TilT in JnllLLSBIRC HI!.LSOR(),OKKr;oN. I IU'.RL'ARY 13, 1913 1 IT NO. IS iL. nrnnurn 111 (liHlltn HtbtUtU ui w ..,riw iinntl MONEY HUMIM MUnN M,,UN.,c r..r.lOrrl.rS,l IKink sum IN Mi UN CMtllK C.II. JM... NWr W., MH.d Sll. anil I title IMa .... iat.. I'tiJ t.iv itl- f"rr-l!i -tutu. Mfi) j ,uv in'i'i.inr. ,lli4 ,ax c..U.- l't.l ! M!--t-. t-.I l,y til.' UiH l 'f '"'" e.illllllM .r I hi- total roll M P'eiu.-r than that i'f )' ;'r. n.iiHi.l.T jk. iIk- MtrinitH riat lfii-. in .r ;n ""' "f l'"' diMml un ,.,,., ,,.-. notably th.- .In tn.ti whi.h had '"'lb lMlil r.i'ik Sll'". tVtii-lnn. wa it t.iH' -l " a !-" lloi. la- hai Ik l'l lor a mind , r ..f lr I'oln' rullret llig ill'1 tin Wular d.-puti.-. U. Wail, J,-w ...!. vat.-. I'll it. A Iim km A nu'l l f"" " " ' I' "I' ""' t-..!n on tit . U r. h. tl.al imm.-v i in I"' turned ''' ru'i'IU ;ri mtiill. ai 'I n..i'( f,r lh'- Minin, " l' ' an I rlut k ,ii in. nt U nt o it l' " ll" " lllltll . 1 1 1- lii '.t un lit of la. in r.l.T ..f th- nii'N imi'I w.tv Win. l nlii kH, 1. A Itti. ii. Mm. M I '.in', U. Oi..ln-. i nn.l ll. iinaii I lull iil.- r. A A. Mm rill .n tlx' tir.it In if. I l'l- mom v in r ll.i- iiMiiitrr, liit r'l li i lioil Ltd lint t lilK-iinl l'. ll Ilillllilor Will I lie HlO'll'l to Im iir.-i.nt with hit ni'iii.y, hut hi too. mill. I not ;iv lit that lime. a rn i -tjiH i-ri' li"t In-ihj; iihii-I SOI llll k'N I'VCII lw Tin Snuthrrti Paeilte uhohiir its now running, m1 follow h: To I'ortlatul M. Mimiville p:iiVr, a. nt Sheridan tram, a n lillaiiiKok tram. I. m I'orwillU overland, . in tin Sninlav. I If Sin i I'lan wnv'ff tliwH not li'ini' llilNUirn for I'orllaiiil until S .Vl, I'ioiii I'urtlaiitl for Willi :iM-iivrr. a. m S,1TJ Tillamook ji.H iriiVi i". a. in l' IK) Slii ii.lan pai ii'i r. . in oH M'MlllhS illf !l'lirlivri'r. . in tl l.i J.MI S S. kO VI I. I'. Unmlin. f ilUUr. Iloutf I, ii inauiiratiiiK an in ttiixtriul ultry rot it in t for thf m hool riuhlrfti f Wanhitiiftoti t'oiinty. in th' lrfiinif ami raining of Whit Oriiiiik'totin. Ili in at i authority on thin niair-tnl'u-ctil t ruin. Ufo! hi' i vointf t pav iuhIi jiri-i to rultivt? more l! k Ik in tin- iliHtrii t. lit i M ( t i to kcII tu-ttitiit to Mchnol i hililrt n. unci thT will In- a con ti nt tin to who rati ifi t thf IkkI ri-Kiilt., nnl ti ll tho tniMt iil)iit tlu ir tm-thifht. IIit in irhanrt for u lny tr irirl t" make some Itt'uilway in tin Mu!try huHirutiH. an wrllatilruw a Hirnlii cash lul l. IIm hi' low Ik am hi t ri in jxitiltry I im-n. ami thiTi it if km inoni-y in the hUHitutt!i. rilr ut owe lor nerriwary in formation to iet into thin ron-ti-nt. itii'l how t iriK--t"l. to T. r. i.i.in. IlilUtioro. nrt., Kouie I. 'I he Arifu hul no hlazi lant week, rontrnrv to the rumor nr- t-tttutt-tl over the ritv, when the Itoiifliuiii chimney hurtie.l out. J he rumor Martial IxrutHe notne one in the t. ur1en I rail wan tuohiiK' ui' thin way while the (liimtiev wan l.laiiiL' and tin liamert ai arei ilirectly over trie in H.a r ollu e. Anil, N-KUleit the Ari.'iiH watttH tut Ire. excetil ini,; in HtoM-x. in that kiml. or ii y km. I of weather. l or sale Kmrn for hatchinj:; S ( . 11. 1. KeiJ. ISurre.1 IwrKH. il t r netting of p M-r In) It.ihv rltickeiiH. ILM cetitn :..li' S ('. White b'L'hornn. . . . . i i i ... i ' I. iM-r l.i S. Iter ion tinny riilt'Kii In reiiH. Will il ctiHtom hatch- mil' un. I fiirninh ei'iH of lea.linu varietie. Ak'i'nt for the tammm M- t'lanuhiin ineiihator. Setul re-.in-Ht lor catalogue hy jmHtal. AU have me White l'vhorn c.'k reU for ale. IL K. Iun iiioor.Oreiiin, A-hlrewi, lli!UUro. U nite 4. OREIIGO OFFICIALLY DECLARED A CITY County Court Canvtr Vote anil Make a Judicial Prvoril IIICTION W JAM AKV KUIIIID C ! Qaarry Piiri.ka Would Kuik 2M Milct Coaaty Road '.,.VJ s :w 1 "7 l.'.T laf Jaini'H S. Iloyal, Oregon pioneer of KVJ. Imli.tit lWtliteriiii-1 former owner of aHii tionnf Portlam!' n-t ciile. iln-.l nt I i home at h-n't (',roe, I'l l.. '.. VAX of HiMiIeki.liieytroiil.il'. Mr. Iloval was horn in I'i.ina, ()., Atuil l'l. 1HL".i, ami r.tme to On i-on ith hid parents, enn-imr the plainn h o team. lie hellle.1 ill l''W- ell Valley, taking "P 'iin'' claim. tnn im in I Sill to a tract of laml UlMiii the east niile of the Wil laim tte Kiver. tieros:! from Poll latul. Thin tnut emhriiceil the hlocki now ImiiiiiiIimI hy Thirlii th, Fortieth anil li isiou SlreeH ami llawthoine avenue, the iHiinniary hue of LaihTrt Aihlilion, still tilamls. Mr. Uoval mm eil to For est drove, in P.HKl. In April, l'i, Mr. Koyal wih nijir ril in Pol l land to Mi .lane Powell Pui-'h. whoilie.1 in lTt'.'.l. Oelohei 4. IS? I. Mr. Knviil marrie.l Mrs. Wealth..;) Markee Smith, of tliis CIMIlilc It., iu uii.'viveil I iv till willow, a hod. Karl O. Royal, of i'orllaiiil; live il.uiihtei'H, Mrs. leiinie IliiieH. Silel. renervation ; Mis I) V 'I'.iee Crevhiiin; MM. C. Sellers. Porllan.l; Mrs. F. W. Jones ami Mrs. A. .1. Itniiirlas. r'oi'est lli'ni'ii' I a. i lii'nl hers. (!. F. Royal, of Salem, ami William Kuva . of A m:i WikIi two HIS tTs. Mrs. Mary (1. AKIrson. of l nrllanil, nn.l Mrs. r.lizaiieti Malum, of Tmieka. Kim. Mr l.'oi'il vipiia it iiolalile liirui') t the Hiiniiitl riMinioiis of t ho Oregon I'loneer Association. ciiinnianileil the lirst voluntfers oitranizeil in Powell Valli'y t liirht the Indians when lhi IU- risiiiH: und iiiassacre occurred in the Casouilos. It liiiitkftl UnllliinU lUHil IllMi a tun I HI PI H II i n TueHilav iil'ternoon, wil li inter- Went in Forest View U'lnelery Con I.1 I',...,., nn.l I'M nil P. a a "on - - - Smith were united in marriuire hy .'uilKt' l). It. Rensoiier, l'eiiruarv , pjia. Ileuuforil Creim mnl Frank Minto. of Timber, were in the city Monday, liel'ore the county hoard, askmir for the liquor n coiiho tor thuir uuiuou. Washington Streel, from St und down to Su th will in Ik? the loneeM htrip if pavement in the fit v. When ronipletel there will Ik hitulithic. travel Intulita- ie, nrkolite, atxi piaiiKonie four kinds of Ktrtft ilrriwinir. on the thoniuk'hfare. to nay nolhinit of unother kind ln-tween the rail wav triickn-lirick and cement. The stretih of plaiikolitt is in front of one of the t'ave lots, and it is doit i if veteran nervicc 1 to Imn the injunction unit. l '..r sale - Kk'tr for hatching; S. C. R. I. R.hIs. $(.) for 15; ?', r hundred; chick. 12 )c each; VS hite Wnnd..tle eu'k'S. $.r)" kt Rmirhoiise strain Winter lay ers; S. I'. White b k'horn. Tancred strain, ev-s. Jl.fdt per 15; $' ht toil; hahv chicks. l-c each. -dm.iih.ll ,t Rogers, llazeldale school, south of Ree.lville;a.ldress :..avert..n. 1L t. 1W 1SA. Tele phone lleaverton central. 41 9 I. a-wi arrived here last vi .-.-l from California, and has Unyht four acres at Oak Park, where he will build a low' imnna- i.nv Mr Ia-wis hhvs that I all- fon.ia's citrus U-lt has U-en loser .i' nt lensi two hil ions of dolliirs. in i.irt estimation, hv injury of trees hv the freeze this Winter. siivs he is irouikf to try Ore- on fur a w hile, anyway. Oreneo is now a f ull fleded city the county commissioners' court canvassed the ballot of Jan. . P.n. and oil Thurday last de clareil that Oreneo is duly incor- porated and would have the hva! riL'hta of a ritv as soon as the order rould Im filed with tin' Secretary of the State. I5en 01- cott. The court also detlared duly electwd and qualified the of fuent elected on the alove date. the list In im;: Mavor. M. McDonald; ll-rh McDonoiiL'li. R.-conler: Miss Kdna Purdy. Treasurer; Roy A. Mrltowrll. Marshal: and the KU lowinir as aldermen: L M Rooer. L A. Rrush. (lahrie Uol.ra. II. V. Meade. KoUrt Scht.eider. K. A. Mincemoyer. The court estimates that the Rurkhalter quarry will furnish enough material, with the rock now in ik'ht. to iay nothing of what may ! underneath, to coy er a utrelch f nmd 'JKI miles in length. J. T. Meloy was ap)Hint'd road DuiM-rvirsir for Ihstrict No. I. Reaverton Kection. Claims allowei' J C Alllrl. ! lll Il' 7 IC A'l''r(lr. .lefuly l.r.lll .. . y The Atm, 'i itittuK ile.i' .aM V II C Alrll. tiuil liniwlul IS TKa I lUllr Kill - M Oil II W lUinn. x-ttM.l mu.1 f i" Wm. lUu'rv Sf r.t Tl 1 "" '" . Ilultrti' & Cj, ire oll.r - H llr v A luilrv tirilll. c M.rr V w J Hui'lirk. Hi.irt .. S M K Bu.k iui .r.t 7 ' Mtt J M lUflwi, joviniW rl 15 '5 Mai Ctan.Uil. v other Ikj . Ka-hum Mal.lra. co rt I S C VV C'.tovrf. arli.ml tarl V I L l-.ll I'.. Ira.tl fc (Ml .-.. A I'lu.ihi.uiuir. ire i'IIk-t . . l' Hi I'.laaa I'lU.lllollitlir, aufflira J'l 4" W' C O II !, rt Jutor S W li Itrttitrraon, Ule c oa ll'H.to l.lvtijr Co. ronii ct 6 oo V ll llama ro.tll rl '" lllmro iMtty l'. ro rt $ . 7 6J . 5 no - 1 5 J4 y 7 .i" . 4 So . J 10 7 ' Mw!m I. I' I' T 4 IV J M Vatetrr ,mt' !.S K I "fao S 'i4 An-iirw llnaioai. IS S. J"1'" S 97. ' " M.lirr ti, Aif 1'i'i'n iv e'a U'-'.'f.t-v.. Wi!r k !v'H 4 V'. J'-1' Wi'.o.o 4. C J A.Iain. V 9 Crai.'l J i' V.tt.it J , till M.i:ian I 'I'T, nml ". It m llaf tlrtyt in. 1 Uy, J, C K IUkr, 3 lava. h. I. Ili)r, 1 !a. 1 1 nil. 4 M '"' lUilrr. I "lay. II ml. r. lUmjr J'hit ton. 1 ilata. 4 Malr a Iuiiiiil W II I.'.n.j(Ontit. js nit 1 1 Ho. Sit Mi'tn I'arliiin, I tu. S i". I.iiiinott Ootk. 1 ml. J J 1. J V llru ti, w mi. J 1 , I: I. M'H.ir, 41 un, Stair t K" I ' x tl - !". l.Ufrtt aii'l W at. I T'.l on ' I 'la. ' f h"- Statr a I tnl luir.tn nt lt.ry. ji. Malr t I'.. ant I. Najll'H -KVr Kat km. . .la ''i Oil, 14 I. M'K. Ka:i.li I HI'. Vl l" I 11. an, A It taj. ra, Vlia ll.t.ra. Clan- W a.krr, K I' Ktwy. lli.a .S.1.. I1. k I" llnl.r-.ib i !'. tl mi. K. I' M Sinitli. 1 Nv , ln M-r ry. M.mlir I.iifc'irjr. M' II I' litiv.u. II II J I111..11. II. iiijr W :ti. raih 1 il. 11 ml, I S'ale t'ara W I Sn.itli ) f 5 4S. Wm M.i'.i'.Uit r I -. aJ.l n l Walkri, 4lia J'.li I l'.t"ii.' .V Vi.-'rl CttaniU-tt. W il Sunlit li M " iit KnuUI'iii tl I ,l.v 17 mi V 1 '. I ''hi I'.tos'if'. W I Sunlit 6 '. Win M.ifiilUn S.i, t A', lit' 1 linmaa Aru'isand Oretfonian. .', l 1 Map. the Chehalem Mountain hoprower. was in the city .Monday. To rent -Small dairy ranch to a reliable party. Paul Heusckel. lli!lsl.ro. Route :5. 17 'J Cant. A. M. Collins is able to Ket up to the city on occasional visit. Try the Oreneo feed stable, on 1 bird Mreel. ewiy ouiu. (I.kmI quarters." l'eter RiiHlweir. Co. Inneti. of Vir.elands, was down to the city the first of the week. Thus. TalUit. of Cornelius, was low n to the tat counter, the first of the week. HSPEGTOR ATVELL OPEN LEnEfi Tell Orchardiitf How to Spray Their Tree. ADVISIIS ALL TO GET A HYDROMETER Sii That all Part l Trtei Maul e Spri)td lor SiKccat K 11 llllr. t'tlilvrt C A Han'tf. Coin ltillr)fe aal ohn llrlli. bil lr .lk lib 10 l''..rti.litrr ll.lw, C b I II l F Hall, rlrrttotia Illao ln.lrpcn.ltit. au..ir.. Jaa II Jai k. at'ltm.l lllartvtair C K K11t.l1, juty IM C A lmkiu, la toll K C l.ue. ctnk John Mcllaran, ro rt W'M MJiiillatt. Iiuaul cllicri Motion Prrttitan, c It 1. .im Vklvrtf iH. csiinr K I. I'rtklna. co rcc l .)7 i i'me Slat A 1'iiul. Mh.ol vupt of... sj S J kaflrl. Clt ct jury - 1 60 . . .. ... I Ki fci ti II Kraaoiitr. Co 1 j.lr... I K'tw eor.lvv ood. IHileS UP to 12 i, i...j in iliiimeter. fence rails. and M.ards of llll kinds, into i..v..vi.a.,l letiirths. Will iro into it... count rv. Write, phone or .ill m,. Car Skow. corner Sih ami Fir. llillslain. Oregon. hone. City 822. Mia Marie Tuiizat. well known ;.. liiiuiiom. writes from RiH'hest- i- Minn . to a friend: u so ..1.1 id-it 1 iust Inindle up nost' 1,11.1 it'itsl f.ir fiMir 1 111 11 v lost them. ' . -a . 1 '.II take ram thank you. ami I Oreiron." Miss Tunzat 1 j nt tit. ritv the Mayo Hrothcrs. tne worm renowned surgeons. t..e un.. Pekin nml Imlian luniier ducks, and white Leg horn heiu. Iliirh grade riock and nrices right.-Adams, Rox . . .1 w ivt ,,.i tnniiii'i. 111 mure iii ross o, Hick, near danez nura i.lace. t"...n MeDowell. tireaideiit of M i', ..-i r f . the iMth Trust Co., was in un ity Saturday, with a party o .'nuii.i'ii .'it ui lulists. McPowel llll'H)lll 1" - - - ij irvino- to iret investments for ilillslmm. and may have some thing for the public l.'Uer on. W tint. 1 I -l-'iirhtv or 1150 ncres ebeno land. We have ..nu.e rue Alien t cnean. imii ' ... .. 11 .-ii : ... .. 11. in Till miles ni lorLiiuii in" u iiiiiii " - Address lb C. RohrlH)ugh, m Oak St., Portland. Fourteen linemen for the Western Union were housed at the Hotel Washington, Friday night. They are putting in new wires for the company, and will renew from Portland to Corvalhs. T. P. Ooodin, 'of West Union, was in the citv Saturday. 4 1 ,..S j 7S ,vn ... S ttu 7 00 M 75 .... 6 64 .... II 75 , - i o ... 60 00 ... Ji 75 ... 55 !: Krrvra. ahrilll olliii! K II Salil'UiKton. Co lira l . - tr. Sirilt. I toll I. W Tonil'Dllla. c II Win Ttipiirf. jamlor Kol.t t liliiian, tax rrfun.l VVaah Co Srwt Time, co ct .. I. Waittl, jury Hat Mallir Wllaoo, aaariau.r oincc W J Wall. t roll Minor VVilk, las Mil tumirat laaar Kot.t l)r I II Ivtilil) ,,),. ..-i.n In. 11 airo l.lvrtT 10 1 v. 1' It. nun Wr..l Hrnnlirrr. A.thtir Kilter ..II, lluiloloh Tai ltaitt V II t'aall, IVlci (iitf.ra I (lav. II I noa J ru. J-....-, - -. . -- - ,, .. I lav Ilea, wit, t UV. ft 5". ' CXiroiict, 1 10 45. K.irrial hit OH CifCtlit (otlll J T v 01111K. ifaya. 6; C Rrliar. 3 iUy, tl; T M kr.r A.wuat Trail. .Uv. f. Will W llkra. Flunk Simjion, Clrttl Slmiirr. Cli Kliixlra, I nay, 1; jottn i rriiur.i .1..1 r. v Snilililliic. J 11 Ttitlliitk-rr. M- Kltllrr, A K lliailitaw, iiroTrr v.n..w, Aiftcl llryowl, J K Rt'Cr. Cbaa K llriclllllita, A.latll liernrii, 1 ..ay, y liLinrat Dr HCl'atilck-W D Sinilli, acluiK cotottt-r, li; IT A . !-niitc.trr. plltalilail, lie, l.co juttor, 1 itay, 1 .h.. A li Helolter. 1. Itiquert Willie Tink W I) Sintlh.aclltiu orotier. fv Sit; Dr V II Mitnfonl, phyaician, to; Kalph' IUn- nan, ao. tt'.l I'aara Will McOllillll. COtltA- l.lr (era. 6 o: W 1 Slltilll. jltatice be. H n Jack WiWod. WD Smith j ( 5 1.1, Wttl MCVJUtliail CI 4 o, va 1 ..km Wit tlowj Win McQuillan c I 7 50, W 1 SmllhJ f 9 6j; W D Stiiilli t 75. v Joint llrolt, " H Slltilll 5 o. ' nny.iii."" 7 an, vt llenty KnU; Win McQuillan 5 15, v Lo rrencn. e.,.,.itv l'nnr Parttt 1 r l.oirlctl l. Jaa Cullctte 6 80, lllti.to Merc Co 60 Hi, Will elon 370, .iay irtica 73, o WrMlterieil 3 Com! Hoiiae anil Jail Pttiiel Cotwin a,. ,s, lllHiro Merc Co 4, HIhwo l'linr macy 1 10, It l ScbmclU-r 35, J C Ad It'cHtte VJ 75. WiiHb-Oieg Cotp 56 4- Rclirf-nriK)l Uroa f IS 18. W O lon tUon 15, IH-U IrH '"; ' 5. Hr U K Kaiillti))) 4o, Mctlii.le lliiw aH 30, J A Tlt..tiilmtK) I". Motion & Krei'iiiHn 10, Knwell H.oa St Co 16 35, itiiKouKliitil X- Unler 11 It tlna.la anil lllnliwaya Jolit) U nrycra till t. Kit llcnteu 15 i. f b Brown US. It V lUlley 1 " I ir.!.l..n- '2 I.. (...Ilururr t iS. J I. I '.r 1)11 ID TO, '"" - - - ..u IV), K Dltile I 47. Wil litHwero7 u.-. 'a. ... ill ... 1 l.a I j a-tV at t Mr I) W. Rath, of Tacoma. Wash., visited friends in thecity, Saturday. Several thoroiiehhred Poland China Imars for sale.- Oak Cove arm, or apply to tieo. K. J.ag- ey. Messrs. Harry Morrison and Mwin Rertleson. of Portland. were guests of W. V. Kirkland, over Sunday. A. S. Sholes. of the Cirnelius Unk. was at the court house. Monday, at the owning of tax collection. John Neuman. ot near Huber Station, on the S. P.. was in the citv .Monday morning, and called on the Argus. For eeneral blacksmithing. KtrseshiH iiiLr. etc.. iro to Peter Kiedweg. Third Street, Oreneo, Oregon. w-o The illsboro Lumber U is running full time on railroad and other orders, and the prosoects lor a big season s run are excel lent. lien Thurnher. of atxive Rlixnn iiiL'w us down to the citv Monday paying taxes. Inn was one ot tlrst to relieve his pocket lunik of presure. J. M. Harden, of Glen wood, nltove C.ales Creek, was in the city Monday, passing coin over the tax collectors counter, li? wiisiu-eumtianied hv A. A. larks. of Timber, who was in on a like mission. Fruit Inspector H. C. Atwell writes the Argus the following letter, which is of interest to every fruit grower: "You should have your pump equipped with a pressure eauge. and an air-chamber of sufficient capacity to enable you to main tain a constant pressure of not less than one hundred pounds. You should also be provided with a Raume Heavy Liquid Hydro meter (not some other kind). Price one dollar at any drug store. It is a glass tube marked olf in numbered spaces, beurin ning with, zero at the top. Use the left hand scale. You should use a side-delivery nozzle, or a nozzle so attached that the Btirav w ill emerge at an angle of forty- five degrees from the rod. Other wise it w ill lie imtXKisible to throw tl.e spray upon the upper side of imbs which are more or less loriznntal. The ouerator should tiretiared thorouehlv to cover ' a . the highest limbs, by having a sufficiently long rod. or a tower mounted on his wairon. The onlv stirav to use. between now and the time when ereen first show s in the bud or color first shows in the bloom, is hme eiitt.bnr This mav h nurchased ready made and in concentrated form; but as the brands of dif fWent manufacturers varv in strength, it should be tested with the hydrometer, in order to know the proper dilution to make. 1 the hvdrometer shows a test o thirtv-two. that is thirtv-two snares on the trlass above the surface of the liquid, dilute in the proportion of one part or lime-sulpher to twenty parts of water. For a thirty-one test dilute one to ten. For a twentv- nine test, dilute one to nine and a half. For a twentv-eicht test dilute one to nine. Each tank or hnrrel full of thp diluted solution should also be tested with the hydrometer, and water or more nf th( rnncentratpd linuid added. until the hydrometer show s tnree spaces above suriace 01 nquia. Soravinir should not be done when wind is blowing or trees are wet, but rain will have no bad effect on the spray after the latter has had one hour to dry. Those who hire spraying done would do well to cut this out. and to insist that these directions Ih followed, fhev should also rememlier that everv limb, and every part of every limb, must te covered, or results will Im? un satisfactory. . a . 1 a A: u. IT x ? HEALTH HINTS A STITCH IS TIME SAVES NINE Whenever you or any member of your family feel sicK and don't Know what is th mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. Rut if you know whit ails you ba.l cold grip, catarrh, ciyscpsia, or the thousand and one complaints of the human body, come to this drug store. Wc have a remedy fur every illness everyone com pounded from the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: 0 The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE J Va i 1 ". CSXC Are You Thinking 4 1 ' Of opening a banK Account the one sure road to best business? If you arc, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National HANK DTO i I a i Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conf yoitr patronage courteously! A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier t American National Bank t Main and Third, Hlllaboro. m m m . j x x s NOTICU l Ul.lt a liv llll.UO l.llf CO SO 71, J j 111 m .... Ojoluiaoil 31 II." i i .. ... t-. Si. Amlv Koatlir II XH . . . a....... urn , a it. Dim II j ivrrnuu 3, j ---. Mracliam Ui 94. Murwiy - Moline 4 97. Muwoc 5 . ' , l . .. r r N.iann q 12. Itatrv Rol lliisou 14 6, D CStokcabiuy 8 70, J J Preer's Karly Standard potato sihh! for sale. Potatoes mature in IK) davs. Something new, and something tine. Have about -10 bushels. Ceo. K. Uagley, or ap ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf John M. Wall and W. G. Hare. Simdav with Hon. Hubert itnrnnnU. of near MeMinnville. Tlie Uys had been up to the big K. r. convention, and remainea over to spend the day with Hu bert. All narties knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned will please call and settle. Payments can be made to either 0. K. Frank or the undersigned ..I. K. Horwiek. Peedville. Ore. 35-tf Lou Km mot t is going to move to his ranch beyond Laurel, be fore manv niiHins. just to try tillimr the soil for a season. He Koi nlinnt 7: aeres cleared enough to keep one good-sized man very busy. M. T. Calef. traveling renre tentative of the Oregon Manu 1'aeturer. a newspaper or maga zine devoted to Uregon maae nrtii'les. ete.. was in town Fri day. He will report the necessi ty of new industries tor eacn town in the county. tlni'k hunteraaiiut in the com .t.iv Knndiiv. nfter tramo. ihnt boinir the last Sunday when the birds can be killed. Wapato 1 ,nke had some ice on the surface, but huntsmen were out early in the morning, some of them by ,i.,v li.rli r hivukinv it ut). and there were hundreds of fowl on the water by eight o clock. Yon are hereby notified that the 1913 loe licenses are now due and payable. The same can be either nnni to me or to the Uty Tronsnrvr. Your attention is al so called to chickens running at arcre and the provisions of the chicken ordinance must oe com plied with. C. K aser. 47-8 Chief of Police. ( o N 3 OOv 9 ) ( - We desire to kindly thank those who tendered aid and sympathy during our recent bereavement, the death and obsequies ot tne ate John rape. Mra John Pane A: IJhl dren. Sherwood. Ore.. Feb. 7, 1913. TO THE PUBLIC CARD OF THANKS INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start iu life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK F.XIT.I'SIYK FOR SAVIXtiS A ll ruraiina nrt hprphv notified not to sell anyone anything what soever to be charged to my ac count without a written order by the undersigned. .1 !.. forties. Hillsboro, Ore., Uoute 1, Janu ary 25. 1913. 415-8 ttHitnr Seennr. of the Forest Grove Press, was in the city Mon day. Willinm Dnrptv has sued W. J. Quinn.of North Plains, for $26.80, for labor performed, ana na8 at tached the place ot business. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome two for a quarter emnkp on market made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indulge in a good smoke buy a Grand Marca. 12tf Do you feel ashamed of you r watch when some one askj you what time it is? There is no reason for every one not carrying a watch f vhch they can feel proud at the present low prices at whichj a rcany giniu as wen a uv.u-i tiful watch cau be purchased.! I am showiug some bcautiftu w.itehes for both men audp M-.infTi msec of nlain aci elaborate hand-engraved d signs, fitted with movements of proveu reliability. 20 per cent, discount until I move L.AUREI. M I IOYT t-jh First door west of the Delta Drug Store il r V