Si JnlflLLSBaTO IIIM.SB()RO,()RKC0N, OCTOBKR 31, 1912 1 f 9 4 HID OVER I THOUSAND MARK fci .. tail.,. lew INS 01 I Mn PAilY t.ltlN . .4. II . .. . . I .. Hit. 1.' .- JHI, iwnll, .-Mi- unty '!,rl' a',,,y ha "a'h' i list f tin rviriiritiMi to ward totiu'Mecretary of nUti I the total registration in f.lj he larnt in the liitry if , county I')' vrr U0. l4 usual the repuMiran regi. ikm cover uUiut four voU-rn the deiwrratic registration, the lint from A piil 'J I to i cli "f the Ttu' nmtry in: Mi.Um l . I t v s ti M7 VI 7 ' Hot i' ill .14 4 I Him' U A M H 4 labw J ITS J" 1 ii ' 7 5 '" italic Jl 11 i I - J KU( i;i I'l S V NCil im m 1 M '! HI W J ' is y- l 4 7 lllllttutu 9 V? 44 I FCion Vll n 4 li.illt IS l !-i i 4 1 MliUxo 4-7 "W 4 H " ll'iim M4 M I 7 ruu it 4 tkiHlua l7 I tl I I lUtlt I'D 111 4 1 l $ CU " 41 I" l Kkr lf "7 7 J k 1 14 V7 " 1 J i" 7 H l1 A llanl fttrtniT. kLmh rnm hat U-. n injured by la-avers, ha.t wniien llie executive depart ment, aikinif that the utate of Oregon pay him -that lk-avr have ilaniatfed rowrty in build in of tlarim. A few vi-nr ami Albert Itenriett. ntii.linif t that WOut Hunting Quall.and Say iinn- near tiir I jiumii,in I i.u BIG ELK HEAR 6R0VE helhouthtlt Was Momier Deer III XEO WITH A SHOT (ilN. SATITDAV eetion, had aeveral arrea of crow ili-Htroyiil hv the wat.m llMinjr fmm a backwater made hy thi- utiiiual the ilU of which i-nru lu-.l the early day trapper. I he linrard tnan hold that ho lonif w the Ktate pnitecU the U-avi-n. and will not allow a iMTHoti to Mtiip them with train Archie Nichols, ajjed Bevcntwn or ateel. the conininnwonllh I v u u i a iivi suimb mmUin! 'tt' the damafe9 rove. lant Satunlay .hot and Oaaw Warca Takes It la Cnlu!y and Vmm( awa koaad (her One must U Hold Full Une mi nt, modi rn improved houne on two l.,trt in IlilUUtro. Also a ifon hoiiite and 21 am in Mc Mmnvillf. near koo.1 Hchool Ideal town place for irood chick. en ranch. Munt U Hold in few- day. (Jet almrK'ain.-Terms. t'. F. Hunticn. oiienii luiirm'K ha hau a luiy time thin week, Bending out elet-tlotiK HUppheH. liailey and hi deiiutv. killed an elk near the Iiuxton cemetery, using a ahotirun with which he had been hunting quail. Nichols nays when he jumiMil the elk, he thought it was a big deer, and he whanged away. little dreaming that his elkship carried with his carcass a $.Vn) fine. Nichols had KkirU-d the brush back of the cemetery fjerk hunting for native pheasant and K. C. fiuail when the elk jumeu up L ti OfguB. I W. B..U. I ......I ('Ink "I V .t M l ounlr Ml ! Miry n. (In hrti Wmf llial Ihr aliirr n. dr;.iliig kmril full. Our HI rni!rli llr M d Ihf liiUl irKUUaOiiil In rai b i( w tv mi iitrtiuri ui wni pwiif un Inch .4llirl ilri,; im xll fnt Aitll tl. ! J i' l l,t(tklil-t M. I'd J. l. bmtti4 Klllllitn fur Ml. I I'.Jiintt. 4 ikf Int. I rrgiMialM n ..r uul tt o'ln mill (Miltltral lulioa, lxlru A it 1 1 '.'4. ii ml clwk it III , Ifc'l tr , ttit by Ihr H- k K ;iIiHi.o im Urtutal J.l, liU, nuilril by VllBrM Whriruf, I liVf lirirmiln ;knl hikI 1irt Ihr t u( llir fly CmiiI l Uliii(liit 1'iniiily, odlirjuii, lint J tity ! IMitirt, J V lUilrjr. Cmiiny Cl-ik. ihe misci'llatHinis regist ration burs &ii, covering the Pro live vote: the ProL'resHive ihlican;the Progrensive Ilrin- t; the iNiptilist. und other tering vote. DAIWV At C I ION V nntlersigned will Hell at Mil- itiftion at the J. II. I'rown K Main street, IlillsUmt, won, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on IrUKPAY, NOVKMItKK 2. (following dairy slink: Fif i fine dairy row s, extra choice, le lhirhams mid Jerseys; r'n in milk, seven iust fresh: Rne milkers. Four will fresh 'or winter milkintr: balance Vh in spring. A line register- llnlul.,,,, I., ,11 ... loin II... r hi null, wi'iKiin lO'lw iii. i file winner at the Salem fair. mother took a prize lit the wuis fair. The iilsive cows well selected for dairy pro- fH and are just the pur- fr n dairy ranch. A of mares, one 10 vears. one 11 vears. PMfi: l'ism rain and work well together; 13 milk cans. fowof Sale -Two m-rcent. Of cash, nr will ukII fitr (i hankalile note, t 8 per interest. ."K Wnhlschlegel, Owner. nn Vaiulerwal. Clerk. A, I tcrrwi aT nnni (viriu town Saturday aftermxin. Imcr Miller Itrnnk. city visitor Monday after pun w county judgeship contest noi Kock Koads vs. Mutt Cr. Judge Stevenson retire f Kwk Unnds. Which do you rnraid adv. reo. Itunl7 h ""Uiei'llv Momliiv. llennd 'fe returned a few days ago Hanniirl, , , i... ..- - "Mn w-ena li ip V" li m ?lraHka and Iowa. Ho says ,0nd Uiat section nf United Wig vefv rirdsiriornim with ny Imiirovcmiintu nvnr the Whim U I. .ft ik.. tl.i .I no iuil tuuiu. lie that ha "1.1 iia (riaua to him. It made quite a Luce, have liccn working like within 2T feet of him, U-avers for ten day, getting! He blazed away with Imth everything in readiness to get barrels and laid the big fellow the ballots, pencils, tally sheet. When he examined the und ollicial reports to the u-onle animal and found it was an elk so they can vote Tuesday, ami he told his father, and Nichols with a sigh of relief the ma-1 senior forthwith took the boy to chmery for the various precinct town and notified a game warden was oi lei and sent on its wav. ioung Nichols was bound over It is estimated that out of 5.000 to appear In-fore the grand jury. over registered there will be a while the game was brought to vote of at least 4.500. and more, town and placed in cold storage. I I itn Mt'imu ti'hn L rw t u ti un I I VAM iV41HIII If II lliwvi nil WiW VordWtNKl. iHlleS UP tO 12 lli uh..n h a.a Kim Cfiv ll,.. inches in diameter fence rails, big fellow would weigh from 350 ami ooams 01 an mnus. mio to 400 iiounds, dresstnl, Ki.newi.M lengths, will go into The presence of his elkship in tuiniiry. nrue, puone or wtt8 Known to several, and Kot- cailOll me. I an KOW. Corner una hunt intr in tl... mnmn v Hth and Fir, Oregon. cinity the other day. When he I hone, t ity Ki. came home he said he had track- Ceo. T. Unlford and wife re- M the biggest dwr in the world turned Friday from an extended m the brush above the burial trip to Mr. I-edford'a old home, ground, and that he was going m ar Kirksville. Mo. Thev ar- out and get him -but he did not rived in Portland Thursday eve- Nichols will probably plead nirig and remained over nighX ignorance of the knowledge that Ihe next morning Mr. ledford it was an elk -but it will be was stricken with iwralysis, and worth the money to have-it on carried to the train n an ambu- record that he actually Rilieu an lance. Me is recovering albhtlv elk. Many a man will envy him from his attack, and his familv the honor, although there. are a iim.I frifnds hniH. he will soon be lew-well, quite a few -who on the streets. would be willing to pay that ...... , ... much money to have the btate ot iviuiiiik wiiiuir iitoiih i i uiw ()rilimn rewird thf nmweas on cm.niy man gissi romis. juage jtJ archive9( even if the fet.s are ii'vrntHiu in inn hunk i nny stop in wnen ne is jusi The rir8t reports said that Km gelling siarieu;-! aid adv. -rson Karnll. aired 14 had heln Mr. and Mrs. John Olden, of ed kill the big fellow, but this is t..rr..ur i'nnntv Rrrive.l at I he I SBId tO UC error, lliilol Wiwlitnirtiin Inxl Wiik. in I The statute on elk follows: e.Hi..,i,a.. i ft telegram announe- "Sec- 22S3- It shall bo unlaw ing the illness of I). T. Gilford, ful to hunt, pursue, take, kill. t,.iu..r ..r Mm ni,i..n und Mine injure, or destroy, or have in sl (lilford. of the Hotel. Mr. iwssession. except ior scienu nc ii.i..i. u..n...i hnmi Mom av eve. or DriMiuing purtHwes, or ior me ..i - I iii.iuui.t tt inn in narL'd tr nuig. Mrs. iiitien remaining un- : ",,""" t'" til it, U nit miimvement in UUOIIC museums, or 10 sen, or 01 h..r rat her's condition. fer for sale, barter, or exchange, .,, , . any eiK, or ei meai, ai any ume M.en Judge Stevenson took , ,t thft date of the I)assaLre ollice he promised the HKpIe rock f thi . d fit day of 11. .1.1. ..a kni - " - nmiis. ne nas oenvereu AuiruaL 1919. nd from and af goods, lie will deliver more u tcr thc 8ajJ first day of Augru8tt re-elected. I aid auv. win. it shall be un awful to Circuit court will convene on hunt pursue, take, kill, injure, M.iiuhiv. Novem wr IS. for the or destroy an elk at any time be- regular NovcmU'r term. A jury tween the first day of September will Ik called, and a grand jury of each year and the first day of The term will not August of the following year. ' . . . . 1 .1 no 1 4 A 1 e verv lenghlhy, as judge i nis staiuie was passeu ui me . . - I . m i I . I'amplM'll has been keeping up nyoy session oi me legislature, pretty well with the docket. .i i. i n cljIj .una! AUCTION hALI: r. r.. Kowrii. in kjviiuiifj, in to the citv Monday, and states that the Scholls Grange Fair was hhe undersigned will sell at pub- .i . I ... in tha hia. I.' t .L. 1 . !)... Hie one IM-SI eiuui in hj jiic buciioii hi me uran. immn tory of the place. Scholia has paee, one mile southwest of . I . a '. . . nnni llu' production unu nio irvii iuaiama otaiion, on riievint:, who have the public spirit to Lnd jj miles northwest of Ueed- show what can be produced. vie, at ten a. m., on Henry U. Kageler. and Molly FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 'nwhiT of near neaverton. werei n. unTtr. to r. noo:lirown nmn. llllirr ed Oct. , MIA me 9 r, 1000, iwia wota nne, single or wnM. of Jacob zurcher. y-Z"TZ'r Mllll lllioer ouii-ioniiK. aoo: vetliiiK heifrf. 1 hfiferi. 8 mo n- M..n-.. f Portland, was A f" dl'1. hevy. w? .. A'T"!??: l in. niuiioi hi aiDglc uiiKK" nurneiis, o norsc coiihtb, out Sunday, the guest 01 i. n. hulf truck w)tn. 3V; i)i '"K'i " how were OUl Biter Iwhrel wmion. Iron wueei iruc wdtfon, native 'birds, but report a poor tvu?9 day for game. hyrke, iprinKloot'i harrow, 3 oclion i-Veret te McDonald. Carltons, i. h.rrow. mw wiiim Pw. u; ('nun. f"y Wiin rupc.i.n.1 puur,.. wu. Bno uwui " tv u;r i''.i.., Umiih (M.. '24.1912. iffitnta. Kconomr Chief cream kepnrator juiiKu kJ.-v.., . r - . wr . ...nucltv. Plrniet Ir. o ...i . nmi ""."r:.!"1, . r ...... Mra liOO. Ol'IIUIli. ui vi .n" lu.nlrn ilrill. lnc crew, nnmcn-iMi ck litv was a guest of her parenta, cbmnn, nawMleilRCi, am) nnmeroui oth m :y' J: iuir Thna. Gheen. Sun- er .ri.clei. Lunch t Noon. Terms of Sale Ten and under, year bankable Jake Milne, of North Tualatin Plains, was in the city Saturday morning. u . . . ... wr. ix)we, rnaay. T. IL Davis, of North Tualatin Plains, was in the city the last of the wii'k. Ji. Prandenbi-rg. of Orenco. was a city visitor the last of the week. Coal and wood of all kinds. I'ave orders by Telephone City 177. II. D. Schmeitzer. 31-tf Alfred I ley wood, of Oak Park, was a city visiU.' Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carstens, of Hanks, were guests over Sun day at the home of Mrs. E. C. McKinney. A vote tor Judge Stevenson for (bounty Judge is a vote to fill mud holes with crushed rock. Paid adv. 1. C. Nealeigh. the orchardist, and Frank Fischer, an onion grower, were up from Scholls Saturday, and called on the Argus. Wanted -An apprentice dressmaking.-' Mrs. Mary Ma lone, on Smmd. between Edison , and Jelferson, telephone City 107. Si MASTER STATE GRANGE Write the Press. Asking Consid eration on County Utile f tills AS TO HANDLING HIOHWAV AFFAIRS Should be Read by Every Tbuuhtful Citiiea Grille Support C. E. Suence, master of the Ore gon State Grange, writes the press, asking the publication of an endorsement of two road bills, offered by the organization. He says a county, if these measures pass, can have the right to vote for or against bonding for roads. His letter follows: "True rule by the people who pay is contemplated in road bills 324 and 326. The first bill covers the detail of road meetings and bond issues to pay for the work f. and the latter provides for the lOrl .; i:i . . creation 01 a nignway aepan ment. The bills have been care- drawn and have been ap proved by the state grange, an organization com nosed of level- A private letter from I .oyd headed farmers and taxoavers. Izmir, with the First Regiment, The countv bondintr art re at Honolulu, states that he may ipjires that the taxpayers specify stay in the Islands this Winter, the amount of bond3, the road3 after he receives his discharge to be improved, the material to in DtH-emlier. be used and the termini of irn- Attorney John M. Wall went provementa. Work is to be done to Vancouver. Wash.. Monday, u. U"-"V'. 1 . couni to attend a meeting of the stock- engineer appointee, oy me county court and approved by the state Company, representing Hillsboro highway engineers. Specifica st.Kkholders. t,ons " to be prepared by a M . comfeieni engineer and approved tor sale: Aliout till Angoras. hv the state hiVh wnv eninnpor mixed; some kids. Will sell from work is to be awarded by con II upward. L. J. Francis. Tua- tract after advertisement latin. Oregon. 32-4 The anrument advanced in P. (i. Higdon has completed favor of this measure is that it painting a very tine and com- grants tne taxpayers mil control modious bungalow for Mr. Hitch- of the road building situation. cock, of Reedville. and he ex- both as to the amount of bonds iMfts U) start plastering this and location ot roads to be im- week. proved and nature oi improve' ment while at the same time availing the supervision of the kinds in rT Alf afinesup- be in cloe touchvJuh the & hfIft county engineer whose appoint; , ,.,. ."w - mpr,t hv thA ennntv rniirt ho u.-i ir. if I -j " ... have approved. above Home Rule in the matter of Gaston, was to the city Monday, good roads is what the people of on probate altairs, settling up Oregon need. Ihe people of his administration of the estate county ought to be allowed to of his brother, the late Agnus spend their own money for good Mdood. roads, and in the manner they ,. , . ,. , ,.,Jsee fit With this idea in mind liy the next issue of the Argus ..,.,t.i k ...n k n it i i i .Llik "uiu ire ihcii iui nic tuicr in- we will all know who is to be the tere8ted in pood roaAa t0 vote yes on bills 324 and 326." D. P. Corrieri always keeps the finest fish in the county. All door South of Koebcr's. Findley McLcod, of mam mm A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE' Whenever you or any member of your family feel sich and don't Know wKat is tKe mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. But if you know what ails you bad cold grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand and one complaints of the human body, come to this drug store. We have a remedy for every illness everyone com pounded from the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE 1 Are You Thinking next president of the United States. That is to say, unless a situation unlooked for shall pre sent itself, that no candidate hall have a majority in the ectoral college. Do not lorget that Dave tor Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gheen, Sun- er dav. Hillsboro'a two precincts reg- casn; over, one y iiiiisouiuo k y . at8nercent. istera total oi i . - ' .inhn Hrcrstrand. Owner. ti . ..Mfrt nonr n imii ui iLU i ' tne count, J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. VOlfin. fcj T. Turner, the Laurel mer nhnnt was a city visitor Satur dav. finm Shaner. of the Jolly Plains, was in the city Monday and called on me Argua. V. H. C ark, ot rarminKW"'. John Vanderwal, Clerk. The wav to get more rock roads is to elect the man who builds them, Vote lor K. Stevenson. Paid adv, 0 Mrs. George Schulmcrich. o r .JV.raZ Mon. Creswell. is here for the week, AUCTION SAtE We will sell at public auction, at our place, one mile north of Cor nelius, on the old Centervule n will do your plumbing and road, at ten a. m., on give you estimates. Satisfactory THURSDAY. NOV. 7 work always, and prices ' that F.iirhteen rrndod Jprspv mws can't be given by others. Che- 9ome 0f them tuberculein-tested. nette Row. isoeond street ii 0f them iust fresh. 6 fresh in N. Womer. of Oakville, Wash- November, one fresh in Decern- ngton. near Grays Harbor, is 'ITT1 , rolalives, at Laurel, making the ln? V T'T1 01 ine trip to see his brother, Daniel, ". - ...uV. : n i.,.,iM ru;a ta M.. eights Jersey bull, 2yrsold; bay w.,m'a first trin her in some driving horse, 3 years m Spring; !, ri ,a a a-.tifi.i r buggy, No. 2 Lmpire cream sep- 1 1 1 V' M Vll ' OIIVJ H v- ! rSlUbtlll-M WV I . . rt J c J " Imillr nana llMl-omT MonHir 1 U .1 vuiio, muiiuj uvv t or sale: fcpan Of mules; U incuhatnr. Lunch at Noon. ears old; weight about 2300; Terms of Sale Ten and under. . . . t , i r : never Deen injured; genue, ana cash; over, 1 year bankable note. good workers and travelers. at 8 per cent. 2 per cent off for llf 'II 1.1 . . LI ' will lane young mare as pan cash. payment -must weigh at least A. 0. Cook & Son, Owners. 2U0. 1. U Nealeigh. fccholis, J. W. Hutrhes. Auctioneer. uregon, anerwooa, ure., uoute Frank Sholes. Clerk. 33-5 Rum Pnislpv. of Rnxton. was Congressman W. U. liawley, down Snturdav. Sam sava that of halem, was in the city Friday the Argus is in error in thinking auernoon ana evening, arming that Roosevelt has any advantage m on ine uregon aiecinc snoruy ovor Tnl't in Washinirton Countv. after two in the afternoon. Haw- and that Buxton will roll up the ley was in the smoker coming usual Republican vote for the oui irom romana, ana was en Ohio man next Tuesday. Sam is joying a Havana. He says he is verv ornnhat c nhont it too. connaent oi victory, ana mar. ne r I , j L.La.l.l Ii . , . , . , . TT . win aisiance com me nooseveji John Reichen, of West Union, j j-f:..j:jf0 was in town Saturday, and says , ,g prohibition rivai i8 probably mat, me urenco-neiveua cuvou i,:m n ,w,w fn f.tU!!Si:S.W to. be Retting manias. ucm. 8ome of the republican votes to move every building but his .K-M ia iKir;nn l 2 I... . 11 -T VHVic .o iiuum: ra uiun vu Kct t,... tendency. This, of course, would the right of way. Active work tend to hel the aemocratic nas comnitiicfu un ooni enua oi and proKre8sjve candidates, tne line. whiio in th ttv Mr HdwIpv Joa. Downs and crew, in charge was a guest at the Hotel Wash- of the Sweeney cement work, ington. put in the Wilkes Abstract side- walk, Monday, with but one mis hap. Some elderly gentleman, MASS MEETING who was in a hurry to ward off A mass meeting is hereby called the chills of morning at a thirst to convene at the court house, in emporium, plowed through the Hillsboro, at 8 p. m., on Monday, tou dressing like a full-rigged November 4. 1912. for the pur- bark at sea under a heavy gale, pose of nominating city officers ll ux)K on i y live iiiiiiuu'3 vo re-1 ior me coming cujr election. pair the damage as the cement H. T. Bagley. Mayor. Of opening a BamH Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod era accommodations at the American National bank i Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. Your patronage courteously receive, A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Malm ami Third, K&mhoro. 7 Amohpom Lmrgt otamy Bamk lit J. A. THORNBURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. McEUX)WNEY President Vice-Preaident Cashier H. E. Ferrin, An't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans . $280,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27,000.00 1,317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 Rosorvo a Per Oorit. $529,312.56 DIKCCTOBS Thos. C. Todd John E. BalUr J. Wjruqua Wilb.r W. McEldownoy j. A. Thernburg I ILVlPROVine SI0E3T 1 I RELIEVING NERVE STRAIN, That's what my glasses are doing. If you have reason to believe there is anything wrong with your eyes at all, you should haye them examined at once. No Charge for Tests. Small Charge for Proper Glasses. LAUREL. M HOYT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN First door west of the Delta Drug Store 1 8 t ';t to the Oregon clover and was a couni 'egue8t0f reaves. had not yet set 1 Hillsboro, Ore, Oct 24, 1912. mi jr.