The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 19, 1912, Image 1

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vol.. XIX
NO. 4
livery Dairyman Should Write
tit Congressman I'ur Hooka
Vcteriaary in
Warld I. I mKr
Many farmer are not aware that
tli (iovrrnim'iit uliliiln-s h-v i-ral
vntunhtt Umkii fur free itmtrittu
tin. The Uxikn an MiHirtiiiic
tit Senator and ('onri'uxmen
from whom llicy can U obtained
by merely unking for thent.
Among the innt useful of thene
book are tin Atrrtfulluritl tear
Hook, that fr Ull lieiiijr the
latest ituiei. The (iovernnieiit
also pitl.lislii'H a very practical
book Oil "liim-useH of l he otm"
nt another on "UiwiiMenof Cut
tle", and it Iteixirt of the Cureau
of nnimal lnliilry of fei:il
value to stock ruUert.
AxkiniT for copies of thette
books tl'M- not place the
under any obligations wluilever
to lhe Senator or t'oittfreeMiien,
an the Unk ure printed by the
(iovertuuetit and paid for ly the
taxpayer. Many tin Oregon
farmer has cured nick horne and
cattle by follow in tf llieilirictioim
in tin' I (OVernmeiit h doctor
bonks. If yoti (ire intcreHtcil
acini your request t Snator
Jonathan Bourne Jr . Senutor
(leorire IK ('hum Uriah. Con
irreitsman V. C. I la ley or Con
irressman A. W. I-alTerty. at
WiwhlnKton. I). C.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic iale at hi furm. jiiljoinuiiu:
th city of Ore., and hi
cat, on tin S. P. II l. at the
southeast corner tif the City
i'ark cm
8ATUKDAY. 1K( 21
Beginning at 10:.'fc ovlock a. m..
sharp, the following proerly.
to-wit: Work mare, cow, i yn,
(riving milk; !nnl how, and f
shouts ; 100 hens. 2i pulIeK one
hone wagon, 12 inch and 1" inch
Oliver Chilled plows; M tool h
steel lever harrow, cream Hep
parator, double shovel plow, lot
of trarden tooln, wheel burrow,
feed cutter, luirrel churn, lLMb
tent, steel rang', two heaters.
Singer Hfwing machine, dining
room cxtcnnion table, hirdseyc
maple dresser, pride n oak dress
er, oak side ImmiI. 2 steel bed
apringn and mattresses, U l tad
atead. commode, baby crib, steel
couch and matin, 2 center
table. Morris chair, 4 oak rock
era, 6 diningrhair. kitchen tna
ure. table, 4 kitchen chairs.
folding baby carriage-, boy'
wagon, oak Irnok case, washing
machine. 4 pair of lace curtains.
2 ruga, one 12x11 and one !K12;
stair carHt, rug and carpet,
hall tree, cooking utensils, I'or-
tier. 25 Hclgian hare. Kdison
phonograph with 50 record, am
other article ton numerous to
Term of sale $10, and under,
cash: over $10, six months' time,
approved note, interest at K ht
Geo. A. ('able. Owner,
.uu i. u iiu
iCltlxens Met Thursday Evening
ad Namod Men For all Office
Judee Smith went to Tualatin.
Friday, to look into the death of
II C. Patrick. veterinary, who
tad been in and around that
place for several month. Pat
rick was aged about 05 year.
and he was found dead in hi
room at the Home Hotel, Friday
morning, very early, lie had
s en under the w eather for some
liittit titnl U'Mu ton k i f 1 wnu!ni I
MM'uie. 4 inenu 01 me ueau
man nassed l'atrick'i door about
five o'chK-k. and knowing theS C twaif. Miyr, Utmitr,
sick muu w as an early riser, call-1 Mankal wU Tnasartr
co! to mm. Letting no response
had pass,Hl. Patrick had been A My h" ben named for city
married two time, but was jv. office In Washington tounty-an
ing ti e life of a bachelor. I elective office, at that But that
I want to buy a mall farm on comes later. In the story. Last
a county road with stock and lm-1 Thursday evening the citizens of i
lirnent and some clear land. I Oreneo. the nrnoosed new town
f y.M, are the owner of a farm L t the 0refon Nurwry property,
John Boge, of Farmington,
was in town Saturday.
Fred B. Clark, of below Farm-
ington, was in town Saturday.
Col. Thus, ('raw ford, of Tigard.
was in town rnuay. greeting
James Jackson, of below Oren-
co. was a county seat visitor
Jo. Connell, of near Conntll
station, on the United, was in
the city Friday afternoon.
Henry Miller, of Witch Hazel,
was in the city Saturday morn
Jos. Jack, of below Farming-
ton, was a county seat visitor
J. T. Young was a Ix-banon
visitor last r nday. on business
for the powder company he
I)o not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smke -no "cough dust"
boundary will in the Sclullet. 12tf
Dr. F. J. Bailey, well known
Says That Centulcring flipene it
is the ttest Feature t Schools
'PtUiikUni" U Leave Ike 111
Statute Aloac
Uiro. died at Sixikane. last Thurs
day evening, presumably from
heart failu The remains were
shipitcd from Siokane to l'ort-
land for interment For several
years deceased had leen travel
ing for a drug house. He was
ucll known by all of the early
settlers in the North I'lainsdis-I
Herman Johnson, of Kcho, I
. aaa. tk sall ttiit4fe aanl rr iftk
4t m i n mii v f m ii n i asiui H! II. M a
l.Kat on. aerial clear and a list of ,HCk "". '
st.s k and Improvements. Can ng, and named a city ucaet to
make a cash payment of $3000 1 be voted upon January 6. At
for the right kind of a place, that Ume the citizens within cer
Address I . (). Ilox 1120, l'ort- n--nt
i i wi An -
i . 1 1 1 1 . mail' aa a wmt a . . . ....
i viii i n anil inu mi m iiru
J. J. Fowler, well known here ncorPoration . and. at the here and at Portland, are residing
years ago. having conducted Mme time, the lectors will elect at Tacotna, Wash., for the Win-
, m nM.M ' " u.ei B c,ty ticket If the incorpora- ter. ixiiik "u .... . fniintt,. than l hero will liel iu l- r f
an eietnon. ii ucicauru, mr n nn nr the luif timothv erowers
the election will be null and void. Lr u, ,.0,intv. was in town Sat-
ine loiiowing ncaei was av enront to I'orthin.i
. J I I. I. . Al
namea, ana u is noi inougni
there will be any opposition
For Mayor M. McDonald, of
the Oregon Nursery.
For Recorder Herbert Mc
For Treasurer-Miss Edna lur
dy the first woman nominated
Ore., who. at least says he hails to an elective office in Washing
from that nlace. was in the city ton County so far as municipal day afternoon
Monday, looking Tor aid to help attain are concerned.
send him to a business college. Councilmen K. A. Mincemoy
lb savs h In came a deaf-mute er, Mr. Brush, Robert Schneider.
throueh tvohoid. and he is try-1 Rev. L. M. Boozer. Fresbyterian
ing to get a business education, minister; G. Do bora, and H. V.
lie is very bright but when Meade. Mr. Meade is a printer,
pinned down to business seemed and is doing the printing for the
to resnt it Oregon Nursery Company.
One must U? tutld Full base
ment, modern improved house on
two lots in Hillsboro, Also a
irtMid house and 21 acres in Mc
Minnville, near good school
(.ml litu. n titni'ii for iriwl phiek
.. ... --.... - ------- I, , . 1JL-
.. M..ui lututM in fuiin itoaa wisincino. i. nasninif
ii i H..V ... .......v w. - i .,. i i i ... r
i:i almrirain Terms. Iton bounty, uregon, on ine win m. n. isonnam.oi oeiow rarm-
" la a tnin a. n I . a O.. J-..
F Ilunsiin laty OI uec, IVIS, i o ciock, nnjrion, was in wwn oaiuruay.
I m a dafasmina na av tan r ,if 1 Ua aaira fhnf innsnilli'h na fl
ilda Stew-art well known mpr0Vement to be made on any Thanksgiving rooster put him on
here m the olden times, is in me Lnty road, or roads, or portion crutches for a week be is going
iiTiro-Kuwi wnw. , . -. thereof, in said distnet and to to catch the Christmas leeu witn
t. I v""i. xii. uki-i auu aiwual tav In florrav fhAlo etnol trait
ibi-ii in (Mil i lanimvw m l.vrvanaa thoranr not trt PXOPOfl
s r of years, and he will engage 10 :. on lhe doIla, on
m business n i oruana. aira. -d -00-., UxaMe oroDertv in
...III It MMllfAn 1 I.' -
riewri i jm u I said road district
lis soon as he locates. thi nth dav of Dec..
Do not foriret that Dave Cor- 1912.
.. Ill .1.. ...ui. i.liimhincy anil I Phaa lutihormar.
Will WIU M JUMI .UH.w..., t - r - I Q..,
.. . . . . a tm 1 . 1 . j i: ;, 1 ".
give you estimates, oausiaciory 1 supervisor 01 ivoau uwitov
.. ....1, un.i iiiim inn na 1 WHKinmnii 1 Mini v iiro-i
..'t 1 iun u AlhaM Hi I la. on I VT. J. 1. lamiCHie aim wue
ill I L 1 117 Kill" I Ulillliim I SkWlll .
v.ii ii,mW Ann JW. Cnlhiwath W. Tiffanv. J. I teDarted Monday for a tour oi
nil" ( 141 r -w a ww- 7 I ii , . i ii t
R. (1 ThomDSon. August Blank, one zsi anu upon reacmus
r t. Uumm w r Thnmtvann. York wi l emoarK lor continental
v u. .v.w..., ....... ....... .r ... . -
Fred Wesch. Ludwig Weith. F. fcurope. wnere tne uwwrui
r .iAk J i' Mrfinri I N visit all the big hospitals. They
UnKSnaUn JftKn Woaeh R A exDcct to be absent several
Robinson. C F Casteel. Mary E months, and will return late in
Robinson. Leonard Smith. A ine opnng.
Rddy. S E Burns, A G Wilkins,
Ntk tl Dislrkl UU Meclig
Hillsboro Council. 1634. Knights
of (ilumlnm, has noted with sor
row the death of Mrs. Kllie May
Soarksman. wife of Brother
C. Sparksmnn. and has at a spe
cial meeting assembled appointed
the undersigned committee to
ennvov to the relatives of the
deceased our fraternal sympathy
in their bereavement.
A resident of Hillslmro; Mrs.
Spfexksman, dwelt among us, a
rood. sturdv. Christian woman,
and reared a family according to
the faith in which she believci
Her life was merciful, generous,
charitable and orartical. Her
Heath thnuurh regretable, was
vet consoling in that it ended a
lire well spent ana worn wei
done. May eternity bo her re
ward. .
John Engeldinger,
Arthur J. Miltenherger,
Wm. B. Delsman,
D. P. Corneri always keeps
the finest fish in the county. AI
kinds in season. Also a line sup
ply of the freshest vegetables,
Tr him. Second Street, one
door South of Koeber'fl. 25-
The Misses Krahmerand Edna
Hoirrefe. of the dooming section
visited friends in the county seat
4he last of the week.
The grand jury took a rest last
Saturday, after having made a
trip to limber, as well as the
ponr.larm, last week.
It II. Walker, one of the pio
neers or the tseaverion-iA'dar
Mill section, was transacting
business in the county seat Fri-
Duck hunters report oor luck
last Sunday, owing to the fact
that there is very little water on
the bottoms. With the advent
of a good freshet this kind of
game will be here in abundance.
Sunt B. W. Barnes, of the
city schools, states that he has
received a letter or thanks from
the management of the Hoys &
the Uaby
Girls Aid Society and
ciuurcia nciruj Kicii v a - ,. ,,i
road meeting is hereby Home, thanking the school and
i to be Tld at Potto Hau itt frienda for the splendid oiler
L'lliatriet No 1. wh nJ at Thanksgiving time.
Notice-1 have departed for
the Eastern hospitals and Paris.
All unsettled notes or accounts
can lie paid at my otlice. at the
American National liank. or to
my daughter. Miss Lura Tamie-
I., ah t'odiwlnttd 1 I T'a tvv i
VII iUlUIUai9. V av Ittliiiv-
Hillsboro isn't the largest town
on the map. to be sure, but did
you know that there is a state in
the union that has but hve cities
carrying a larger population than
ond Mreeu
Farnurs' week, at Corvallis,
saw 2:11 farmers and 3fi women,
at the Agricultural college. That
is n line showing, and Washing
ton County contributed to the
If you wish your cemetery lots Albert Hie, J Nvberg.
taken care of and kept in condi-
lion, leave orders at the E. L SOUTHERN PACIFIC
MeCormick store for the under-
.............. 1 1 IIBIIVIHK a laivi jivjuiauin umu
signed, unargesreasoimu tr.a.uu Th Southern Pac fie schedule, the countv seat of Washington
L-rvices. -Samuel btepn- ronnn i8a8folow8: 0? That state is Nevada.
To Portland and the cities having a larger
Sunday and Sunday night were McMinnvilla naas'irer a. m . 6 o2 census at this time are Carson
about the stormiest hours of the sneW City thecapital;Goldtiold;l eno;
Winter season, so far, and every- Tillamook train D. m 1:07 Sparks, Virginia City and Win-
iHMiy n-niuineu inmuc cofvauiB overland, p. m 4:& ire,,,ulB-
not urgent uuhiiichb on mo On Sunday, the Sheridan Das- u.iioK,w,0 m;i norii
HIUi lanniTAP flOM not iG-IVe HlUSbOrO I oa nil nmnw-oro wnn.
I I BO n VII IW1 csu VUIV10 aa v. '
For Sale An iron-clad stump I for Portland until 8:50. Merintr where thev are coing to
puller, two-horse; a poweriui ma- From Portland land when the parcels post law
chine; nearly new; 100 ft 7-8 CorvgUjg passenger, a. m....8:22 gets into effect Their loads in
cable. 28 ft. anchor cable. 1 in. rniamnnW nuunmr. . m.. 10:00 the Winter are now heavy enough
Owner, Otto Wohler, Hillsboro, sh ld naaaenger. D. m.. 5:14 considering the condition of the
U. 4. onemileBouthoruaK rarK, mjj nnville passenger ,p. m-6:46 roads, and it is about all one
Phone 36x1.- t 38-40 horse can handle. With the par-
John Lippert who has built Notlc, ol 01, Ro.d Meeilng l 'LlLu6 .iu.rie
hniioeq from Timber towns te team w wue uiivukh tuv muu.
h )"B.L94 J?. ""SrJ: The oav of Hillsboro's carriers is
S'r1" "?AT yT.'T,: Wj&JLriaat $1,100 per year-and
now 11 1 1 01 11 tiuiino niv w. roU mccilH amnj w u I .. , , ... mi uovo tA
1. ,n,: nA mH tw. si..viii. in u naii lit looks like a raise win nave to
ween. tuiMiiK ".! vim u m . w. .-, ... -i, , , .. . ci 1
with his many friends. nuttict No i. w.rtBton um,. ne maoe oy our u ncie oamue.
IvllWea W I'W JOM umj F 1 - - . jj .
a.T at n.1wtl t. m . lit ilftrrmine I lafpi Rrftflfnrn. A SOT. Of the
. laKe" . p: r- zl?. l. ihY.;;ori wuin the
jersey cow. .vwiici o any coanty road, or toada, or porlloa .rhupaJav anfl Friday the
erty, pay charges, advertising, thof, m aaid toad diauict. and ivy g QfthfuLr when he left
etc., and take same away. J. T. wJVTS?SS IVJtt ?tS S 2
1 1 e H HAiiihA! Ar B-itiiov m. mm loiicm id inii is nil iu Muiwii iiii nuuiu noo I MI J aia v
hoTon r verimd Address and now he is a strapping
1 ZrlL' O1'0.. . Uix-footer. For four years he
-w 1 1 raira aaisi uu usi 'wvwwaa 1 . c 1 a 1 ;M
3 J Hhevlln. fiaS Deen one OI ine niaienui 111
Supt of Instruction Alderman,
in an open letter, endorses the
law which provides lor super
visorship of the schools of the
various counties, and a-ks the
politicians to leave it alone. He
intimates that school superin
tendents do not have time to
look into all conditions relative
to the schools, and that super
visors have made good in nearly
all counties.
Alderman contends that the
rural school has been vastly ben
ehtted. The supervisor, not
afraid to speak out has openly
called attention of lapses; of
meagre utilities; of shortage of
necessary school supplies, etc..
and his remarks on sanitary con
ditions are very much to the
point He says:
Again, supervisors by care
fully looking over the grading of
the pupils and advising with the
teacner, nave in many cases
saved a year of a student's time,
In the rural schools promotions
are made but once during the
school year and if at the time of
the promotion the pupil falls
short of making the required
grade, he must spend another
year in the grade. The super
visor guides the efforts of the
pupil and the teacher so that the
puoils will have no difficulty in
doing well in the specified time
all the prescribed work in any
grade, lhe idea of the super
visory law is that a teacher wil
improve in service and thus be a
year s better teacher at the end
of the year. With proper super
vision every school in the state
is in a sense a normal school.
'The rural Supervisors in this
slate have. 1 think, saved in
some cases the lives of boys and
girls during the last two years
1 hey have looked after the sani
tary conditions. In thousands
of cases they have had the wel
water examined, and in not 1
few cases have they found seri
ous contaminated wells from
which pupils and teacher were
drinking. There are cases where
typhoid fever was prevalent in
districts almost every year where
they have been free from it in
the two years on account of bet
ter sanitary conditions advocated
by the rural supervisor."
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel aicK
and don't hnow what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store j
i Are You Thinking
Of opening a Banh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not overlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American Mons!
Notice of District Road Meeting;
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing yonr checks and a J
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make yon feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
yiour patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National -Bank
Main amaf Fka HMtboro.
Hillsboro, Route 2.
John Hen Stewart of South
Dated thla lh day of December, igia.
4 rncTiu
id Diatrtcl
Hn.llh K.lin T I u,
John Hen Stewart or ooutn guperfli0r of Rowt Diautct No. 10, spectors at the Pai
TualnUn, was over to the county Waahitito CoBBty, Ofegon. and he expects to b
seat the last of the week. Thoa Shetiia, M sheno. c i Hwr- biff ditch in a few
1'anama canal.
leave for the
John Gfeller.of above Moun- &Jta over to Hojpiiam Friday
ta ndn e, was m town Monoay wsmi, J wroai. n uavia. evenm. ",a
. . I v-i! liui. 1f.ll fka Hall Tho-1 0,.,..l.. VVk la in thamtv. h
mnrnmtr. wmbii -"7.
n' l .iH iwu jniiua Hrnrir(on.
7' M. LaRuc. ot Forest Grove,
was oassing the time of day in Rm. Cable is Belling out his
the city Fridav afternoon. personal property; and is think
Mis Ona Foord returned Sun- Ing of strain entering ine com
rinv vpninff. after a week's visit mercial traveler s reaim.
with friends in Portland. Smokers want the best-there
Steeples. While in the city, he
visited at the home of J. A. lm
brie, where as a boy he was
cared for when he had sustained
a broken limb. Bradford says
the ditch at Panama is one of
the bitr things of the world, and
that the immensity of the work
K. N. Staehr.of Forest Grove, fore call for aSchilleror aGrand canonly beappreci
... j k u Mnmtav Marcs, when you wani w see me goes me enure ichku w u
in circuit court blue wreath curl. I proposed ship canal. v
Notice ii hereby given that a district
road Dirtting is hereby called, to be held
at the old I nion School, In District No
II, WasIiiotilon County, Oieijon, on the
jSth day of Pecember, iqia, at a o'clock
p. in., to dtterniine the extent of tin
provement to be made on any county
toad, or road, or portion thereof, in said
road district, and to levy a special tax to
dtfrav theeXDense thereof, not to exceed
to mills on .the dollsr, on all rral and
personal taxable property in said road
Dated this 9th day of December, I911.
And Heckman, .
Supervisor of Road District No. tl,
Washington County, Oregon.
Henry Nlollera, bam Kargel, bam joss,
Fred Schuli, J Jacob Stoller, Fied Town-
send, J A Croenl. Saul Stoller, Kinil
Stark, Christ AUenbach, John Meier, M
Fttz'immons, Henry fcdiger, Jobn
J. C. Miller, of above North
lains. was in the county seat
J. C. Bechen. of West Union,
was a city caller Saturday, and
dropped in on the Arjrus for a
minute s exchange ot civilities.
Wm. Rid-rely. a veteran of
Forest Grove, was down to the
county seat Saturday morning,
greeting his veteran friends.
Peter Jacobsen, West Union.
was in town the last of the week.
He savs the srraders aie work
ing right along on the Orenco-
United link:
Notice of Road District Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a district
road meeting is hereby celled, to be held
at Grange Hall, Buxton, in Road Dis-
. . . . firm-
crici no. si, n iuugwu vvwu.j, v
fion, on the oth day of Dec, 191a, at 3
o'clock, to determine the extent of im
provement to be made on any county
. . . .1 . 1. C 1. u.
rruii or toaas. or poruon lucrcui, iuihiiu
.ll.iriri and to lew a snecial tax to
defray the expense thereof, not 10 exceed
t nulla on ine dollar ou an rcni nuu
personal taxable property in aaid toad
Dated thla 37th day of November, 191a.
A. Koatur,
Road Supervisor of Road Diatrict No
t VViMhltiBtan Countv. Ore.
Geo Mshet, N P Nelson, F C Burg
hnizer. S H Bullock. 1 T Turk, R T
RnomMt largni otmmy Bmmk It Wmaklmgtom Otmty
President Vice-President Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Xtoatjoarvo a PerOont.
Thoa. G. Todd John C. DaiUr I- W.rqua
Wilbcr W. McEldowntry ). A. Thornburg
This year I have made a special effort
to assist you in this most perplexing
question. My stock is complete in the
following lines:
Diamonds, Silverware, Sterling and Plate
Watches Cut Glass.
Toilet and Manicure Sets.
And Everything in Fine Jewelry.
jtwELia aao omcwa
First door west of the Delta Drug Store