The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1912, Image 1

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Ha I'lnUhrd I liKoln anj Svn.n.l
Si., Itrtwrrn I imolit so. I Jukit
ptriiHO in imkv possum
tint K 1
Wilk Aay aU4 ! Dicl Wcailier Wiiljof l.uinet fur some year, owing
Nat Stop Optra lioa
(Contractor l. A Cord.-n h:
taken mlvant tw' of every hour
tf j;md weather the past month,
and lincitln, Utweett Stih1 and
Third in now ojwti for tral!ii A
crew also wan kept on Second.
UtvMin Lincoln and Jackson,
and on Sunday the top dr. sirH'
of hot pnparation u a idiot into
the rock.
The city is very anxious to
have Third all romplelid this
winter. provided the weather
irive the contrac tor any chance
to work, and Mr. Cordon fives
the ttHHiirance that lie will im
prove every hoir of mm-hine. as
well a many hour that nre not
hat hed ill Munshinc
A a matter of fact the eld
and w-t are not favornMe for
youl work, and Koine of thet p
will have to Im- ji another
dretwinjr. hut that sll 'o.-.s in the
Tin: miiMtokro iiivMiu'i:
cam; sai.i:
Decisive lowering of Trice to
Stimulate Karly I'urchasiH
of Christinas lifts
A two fold Uiielit will accrue to
you to purchase at the Syndicate
Sale, namely-an opportunity to
save largely and Meet d hherate
ly. In the hurry and (lurry of
the last minute buying, your
hasty Judgment often leads you
w rong. Ia a carefully thought-1
)iit sentiment I char.uleristic j
of the remcnibri'nee this year.
Lei the recipient and oi U'
mutually pleased, and let this
great Syndicate Side help you tn
early decision of what.und w here,
to buy - and save. .
Never In-fore, and never again,
will there Is1 such a f-ale. such a
slaughter of furniture and hard
ware. It means many dollars to
you. Come, and let nothing keep
you away To See is to Buy.
IJememlier the place.
Ilillsboro Furniture & H aul
ware Co., Ilillsboro, Ore.
The undersigned w ill well at pub
lic sale at his farm, adjoinging
the city of Ilillsboro Ore., and lo
eated on the S. P. II. II. at the
southeast corner of tin' City
i'ark on
Keginning at 10:30 oclock a.m..
sharp, thr following projierty,
to-wit: Work mu'c, cow, (' yrs,
giving milk; brood sow, and 5
shouts; 1(0 hens, 200 pullets, one
horse wagon. 12 inch and 10 inch
Oliver Chilled plows; (Jo -tooth
steel lever harrow, cream sep
parutor, double shovel plow, lot
of garden tools, wheel barrow,
feed cutter, barrel churn, 12xM
tent, steel rim,'t two heaters,
Singer sewing machine, (lining
room extension table, birdseye
maple dresser, golden oak dress
er, oak side lioard, 2 Htc-el bed
springs and mattresses, 3-4 bed
stead, commode, baby crib, steel
couch and mattress, 2 center
tables, Morris chair. 4 oak rock
ers, G dining chairs, kitchen trea
sure, tables. 4 kitchen chairs,
folding buby carriage, boy's
wagon, oak lunik case, washing
machine. 4 pair of lace curtains.
2 rugs, one 12x11 and one'Jxl2;
stair carjiet, rugs and carpets,
hall tree, cooking utensils, l'or-
tiers, 25 Belgian hares, Kdison
phonograph with fit) records, ami
other articles too numerous to
Terms of sale - $10, nnd under,
cash; over $10, six months' time,
approved note, interest at H per
Geo. A. Cable, Owner.
J. A. Johnson, of below Hea
verton, was an Argus caller Mon
day morning.
Arthur B. Flint, of Scholia, is
at the Farmers Week course, at
0. A. C, this week.
Do not forget that Dave Cor
win will do your plumbing nnd
give vou estimates. Satisfactory
work alwavs. and prices that
can't be given by others. Che
nette Row, Second Street.
Martin IL ( 'henry diiil at the
'home of In brother, H Cheney,
in H.u,t ilillsboro. I Vc. H. 1912.
II.' wai m in Antwerp. N. J..
S.-I.I. LS. lK'.t. the m of Mr.
jand Mrn. I avil Cheney, lie
j w ;n married t Mis Klla t'heney.
at Lansing. Miihiifan. Dec. 15.
! lM"fcs. One daughter wan Urn to
ill if union. Mr. Cheney came to
Oii 'i!i all nit 30 yeirs uiro, and
wns tik';k''t in the tritimith bus-
inf.i lu re. Clatakanie. and at
I W!-t drove, but has Uen out
to Ins health, r or a number of
years rior to commit to Oregon
he worked in the Kdward.4 hard
war. and tinware store, in Me
nomine. Dunn Co.. Wis., where
he lirst met the reMrter of the
Ar-,;i;s whin he was a lad. His
daughter. Mrs. lVrtha Wagner,
resides nt Schoolcraft Michigan.
t his iminediute family hut one
brother, Klbridgv Cheney, of
liilhUNiro, survives.
Kead thii The Famous Jack
oi) liange, for coal or wood.
Heavy iron smoke box on
hack of range. Duplex Crate,
lou h-leed. full antiesiton-lined.
veiiti!at d actional tire back; 16
or Is inch oven, regular $10
runee. but Syndicate Sale price
is only f 21 HT. at the Hillnboro
Furniture & Hardware Co.
During the month of Novem
ber there was a total precipita
tion of S.'J in., which was 2. 08
aimve normal, bringing the ex
cetss rainfall for thtt autumn
months up to 2. 17 in. The great
est amount which fell in any
one h riod of 21 hours was 1.55
i i, on Nov. 11 There were 18
rainy days. '11 cloudy. 4 partly
cloii.ty and I clear. The mean
ti miH-rature for the month was
IV -I. which was 3 degrees below
normal. While the mean maxi
mum was .Ml degrees, and the
mean minumum 3S degrees. The
rainiest day. Nov. 12. was also
the warmest, !eing til degrees;
by the 'JSth the temperature
ilroped to 2S degrees.
Kemembcr every piece of fur
niture in the house is marked
...... ...r... ... ti,.,'ii;ii..
Uuo Furniture & Hardware Co,
Dr. A. F. Tamiesic, second as-i-itant
nt the Salem State Hos
utal for the Insane, has been
appointed First Assistant at the
new Fas tern Oregon Hospital, at
Pendleton. Dr. Tamiesie is well
known in Ilillsboro. where he
resided for many years. He is
apahle. and has the confidence
of the state board in every re
ject. Dr. Tamiesie was given
the jssitioii with the understand
ing that he could return to Sa
lem and resume his old place at
anv time in case he did not like
the Dastern Oregon position.
If you wish your cemetery lots
taken care of and kept in condi
tion, leave orders at the H L
McCormick store for the under
signed. Charges reasonable, and
in st of services.- Samuel Steph
ens. John AbUitt. a son. of K. L
Ablott and wife, of this city,
made n capture of three cattle
rustlers in Portland, last week.
The fellows systematically robbed
Washington County and Clacka
mas county farmers of cattle and
calves for several months. They
picked up several animals around
licaverton and Sherwood; and
had covered their tracks for
manv months. One of the rob
ber confessed and this makes the
case clear against them
For Sale-An iron-clad stump
puller, two-horse; a powerful ma-
chine; nearly new; ion iu -o in.
cable, ft. anchor cable. 1 in.
Ow ner, Otto Wohler. Hillslioro,
U. I. one mile south of Oak I'ark,
Phone 3Txl. 38-40
Mr. and Mrs. John I). Koontz,
and child, of The Dalles, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. K. Koontz. The visiting hus
band is one of the best saddlers
in the United States and this
countrv excels all others and
has manufactured several of the
finest saddles ever turned out.
One saddle, made for the lUl
Ranch, was worth $1,500 when
he turned it out of the shop.
Taken up: Nov. 29, an old
Jersey cow. Owner prove prep-
erty, pay charges, advertising,
etc., nnd take samJaway. J. T.
Hoard. 5 miles southeast oi Hills
boro. on river road, Address is
Ilillsboro, Route 2. 38-40
Mrs. Mary K. Kisner, of North
Ilillsboro. writes from Pomona,
Cal., that while the weather is
delnrhtful down there, and all
that, she will be glad when she
gets back to old Oregon
Extra Special-Buckeye Wire
Fence You all know what that
is -onlv 29c ncr rod at the Hills-
boro Furniture Hardware Co
Krwin Hitter, of Bethany, was
a city visitor Monday.
Tualatin and Timber Saloon l ath
I'ay four ItunJrrJ
Cirtait Caart Claiia Will laa tlifk
Tki Term
The Washington County treasury
was enriched $800 last week by
the payment of two saloon licenses-Fred
Wesch. of Tuala
tin, and A. W. Bryant, of Tim
ber. Each has license to sell for
one year. There are many minor
bills this month, and circuit court
claims are being turned in in
numbers, ow ing to the big rutih
of grand jury work. As a rule
these claims are small, but very
numerous, and it takes a great
deal of time in the clerk's otlice.
The report of Clay Trites,
superintendent of the onr farm,
shows that there are fifteen in
mates -the largest number for
some time. As a rule, however,
the number increases every Fall,
w hen cold weather sets in.
The viewers in the matter of
the J 0 Custin road were allow
ed to make an amended rejKirt.
Contractor Jos Irsung re
ported that he had finished the
Zimmerman contract and Com
missioners McClaran and Nyberg
insHcted the work of the week.
Claims allowed
State Cases - State vs Dan
Ward. W J K Beach j f $2; Oscar
Bumsworth dep sheriff 1. State
vs LaCourse, same as aUve.
State vs Nichols & Ferrell. W D
Smith j f 7 05; Wm M McQuillan
constable fees 6 GO. State vs Al
fred Moore. W I) Smith j f 13 15;
witnesses, Fred Pappil. 3 50. C II
Fry 3 50, M Ochs 5 10. Mrs Fred
Pappil 3 50. State vs Herbert
Cramer. W I) Smith j f 13 TV.
State vs Koecoe Kllis. W D Smith
j t 14 55; Wm Mcquillan c f 22 -05;
witnesses, John Winters 5 50,
Jack Gardner 7 10, Martin Gar
land 5 20. Kugene Gardner 7 10;
iurors, T M Kerr. C Rehse. II T
Koeber, Jack Roy. G F Smith
line, Aug Tews, each 1. State
vs 1 leister & Dallas. W 1) Smith
j f 12 50. State vs Springer. W
I) Smith j f 9 55; Mrs J A Frick
son witness 3 50. State vs R F
Niblock, W I) Smith j f 15 30; W
McQuillan c f 2 70; jurors. K 1
Kuratli, II T Koeber. Aug Tews,
A J Roy, V Boscow, A Jack, each
State vs J N HolTman. and
vs Kramer. W D Smith j f 12.25.
State vs Mattie Wheeler, also vs
H Wheeler. W D Smith j f
4 90; Wm McQuillan c f 3 10.
State vs Frank Adams, Virgil 11
Massey j f 4 20; Wm McQuillan
f 1 75; 0 VanBlancom juror 1.
Inquest Minnie Bendler-Dr 1
E Barrett $10, W I) Smith 9 10.
Inauest Sebastian Bany W D
Smith acting coroner $9 10. Dr
aul M Carstens coroner physi
cian 10.
Inouest A Crawford W I)
Smith acting cor $10 10; jurorsj
! Frank, W J Bettis. C Rich, N
I Shiedel, Joe Rich. J M Wicki-
zer. eacn z zu; witnesses, r.u
Vterson. II Clark, W Holfy. C
Wilson, each 1 50.
1 W nailer. Us rcUte (40 44
Archie Bynt, itatt c 13 00
Kilhatn Stationery & Ptiuliiig Co,
iirvcyur owe
5 3"
llillihoro Merc Co, c h anil lail.... 3 V
J W lUilry, cle-k. aal t rp 3 S
T II TotiKue, tint atty'a oilir o oo
M C Case, school tupt, trav up
al ami einrnse 1 7 1 64
K B SapnitiKlon, ro trcas al 75 o
J II Jack, tichool tip sal & eip....t3S 00
Mas Cramlall, atMaaor t' o 50
Mattie WilKHi, inot'i oflic...- to 00
S N I'oolf. ' " S
Wm Tnpper. c h janitor 61 50
K L Perk in, recorder 3 w
A C I'hilip, ttate caset n 5
Mr J M Barber, uwnile court..,, a 10
(ito McOce, tup luntyoi'i oilioe . 7 3
Geo G Hancock, board pris. aal &
dep. Mate caaea, eipene -5' 7
Waali Co Newt Times, co contra ct 4 85
W A Bellinger, cotnra court . . 5 00
IlilUboro lm'eDeDitetit prluuiik!
and auppliea -
II W Mclioiiald. tlrction ft ot
Glasa A Pruilhotnmc, (up clerk'a
office, sheriff' orhce 13 3
Prru Pnh Co. suppliei - w
Dan Bailey, c h & j 13" 40
Morton a Freeman, c n jail 1 5
O Burtvswottit, stale cacra 4 S
I K Purdin, cetiiatinK cow o x
H E HclinielUer, relief .i-T
John, comrct 5 5
R O Stewnson, co ct H3 00
Jno Nyberg, co ct 5t
Joe Sauniiera, state caws - o
Argus, coutrt ct & supplies . . - 15 50
l)r J A Baser, li.q reier sieaaic... w
K X Harding, justice of the prncc 5 50
I V Kmerton, relief 4 tj
Morton & Freeman relirj 10 75
JM Brldires. c h & jail 00
Wah-Ure Corp, chS jail - 7
Mr Marv lotiea, relief - M 00
Poleat Grove Pharmacy, relief. 3 5
Hoffman A Allen, relief 3 95
ft C Harlrampf. relief 05
Mrs J M Barber, juvenile court...- 9 53
International Detective Agency.. .305 9)
Bridgei-J H Collier $ 76. J J Shcv
lin 6 aj, Neli Larson J3, Geo E Tupjr
ik V7 'i- Schranwt &
IM "j 4
l'unn'7 p-f fini l.U,rt Mef Co 14141 C S Arh4 I Jo,
Mr!l3 Vtr.!.li,r 31 ho.Jllrf IXt Co
s y. t f nj 1.
k !. i I l-i'h a S-lwa IM Co
Iji , T X s, ii 11 S.n 0 uliitl .,-
'h I iLrt H- (l, Ji, J .Muant i., C C
j .Sr:..n : ;j. H.iit ),l,:n.cj yj Si. W
Ifjint V,r. J h' a htf Hi 37. Ttt
Ut:n X!:'! Cd jj V5 Mr!:w b o 40.
7'i. A Si !.; i t jj. M T J' Ubw.b 100. Kl
i-t i.!. n 105 j.t. ' l.mi, r 41 77.1 A
J .buw.a 0 ji, K l!urt!i-W 1 jo 6. J J
Sut't.m U4 t : I llitr 151 51.08
Hum y. t,. Vrt. la Ciajf Co v Cb A
;.nk!l 4 V. C Krllei 7 jo. J II Co
lj. s I; CKn h'i I S-hitflt-,
S vi, Sj. rrrln A fslilrr 14 o. A
kra j J S L fun Cka Hitch
f 7 H kt m hurr tj 64 Joo CaDtp
. V. i) Iir ii 6 . J W'rcjjrr 41.
K'.rr iwr f j;-l , C K Kin!l
t't Si, llraiv Wirt A W SrriM
I . t .! 1" I'm Ibon.Uir u iiti 1 6, C
II tij I . y J WCy r
. f M mho 1. M B-m iUr Co f, J
II Hit n . V. X M..htK 4 G y
lluoUr 7, W m K .Strplirt 1 so, Jobr'J
Kurt ; City f I io-t ",rbte 1 7-,
V I hu-,-u j J . k I: l'f-n 5, t) M
So.frtl j (lj, W l,.i.. 1 ,. J A Atv
t l . i,s W N ll.ithf a . Cfca Hicke
ilo. t 1. I A lj.tuiin 3
(.riil jarj n nrw. Hi ko U11
miti, k iv l' i..!in, lUrtrv ll.Ulato, J A
Ncw-n. tlt'i Kurt. Mra'W V Ral, U
II '' ui. Vic Homo, k t Al iioa, J N
li oll.iim. II ii .! loi.- n.r-. h i jo, V K
Ititi it. J I. Mi llurort. M T B-tt, (Veo
t,. i. W in i!.tri J W" Wrltutmv. l'tro
H Irri. Kml l'-jl, C J Snnrr', A W
Cu!rr. A Crii, A tliitc lunNin, rach
(1 4': J"" N)I"K 6. Hvwy 1ht.i1 3 Ho,
v vl I tr , II ! !il-'i-n ; 41. L It
M it 6 I'ir uut jrt 1, ku-!l Sti ffrr
1 N C 1,'i'v 4 s.,, I. A lif 1 K M Vy't
5 4 i, l,m. Kur .t!i t, Mick . h 5 60, C
K- t-r-rn 5 it t C, V.'tck tf . K'Brat
l'iiHft. l 6 Arilmr tir 4 6j, . Vyxk
S, I (.i:.k l.ium 6 41, Wut.Tavlix 5 41. K
Ki-inrr J i. Ji;o Mitil.l 4 6u.
Ci ni'i! ti iiiiIc j.tje
(tf thi- nin.Vt un of th of B avtr
ton. nt II av riiiii. ut thr S: ' of n rittMi,
at tis c i til I u::i- Novtaibt r j6,
191 J
ir noil dine iutt I J'.SJ 9
t'i-lfiti,, sccornl acl un-
Mrmrnl 6hi 55
Biiiil nI WfiiianU , 1.000 00
iUiikirii; h' ue I ia 00
Fuimturr ntl I'ntu-rj . 3.J00 00
liir fi'Hii Ji.rovrl trtvM'C
nkt $.5 JO
C l.i ok olUrr cih Itcaia... 12 35
Ch 01. Iwiul 3.4s 10 53 !J4 9
Capital tok jai'l in lo.oco oo
t'luiui.lrl prol'u. Ua ti
Itr.. nan ln j!ul 407 V)
PiUI tatitiif tank ikfvaits... 3& 47
ltnlnutui .U jawiM it jtct to
cliock 3 tJ 3
I"riiiAii l crrttlK-a'rtef Ovtiwit. 4S5 00
Tin crrt'iicair 1 f lrpoit..., J 4y So
SlUs jwiMc fur uiniwjr bor
rowtil . 5,000 00
T'la- S3.3 69
Sijite of Du-Roa, I
County U Vhington, f
I. II. W, IWk'"', Cashier of the atiove
oauiril lmnk, di il mn'y nwt the
a hove ti-mriit i true to the Iwst of my
li. W Bji;ff, CaUicr.
Sul-iitfl an I ing to iKfure tne
tins 4tb (1y tf lkctmU r. 1911.
r. W Catv.
Nutary I'ublic.
J. A. MrSt,
W. K. I'etJir,
Huth Rogers was a Timber
visitor Monday.
11. I. Ikirkhalter, of Farming
ton, was in the city Saturday
I. C. Ncalijrh, of Soholls, was
in town Friday, shipping out
fruit trees to the north end of
the county.
For sale Registered Holstein
bull, 3 yrs old. Gentle, and good
head of herd. ttissner Ranch.
31 miles S. W. of Hillsboro. Ad
dress Cornelius. R. 2. 39-41
Harry I5issner returned last
week from lUindon, and says
that the trip up by steamer was
so rough that there were but
two men who were not sulTering
from mal de mer.
Clerk Dailey states that no
election judges and clerks will be
selected in 1913-the selection
will go over until January, 1914.
Sliefitf-eleet Reeves has rented
the Rhoades house, formerly oc
cupied by l'ratt Vickers, and
will move in until he makes-a
purchase or builds.
For sale Three fresh cows, in
I milk; 3 to 7 years; one a grade
Holstein; other part Jersey. W.
K. Hinz. oiv-sTennis Pyl place,
South Tualatin. Address Corne
lius. Ore., R. 2. Live 3 miles
S. W. of Hillsboro. S9-41
John , Parr. Portland, and
HeTlrv Tavlor. a resident of
Pendleton, as well as one ot the
pioneers of Umatilla County,
were out to Hillsboro, Monday,
iruests of Mr. S. F. Goodwin, of
Oak Park. The Pendletonian
kuvs there is some talk of Sheriff
Tii Taylor, of Pendleton, running
for governor, Taylor is one of
the best equipped men in the
state for the office, and would
morn than make good. As he
is a democrat, however, there's
not much use of his running in
Orecron-if one would listen to
the pre-election dope turned out
by some of the cuckoo papers,
Contractor Will Net Complete An
ne l'.y l"irt of ibe Year
Delay la Dclimy ! Material Ca l
SBaioa ( WaA
From all appearances the old
county officers whose terms ex
pire in January will not Have the
trouble of moving their quarters
into the new annex. There has
been delay in securing delivery
ot material, and Contractor Fos
ter will not complete hi3 contract
by January 1. This will mean
that Clerk Bailey. Supt. Case and
Sheriff Hancock will not eo to
the trouble of moving into and
dedicating the new offices.
It is expected that the con
tractor will finish some time in
January, after the newly elected
officers have taken their oaths.
The work of shifting the records
will be laborious-particularly
the sheriff's and clerk's archives.
The recorder, however, does not
pet out of this work, for E. L.
I'erkins succeeds himself, and he
will oversee getting the volumes
into their new vaults.
Mr. Foster still has many w in
dows to put in place, and also a
lot of baseboards, and other
He expects everything needled
to arrive this week, and will
then put on sufficient force to
finish up the contract within
three or four weeks.
As I leave for the Eastern Hos
pitals and Paris by December 16,
all unpaid bills should be settled
at once. Those knowing them
selves indebted to the under
signed are requested to call and
settle immediately.
38-9 Dr. J. P. Tamiesie.
Hillsboro, Or., Dec 5, 1912.
A "Hard Times" Dance will be
triven by the Batchelor Girls'
Club at Helvetia Hall. Dec 14.
Fines will be imposed on those
wearing collars and ties, jewelry
of any kind, fancy pins or combs,
white shirts or handkerchiefs.
Good music and fun for all. Tick
ets, including supper, $1.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at the Chas. Johnson
place, 2 miles east of Farming
ton at ten a. m. sharp, on
Registered Jersey cow; heifer,
2 yrs in Spring, fresh in March;
heifer, 2 years old in Spring; 2
heifers, year and a half old; 2
small heifers, bay mare, 5 years,
1500; bay mare, 7 yrs, 1400; bay
horse, 11 years. 1350; 3 sows. 12
young pigs, yearling boar, 3i-in
farm wagon, hack, Deering bind
er. Osborn mower, rake, disc
(12), roller, hay rack, wood
rack, potato digger, sulkv plow,
3-8 cable, blocks and fork. 280
egg incubator, drill, kale and
corn planter, large tank and tubs,
sled, miscellaneous lot of lumber,
grain sacks, stove, shades, some
kale and hay. chickens, and oth
er articles too numerous to men
tion. Lunch at Noon.
Terms $10 and under, cash;
over $10. six months time at 8
per cent bankable note.
C. r. Miller, uwner.
J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Ed. Shute, Clerk.
The Southern Pacific schedule,
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville pass'ger, a. m 6:52
Sheridan train, a. m :
Tillamook train, d. m, 1:07
Corvallls overland, m 4:57
On Sunday, the Sheridan pas
senger does not leave Hillsboro
for Portland until 8:50.
From Portland
Corvallis passenger, a. m. 8:22
Tillamook passenger, a. ra. .10:00
Sheridan passenger, p. m-...5:14
M Mmnyille passenger, p. m- b:4&
D. P. Corrieri always keeps
the finest fish in the county. Al
kinds in season. Also a fine sup
ply of the freshest vegetables.
Try him. Second Street, one
door South of Koeber's. 25-tf
IA, "V
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sich
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store I
m m
t Are You
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not overlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
bank nun
i i
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Jour patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Mate mnd Third, HUHboro.
ftesoswcM Largnt of any
President Vice-Preaiilent Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Ats't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Hoaorvo 3 Per Oeut
TKo. O. Todd John . BalUr 1 W.ruqu
Wilber W. Mctldownay J. A. Thornbur
X-MAS Stationery
Christmas is no time to give
and to use cheap and out-of-date
Don't send a pretty pres
ent and write your letter on
Good stationery reflects
your good taste and com
pliments tne persoi written
I have the VERYLATEST in Writing Paper, and En
velopesa stock that is rich and tasteful.
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First door west of the Delta Drug Store
Bank In WmtMmgtom Ommmty
Undivided Profits
Should remember that I
have in stock all that is
new and popular in BOOKS
There is no one article that
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I cordially invite you to I
inspect my elegant display