The Y T GUS. WILLS Vol.. SIN hiu.sp.oko, oki-cioN. i i:i:Ri;ARY 101:5 NO. 17 1H COLLECTION WILL ! 511 NEXT MONDAY IN.II. WV-Jv ,h., . I - '" HUM II !' ,HK Mk lb,,, I'" '"' K'kaU " ' ',MKMl II,. tiv r..l! " '...t.pM. a and pl -hcrid H' !.. and j ,x ( '.,!!.. I. r will -1.1.1 ' mil !.: t"" completed ;" v .., .! ,1 .v . urii. r than Si,.. v.! will put fii u f - ..!.." t t- t:.t.- -I ,1,.- a,n. hue. ' "' hi lull will haw- until Mi"''1 (,. i'i I th.-ir t' r rehab'- Ji!lt.,- who .i.t' I'.umv n.- I. it I1""- H. In t M-.rd.o Apiii I . put ul, il..- .-hi. iin-l h.- SI " I,,- 1. 1. til li."' I ' M'""I V I" U ,,U r l. lei'lidatc ''-'I li . Ir.-I. t ; " I' r,.(l!,- uod. at II.'- ame l;i .n but li.tlf. tl.U'idiudit -J l!. i. 11 ml" N' "H I' 'i 1 , v I ! L.l.ll ta I'" "! ,-,, I li 1 sir, 11 il ar. I all. vim m.miit ! will-in I'""1 -.,1 i.d v :'" !n-"f 't'f t.i lU t"..t l""t M'.'l IV, I S.--U .1, A I -an. km. ii t:.i.i.-v. c r. i.i.i.M..u. a, M. I .Inn.r i!S. i r Int., I .i' tl '- '"I" ' xl' '"' ""' r,.i, :u,. 1 1..-v h;i- ! v Man .if. I li.-iv ''I man)' '''' (..,,!.! fun, It that it "" i tfk I" Ml.lU- III- i.mishmU .,f computation', ilti.l ll.i v Art' 1. 1 U t it v I u"'i 1 t t s v tin- wnrk. Assi Ml S llll HI. SMI. blil.x- Aiv:ui: I i iM'tk It k 11 l II.'' lU.' llf llllf MIII!ltKllltV illl I nlllT ,;in tl.iit m li'i'.l'.ni'l. --:r J,,l) a ,1 i nut at 1-nU I" !' t 1 i.l .lucre.' . 1 li-' w lii' li I l.r.. iv'ht JUMili' t lii a. lI wliu'li w;i al'l.i A ill. I 1:1111 H" l. I'"' -li;irrH l.ri.ui'hl :u uuil I. mi w.-r.- ll,- i.'MiU if a mi-iin..-r-hl.iii.lnn: ln-t a ' 1 m "I k 'i ' W;it lli'' t'ho I'l I'l.l'H''. i"i'l 'I hli.nil l I"'.''! n -ill. - I l' in'1. I h;u.'lhH ,'il,i"!i.-. witli.'ut II"' kh'.A l.-.U"' f' i'""' ni'- l lull III) I' ll, t'l I'M lllt't l"'""ii all l.lani.' my liul.iiil itiui all .-tli' i Will V -!' I HH'I ' I'll I", I ( l,n il. n:i .!'.Ui '", (l.i tii. Or.' . .Ian. iiH. I'-'l '. Mil llll VS I'Stll lv II,.' S-llltlll III I'.U'lfn- Hl ll.'.l l'. m n- ruiiiiinvr. 1 ; ai f.!!'"4' To I'i.i llan.l lin Uitti-r. H'r-tary f tlif (M-niiaii I ir liiHuraiiff Ah n.. Irnin llrthanv. rrxtiiv nil. 'ii.linif u fn.'i tin "f tin ill r. li.rn if tin rotnianv. Iliiniii ntii i.f tin ulurily iiiuIuuIh, mxl n mi iiilM rxliin hi fii ur y wv u Ituii.lri'.l. Ilu v unMunvratu- l.itmtf Ih. iii lvi-H that tli llullin I, ill witlnirawti fr.iin tin- U-ir 1, hit nr.'. us it w iirki-ii A liunMuii mi tin- inutiiaH, r.ii iinnit inai tl,. v muHt huvf liiim in niofu-y .11 h.inil in orti-r t uu liUHint'iui in tin' htati-. lltiit mi-ant a ri-w ri'tuni fur th mutual. um an tin v h:ti never ilefaulte.l in a lire liwiOiey naturallv oiinieil jiiiynii. lt iiruviMon. I lie lull ai- i.i m.'i.le it lianl for theoraniza- 1 1 tn i.f ativ new mutual. Imtaum1 11 11.A ii.mnativ niuot have 1 ml icy it..!ii iitiiiit rovrrinir at leaxt rv U fore they couLI ihhuc any iiiHuniiii e. I he hill at 'He drew the lire of nil the niutuaU or- l';mii'. like the WaHhinK'tun Ciiunlv institution, and it was . ithdriiw n hint week. REALTY SALES ARE NOWJICIG UP Ablractur Ssy I hat Indication Are OimmI fur Heavy Irantlcr AIL IIMNtS Tl) I'KOSH KUl S U Prapbciy BihcI Vcir in Sale ia lury ul Wohiaftu County i.r Kale for hatching; ; (" li 1. K.-.l. Harre.1 IIkV i : i r , ttiiiK' f $' lr lmi. I'at.y chicken, Z) cent , u li ('. White Unhurt!. M 1,. i- 1.'. J'. i r UNI: l.ahy chick. u cctiH. Will do cuntiini hatch-mi- tin. I furiiHh cir of leading .irii tie. Ak'ent fr the famuiiH i. 1 i .i.iiluiii iiu'uhalnr. Send ri .hi.hI l..r catalogue hy tMital. AU have W hile I'ifhorn ... ki-n-lH for Hale. l K. Ihinn- ni.-.r.Oreltt o. Addret. UllUtmni K-mte I. Sv.lin-v M. Luce, anon of Mr ....I Mr II !!. I .uce. foninr reiiid.-nt. was in town the l.c t of the week, the lMieM ,.f I,i4 l.r.ither. ('4uiity I'lerk I .uce. departing Sunday for hi liouie 111 Lake ( utility, where In i,:u 11 in acre claim, taken up under the Cany act. Sydney 1 n dit.h ulmut li ini'ert in lent'th. nn.l run water on hi ! ....I from a btorawe reervmr. lie -i iKti-.l a few mile nut of I r.k. iiew. and ha a valuahle 1 t,rui.ertv on which hi t-.t i.'itetit next Summer Sidney :ii iie'hardlv knew the nld t- ,n. i much ha it channeil 111 at -arance ince he departed a a U.y. a few ear n. I ..r ali W'V for halchinir; S C, U. I. UdH. $l.ri for S l r hundred; chick. I2!c ench; White W yandotte i-ifir. IISO T l.'i UinvhouHc Htraih Winter lay er;S. I'. White Utfhorn. Tancred Mniin. ej,-. 1..V per !.': $ H-r m 1 . chick. IZW each, (.di'ipln ll" A K.'k'er. Hazehlale Mi'lnml. Hi-iith id Kee.ville;a.l.ireK :..:,verton. U. I. IU A. Trlt ,,oiie r.i avcrton central. 41-U 1 .in, .a I ' id and Tho. A. riH.nd.urch have traded their .i.....nIu iii the IIiIIsImiim Mer cant ile '. for 1M acre of land ... r.-,.k County, the trade lmv 1 1,.. in ti II the stock nn.l imple t"i.. .... ,u ,i in., it ace. iiieirnew pnn i within a few miles of ni.evi e. ami mere 1 ncn-une . . . .1 1 Tl...i. I'tioUkMl to Keep ineui niiny. imj .i.i .l. itarte.l with their lami ii'H mi a to h" on the trmunii to t ike care of their Spnnjr work Mi'Mmnv ille t;i ii'i.'r. a. pi ' Sheridan train, a. in I lILlllllHlk tl'MHI. I. 'ill 1 Cors alii overland, p. ni I l in Sunday, tin' Sheridan p, h.'Ih'.'C doe not leave IIiIUIm for Portland until S !' rum 1'iiillaiid Cnrvalli piHiienirer, a. in S TillainiHik paH-n'iit'i-r, a. 111 1" Sheridan passenger, p in M'Mmnville ia;'-eiurer. p. in l :.i A- il'O While reul entate Hale have U i n rather nlai k nince at Fall a talk w it h a l. al ahntractor show that a ku-h. deal of Imninen i ex- tM-cted duriniT the Spring and Summer of VA.I lie Kaid: "Sale of real etate are already on the k'ain. It hmk to me a though thi i to lie a hanni r year for Wawhirik'ton County. Ihe advent of tlet trification of the Portland. Kuene & Kastern. with rapid transit i v'oinn to niukc Hale of nuhurhan ruerty iM-tter than ever, unit tne iinmi vrration from the hast, which mean that many Mitplew i!l lie liNikinj; fir home, will a 1 1 to farm Hale to a treat extent. I confidently predict that there will he two Hales thi ear to one of 11H2." The hiu railway cotniianie re- jmrt more imiuirie aliiut Oregon at their hun-an than ever be fore. The Hill line are taking hold of Oreifon' exploitation, and the Southern 1'acitic i hust ling for immitf ration a never tx-fore. ThniiHand iif Inutile in the Kast and Middle Went, where climatic condition are not as fawirahle a the coast, are ex-i....-iitu' to take iin the cry of "W'cHUard. Ho." and Htart on the trail to Oregon 111 rePruarv and March. WiLshinuton (-ountv. situated a it i. on the very cdtfeof a hitf city. 1 juHt now more than ever accessible, w ith two electric line leadimr into it. and a third to te ready for oiKTation hy at least lolv't The Uautv of the situation 1 that thi county has all classes if nrutiertv. mile of suburban stretches, w here ieoplo can pur chase small homes tor orcium nn.l iierrv culture, and farm where the price runs from ?l to fctm K-r acre. It is mo ursi dairy county ot the stale, an. ih.. two condensers and the Tort land buyer make it possidle for ..v..rv seller l. irt-t hi. money every JW days so why shouldn't we have attractions that will mean buying and selling of homes? Arv'us "d J'.uma!. IHlf."). W. H. Cjiiitiiil a u i out from' Portland, the lat ol the week. Saturday wai Iii- first real. U-autiful Spri-ik' d iy of l'.ll-''. II. I tan no-, of Karnunittin, wai in to n Sat .play. I'.. W. Want, of lte dv;lie. was in the last of the week. 11 It. Kdii'er. of l'.ethany. was over to the rourdy H"at Sat irday afternoon. lr. IAe ili in Forest drove. Feb. l' and at HiiUboro, Feb. II. Frank C. lr:inci-.,of Oak l'ark, wao".er to the city Friday af ternoon. If I' It.. I f l,.rt- ,tir 11. 11. i'"uin, 1 w iand. was out to th. city Satur day, the piest of friend-. Ai.dv Wi slU or. of I arming- ton. was a co inly M-at visitor Saturday. l)r lre'ai.' d not need the tfuaranti that nro"S with tin in. T here's a r.-anon. lt"V ltice has U'. n circulatir.ii a M'tition a-kin f r theapjmint- ment as Kit'na-ter at lli.tstmro. Ilenrv Carni. ns. of lt'y. was in town on bitine.s at the court ho-iv. HELP IHE CHILDREN 10 HELPJHEMSELVES Mr. Maris Oiler Sm Very I'raclical SuKi(etion Vkll L ALSO UNO TO CUV BrAlTIIll lild Worker Fur laduMrial School Fair Miktt fuial is HEALTH A 'N , " ' ) HINTS ii: V. SV. Ill Ml IO IIH; I'l 111 IC All ier.',ons are beri bv iiotiliet not tosell anyone anything what Hoewr In he chai i'i .1 to II1V IU'- loiiiit without a written order by the nndt'Clined. .I. I,. Forbes. 1 1 iUsti .ro. Ore., ltoule 1. .lanu aiy 'S, l!l:i. W S Out. of .r.S vetneti (lov. Wed has been Hiislained by nearly lift and that is tfoinn hoiih'. Ir. biwe's (.flnsseH strennllien the eye ami brain. Mako liim prove it. Consult him Feb. 11. Auto driver are comini'iieinn to speculate on liow soon the roads will Ik in condition for 'machine I ravel. CVV'hy he bothered with two v2?" pairs of glasses'.' Call at tl,,. II,. 1., I VA.,ui,;, .Lin l.'i'itlav. Feb. 1 1, iiiid have lr. 1 .owe show Von (he new 'I'oi'ie Krviilock i'l.iut,4 u' it ti u liieli vim can see all distances. No unsightly lines or seams 111 the tflass to cntni dirt or strain Hie eyes. They look' like voiiiur folks' irlasses. Free ilimmnul nil inn Itemcmhcr the day and dale. One day only. hi'ores of Hillsboro relereiu'cd. Iweitty-ono yours experience. 1 rdwikkl. tulles up to 12 .... ... .leimeter. fl'IICC rail.. nit in.-. ... ... . and of all kinds, into MlovewiHi-l leuirlh. Will rn into 11 tiinlrv. Write, pnone or no , 1....... J m - call on me. Carl Skow. corner Mb and Fir. Hillsbon. urcKon. I'huiie. City H22. f C.reene Conn It, U.I l,.".' . , . ... 111 1.1 riied Inst week, wiln his family, nn.l a car 01 u 11. i.wnt. m ureiron. nir, lie iit. x ... , tl ii . ........ ia .1 unit nf (1. 11. 1 run er, who resides in the city. and own a ranch at l.eisyvine. For sale-Pekin and Imlian Itunner ducks, ami white Lejr 1 i,...,g lliirh erade BtiK-k " " 1 . . i.. I uriees nirht. -Aiiams. ih j iv. .... nt nlace across S, i..,.l- near .lauiv, nunvo 'tr,.r niace. 1 11... i t Hievenson. of dales nun. iw. " . 1 1. ,..,.a in town Satun av.and called on the Artis reiKX'tcr for ,1 few minute. "Ifcu wn iku col.l as a result of Thos. Sain takimr hi bod at Caston a week ao luesuay. i l,.. c.i-imd Murca ia the most , ,i, -- wholesome "two tor a quarter l mi mnrket niaiie in ure S ,. by F.. Schiller. When you indulge in a Kihhi mm.ivv ..., C.rnnd Marca. " Dan llurkhalter was up from :.... Ciiinrihiy. exhibit- "" r w. 1 bfeof satire read for some time. Ask mm 10 l..t vou read it. 1011 11 enjoj n, w he'lher you be democrat, reputi lican or "Hull Mosor. 11 u l.'.iiclv Standard wtato u 1 for sale. Potatoes mature in M) days. Something new. ana .neihinir fine. Have about 40 imshels. Ceo. It. Hauley. or ap ..1., iuv C,nve Farm. 4oli W W. Itnmn. Oreiron pioneer of 1S.VI, died at hi home in South Forest throve. Jan. tin. VM i, ot nnnilvmn. He WILS Isirii at Fl- mira. N. Y.. 77 years avro. UjHin coming to Oregon he semen in Winir. Vnllev. near Corvallis. and conducted a general freik'htiiv business, which tmik him into all parts of the Coast country. In 1S7U he married Mrs. F.mily Pit- ... ti man. in lorvullis. Atiovii l.t years ajro he moved with his family to Forest Grove. Three years airo he suttere.l a stroke 01 paralysis, which left him practi 1 .. 1 1.1.. t.x it... ;,., ,,f Cllliy lieipiesa ui m n- death. A second attack was en dured aiHiut a year ano and the third and last occurred W'ednes- ,iu mum The vvnlow. mree sons, Mark, iwnici ami v iareuce, two step-diuiRhters, Mrs. J. N. Hoffman and .Miss 11 man. all of Forest drove, and a brother and sister in Oorninn. N. Y survive. Funeral services we're held Sunday. Mr. Hump was one of the tirst u.t.iA men to into Alaska in nillVV llv" - r- - h nf cold, and before the strike was reported from that territory he haa mane numenuis aiw.r nmmieetinir trius in this state and California at different times and with varying success. John Vfind. r.and-n. of Hoy. was a county teat, visitor In lay afternoon. Or. 1owe's elates are death to headaches. Ask your neik'h U-rs. .1 .1. WiisivibecK and wife, of teed. ille, were in the county si at Saturday. l'o rent Small dairy ranch to a reiialile party Paul HetHckel. Illlslioro. lioute 1. Il-J M ". lionham. teaching down in the Jack district, near Haze dale, was in town Saturday. Trv ti e Orenco fe.-d stable. on Third Street. Neivly built. (;.m.l ipiarters. Peter ItiedwcK'. Miss Jessie Harrington is ak'ain able to assume her duties as niantste at the Peoples' Theatre, after a short illness. Mrs. 11. I' Mc Kinney, of I'ort land, visited with relatives at Forest drove and HillsUiro, last weik. Several thorouirhbrel Poland China Uiar for sale. Oak Cove Farm, or apply to deo. U. hair- ley. " I'or rencral blacksmithintr. horseshiH invr. te.. iro to i'eter ltiedwe, llnrd Mreet. Orenco, Oregon. Frank I.ankow and Alvina Seiffert were united in marriajre bv lt.'V. II. J. Kolb. of MuTwiHHl Jan. '21, YMl Sam Miwui. of ( entervilie. was in town .saiuniav. nam says that lie misses KlT Schiettelin. now in Lis Anmlcs -they were neirhlKirs for 2 years. Jack lhiover. well known here. mil now a res i. hud of Portland suffered a paralvtic stroke here. last week, and his sister. .Mrs Harriet Killin. came out from the Itose City, to attend him. About sixty friends of K. C. Unjrcr nave him a farewell sur prise last Wednesday evening, at his home. lie ilepanen rnuay for Ashland, Orison, where ne has a liio acre timber claim. All parties knowim; themselves indebted to the underskned will please call and settle. Payments can lie made to either 0. K. Frank or the undersigned.---J. K. Horwick. Keedville. Ore. ..-ll tt- nnd Mrs. ltiillo W'nuht. of above P.uhl. Idaho, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Wright s t.ttiier iin, mother. Mr. anil Airs Fred Schomburir. They expect to remain here several wccks. N. C. Maris. Field Worker for the State lioard of Kducation s-nd out the following letter: "In every town and city there are many vacant lot grow ing up to weeds that might just as well be producing garden and flowers, thus adding beauty and utility to the city instead of being an eye sore. Many of these lots are owned by non-residenU and others who would 1 glad to do nate the use of them to the chil dren. Almost every town or community has it 1'artnt-leather Circle, civic board and iK?r- haps other organizations, ana they and the school tmar.J snouia gei together and from their rntm-l-r:r,m annoint a committee. w hose duty it shall 1 10 secure the use of them for th? chiiaren and arrange to have them plow ed and fenced, when necessary. In apixiinting these committees . . . ! . . 1. .1... l...4i,. f-. in iiii nin overiooK me n'jira, ii nor exnerience we have found . 11. them adept. at sucn worn. 11 would also tie their fluty 10 plan and manage the local coniesis. provide prizes for same and to select exhibits to tie iorwaruiti t. tH. State Fair, and to show the children how to pack. mark. ..tilnf am 1 shin them The teach- ..r i not a w-avs oualineii to uo this work, and has about all he can do lieside. Then when school closes and perhaps the teacher leaves the tow n thecnuoren neeu help and encouragement whicn this committee can give. In every town and city are manv children who have little or nnthint tn do OUtSlde Of SChOOl hours. No healthy child can be idle, and without some direction of his activities and some pro vision of a proper avenuejtnrougn which to vent mem. mey arc ayi 1 It is not so much the fault of these children if they get into mischief and lorm hiiiita nf idleness, and possibly viciousness, as it is the lault of parents, guardians and otners for not providing interesting and profitable employment for them. To aid in prov.aing mis emi'oj ment and making it attractive and profitable is the object of the industrial contest movement, inaugurated last year. To make this a perfect success it must i..-. h. e.wineranon 01 iiarein. teachers, schtwl boards and ad public spirited citizens, and we know ot nowuerwaj m mum thev can help than as above sug gested. Trv it. Let the teach er or president of the Parent Teachers' Circle call a meeting at once, effect an organization and report to the office of Super intendent of Public Instruction, nrpirnn. in order that he can put you on nis mailing um for bulletins, etc.. and assist you in every way." A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE" Whenever you or any member of your family feci sicK unci don't Know what is the mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. Lut if you know what ails yem lad void rip, tatarrh, dy.-ipsia, or the thousand and one . .::;;! i:ut of the human Lsrfiy, tome t this (lruy store. We have a, remedy for every illness everyone com pounded fru-.a the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE I i 0 4 h -t y rrsi 1 i fl Are 1 on lnmiiing j 9 a t Of opening a Dinh Account the ue j,urri ruad to best business? Ifjyou are, do not overlook the mwl cru accomaiisiations at the American National Private desks for writing your business letter, for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit b)xcs. We can make you feel at home for we have all the m.xleru conveniences. Youn patronage courieoasty received. ) A. C. Shutk, Pres. C Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, Hillsboro. c k t 1 t " y N0TICU You are hereby notified that the lOUt Dog licenses are now u m---.I ....vMthle The same can be llllll . either paid to me or to the Uty Treasurer. lour uuniuuii m so called to chickens running at large and the provisions 01 me chicken ordinance must be com plied with. t,. masei, 47.8 Chiet ot t'once. Kellinirton. of Port- land, was visiting friends m the city over Sunday. ni Waunni. of alMive Moun- taindale, was a city caller, Mon day afternoon, on imsiness ui the court nouse. Mn 1. Commons, of Hen ton County, has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Jos. Wolfers perger, the past week. Her hus band formerly conducted the bakery on Main Street. Lost: Lady's light brown crav- er.ette rain coat with brown vel vet collar and cuffs. Finder please return to Argus oiuce or Mrs. Fmma Turner. Hillsboro, Koute 1, Hox 3t). M. C. Lincoln returned Satur day from a week's trip in the North Plains-Cleneoe section, and while on a vacation helped J. W. Jackson kill nine porkers, which netted the owner over $'20 each. Wni. Conlev, who was injured by a tree falling across the sec nt. Wheeler. Tillamook Ci.miv the other day. found himself minus his clothing when lie was able to commence taking inventory of his assets. While k n4 siitiermir trom ms in juries some whelp went into the cabin and absconded with his suit of clothes and other effects. TEACHERS TO MEET 1 he a local institute and W. C. T. A. meeting at Tualatin, Oregon, isaturuay. rt-o, 8. 1913, with program: Music by Association. ij,,o;r..wc session W . C 1. A Use of the Dictionary . K LWann Grammar i." li-ill. Pnn. Ar eta School nni to Discipline 1 ij niyu,,u ' " , , , t j k uiun (mtu (leoirraohv iititi iii""" ... . 11 1 l . .. Miss J una naicn NOON nr: Tualatin Schoo UUOIV - -: , , Parents' Relation to the Schoo t'nn. s. ti. ai A nuun ...W'm H Proctor, f orest urove Discussion of School Problems, by School Fatrons. B. W. Barnes, Co. School Supt H. L. Wann, Pres. W. C. T. A. 55AVlNG3 BANiv 5125 4.- S3 'lOO-rfe- ' 11. 75 -3 50 -H ''A 4 INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your childreu by Riving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recoidiug Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. IDTEIAYIIIGS BAlK KXCLI'SIVK Foil SWIM. r aTlrt-atfir,-'3'i-:':aE!ng taWaaHB if , noiwl medicine, glasses won't help you. If, you need glasses, medicine won 1 neip you. It would be well to learn w hat you need. Call at the Hotel uoiiir.iTtnn hrinav. reu, it. IIIBIIHII.."". ... . .. If t nue will tell VOU. If you do not need glasses, he most positively win not rcconuueuu them. p.,.atavp Schumacher, of below Quatama. was a city visitor the last of the ween. Hotting lore Attractive Fine silverware makes the home the place it ought to be; rich with the charm of these fine articles a delight to the "stranger withiu the gates" I make it easy for you to supply your house by offering you a full line to select from Tea and Coffee Pots, Trays, Sugar and Creamer Sets, and many other articles, all of rich pattern and finish. I only offer the better grades of these goods. Twenty per cent, discount during the sale. f .AT 712 KT . M I IOYT irnjir First door west of the Delta Drug Store 0 4 .J