The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 24, 1912, Image 1

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in.'--- i : .
Viluubfc i rm IWuil
HUE rot l0SM S
,; ha Utii a Kn t l all f.-r
lH-t that WiiliinKtMi
inty ha MII!Mm 1,'"4,u',,
tif tin prwiuci wu... -.i
. .... in t hintory. A tiumUr
f gut-l authorities claim that
thtliKrtiii Krai" virtue of the
wriy ram ha "''' '"a'1' "
...i n, than ho. ly thehi.rvet
mJ mile f clover Hel. W hen a
richer ran get two or thn-e
ton of .lover hay for and
Ijt.r rut and thrill i lover need
nd t from to P and
M) i- r acre, he Ih "going norm-.
T . .1. . U ultiil illlK ft llt'fllMI-
clmlii'l " humlrtnl of farms
jwrvin tin r our M,r"
iTu (U.niiell. ot near Nrlh
plan.. probably received the
. A..... tui'A check of In."
stir, it iing Mi'l that for a U
Unk ran to liWS. Thi I Hornr
i .... ....i,-i,l..rinif that he h;i'l
already take" " rr"'' "r
tany rlovrr hulkr have U-.-n
.i t. ilm il.uiiii chwe of
Iwt .t k. UatihelderA; heifer,
of West Union, navo nii.i i
Ihfir hitttnrv. am
oin t!ankn firm ha.t t clvrr
hulUni ruritiink'lliiiHfa!Kii. t!ir
onJ machine.
V. Iv. Kinit. whom herefrom
Canton, tlluo, vUitinif tin liajf
l. i not from MmHouri, hut he
i . . i ..i
nun in im Known, anyway.
Winn u' wan looking at thf hi
t tiint'H that WaKhiii((Un C-oimty
nirnf! h il-Hihtid thfir nu-aKurv
nifiiu. i iu tiouin K'ii cn-t n-
niif itti fin tiitu tin t it tit
to know. Si he went into I'ercy
lmu' hardware, Satunlay, and
Uitit'lit a UtM'line. Mcanure-
menU alwayn helI out however,
ami after two day of measuring
it At I'
k iitir i rifiiu' tiiu iiiyi inu hu bv
ttrtil urtttt lt!ii'k tu li 14 friftnin lit
Cunt-Mi that thU wan tin laurjct-st
rouniry ior oiir inintr inai nc
had ever viHiled.
Deadliest llnemy to I rult Trer
Mutt be Killed at Once
Vert Virtual to Valley Euepl Wkcre
Spnyiaf Hai Beca ladultcd
(In.-muni ln moIiI Full liae
merit, modern improved houw on
two lots in iiitiHiioro. mm i
w I imtixe uinl arrcs in Me
Minnville. near ifood Btluiol.
t.t..i.l 1. 1 n i,l fur iivmI rliii'k.
en ranch. Munt ! mld in few
d:iv. tlet a hurk'airi. - terms.
C, r. r.uriHen.
ti . .... i..;.i,..,l u ill Ki'll at i'ut
tic auction at the J. II. hnn
Hlni-t. HlllHhoro.
Onvon. lit I o'clock p. m., on
sATi!iuAY. novkmi;i:u 2,
Tl,.. f. .11. ..ft in. r ilsiirv Stin k: I'if'
4111- umi..-. ...Pft ' -
i.... iu... .txirveowii. evtra choice,
m il in.". ...... t - - . -
li.irl.iimii nii.l Ji'IXi-VH.
eleven in milk, never, juhI intth;
a tine) milkers, r our 01 '
n for winter milking; halnncc
A tine n'lTHler
1 ll..lal..ill l.llll uelL'hM IHKI ItlH.,
TO inn in l ift I t '
prize winner at the .Salem lair,
ii... .....ii,..i. ii nri.e at the
inn iiivii . .."
i fi.ii. Tim u Uive eoWH
43V, liillll mi" f
are wetUelected for ihury prt
I nn. hint the inir-
-i... r..ft. n itmrv much. A
num n i vi ...... f
ipau of mares, one 10 years.
IKiti; one 11 years. i:U."r. IS,
ininuih anil work well together;
abi i:t milk cairn.
t a ,.t -To ner cent.
111111. Ml"1 II t .
olT for caxh, r will m-U for '
mcmthH bankahle note, at S ht
cent, iiiterent.
W. F. Wohlnclilouel. Owner.
John Vundcrwal. Clerk.
The Scholia Nursery ran
every thinir In thf iruu u - ...
thin yenr. Al IKanlry
pla.iH, hluckcnp nvs.herne.
Clark seedling t raw herry plants,
I.,, .,.... ..i.i Gulden OrtleyH. mid
Yellow Newtonrt, law
well heailed. for 12 cenU hT
tree. Yearlinn pl tree four
toHix foot, lOcentrt each. I. u
, NealeiKh. Sfhollrt iNtimery. f""
i..,n..l Ilm l.'.lllll. ft." "
VI' in I'.niiituiL'h who hm H't
wilh the I. ion rewtrt for several
. .ii.
yearn. returnd irom a rnonin
iii.ii ii ill, li mnther at Woo
ndnv. Mo. lie found run momer
in excellent health, and had aev
..r;il Hi-..La nf V'iiOt W'ilh liiS (ill
whoolU.y frieridii, nronauun
utatejt that the Arirus reached
him every week, and that there
wad inner a paper so mucn en
I unit.' fiiri Uiiikl imlea UU to 12
tin hed in diameter, fence rails,
U df all kinds, into
Hlovcwood lengths. Will tto into
the country. Write, pnone or
r'ni-l skow. corner
lliM " '
Hth ami Kir. HillUr, Oregon.
rlione, l ily h--.
Andrew 1'ierson. ot Ih-edville.
was in town Saturday. On rri
dav eveninir he kilUnl a monster
owl in his yard, the mm measur
inir M inchet! from tip to tip.
v.. ... ,ti.ui.u,,iinir an owl ifunenu-
ly runs to feathers, and has hut
i. ..I.. ii nwlihiu weiirhed
ever imnds. lhis is the
latest hirdof iU Kfies killed
in the neclion ior years.
). T. Corrieri always keeps
it... c,.,..ft,i twii in the county. All
Ull- in,. - ... -
kinds in Hi'itson. Also a fine sup
ply of the fresh.-st vek'euuies.
I . . . . ft.. ..... nwM
... i. m s.n-iinii aiwu
1 1 uiiu. -
i 'i. ...i. L'....l. a
door ruio in rv.w
Anthracnose-thc deadliest ene-
mv tn fruit tren accordinir to l. the ISeaverton apple-k'row-
jr-is virulent in the Willamette
Villev where BDrayinitt ha.s not
been indulged, and this hliKht
nhould have attention at once.
Homer (I. At well. County r ruit
Inaneptor. writes the Arirus as
r.iilnwii. and alt who have apple
trees ot any kind, should read
this, and take action at once:
T.. tka k',titiir
4U viiv .
Apple-tree anthracnose. com
monly called "dead-spot" or "ap
ple canker." is the worst enemy
r , Aillnmetti Vallev apple-
ft. . I .1 ft ....II.
irrower. It tins me iree m.
dead wood, and eventually rend-
. the tree woritl ess.
i mmA I. .r,r in this vallev
vcmai "' in '- - -
where thorough spraymi; is not
annually pracucoa. urenr.j.w
uknnt.t annv at once with 'llor-
niiuuiM - , ,
a w Mivtiimi" rnntnintnii BIX
Ul'u I'll"""" . , i
.iu nr 1,1.1.1 vitriol and six
twunds of lime to fifty gallons of
waUT. Effective BorJcaux Mix
ture can not be purchased ready
made. Directions ior iu y t'.
mrtA nimliration will be
i i in hi f.mtli and eleventh
tiienniat reiwrU of the State
ii......! f iiiirtien ture. io uu-
.i... n,tdru the Secretary,
II M. Williamson. 1503 Henry
Uuildinir. Portland.
such result up to this date. We
have no cleaner politics, no purer
..,.i;i;,,iinii nn liH.M vraft. no bet-
.HIVIft...... . r.
ter laws for women and children
than Massachusetts lias, anu in
..;.. .if h nften reueated as-
wrtions of the Suffragists, not
one of the laws we nave . wic f.f the voUn ol women.
a.. uu ti.iu (fiiK ine innuence
fn I i r - -- -
..f ..mi.n ru itidi th Suixraifc m
u nuiin-n w" - - t"
better than witn trie exercise oi
it. I have found ine proiemnonai
titieian. hard. aif-
juiiienmv, ... ,
ressive, toua in voice anu nwu
..... .,r,,i nilv to antaironize any
one to carrv her point. It is not
. ti. i..r un untieftLi w riu-Hjn. .... -.-
i ... ..iu.ut in Hi.ntimenL 10
pxssion. and to raneieu wronK
done v) women, mere is in(
lllll.. nou til K!1V On tht? subiect.
excepting that niy observations
i. ..j ,n u mTi.ntftiiKMi mv leciiuK
on the subject The better class
. I . . ....... 4 n imla
of women oo noi wain i v.
u J 12 hnrit fr.r me to induce mem
to come to the polls, when any
stirring question comes up. and
..Jinmu mniti-ra thev neither
feel nor even preienu w iwi
till. I T-nw.
iii.iirimr fmm the eonuitionsas
UU.4.l'fl -- - - .
they now stand in Colorado, do
..... iwimuit v Ti'ei mat li e wo
men's vote will k'tter our State
of OrejjonT
Mrs. l-rancts J. r.aney. 1 rea.
traia auv.j
ItlPHRTftllT Rflin Rll I
11,11 uiliniii nunu uiu. 1
Constitutional Amendment ler
mils Majority to Vote Bonds
tatroduced by the Peeplt ol Soalbeni
Orccoa Vole a Voa Like
1 IV!f
t OK SAl-li
ill II"" ULUO .
ii,,n 1 HilUlKiro: 2 acres cleared.
iminncn i.jfiilv cleared. Close to
Ullllll I. V ' ' J
U I Ir'W.t new DliiSvVl
kJ. 4 HlftV.1. -- . ......
tA hniinn and tine well, win
t i.?ii.u lmrtv. terms
reasonable. For full particulars
write, Jas. C. Ennw. &nerwoou,
fire L 4. liOX VJ.
An 0. A. I;, professor says
that nirls sulTer fnun tinht lac-
ilH'. ami inai curvamic v,. ..v
;., urui'ii nn iro n 100 UKiit
' r ....,.. ftttrmmi ine
IV UK 01 nimi -
numlH-r or jjins suuei i.k
. ,.r ii, m lino is irreatly
flirVHluir 1 "i - -, -
pretmlerant over men. a
,ri.f.r is a woman no one can
1 . . . - Ij ....HitiiT into
sav inai ji 11 11. 11 if k"'
diini'i-rous territory.
.. . . ....,.. Hint l)nvelOr-
110 noi ii'iKv V7 1
:n .1.. 11 timhini and
win win : , . ,
,,ive you estimates. Satisfactory
work always, and prices that
can't U' Kivcn by others. Che-
netle How. Second Street
K. Jacobs, a former Hill
The undersik'ned will sell at pub
lic auction on ine 010 un
dess' place, one mile northwest
of Kinton IHKti ocnou . ..u
miles northeast of Scholls. at ten
a. m.. on
Horse. 1400; irray horse. 9 years
1300; sorrel horse, 12 years, 1250
sorrel mare, i yean.
horse, 9 yrs. nw, wurrara ,
V T'o ...Lft. w ilia m k dai v: 2
iresn o w r-. - - v.
sows, 50 AnRora mixed pouts.
1.. .ii.i.1.1 400 hu oats. 31
Studebaker wairon. 1 eu uvr
work harness, J I Case breaking
.1:., niuti uainr. nuriuw.
piow, ui.. - . , .
hayrake, fanning mm,
yroodi and numerous other arti-
c es. Uuncn ai rnoon.
m ,. f oi tin and under.
cash, over, one year bankable
. -ft . . u iiav fiiinf
Geo. lkller, Owner,
John Vanderwal. Clerk.
Erwin Buell, of near North
Plains, was in the city rnday.
Mr. Buell and Robt McKmnht
were out in the Shady Brook sec
tion last week, anu iur. i.u
landed a fine three-prong buck.
The discip'es of Izaak Walton
mL-intr mime nice trout
ait; iiib.ii.ih " --, , .
catches in Dairy and tne luaia
tin, within a mile of town. Ld.
Wann landed 15 nice ones within
an hour. Sunday afternoon.
Irt not foriret to ask for
cv.i -ii... vim u..Tnt a fOOu
ftTt,-!inrc-i "-- 1 " - ,,
10 cent smoke- no cough dust
n the Schiller.
Washington County has 27
nrnd Rtnllions. tieu.g the
icii. ti,uttit, in in lint of num
IOUI III lliv uv-.- -- -- - ,
li.ilvl Wushintrton lounty nas
m V.,.n rir...n,ni stftllions. Per
cherons appear to have the lead
in numbers over an oiner uiet-us.
l'.,- CI..- Wheat and oats.
i VJI ft.miv. - -
with HO wrcent tare-make tine
mixture for feed. J. S. Steinke.
.i miln smith of Newton. 30-2
V'l IV iiii.v "
Amontf the numerous roadis meas-
" . 1
ures submitted to the people up
on the ballot for action at the
November election, is the one
- - 1
submitted by the people of
Kniithem Oreiron known as the
County Home Rule bill. This
measure, as its name implies,
mve tn counties the right to
build highways if desired, upon
tho mnaont of a maiority of the
voters If obtained at a general or
special election.
Th hill does not dttler ma
terially from the constitutional!
nmunrlmiini snhmitted and car-
ried two years ago. except ui-t
u coif aniMmv and reauirea
lb 19 DCI1 ' - " - I
no enabline act and no legal en
tanglements or interpretations
bv the courts 10 nam per ntuuu.
- .. .. 1 a i
No limiution is piaceu upon
4k ;n,lKtaHnnm na snrh limita-
HIC lllVIVVvvvftiiv .
tinn IS nodle83. for the taxpay
ers will not vote for too large
indebtedness and it they aia.
th hrmiU eould not be sold.
The limitation of two per cent
placed in the so-called Harmony
hilla. wilt be fatal to many coun-
no tavnovcra will refuse to I
vm iu wak-j ' - - 1
r,-iH on indehtAdnesa unless
TV1V v, - - -1
it honpnt. nv eooa roaos. mi
....hnf tho pnnnrv. wnicn can-
tal ft-' " ft mv .vft...rf .
t Hnnau.-ith small amount
Under this measure-, me amount
of indebtedness is left to the tax-
uayeta w ucvmi.. ....
r ! I tL..4 IIia
Tho monqure nroviues iiiat uic
A .IV . -I . 1
.nnniii mnrt in its order 01 I
election shall "provide every de
tail concerning the iorm anu
manner of disposing of the se-
..;a iaanod" nnd to insure
llil I L 11- O .vv t I
tho or the election, ine
VUV M-v-
Vta nnnatfMirrpd. the ma-
ruaua vj w i
. . ! 1 1 kntA
terials to oe usea, win wso u
The simplicity oi me measure
. . :..4 nl !f hoa thm
io itb firnini mil l. uiiu ii iiftft " -
endorsement of all of the lead-
. . i
: mida nn viH-3AL4fs. iii-
IUK Kwvi .7 -J 4 1
eluding Sam Uiu, me presiuem
of the national good roads asso
ciation. Its number upon me
k.ii4 viai onii ir von lavor iu
t nn x between "360" and
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel aich
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
But if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
Mrs. Leah Bouland. of Port
tan.l. was a guest at the I- A.
Long home, Sunday.
Daniel Shaw, of below Iluiier,
was in the city Monday morning,
on circuit court business.
The way to get more r k
roads is to elect the man who
builds them. Vote for U.
Stevenson -Paid adv,
Sheriff Hancock arrived in
from Missouri, fuiur mj -.
on the last train. with U. Lnuw r,
brought back for larceny hy
haillee. Cramer was lliced in
the county Jail over duuj.
The Shute Savings Barik wiy
its depositors over $10,(MM) l 'ir'y
1 . C... nira Uenosiis.
ior interest on a-j.h - i , .
If you do not tarticimte n t - s
start an account, $Uwiht
is required. Its wnai ,
not what you earn that makes
you rich.
a. ....... .ii . ta nt five, and
Nearly an uw"'".", ,n
ten a7res have been sob in the
Hillalioro Of. on tracts, wd
several smaii nmi" " ;rtnf
built here and mere. " "
the numbers are Germans, and
the way they are ; cleanimK up
the wilderness of stumps and
brush is not slow.
i . ri.. ii'.irLintr at UOS
faloH. t:al., has moved back to
Santa Croat, where he wt send
. . I 'l l-.... tn ueninii. lit- niw
hlH l lil t"' .' " .
nty of cement work a SanU
Vfiit. and states that he, are
putting up several ma
Luil.lings there, giving plentv of
,.mplovmelit to artisans.
it.:.... 1j niiirn needed in this
1MHI1IOK w r " , t.,(J1,fl
t., limn iriMK roads. Juuge
S "venson is building .them,
vvhv Htoi) him when he is just
getting started?-Paid adv.
.. . i.i i lliiilnv recently closed
'. . ' ir. ono ri'siiieiice at
a ileal ior i . iu
Tacomn. trading .anu i..
l.iv made t ie irnoe n"rv7
ley miuu u. , vlnR
tion. anu o . j" Lvidov's
t() Tacoma as sta ed in i nday
despatches irom tne oo.. v..,.
.... i . i ... Ctflvnnnnn took
WW". .Tnlerock
0nU.e,.pn..... iSd the
rimiH lie nua u-u'v. ---
Slds. He will deliver more if
... ..i..Mnd -Paid adv.
ci 'a prew nave
l ,v' . ..i ! mitt ntr in a
V w..:. : !..... ' hr ek. on Sec-
the wiik Ariru8
Sold cement walk was
above grade.
A lad found a bracelet onu
street a few days ago User
can prove prope -- do.
recover same.
. i nmireeiate the
if the peoinc t'f ,
tn ollice.-l'a'd adv. .
1 RMonnette and Miss ipim
V. . v.... f thfl week.
me w " , u
Congressman i aw.ey w.o
in Hillsboro. T ln
rnn.nilons In Colorado Today, Af
ter 19 Years ol Women Voting
U was in the year 1893 that Wo
man Suffrage was granted , in
Colorado. For 19 years the Suf-
fraeists have usea una f"10
a sample of good government
brought about by the woman s
I tin nnil-HUllIUKIWi ."
tho 'men of Oregon to read the
words of a Colorado woman -one
who has been ana now is puh
. i.nt She te s of
Rally uiu. .- ;-T , .
th conditions of politics in her
State today. .
Wrs. EiizaDem ua yuuuai,
of Colorado, a lormer .rue ... r
fratrist has neia ine ioiiw".;.
.I,,, rtolcrate toCltV
oincea, iiwuc'j . ..v-"-- nMlf
and State vjonventiona, ucpunj
Sheriff. Watcher at the . polls.
J AAAmllAV m 1111- E.A'1IU1IIIVMI.
State Committee from Elpaso
County. She has been represent-
..--:., knana nf eitv and
ed on various ify-.v.- -
state organizations, tor exam-
... xr-.OiAant for Co OraClO
Die. l-C 4 iraiiivu. ,
Sf the Mother's Congress. 2nd
... ti n:..nt nf thfl Y. W. Li.
Vice rrwiu a v;ftA
A. of Coloraao aprinp, -v"
President of the Boys Club.
Trustee of the City Federation of
Women s uuds, rrcaiucv .
Humane Society, only woman
member of the Anti-Tuberculosis
Hiding rin-aJfft finnnirs
committee inini
and Presiaent oi
Dames of uoioraao.
w ii- o lottor written by
qilOte , mom her of
Mrs. UOUuaru w ...v...
HI I ft.. . ,i . ft! ...ff.nira OO.
the board oi me aiiu-u...aB o
sociationof Portland. She says
in pa. .. --..jAinn,
for while I disapprove most em
ii.. r ft.iol.anftVnire. and
while 1 have yet to see one good
resu t from it, wmie too
Of UHorauu -l
bility 1 must ao my pit
4". H- to make matters better.
.'a T f.aUv anv I do not see
nuL 1 itniini ' .. 1 j
. .Li- tux aoiinmnlianed.
hOW tniB KOI. Are. vvw...r---
lit certainly has not yielded any
Last Friday night's windstorm
was a bad one, the gale reaching
ri :i,.a on hniir shnrtlv after
;,.i,t Nn msitprial damage
UIU1.IK.1 .. . dnn in this section, out
1111 Wov -- ----- (
huviw was played with the wires
I Pnrtlnnd and down on
the lower Columbia.
o..,..i..ij u-nnt- t.hi host there
OMIl'nv 1 .... ,
r,.r n Sehillerora Grand
1UIV lull - ,
Marca. when you want to see the
b ue wreatn curi.
! -!ll iTftdV'f tho manv friends
It, nn. hi ,v . v - -
of Will Walker, of near Beaver-
tn it now mat ne nas own
lllll, tu uiiu.. ..-- -
suffering from pneumonra for the
nast wcck
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Ho has been con
t th.i hnnso for SO long
1IIICU V" mv -
with his other ailment that this
new complication added makes it
' r - .a htil
a matter ot genuine regret tu
hundreds 01 inenos m .10....
ton County
Nature keeps a debit and
credit account in her eyesight
department whether you do or
it vnn nn wnstinff nerv-
thrnnirh PVOStrain,
ous fin-.hj ...ft...r... ----,. ,
you must pay iorit mjuui n....-
IIIK uiiu vii?.v"v...r, -r--
Your eyes plus your brain equals
UAH iv Ixiwe's classes will
strengthen your eyes and brain.
n ot Hntol Wnshinortonft rri-
day, Nov. 1, ana request ... t
cxDlain this to you. ne nm
v do so gratis.
nio tho dnva that the
IIIUOU IV v.. -'"J - - ,
native pheasant, the quail and
the grouse are laying low, mak-
ing their geiawaya "'v
u.r4- Ciinmo hnvo heen beat-
lllllitei. uvuftvft. ,
ing the woods close to Hillsboro
for several aays, out
wild in every sense of the world.
a a ...MJ t!uJ nn n
Turt At it rnmn wi 1 111m ttmi-
. . "'a . . l A. U . rVAnd
.1 : Kur rtiio iu 1 iih t 111111a
aOXICUl UUt Vl-, ...
rooster, and the way he tantalizes
1 1 u. .-..-.. .a ni ny.i 1 11 '., I , x ill I -
trie iiuntct 10 i.iw"j r ...
ting. He generally wans u""
you are right at his tail, when
he raises siowiy, iooks u
you with a triumpnant ice.,
nil tho rhnnefi in the
invea jviu i v,,v .
. . . , . 1 . . n n M..
.11 ,-1 ahi-mr -nnn Hiuit;2Ai3 tu
know that you will not-for there
is that big fine awaiting you it
you are caught.
ti- ...;it anil at nu Mi." auction, at
c n 111 fi-i" r
nio,.a nno mile north 01 vjor-
UUl i'lftlv ft , . . , ...
..' .1 . -1 J ..4ftMt.llftA
neius. on tne oiu wui
road, at ten a. m., on
Eighteen graded Jersey cows,
: 4tft.m tnhoriMiloin-tpsted.
some u 1 tucm 1UUV.VJ..V... --r.
11 of them just iresn, o iren ...
a ... Vft am MnAam.
NovemDer, one iresn m yy
ber; 4 heiters, 3 01 mem iresn m
March; 5 young heifer calves;
registered Jersey ouu, out ui tne
Wm. Schulmerich herd; sev-en-:t.4a
i.iftiu hnii. 2 vrs old: bay
driving norse, u years u. u.
buggy. No. 2 Empire cream sep
arator; several 10-gal and 5-gal
milk cans; iuu-egK luanu,
incubator. Lunch at Noon.
Terms of Sale Ten and under,
t..n..n 1 vaar nnnicanie nuic.
casn.uvci, a j v... -- -
at 8 per cent. 2 per cent off for
east.. . .,
A. 0. Cook & son, uwners.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Frank Sholes, Clerk.
RsMuran la0Mt oimmyCmmk la Wfaafclwsj fmM(y
. ... .t nAWWIfV
Vice-Prerident Vwniet
E. Ferrin, Aii't Owhier
Forest Grove
n.-i 4 n.-j;ftinn nn ThltrSflaV. Aoril 18. 1912.
Biaieinent ui wuuiwu" ...
Capital and Surplus $50000
.. i tnennnnn
t . 9SnK7012
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U.S. .tnMn..
Treasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
PWsale- About 60 Angoras,
mixed; some kids. Will sell from
n upward.-L. J. Francis, Tua
latin Oreiron.
xWhy be bothered with two
Xpairs of glasses? Call at .
Hotel Washington, triaay, inov.
. .j 1iwashflW VOU
l, anu nave ii ft-,v. .. - ,
ft i n-loaaoa With WhlCh
tne new au. s Wrt
vou can see an uiswtntcf.
unsightly lines ur bck ...
glass to catch dirt and strain the
eyes No cement to come apart
mi lx TtOI VIII 1 tl U V 11,11-
iney mwc j r .,11
mob ntr vou look old. run
uufc .i.ft..ft... -a
l..HUnrinn 1 WMni.V VCQlw
ae""uwS Hillshoro
experience, atvuivsj
Mr. and and Mrs. R. Crandall,
... -f Acoaoani. May l,ran-
parents ui naovi --
Sail, returned Saturday, after a
three months visit in t.c
Thev visited their son Avery, as
far East, as Sheboygan, anwrnsa..,
I n4ftnrwirl OT mHllV UUIIIW VI.
the return trip, tneir last v..t
being with their son, jessc, ..
-a Dn.tift. Mnntnnft. Mr.
Wile, ot ivaiiwui;., "--, . .
jn c tviof fi-nm the looks
oranuiiii bojo a"- VT; -n .:n,.
. ...I.- 1 t. Cftni if mill Pitner
01 po nes ohk -
be Wilson or an eicvtui w..v-deadlock.
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Heaorve a For Qat.
L - r-. InhnE. D.lUr J.W.,rqua
" " . . l
wuk., W. Mctldown.y j.
innnnntllMfi niQIlT 1
That's what my glasses an doing.
...... Iiavi. tYflVltl tO believe there
anything wrong with your eyes at all,
you should haye them examined at once.
No Charge for Tests.
Small Charge for Proper Glasses.
LAUREL M HbYT-iiiiEffM.orfKu.-
First door west ot tne ieiw