The iniiLLseeM HILLSI.ORO, OKKCON', OCTOBl.k 17, 1912 uinTnil PniUITV id on piiuuuiitii mm j C-.iitm Alone IU,e US 4irc, lull iiaiii a lift minrn At Itim!. of Huxton. wan a Pini. I CUIILL'L' II! m I ALUHA Will HuBtri AGA1II IN CONTEST ihitH't"i'"i,nt' iHt'"' 1,:,,""r :.. ri.liu-itk' ur,ly of the We w "' I...Ll-4 til OV Hl'Hl Ml"'" - (..-cording by A. J. Kan ,i,.iilof t lt f .l. rali l (JniweiV Association, in . it... ,.r....l ll ,. U of It"1 'K- ,m r"imi) ui Mm u r ininnu crop inn r .. ........ ...... ..f lm, mil ol ' '"" . ....,.. I .. ... W a total I ' r ,r . ..... n total tmnliK lloil ol i.. ! entire Mate in tlx- i inn ris. m,1r--i lea-nan i-ntii.i fhcoiiMMiH are of taUty, rum K tiii'". The inriMV and '"'l' i5 '"r IV tollll fillloWS .lark lU.doti. a Cortland busi niH man. was brought to the t it v late in tin- night, Thursday. iiiirotiHi iuim. and taken to the Hotel Washington, where he was att-tideb ly r. F.rwin. U don had lnt'D fishing on the S.iIiikiiiIh iry. uml lunl juHt hiNik t 'i a KuliiiKii tr nit. In tak in vr in th- '!:ty if thf lim lUftlon lwt l.r I'ul.ihi i- uml fi'll liot k wunh. fu!Iinr a iliitanff of twelve fii-t. Iln iu-ml Klriick a rock, and h ww Ht tiM-lrHi from t-arly in the alli-ntoou until l:W Fri'lay morn inv. I Its companion. cunn'ct'(l l.rohl tl. injwr,., man to the A1,m a"d UuU' U?. ,l.lJe ham ril v on ii f rctL'lit train i rcc,iv,T,'i Hulliiicnlly In return east or iMfdviiie, art School Director Are Unjoined I rom ItuilJlnr at Itute sur hud in ciKctiT com I r ! SilHNtl Warfare A.aia ia Clrtail Ceart liiljitioa At of r.niton. wan a county neat visitor Monday morn- .I.,lin of P.loomintr. wan a city visitor Saturday rnorn- W. I'.rooks. of near liuu-r. was in the city :aiuraay aiu-r noon. Wl.i.n JuiIl'm Stfven.son lok Uillice heurorni.HNl the people rock U lie has il-liverel the ih1h. He will deliver more if re-eh-c ted. - rani alv. I I' lU.rwiik. of Kcttlvill, m r --w was uii to the city Monday morn " ii 'I l" u,r . .i .... .. in'' on business. Air. iJorwicic airain in The jury in the inquest case on the deaths of Neil -Mcfarland and DeWitt l'erry came to an i ior at iMiim i irtt infiiL tank i i ri j to tortland rndayeveiunir. litiiration over school alTairs. ..... . I f. SmIth had m,dvi 1 or sale One hundr.Hi trradinl lloth thfM? thrifty little places ... r,, ,.ri.,.nt. tare- make fineLv)I., final !akint?of testimo- arm wm soon na-m ture for iced. J. a. oieinKe, .. ,,,l;u o,i, ... r.prman ...... .- .,(! I'J. i'lawiiuoj - hut Lne mile south of Newton. Ji-i 1i.vmnn pttrieian. was the . . i ... .r ....... i . ifii Midi iiiw frin mmi r ill it iit'w I t . I I' a k iii. TiirmtT hi. .. j t . . . ... " ; - ah. iw . main witness, ana ne came v .1. V. H-irnaday, Oak 1'ark. on " wuwng i auracu..K ,. ,-re u,rne.v tener . i " - frorn Euirene testify as to his Va,-rran. atU-ntion from resident., than the I Vnnr a dm ., 1 (innw.tion with the case. He dm. Martin, who n-sides onM'y Hervice. M. J. 1 owers. . , .. ,U)1 WJW out stated that Bhortly after four ,i ten a. re irari acnwsine iuaia- rfc a. ou, a. niiio " with the sullraircttes. worKmK o'dock he measured for a piece III). Koillll Ol I 'U mouth UH k pullets, for oOUire irrtwintf rei.tx ea. h. if taken Hit. Vlll L ..t.trie milwav service inakf- iriml Winter layers, and . . . ... . come from tr.l lavinif strains CARELESSNESS IS VERDICT OF JURY. Inquest on Mtl arland and Perry Ilnded Last Friday live MFAKLA.ND HAD BEEN WAHNED Sayt Wilaeaa Slalder. lw Gae Tenli- moay at Last Hearing Acres nr. ti Cars I IH I mnwa iii i uum i 11. iiwn, - - - llillslxiro. Immirht M4iir! Kridav. tiled an iniunc- .t ..i... l: i.... . e...l . . lo ine Arifus onire, rri'iuy, u imc sample of sweet iolaloes, the !iit raided here to Hrlmion. the swo t tuln-rs were perftt in formation, and were away a!nad of the usual shipment from the South and California, lie planted but a few hills, and i ii. ii.j:- rai e'i ,vz i-Hiinis. air. aiaruu hiiih the sullrairett,. I in In-half of eaual suiTravre. L i..,aa that Me. tion Buit aKainst school diret tors .j.p, want the Lest -there Farland had been detailed to iChas. L ThomtiHon. Pan Shaw fo'rt. t.;i for a SchilU-ror a Grand help him. Stalder swore that he and F. W. Wells, and clerk J. a h(.ri vtMJ wantto see the had measured the eight foot dis- T. York, asking the circuit . court , , ' 4lh cur. tance from a certain point, and to stop them Troin iniiiainjr a , of had told McFarland to finish on school houw for District 107 at Mr. and Mrs. h. 'vS:.0' to another point, entirely out- uUt. They allege thai on w 7 -i(i, the danirer zone, which the A pt. 19. 1911. the voters of the Majs has a "Par.i. tn m f di(1 evidenty with preci- an allirmative vole ne cu o , sion. He instructed his helper amis A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE" Whenever you or any member of your family feel sicK and dont Know what is the mat ter. Never Delay, see the doctor. But if you know what ails you bad cold grip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand and one complaints of the human body, come to this drug store. We have a remedy for every illness everyone com pounded from the formulae of successful physicians. Come in for one of these cures today: am-'i ..-1 iiuumin. .......... (punier iy an ainrmauve ,w u "j ... ....... , U on ays there is just sand enough in f w drt.iJod t0 lmij on )t :u. brought the Annis Rome fine ap- . .1 u,.,...,,ii.i .rr.1u.1h I . . 1 . t .a., a .mil ru:,rs Khowimr that Lne- w . Sherd !aMrt"i (Viar Mill tUli ,.' ' H.lW-ro U (ornelitis "- V.'X.v . ' in In rf'it Mr. I i"'1". hi!tanrdU-lo r.-awrtoii. ins: 'The tnark. l prv:.p-cK t' l;,r i they can U" wen at thin tune, ire sati'.faetory. I he t-iMwrs jre n rtait. of a i!"""! pm '. i"1' there is al n snil'tlity thai miotatioiH late in the reason wtil t l,ili. The priunp .l .' iii"-ti-i...,f llr. i-oii ill t!i- !a(e S4'.ttt his soil to make splendid growth, and next year he will plant a run sit I era hie tiuantity. They cook line, and another's year of !it . i s may U resultant of mak up this territory a sweet Kitato " y. I l,nd.. .Im- i.l. m,H. m i.npmved house on the annulment carried, but the is 111 111 s Mini. a 1 . 1 I n il I.II4 III V'mtil house ami -I iienn m - Minnville. near schtxil. Ideal tow n tilaee for Kiod chick en ranch. Must Ik sold in few ,l:n s. (let a Imrirain.- IVrms. - I'. HutiHi-n. Mr. and Mrs, Ceo. Schul merich.ol Ccswell. w ere in town over Sunday, iruests 01 relatives and friends. Chj. now has over - v .. . in then pur 1 w re mu nave it Aloha, and that one acre was af- pies and l"'ars. Phowin maiunt- , McFarland went terwar.1 condemned for a school naiem outride with the measurement site. They allege that on July mimes in d marked the wire, young l'J. 1912. at a called meeting to Th,. Shute Savings Hank pays i)unstan and two others helping rescind the action of Sept. l'J. jts ,i,.ltl.sitors over $K).it)0 yearly straighten it The witness Stal- 1U 1 uml that the vote bUknI Ai (r inii.p.t mi SaviniM DeiKistts. a.., ou.nri that when he measurea I ' I IHH I ' ... ' I U I V - to rescind and Zl against me if you do not participate in this une place and gave the order to The chairman declared start an account Jl.W all that Uici."arland was the last time he . t..., IV...I. I I. . ...L.l ....II ..Ml. A l. I I I Ua ine annulment larnni, inn 1 is returned, uswiiai ju o-'. nad seen ueceaseu, anu mai. complaint alleges it should have nt wnat you earn that makes kad never seen Ferry to know r.u.,iil....l n tutv-thirtls vote, and ... rw.h v.; Ua aa'u ho had cautioned McFarland about the danger 01 AUCTION SALI; the high tension room, anu mai I The Delta Drug Store j I BEXALL STORE j 1 lre You Thinking t liHi.-ir..! hi'iiil of htrk on hi few miles from ii the l-otiil' district. 1 1"' UiiniiiH' l'iibi, e A U ai I'Ntale ......... ij ..i.iv .'ul iMr .4MlMI 1 M l"" ' ..... . 1 - . . . . of a eroi. thin v. ar. The ,j.t hay and grain this season. Cetilral California crop 14 lare. U-iih,.it Uss bv reason 01 rams. a. .a ... t .. ..... . ,i.iul 1 1 1.. II Ti lllll ( C.lilllllWi ri.h states that then nmuiniil a two-thirds vote, and so the petitioners want their action cancelled and work stoi- ikh! on the lluber structure. uihifh ia now under wav. I A hnml in the sum of one hun dred dollars was filed along with lh pnmiil.'iinL There has been all kinds of trouble over the school site and itn riintinunnce dem-nds entirely mwtn the aclton Ol ine uriun ... 1 . 1 ...:n t nub. when he measured his eight feet W inn tiimwiKii". - r-- : : ;1oj atu MoVur. lav i- . . 1.;.. r..m ,4 ml 14 uu l all iiiauicu ovivi. - 1 tic auciion m io ! , j , . ..i, "i 1, ..f pAi.K-il an.l i mi e nana appeareu w iw u..j. n II. Mill . . , h south of Uuatama station on as u.ouK.. oc """,- .. . 1 in n m mi manirer. uunsuiiiMiu maw uci. w . ha unit ni5 eu-worKera cic FllIDAY, OGTOlJhK 2. : wire outsidel l o ...... 1 1 III,, liniii-nl .... i j i.. nay norse, o ),'iii, u.v".. .ue uub-gtation aicranana leu i.wn in ,r INK!- irrav mare. 3 . ..i ..iiv,ni., v i . n it fmmluPon WK al,",, . . n'"". " ,1(Mi. wun me mvci wi a n in nreseni n unnmn vni. i.i nay niarv, u ji'. u-hor ho was iroinir 1 a .. a ...a I vxm ii, w . i - - . i . ilia. uvi w Cr. h .11. and suvs lie iuinesi,-u .. Mennwh le both set double harness, set single :m,toa totpr-twrhans A few ten or known eL The::, unions are usually out of the way by ll"' middle of p.t'emU r. la the Walla Walla and Uki mawt tioiH the iwre:ii:e planted in late onions was nl-ut half of normal. "Ho early onions in those sections have now l-een murly all worked ulT." COI UMIU S t W , " w " .a 1 I . . ii t ... fi emit ba I . . , orticeedings. Meanwnue isan pu-i counte Harness. y m,nuteg later-pernaps ten or places will continue 10 prwjHT. narnes. - r. - -ya ; fifteen minutes me uasn anu and in a few weeks residents milk, cow. U yrs. fresh; cow. l ex pinion took place and the two ...:n i... ...liiMi intn I'nrt anil ami vi- in vine- mi K: iieuer. 10 iiu, il.i: than fnnml in the Hillslwro on electric train AUCTION SALI; (.lnmbus lay wan celebrated Suturdav evening lit the Cred ent Th, alr. by the order of Knights of Columbus. Frank l.oiieti'an. of I'oi tland. one o the Slate ,.f lifers of this Catliolie order, pre sided, ami deliver,-,! n stirring address. Father Lappen. of llillsboro. and Father Conway, of lf.iv I..H. I....I "ilium the lounda- tion'of the order, whirh today is one of the strongest in the l!i.;t.l lnt..d The untied of v illi 'a fc,iat- m i r..iiinii.iia l.iii finliii'e.s and sue Cesses, etc.. were touched iilon by a representaliveof the Arw'tirt. A Hawaiian trio fang several numbers, tunl resoiided to sev eral encores. Two motion pic ture reels were another feature of the entertainment. After the program was completed ll"' dies st-rvoil 'tandwiclies. The attendance was not as large ns contemplated, owing to some short-circuits in "rraitue .......ij TI,.. Wiill'miri-itS lulled themselves for a meeting nt tin (V..u,...., ..t tli.t unnie hour, with out authority from the Knight ith the result V' llllio'li'l - . that many thought, each meeting hud been cancelled. . UmsU tlio only Knights of ('olumbus order in the county; mid the Ihi.vs have nl reudy purchased a lot. and will soon" build tt hall for meeting and other purpose. Father w pen made nn eloquent pl': 101 tim ,..r,.i.;,iit i.ui Father de- HMT III Illllf.Hl-..'... . Miller, of Verboort. was to have .... ...i.i....uu but whs pre- iiiiiiiv; Mil lluiuitTi. - vented owing to the fact that ms tram left too early. . . m ti v n.i.rlnv sent ins mayor it. . ' . bnincf unable to reSpono viii iM'U'ri - . to an invitation, duo to prior nrniniriinwinlH. M..J. l'oWCrS.Ot Aloha, wus mnstor of ceremonu for the evening. f"-X Dr. Lowe, Nov. 1. eblae(li. of nbove l.ri,i.ll.'.i. .. ,i ...,i..i.. .....u n fitv culler iviouniaiiioaie, wn.-i the first of the week. eeciate the 11 UIU pJUilw "I'l !. rock roads Ju.lge Stevensoii i buildinR they ought to keep him in office. Paid &dV' a M.ill ll.yWi.fd .. t. ..tiit ail ill 1 1 .liift trn. i . down his way. Herman Schmidt. .. ..n L ii.ivn, here vears ago. is running for the legislature down i . . ... I... B......II v.l the . :. :.i,:..n hmt I Tlio lindlTSIL'lH'd in'tit1 HTant i " - ; . . a! II. .11 TkLviik I i: Mxnitn nt IhO snrit.g and also ine ihui i,um hcihui i .. t nt ii recent IJine two miles aoove cine ii r -tin ii -- , i - I- iv .......tiiiL' of the members at ten a. m., on of that party. THURSDAY OCT. 17 .,.! Ismrds of all kinds, into ,,-.. ivrcheron; gotul mns. vow. j )"i """'j""1 explosion 100K piace anu me i yrs. giving milk; heifer. 18 mos; bodies were then found in the 3 shoats, top buggy, wagon, ii hj h tension room, or death inih- mowimr machine, horse-i.m nike. plow, spikelgoth harrow-. There was a straightout denial I lani, .-t - lIltTC 15 Sliomuwu. Kconomy cream separator cut- that McFarland or Perry had or- willsetlat pub- ting rs.x. about 2D tons of loose dera to go into the danger zone, bard ie? Place hay. - ht,ns: household Roods 0ne measurement-that al- Mountai idale! other articles too numerous d taken-was sufficient for J BlUUIIWIliuan, . i u nnlin. .. . .. . .1 ...i-, n m.'ntinn l.unch at ntwn. Terms of Sale -All under cash; over $10. one year s time int. lliai party. muiwumi vv. casn;over ?io. i' j1," ; saw cordwnod. siles up to 12 h e 12 yoar9. 1300. dapple on approved notes, drawing i ehes in diameter, fence rails g yr8( 14(x) bred to at 8 r cnL . , i. ..r ..ii Lin. s. into .. i . ii Vuith ir.Ml Allen t ih.k. ft i a t 4 i incr a BainK AcCOUDt the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National John Vanderwal. Clerk. WILSON TO SPEAK IUa. 0. C Wilson, of California, en toving a National reputation as old; broml sow. bred; 5 shoats. i v. niehir Jos. liorsung start- neaa ""V .ViH n. T;.V the voters , .i., ,,,, h a Jones mower, ti .ii " iwi wj'i. . .. ,., with a crew ytyrday on his J 'u' 3 inch; hack. f H.llslK.roand vie nity. at the initial work on a coiuruit io" - . . ... v hoes; Svra- ...u,,-t house. Tuesday evening, ,,..-amiie of new cmin ty .road, a " - k - "7 r f. . nt 7:30 m.. in the in- ii... inn .Inhnson cuoo iiiv-ii v"" - . v- . ., i:i., nsui i United r,t ,. nt timiuarters tor nis ion... - ...'.,, .na kpnn c,n..iU 'rime, whn have, heard in --. . , . nn.t rfteK.WlHHirWlR.Pl-"1" ii.iMtv.-i. , ,,n, then start i-u-mhhk ... u-.,aa v,t putter. I thij irnnt envoi sav that ne nas a .... ....I.. :u i sei HiiiK .mi uv.ifi ' .. ... grading, l i re .re ' - . milk cans, hav fork, splendid grasp ot public ai airs angl.sin tnetr.i e v... - complote( log an,i men. and that nis auuress .. I.i.r mini IMIPr. Illlk iili. I . i i - u in. ... I ...:u I .11 n.v,h li.nrinir is H 'j' . .. i..J nhnin. IXISt noie BUger, o mt". will lie iu !. iii."" all purposes for the three wires needed. U L. bangiey was ........ ..iiMnklti In , Via in. present, uifsuiuouij " a terest of the families of the dead ?aa .i m ti rr - - 1 men, while i. n. longue was present for the state. Geo. R. Un.rinv rcnrnaenrinp' ine inter- "niw " . . ota nf the Oreiron E ectne. was also present all three attorneys ot-L-inir nnpsTinnS. . . . i . 1 1 .' - The jury iouna me iouowuik verdict: mi'. .It iittr imnanllpfl to tmiUire into the cause of the deaths of Ut atxve nanicl persona, find that he said lie win iv.... ....I V 1 MrP.rUnd were killed t Molfat sub-lation, on the Ore(on Klectrie Kailway. in WaahinRton coun ... ir. nn ih rvenintf of Oct. 7. 191 J and that death waa caused by electric shock, and we believe Itotn meevmence. that death was a result of careleasnesa on the parts of rod I)eW itt ferry and . j BANK i i Private dests for writing your business letter, for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit ; boxes. We can make vou feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteously received. A.C.SHUTE,Pres. ' C. Tack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank 9 9 3 i j M i t 9 9 . Wir ""lract aTn, ,K stK hole auge?. 8 inch; sungcp'vt.H to have it completed chant. , m ,a ,is Fall, rain or shme. fflty; Home Comfort range. 11 i Cnrr iTi a ways iwi.,tpn,is. 'z. iiea room seus. o I'. . "... , l . - . , i... fish in the county. .,, B,,r ngs. extension 111 At . II ... n.,1, - a - - l ;,U in season. Also a in w yr table. IM.H D,llil . . . A I ...1 .J.nliiiD inds in season, aiso u uiif- kitchen cauinei,cupuoaru. ,.ini-.i. ily of the freshest veg.'Ubles. amp3t washinff machine, and -., , n, StH'onil Direi-w nmrrmi9 otner artictea. d.s.r South of KihWs. 2.-tf Lunch at N(n. , Mi,hM Dumler. Terms of saie-i h. u.,, - . Fred Hame Union, were Monday. and wife, of West llillsboro callers McFarland, aud that no other peraou, or resDonsible therefore." f.. T. T. Youne. foreman; A. C. Shute, E. L. McCxumick. J. H. Jack, E p ri.rnrliu. and lieu, btevens. i ia traov niwlietpd. however. that Attorney Langley will soon r Km Umil of CawaV to Oommty T. A. THORNBURCH J. K. BAILKY W. W. MCKUUU rreataeni nwrrwu, H. E. Ferrin, Aaa't Caahiei Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Thursday. Aoril ia 1912. OUIlvlUvll If VI wuuiwvu ' Capital and Surplus $50000 ..... one Ann oft uapitai .iw.vd Surplus 27.000.W Undivided Profits 1.317.33 Mr. and Mrs. Midiael Dumler y. above North of Uussell. Kansas. mvjdgc c 8 per cent, interest rity Friday, first of the week, ami w n - GardneiPt owner Ho nrv 15 n John Vanderwal, Clerk. " " ilia, nivwuivj y al I .1 Orenco. filn suit for danages against the was transacting business in the company. The amount generally ;,., !h, i,wt f thf week. sued for in cases of this kind is v.vj .... 1 , , ... Mr. and Mrs. John Loftis. of 1UC' Flams, were in tne Loans - $280,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,60U.tW Cash and due from Banks and U. o. Treasurer 148,082.44 Circulation Deposits 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 84 Zer Ooni AUCTION SALE $529,312.56 OIKCCTOBS ft HI TTa,aiairiam TKoa. G. Todd John E. DHar 'l - Wllb.r W. McEldown.r j. A. Tloror . . . ....m..i u? in iti i !t. nn melinite peu,. i imrenLs. Mr. and Mrs. I m, iiiii M , . '..I Mn,,n. Herman ti. i.uck.oi :: - tai.ulale. Mrs. Uumicr w Wimhington t.ouniy -. . . 1 1 . .. ua limm absent sniiiii i-niio. win. ,r ; . fhm f.,r vears. Mr. iuck in the county seat Monday niorn- Donotlorget that Uavewr- win will .toyourpmmmw pveyoneslima u - work ftiway. ' 4r '"1 . .fiviin i,v ULi,t;ii. : -w... I III- ....... ELI-CTRIC SCMLOULE can in Henrv Brock, of South luaia- . .... ., . n -in the'eountyseat Fri- The ur ijwJt day morning. "Vh,f llillsboro and 1 mile Wm. Mohr, of Oak Park, was weatof Farmington, at 10 a. m. over to the city the last of the . Qn . week. o ATHRnAY. OCTOBER 19 I ua w Mr. and Mrs. 0. Blaser are B m,tei I4 ytMi uso; Kray mare, 7 . . ..f U..;. rlnimh,nl nl 19 I ...iw hnrsr ID vn. UOO. lV Clients Ol men uiiuiuv. " intijw.-""" . .,- - 1 Everest at tinamooK, ivV:?rt&in. Kood will make an extended visit. floV, i ww to be fresh Jan. 15; 1 cow to r,. . 1.: 1... in. . 1 1.. f.,, v lipifrr. vra. to fresh- A. j. ohute nas ouut a -. --- - cement sidewalk, from the store " je.sey buil,cominK3 1 1 . .1 . n .i.wn.i 1- .. . t .1.- 1....... I DUIIUing on munr oini uvv-wuv., north tO me VKHKVS nusuat, f,i niirinn U1111.MM - .u.. ah r building. Contractor Foster put . " "h""C I hOS IjOX. Ol u u u uviiucio v. , . , on, liin, Jii"B "fi"" --r; , I lion. wi " ... .1... iiKthe work. ! r... i.inrh unlndle. u,a-1 Ull' " w .Is" ,Iu .uu." r '-- Our old friend, J. C. Beach, ol .. "" To Portland 6:3s a. tu. 7,3u a. ut. 8:45 10:50 a. in. r.4S p. u. . 4:00 p. m. 6:5 P. uu 8:o p. nt. 10.06 p. ut. From Portland 7:50 a. tt. 0:39 a. tu 11:47 a. tu. :i8p m. s:m P. ut. 7:00 p. 111. 7:jS p. in. a-2 p. tn. ta:a. a. 111. .11., Uow. Second Street . AIL Mrs. C. J. JP;,ii," Z Gaes Creek, was down to N. Y., was a' Ninth county seat Monday morning. uur old lnena. j. y "pio. rakAd nc mower, neari, or. W. S. Atcluson of lnlJ North Plains, is tUnglong Street, the pa- wJ:v";, , 'j INOining "a '"' "- . ' we I as COtlia ue expecteu 111 mo , rrow )gpringtooth Uarrow, nana nr. . ... t..Ll.mrl l.ftl.. BnU ... kn nnM mud!. .imiire .... r U'm .mIii..) ana. I ... . .. 1. ....... .a mnnm IuImI rlcvst h&V I enrotiie w o""1"""' . z .utcounty hi" z.L recovery irom o,a mjuij cue- Wun ,im-uunu.., ,, . ,lj n ft de egate to me c.anafin i9 building them. .:. ... kiln riilincr n fractious to be sold by the ton; small 1001s ana came i, --..: y"-"."" ...u- v. J,,at lullllu .rticlea too numerous to mention. Li-rW.C T. u.w"""""?" I Why stop ""5. , , ' horse. , . !,. For sale: Shoats. weighing ktinK sUrtedf-la.a aav Uw 0f Portland, owner Terms of Sale-Ten dollars and ,.. r.n tn inOuoundB. Bowlby N4wton Gauntt. and wife and A. J. Kay. 0orV."(" . " .nah-nvr ten. one year's phono ocii.mui, ... ... . fw . hoobuving expedition, tie wu .pw"' AlrtO tt :v",l teci, Ol t..c " . Ui-U.,nl,o neeeoted sale. "I'" and net . .. vt-in P a ns. llooKing rday KlSn. exit ul wm 5 Si cent discount forcanh o t:kisr:z gSits 1U-T5wne, Injover the progress of con- Hop sand 0130 a Irora I j. c, Kuratli, Auctioneer. The FIRST COHSIDEMTIOB in selecting a watch is to get a reliable ; time keeper. It makes no difference how little you spend for a watch, it is money wasted unless you can depend on it to , keep somewhere near perfect time. . In the manufacture of a watch, one of the chief expenses is the final adjusting and regulating. There are, however, inexpensive watches of real merit. These are constructed along simple lines and are dependable timekeepers. Other cheap watches gotten up in a showy way, are not worth carrying. v I have learned from 21 years of experience, to distin guish between the good and poor makes, and will not sell a watch at any price that I can not guarantee. Call and get my prices. ' ; ' LAUREL, MHOYT Ti'.ii AMD OMICMN First door west of the Delta Drug Store 3C