlOC nni"li'-. V With the Mississippi Valley in a cold wave Oregon has been trincr nlnniT with bright davS VUlllitio , - andj frosty nights, a glowing Willamette Valley Winter. The cool of the nights here is just sufficient to keep tne X L..11.'.. ..J k truit irom uuuuhik " Lord appears to recognize that this is sure the one original Gar den of Eden -even if some of the scientists do object. Washington's Birthdav passed quietly in Hillsboro. with all banks closed. Business nouses onri thu most of the offices were M I V waav - taking a vacation all day, dui Un tov pnllnetinn counter was bi.v " - - open on account of the many who visited town, nonuay or no non-day. Mra J. O. Adams, of Beaver- tnn wn a ritv caller Monday. She states that her lamily was one of those in recent quarantine for smallpox, at Beaverion. ine malady, however, was not se- iVinir littlo oniltrhter six ICli, vuvt, , . w. v years of age having it the worst ino Pnnnpll. of Cnnnell Station. VWfc WW on the United, was in the city Monday. 1 l M I mo rjJSOO ) r4fh INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHUTE SAYINGS BANK EXCLUSIVE FOR SAVISKS .t T. Hoard, of below Witch Hazel, was up to the city won day morning. Do you feel ashamed of your watch when some one asks you what time it is? There is no reason for every one not carrying a watch of which they can feel proud at the present low prices at which a really good as well as beau tiful watch can be purchased. I am showing some beautiful watches for both men and women, cases of plain and elaborate hand-engraved de signs, fitted with movements of proven reliability. 20 per cent, discount until I move. LAUREL M IIOYT-jiiiTEioi f First door west of the Delta Drug Store it w