The3' .HiLLSBai? VOL X I X A HII.LSIiOKO, ORISON, NOVI-MBKk 7. 1012 NO. SI CI war in j A man wat found dt-ad. with a revolver Kliot through hm ht-ad. . . .. .... i . . .i . . UrlKIKAMPr- FASSm """tLwcHtof For.-st Grove, liniliiinuii I I nuutu, i DISCHARGE OF GUN Highly I ilwiH-J Mirmuth uul ValittjliMt County $11 1 1 HI K I KttH I'AIMKI. PVlsS pkJ No!" SamUriMm, I'.niluiJ, thufJj. (Klxbtr ,51 J V, llartraiind, n highly PVIIII'd and r'iK rti i t ill, !I i.t iiiilJmro. iuimm art us at t i - 1 1 i j;,.Uth Sanitarium. l".t tl.imi, fuirs..tV. Ml-r ill, I'.HJ. aflrr lUlft-ring m-vcritl tiiMlii (rum a ilnki f partial paruh ,i. 1 r (vM-hty KU year h- Las m;nl. hi, hoim- in UitdiingP.ti fo tiitv, in J In l-:iH IihI f Iriiiul-. ho ili'pt"t' Li at i, Mr. 1 lurtrumpf w:u l"tt m 1'rusMa. My l". IK Jf"l ,:t'"'' i St'' v. v ' 1-4 J. U. ll,nirjni.l to America wln-it howulut 11 years of age. Hi" fauolv m Ul l in WiM-uiiMii in Isiln, At tlx at'r nf twi-ht v two ln chii t' l in Cum- anv K, "tti Wim-hm-oii Infantry, ami joim-d tin' ri-iim-nt m-ar Vt-rlmrg, Va.. early n I llo wa-t iiiuUrrd uf uf tht- h. r virf at Ji'lTi rHom i!!'1. Inl . in July of that year, IMnrnitu' home In win married t" Frede rirka Wilhelniina opp,in I County. Wis., Nov. I. N Thf y later moved to Minnesota, ami in iSSil t Or",'-si. 1 flink' tltar (VnrtuH. TUf willow ami Id" fn!!ovvtiiK rhilrtn-n nur iv: ?.Jr?s. r.ii.'.:it-Ui Thiit. ('lnTrv tJrovr, Or.',; Wiji. I'ori'Ht (Irovi; U.ilirt Fir.lman.l lv, AlU-rt .1.. Otlu I!. ami the MiHi" Amatula au! Minnie, nil of IlilUlmrn, The funeral t.xik l.laee Satur day at two oYUx-k in the alter hmn, HerviceH iH-intf li'lt i the Mfth.Hlist Chureli. Intertuenf wan in the I Mi! I'VIIowh' ( "enie krv. Mr. Hartramnf wa well ktn.wn lit hireKt (Inive. CnnieluH iiu.i HillHlmro, haviinJ ivsiiir.l here for a iiiiihImt of yearn. Il -was the moil of integrity, a t'l iii'inhUir. ami a man of Sinn1' tlx III tlixMMitinii. rmiroluhlreii I torn t thi'iinit'ii prece.ei the father i'l l atlt i'hitrlesilie. in llMU. (eHl..ii ,lu-il inl'Hil. Henry .lie.l Jan. , VM. in IlillsUiro, ami I.enjamin li-i in iiil'aucy. josi:imi AMiirMUKii k' Hiurnuay. u tml N-en . i . .... m .i i a week, ami miu ule w as I lrmf!,. I hi' Iiiiiii hflil r.i voi.i rehitrheil in litM riyrht harnl, Ihe rernaiiiM were hrouu'lit t Hillhlmrn iiiiif i ! ii i I in llii I b. . elu.n I'mli itakitik' narlormiwait- m? iii-ntiination. Itm thmiurtit at he wuh a Swede who hal .Vtirklil ill l':illiin ami who alio Worked for the Wnrren l ose trui lion t'4.mi;4ny. He tail .i-il nhm i-iic laiiituave in rorest t.luve. in tlie ureHeiiee of a wit. II -ill I, ... I n u urrr.nt I ...... i.ii.i. iiini ., rv.ti i hi I I nil i1'Iii l ' rt i. il. it is Haul tttat thm irik'ht- i-lieit the in:in. who immi'duiti'lv wnt to Corneliin, ami from there to tlie llfiifcr lilaee. He ia I (" en (lead neveral tlav.4.'iiifc; front the eomlition of I h" Univ. If you wish vour eerm terv lots ! taken c are of ami kent in rontli- tnei. Ii-ave orders at the H M 1 I ormiek (dure for the under- ik iied t harfH reaHmaliIe. and t of hi rv irei, Samuel Meph etirt. l,oiiii Sawyer, writing in the O. A t". ttiai'a.iiie isHued hv th t iiletit-i. nay eowH irettmir a full miiiiilv of k'riH-n feiil daily hiiulit have L-rain iw follows irMi-vH. (iuertua-yM. Ilolnteiri! i' . ArHliireM L'lVinir -o lo 'tumul i of milk a day, !! tHitindu I' ram daily; tlnKe (living W itouiwiH o mi k. l iiotimiH in rain; iHiumiH of milk, 51 iKHimB oi gram: ami imwe giv ing I'1 iMiumli of milk. 7 jxiunds il ifrain. Kr Jersev and titiern- t-n ciuiig rill imundH of milk I n- erain ration Khou d Im' P iMimnU. and for Hilsleinn and Arsliirei4 with the Kanie yield 'MHimidHof grain a day should f.d. The Craml Marea is the most wholesoine "tw for ii iiuarU'r nmke mi market made in On1 . . i t i t i 'mi. ii v I.. N niiier. nen you a Hiram! Man-a. 12tf A (!. HoU-hkiiW and wife, who have Wen loeal.t! near Jaekson- ill.-. I' for three years . . . A ... iiiii'i- :m! aiil'iihi. reiurneu 10 tli'Uu.m Kridav. ThiV will U .tie in Oregon, and ,osMitiy win uul iitev wani in im- wrtj wan a wi-ek. Mr. J. S. 1'iUrwin. of O-niull Stallon, Itat lcrrible AnviUnt If AMMI Rl.rSS WtAIHlN C M SI S INJl KV Wat Takra T (iooil SiitiariUn I or Dp traliiia, Tbumday l'c Mrs. J. S. Peterson, wife of a menhant at ('-onto-ll Station, on the United, is in the(,l Samar itan Hospital with a gunnliot wound in her right arm that U imperilling her life. Mr. ami Mm. I'eterson wire in 1 1 illsinru last Thursday afternoon, and started home in their hatk a I tout !l :!). As they were driving In tweeri the new school hottse and the Uonru-Il ulaee a hanttm rli Hs shotgun, whieh was iM-tween the i-ouple, with the stoek resting on the fiKitlmard, was disehargi-il. the nintents entering Mrs. Peter son's right arm. shattering th Imne unit rausiriL' trreat hellior- rhages. The husband supporteil her in his arms until she was hurriedly driven back to tl Helta Prug Store, where Dr. Smith and Dr. Krw in gave In r first aid. Dr. Smith then luu her carried to his olliee. when he Istund the arm to prevent further bleeding, and tfok her to the Good Samaritan hosinta on the 6:20 car. There she was attended bv their family surgeon. ulio knew them in l 'oruami. The nrm may Im saved, but this is considered doubtful, although Mrs. Peterson is doing as well as . . cotilij m exitecieu. Th woman is Mucky, nnn withstixHl her injury like a stoic. they have one child, in the care of Mrs. Peterson's sister, at present, at Connell. Neither knows just now me gun was discharged, it nan a safety appliance, and there was no thought ot danger. Win. Luster, of Puxtori citv visitor the last of th 4 'lias. Krnriek. Ixyond North Pl:uns. was in llillsboro Friday afternoon. P. (!. Stokeb:jry. the county road builder, was down from Cornelius, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Yarnell, of TmiU-r. were count v seat visitors Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Uutlt P.lair visited over Sunday with her son, H. T. Hair, and wife, of Portland Karl Tappen returned to his efniol near Timber, after a w eek's stay with his sister. Mrs ('. I-. P.unsen. For sale: Alut ' Angoras nii:'d;some kid.i. Will sell from II uoward I.. J, Francis. Tua- atin. Oregon. 321 E OVER 10 GRAND JURY Three Appear IJefore Judge W. D. Smith and Waive Examination BONDS READILY GIVEN TO COIRT Ctltbrjltd Cac Where ViuUfiuauf Cur rtipl Pritlice U Charted if, J. N. Holfman, of the Forest (J rove Press. John H. Heisler, a well know n capitalist of Gales Creek, and Samuel S. Dallas. mail carrier to the Wilson Uiver section. apieared before Judge W. D. Smith. Monday, and waived examination to the charge H.-nrv P. Ford, of Portland. or,.- ot U asiwion s ex- - . t.,..M,i tiiinco ti 'ti) (i ifiwui "i ---- . . ollkial. tM. waa in town Friday, act of the legislature, decreeing frei tinL' friends. that when a man sends out a Willis Anderson, formerly at political circular it must be sign the Keedville ladd s lCeed farm. ed. now of Portland, was in town the last of the week, accompanied bv his brother-in-law. W. V. Hostetler. ! not lorget that Dave Cor win will gentlemen were placed under bonds in the sum of $W) to appear before the November term of circuit court. The bonds n.arl-tv furnished thp lo vour plumbing and bondsmen being John H. I leisler. .-" . . o . I r n :.i.. I C! O tM.. nmm ThintS I I J give you estimates. Satisfactory work always, and prices that ian't be given by others. Che net to Uow. Stfond Street. W. S. iilton, who departed or ( a norma la.'t week, nas schai:hsiii:iari) Joseph Miltenberger. of North llillslmro, died suddenly. alHiut noon. Sal urday. Nov. 2. l'.12. at the family home. He bad been ailing for a few days, but bi condition was not regarded as dangerous. Mr. MiltemVrger was horn in Somerset County, Pa in imr. In his vouth Ih was employed lis a f a small nlaee. near IlillsUiro. Mr Ihiii-hkiss has Ik'cii in the e trdi it and iU lgian hare busi- and did nicely, but says that Oregon, after all. suits a niiii itlui has soent some years here, better than any other place in tin. world 1 hev formerly re over in the Pebble Creek set ! ion, on the Nehalem. Do not forget to ask for a i Schiller when you want a good pi cent smoke no cough oust in the Schiller. 1-tf Quite a number went to For est Grove Saturday evening: to attend the meeting at which Cy- i . .. e -l' ......i I ti.t ! clone MitVH, ot ieMf. pniuipal speaker. Davis is a whirlwind, and gave his auditors the best in him which is always worth the attention of any citi zen. 1 he campaign closed here C .liit-.l-IL- KVl'tliltlf. also, with At- I.'.r.ii'vs' Huston and llyland, of i....ii,i t-ilkinir f,,r Taft. The house was pot all that could have v ished. but the enthusiasm made up lor that. M.wi mimt lie sold Full llHSO- mi'iit. modern improved house on ...... i.. i., ;,. Hi oonv Also it IWO H'l.-i I" -, .....i i, mi. I 'l iieres in MO V'ni liwnr- j ..... . illo near good BChool. 1. 1. il iiuin iihtee for giwwl chick en ranch. Must be sow in lew days. Get a bargain.--Terms. F. lhmsen. I saw conlwtMid. poh'S up to 12 i.uhes in diameter, fence rails, i iu,-,.-,ls of all kinds, into It.n-owood lengths. Will go into Frederick Schaer and Miss Har riet Shcpard. know n in thiscmin tv were united in marriage at Yii hi C tv. ( a .. Oct. :l. VMS. The gnxiin is the koh of Mrs. Klsie Schaer. of aUve Mountain- dale, formerly of Hethany. and the bride is a daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Shepard. who formerly resided in the Moun- taindale section. I he young couple w ill reside at Tudor, Cul.. where the groom has a imicK sniith business. AUCTION SAI.l; (m the Pennslvvnnia lines, oe tween Pittsburgh and Alloona. During the Civil war his train carried the Abo Lincoln cannon, the largest gun of those days. He moved to Indiana in 1S(i.. lind was wedded to Susan Mary Iteplogle. In l'.MM the Miltfii bergers came to Oregon, settling lit Tigardville. I,nter imy moved to llillsboro. The widow and following child tvn survive: William A.. Dallas, Ore.; Mrs. Ann, Granger. Iml.; Cha K., South Hend. Ind.; Mary Me Creay, James, Fred and Arthur, of llillsboro. Mr. Miltenberger was a mem ber of the Catholic Church, nm! .f Piiiil'u 1 '.ranch 'I0h Knights of Columbus. In poli tics he was always n democrat. The funeral took place at ten o'clock, Monday, services being held at St. Matthews Church. Deceased was highly esteemed by all who have known him. am had many friends in the east etui of the county, as well aa in Hilw-horo. .iXK-WrlUM UL.mii (nrnir call on me. v uu oi. - Sth and Fir, Ilillsbon, Oregon. Phone, City H22. H U Hall, of Shady Brook, was in town the last of the week. He had a potato vine over seven i-.... :.. i.,,,.rth when straighten- teei oi n uk-"i - - i . ... i !, .'iirn i inches 0(1 Oil I, "I ill v" . 1,,-oken otf before measurement Thorn worn liiiecn WHS lanen. v , r sinuls" on the vine. andt all of them were large. That is some potato tree, sure. C. lUaser Saturday received in telligence announcing the death of VV F. Hostetler, near Wines hrg, Ohio. Deceased was a father to VV. vv. Mosu-uei, kmiwn here and at Ueed vil e and to Mrs. J. J. Mays, formerly Miss Marie Hostetler. Death took place Oct. HO. 1? A. Gordon, the street pav ing contractor, has a kick coming ,n the conduct of the weather man. This weather is poor busi- ' , o-pttintr streets into The undersigned w ill sell at pub lic auction at their farm u nines S. lv of HillslKiro and 11 miles N. W. of Farmington, on the J. J. Krebs place, at ten a. m.. on FRIDAY. NOVEMBERS Mint, 7 yr. 91m lti.. work wiRle or .ImiliV: llirP. 8 VI. 95"; ol'l li""-- 7 mwii. nil lit milk, some fc----- 1 . 1 Irrsu, Millie iM'Mt "". 3 ii-oii' ? nlil; lol llionmfclibre.1 while I'lyinmilh RtM-k, White Wytoiiloite nnn loumi' MIriiiI Ki-'l Chlrkrim; mixcil rliii-krnr; pure breil llmtue jollier nml 3 tuikry irtm; J rure brrif IVkiit iWtrkt; 3 14 huibII pin i''' "'e Ui-gtslt-nil Duiih Jersey Nmr, i net hariu-ss, mulilli-, Riniiil ixilHtm-s tfooil for lieil. K'W1 Mtilmrn wnjioit, H inch, hnynick, McCnrmk-k mower, nml IH-criiiK rHkt-, n""1 w"1''-ii.m- 11 imh utt-el liemit .1. I. C. plow. ...,, l..i..r lmriow. sin ill tnntli lever cultivator, ilbl shovel plow, nodi a rl canopy top k1 iron ketue, v-u... iil,n,i,l.u rrptml H.liHYllttir. liarrvl churn, houstholil K""1'9 n, tontieroos oilier article I.ttneli at noon. 'IVrms of Sa o: Ten ant! un der, cash; over, one year banka ble note, 8 per cent. Hartlett & Doting, John Vantlerwal, Clerk. .1. V. Heisler. and S. S. Dallas. I N. HoiTman aowjars on the bond only a3 principal for him self. Thev had no attorney with them at the time, but it is ex nasi-. - p t,.ught a little home close to the thatftie no.iman ... ..1 1 -v in 1 1 1 nntunn r nil r" 11 ii I...-,, .liful .- lv of S:intn !iwji uuui wi.i uv-.v.. v. ....... v.. ... v., j . - . I I, . ami writes lor me argus. m- . f Ill ,nt-,. it ,r !.nvu h..r..- i e irouuic Krcw uuv u a 1.11 1.--I1, nii.rv. .v . ...... I , 1 r... . .. r 1 1 c 1 ar tssueu a tew uajs &k. U unynouy can. uj; r.m.rt with I). 1. (Wrier, always kchds faiiincr in tKmi chitv in the Tim- ... ... , . . 1 "iiift v - - 7 the hncst tish in the county. All her road matter wherein one kinds in season. Also a tine sup- nntrs was the contractor, the ply of the freshest vegetables, circular was not signed, and con Trv him. Second Street, one fjinif oevpral insinuations that door South of Koeber's. &tf miifht be construed in various u i- t.v..f,..i ,.f n.,Li..n,i wavs-hence the taking of the It. . 1 1 11 'UIUHI1, J - On-., was in town the last of the matter into couru ti'.nil- ti hK'imHi Mir Krritl .el is'holding down a big timber SCHOLLS NURSERY tmiiKisition down in Southern Oregon, and thinks he has a ti,4 su-holls Nurserv can furnish cinch on some future prosperity. L. rvthinir in the fruit-tree line The O. A.'C. bulletin gives this year. Also Loganberry 1.-1.. f!. .1 r.. 1 I...I .,1-jnf j h arkenn rasnnernes. for dairy cow s. The Washing- Clark seedling strawberry plants; ton County dairyman found this two-year old Golden Ortleys, and out veiirs airo. and it is said that leiiow iNewums. larn-; ura, III' IV in lllt'l t- 'v v v xfi r.fv mi - this count v than in anv other tree. leaning appie iret-s tour ii,.. ct-it.. nf nnurnn to si foot 10 cents each. I. u. Power the Oregon hlectnc. I ridav. ju leture niwn. and stranded the Bein unable t0 a?ree with no .11 cars out of I ortland. 1 he I ,nPtv nw-ners as to the value HillslKiro tram was stuck Itelow f - .i nf u.nv for the Orenco- lteaverton for about an hour and .... tt: 1 .r t, - .ivvpr i n in c ilhi 1 ui luc vie- a hall, and when the train pulled Electric the company in there was a nungry ouncn, r:. ready for an onslaught on the - st lmbrie and restaurants. .. -r.. . ji,i,M..aWii 9 ii John A. Thornburgh is again acres; and against Ralph lmbrie layor of Forest Grove. He was and w ife, to adjudge the value . 1 1 . . I. : 1 t .. . . a iV) Tkrt nMAnniifit id f "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE" Whenever you or any member of your family feel sicK and don't Know what is the mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. I?ut if you know what ails you bad cold grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand and one complaints of the human body, come to this drug store. We have a remedy for every illness everyone com pounded from the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE ; ; p t Are You Thinking i the state of Oregon. to six foot, 10 cents eacn. i. u. . . ., , - , Nealeigh. ScholU Nursery. Sher er k-ft the drive wires of wood 0 Koute 4 22-37 egon Llectnc. I-ndav. just t t i i i m H i t m: apiHiinted by the council last on 4.28 acres. The property is wnf.1. cin'coedine- Goorire S. Al- aitnntA on the lmbrie homestead. ten. who had resigned. Mr. a mile or so from Orenco, and is Thornburgh was mayor for one considered valuable. year, some lime oacK, ana gave - , n p i n;jff0 universal satisfaction. The citv Henry Tober. the Rood Bridge i u i,f:,. :i r.... hongrower. wasin town monaay. lllH- H'l cicmuii uiikll auci i , i : r .. . nnd had the exoenence of two me nrsi pi me year. ninaways before he made the Archie Nichols, aged 17. and nimiv seat He -staved with Kmei-son Ferrell, aged 11. the fh tpnm however, and had no worse result than a coating of Of opening a DanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National bank i i Private desks for writing yonr business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteously received. A. C. Shute, Presl C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank hUtm mmd TUrd, MIHmbofO. 1 twiv young lads who were arrest ed for killing the elk near Bux ton cemetery, Forest Grove, were before Judge Smith, last Wiilnv and waived examination. Judge Smith Ixnind them over in the sum of fdlH) each to appear before the November term of circuit court, and their cases will go before the coming grand jury. -i.i .ii t .. . i i.: i nf - 1 no CIK lias oeen suippeu lo mi. Finley, state game warden, and the taxidermist will mount it. Mrs. M. F. Peters, of Portland. was a guest .of Mrs. Emma Mc Kinney, Sunday. Sam Dallas, of Gales Creek, was down to the county seat Monday. P. I. Lilligard, of Laurel- Scholls. has sold his hops, and was in Monday, looking after the business end of his crop. fimnt nmwnlt received a big petition to the mayor and coun cil, asking that he be installed as nin-iitvuntchmfin in olaceof A. M. Brown, who was recently strick en with paralysis. The business men came ttirougn noerauy, The Wm. Wohlschlegel dairv sale, at the Brown livery, last ttatndnv. was well attended. Cows ranged in price from $oi) to $1)5, and the average per cow mui This sneaks well for the herd, considering the time of year. .Ism S Watson, now located at Swan River, Manitoba, writes for the Argus another year. Mr. Watson formerly lived be tween this city and Leisyville. lie has invested in a half section of land, and had 55 acres of crop. besides 40 acres seeded to Fall wheat, which does tine in that region. Swan Kiver is now building a !n5u,000 school house so it must be quite a place. He says the Winters are cold, but there is plenty of timber where he is located, and this serves as a windbreak. Now that the election is over oostoflice oilicials in Oregon, and. tor that matter, all over tne United States, will have a rest from handlidir tons of mail mat ter. The llillsboro othee alone sent out from thirty to forty thousand pieces of mail, besides distributing more than this amount, sent in from the out side. Postal receipts for stamps in Oregon probably exceed any like period of time, considering that there were so many tickets in the held. Postmaster Corne lius is now breathing more regu 1 larly, the rush being over. mud John A. Chapman, of Middle ton, was in the city the first of the week. J. A. is still the coitntv booster as of olden days before his section was so thickly settled. And. Rendler and Gerhard t Goetze, two of Washington County's Ho stein breeders and dairymen, were m the city rn day. Abe Yungen and father, of Helvetia, near Connell Station, were in the city, Monday, and called on the Argus. Wm. Nelson had ventilators nut in his hardware store front, Monday, to prevent sweating when the cold wave comes. .1 .1 Nusbaumer. of beyond West Union, was in town Satur day. C. Hickethier. of near Cedar Mill, was a county seat caller the last of the week. W. N. Hathorn, of Laurel, was in the city Monday morning, and called on the Argus. ttno-pne Delnlanche. of Center- ville, was in the city the last of the week. Anton Fautmeier, of near Farmington. was in town the last of the week. -Mrs. D. L. Houston, of. Port land, was a guest of Mrs. L. A. Long, Sunday. Miss Pearl Smith visited with her sister. Mrs. H. E. McKinney, over Sunday. J. A. THORNBURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY President Vice-President Caihier H. E. Ferrin, Asa't Cashier , Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $280,520.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27.000.00 1,317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 Hoaorvo 3 - $529,312.56 or Oeutt DIRECTORS Thos. C. Todd John E. Bailor . W.fjTuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur When Selecting A j diamond First Brilliancy Second Color Third Cutting and Perfection The Essential Parts of aine Diamond. I have just received from the cutters a fine lot of especially brill iant, and perfectly cut diamonds. You can buy a diamond here and feel satisfied that you have a diamond that is exactly as represented and worth every dollar you paid for it. Will be pleased to show them to you. LAUREL, M HOYT JCWILEIt AMD OPTICIAN First door west of the Delta Drug Store n 1 J shape.