The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 16, 1913, Image 1

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NO. s
;ol.. xix
I'.Wllartil l
w.Lr lrli I rMi
k'alilornta CHU
fit tic "
More 1 b jtt
J,.- invai" of III'' Winter lour
,t iViiIith. Snranctilo. S.m
J'r.itH f'". San .lie,
I .os Aiu'elc-i. San t v.. Fiet.t
,1, ,,:,. ,l.-.. by the !:!
i.f I'mlland. ai n great
G. J. Mart;. . -lt known in the
I'.i-iivi rt'ii ! lion, w m Htnick by
!:m sitiktiov n iiianori rirat Street,
in Porl'utid. dity lant week,
aii'l h:n in a critical cortdi
itioii ut ll i- i'l Samaritan Hon
iHtal, for M '.. ral day. Marty,
i nceirduig t hi brother' nUte
! itt-t:t. w:e walking lotitr the
I i tri e! wfiefi he incidentally Col-
! It.r. Aith ninn arul woman.
Hi.' wmnai) uid Homethinjf
lii-i nut un'l Marty wan struck
l. the mat'. U-ing felled to the
M.l.walL He rolled into the
U'ull.r. win re he laid lor Willie
I tune. p:i '-i' M xiple thinkinjf he
i Mat itrtiil. A ixihreman was
nr.":. I u due .nariy lojmi.
ml whet, he found it was aeon-
Appropriation Uum I'rum
to Ten Mill
niU5iMHto ixh:s lowbt city tu
Salwa lkfMt ! 11, M Help Cm
to tl
(.Jerk Lure ha received not inn
a i a 0 I
oi nMciai levumoi uxea lor lour- jj,, rviHlTt.,
teen nnl diHtrtct and the five HuUon. I:iht
n that wan iftvintf him hi incorporated town of Washing
tnc tinmrmnaie man , (,,. t, .liuri.
, . . t I I V"VJ II I ' Winn X
Mpiuti. nix uroiner. r.
Kdw. Poge. of Karr'iinirN.rv j
wan a city viHiur last r relay. I
II. IL F-dig.-r. of p. thuny. I
wan in the city ;iuiii iv. arel j
called on the Argu. i
John I lender, of Gales fnek, j
wa a ci iv visitor .Moiviay. on
leyal blJHinetw.
Geo. v aiid-rtaiili ii. of Pan-, j
was a ntv vimtor Mon-lav. ar.u , tulMV
while hre called on the Arg'jrf. 1
A. h. Mead, of llijxtorj, w;n l)or ill Coml
in town the la.t of I he week, on
lMinincHH with the count v co irt.
John IL Itailey. of Huxton. w:n
ppinl three More Moad Super
visortat I at vck' Scsln
Hiiic la be Kcmoikllcd
Aitordmr l the Law
in the city the la-t of t! - eK.
jTKe new county hoard. Reasoner.
1 J 'kJ y-. and N)lx r' ar.d Hartley,
i eonirniHsioriers, alj'jurned Satur-
after a busy tek,a:;'l they
will irain meet next week.
Mart. ha huimI out John W M run fn.m five to ten
riieactioiiHwer.-i.h:ir.iw':irr;'lfits f..r the man v ho w a The city and village lev leu run
U-l UVe.l
11.1 decisive, the jtuTen !l' l
. . I.i; .1 ,..,r r I l I
"' " atta. -Led to the injure! party
to the k'av wurrioi" in "!
htle, l"-arinif the rte. the
, nit.N in of tli' ir Nalne City
' Ihe CltV of Kom H,"
1 1... I.'.nul Rusarian, oreanred
to asisl ll"
I'orllaii'l U'e
The upecial levies follow:
l-ihhI W oi k of tin
! i-sln al As-vH-ia
tion has iH-rformed a t'r. at m r 'lmi
...... lo I'urll.ind. Ii Urei-'Hi li'id C.imiil
1 M ' I
to the ratlin- Ni'lllrAext.
AUml I"" leisiiu'H lin n ill. I
tht-ir wive left I'oi tland I . Z
,v iram. uu the S Mth- rii
I'a. ilii . over Ihe heaiiliful Sha- t l
Koule and "Ihe Road . f n II." i
Hand V (..! M." AH Ihe prir. i
pal t iti' sef California vm re i
it. d I he California loun .l
,r:i n i.ow at ll h iht.
h. .a .a'l.U uji'iii tht'osatid i id
To.m K some WealthV, others
with only numerate no-ins. fn.m
.ll . ..n.ers of Cmlt d Slal s.l 'an
n.l.i and rWclUli coonl ries. an
VAihlenin? in tU liel-lful. ton;
ny California.
H is ei. I i in a te I that in the par
n le at the . mil restival. at
1'a.adina. alone the R.i.arntis
were review el hv nmre I hull
t H 1. 1 H ) ptstple, lltot of thelll
The advertising vain- of tin
visit of Ihe lUMariaoH to Califor
nia cannot Im imlimatil. Of the
pof.le who imiw lln in, nu t the
inernhiT. or received a eroiial
or printed inv italion to isit I'orl
land and the I'ai il'u Northwest
next Suinmer. many will come
ttnH way. We hold that, if the
pioie Collie to Orei'on, thi'V are
pure In lie fiixrinalnl wilh our
i.-autiful country, and many wnl
remain permanently.
The Royal RoHiirian lire ioim
A Hptemlid work in the develop
lllelit if tlreifoii, hv inviting ms
pie lo Oleoll. I,et lis do like
i ,S, i . hiteiiriiorn. lancrtu Chan iieiKrtrer
tr.,.M. ej'i, tMr ia; per r l. iirown
I J II ilotTman
J Q Johnson
John A Johnson
John Zimmerman
V Richter
CC Nelmm
I (Irani Mann
AW) I'etem
Ihe Marty are all from CJ mill, hy IlillKhoro. to 10
and no reriHiire i mill. Corn Iium. C.tuUm and lU-a-
verton having 10 millea-h. with
. r ;i!e for hatchinir; rorwit (Jrove at 7 mill.
S. C R I. Re.. Jl.WI for lb.
ih t liundreil; chick. 12ic each;
U !..!. YA iifotttttH Ill liO in-r
I". !,, .Koiisi. trum Winter av. :upervior ihi.
hy chick. 12 c each. - C A Rlieth
11 & Rogers. Hazeldale J J Shevlin
. .i u . i ..:n ll 1 a i ll .-i
m'im Mtj, Mitivn oi uein viMe.aoiireiui i Anurew iirrimnnn
:. a. i iton, R. I. U 'JOA. Tele- Andrew Kowtur
phom Hi averton rentrul. M 'J
I nday Attorney John M.
Wa'l r.ceive. throunh the par
. . t i .. .
eii t ui pair oi nKKer piii"t.
Ih.-i were mailed at Portland
ao l U e name oi me wnuer s
not h ,ri!'e, written o purMW4ly.
(In C e paier were the word
Ihe Walking i('eHM Rack to
Wiul tu't.tii. John M. han an
.. i . -i.. i .
li lt a inat use tenner wa Miring lorneiiu
K, Adams, the former HilUUiro I (las ton
silloHiev. and he venture the a- Reavertnn that Adam w a trying Korent Grove
hnis out on Hie matter of the
(in i on Wilson vote. Krwin Ritter. of Rethany, waa
o in town Monday, attending the
(Jerman Mutual Fire Insurance
a foit of now at
Tho. Cjntieii and taim'y
near .Nortti 1 lamn. r ave rnovi n
into their new home, on the i or- j County Superintendent R. W.
ner of Fourth and Raseline. 1 1-,rfu.a ,as U'on a!iowel a demitv
Fred Rooil and family have: at a Ilk" J re not to exceed fifty
moved to the city f r tne
ter. and are reidinir in th
10 mil'
. r,
reKidence, corner Fifth and Fir.
Mr. Victor H- Trayh-r. of
Portland, uccotniianii-l hy h-r j
son. John Richard, wa the iruest
of her father. J. K. I-oxh-y, of!
HillsUro, Ixst week.
The Y. M. V. A. convention
cIohihI at Forest drove. .Sunday
niifht, with a lecture and a han-
quet at the M. h. Church, the
HciiKion wa well -il.
dollar pr month.
Road District No. 21 was di
vided, and another district. No.
K istahiished. A- Li, Mead
was rame.l supervisor for the
new division, and Andrew Kos
tur. appointed by the old hoard,
will continue as Bujrvisor of
No. 21.
District No. 2. Li. Murdock.
old supervisor, was divided into
three di.strict.s, the two new ones
Uinir namel 43 and 41. Mr.
f MT
The Artisan are jrivin a ha- j Murdock remains a. supervi.ior
ket wicial at the lKneion Hal!. lot w title Aiu-n Nrusrer
tonight. There wiil tn-.a ! wa aptminted supervisor of No.
program with the oth.rjld. and Geo. Conzelmann a.s
feature of th everiinjr. sujh rviror oi ,o.
.... K"ad I'istrict i has tven
German w ishes a iti..n J jn ,h(, N(nh
on a larm a. nouseKeep.T. i.e . . . ,. . .
ui a little dauirhtcr. K year old. ' f...,v .i,.,.;,), lltMn. an(1 .he
.fi mill who must accompany. oiintrv ) . - t f mvervii(,r is in
10 mill ixwition w ill Ik weleoimsl. Apply !
husineM with
mem tiers.
M'veral hundred
1W cordwiUHl, Istle up to 1
..HI"!"!. I.IOV . . . ....,,.
i .k, ..r u mcri't'K. mr, miin m m- i-t j
mnn ui nil mtin, tiifct . - . . . .
w,h length. Will vro into n rKniiuon. ou
cixintry. Write, phone or
. i
on me. an riiow, corner
it- it it i t. . . i - ...
iti.ti nr. MiiiK-.iorA wreKon. It i mther imspu inr what ceo- 0..1 I. ,1 e.mti
trophy will do for a locality, hjine Counry. Ixust Tuesday eve
Alexander Here in Hillnlioro there 1 no nine. Ttlo (tllTd was one year.
l i. l n mirnitt wmtK Thurs. av. nnow when liaraen liome is py month ana 13 nay 010. me TimU r. on the 1 R. & N.Uwathed in a garment of white, little hoy was a grandson of the
II locomotive struck a
10 mill. lelenhone farmer 11
10 mill xytrn ,nr and Mrs. R. A.
7 mill I ,:.,.- nf oifci I 'n ion Aver.ue.
l'ortland. January 3. VAX a
uauirnier, weiiini, oj i hhhj.
The little lady has jrrand parents
in HillslKini. Mr. an.l Mrs. J. T.
Younir. Grandpa lunnir niade n
visit to the newcomer. Tuesday.
Clarence I-roy llolcomh. the
only child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
died at Maliel.
ne. Cily 822.
linj-ineer Chinter
tn-e and Forest Grove ha the heauti- late Grant llolcomh. formerly of
wi.irh had fallen on the track, ful on the
10,1 1 iw. I'liiiinii u.tni on 114 Hiiip 1 mori niK tin
1. the ditch, the loir keeping it covertnl with about two inches oi
... . m - 1 . . : . . ....a a.k i.'iuio
street Monday
electric car were
utht itn itiir iiikUL n a .11 imiL I'lii 1 n iiivv umiiihk 'v
citv. while heri'in Hilltown the
11 it in. love hot t h liromin "if rtH'n irmss wa irrowini; all
t. iiiained in the cab. Neither around."
wa injured, hut it was a close ,.,; Atkins, wife of N. I
ran. inert wnsnmy auiui tour Atbiiw former On-iron Electric
r .. . . "
acent at forest Grove, has hihhi
sot mi ms I'Nciru
The .touthern I'acilie schedule,
a now runiiintf, i a follows:
'Jo l'ortland
McMinnville passVer. a, m
Shei'iihm train. 11 III S "S
lillamook train, p. m l.'jc
Corvalli overland, p. i T..'7
On Sunday. Ihe pas
Senirer diM' tint leave llilNltoro
for Portland until S;.MI.
From Portland
Corvalli passenger, a, m S:22
TillamiHik piissenwer. 11". m It'.'""
Sheridan passenger, p. m 1 1
M'Minnville passenger, p. m M."
I t RNIIHkl! StOlsT. CM Will
Grover CiKimhs ha pun luised
the furniture slin k of A. ('.. Don-
elson, on Third Stru t, and will
irive it hi attention heieal dr.
Mr. CooinliH wa formerly in
terested in the Owl Kleclric Co.,
and i well known to llillshoro
people, lie i a iTood liiisiness
man, and will endeavor to meet
the wants of the community in
the furniture line, lie will carry
the besl lines obtainable, and so
licils a share of the public put
roniiKO, The store is in the
Donelson lirick, just east of the
pimto.'lice bnildinir.
No. 1. Vol. 1. of the North
Plains Optimist, W. K Simpson,
proprietor, reached the Artrus
exchange iIohk this week.
Geo. Iliersdorf, of North Tua
latin Plains, was in town Satur
day. Ho recently sold his hops
to Pixley, of Kiiialier. W'olf ei
Net ter. lie was puid 17! cents,
and had he waited a day or two
ho could havo received n little
more- hut such is the experience
of hopnien.
Joseph Taylor, aired HI years,
died at Forest Grove, last week.
Ho was born in Norlhville, N.
Y.. in 1K28. and was married to
Mrs. Kate Morris, nt Mochanics
burjr, 0., in 1853. Hm widow,
ageij 82 venrs. and a son, R. M.
Taylor, survive. The funeral
took place Saturday, interment
oeing in Forest View cemetery
l.tol of snow in the mountains at
the time. !
.. M. IjiRuo, of Forest Grove.
w:s a city visitor Friday. Z. M.
ii an aspirant for the Forest
i Irove stmastership under the
Wilson administration-to-rome,
and has a large petition of Grove
. . , , .....
resi.ietii. asKing lor m nipoini
J. A. Fisher, of Ranks, is at
San Pedro. Cal., for the Winter,
lie writes that the rain are fall
ing in that section. San Pedro
is quite a Iumlicr Hiint, and em
ploys hundred of men. The
place is building rapidly.
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter"
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by 11. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke buy a
Grand Marca. . 12tf
Kngineer tjuinn went over to
Wheeler. Saturday, to again take
charge of hi engine on the work
train. He had in the neighbor
hood of six miles to walk, but he
w as over the bad snow line when
he took to the ties.
Wanted: Man and wife to
work on dairy farm.-Fred Rood,
HillslMiro. Ore.. Route 5. Three
miles southeast of city, lele-
phone, Rood's Division.
Harry Mchauchlan, engineer
.1 mM 1 1 ...i,..J
on t no nnamooK line, reporieu
four foot of snow up at the sum
mil, Thursday last, and says
that the engines hard time to
plow through the "beautiful."
We deliver Al fir, four foot or
1C inch, at market price. Also
deliver hay, haled or loose, and
straw. - G. K. Gibbena, City 424.
Old Fair Grounds. 43-5
Smokers want the best there
fore call for a Schiller or a Grand
Marcn, when you want to see the
blue wreath curl.
R. Strohmayer, of Banks, was
here the last of the week, at
tending the funeral of his grand
daughter, the late Irene Hoeker.
A. 0. Mulloy, of Laurel, was a
city visitor lust Friday afternoon.
I'M. Northrup. of above North
Plains, was in Monday, predict
ing a little snowfall.
for divorce. She alleges they
were wed Sept 20. !. and
they have one child. She wants
the custody of the little gin; f to
for attorney fee, and 115 iht
month alimony. She Rays that
Atkins is capable of earning $75
per month. Atkins deserted her
last July, according to her com
plaint. The wife swears that
the husband continually found
fault with her and verbally
abused her in and out of season.
The meeting at the court house
Tuesday night should war fruit
Oregon should keep all the money
possible at home, and Oregon
made articles can till the bill.
More factories in Portland will
naturally mean a greater con
suming population, and that is
what Washington County needs
above all other things. Greater
demand always means stable
prices for our dairy and agricul
ture products, me meeting
has a double significance to Hills
boro-for it is a Hillsboro woman
who is attempting to get the
buyer and seller together - and
both shou d be Oregonians as
nearly as it is possible for such a
condition to obtain.
Rethany. Washington County.
Springfield News.
T. A. Ijimlvert. formerly of
Washington State, has purchased
the CampU'll greenhouse. Sev
enth & Fir, and has taken pos
session. Mr. 1 Jimbert is a llorist
of experience, and he expect to
thoroughly remodel the place.
for a business second to none
. . . , 1, r 1 ..
in lliecuy. ne ami in iamny
ill move to the place this week.
Itorn. Friday. Jan: 3. l'Jl:i. to
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilmot. twin
aughters. Ihe hand of death
claimed them both: one Friday.
and the other. Sunday. Ihe
sympathy of a host of friends is
with the ttercavetl lamny.
Springfield News.- The mother
is a daughter of the late iiraiu
lolcomb, well known at West
A resident of the Newberg
suburbs hove into the limelight
last Fridav. He was over on
some business and sat in a bar
ber chair in one of Hillsboro's
shoos to have his alfalfa trim
med. When about half through
he asked what they charged
The barber told him that 35 cents
was the Hillsboro tariff, when
the fellow objected. He told the
tonsorial artist that he had never
paid over 25 cents for a timber
trim In his life, and he wouia ue
danired if he would this time,
The chair was immediately
sDrunir and the Newberg man
went to the floor with halt 01
his crop harvested and half on
one side or his bean, tie pre
sented a rather ludicrous sight
but he didn't seem to care. The
last Been of him was driving
across the long bridge, with one
side of his head catching the
west wind on the close cut spots,
and the long growth on the
windward side flowing out to
wards the Joe Hare ranch.
Judge Reasoner called the at
tention of the board to the fact
that the law requires all doors of
public buildings to swing out
ward, in case of disaster from
hre, and the Judge was ordered
to have the south door of the
court house changed to comply
with the law.
The vote on incorporation of
Orenco was canvassed, and the
city declared incorpated and the
newly elected officers endorsed.
The court allowed the follow
ing claims:
Joint Zinim.-imaa, r & h Ilj 50
llnMxiro Tel C . C h y hone JJ 10
S II iirmlun. r : h 34 94
i: II Ilnii.l, c h & jml. 1 co
Arti. hrr'.if ulicv - ft 50
TunUt'.u lli'lcl, cir ci jurorn 3 2$
l'irss Tub C ', hrritf' oihce j 00
W m Miljurlaii. irunr.l oriictr 11 50
K W co tsMr firm 8 75
irwei lliUi'ii Co. shrritl oltic... I -5
F K lUttrmiir'. co 1' or tarm 3 So:
C II Krv. justiiT rouit J co
Smm 1Im1h.ii Co. cltik'n elliw ... 11 60 Co Times, com cl 7 50
V 1) Smith, c h A juil - t 5
Juror Circuit Court .1 McCoy, S J
RirtVtt, 1 ! iy. f$ each; A J Roe. 6 day,
fis. lira A Cook. H iiav. 19; Fiancu
White Jr. 7 tly, f2i;Vm lUichcUU-r,
Nicholas HrllntiMi, Will Tipton, Cfca V
.Uim-s, F C Franci. J J Weist-nheck,
MtosliaU tfakrr, 10 duvs, Jyo, each; C I.
J.shiiviri. Wm Vurkiit, U S FreoinK, K J
U0C4I, 9, each; 1) M WbsleK'tl,
Siiffti sn khuilr, Henry I lu'laccmbe,
)tlm Potter, Milton, ftl eicli.
Sjscisl hirois J T Young. Henry Mc
Ir,tiie, A I: llranilnw, Orovrr Coomhs, C
R;he. Alfrcil Hevwood.J K Reeve. 5
'1hv, 1 15. each; JapT Cosh e, M C
toin, 1. f Simvin, The Wiikrj, Alhttit
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sicK
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, aee the doctor.
Rut if you know w hat ails you bad cold
jjrip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human Ixxly,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
s. a m a a a. a m m a av m m m m.m
Are You Thinking
Of opening a BanK Account
the one sure road tobest business?
If you are, do not oycrlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checks-'-and a .
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make yon feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
our patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier.
American N tional Bank
Main Mtf Third, MIHboro.
ra a- a a-a ai t tvaa.ii
llartrani'.'f. 1! 11 Colltas, I iUv, il, each
Dcichuiati, A.lam HeiReit, 1 days.
The Purns newspaper tells of j'-
o ...til.. .n,l . .('. 1. ro. I
Oeilllie IIUIll itoo ov TIM.-HPOCIIlllPDli
VJI.l I l,rtVl IL.IV J I .-
cently brought in $l.RK worth
of coyote pelts to the county
seat. This they do each year,
and the $1,100 represents the
smallest amount that they take
away with them or. coyote boun
ties. The wile wears an entire
suit of coyote fur, skirt, waist.
outside furs and all
that the newsnaiic
not say, but it is suspicioned that
her lingerie is not of the same
Julius Sorenson, the Main
street barber, had an incipient
Maze in his home, about seven
o'clock Monday morning, with
no damage. Mrs. Sorenson had
inadvertantly left some lard in
the oven the night before and
when Julius built a roaring tire
the next morning it went into a
blaze and flames wete shooting
in all directions. The alarm was
sounded but Sorenson had the
blaze extinguished before the
department reached the place.
There was no damage excepting
a little scorching here and there.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces that the
following examinations will lie
held to secure eligihlcs and till
vacancies in the different depart
ments: Topograuhie draftsman,
February 5 and 0; surveyor, Feb
ruary 5 and G; timber scaler.
February 5: engineer, sawyer
and general merehanic, in the
service, February 5; assistant
chemist, February (; physician.
February 5: forest and field clerk,
March. Further information
concerning tnese examinations
can lie secured fromZ. A. Leigh,
at the Portland postollice.
The State Hoard of Education
sends out the folllowing list of
Washington County applicants
who were successful at the last
uuarterlv teachers' examination:
John Pea body. Mrs. Minnie,
Farther than iConant. Jessie Stephens. Maud
r man does Martha Lilly. Joseph Stretcher,
Hertha Marshall, Ulanche llaz
lett. Florence Kosewarne, Eliza
beth Simon. Floy Norton. Mrs.
Ha.el Stretcher. Gladys Smith,
Ruth Anne McCullough, Jeanette
Philius. Frances Hiebel. Matilda
Knapp. Jonathan Hilts, Merle
bavies, Mrs. Helen Graddy. Jas.
Forsythe. Dora and Iva VanHlar
icom, Carl C. Curtis, Jennie Uas
mussen. Mrs. Gertrude Cotton,
Albert S. and Julia Hatch. Alice
Sorsoleil, Rosaline Davis, Norma
Of your children by giving ihzm an early
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
I Add to the Comfort and
Charm of Your Home
J. IL VanLum, of Centerville,
was in town Monday morning. '
Sunday last the rainfall de
ficiency since September was
1:38 inches. One would hardly
think it possible.
Mrs. W. F. Frentzel, who has
been at Oakland. Ore., for sev
eral months, arrived last week
to remain for an extended period.
Gaston has a meeting of the
Oregon Manufacturers' Associa
tion and citizens this evening, to
talk over the matter of Oregon
made articles.
John Trachsel. of near Elmoni
ca, was up to the city Monday.
He has taken the religious week
ly for over 15 years, and is now
dated up for another year.
Nothing adds more to the attractiveness of
the home than a well-appointed"
helps to make the home the place
be, and you would be surprised, pernajwfw.
much it adds to the positive relish of the meal
I make it easy for you o supply your home,
, little by little, if you like, with a tasteful pat
tern. See my advartisement elsewhere in this
paper regarding my removal sale, and by all .
means take advantage of it.
First door west of the Delta Drug Store