,!K I ...rwt 'r?)1 A letter from lr. Tamlei. j A. 1. Willie, of Mow SchoIK fn" nnfltr'N ;''vmtten while they were at . wan city vUitnr. I u-luy. rpAN1,U ' '!m the ruhur.l. r. farinanta. wm Krvine I'.urkhalter wa in th. ' . . ...... I. .. li in .1 ti ( ll . An.llll.ll Mull. I . I... r,.,. 11' cily 1 uenoay, anu i i--inu: i ,:iv evei.wj?. 'I hey is'! a very aft,.r an attack of !u(;rt.tM'- r,. in " it ... sh. t in;' ..... l 1 id , t ! ..III I.mI VO'll.lt II. . I I- .1 i.. I .1 1 1 , I.. i. . I.I r 1 .iii" ....... .. . i- "; " ,, . i V .. I " I' ' ' ' 1 ,, .1 I - M ' l M..u " , i, k i "" ' . ..,,.1 i --li. '-I ' I ' "' i,t ..i I ii I 0i" I" 'Mill! ! " ,. , ...It i:" 1 l .1 ,ii i t Vint i . ,. a ,i4V- Mi-1 .a n ll.inv f ' ... I . . . 1 1 1 ill." I !l.lUU' !HM'. I ! I W - l.iv i 11 . i . .1 i. i i Mi l .I.i i. Sew ell Jr M t.i. . Mr 4 1 1 Ik... I !...... : ,u,.l,,tU,.yH.,.r,r,.frH,mur. K K. I.owi-11. of S, l,,IK wa. j ...i,i.-r. f..r U-Mlav. I.ut Juki M ' bienuay. a witne -'they w.re ul-'it to nijfht Urnl fori-th.-county rourt. I - wireavain to n liHh jir Mn,l Mr. Cha. Ko-l r. of the menu. 'I Iwv fo to th Otil-, j.,0. w-re rity vmiton 'I'm--.In n' l..iital in doinlnn. tirt. jjay gfi,.n,M,n mi I then iro tol'uriiinti.l Vcnna. i .... ir ri,l.o...t,.lr.Kar,UtohiH AlUrt Me.er of near lV n.n.i fr U !vil!-. 'M in thf county m-at ..... i'fuitnlay. ...r.-l. n over U. th.. county' Kk. Omnty ( 4,n,M,.HH,o,,.-r Lut eal I. .. -lay. lliHl...kini( for ricr of n,ar IUavrton wan ,. Mitr rain., in th- -tato to th county wat. y.Ht. May. on pr,. ... nt,.t hi . ha al-.ut 1.MI l-wiiHUH t the curt houn-. na. kii for ttu' market he in whw, j.; Koonli wan uit- ill the ii -reMte.1. Julio in ileaninif up' f.ig,f ti. w,.,.k. nulTerinif from mire lam I thin Winter. an na,-( (,f "nearpneiiinotiia." ! t he t.a!e of neat fr tho con- He ha! I n out all lay Sun.lay IVI. in n .lin-k hlin.l. ami was taken I'll ll.'linil - 9 , I li ut th- 1'reHcerit Theatre, will ill that ninl wun rniiw ioiMii ut Mi ( ..rmick'. Saturday fever. ; '"" I ' liruary K. j Suri,lay jM. th,. lat wik i Mr. Margaret Hayler. of I - ,.n. duck Khootinjf. for the law la, tlran.l Matron of the On-Kon rlc on the l.'th of the i:.it.rn Slar. maile an olluial munth. It i etttimnte.l that . ..! i .ti... H.IUljirii IiuIl'iV 'I'ueH- I.....I..M l,nvn li:iiL't(l II.OII ll'ick .l I" l' ........"..--.--.p. . - , HUH.. i ' ' " - - -"- il.lV eselilli. W hile in the city jn Wanhiiik'ton t'iunty. aUut H ,he auh the K'ui-Ht of .MM. J-1 falling for the llillHUro nri otiine ("aie. !rnen. (laHton h'dA U-en the cen Anmrt mo.I Journal. lllr. ' ter of the mwt of the nhootinir. Annual St. Valentine s Day Jl H1LLSBORO HALL FHID IV, FEB. 14, 1913 Grand March at 9t30 UnmasK at lltOO CRESCENT FIVE PIECeToRCHESTRA $30 In Cah Prizes Will Be Given lit prii. lu-t tlrt'!fl lly 'S intl prize. " " " 2 Nt prl. uut comicnl ' 2nl prize, 2 lt prize best dretsed cntl'n $3 2nd priie, " " 2 1st prize, most comical " 2nd prize, 2 SPIXIAL PRIZES $5 to l,.t coupU- w..ltln(. to Udynd $2 to 8ntlcm.n $i in harht r wot K to the Renttemun with longest hair $1 in barber worh to the Rt ntleman with least hair $1 mcl tichet to tlc most hunrfry loohin R-entleman $4 p. divided between Udy and gentleman in Endurance Two )tej. Dancing Promptly At 8 OclocK and Lasting Until 2 O'cloch. MNSKKl) CKNTbKMKN $l.(H) ""lADIKS IN COSTUMK 1'RKK l.AhV SH-CTATOUS cents CKNTLKMKN S1MCCTAT0RS 2T, cents N.,,lnc,i;ilK-.lll,vca"..n tlu- ll-Kir without mask or domino. Mbal vviU, s,lc at 10 m,s .ml up. The Chtcgo Costume Co . of rt. :lH,U-m Ik, l the Washitinton Hotel Friday ii.oruinK with a complete hue of l is nines. 0 MWfll mm . - CRESCENT, THEATER FRIDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 7 t -Curtain Rises Promptly at 8:15 - The members of He H1LLSDORO DRA MATIC FRATERNITY will produce this humorous Farce-Comedy. "?tr formance, under the auspices of the HILLSBOROOH IMUCKS-bowcr tloor and Iorcs, 50c; Balcony, 35c; gallery, 25c. f f . 1 tlmnlitr. E First Annual Clearance Sale ON CLOTHING Every Suit and Overcoat in the House Reduced SOME OF THE PRICES $1400 SUIT OR OVERCOAT $10.45 15.00 SUIT OR UVLKtUAi I&.OO SUIT OR OVERCOAT H.75 20.00 SUIT OR OVERCOAT 16.50 25O0 SUIT OR OVERCOAT .. Agency for Bergmann Shoes, Head light Overalls. To Llerchants - il I .' I I IMIIIBI HI 111 ' The Argus has a bona fide annual circulation of 2.000 in Washington county alone. These papers go to the heads of families in nearly all instances. A circular letter to these people from a business house would cost $20 in postage alone. Aside from this expense, there would be the expense of printing and the labor of addressing. Advertising in the Argus will get inside of this. Mr. Business Man, thinh it over, and try an advertisement in the ARGUS tTcn