The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 05, 1912, Image 1

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Several llarrtU ul Whikkry
Uroughl la llu Gmnly Seal
OK. J. A. RAkl K I Mil R taut UoMlS
Hat IWes) I adcr 4rrrl Mcrvlaluce I of
luljii ut I
('oltslfthli Mi IJuillilil Weill to
()iutiii Satunlay, ami raided the
drug hImv of the CtUHtnii Prog
Co., J. A. I'..iker, im ui-r ami
inatiutT. Several hum-Is of
uhiskt-y and Holm1 U( tlci lieer.
uml Home other li'innrs were
taken otit of tli iiistituti'Mi, t-tri'tlii-r
wit It wnne equipment that
xmurked HU'ieiiut!y of a regular
Imr rKiii. The (Intnd jury hail
Ut'n working on (hern all of
last week, nti'l already had cvi
iltMitf midieient t arrest.
Tlit cae m of interest fir tin'
reason that (!;ilon
complained toC.ov. Went a few
weeks Uk'o. aii'l tl' executive
wnt a detective there t take
charge of I ho cao. iMective
Kllormati urnvoil at Huston un
tlt r tin assumed naiuo and n-n
h1 m himh t citiiit. r, ami win wmu
on tho inside of t'to Mind ivf af
fair, according t his statement
to ntliciaU.
Moantiino llio tirait'l jury hatl
Itt-on working on other lines nml
hail tho t'viilonro in ti lit I inn)
linker was brought down Sat
unlay evening att'l gav
bonds tn answer ti tin nit mint.
ago or Ut, fnnrfiT vi'ltn the
Kumo olrense.
Tho ooiirt house .Mitn.lav nmrn
ing look tl liko a distillery, with
several barrel of Um.e roslitiif
in th t.hiiill'n olliro.
soi m:
Ail !1oflv for the Kastern lb,
pital nml 1'iiris ly iKvemU-r H.
all unpaid hill Hhoiilil Im- KfttUnl
at once. Those knowing thotn
Helvef" indebted to the under-
Htvrnv9 uro rotiostoil to call uml
net tie iminotliatoly.
:W-9 lr. .1. I'. Tantieme. Or.. I he I'M!
Mm. Susanna Ziinmorinnn, who
lived near Helvetia several years
ago, died nt her homo. Ittl Vir
ginia Street, Portland. Hoe. 1.
She was (torn in IWno, Switzer
land. July I. and eame to
Oregon in 1H72. crossing the
Isthitinsof Panama with her par
ents, the Wertgers. Two broth
ers. David ami Chris. Weiurer,
reside at Helvetia, us well its a
sister, Mrs. John Kilter. Twelve
children were Isttn to Mr. ami
Mrs. Zimmerman, her husband
lieing Zacharins Ziiiimerman.Jo
whom hIio was marriotl in 1H75.
Tho children sunning are:
Zatliariart. (ioortfo D., John (i..
Uutlolph ('.. I'm I W.. Harry C.
Susanna K. ami Mrs. Jaroh
Kernel), all of I'ortlaml. nml A.J.
Zimmerman, of (iollo, Dr.
Tho Sheriff' iiJIic had more
"frumenti" in iU corrilor tho
I mst week than at any timemnre
the county waa orifanized. The
Miiiiy was duo to tho (iaxtnn
druir store, and tho whiskey
taken in ly tho official was
primo and of kn U-ad. S(rin(r
water ami Kentucky moonshine
were tho ingredient, ami there
aU.ut :a).(MM) hoatiaches in tho
lot. If some one had been caught
in tho toils of the law with ahout
:tK layintf hens tho eirir-notf bui
l con lil have produced all kinds
of men linen t in tho nhriovalty
with thoirotcr kind of "mixer."
I want to htiy a small farm on
4 rotinty road with stock and im
lilimeiiU and some clear land.
If you are tho owner of a farm
and want to sell, write ami irive
location, arres clear ami a list of
Mock and improvements. Can
make a cash payment of 11100
for tho riiftit kind of a place.
AddreHH 1'. (). Itt.x 1121). Tort
laml. Ore. 37-10
Hop htiyershave U'en soourinjf
tho county tho past week, trying
to huy on the present market.
It is miid that exiterionoed row
its have been holding back, feel
ing that the market will open
stronger in a short time, owing
to a toorrrop in California, anil
a poor crop i" Kngland. Those
who have watched production
year after year aver that there
will not Ih hois enough to last
tho brewers until the next crop,
to say nothing of those lines of
manufacture in w hich tho prod
uct is used.
One must In sold Full luise
ment, motlt rn improved house on
two lots in 1 1 dishorn. Also a
gtMnl house ami 2J acres in Mc
Minnville, near good school.
I leal town place for go! chick
en ranch. Must btitfohl wr"
Takes Thanksgiving (lime Tram
VUitort I'turlccfi la 0
TtMNMBMHi aad Wilkci ia tian
aad Tathdaa
tendetl trip to New York. Paris,
ami other Kastern and KunitM-an
A good 8-room house ami one
aero of laml planted to fruit
trees. House has bath, pantry,
porches, basement, city water,
cement walk. Is near electric
depot; business sect ion; nml new
school house. Will sell on easy
trrms.. Or would consider un
exchange, for improved farm
("all on or address V, M. Ileidcl,
llillsboro, Ore., Telephone Main
141. a-i-tf
Tho Southont Pacific Hi-hotlulo,
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland '
McMinnvillo pnss'gor, nv. 0:52
Sheridan train, n. m n:.W
'I'illamnok train, ii. nt 1;07
Corvnllia overland, p. in 4:57
On Sunday, the Sheridan pas
senger does not It'nve llillshoro
for l'ortland until 8:51).
From Portland
Corvallis passenger, a. m
Tillamook passenger, a. m
Sheridan passenger, p. m
M Minnvi e passenger, p. m-o:H)
littck, of above
was, in tho city
Herman G.
Chas. Hickethier, of Cedar
Mill, waa on tho streets Monday
WV r-- nrwir'nnfl W ife
depart DecemU'r lfi for an ex-
oints. I hey go via New Or-
cans, and will tie alisent all
Winter. While away Dr. Tamie-
sie will visit the big hospitals in
oth America and huropc, and
ut in his time with the cele
brated medical and surgical
I saw cord wood, polos up to 12
inches in diameter, tenet rails,
ami hoards of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will go into
tho country. Write, phone or
call on mo. - Carl Skow, corner
Sth and Fir, Hillsboro, Oregon.
Plume, City
Tho Japanese are rapidly being
civilized -the first Jap divorce
case from the county was filed
the other day. Sumajiro Harada
asks for divorce from Asano Ha
rada on the groundsof desertion.
Thev were married at Seattle, in
P.HlS. The husband is a gardener
at Sherwood.
If you wish your cemetery lots
taken care of and kept in condi
tion, leave orders at the K. L
McCormick store for the under-
signed. i,nargo9 reasonanie. ann
st of services. - Samuel Steph
(lone Pant, of Keodville, was
in town Monday. He says that
very little Fall grain has been
sown down his way, owing to
the wet weather. Farmers,
however, wort busy plowing,
getting ready for seeding as
st Mm as it becomes sufficiently
Do not forget that Dave Cor-
win will do your plumbing and
give you estimates. Satisfactory
work always, and prices that
can't be given by others. Che-
nette Kow, Second Street
The sub-station of the Washing
ton-Oregon Corporation burned
out at Forest drove Saturday
night, and crew of the local
plant had an al'-night and Sun
day job getting the machinery
into hhapo.
D. P. Corrieri always keeps
the finest fish in the county. All
kinds in season. Also a fine sup
ply of the freshest vegetables.
Try him. Second Street, one
door South or Koeber s. zo-tt
Jna. Gibson, mayor of Reed
ville, was up to the city Monday,
bumping in on election day to
see how the county seaters con
ducted all'airs for the day.
' For sale- Registered Holstein
bull calf, from imported New
York stock. Walter Zetzman,
Cornelius, Route 1, one mile S,
K. of Centerville. 36-8
Eflimrham SchielTelin. of Cen
tcrvillc, was in the city Monday.
He reoorts his brother-in-law,
Tom Beagle, very low, and his
wife also on the sick list
Smokers want the beat there
fore call for a Schiller or a Grand
Marca, when you want to see the
blue wreath curl.
Thanksgiving Day football in
llillshoro resulted in a victory
for the Hillsboro High School by
a score of M to 0 over the Hill
Military second team. It was a
game abounding with sensation
al features ami playing, and yet,
at no time was HillsUro in dan
ger of defeat
From a standpoint of weight
the two contenders were evenly
matched, and at the end of the
first half neither had scored.
In the second half HillKhoro
rolled up fourteen points.
Lytle play oil tho utar game
for HillsUiro and if he keeps his
gait will In heard frtm in future
gridiron plays in Oregon. His
K) yard plunge through the Hil!
lino for a touchdown was the
one In-st thriller of the game.
All tho Hillsboro lads put up a
good game, anil 1am Thompson
ami Ward Wilkes handled a for
ward pass that meant a touch
down. Thompson' kicked both
Dr. Klmer Smith, the Hills
Ixiro coach, feeU very proud of
his youngsters. Clay Freeman
officiated as referee. Roy Rice
""'"Ympir and I loyal t was
MUan. Those partici-
inff' Mngs
Wilkes. Will Nyer
Jas. Ijirsen. Arthur Cotrm-nrrTx
rred Pack and Henry Dannetl.
Chas. KN-lnr. of Scholia, was
in tho city Saturday.
Hon. H. V. Gates wasout from
l'ortland. Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rhea vis
ited with the Higelows. in Port
land. Thanksgiving.
John A. Chapman, representative-elect,
of Middleton, was in
the city tho last of the week.
Geo. 1'idwell. of near Leisy
ville. was in the county seat
Carl Her, of near Timber, was
in the county seat the last ot the
A. J. Killin. of above Hanks,
was in the city the last of the
Christian Zurcher and wife, of
Cellar Mill, were in the city
A. L Holcomb and Frank Im
brie, of below Orenco. were in
tho county sest Saturday after
noon. K. N. Staehr, of Forest Grove,
w xs down to the county seat Fri
day, greeting friends and inci
dentally transacting business.
For sale -Stock carrots at
H-r ton. Mrs. Ilolton, Witch
Hazel Station, on Southern Paci
fic Railway. 3S
Married, at Forest Grove, Nov.
1C, 11)12, Rev. Gould officiating,
Clyde M. Perry and Marion Mar
tin. C. J. Cullison and wife, of The
Dalles, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Tlwrnburgh, Thanks
giving. Chas. Johnson, of Fast Hills
Uiro, has recovered from his re
cent pulmonary attack, and is
again able to Ik on the streets.
Married, in Multnomah, Oct
21. PJ12. J. Klgin Wallan and
Frances K. Chapman, of Wash-
Rev. Hawkins of-
The Oivnco School Children's
Fair association was organized
Friday evening. B. W. Barnes,
county suerintendent-elect; Pro
fessor S. S. Duncan, superintend
ent of Yamhill county; W. T.
Macey, president of the Yamhill
Schtxil Fair association, and M.
McDonald, president of the Ore
gon Nursery company. Orenco,
being the speakers. The execu
tive committee of the new asso
ciation is composed of Rev. L.
M. Boozer. W. J. Head. R. L
Wann. H. V. Meade and F. W.
Power. Fifty adults have al
ready joined anil NO of the
school children. Much enthusi
asm is shown and there is every
promise of a splendid tair next
One half block south of the
school house will tie planted in
vegetables and all garden pro
ducts, while a half block along
the railroad track will be convert
ed into a flower garden. The
girls will have charge of the lat
ter. The ground was donated
for the use of the boys and girls
by the Oregon Nursery company.
In addition to this the Orenco
Horticultural club, another up
lift society, will hold weekly
meetings for study and consulta
tion, and at least one meeting
during each month will be an
open meeting with a speaker
from abroad, lecturing on some
ive horticultural subject. Among
the speakers already promised
are several members of the fac
ulty of the Oregon Agriculture
college; W. K. Newell, president
and H. M. Williamson, secretary,
of the state board of horticul
ture; A. C. Goodrich commis
sioner for the First district and
H. C. Atwell, expresident of the
State Horticultural society.
One Hundred Bird
Promised Far Exhibit
0. A. C. will have a Farmers'
Week at Corvallis, beginng De
cember 9. The Winter Short
Course will hold from Jan. 6 to
Feb. 7. This last course is al
ways attended by a number of
Washington County's progressive
farmers. The railways are giv
ing a one and one-third fare for
the Fanners' Week.
Taken up: Nov. 29, an old
Jersey cow. Owner prove prop
erty, pay charges, advertising,
etc., and take samejaway. J. T.
Heard, 6 miles southeast of Hills
boro. on river road. Address is
Hillsboro, Route 2. 38-40
Otto Wohler, of Oak Park,
was in town Saturday. He still
has his 1912 onion crop on hand,
and expects that prices will
raise in a few weeks, as the Cal
ifornia crop will soon be ex
hausted. The Oregon. onion has a
chance, later.
Jas. Beggs and wife, of Yam
hill, were in town Saturday.
Bend, are now ?row.
days at Seattle, Wash.,mrf
guests of friends and relatives.
Married, at the Beaverton
Catholic Church. Nov. 2C. 1912,
Rev. Father Flynn officiating.
Jacob Kemmer and Mary Mues-sig.
Married: At St. Ferdinand's
Catholic Church. Nov. 30, 1912.
Rev. Father Conway officiating,
Krin Geo. Stowell and Miss Anna
Married: Nov. 10. 1912. Rev.
Jas. Knodell officiating, Orville
Moore and Dorothy Willard, at
the home of W. S. Willard. near
Married: At the Verboort
Catholic Church, Rev. Father
LeMiller officiating, Amos Lahaie
and Minnie Vandervelden, Oct
23. 1912.
John Bohm. who lived over in
South Tualatin several years,
and sold out two or three years
back, writes from Cummings,
N. P., that he has purchased a
home at that place.
The Argus acknowledges a let
ter of thanks from John M.
Scott, general passenger agent
of the Southern Pacific lines in
Oregon, for publicity in the Har
riman cup given at the recent
land show.
For Sale An iron-clad stump
puller, two-horse; a powerful ma
chine; nearly new; 100 ft 7-8 in.
cable, 28 ft anchor cable. 1 in.
Owner, Otto Wohler, HillsUiro,
R 4, one mile south of Oak Park,
Phone 35x1. 38-40
Brakeman Parks, of Hillsboro,
had a rib broken in a mixup over
at Wheeler, Tillamook Co., Fn
day. He was working on the
freight run between Hillsboro
and Tillamook. Internal injuries
are not feared, and he is expect
ed to be as good as ever in a few
N. Bangs, who started the
Timber townsite, and whose sub
sequent contract to put in a piece
of county road caused a circular,
now famous in political annals,
to be circulated, was in the city
Friday, registered at the Hotel
Washington. Bangs' projects in
the county were not peculiarly
successful, but he still retains
his avordupois, and still wears
the same old smile.
Wm. Emrick and wife, of Hall,
Clark Co., Wash., are over to
Hillsboro and Forest Grove, on a
visit Thanksgiving they enjoy
ed with Mr. Fjnrick's uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weh
rung, and they later visited with
Mrs. Frank Bernards, Forest
Grove, a sister of Mrs. Emrick.
They are seriously thinking of
selling out and coming over tto
this vicinity, where Mr. Emrick
spent his boyhood, to make this
their permanent residence.
Will Eadcivar la Make it Aanaal Eveat
Malta ta Jadxc
Orenco. Or.. Nov. 2S.-The first
poultry show in the history of
this place is to be held in the
basement of the Presbyterian
Church hereon Friday. Decem
ber C The entries will be free
and open to all comers.
The plan is to make the show
an annual event, if the first
should be successful, llev'. L. M.
Boozer, pastor of the church, is
interested in centering the ac
tivities of the town around the
church, and has suggested a
poultry show "as one of the
The committee handling the
exhibit is composed of Rev.
Boozer, Dr. W. B. Cummingham,
W. J. Head. G. C. Hatt and T.
P. Good in. The entries will be
received up to 10 o'clock on the
morning of the show, at which
time all birds must be in place.
Birds will be received after 7
o clock that morning.
Over 100 birds have already
been promised and several who
will have birds in the poultry
show in Portland the following
week, have agreed to exhibit at
Orenco before shipping to Port
As there is no entry fee, there
will be no cash prizes awarded.
but ribbons will be given in each
class. J. Murrow. of Hillsboro.
who has had considerable experi-
will be the judge. All
vby comparison
""""y een ar-
White Orp,V.
dotte. White Plymoov!
Barred Plymouth Rock. White
and Brown Leghorns and Rhode
Island Red. and ribbons are be
ing provided for 15 classes. Rib
bons will also be given for the
best solid-colored and the best
parti-colored birds in the show,
and the best bird regardless of
variety; also for the best cock
and the best hen bird in the show.
Whenover you or any
member of your family feel aicK
and don't know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store j
Are You Thinking
Notice of District Road Meeting
Notice ii hereby given that a road meet
ic.ii ii hereby railed, to held it Htzel-
clale Store, In Komi District No. 35, Wash
ington County, Oregon, on the ait day
o( December, 191 J, at I p. m., to deter
mine the extent of iuiprovemer t to be
made on any connty road, or roads, or
portion llieieoi, annt road district, and to
iety a special tux to defray the expense
thereof, not to exceed 10 mills on the
dollar, on all teal and personal taxable
property in said road district.
Pated this jsth day of Nov., 1912.
J. Q. Johnsou, Road Sup. and 16 Free
holder and Taxpayers of District.
Helvetia, Ore.. Nov. 28, 1912.-
Several members of the Bachelor
Girls' Club last Saturday enjoyed
a social function tendered in their
honor in Portland, by Miss Mig
pins, a San Francisco friend of
Miss Lesa Moor. The Bachelor
Girls present were: Anna and
Elsie Grossen, Lesa Moor. Bertha
Schmidt and Beatrice Tunstall.
The projrram of the party in
cluded a dinner and theatre par
ty, and the girls state the event
was about the most pleasant in
which they have participated
since the organization of the B.
G. C. Club seven months ago.
The girls have recently had a
party or two entertaining a num
ber of their most illustrious young
men acquaintances. One of their
most praiseworthy efforts during
the past month was an elaborate
ly planned and well carried out
affair held at the home of the
Misses Grossen. At this party a
special effort was made with the
assistance of an expert to diag
nose the characters of the young
men present, interesting ana
amusing facts were brought to
light as to certain traits of two
or three of the boys who happen
to have stolen the hearts of cer
tain fair members of the Club.
.Yesterday the girls were en
tertained at the home of
Lesa Moor.
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If 3'ou arc, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
letter, for
big free
writing yonr business
drav-4 f checks and a"
telephonic N,s,a private
Privacy for y -eposk
We can make yor. me
for we have all the modern con.
jour patronage courteously
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., C-
American National BanL
Main Maf
President Vice-President
H. E. Ferrio, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1S12.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Capital ,
Undivided Profits
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Reaorvo 84 Par Oeut
Thoa. C. Toad John E. Badlay J. W.Fuqua
Wllber W. McEldownay J. A. TKomburaJ
J. C. Smith, of Forest Grove,
was a city visitor Friday after
noon. " ; '
Henry David, of near Fort
Grove, was down to the city last
W . . A. 1
t naay, on circuit couri ousiness.
J. A. Campbell and family, of
Amity, were down to Hillsboro
Thanksgiving Day, guests of rel
atives, Jas. H. Jack and family.
n impression
That I am headquarters for everything in the
line of elegant and useful Holiday gifts is
always produced by a glance over my stock.
' Do not wait until the line is broken.
WHAT TO GET? No need to perplex your
head about that. Let me solve the difficulty.
My store contains many suggestions in
Sterling Silverware
V Clocks, , , '
and hundreds of other articles too numerous
to mention. Mike your selections now and
have them laid aside for yon.
First door west of the Deltt Druz Sss "