B4JB0M AMOft ftoVlUBl M rail 4 tfltn uuimMnmu,t.,luulirf1 ADMIMSTKATOk'S SALR Ij I 1 SPRING GROVE FARM JERSEYS '.?r.r't2 lOUSAl...' A few hiylt Kral Jersey row a, KiM.ri to in frean; tt fvw youiiK n i?itrred bulla uikI heifer. Herd is in h.a.led ,y MONMOUI H NOl'.I.K. ,,ri,. winiirr at Stute r'uir. yl. Ili-rJ inndmed un awruk'e of $i:w.iO imt cow in lull. Ali reentered lUrkHhin Piir. Iturred 'l mouth llwk Chicken unit lYkin luiks. WM. SCIiULMKRICII. Ilill.horo. On. IlillsWo.Orc, H. I. 1-. No. 5 Notice in In r ly i?iven. that the iUMlrijftn-. Hi!mir)j!4trat rof t) atatei.f Ann Adel Kmmott. de- 0 uHf.1, l.y virtu i.f an order of the County Court made and en-t-ri-d on thf 11th day of Novem-lx-r, I'.M'i. authoriinp; ami em- jlM.wtnnu the iinilersiKned to muketialeof the rsonal rojT- ty iN-lonirintr to the folate of aaid 1 Ann Adel Kmmott, dwaniMl, will at tt f a, in, mi jSATCUHAY. NOVKMHKK 21 at the late ntiiilfiicc of Ann Adel , liniriMitt. deceased, on Kdison ! Strt-t letwe., Second and Third ; Streets in HillnU.ro. Orrjfon. sell I at public auction to the hiirhest hiddor for rash in hand, all of tin following dcscrihcd crsohal lro rty, to-wit: Sr.MK Hiiuliiif l.u ran, 1 urn! I ren in U' ra, N rl.alta, iroa l-iUtral atwt I' d, K U i , "I nihK iim in ulilr ami i v. i 4 aiiiy ihti, aniall Making hair, Imnigr, kit lirn riiloatil, I km b H at. rnal ml lnyr ialifr fik luvr, fl .ui rlrl, ktti lirn ulrtiaila, fli i k, looking fcUa.. r ' lira iai k . tiMiutr, i le U' 1 1 ill- lUiihlt't, Irnl, L lion I1 n niii lr. ilithra, im klutt ylaia. 1 lull. lMtmiiHl min, lirra I j.in. art of allvel mr, tin ill ri k. Hated thm 11th day of No Tongue - Addition 10 HILISBOKO Sold hy the WcM.t Realty C. lts ami Hall Acre tratts very reasonably riu-l, and t,u th wry U-st f ttrms. Also farm jrojrty. Money to loan. Come and Give Us a Trial and We Will Treat You Right. luxate 1 Ututeu .'Jul ami lili strttts opjxsitc Hotel. SALES MANAGERS Kerr Brothers Miotics: Oftke City 502, rt'sulencc City 5S2 fOlt TDK P1LHS FAIR ACRES lrt.hit (l alKmt 71m Uixt of fancy apples thi.s ncason. This means almt 2 ni- lo ajiicic for c;uh ciiicn o Pills.' Kro. Nut cuoiu'li to keen thci iliKtoi away hut they will help. Spies per box. $1.25 1 ttinrfs, Baldwins and ! other good varieties i per box $I.OO Good sec onds, per box 60c; Windfalls and other low grades, per box, 155 c 1 Krlivtrcd anywhere in the city at; I at ahove j iiu. Phone your onlcr hit oiue while these ac mi hand a: a (leantip shipment will he made Ui iVitland Simll, K. E. IIAK5ISON. Phone 377 llillslktiio, Ore. Best Fire Insurance and moMpr SHTTLK UKNf OK I.U-HKH SF.K JOHN VANDtrVWAL vemiMT. I'Jli Ai'ent lumaou v Ijnra. t 1 a I J amen 5 I'WK. nuniininiruior fl riaw? ui vli;, Si.i.. 1U mi I siuitto Ann A1H r.mnxitt. Iecu naulfy & Hare, Attorney for A'lrtniiiHiraior. summons WILLIAM I . HUM L I I LK 1 to sun: f,s w aLulj MuiUers of Homes. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates" are REAL Honey Hakerc Send for Booklet 604 CorbetlBUPortLiDdOra II MStim 0M l I CMTS VOO CHLV - j I ONE CENT ' V AUCtl 1 Lxclusive Celling Agent, lldlsboru In lU- rinuH Court of U Maf f ()riK n, fur Ui Oiuny of Waa.Ii aiirtnii. "-" " I ..L. Vi- l.l... I'l.L.JIff On last Wednesday morniriK. (kt ' vua an the bhaden of the Hilent JMim VwUIiim. Ixf'Mlirrf. nitrhl was drawing to a r.e.nu "'' "- "'T th. Hiiirit of Win. F. HoHtetler. tlL f rw. a life-lonif reKident of Walnut-Lou, )j an- li-n-by n cniu-.-d to m creek township. HolmeH county, p" ur i-ml ti.-r ib fouitaWit nM I..L if- I.,., I urwl Ihim 111 ItUOl JtM 1H ! BIOYI' ! marital tu of a kind father and M, d:iy N,lV,.li-.r. )9i:. ,am dat lovmif motrn-r were forever I biii.a ir if ti'n.n of lx f Mr. Hotelier waS nerving in the '17'. .1 W . U. UODCbOn UNDKRTAKKR Calls atte nded night or day. Chanel and Parlors. MIIHboro, - Oregon 1 The Oregon Kleetrie Ry. Line is Open EUGENE. JUNCTION CITY, Jte HARRISHUUC Trains leaving lliUslHitn S;ti a. m. ami y.$C) p. in. connect at C.ardcti Home with limited traius at Salem' Alhany. Current folders iivc details of all trains. A VAI.UAIU.K SII.VKK TUOPIIY in olTeretl by the Kail way Comnanie for the HKST ACKICULTUKAL KXHI1UT ' of product K'rown alonjr the linen of the Oregon Kleetrio, tJnitwI. SjMikane. Portland & S-attle, and Oregon Trunk Kailwayn, dirtilayeil at the PACIFIC NOKTIIWKST I-ANU PRODUCTS SHOW Portlaml, Novemln-r IS 23 ftO cents round trip to IVitland Tickets ou hale Nov. iS to ai inclusive return limit Nov. 25. $13.75 muni trip to SPOKANK NATIONAL APPLE SHOW Tickets 011 sale Novemlwr it to i4, inclusive Fast trains to SKkane morning and evening Via Oregon Kloetric Uy. and the North Hank lload. Details. Bchediilos, Hleeping car reservations, etc., on ap plication, . T W. K. COMAN, Cen. Frt. & Pass. Agt, Portland. Or. S. COOPKll. Agt. HillslKiro, Ore, SUMMONS eaimeiiy 01 leacning sonooi lor -,. the icon dr o n-nr d.? eleven years, after which he en- nmi.did In ih eomptatnt fu.-d b-r f.ii.l 111 furminif null hi i i-nlh i. r a Off 01 mvone, - I a ... .1. I....- . 1. ft.. .1., . . t He h.ld a numler of township ""J iVi ",.. i.... ui. otlices, and as County (Vimmis-liuf ,,d a f.iiiant on ih ground of sinm-r at the time the Ho mes J Ttu.n of tb uiaiutlff by iti d county jail was built. He was a i-""" D' "0,v ihm rmed church I T,, ul,.,.,,,!,. u, r,ni,iii.h..,t oip near his home. N-rved as hun- k u u i ini ejv wk il.iv Kt hixil suiM-rintendent for 2T by ord-r of ibe lloa. J. V. Caiuptiplt. vi.nm urn K.'iTft:irv of the Mis- "' " puimuo ears. and wtniary 01 int ww di((J 8,,.mb,.r 3(Mh ,vl2 dirwiii Miuiarj wn'iny iipriwjraio, bt, .,uuli. alhn Ih'.f On March 18.0. he unitetl woermh.k t iiaas in niiirKini'K uilh Iiiwp Hlaser I Atom-) for I'tebikff. T.ft .I,! ..nw.n tt.r K..rn twlv.. pUUUiUU. 1B0.T a w in tit .iii 1 1 v i I IimK l1f a A 1 I aiaraaw. eluldren nine sons anu inreei i),4e Uf Mt puUJUsiioo November daughters, all living except inree. Mth. isu. Funeral services were held at the Reformed church near Trail, on Friday noon, lie v. J. H. Poet ter, of I o gate. Ohio, conducting m x nmu nw oc iwMaoi .1. . 11 ...a I..1.I oSnon for UMbtiwmn County. in.- w nn, nv- - Marie MabK't, Fhiiitif, rest 111 me cemeiery aiiuininK vmwa iIl. ehureh. -Ohio UudireL . .1. . Johatm Mtdut. rfpnJiuiU The widow is a sister of Chief to juim nn. me wor nr0 ot Police Plaser. of Hillslwro. thl of tkrr. and Mr. Hosteller was me iainerim m turiby requird to p- of W. W. Hostetler. well known lr nd mmwr the complaint fJ li..r.. iin.l nf ttwdville and of )u m ""' here anil at kw avmt. : ana 01 1 w fourt on nr Man Fritkgr .ura. j.u. "'" '-, 41 ,u14 whh 1,,:,-. k. r here, now residing at Donald. I .. ........ . , . . . wrr (in- ante or uie irw pudik-b Ore., on the hleetnc, betwein n of 1hjB wimnKt. which aii here and Salem. I Una jaiblfc aih thereof a of date (Viuixr io, m:. and u you tau to iijiiiuf aimI arijtuitr fnr want C.AKUUI' inniN ilH-rfX tbe DlalnUff will apily to the court for (1m niet demanded in 1.. .u..t.klul..l l.ak- 1 lie unuersiirneu nesire 10 man Kor a drcree dtamlvHiK tie mar those who so kindly tendered Sid rlaae contmot tvow exlmlnx btw-n and sympathy, in our bereave- " ,"n"X,",a. T . mem. me ueam nnu inwnunoui (oim ma ftiiucar luat. the late Mrs. Abaigail Khoades. I Thk auniimvni la published by or l',. Khoadesand Kami V. r ol Hon. J. V. rampb.1, JmU IlilUlmro Ori Nov 13 1U19 I1 ,he J,,'ul Court, made and dut.-d lliilhUiro, ure., io. u. ui- hU 10(h of Mohtrt M2 ,he ,,ate . tl flf(.t .,tti.m(4on b.'lnit Otto AUCTION SALE llxr 10. 1!U2. and Uie dat of thr tt publUM Ion boWxc Nov. 21, W2. (IIV VlnKI. LAROCHR and J. 11 I I 'II .11 A L. I ... . ... le i nuers irneu w in sen ui uuu-i uiakr, Auornpya iw riiumui. i;.. ,.,.i:.,n ut rnrm l m Hi4 t bainiMT or WMuniene. rorc- 1 1. Hliv nli aa a. 1110 ui j anaav . ..f I o .,. o m n 1UIM1. WUH. lilol i 1 .an tit, ci v nil tl in. 1 ii 9 Hoffman's Sawmill , is saw ing from the best tini1er in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. I hone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona, OrcRon 11 aaai HELP YOUR CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. Get this idea of rough, high-proof, strong whiskey out of your hcad-or it will get you-play the devil with your nerves-ruin your digestion. Why punish yourself. Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable bottled at drinking itrcnglh. 'Sold everywhere and cunts no more than ' any oilier good whiskey. W. J. Van ScmiYVKR & Co. General Agents, Portland, Ore. Notice to Creditors Nciih'o la hereby itlvetn, that the timlnr nikiii., havn been duly eonHriiiml, by iinli'ruf the nounly t'mirtnf tbe State of )ri(iiii lorWiwblnulon t'oiinly made ami Milnrml iiihiii Din U'lU dajr of Novemlior, l'M2. hh Kmiiiilnra of Urn Irtit Will ami Ti NtiiiiiMiit nf Mury K. Mirrll, itacmaml, nii'1 havn duly iualillal na Kiinh. Now tlinrnfurn, all peratim having 'litlnia HKaliml aalil ttatate am hernby no 'llleil and rniilrMl to prHncnt the name, tiiKnlher with pmiier vuimhera Ihiirefur, tu the underalRitott Kiwuiora at Ilia law ollioei of Bagley Hare In the Anwrlnta National Hank biillilltiK la llllllxin, WHhlii(.ton Onunty, OreRon, within alx moiulii Iron) th dale homif , rharlea V Merrell. Charlea M Jnhiinn, Rarciibira of the laat.Wlll and Te.aU. ill "lit of Marv K. Me.rre.ll, dewaMOil. Ilaiiley A Hare, Attorueya for Kieoutom, SATUKDAY, N0VEMBKK 23 Oiiv horse. 9 vrs. 1200: black K. lioo..l.k NO'SICK IS HERKHY GIVEN, That 111.11 y.o ,.. -m.. to vrlut, of an exw-utkm. dine single or uouoie; nay norse, kckhi n; d vnii,r ot aW. ..m of u, worker. ICInult I'tum of the State of Oro lUluveTAff I con. for Washington. County, dat- unm. piwa the 7th dV' Of October. 1912. I fa Also the fo lowing Twenty-one vcr it Jtlm Vanderwal and Sam B. K.nwl vtm mvul ihiirv onaia Sivy. Dlaumilfe. and agatnat K. U 1. i . i;" ...r. . j itr bvalvy. IS.nha Fraley. Khrlanda Trual grmieu ueiw-ja nou uiaui-u Co i VorporalJuw, Alk- AnustJXMig stems 17 are Iresh now, and 4M.irV o-siMa and o. A. Carny will be fresh at date of sale. dfHidant, for the aum of iuou.oo The average test of these eows h in-t hertHn from May 23 is 4.50 for the past year, and I ! & " K,. each COW brought me $136.04 for ou auiny'a feea, and the runner the year. I have the statements aum of $:.o.io costa and diabuwa- r k nJaa t.s k;a Inii'iilB. to me directed and dollvvr- e - . v,T;N. comaiandiiig ti to make sale of Seventeen of these are young tjl' wopPrty hereinafter d.rn. COWS, len tons Clover hay, Bab- vd, I have h vlod upon, and pursuant cock milk tester, and other arti- to Bald execution deem and or eles too numerous to mention. I Sf0AY, the "nth day of no 1 CM ilia ui ooic oia i nuuum i VEMBER, lilg, tune, approved bankable now, at 8 per cent Lunch will be served at noon. Roy Heineek, Owner. ,1. C, Kuratli, Auctioneer. F.L. Brown. Clerk. 1 am going out of the dairy business, and this entire herd is to go on sale-no by-bidding. This dairy Is open to inspection. Any' intending purchaser may come before date of sale, stay at my place, over night, free of ex nense. and Bee them milked. There is absolutely no better milking herd anywhere. Roy Heineek Go with your shoe work to the Hillsboro Shoe Shop, in the Soda Factory Building, on Main street, operated by I. G. Knight, where promptness is a Bpeci<y. Ed. Schiller, the Portland cigar manufacturer, was out yester day, meeting hia customers and greeting friends. Mrs. Henrietta Williams and children, who have been at the Mrs. E. C. McKinney home, for some time, visited at Banks, with relatives, Tuesday, and returned to Rainier, Wednesday. at the south door of the Courthouse kn H'Ulaboro. WaahhiKton, County, Owfen. at the hour ot ten o'clock A. M. of eiud day, aeil at ptibuc auc tion to the hlgheat bidder for cava in hand, all of Uie following dear rib- ed real property lying, being and alt- utile In. Waahlngton County, Oregon, slid partkularly described aa fol bwfc, to-wU: Nortihweat quarter of aouthwei. Hiitu-tir, Seetlou three (3) northeast quarter of aoutnemi quarter ana Hotith ho If of northeast quarter, Sec tion Four ) In Township Two (1) NorUi: HaiiRe Five (51 Wcat. Wlllam- n Mv.ldlaa. And west half of aoiithweivt quarter Sectiou Thirty four 1341 lit Townahto Three (3) North, Rnnae Five (b) Weat, and aoiithweai quarter of northwest quar ter and Lot No. Flour (4) In. Sec tflcn Three (31, Township Two (2) North, Range Fiva (5) Weat, Wlllam eMe Meridian, to satisfy the here inbefore named auma and for the costs and expenses ol aai and aald writ. Said sale will be made taibjeot to redemption aa per statute of Ore gon. Dated at HlUaboro, Oregon ,. on thla 9th day of October, 1912. ... (1BO. Q. HANCOCK. SlHTift of Washington County, Ore DAI) UK Y tt HARE. Attorney tut PWUoUfia ' I By Patronizing Home In dustry. A dollar spent in the city once, w ill tie spent innumerable times. You have a hundred chances to Get It Bach Try some of our Hillsboro 'made Bread. You will like it, and the more we bake, the better bread we make. Our Cakes and Pastries are delightful. Washington Bakery Third Street E W HAINES, Pres. L J CORL. Vice Pres. CHARTF.R NO. S036 A R l.F. A l! o, cashier The First National Bank of forest grove, oregon Capital and Surplus $60,000. ' a comparative: STATEMENT The following comparative italemt-nt of the ilrposit ami reanurctf of th FIKST NATIONAL RANK, of Forest (irovr, lire., under itf prettnt management speaks volumes:. DEPOSITS " " "w Nov. 2, 1909, $ 92.318. May 2, 1910, 132,138.98 Nov. 2, 1910, 133.184 64 May 2, 1911, 148 877.81 Nov. 2, 1911, 153.430.91 May 2, 1912, 201,079.10 Resources May 2, 1909, $177,348.10 " 2, 1912, 315,20156 40 Per Cent Cash Reserve THE CUP THAT CHKERS get especial attention, at this grocery, it conies in the form of tea. If there is one thing more than another we are proud of, it is our blend of tea. - Rich in flavor and fra grauce it is the beverage that is full of comfort and cheer. HILLSBORO MERCANTILE CO. Phone. Main 1002 Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator has filed in the county court of Washington county, Oregon, his final Recount in the matter ofhe estate of Joseph A. Moore, de ceased, and that said account has been aet for heaiing and settlement before said court, on Monday, Nov mber II, 191, at the hour of to o'clock a. m. of said dv Datul this October io, 191. Joseph A. Moore, Admiiiiatratot of the Estate of Joseph A . Mooie, deceased. Benton Bowman, Attorney for Administrator. mmumtioiu BANG! B1NG! ! BANG!!! WHAT'S the use of having a good gun and using poor ammunition? If you do you can't have much fun or lucK even satisfaction, and it tahes all of these to constitute good sport We are headquarters for shells, cartridges, powder, shot and all kinds of ammunition supplies. li PHONE MAIN 373 - GENERAL HARDWARE - HILLSBORO OREGON PROMPT WORK HONEST WORK MODERN - WOODMEN MM. TH0S. II. BROWN Contractor Farmers' Phone 74 PLASTER BRICK AND CEMENT Hillsboro. Ore. The Modern Woodmen meet in Hitla lioro. In the Orange Building, second inn! fonrih Thursdays in each aaMstk. Neighbors invited. w. o. jacocx cacrJ, C. F. LIBBY, Clerk. . Hiixsaoa. CaurtM ""N