The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 30, 1913, Image 1

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vol.. xix
NO. I'".
llllll i-l LI IU LIILiribV a
IV N. Spmat and wife, former
ly of near Kecdville. havr hied
nmt in th lil!amtk circuit
court, inking tdut J. II. Hatha-
luv U- d-crecd ami orderi! to
.(..I lin k to the SnntaU thrir
i -.... I in VVuthniL'tiin Count v. and
Urrc iM.Utniit'K lJi" WHini' l( tli,.v jH. K,v n a judgment
....... v.i. i f..r .! rl. to Ktand a a lion
,.r I
Moll" lf V ltitl
I M a N.ll"l tl" I'""'
i,r,.,.r i.f Aneor.i P'-'K i""1!
,,, ,,.!. r.-.l one i.f tli- .il.,t.thtial,
.,i,ih.-.H "f ,,,;it ,l!y- VSii'4 !
S.itur.Uy f . r i I guilty ( unlaw
filiv tnif.t,' watt Mih M:irlU Uf ,n i' the
i,,t put 'f T!'r,- day.
w, t t.. the J'irv Saturday fore
i. .!). Sit witne-Mt t'-xtii!-'l b.r
Mate, and H' V. l were placed t'H
the -land in f of the 'I'"
f,.,;,,-, UtU'lllrf Wll-HII U'f the
,, f. i,.l;tit liH!i--H and Mi"1 I ra
s, r I Ik- lory : 111.'-!'-'. Franef.
.,, ),.!. ). r. Kit
l.r, hl't"". l"v. 'hull.i. -miIh-.
th- ca eol the Stated Ore
v. y Archie NV-.oH. chafed
.A,ti kiihl.f eU. "" 'I'-l'-nd
j.M, m--n ill I'1' "I I'1 :it.-rt.. y.
U.i.,r I'.ijI.s. .!.-tl"t euiitt.
ii i. i lined 'I''
ntMiriHt the Fltnore ranch, in
il!am.k t'ounty. The Sproat
mi l ll.itliavL.ay traded property
evcral nt.intliH atfo. and the
t.aiHof thr complaint i mi h re
presentation. Spnat ' wtdl
Liimvl !i i.rrhanlint of near Kerd-
Kill.-. moved to Tillamook
t ()rnv m-vrrul inofith ttfc'o.
I or naif Kk'irn for liaU hintr;
; t: IL 1. UU. Itarriil Itorka,
Jl jmt wttinit f !"; W r
imi, I'.aliy Jliukt-ri. U'l rerun
.a. li; S. White l-ifhorn. 1
-r I". ih r Kni: lial.v chick
in r. niV Will tlo custom hatch-
ink' u'"l furnish vvx of li-a-linif
ari. tu-n. Av'eiit for the farnoiiH
M. I'h.nulian incuhator. Send r
f.r catalokfue h)' tl.
Mui I, in ! mine White U'k'horn
-.-kereN f.r Rale. IL K. Dun-
in.K.r.Oretu-o. Al'lrti. IlilUtmni,
Koilte .
le attemiiU to
i.r- k the Kafe at the Southern
IVitic .l.-iH.t. Sunday niiftil. lut
ure tml HiicciHJful. The till
MtM ml'ln-.l of a few M-nni
l.ut the Kufellleared ti hold the
maratidern to a Ktanilntill. The
r.Mtil.ination.hovLever. VLankruH-k-,-,! the t. Hitory. Some one
also entered the .Nelnoil uaniwar.
, Ah.U-M '1 f.'-rfih i"v
est Or.'-. VT- tirii" fri-"!-.
'in tun tl.'- li t -f th- week.
Nineteen ol CnKincrrinc CWp at
Wurk in South lualattn
WualJ Tratcrc Very Icrlilc aad Thuk
ly Poplilc4 Commiinitv
II I i.l I'.'-ti
'1 In- f.nti ani'nl"t
i-t i iroled u '
j ; .lt' the I'M .lr
,,, ih.u-t.--l it
ih ,iiii".-d lh'
, e.i.fl.tion ol
I'm. rum far
Nulioii. :n
A , t lln' IM"'
-Ah. r. ui .Ni.ii"H kill.-1 i
near ti e Hoxlo i r. :i.t t. i . he I
l.--ree4 ol .Ir.oi. were vraiit
, I a follow H r..n.-l i" ll.
Ji.,;t..(i li.ilt.-ii. ' '" o k
I'o-na.k; llino'i H llan.n.
KriiUaiki Kr'1-hanxki
(.....-ler M II lilt IT U olio-
j'ti-r, oaiiil? a i-l'" h ;r
I-..-.. lluiit for a team
:: , andlt'o. .lore and tk M-veral umall
Mm. Nancy Hanks nlipiH-d on
it,., i.-.. ui., I fill nenr her lioui
last I ridav hreakintf the hone of
...... ..f h. r vLrints. I'r. MunforJ
attended t the I'reak and Satur
day Mm. Hank went hack to
P..rilnti.t to atav with her Hirtler
Her fu.n. II. M. I'.ank. went to
thecity with her. - Hanks llera'.a
l'..r Hale - I'w'k's t"f hatching;
S C K. 1. Ked. for
...... t,.n,.lred: chicks. I2'c each;
White Wyandotte eyrits.firiO kt
lri. KiiiK'hoiHe Klram inier iny
There is itreat coiritation in the
ScholsSuth Tualatin mctioii!
over the advent of an engineer-
iriK crew, which is running a
nrelitninary survey through that
richest irtion of Washink'ton
County. Little can U- learm-d
ahout the intentions of the com
pany, hut it is jHipularly sup
tnie. that the Southern Pacific
Company, wanting a straight
Hhoot into Portland from Me
Mmnville and the upp-r country,
prolines to eUt-tnfy a line from
near Murray, on the Portland.
Kuk'ene & Kastem. run through
the jxipulous S jutli luaiatm sec
lion, dow n past Scholls. and con
nect Honiewhere near litraM.
and make its way into Portland
to the Jetfemon StrtH-t ileit.
This would, in a way. ! a time-
saver, as well as tap a country
now without a railway line.
This portion of the county has
loni? Un-n wanting a railway, ami
prominent citizens for years have
l.4-n irvinir t enlist the interest
of railway lines as to the vrrtat
hulk of hhipments that must an
nually km out to the maris ol ine
The Arirus Iioih-s that within a
vi.uf it u. ill Im hIiIc to announce
that rails are laid throuirh the
south of the county.
W. .1 H deer, of near H'-a-.- r
t,n. was in th- city Saturday
Ne'm Ji.l.fiio!!, of H. tl. any. was
i . i' . . i. .. . ft...
an Aryu-i cai;er .-Mi ir iay aner-
Krwm U tt. r. f l-thany. was
up to the o i;ity (O-at tin- !a-t of
the week.
II. T. I'.uxton. of Forest (irovc.
was a city visitor Knday. attend
ing circuit ooijrt.
Hertna-i ll'-hse. r inr.ii tKe
Kehe hopyard. at r arrnini'ton.
was in tii' city Saturday.
Mrs. JameH M;:t"n!..-rtrer vis
ited relati .' in Portland, the
hint I if tl.e Ai-k.
Fred Scho'-n. of ('ornelim.
l!o:ile 2. was a county seat visi
tor. Friday.
Will Pull I rclzht Train on New
ly I.Untrilicd IJne
i i I i .1 II i i.i l iken' . Kmifiioiise Kirain "
v lilrh he ( l.ll!l.-'l II l!H li I I ' " ' ., ' I ,.r..-r.ul
, , ... .. ,,,r 1 1 i'iI el's , I . lllli I a K 111 ..-
I 1 1... I inn hi li! a tit i 11-11 I . . . i r . . .....
came over
i t lli
will! Ihe l .mi, and louj.Mil Ui-cao-.
lie a:i." d that he iv as to
h.t.e a share of the crop, hut
thai he and 1 1 -i !fp t r awMvd
that he could have the team for
his Hen IC S on the place.
The jury e.ideiitlv -. -!
Iluht's n-r.i."i, ..r ti awarded
the h.ilH. ll.ll to the d. fell l.tnt
The jury I J. WYi.cnl.eck. K
.1 Ihmis. W. V.. Parkin. P.. S
I rewint:. IV M Wl.iies. ll. l'. I..
.loht.-u.n. C W. .laui.-s. .luo
Freudeiithal. 1 I'. Sunlhlme. ,1.
It. Trnl'iiu.'' r. .1. I . oum-. 1
oi nil kN pvii iw
The Southern I'a.'Ki"- schedule,
as now runnin. is as follows:
To Portland
McMmnville pass'i'er. a. m t'. r.J
Sheridan train, it. m
lillaui.tok train, p. in I.'1'
I'orvallis overland. . m
On Sundav. the Sheridan pas
KenV'e.' d.M-S not e;ive IllllsUiro
for Portland until ""
From Portland
4'orvnllis paiMeiiu'er. a. in X:--rillauiook
passenger, a. ni Hh'"1
Sheridan passener. . m .r:lj
M'Minnvillc passenger, p. in l':1.
I .r.. s.-elioiiram. es. Jht iu. r-,
I.-,.,.",. k Uotfcrs. Uazehlale
M-h..l. south of Keedville;ad.lres.H
ir .1 I t 'JIA. iclf-
no." ..-.---
phone Heaverlon central. J
All persons are h.-ivhy nolilied
not to sell anyone any thuur what
soever t I"' chare.. si to my hc
count without a wntleii order ly
the undersigned.
.1. I.. Folhert.
HiIUImiio. Ore.. Uoute I. .lami
ary 2u. P.H:!. '''
Austin Sims, of Fnrminirton,
was ureetinir tillacums in the
county seat, the last of the week.
Accordinir to the Tillamook
Herald the Creeks and Italians
at work near the place where
lludrev. the cook, and a Japanese
were killed nt W heeler, last We. I
neH.lay, went into Ihe shack
which was demolished, and ro
Led Mrs. Dudccy'. purse ol 1
nnd her irold wnlch. i w: u .
jrive no nsi'isliince to Mrs. Innl
ley and her little daughter, who
were in their nilit rohes, waist
deep in Ihe snow, enllmir for
help. Win. Conl.-y. I'onncrly of
IlilUlwico was in Ihe ruins, in-
I iov iiNt) mux no ai
in... .l ....
jl.l ... ...... . .7 . .
tention to his calls. A untitle
i .. ..I . ... . I'.ii ntyl'L
irantr, jusi w u' . . . i .... I . , . ' . .idi.hivit.
linally heard the cries, iinu went, ine iitiiiiiuK
I i" I noikin has Int-n eniraifet
.n inakintr one of the largest
turned out in Hit
city. It is for a gentleman who
has more avoirdupois than w u fill an ordinary tub,
..l.I Il. m ifititl nno
to ive him comfort while Ukinif
his ahluttoiis.
I naw cordwoid. HtleS up to 12
';...-i,..a in diameter, fence raws,
and hoards of nil into
do.ewi.od lenitths. Will iw into
ihe country. Write, plume or
call on me. Carl Skow, corner
.sili and Fir. IliUs'.H.n. Oregon.
I'hone. City
Uoscih. Hlack. who has tecn
Htavinij with his Knindmothcr.
uPJ M A How e . sailea Minuay
' ' . li . 1 1 ..... I i1 Mill t
evenini; irtiin ronutuo. ......
p. San PtHlro. t ui.. where ne wiu
meet his mother, wlio resiues
near bs Anireles.
For sale-Pekin nnd Indian
.i,i..iu uml white U'tr-
hrn hens, llinh H-nde
d i-rices rittht." Adams. Hox
IH.T. or imjuire nt 'let' ucr
I'. tracK, near u -place.
W. 0. HtH-ken. one or the old
. : ,,r ti.. llenverton Hection.
was in tow n Mondnv. on husiness
,.t ii, .iirt house. Mr. Ilocken
h:is some vulunhle property i
the city of jcardeniv.
T he C.raml Mnrca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter
mnoke on market-made in On
iron, l.v H. Schiller. When you
induce in a kimhI smoke buy a
M.ieeil 1I
The case of Klwood Wiles
against S. H. Huston, the Ptirt
land attorney nnd capitalist, fell
to the ground and is out of court.
Huston's friends never tor a min
ute thounht that Wiles had any
case uirainst him.
nuir'a Knrlv Standard potato
i r ... Paint ne mature
neeu toi puiv, ..v...---
:.. mi .1..., v.imethinir new. ami
somethini; line. Have about 40
bushels. - Coo. K. IWRiey. or ui
ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf
Clerk Luce Monday granted a
murriiiKo license to rranK w.
i i t v nn SJi.iliert. of
Scholls. Kmil SeilVert Bwearmi? to
Dan Ix-isv. of South Tualatin.
was a city visitor Saturday.
Wm Hidtrelv. who wits one of
the Uiys in blue in sixty-two.
was a county scat visitor Satur
day morninir.
W..ntrom. of near Scholls.
was a city visitor Saturday.
Wenstrom still holds his irooo
humor and satire, and is always
ready for a little coup d'etat
Will Wohlschleirel. ol Scholls.
who graduated from the dairy
business to the chicken industry,
was in the city Saturday, ureet
intf friends.
Dr. Ilawke, the Mayor of (.as-
l..n was fined i'JH bv JlliL''
Smith, for violation of the Kiunv
Uti.liutitinir ilnck.S W ithoilt a li-
cense - the other day. The May
or-physician paid the- line.
Fred Knnes. of (.oblc, Ore.,
was up the last of the week, the
loifirinj? industry for which he
works having closed down for a
day or two on account of 13 inch
es of snow.
All parties know in i? themselves
indebted to the undersigned will
please call and settle. Payments
can be made to either 0. I).
Frank or the undersigned. -J. h.
Horwick. Ueedville. Ore. 35-tf
in ii... itvioisil unct ol the stnckni
people. Mr. Conlcy is iMtmtf
alone; fairly well, and will soon
be nlile to again take up his
duties as section foreman. Con
ley is a carpenter, as well ns a
(rack man. and has worked here
r.ii- u..u..eiil vears. lie helped to
build the Timber sawmill for
horseshoeing, etc., go to leter
liiedweg, Third Street,
Oreiron. w"
Mnnnirer 1). W. Camp
bell. S. P. Lines in Oregon, was
up to the front, last week,
watching the big engines buck
li Ainrii.f Tnmiesie was one
of the three physicians who had
cbargeof over aw insane patients
from Salem to Pen
dleton asylum, last week. The
shift of patients was mime in a
vestibuled special train.
Isaac Ford, aged atxiut -lo
years, died suddenly at the home
of the his brother, Thos. Ford.
near Helvetia, lhursday. Jan.
Ford has been ailing from asth
ma and other maladies for some
time. He had been here since
last July. Coroner Harrett went
out to investigate the cause of
death, but round mat uemise
was due to natural causes.
i if ell of Kerndale. Wash..
Vioi arrived nnd hllS SUCCt'edO 1
lltac hi - -"t
'hil II. Ktnser as manager ot tne
Cmvn uml Hillslmro con
densers. Mr. Kinser will go to
the general othces or the raeinc
I'miut Cnndnnsed Milk Company.
at Seattle, where he has been
given promotion . Air. sens comes
highly reconimenueu, miu win
now deal with over 1.000 patrons
for the two big dairy industries,
when Snrintr ooens this number
will materially be increased.
Tim I iuntilntiiri' rrnluv nassetl
the bill raisinR the salary of
District Attorney K H. longue
to 3.5-H). This was one of the
bills that C.ov. West vetoed two
years ago. It was pnssea oyer
the Governor's veto by a big
vote in excess ot tne two-minis
required. The bill ts just enougn,
for the duties of the district at
torney in the district are mam-
r..l.l nnrl a irrun t denlof territory
lutu, aim r,' - - -
must be covered. 1 hero is no
question but what Mr. Tongue is
earning his salary.
Try ti'.e Oh-mo ft-.-d stable,
on Third Street. Nev!y built
( ;.. I (juarters. IVt-r Hied eg.
I W .l.'ii-K' un. one of the old-
timers of the North Plains Glen
coe Hection. was i:i the cointy
seat Sat i.r lay.
Uol-ert McClure a-id Orpha M.
Av.-rs were rnarrieS Jan.
11 :t U.-v. T. J. H,v.'it.-n oiheiat-
Art Canles. one of Forest
('.rove's !iu iliess men. Was 8
county seal caller, the last of the
W fl l.-i-der. of P.ixton. was
in thecilv the la-t of ihe week, iite home fr.UIl a trllJ to
Washington taU.
Several thoroughbred Polatv
I'hinn Uiars f..r sale. - Oak (-ov
Farm, or apply t Coo. K. Uag
..y. i:tf
Mrs. K. II. Crcer returned
Thursday night from a trip mak
ing mlirial visits us State Presi
dent .of th-' lUfbekahs.
'IT.i. 'Hui?h-ti. who stient his
boyhood her.-, when his father.
K. C. Hughes, was county clerK.
has liccti in the city the past
Kirt rlas.s Ciraham niano for
sale. Standard make andused
l.ut little. A itartrain for
c.-Lsh. Terms, if desired. H.
Shipman. t.rand Theatre.
C. S. Uevnolds. the Mountain-
da!.- mercantile man. was oown
to the citv Mondav afterniKin,
.rnnsnelintr business and greet
ing his many county seat friends.
l-nr sale at a bargain A pian
ola and worth of nuisic, must
l. ,.Id nt onu- W ill tit any pi
nno. Will cost you just $'. A
I'm.. mas Divseiit Kasy terms
if desired. P.. Shipman. (iranc
Judge I). H. Keasoner has rent
ed the Morirnn nrotterty. former
lv occupied by Kx-Sheri!f Han-
c.H'k. As stHn as settled he wis
. ti. i ...... . t.;.. ii., ni
u. SI in' 1.1 Oe.lllv I1IJ illLUv mill.
to the judgeship.
.In, lev Heasoner has a sample
.if ihe UcDublican tickt t which
wis etod the year wnen
C.v l'ennover defeated l. t.
1 lii.nilKon. the Port and hanker.
It is in a line state 01 preserva
Mrs. I.vdia Cault. widow or
the late l. M. C. Cault. former
ly in the newspaper business
here, was in the city Saturday,
calling on her friends. Mrs.
Cault resides at Cottage Grove
where her late husband was
postmaster for several years.
Mrs. F.dyth To;.ier Weatherred
writes the Argus iron. Aioany,
stating that in a short time there
will be a "Made in Oregon" ban
quet held at Hillsboro. and it will
be attended Hy a large numner
of Oreuon manufacturers.- The
meeting at Gaston a few eve
nings back was well attended,
and great enthusiasm was shown.
Notice of the Hillsboro meeting
will be given later.
Hilly Vinton, of MeMinnville,
sends word to the Washington
County Knights of Pythias that
the McMmnville ooys are ar
ranging for a big time at the
District Convention, which will
lui held mi thereon Saturday eve
ning. Feb. 8. Big delegations
will go from Washington County.
anted the convention
this year, but the delegates felt
that the hotel accommodations
would be insutlicient
Saturday's Oregonian in "Half
i.nt-nrv A i'ii "Articles of in
corporation have been tiled in the
clerk solhce ot ftiuitnoman coun
ty for the construction ot tne
Noon's Ferry macadamized road.
This road will intersect the Mil
waukie macadamized road oppo
site Milwaukie. The capital stock
is $75. WO in $100 shares; princi
pal otlice in Portland; incorpora
tors. John Stephenson, Jesse V.
Boon, John Sweek."
I rint arc Capable ol PaUiag W Uadt
oa 4 Per Ccul. Grade
The Portland. Kugene & KasU-rn
Uiilway ha.s received its first two
electric engines and they are now-
yarded in Portland. A Portland
paper says:
"Two of the large electric Loco
motives to be operated on the
ines of thu Portland, hugene &
Kan tern Ilailway through the
Willamette Valley reached Port
land yesterday and were parked
in the shop yards at Brooklyn,
where their electric motors will
be. installed, after which they
will be ready for service in
handling freight shipments be
tween Portland and all sections
of the Willamette country.
. . .i
The It comotives attracted un
usual attention, because of their
immense size, as well as the in
terest w hich the progress of this
lnrir.. interarhan system has
aroused. Thev were the first
consignment of the equipment
which will be used in the opera
tion of 100 trains a day between
Portland and the big valley to
the south.
Stained a deep cherry red. the
locomotives can be seen Irom any
(Kirtion of the Brooklyn yards.
Cherry red w ill be the color of all
il. ran comTnsin Loth nassen-
ger and freight trains run under
the banner of the roau. 1 he tug
nmnne art each eauirwed with
four 250-horsepower motors and
wfigU l'JO.OO") pounds to tr.e ma
. hina One of thpe locomotives
can easily handle 30 fully loaded
carsof a 4 per cent, grade, iney
are equipped with the panta-
.. ii r
graph, a diamona-snapea irame.
vi hirli eiMuircedM the trollev Dole
and rope for making connections
with the overhead wires.
Ono nf thp most modern ideas
in connection with the new loco
motives is the dead-man con
trol " hv means of which the en
gineer maintains the connection
between the motors ana tne elec
trical current This connection
is maintained by constantly press
ing the hand on a button. Should
he relax the pressure at any time
the current would oe cui on anu
th. tmin nu tnrr.aticallv stODDed.
The name "dead-man" was earn
ed by the appliance after it had
successfully been demonstrated
on a number of trialsin the East
woh a i end or incapacitated en-
pineer in the cab there w ould lie
no danger of an accident to pas
sengers or freight.
1 -V""
it- J
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sicK
and don't Know what is tHe mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, t'yspcpsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
conic to this drug store. We have a
remedy fur every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
ii lt"' m ,?Kft3T' I J' " mJU m'Jfm
Of opening a Bnh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not overlook the mxl
ern accomtuodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list ia a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences. .
your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank-
Main and Third, Hllltboro.
"Prof. James Dryden. head of
the Poultry Department of the
Oregon Agricultural College, is
coming to your town during the
next few days, the exact date of
hU meetinir will be duW an-
nftlinirt I thmntrh vour columns.
We are writing to call especial
attention of the school children
of your county, as well as others,
iha imnnrtanep nt neannir mis
illustrated lecture. It is especial
ly opportune at tnis time, inas
much as in the School Children's
Industrial Contest this year we
are specializing on poultry.
At the State Fair next fall
there will be a fine list of prizes
on poultry. The classification in
this department will be much
larger than last year, prizes be-
ing given practically on an me
leading standard Dreeds. a large
number of these prizes are pure
Kr.i.l nnnttrv dnnntpd bv the best
poultry fanciers of the State, and
will attord a splendid opportuni
ty for the children to get a start
in the poultry business.
in nnnnpriiiin wilii i ia icviuic.
vf IlrvHpn has a fine collection
of stereootican views which
makes his lecture very interest
ing and instructive, so we trust
that every school boy and girl in
your community, as wen as tneir
parents and others, will avail
themselves ot this opportunity
tn o-ot instruction and insoiration
in poultrv culture. F urthermore.
thai- unen nnn ot niein win ku
home from this lecture with a
.torminntinn to enter the DOUl-
tiv nnn tpst tret some valuable
nvnurienr'P in doinar something
practical, as well as winning a
nice prize at tne oiaie anu iw:ai
fair next fall, which will repay
thpm for all their worK.
L K. Alderman,
Supt. Public Instruction."
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
1 I
75 -4zy-
Of your children by giving them an early
start in life. Deposit $1 00 with us and
procure a Recoxding Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, cm their
savings.' Their success will be insured.
' ' .
is the most precious of gifts. Impaired or
defective eyesight is almost a crime in these
days of scientific enlightenment. Glasses
cau be made that will take away these defects.
.1 make au cxamiuatiou of your eyes free
and will- tell you if glasses will help you,
and if you need theui will furnish them to
you at prices that cau not be beat.
LAUREL M IIOVT -jirdiriiri-
First door west of the Delta Drug Store
Stevenson and Lytlo.
the snow line.