The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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NO. f
of 'loMr.u
Off of ihe "nmclliet" uniflU
i that I'vi r overcame the hiwineiui
I -. I ion "if IlilUhoni i'rvadcd thi
iiiiMU' i.h.-rc IiikI Saturday morn
mi- utter the MtiKWHturm. Jim
Lttllklll h-CaUie (llniHH4't W itll
ill,.., I. a that there wa . '' u-lph A. Wlthycomhe I .. .
man on tin- block, in Home of the
..utliiiil.liiiL'H. rant of the court-
Lou m-. but when promptly tolil
t y i-iinni t.-iirs on HinrllH that it
would take a Hulk an battle held
to make ttuh u volume of melt.
Hiil.H.ei. ItlVehtlK'tttlon HllOW'
llortve In Mh of l ive Wlrrt
Wuik it On. f
Om al lk WomI Stomi lor Vein
VlalU HilUkort-Biit Nut Cold
nl that u i. lie of refine, amount
l mt- t a watrotilotvl or more, was
" 7 . . I i ' " from, Friday night the U,wn was with
ci..i.. s ii -iiiueni" " " iai iii Hie rear 01 me ni. . . .
' ' . i i .. it.u ii,! out electric light and yet then
writ- ' ; I .. ..." ... ...... Ht .liMtiirh.lwkii Muflirinnt illumination for a
w a". .leutiiiK in' ,.- ...'- i - -
lance. Ir. I.inklat.-r receive! Fourth of July celebration.
it!,.- er.-atot tiotibcncht. and he .vn o'clock the light
i t . . . .1... ..n..t.d fit I
Ceo. I.idwri:. nf i.
vtlle. wan trar. at ;' bun.'.-:. -tin
th. city Monday.
'I ho., liinti"'. "'i tii- I. W.
Corm. ll Farm, v. ;h hi t'.'.sn Hula-1
of the we. k.
W. J. Cn-x.'. of !.. is. , i;;.'.
was in to-An M'jii'li morning.
greeting friend.
Irv tie On-no feed stable,
on Ihird Stre.-t. N'-a!. holt.
Good ipiatter. h t r lie- 1. -g.
Judge I). I! U.-a.4'.i:er and fam
ily are wmn to mo1, t the city
for residence.
Ciplain to Portland Why we do
Not Have I'avetl Highway
Hi lu
' :tt
g.-t ' 11
I. Ill t
t!n parent "i
i Well Will til
year, a m-af le ' "' j b-:i!th Ollicer lr.
ihervwcre aU-iit 1'jnmu ; h;i.l a barrel of liim
,h,!.i.n e..w-. mi ih:iki.h: - r
raj,lllk. H..m. lhini' with which to
o..nt-''.r t " " s ' U"" ,;
ltlil n.nt.-t. lb at wa oi'U a
,Ul- Mait in the wrk. but it
wax a I'reat ntimubH to fut in-
t . at.
i.,r A- r n m im- o
l.N-ated the otlcnKlve ue. . ,..,,
Smith H4Min I ,MK
... .. .... I with bn ken teletitione wtreH.
. I 'l . . .....
Hi.- . i iim and lh ennicmeni ine leieimone o'ruior rn
wa mni abated. It wan "mime warned away from the awitch
enell." all riifht. all rik'hL bnarda. owinir to the fact that
I i.r hale Y.w fr hatching; w hile the juice waa turned oil of
fur wan i.vk1 ' I...' ...wk . i v. iiiiv 4iiv jun . w iuik.'i .
S ('. U. I. Ite.l!. Itarred ItorkH. tltf jk,hl Hy8l,.m the Oregon
?i jmt ii iiiiik "' Klectric atill otH-rated. When
It'l-v ihukeiiH. 1Z renin -
VV'l.ii.. n-L.horni4. fl ie mm riu uouk...
ijiiratf'ti V '" (l
1 1 1
.if hir-siinuton.
Siit . r lay ri i j rr -
of 1'i.r. t Cro.e,
ri'v Mo'idav af-
to IVrtsaii l.
. V. ho h.K i.pTed
fee-i barn.
citv Sat-
Set Forili Ibc Dif ftcMllic ia Wiy ia
Whifto Couaty
s i . vviitu 1.1-if i ornn. .. . . . ..
' ' . . .. . . . llir.lown ub iirtitfil Willi I ajh-
. . . . . t . . - i - f i ll- iitiiiv mil lh.
, . ... " . . ... - ;nin f,m ti1P trol ev. Two tell
hi- to l.:ne.rac..... ...., o.; - . , lh.. ...i,.. , a tree wen
if Ull. -.1 . ...r.-n ..Mm, a-,-. nirned up. and there were dead
.. ... i .i.. . lu'.u'i d iii Home ph i . van. lien, Av'etit lor ine lamouH i i ...
" ....,', i i..ul.,.!,,r v-nd re. onipa rverywncre mini u..- ..
f lh.- wm-k u i- - ; ; : ilV immuI 1'hone ayatem. and not a few b.. i ' "-1. f,,r ,ata!"t .' .,,. . from the liht Hvntem. Thre,
tcr.-Ht.-d l i t cr. and ar. ' Ah. l.aveaime " " train on the elec ric were .tall
' " ,,.,,r..,H loraaie " TTUl at IlilUU.m. and ha.l to await
. .. . , I . I I I ........... I v. ....... A .1.1 r.'HM 1 1 niNuoro. I - "
l,..i, ii .ii ii in ..i ........ ..i;..f - I ,ii.n,
t I'll- ! lloiite I. I .. i..:.. i .. 1 ....
Sit.t. l nrner retort! that the Li,,,,,, n :U. in the north nart of
Sahmvt"ii Oregon Coriration lownt the animal irettini tangled
'..i I but little lo in the unow-. tt:.n a telenhone wire that had
M-.rin. !ui. I juice could have tHeti rrWHr)i wj. j,,ht wire and
I a . . . u a. I n i 1 .
...... i. .! we w i ii t" "ay
;rv m i "inipl" 1 1 1
I irlant 1. 1.- ii ti'-'t
IhdhI .hi tin work tl i
im.l that th- parrot
i .r ii.ei
will .- r.-1'H.-il t-i -in a '!'
ni.-nt ! I' ! eifn t. I" root..'
kMI..-n. -l'e ""' " 1 ,'' u' iS ''!"
ih,- cr.nH.d and h.iiro.v it. hit
,c .laid m.i-t .! tin
it p!u-. io ciiMomcr m "' iiroken. Mr. ilhycomi' was
tim.-. Ihe wannnui drlvlnir in fmm the north coun-
i a 1.. I ....k tf IhM I .
IV. t the
plsinliii'. cull Ik at inc. har-.e.ili!',
n racing pouHrs the i hi. 1
..M'. 11.-1 hake to ow n the p;ii. ot
li.M-k. hut III rt :rt the rCC- lind
J.-.-.I and tare tir the cln.-k.-iii
Hi. y exhibit,
O.n- of the main i.l.Ji t i of
thru' cooti-nM 1 to C" t he Lik
mi, I L'M'U lliterc-.l.-l I" iloini
muni thliiC. I" te li b th'-m to do (
m.uiethinvf piacti. a!. i. in.-tl hh-j
Wl.ilh while, liuuti thin:' I'k W hu h j
tli. V can earn a ir. ins' w In n Ih.-vj
KMA up to inanh."l and wo :
iiuuihoo'!. And the oi l w a l
learn how to .1 Hoinelhinvr H I"
do that tliiiitf k ith y i''
I, mill-. If you - how Mi:n. thin
that -toon-one t-i e l a rac-d or
llillde Voil lire chi atl'ic your . !l
nit of the ino? t valuable part o
the contest Ihe cvp. I n-lire c alli
ed by doin it koiir' lf
l':il .-lit - ihin'l think "l
favoiinc your child b eikiccor
liianinir bun Hoiiietitiu-,' to tal e I"
the fair to win a pi I with, for
vim are not. tin the oil., r hand,
von are doinc him an absolute in-
jiiHln... You are ib.-aliui: him
nut of the valuable - pi-neni" of
l-arni nv how to do k.ioi. ihmc.
ami at the Haute ti n"
him to be lll'dionest. Character
hiiililinc ii the m i I important
putt of the rail, r.l ic almM I
the child, and the eivul st value
in thee industrial c mt.- (H
iiluiic that line loriniiu,' in the
child habitH uf industry, i cono
tny, nytcm. honesty. self reliance
ami till of the traitH that "o to
make up the po. citi.eii.
There will be man valuable
pri.i-H for the children at the
Slate Fair acain net year, but
mine of them will be worth as
much as it clear conscience and
the experience uained by raisinc
or tnakiiik' somelhinvr with which
to win the pii.i-H."
ii:io-. in.- iuh.iii liirivifiK in I mm i ne norm coun-
I'ri.tav lucht only I-caime ot ine . . ,ht. )r l.jnklater residence
i - ... I .L ... tin Inn I . . f.t .... . II. ... .
u inj'er i nun i'i"en m.t-i wtien lie mei w un ine ucciuem,
. i .i . I.I..H1 lli Iiiol everv"' I ii- i VI ... U',.
I . Hi....i r i r... .1.. , ,.lr. Bllll ..lir.. iihuji.iiihi up j
thin- iii readme to turn on Wn, rominr in from the Chal- j. r,.(
ll. juice when the telephone m.T't and as they rounded Hlrw
coinpanv nau iv!.jri.i i,(u. cttrner, mu noi s-e ine iiun:
liim. J. Jack,
was up the city
in, try in m-
Kmmet H'ock,
w as dow n to th
tcrnooii. enrout'
I'eter Uied Ai'l
i . , c , 1.. I (
ft I.iaCKMIlUO rll"i .o u
at Oretico. was i i th-
Ser-ator Wi-sl and - pe-mta-tive
Meek cam-hoiii" ia-,t Friday
niht. to ictnain over S Kidny
with their famiii'-s.
Mrj I T Vin,r,i' ha !-en a
irueHt at the home of I t-r dauh
ter. Mrs. I.atim. r. l'ort'.and. the
past Week.
John Uorlandand Kr-d
of iH-yond North l'iains. w. re in
tne last of the w.ek. trying the
lirst run of lb-tfied.-i.
VV..U l.,...inwir.d was oi:.' of the
t;rst to enjoy the MeizLirtf, ini
tiatin what is in the
Kast and Canada. a "'pun."
('. V. Cralirl. of :e-ro- the
Tualatin, was in !".v:i M iday.
He htarts f r Hr.-i-h Col-nibia
for a three mirths stay, in a
few days.
I.V...I I'ishiin of Or. ,(. was
up to the city Monday iiiorntnif.
1 has hclpcl t- a.'i many
inirhiri'4 in the co'irtv ri Hit
past ten years.
r-.l I.!-., k sunt hiilkT.
... i ...i....... . n ....n.n.itfuuiii i . . . i :..o.. .l...i...l I OI t . I ' . .i
in lew i.-ieii no. ..- tine rein anil iiariiuny Kvuioievi , i . .... .... i,. t'.i..r
1 I : I . I ti t ivyX tt luy'll, I' I'll vn in
perhaps not .v er a .ien iini-. Mrs withvwmU'. .' i "c i lr..,
. I . ... ..nrlt' 1 i : 1 . I' H L'. 1 I i i ! Vi v-'livv , '
Pit Py Mm lay momma luanj WilhyronitM' wai uninjureu. ... o
l a 1 H..MI.U 1 . I ..i r 'I' . - w
r. were nauy i ih- loiHi.-tv.-.. .,ul the hore never anew wnai
:.i il . i -. ntru Utation. Iliecoun- .ni..-.! ,;m One of A 1 Ho
On Sat urdav morninif there were in r rhl, followed
. . . . . .1 . 1 I .. a.
at the r. ntral ulation. ineniun- ,njur,Hl him. Une of A U t . M. .Mct liers-iii ami .i.;si i
try line HulTcrvd conmderably. comt,'H horses, in a double team. KetTer, of near West Union, tried
and North I'lain w a completely f,.i fou 0f a w ire in the east end the sleichs. Monday, and were
. f a.... . . it, r.ui lift ft I... ....I lf III. m iitu.L I t Is. .lrtli t t 5 t ( rtit'.
o .t f..r two or three day. Lf tnwn. hut irot otT with a shock
i,;n.r' iinlv tinminir hi ftholl der. A.
for aie I'.Kfc'H lor nan n '-"J . ...
. . .. ... . ir . t.'l I ilin onimal mn. il it liome
S I' : t till. SI. iAI HT I J. I.. i'" io....
r hundred; chick. 12!c each; tn kv.h1 8haK', with low oi pep
.. . . it- i ii. o ' rj iu.ri luir in i,im
kk lilie vv vanuoiie r. cfc.w I- -
.. i vi ;.,i.. in... I Tin. storm, however, was not
I.i, l.lllCUonse niruio nmi'i ij- --. - . .
.. .. h i -. .i .. TnnrM nl n roiii nature, ami ine inn n-i-
el's; ,-s,. . vv line K".'i i". - .- . . . i .
j it Till ner la'. Hi iHTiature was nuue mini, i come
i . .on. . k i . - . ....... .u.. . I... l.
to,, i.. i... eh ek 1 e each. - weni atHiui me cu iii im-votii.
i.-.ii v. I isj iinelilaieines. mKiirinit uin. aim IIU.I.J
tl "I " 1 .
First class ( piano for
sale. Standard make and jise.l
but little. A tar.rain for -
cash. Terms, it desired. 15.
Shipman. C.rand Theatre.
Th.. IV II X N. sent a snow
imlxr, Monday, and a
iilow to
crew lias t.e.-ii eiu;a:ea in irvin
.eaverton. l 1. UX 3A. IIW wau.imK - ;
,!,,. Ileaverton central. 41 9 the unusual cond.tions. morning
.... . - - Andrew HiiTce. an Italian la-
1 1,., IliiUUirot ommereial IvanK , ........t c i-.tucu kimh . t i. ri .
, , . t . ITtliXlJlliKJi niiii.ik i'u' I (Mirer, OI lii'inninn, i'i""Ki,i
'bad c. ncneed pna-w-dinKH for i s.1IulaVi anJ is
properly near Laurel. It is re- ae of 71 years. Deceased was . I nse. Iukm ts ui
,r ,., that the note was iriven the father of Kev . hvan I . nM-
for stink in the .'copies' Store, HiiRhi'S. the Unirrenational mm- German lady wishes a position
nd the instrument was due last ister of UillsUiro. residmir at on a fann lls housekeeper. Sne
October It is aid that several HidK'lield. Washington. Ihe ia!J a little dauirhur. S years old.
i... i i. ui.w.L iii ihe wife and mother died last March, ...k,, mnt uccomtianv. (.mtntry
.IrlllUS nllll IH'iiKMl i.."." 1 1 . : . , .. i .I i ....... ..... . . .
store, now closed by creditors, and deceased leaves live children Lotion w ill be welcomed. Apply
will be sued uiHin otes k'lven lor io mourn , nma. . ,,. t .M,s. .....o..
al.ket.urpose Several thousand Mr. lluhes was a Welchman Kasl HiHsboro. on Mam Street,
dollars are involved in the trans- of the old school, well read, al-
-iion. the ease just Wed has ways an Uv pur Usan. ever N. J
he,,, broiinht as n tore-runner io , ... ..? ...,.,ton .-onnty the real
further proceeding. wi m, mn - of ciNihuUlin in the
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12 . of lh? a'H,rinK classes, Northwest so far as Amenum
u h.'S in diameter, fence rails, . h ht,(, jn hikrh iiiWt,m Wctipation was concerned, w as
ml iKiards of nil kinds, in to 8 . of the Hritis, em- down from I 'irneltus, Monday
lokewood lengths. Will ro into morninir. and called on the Ar-
. .. ii'..:... ..I....... of I""' . . .. .1.
Jude I). II. Keasoner and (xjm-
missioner Hanley returned Thurs
day eveninif. from attending th'
meeting of county judjfes and
commissioners in Portland, and
report an educational trip. Judjje
IL.-asorn-r was one of the princi
pal talkers at one of the sessions.
and he talked plainly for the
U-ru-fit of Multnomah people. In
replv to the complaint that Wash
ington County roadsjare had the
Judtfe informed them oi many
thinifs, explaining that the coun
ty is badly cut up. and that our
bride expense is naturally enor
mous, he lielievinst thi? item here
v as as jjreat, if not greater, than
in Multnomah, considering that
portion of the county outside of
the city limits. He also mention
ed the fact that Multnomah had
an assessment of over $2J.0OO.-
(). while Washington County
had a tax roll of less than twenty
millions. Inside the city umiu
ih.. ritv of Portland takes care
(ii lis nai, anu mo i
the improvement of a few miles
of roads. Many of the Portland
county highways, he said, ran
through sections in the moun
tains, w here rock was easily ob
t onui.!.. nnit it w as not necessary
to ship material thirty or forty
m,!'s' .
On the Canyon and Cornell
roads, the highways wind
through the hills, and in many
nl aces a good sub-base already-
existed. Here in Washington
County, along the river bottoms,
where the soil is several ieei in
depth, in many instances the
roads are miles ana miles away
from rock quarries, and it is ex-
o.,wn 0 to shin
IJ..nsoner talked to the
point, and said that citizens of
Washington County wanted good
Hi'i.U nnd were crettini? them as
rapidly as possible, but he said
that manv resented the siurs
,..j.,i nn the commonwealth dv
the auto men of Portland, and
he considered much of the com
plaint as unjust
The court went all over the
Multnomah rwids. and talked a
great deal with the consulting
engineer, and he thinks the trip
will be the means of saving
Washington County from ex
pensive mistakes.
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sicK
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
Iiut if you know what ails you bad cold
rip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this dru store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
i I j
The Delta Drug Store J
a a a
Are You Thinking j
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
em accommodations at the
American National
00 HANK 0"
f I
Private desks for writing your business
Hetter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list m a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for vc have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shutf. Pres. C Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, Hlllnboro.
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. - Carl Skow, corner
Sth ami Fir. Millsum, Oregon.
Phone. City VL
as ChristolTerson, the Port
j..v Hnirhes. In'ing the eldest gus
of the children, departed lues-
.lov for Wn es. to laKe charge 01,
and settle the estate that the
father leaves.
The Southern Pacific schedul
as now running, is 11s follows:
To Portland
McMinnville inss'ger, a. m o:.ri'J
.Sheridan train, a. in K::IS
1'illaiiiiMik train, p. 111 1 ."7
Ciu-kallu iivoi-l onl 11 m I:fi7
On Sunday, the Sheridan pas
senger does not leave llillsbofo
bir Portland until S:.r0.
From Portland
P.iirvallis passenger, a. in H:l!li
Tillamook passi'iivrer, n. m Khbll
cilieridan passenger, p. in. f:U
M'Minnville passenger, p. in (": l.r
To WIhiiii il M.-iv .'iiii'i'iir-
V II nn- Ih ii Iiv iuiIiIhiI lllnl I. Villi b.
Miilluy, my wife, hiivinij on Uh- ll'li
'I'lV nl litiiimiv. mil. Icll tii v l. I ""'I
limit. !. I will mil ntor Bui. I ilnli', I't'
n-l"iiiillili' for nnv th Ills el nV kin. I uf
I'liiuiu'l.-t liu-iiiri-il liv lift
I'llt-il ll tH Jiniietiy 1 s, I'll I,
A'fri il C Miilloy,
J. A. Kirk wood, of Heed villi
was up Monthly, trying Io get
the name of the weather man,
to get a change of climate.
Knii.l mu mm.! lliolioul I hen
I' vviuib 111, v ......
foi'n i.iill r..i n Veli!lliii or 11 C.i'.'im
...i i. i.ii.iiii."
Murca, when you want to see the
iv v. Smith, of Suth Tuala-
tin. was over to the city I nday
Cvorul t hnronehhred Pohintl
lv 1 1 . .-"r
I. ....I ..veitiil' him tiled articles of
ineoiiioiation for th Aerial
Vmht Club, at San Francisco,
1 low inii -rested canital in tak
ing hold of his company. They
"'" S7 :!,'Tl,rivSlK' Chin, liars far .alo.-Ouk fa.
.,1... he 1 hristo erson. lie
.......I inking nns. vv it Peterson, for vears a
now mmum k-" r" v; ; t"ai'l
wn. n run w 1 MDiiinnT ni n i-i 1H.L- . in uw.i
P.av for a big fee. He expects Ut the Hiverside Hop barm, near
(.. levolut ionize aerial navigation. Dundee.
-' 1
, . .. ' .i ,.,,fa to lWr's Karly Standard potato
vvmuciK , ,,. .-, . : r r - - - ,,otatotf3 mature
work on Hairy ia m.7 r reu ,
ll,llsl.oro, ore., uoue o. r fi Ilv 40
1 ' ui .1 nw ("nvfc Karm.
, ri Hij
... I,,... a loive oeen wen-ieui . .
around llilhsboro. during the big J, 11 ll-on.
storm. Almost every nouse.iu u ,. ... - -
has been throwing (Hit m mim o " r,v 01V ,d.n. 1). K.
the feathered fe lows, uui in nKv.--.
the emmtrv t ic China pneasaiiia ivt-n....v. r.-, - .
t- i'e i t he greatest sutVercrs, mony was performed m the eourt
1.... 11...11 i,.ivi. inu.111 1.11111111. 1 viihii..'. .
Hill, iney ii...'. v....... ". .. I . , 1
. 1 . i- nhw.kenrt at the A tl P.nrriens. of ftbove
Hie uiiiiivi.s v. 1 .-- .
ptmltry yards. Banks, was in town hriday after-
. . ... i.. n nnH Kntnrrinv morn nir. ivir,
Hops went to m c Ji" ,r Kniuvthnt the coun
Friday jiften,.M,n in oruanu, rnfor the mir-
i" t rv tn r Dun iiiii ii 111 in in uiiiiv a
The Park cemntttteO has post
ed notices warning people fivin
driving across the city property
with their teams or sattaio ani
mals. Since the advent of bad
roads a wagon trail has been
started across the park, ami it is
the wish ot the committee to
stop it in its inception.
The past week has filled F.ditor
itiii rmhlv's heart with the real
joy of being a suburbanite.
Making the train at Milkapsi,
and then .making homo from the
station, mottling and night, has
tilled the veteran Oregonitm man
with elation, and his cheeks have
ruddv as those of Cupid.
II low "slutted oil'" at least 10
years of his age in the past six
days, and one urenco iauv warn
ed to know "what "young man"
that is that makes the early
and late trains."
it vv Scott of Forest Grove,
vi l v v 1 ic to the Areus that the
house of a Mr. Haynio burned at
Caston Friday night, ami mai
...v.ii., t w nn h intr was n names
many canvas-back ducks tlew in
to the blaze, being attracted oy
il... illumination. Wescott and
his son caught seven of the loath
ed tribe, nnd other neipeu mem-
selves to the birds that vyore
rendered sttipetied ny tne inci
dent. This is the first time that
an incident of this nature has
been repot ted.
I.lttle. of near Orenco.
was in town Monday. Mr. Little
has a ten acre tract on the Hor
wick place, and has built a neat
$2,500 bungalow tor a residence.
We deliver Al fir. four foot or
10 inch, at market price. Also
deliver hay. baled or loose, and
straw. -G. E. Gibbens, City 424,
Old Fair Grounds. -&
Joe Lousignont, well known in
this county, is under arrest at
Portland, charged with stealing
articles from a boat house. Lou
signont has been in trouble be
fore, and has been under sen
tence tor larceny.
t..r !le nt a bargain A pian
ola and $7o worth of music, must
be sold at once. W ill tit any pi
Will cost vou iust $00. A
(l 1 1 v' ..... w - .
tine Xmas present basy terms
if desired. -B. Shipman, Grand
Willard Taylor, son of Mr. and
M.w. C P To v Inr of Route Z.
llillsboro. has made a fine record
of school attendance. For 20
consecutive months he has been
neither absent nor tardy, his
sister. Gladys, has missed but a
half day during the same period.
and that was on account oi ui-ness.
v. cilo IVkin and Indian
Kunner' ducks, and white Leg
horn hens. High grade stock
and prices right Adams, Box
483, or inquire at place across o.
P. track, near Jabez Wilkes
place. 35-tf
Ralph Withycombe, of near
Farmington, begins to think that
nustortune has Deen lanaing on
him rather severely of late.
his house burn-
I o o o I v. vv..m r . , ,
! ...i ,.,;fk nil th nnntents. and his
I'Ui iwii " . ; . i
loss of ahorse loiiowea rrtaay
night, when the animal Decame
si live telenhone wire.
He considers it fortunate, how
thut nplther he nor Mrs.
Withycombe were injured, and 19
willing to let it go at that.
j v is s .k
ioo -iA:-
.ft .
S3 -t
I Z:
Of your children by giving them au early
start in life. Deposit $100 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
i m.mi J ii ima (1
is the most precious of gifts. Impaired or
defective eyesight is almost a crime in these
days of scientific enlightenment. Glasses
can be made that will take away these defects.
I make au examination of your eyes free
and will tell you if glasses will help you,
and if you need them will furnish them to
you at prices that can not be beat.
First door west of the Delta Drag Store
uiue wreath curl.
I hie her. u.h-j--