The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 14, 1912, Image 1

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vol.. MX;ok(, okkgo:;, novkmbkr li, vm
NO. 35
i i
Sa)OrrtCt AgrUtillurnl t.'ll-gi
Should SUM In-trm lin-
UJlr) Mim Mdlirnu MkmiU Ke
trlr Stale Kriutmliiiii
i',fit. K. (WhwhII, tlitor of tin'
littiU-rmun. Ium tin full"., in t"
hay uti a fun-Mry t han nt O A
i, and it ulfii U V;i liii!tn
County a tif if tin- limU r iitiilH
of Uu hI tt:
"Ori son hut I In' I tri- t
amount l Kliiti4iii tiinlti-r f
any tat in th' l'nin." fr. i I
Mr. ( oriiMull - int tin
phut. "W liuvf r,.timnr;tiMKiti
fril of virgin timU r in otir fur
ipttt. It I'tin !' n that liH'in
will U tin ilotnirmnt lixiu tiv in
Orfimn fur man yiai-t l-i ,
For that own fnl thai im
Ix-ltiT tn'hini tit cm l- iu:it
iy thi t:il' than lt r.tal.ti ,ti a
rhttir at tin aru ulluia! t uli. t
for tin' preparation "I vimm; n,. ii
to Ufonu' lorfiiik' t nm. i i i
"Tin lotfin rhnn fill
rminu tdiouhl iniii.t of lliivi
ilfpjirtHn'tit in i liari- of a j. tac
tical n,rt,' r, a n itisi-r and i ti
inator, an.l art instructor tu nvd
ami ini't hunical i-ntim i i iu,; illi
thi rmltuniitH nuiiiinil at ii
rarly an a a ! -iM'-, tin
yniint; man of 2f to 'is Hlnui.l !
ulili' to aniline l i m ilmn ;n a
loKk'inif iiiii'r with nm
pro-ct of miiTi-Hit,
'"Now how are t-int' to y
ftUrtit H'H'ttrins.t lh t)t--;,t;try
rilm-atioiial facilities lor tin
traintntif of our oiuu nu n lm
dcrtirr to take uti tin tI nI v of
nnfk'inji iinMiirrni! ' Some r-tep
havi' U'eii taken lv the vanoin
univvnoturi looktiH' to the etiip-
Wliat are kryptoeks? IVy
s-" are the tint wonderful hi
foeal cya-idas lenses yet di'viscd,
i!tvint in a ninle lctm the two
ilihVrenl tuaifniticatioim reiuireI
for tui.r or far vision, Tin-re
are no linen or Kepuration. ami
no eenunt. They do not ilrop
apart, for there are no m'tftinMits,
I l ey eanuot rollei t ilirt in creani-K
for then are no creaes. Al
tlioiiKli I'hintf distinct ttoiihh
vi-iioii. they are apparently ttin
;:le. r-oli.l. leriseH, handHoint anil
thoroughly practical. rm'dctn
ouKtratioii liy I'r. l,owt, at Hotel
U'aHhintou. Friday. Novemlwr
'.-'. KeiiiemlN-r t he 'lay ami date.
Score; of 1 1 illrdmro references.
Wilhur K. Newell, of alnive
Ihih-y, has leen ItnvinttT his
iiare of lionorH the pat ten lay.
lie carried Washington !ounty
on the I' iII Mihisc ticket, and no
"oner had lie atToiiiplisht thin
althouuh he lost in the state
at lare than (lov. Went jtav
him an apiMiintinent to the Imard
ot n i-iit y of the University of
Drci'im, to mictved J. Ains
worth. Portland, renikftied. Mr.
Ni s il ran ahead of hi ticket in
thi count y. polling lWi, r an
average of V ahead of hi nun
pa! rioH on the ticket.
t me ni't it In Hold Full base
ment, modiTn improved house on
tn lots in llillshoro. Also a
;'iMd house and -i acren in Me
Minn ille. near jjood school.
Ideal place for ifood chick
en ranch. Must In Hold in few
day, t let a bargain.- IVrnts. -I",
F. P.utiHen.
John W. dates, of b'isyvilk",
is I'onvalesctnt; I mm an injury
recti. cd laM week, near the
S-aithern Panlie depot. He had
jusl loaded his waon at the
t'iimax mill when the train came
aUm. frihteninK his horses.
I hey threw Mr. tiates out and
one of the wheels passeil over
him. lie was picked up. his
team canlit. and went home,
thinking he was not severely
hurt. The next morniinr. how
ever, he found that his injuries
wi re more man severe
Womaa SuHrart Latr in Cuunty ty
4 olr
pintf 01 yom.vf men .or u.e in . , t,,r,ltt00( ,,),. up t) J2
IH'r IMInllli 'm, iitiiir i i i.iu i ? i
alonyr torestrj lilies, w
must (jo farther. We need the
intensely practical trainint if
nuctess is to attend our elto'ls.
Kvery oinif foreman or hii r
inteiident of loejii is in fad a
loutjintt ent-'ineer. All we are
tH'i'kintf to accompliHlt is to l t
Ur fit tliat man for his place.
"TheaKiieultural colU i'e.s has e
ibmonstrated their value in
Hp-iippinvf the farmer's son with
a ttncfttilie knowledge of his
batnlry. The court s of study in
our Htfrieultural colleis have
IwH'it sane, practical ami helpful,
Thi lumber industry deserves
tin same con4deration lor our
yount; men who desire to Immouic
exirt lumbermen, in its broad
st sense, If not, why not?
"The presiiuleraiiie of the
lumber industry f the West
justilies this position. Any vo'iusr
man w ho has therit and stamina
to pilch in. work and study
bhould have an opiorlunity lie
vhouhl be able to earn l is o n
way, whieh makes lor sell reli
ance, (lash and darim: fits men
for th pnutintl battle of life."
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic miction at bis farm. 1 mile
cast of Laurel, at ten a. m., en
tlray liorse, 11 yrs, lLHMI; black
mare. 5 years, ium Ihhii won
HitiKle or double; bay horse, vrotnl
work nr.
Also the following Twenty-one
head extra frood dairy cows,
irraded Jerseys and (iraded llol
hteins 17 are fresh now, and 1
will be fresh at. date of Hale.
The average test of these cows
is 4.W) fur the past year, and
each cow brounlit me $1M.0I for
the year. 1 have thestateinents
from the condenser for this.
Seventeen of these are youn:
cows. Ten tons clover hay, Hali
cock milk tester, and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale - Six months
time, approved bankable note, at
8 percent. Lunch will be served
at noon.
Hoy lleineck, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
F. L. Hrowti. Clerk.
I urn tfointf out of t he dairy
business, and thin entire herd is
to ro on sale - no by-bidding.
This dairy is open tu inspection.
Any intending purchaser may
come before date of stilt'. 8 lay nt
my place, over nijjrht, free td' ex
pense, und Hee them milked,
Tk,i i.. 1 .... ,1 , . I .1 nil lint tut'
4 c in uii.ii'iiii i i,y .
milking herd unywhere.
Uoy lleineck. .
Dr. Lowo's Kisses do not need
the guarantee that goes with
them. "There's a reason."
i o.. ..:i..
iheliert til Uiameier, lence noi.i,
and 'niariU of all kinds, into
,toewood length. Will go into
the country. Write, phone or
. ail on me. Carl Skow, corner
.Nth and Fir, llillsbr. Oregon.
Phone. City Hi!.
,1. T. Morrison, of Farmington,
was in the city Saturday. He
.ill have some of his corn crop
down to the Hill land show, at
Po, tland. this month. J. T. can
raise this cereal to perfection,
and he will enter two varieties,
the "Improved Yellow Flint'
and "Slow-ell's Kvergreen.'
Here's hoping he takes a prize -
:md there will be none lietter
there, anyway.
). P. Corrieri always keeps
the finest fish in the county. Al
kinds in season. Also a tine sup
ply of the freshest vegetables,
Irv Ium. Second Street, out
door South of Kocbcr's. 25-tf
Thos. Cornelius, of Salem, was
low-n to HUlsltoro the first of
lhi week, en route home from
Forest Crove. where he visited
his sister. Mrs. l'rown. who has
I. 1 unite ill. Thus, was born
and raised in Washington Coun
tv. and always likes to get back
on home soil.
!) not lorget that Pave Cor
win will do your plumbing and
ive vou estimates. Satisfactory
work" alwnvs. and prices that
.an't be iriven by others. Che
nette How, Second Street
Itnv Lvnch and F.d. HolTman
of Cliehalem Mountain, killed an
owl recent v that eclipses any kil
made here for some time. The
old fellow measured 57 inches
from tip to tip, and weighed
over four pounds with his feath
ers pulled
If you wish your cemetery lota
taken care ot and Kepi in coiuu
tion. eave orders at the
MeCormick store for the under
signed. Charges reasonable, and
lu st of services.--Samuel Steph
Ceo. W. Kelly, of Huxton,
wtis down to the city the first ot
the week. Ceo. is trading his
Vinelands place for some timber
land, und, says he is going out
Ihe County Noted on
I'rrkidciitlal Un tor
I ' i 1 -j- ; !.li.) t!ln,ll l.lil, jr, tl;
'. v :
t'.' . i ity I ii', , sis. ., jii;
01 A I AM A
Washington County's total vol
Ii21 was olficially completed
Saturday by the canvassing
board. K. Kindt. H. Wirt-c und
A. W. Siegrist. The equal suf-!
frage measure was defeateil in
e county by a majority of Ml.
'-ounty Clerk Hailey gives the
following results
President -Taft. 1211 ; Wilson.
127; IMtfevelt. llt.
velt carries the county w ith four
electors. Wilson getting one.
ohn M. Wall, who st d 11,"
votes. One Hull Moose candi-
late iHilled l t'i)and another tied
the democratic ele tor. I h bs r -
cived 2S2; Chafm. 221.
(.ingress CumpUdl. iK; Haw-
ey. 212H; Richards. :!12; Smith.
:; stiiiman. :yr.
I'nited States Senator Clark,
IhT; Itourne. 1)7; Une. 125I;
Wt, :;i; Itamp. ZW; Selling.
Secretary State Kennedy,. V.1;-.
Olcott. 22t; Keedaway. 277;
Cyan. UW; White. ;U7.
Supreme Judge - liright. 115;
akin. 22H5; Slater. lir.Ml; Wea-
vtr. :m.
Dairy and Com. Harzeo.
.HJ2; Dunbar. 312; Lea. 1121;
Mickle. illi.
Uailmad tsimmissioner-t amp-
ell, 320D; VogeL '2:5.
District Attorney - Hedges.
37X; Tongue. 2.7JI; Welch. 5f.W.
Joint Senator Hollis. 327'J.
No opposition.
State Senator - Paget. pro.,rSU;
Vickett, soc.. 3511; Schulmerich.
lem., IKK); WikxI, rep.. 2121.
Representatives Atiraham.
lem.. 15H7; Keeves. dem., 1:WI;
Stephens, dem.. 1181; P.arber.
pro., 507; Morback. iro.
A very pleasant everiing
.Hs-i:t at the horn, of .Mr.
'Mr;-.. LauMi'i Auld, f 2'iatama.
(Thursday evct.irn', Nov. 7. The
e. i riiti;' a as spent in playing
I games ami dancing, and a most
deiik'htfii, luncheon was served
at 10:00 the party breaking up at
a late hour after expressing to
the host and hostess, the good
time enjoyed by ail. Those pres
ent wen-: Misses Wilda Parker,
Uo,e, Ha'Jiel.laWolir. Ib l-n 0!-
senaru Irene MeCormick ;Me.s:srs.
Ray To'.vnsend, Virgil Parker.
Ret Parsons, Vern- Shipley,
Wm. Hunter, Lemy Oslrarider,
Jerry Poggs, Murray K'efe and
Mr. and Mrs. Anid.
W. W. Anderson, well know n
here and at Reeiivillc, waa out
from Portland, Monday.
Adolph Hnnzaik. of Oak Park,
was over to the city Monday af
tci -noon.
Dr. Iowe's gla.-.-es are death
to headaches. Ask your neigh
Imrs. District Attorney Tongue ear
ried three counties, w hile Hedges
carried his own, Clarkamas.
, 42S;
Sohlig. hoc., 317; Phelps, soc..
CI; Tipton. soc.;t?M: thapman.
rep., niassey, rep., iiw;
MiH'k, rep.. ZS.A). KepaiHicaii
ticket electwl.
County Judge - D. H.Reasoner,
rep., 2 1211; Stevenson, dem., l5oo.
County Commissioner l,. A.
anley. dem.. l'.22; MeClaran.
incumbent, defeated. 1SSS; l!oyd,
six.'. , ftW.
Porn, to Jack .Murphy and
wife, of near Helvetia, on the
United, Nov. 5, P.il2. a son.
Porn, to Daniel Hutchison and
wife, of Vinelands. Nov. 5. l'.)12.
a .son. This is an election boy,
and should prove to be piite a
Taken up, some time ago
Jersey heifer, aUmt year and
half. Owner can have same by
proving pnierty, paying dam
ages and feed, and cost of ad
vertising. Fred Doi'ber, Ranks,
R. 1. llo IS. :55-7
J. II. Humphreys, well known
here, has returned to Washing
ton County, and is now located
at Reedvilie. Mr. Humphreys
was in town Sunday, greeting
The Grand Marta is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter"
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by V.. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke luy a
Graml Mma, 12tf
J. P.. McNew. of Iioaverton-
Reedville, was in town Saturday.
enroute to 1'nixton. to visit his
son, .). R. McNew. Mo. has es
tablished quite a reputation as a
..political "guesser this year.
D. P.. Reasoner was the first to
receive his election certificate as
a county oflicial. t'lerk Railey
waSjlhirty-One Juror Are SclecteJ
and I . 1 . r ...
1 iwiii iMmy ui iic wiuniy
Tculy-ri;ti ul the Panel are Tilitr til
Tualatin YalUy Suit
Clerk Raileyand SherilT Hancock
Saturday morning drew the panel
for circuit court jurors for the
term beginning November 2o.
Twenty-eight of the panel are
farmers, one is a shoemaker, and l
twe are clerks. There is so far
no big criminal case for trial, but
there U considerable litigation to
try out. Of the thirty-one jurors
on the panel twenty-fourof them
take the religious weekly sur
named the Argusa showing
that is made every few months.
I his, of course, w ill figure but
ittle this time, for there is no
celebrated criminal trial on. The
jurors and location follows:
Jolm Rittrr.ffmcr.Vi'ii.'.liiii,'(i'n I'ri-einct
I C Clutter, latmrr .V.tst C!ar
iii-fliiot i.rt. fiitim-f Comrhin
Win I. Ilitcheliter, lutmrr... Wa!ii!iKtnri
Avert RilTrtv, clrrk N Frr"t Orovf :
S A Wiilkrr, o'Hj-mkrrN I'lirent ('.rove
J A MrCov, f tinier liartki
s J kaffi ty. f iMiicr Columhia
N'irl;i)U IUlli m f irrui r...Gle Crctk
lli-niv W -rti, frtnt-r ltoii
Wm M Tlin, f.imi-r . . .S Hi Ktioro
Itrnry CliaHatOmb.. fitimer.. -Cotneliun
fir! lKti, farmer RetrilvlUt
Chan W Jautrt. firmer Corneltut
luliri T Rice, farmer Correlim
Wm M ThurMuo, farmer .... fVvertnn
Frank C Francis, farmer... C-werliu
Th Ciirkliill, tanner Fast Kutte
J Weinrnlieck, farmer .ReeiKille
W'm W lltxtttler, farmer Reelvtlle
AiiKitt VanlK), f.rnier..S' Forest Crove
K.ilw J Bikw, farmer N Forrat Crove
Mieiimn O Uhikle. c'.eik Reetlville
II S Ffrwing, fiiiuer .Kaal Butte
A' 111 H I'arkit. fnriner .... dale Cietk
C J. Jilintn. farmer .N llillslro
M.ielul lUiker, fariner -S Tualatin
1 M W htle-Htl, fartLer -H Tualatin
A J Rnv, farmer S IIiIIhImho
Ora A C'jnk. fimer .Cornelius
Franeia White Jr, larmer....Galis Creek
County Clerk H. C. Luce. rep.. Kavi, njin t),e tuly signed and
the producing business for a
short period.
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
II) cent smoke - no "cough dust
in the Schiller. 12tf
Thirty-two miles an hour was
th,. imle that swept over Oregon
and Washington the first of the
week. Down at the mourn ot
the Columbia the gale raged as
high as 70 miles an hour for sev
eral hours.
George Zetzman, of North
Tualatin Plains, was in the city
no opposition; 3350,
SherilT-J. K. Reeves, dem.,
222".); Applegate, rep., 2055.
Recorder -c U Perkins, rep..
3105; Shepard, pro., 555; Thomp
son, soc, lh8.
Treasurer- Sappington. rep..
3002; Carlile, pro. (581; Wilkes,
soc., 531.
Assessor Max ( randall, 3142;
Stevens, pro., 591; Kay. soc., 52(5.
Surveyor - McGee, rep., 2t2;
Kirkwood. pro-ind., 1433.
School Supt-R. W. Rarnes.
rep., 2702; Scott, ind.. V.U).
Coroner-Dr. Ira K. Rarrett.
....... .
rep., ittM'J; weimore, fim, uv.
County High school luml-
Yes, 1357; no. 2124.
Kqual Suit rage -les, la ll; no,
Lieut. Gov. Yes. 149 f, no.
lax Htncnitiiient 304 . 8, iWi?; no,
Ta amemhnent 306 Yes, 195; o.
Ta ninenilnieiit jnS-Yea, 2405; no,
Majority rule, 31c es, 1051; 110,1360.
MakitiK rtoekholileii linlile, 31 i-Yen,
1516; no, S41
Railroad conmiiiston bill, iU e,
1971; no, 141)6.
Clackamas division, yen, 671; tn, 25iS.
MillaKe bill unlverilies, yes, 1349; no,
j 106
Majority men? lire. 33J Yen, 1 163; no,
County ronil bill, 334 Yea, ijoa; no,
State IpRhwny Pept bill, 3j6-Vb,
S44I bo, 30S6.
Slate uriiiter bill. SS Ac.,
liotcl tnspeelor yea, 38.S; no, 3174.
Kisht hour nieaaure yea, 1650; m,
10 1 K.
Mine Skv law. U4 yea, J3S3: 110. J34.
I'rohibilinn employment convicts yen,
3143; no, 1441.
St eetiil convict bill, yes, i ij, no, 1417.
State Uoail llimiil yes, S39; no, at;S.
Roa.l Imlebleiliiens bill, 3I3 Yes,
iSjS; no, 1554,
Comity romt Wll, 344 yi U1'
Consoliilntion city etc., bill, 346 ye,
1064; no, ai6i.
Iiminie tax niensuie, yc, 1750; no, 176,1.
lixenintion tux till, 35l y''. w'6;
on. 3,6b.
Tax bill. 3S4 yc. 153; 436
InlieritiincetHX bill, yes, 067; no, 3307
Freinht rata bill, 35D-)'es ,666!
County bomling bill, 360 yea, 1063;
no. 344 , ,
Conatituttonal mnciulment 3633111,
8o; no, 5.S3
Tax bill 364 yes. 816; no, 3059.
To alwlish capital punishment, yes,
1 197! . 4I3
To prohibit boycott, yet, 159a; MM991.
I! l
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sich
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, se the doctor.
Rut if you know what ails you Lid cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
j Are You Thinking
exeeuti'd turner Saturday morn
in sr. at 11 o'clock, after runninjr
the totals of the election board
iVU-r Huirmu'n, of the Bacona
sawmill, waf in last week. Peter
ha a down hill tm!l with his
lumber, ami could slide it all
down into the valley without
trouble, but the jrottinpr back
with the empty wagons is what
makes him "hardship." Hut he
irets it out.' just the same, to
fill all orders.
Contractor Jos. Lorsunu and
Commissioner-elect C A. Han
ley had a collision with teir
teams one night last week, in
the, north end of town. Mr.
Lot-sung wtis thrown out ana
shaken up, but experiences no
ill results over the incident. It
was several d iys before either
knew who the other was.
Slias Christoforson.the aviator,
was out Sunday, 11 guest nt the
Bisner ranch, near town. He is
one of the eoolet and nerviest
airmen in the world, and is at
tracting much attention by lovers
of the sport. His latest incident
is to hunt ducks in the machine,
taking his brother along with
him to use the shotgun.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie auction" "at the F. O. Shay-
ranch 3 miles southeast of Forest
Grove and 3 miles southwest of
Cornelius, at 10 oclock a. m. on
The following personal property:
One 3 inch, extra heavy, wide
tread Welter Wagon, nearly new;
two Incubators and brooders, al
most new; four dozen pullets,
nine head good cows, some fresh
some to be fresh soon, all grade
Jerseys, Durhamsjand Holsteins,
these cows are all fine dairy
stock. Lunch at noon.
Terms: All sums under $10
cash, over $10 six months with
bankable rote, at 8 per cent, in
terest per annum. 2 per cent,
discount for cash on all sums
over $10.
Correll & Shay, Owners.
J. W. Hughes. Auctioner.
f wm mm v a a its a i ttt t tua
$ Main and Third, HIHtboro. a
Of opening a BanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checksand a
big free . telephone, list Ja a, private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
yoitr patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, HIHtboro.
:ss w a a m tstsi a ivtBaicl
rz. . ; "N
nosMircos MFffMi ot any aanm in wammington ooanry
For a candidate having an
active opponent against him,
Sheriff-elect Reeves has the dis
tinction of receiving the largest
maiontv ever given a man in a
single precinct vote -his home
precinct, Cornelius, being the
one in question. The fact that
he ran so well at home shows
that he has the confidence of
those closest to him -a compli
ment that Mr. Reeves should
treasure the balance of hu lite.
Al. MeCnmsey. of North
Plains, was in the city Monday
He has a contract of furnshing
(M).(MH) feet of ties to the United,
delivery to be made at North
Plains, from his sawmill, near
Mountaindale. This is a pretty
good contract, but. delivery will
lie some hardship, owing to the
condition of the roads. Mr. Me
Cnmsey does not know where
the ties will be laid, but the sup
position is that they are for the
Orenco-United cutoff, which is
now under construction.
3. M; Greear, well known here,
died at Willcox, Arizona, Satur
day. Nov. 2, 1912. He leaves to
mourn his loss a widow and two
sons. Claude and Harold, both
with the family in the South.
Two brothers-in-law, J. M.
Bridges, of this city, and M. M.
Bridges, of Portland, survive of
his immediate family in the Ore
iron country.
Mr. Greear was born in Gray
son Co., Virginia, Nov. zl, ISol,
and moved with his family to
Texas. At the age of 11 years
he was left fatherless at the
head of a big family. When he
grew to manhood he embarked
r .. . .1 i .. -. f .
in the caiue uusiness in,
and in 1879 moved to Hillsboro.
In 1891 he became interested in
the tlour milling business in this
city. Early in the nineties he
sold out, and has spent a con
siderable time in California and
Arizona, in search of health for
his family. A son, Roy Greear,
and a daughter. Miss Pearl, have
passed away in the last tew
years. Mr. Greear's death was
due to pneumonia. He married
Miss Bettie Bridges, of Texas.
Mrs. Bridges was a native of
Virginia, like her late husband.
Mr. Greear was interested in
Hillsboro property, at death be
ing owner ot me dhck wiiemn
the telephone exchange is located,
and also the cement building one
door south of the K. P. Hall.
Mr. Greear was universally re
jected, and had a host of friends
around Hillsboro who deplore his
He leaves quite an estate, and
carried $2,000 life insurance in
the United Workmen.
President Vice President
IT. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $500O0
Ixtans - ' $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House ia500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Ilosorvo a & Por Cent.
Thos. G. Todd John E. baiUy J W.JFuqua
Wilber W. McCldowney J. A. Thornburrf
i -
j "
ii jfmsG&s
IS Mr m
Watch Bargains
$5.00 For a i6-size, 7-jewel
American movement, in
Nickle case.
$S.OO for a 16-size, 15-Jewci,
American movement, in
Nickel case.
$9.00 for a 16-size, 7-Jewel
Americau moyement, in
20-year Gold Filled case,
$12,00 for a 16-size, 15-Jcwel,
American movement in
20-year Gold Filled case.
1 lnve one of the moit complete stocks 01 wntone 111 me couiht,
every watch I off.-r is a bargnin. If at all Interested It will pay you to
look over my stock befjre purch.sitii. I will (?lUy Mnd yo an !
trated catalogue. Out of-town customers wilt receive prompt reply to
their inquiries.
First door west of the Delta Drug Store