The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 20, 1913, Image 1

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kw.r. St. " IT Irrit Orr.
4lkf VMl. J Ml'
1,1 CwKtll) Seal
Smith. f (iiiyiH t'ttv.
. .1 . !..., ..f It... I. . . L
r,,ti..f pi-HH-r fn.n.H. II.'
l ... I ,..,!. .ii 1 'unfit W itl
I ... I f...i
nu.nth- ol.l. hi fuller. Il lat.-
.. .1 I... u..tll..l nil SI it. I.
..!... it ini!" t 'f t"n. bv'
,,. ,,,,.. I tin- p'.n" in
it,., iihtttir wan !"
) fin
iI,,i.,iih -nrMl" to Ui..'.m
I ... I)... lllilH-llillilltl (loClll'l ltd
""l .. ...
, jlllti' IFH-sP H.O. .ur.
c i llu" Ari'inri iKiru r:
'tt l,. n 1 A lit U Ix'V tllth-UuM
am.i.lluii hut tt M.'W-iiu' plutv
VL.r.Mi ni l.' kri.t in nl? I 1
,,th ,.-r. an. I HI rnlUilli'l. Ill"l
u, u ,i 1. 1 .Iria- into ili' niy f
' .. . . .
i... tir.M.I in ruif a w; ;" ri.ul
built by tl. l!lt M"1. M..U""Hi,
In ihi la t,( inv wi
u. r.-lm-.iI n lnit l!it'k ri-lintr.
u.. ir.iM r-.. .l ait H. luulalm
i.l .ins on II,.- I'.n k ol w I. Hi
i ..
i u .i-1 h.un.'i .I mi. I what is u
LMi.l. n w;i It. it vll.l rin'H
tail tl. ) i Ti'Im' v'ikkIo!.! tiling.
ninttay. iih'l w uiwiui npprt
lalnl v n ruiiH lne. ila ilv
of lli. iHluvl..n 1 4int ut
n.-. r I lin h. hit h'W iHtittl.
tlml I kiu vv whi n I wm a !').
Mr Sinilli uh wi ,1 a. iUflinlH
Mith J.h. lk M k. Ill- lir- l U. N for llu H.r.lru t .f r.
iron, lli. n r.niiri Hiit 'Vi r llnnjt
Mllltll III I Ililllll'lil l. i a t of I'll
lUkv .Mo.inl.iini an. I luiulh (
til.' I-iiIihIi Iii.'. II.' kio -v
fvj'lirv K'wmI. i'ali li Wilkin ainl
Chan. M Kay. an. I liH l(i'' cl-l 'io-
iii.rit who w. ii' at t uaniiiH
from thin toiiiily.
Tin" Soullo rn I'ai ilii' h. hi-'lul.',
bh now nuininvr. h a fi ilows:
To lVrtlutnl
MvMiniivill.' j.aHH'ni r, a. in
Shrri.l.ui Irani, a, in
Iillainook Irani, i. in
t'oi vuIIh ov.Tlaiiil, . in
On Sutul.iy. Ih SliiTi laii
Hi-m-rr liH' not h ave ihiisUiro
for I'oitlan.l unlil S;.Vl,
IVoiii Portl.iml
Corvalli-i iKmeniter, a. in
Tillamook ia i eiH'er, a. in 0:lNi
Shi ri.lan i.hsi ih.:t. . in -r11
M'Mniiivillo la.!.eiu:' r, p. m Cc l'i
mi; si.wij.i. HM k'Ai,
Tin- funeral of the al .laini'; II.
Sewell tiHik place laU Krulay.
Ki'v. II. Cluivnci' Cm.k olliciateil
ut the home near Sewell Station,
mnl tin Kiik'hlH of IMhianof-
licialeil at the jtnivo, mlerntt'lit
Im iiil' in I In v f hi Cemeterv. over-
1(111111111 tint Tii.'iImI in Eitiil (iali'H
Valleys, iiImivi' Forest llrove, A
lari'e coiicoume of Irieml ami
fralernaU were in alien. lance
hot It at the home ami cemetery,
ami Forest drove Knii;hU of
l'ylhia Kwelleil the mnnlurs
when hi corliw reaclii'tl that
city. F. ,. Williams ha.l cliaw
of the Uniform Uank. ami John
lloi'ker oiliciati'il as Prelate at
the wave, T.he lloral designs of
the onler were very tieauliliil.
The lai'L'i' iillemhuice at the last
rites was conclusive cvi.lence of
thu hiuh cHleem in which the
pioneer was held
Saw-filimr in my t ratio. I
cliai'trn on nuM tlimi iinvhne else.
Spray piimpH reiairitl; old rubber
now renin red: trasoline Htoves
put in rimiiI onler, any old lliiiiK
Hi ill I i'ii I umul ilrillii ' ri'iiiiiri'il
holes in rubber boots reiairotl in
such a way that I trunrantoe them
not to break where l tnciid tlicm:
lawn mowers uroiind; umbrellas
rcpairetl and recovered; any tml
unnn: reiiairetl ntsid ami the way
it Hhoiild be at reasonable prices
Itillie'a Repair Shop, Main St.,
near Fourth.
Since the maple tree atljoininc:
the new court house annex has
fallen the new structure has a
very impomni; appearance. The
time required for iretlintf the
tree out was lon? enoiiRh to Bat
isfy the most indulgent.
Thft first wifd Reese, to fly
northward paused over last Sat
urday morning, alsmt liayliirhf.
Their familiar "honk, honk,"
brought bright hopes of Sprint;.
I r. KriH'ht Kvrrwt. a rHtlfi)t
i.l rorcHl i.rovi'. lorm.riy on
(iai.toii mnl Corto'liiiH, wum ar-
r."t.'i Ttturx.iay mi'hl on a stat
utory t hartr. ami IoKm I in jail
III il.-fault of XI.IMMI Uin.I. Hi.-
fill in iii.'itiori ir M arrant Witt,
n ilaiiK'ht. rof tin lat. Fnd Witt,
fornurlv u of Mar
lln-. rnilh'. uikI h. it unil.-r the
two of mt.t-n. It U Hai.l that
tin1 ilfffiiilant rprt'ntHl that
hf wa n Juvi-fiil.' court olJicrr.
ami in thin rnannrr wcim.! imih-
Hi'Kfioti of tli. uirl. with another
vounir woman, w ho. howpv.T. in
ov r tin-ai:i of Id. )r. Kvir'nt
prat lici'il ini'iliriiH' at (!aiton ami
( Uirtt.'liuit for a nutnU'r of ycam.
I".r Hal.' link's for hatchirnr.
S. t". II 1. Ui'iIh, I!arr.-I Ilmkii:
t ..VI r tuttinir of 15;l ur
lialiy t-hickt-nx. rvnt.1
rftfh: S. ('. Whit- Uk'hornii. I
l r .; h 'r VK laiy i iiickH.
K r. iiN. Will .! custom hatch
ing tin. I furnihh run of lalinir
vani li.'H. Ak'i'Rl for tht farnouH
Mct'lannhan inrukitor. S-td ro
uii.'ht for lataloiruo .y immiUI.
AIi liav h inn WhiU lifhom
-m kcrrU for nal. -It. K. lunn-
miH.r.Ori'iiiii, A.l'lrtiui, llilliilxiro,
UouU- t.
Th Archii.'oliH.'iKU who claim
that lh- Willamrtt Vall.-y wan
. hwc to i h original ifarmm 01
i:.Ii n mav not Ik' no farwrtmir.
af l r all. 1 hat at one ukv of the
worl.l WaHliinirton County itwlf
wn in the tn.icul none ifoen
ithoul Havinir. It will lj re
iiH inlM reil that it wan hut a year
or mi an that the Imno of a
mammoth w art foiiml twenty feet
ill '."ii. when the ashinclon
(Iri-L'itn t'oruiration iluif its well
on the (.aril. n Trnrti. That the
MihU of Orek'on were once roam
il l.v the inato.loitrt. mammoths.
i l.'ihanti. nti.l nil the animals of
I he tropical worl.l ? without
:uinif ami the Aruus still
inaintainn that hero wm the
oriL'tnal yarilen wlier. AJam
Hiankei Cain ami AM.
Tor sale - Kir k' for hatchinir;
S. C. M I. Ile.h. $l..Vi for 15: ?"
M-r hunilr.-.!; chicks, 12 ic each
White Wyandotte vitr. I2..VI r
!.", Uinirhmise strain Winter lay
. rs;S. W liiteh'rhoikJ":rv
strain, etfs. II. .V) 'r
o); lii.ii) chicks. Ul
Ciiiiii.ImII & Uoircrs.
school. Kotlth of KeetlvilleiadiireSS
5. averton. L I IU A. hie
phone lleaverton central. 41-U
A bs Anireles jmltrt recently
refused Mrs. John Day a divorce.
This was the woman who mar
tied I lay. who was here in Ore
imiii anil bilked so many people.
I lav wa. caught in New ork on
a bad check chnrire, but was
never returned West His hh-
.... t l ... V I.
pie paid Him out in iew iors,
ami he sliped out of sinht. The
court told Mrs. Day site would
have to w nil until he investigated
the case more thoroughly bcuw
he would k'ive her a decree.
I wiw cordwootl, poles up to42
inches in diameter, fence rails,
ami Utards of all kinds. Into
tovowood leiiKths. W ill k'O into
the country. Write, phono or
nil on me. Curl Skow. corner
Sth and Fir, llitlsiioro, Orojron.
Phono. City K
Or. W. 0. Wood took occasion
t, place the lunlatin Kiver on
the map. the other day in the
kint. uemtte. when he opposou
pultin a license on those who
1 . . . . 'I'l... tf...,o.
eaten inocriiHiaecaii. inrm--
i, i, .1.1 tK.Mii that Washington
County's streams contained more
crawfish than any other in the
Oreer'a Marly Stamlanl jiotato
j..,i iiii. hii e. i oinioes luaiuie
in '.HI days. Something new, ami
MiiiiL' fine. Have about W
l.usliels. (ieo. It. IliiKley, or ap
ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf
I? HlM'lll'C ker. of below New
ion u'iii iii town Friday. He
itmiuinieil bv Albert Gie-
u.t nr.,1 Murlin liiede . of Oiritl-
PI I V I'll" - - - - - -
alia, Nebraska, who are here tor
a visit of several months, lhe
he inducetl to locate
here if they like the country anil
All parties knowimr themselves
indebted to the undersigned will
i.leiuio call and settle. Payments
can be made to either O. h.
l.'i'imk nr lhe undersiirned. J. h.
llorwick, Ueedville, Ore. 35-tf
Dealers in Valentines all over
the country roort very tew
f the abominable comic
cinir ihnt was so uomilar a few
years nito. A3 a matter oi laci
there should be a Federal statute
ncminst these thinps, makinK
them contraband in tne maim.
For Sale lie-cleaned clover
seod.-D. Tschabold, Hillsboro,
Route 1. 49-51
Simon Herschey and Sarah
Ruehler were united In marriage,
Feb. 8. 1913, at the home of C.
Korn. near Helvetia, Rev. bchild
knecht oiliciating.
Ten IjucaU Already OrcanlrJ.
and Will Met:! Here I tb. 2(lh
ladllalWa SI4 I H Bcca Sm.ic-
ful Wacrc Uiita Trial
Tht? Farmers' Society of Fruity
is on the move in Washington
County, ami ten locals have M-n
instituted. On Wednesday, Feh.
li'I, memU-rs from these ten lo
cals w ill meet at the City Hall in
the county wat and organize a
county union. At that time
they will also vUxi a deleft to
mint with the State Union.
March 1.
The Society of lviuity is said
to ! meeting w ilh jtreat encour
ak'ement in the Fast and Middle
West U'inir an organization to
unionize the onxlucinif i-lement
Organization is I he cry of the
hour. Capital organizes, labor
organizes, tradeiimen organize
an! the farm cement is now
ronsitleriiiir. more seriously than
ever the imicrativtf need of nct-
tinir tou't ther.
It is said that in Wisconsin thi
society was able to make the
buyers for the tobacco trust come
through with livinu prices, and
that in tne houth it Is doinir
more to keep up the price of raw
cotton than any other agency.
Promoters of the order say
that it is built on dilferent lines
than the Farmers' Alliance.
which trained such a strong hold
as a National institution a few
vears back, and asaert that the
olan is iiraclical and busim-sslike.
It isexiHfted that there will
In thirty or forty unions in the
county Ufore organization con
Till: MASK HAI4,
pvi-niiiL' and the hall was we
filled with iKHiple who enpyed
the "jinks.' There was a lanre
numU-r on the floor, in every
conceivable kind of costume.
Kink's and princes, painters and
harlequins vied with each other
in lending to the general scene,
ami the grand march was the
largest sHn in the city for some
years. The judges were W. W.
Ittiscow, Mr. Kryder. nr. Mmer
Smith and the Misses Letitia Im-
irie and Gertha O sen. and the
prizes were awarded as follows
VV. II. Joos and wire, orui
Plains, lHst waltzers; endurance
two steo. Fred Taylor and Miss
J (mis; Miss Itlatchley. best cos
tume; Mrs. Chas. Purdin. seconu;
Chas. Heim, Uwt male costume,
Spanish cavalier, with Mr. hi
liotL of the Hillsboro Mercantile.
second: Miss Messinger. most
comical ladv character, with Mrs
ParU-r as second; Clav Freeman;
most comical gentleman charac
ter, with Mr.' Opponlander,
ui'oiitul' Lren tleman with least
Imir Mr krvder: lomr hair
nrizea. Via Jack and Mr. O'Laney
divided the prizes; hungriest
... : , . .
looking man, Grover Combs
C Michener. nresident and
manager of the Kverfresh Com-
nnnv. which has taken over the
World Keepfresh C-o.'s proper
ti.xt nnnotinces that he will ad
dress the people of Hillsboro. at
the city hall, Monday evening,
K..h. 2.1. nt 8 o'clock. Mr. Midi
ener wishes particularly to meet
with those who had stock in the
Keepfresh project, and, as well
all fruit and vegetable growers
of tho section.
Th new com nan v is well
nnnnred. and has (rood backing.
and the firm intends to operate
nil thn nlnnts of the old comoanv
this season. The Hillsboro plant
is to be more or less remodeled
and placed in condition for a
larger run than in the past. This
nut on a nractical basis.
means a great deal tor niusooro
and vicinity, and all interested
should turn out and meet the
new president and manager.
Geo. Saxton, ot near Witch
Hazel, was a county seat visitor
Dr. Munson was out from
Portland, Saturday, taking his
last duck hunt
Experienced man to trim and
Bpray 150 fruit trees, by contract,
near Farmington. Write or call.
Landor Penne, 231 Alder St.,
Portland, Ore. 49
Cla'i i Smith, of Forest Grove,
was low n to the clerk a ollice
Monday foreriion.
II. 15. Dillev. of Foreit (Irove.
was transacting buo'nesa at the
clerk ' ollice Monday.
To rent -Small dairy ranch to
a reliable party. Paul Heusckd.
IlilHloro, Koute i. U 'J
Atiornev Allen, of Allen &
Mulkey, of Portland, was out U
the city Monday, on k-sjal busi
nf a.
Wm. Ridk'cly and P. W. Cron-
in. oi roresi i.rove, were irrwi
itur friemli on HilUboro strctLs.
J. J. and Ii. W'. Dinirman. of
lloldetulu'e, were here the last of
the wifk, attending' the Sewell
UuHsell Frost, of Ranks, was
down to the county seat Satur
day, visiting Lis parent, u. A.
Froht and wife.
M. N. lionham. of Mow Farm-
ineton. was uo Saturday, on bus
iness at the school HuH'rintcnd-
ent a ollice.
Auust Krause Sr.. of South
Tualatin, was in town Saturday
morning, on busini-ss at the court
Several thoroughbred Poland
China boars for sale. -Oak Cove
Farm, or apply to deo. 1L Lasf-
ley. i'tf
Jink'o Smith aseHsed a ?2.'
line against Walt Robinson, last
Thursday, for huntinjf without a
For ifeneral blacksmithinir.
horsi'sbiM-iiik'. etc., to to lVter
KietiweL', Third Street, Or'nco.
Oregon. -Vt-S
lion. C. F. Tijrard. of Tik'ard.
one of the pione'rs of his sec
tion, was up Monday, paying
J. T. Fletcher. iioneer school
mxster and surveyor, was tlown
from Forest Grove, Monday,
greeting friends.
For sale: White Ix-thorn pul
lots. Alrfo several incubatore an-;
liHuwIi-ry latest makes. J. P
Adams, near Jalioz Wilkis ulace.
south of the City Park. Hills-
Second Street, is ls'inknPrTmwp
to uroLTess. and they are tieing
grublHtl out to make way for a
cement sidewalk. In the heat or
Summer these big maples have
given ample shade for the weary.
Dates for Oregon Fairs next
all were fixed at a recent con
erence of the North Pacific Fair
Association. Opening days were
set as follows: Oregon Mate
Fair. September 1!9; Medford.
Scptomlier 10; Roseburp. Sep-
temlier 15.
The Oregon F.I ec trie has been
securing more right, of way all
along tho line In'tween this point
ami Garden Home, indicating
that the lino is to be double-track
ed in tho near future. It begins
to look as though Hillsboro is to
have some real rapid transit be
fore another year snail naye
C. It IVichanan. of Cornelius.
was in town Saturday. He states
that the corps of engineers
which have been working in tne
South Tualatin section reached
Cornelius last week. When a
railway company sends out sur
veying crews in the W inter time
in tins territory it appears as
though they mean business.
lias it ever seriously occurred
to Hillsboro's business men that
we are sadly m need of a Com
mercial Club, with quarters in
harmonv with a thriving young
city? McMinnville and Dallas
have solendid homes lor tneir
commercial organizations, and
Hillslioro has wealth enough to
have just as good a home. Can't
you kick public spirit arouna a
little, and awaken it to the neces
sity of such an organization, and
such a place? Can't we get busy
and get into line:
While Jos. Lorsung. the con
tractor, and John Witt, of Hills
boro, were returning from the
sale, last Saturday. Mr.
Ixirsupg's horse shied just as the
luiirtrv was nearing a deep mud-
hole. The shatts came loose
from the buggy, and in holding
tiiiiw. lines Mr. I.oraunir was
V' 1 1 1 v ---n -
dragged over the dashboard, in-
l ictinir a dis ocation ot tne
almiil.W find other bruises. Drs
Rnilev and liobb reduced the dis
location, it being a very serious
one. Mr. Witt remained in the
buggy, which, of course, remain
mi stnndinur in the middle of the
road. The horse shied at a man
who was iust passing the rig.
and the plunge tore the cross
link from its fastenings. At last
reports Mr. Lorsunu was resting
as easily as could oe e.xpeciea.
Trying to lntcret Orrfoa't
Younitcr t Make l.xhibitt)
Juuiilc ladiutrial Coatetl for lac Stale
Fair Scil Fall
State Superintendent L. Ii. Al
derman sends the following news
letter, which should be good
reading to every hustling farm
Kvery school boy and girl in
the state will be delighted to
know that they are going to have
an opportunity again this year to
win a Shetland pony at the State
Fair. The Portland Union Stock
Yaris Company are giving the
pony, and it will be a nice one.
Nothing in all the prize list at
the State Fair last vear attracted
anything like the attention thaT
the Shetland ponies did.
This oonv will be (riven to the
boy or girl who makes the best
exhibit of livestock at the State
rair next rail. That exhibit
must consist of at least one trio
or pen of chickens or ducks, two
pigs and a sheep, lhe boys and
irirls who comDcte for the twnv
will have an onoortunitv to com
pete for several other valuable
nrizes also. In the ooultrv con
test there will be good prizes for
the winninir trio of each breed:
J. M. Garrison offers $5 cash to
the boy or girl making the
largest and best exhibit of poul
try: the State Poultry Associa
tion gives a fine cup for the best
pen of birds (one male and tour
females): "Poultry Life" also
trives a fine cud for which they
can compete; Hauser Bros, give
an air gun to the child raising
the most poultry by June 1st;
and the Northwest Poultry Jour
nal gives a year's subscription to
every prize winner in the poultry
department; the boy who fits and
ah.iu.-s thp hst ishpen will ret a
' -4.tb,e onAiA'ij-
J v
two OIL'S aTKT'tnn.llnt'wrkcl
count of same, showing cost pro
fit, etc. will received a liberal
prize which we will tell you all
about in another story, and in
the prize list which will soon be
published, the total value or
nrizes offered the children at the
state fair this year will be over
Now boys and girls don t you
think it will pay you to try and
win thin oonv anil Rome of the
other prizes above mentioned, all
of which you can compete ior
while trying for the pony. Get
busy with your chickens, pigs,
lambs and gardens."
Notice is hereby given that the
1912 tax roll for Washington
County. Oregon, w ill open for the
collection and payment of taxes
on Monday. February 10, 1913.
and all who make full payment
of their tax before March 15.
1913, will receive a rebate of 3
Hr centum. Half payments can
be made bv the first Monday in
Anril 1913. without interest
charge, or penalty, and the re
maining half can be paid at any
time Dnor to the first fllonday in
iWrihor 1913 Whpre no nav-
ment is made by the first Monday
in April, 1313, tne tax becomes
delinquent and the statute re
miirps from that date a oenaltv
of ten per cent and an interest
charge of one per cent per
month until paid.
J. E. Keeves. bhentt.
E-nffipio Tax Collector of
Wnahinirton Cnuntv. Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro this r eb. 0,
D Tsrhahold. of Helvetia, was
a city caller Saturday.
N. A. . MeConnahav. of near
North Plains, was over to the
city Saturday.
Albert Snierincs. of Greenville.
was in the county seat Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, o
TWtlnnri were mipsts at thp
home of Mrs. Susie Morgan, over
llnvirl Cantwetl. of Condon.
where hp ia pn tracer! in the ma
chinist business, was a guest at
the f red Ulsen home tne last ot
the week.
John Ennis, of South Tualatin,
was in town the last of the week.
He exDects to start the sawmill
n train in ft few weeks. John hita
been engaged in building a house
during the Winter months;
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sicK
nd don't hnow what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad coM
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drag store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store i
. . . ?
i j Are You
Of opening a DanH Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
bie free telephone list in a private
Jfour patronage courteously received.
A. C. Suute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, HUltboro.
l.?l25 -
& V-gh
Of your children by Riving them an early
start in life. Deposit $L00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
20 per cent, discount until I move
First door west
?l - fSi
Do you feel ashamed of your
watch when some one asks j
you what time it is? J
.There is no reason, for every
one not carrying a watch of j
which they can feel proud at j
the present low prices at wh ich
a really good as well as beau-
tiful watch can be purchased, j
I am showing some beautiful :
watches for both' men and
women, cases
of., plain and ,
elaborate hand-engraved de
signs, fitted with movements
of proven reliability.
jskiuiT mo emu
of the Delta Drug Store