The InllLLSe LXIX I IHXS BOKO, ORISON, OCTOIil-k 10. 1112 NO. Hf LAST W FOR THE LAST HALF OF TAX (MlKC l lliu.tlc Hint ) Make 2 I'ov im-Mta j f HY HI I IV I M ii llw l (Muhrr I Su u I'llMlt) lil n(J .iM..H,k. 1 I A"t!" ,. ail aidant "t i l"r A, ,,.ri. t Live Ueii very busy rp.t f.'itniv'til nilWlint? the !aim,ti; half ! m iU oil irtk '! ll itint( I hat at ;iiii l'.tve t-keii udvitn- Ltf f id.- partial p.iv meld led p.y tlu' ititK' ml mail Marshal '.:mT a lit th run to cat.h "Kd." th. P-.hemian. I,., I I. I ... I 1 . .o. i i r,n. itini taken mi n little t"Mniuh "Hutisliinc." ! UM.I lia 1 lieeit Md to kcc otf the . ., K . . r i t hikiii. i hi- iiui'ti.iiT has u liltl.Mlar.' d.-vil try in his make up he went out in the afternoon. nn.i w in luiuuik' in tiHiial vwita S end Street. Chief P.lan. crrniiyht mht uf liini and at the name time ,d, caught sight Hie t lm f. I here w a a raee f.r the su..n door, but the Chief CbrUltum Road rUblithcd aid View u-at hon to it. and the oir. iider . ... ,, - - ... , "ki rK'n a:v plant. The arrihliil man is an iI. I p.ln e oiliii-r hmiHelf. an his Me county commissioners' court i.i!i.irie?w fur theUml is due to heard road Hujiervisors reports fa nny trouble aay bark in lant week, and each brought in a detailed schedule of all work . . ... i . . i i it Mic or ira-ie u ai res .H-rfortned. Progress on rock iiiij. nr. e., HI Cultivation, Willi E. TO VOTEJN LIQUOR County Court Order Vole tu he IMaicd on ItalM K0D SU'I KVISOVS Kl lfiKT WOkk V t'uf.ty '. S A II Merit 7 r, Toiu lViuii it 6 7. V l;li!m ). Auif II,1js- ' I I, litomi ft li'rll I o u y, A llanirl j y, ( t'.wiirr 6 y, lUrry Kl- Nc m J4 . j J Shrvliti 62. Ii T John- Wl JI6, K Mur.i'nk 44. J W Bl!ir WS. J J. Cl tier i. Chit il-rffrf ih IS. Huuit I'.f.rt IS "h. H J ll.ui n 7 s s lifml St 1vm Htot Cutvnt Kiuuie Co too yx AlCTION S.U.I; fii'd. IlllplenielitS and BtiKk, Price, ft.fii; half mile frtirn .i.n town mi Oregon hlcctric KiiUav. Will take and XVVkf .. i I ....I. r. .1 i i.! hit i li'iil' ill iru ntiitii-iiiwi. mt linil knu'tlt' li.ix ' ' " "I" . L hi. that the hit Will fcloi'-'1" Many la r;-e tnu t thi :i ain place.! In lite f payment cui'imn. und m:in Lll t.ivpav ers t'K a'Hani iKe iHHH! l'ie llttielllli HIUH An fct.l nv 3iii"iiiit "f it. lin I'leni-y will r lan-. r than lal year, tin It H hated IIJhiM the small !ll)f III out l'lt" 1"H. wesi Oi tlaii.l f the f hitnlrt irr tli-re are very tew in the tumeiit !.ih, In tlse tnwn Yt u attend In t ween Pil land C the I tialatm valley, there j ( fi.iiiul rili4iilerali!e ile KU tii'V. lu lli("c ' aes thi- Ml pi are erv SiilUii. inei i. lilt I imt th.Mij.-hf llml tlse Lmttl under 'iialty d :u it t jtar'n hj-uit s. Uuot tv-t miit ..-i thenlicrnl Sol- W ran t at t turnovers will mi'le t' Treasurer Sappm- .. IikI Hie lii'ini-V in is- iii- Jrtril to the did. rent channels. V of the-largest m -cremations i I-,. 1 ii-ii.l . st l.ivil fund. l (Jutnlmtid union the one ir.Jrr.! and ui.ire districts. MCI ION Mt.l; i un.i'riHni . w ill sell at pun ikliuii at Ins I. inn. I S miles itlii of ll.'edvlIU' iin.l I mile Ith of q latmna fitaliou on line at l' n. in., on HUI'AY. oCT(Pd:U 'S horse. S vi ars. li"; I'l-owu W, Jo vr.. Htm; i;ra mare. .' K LUi. hav mare. II yrs. h. lintlhl.''ll" : I. Met '.HU'le riirsi. ' run s. J yrs ol.l, ifiuin' k.cmv.'.i vis, fresh; cow. It) . irtvitim milk ; heifer. IS inos; ilnwts. top lnurk'y. w ac.on. IU kh; tiiovviiu inai liUM'. hor;e. jki', 4i.V. Spiketiktlh liaiMw. pmmiy ireatn wpaijitor, cut- atMUil ni loim ot loose 'ii hens, household I'inmIs I'l other articles too iiuniei'oiis mnitiuii. Lunch at nixm, lVrms of Sale All under $Uh h;over $lu. one ear's time l8iiroved notes, drawing int. Hpit cent, Allen Peck. Mil Vaiulerwal, t'lerk. ni cu'ic sciu.tni.i: pa merit; terms on haktnee. An- sw r hy mail, irj.intf full partic ulars in f i t letter. - M. F. hit. Ureiico, Ore. W 'M Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson ar med in from (lol.l. ndale. Wash., I i i'luy cviMiirti;. and visited w ith Chester Prnlmes arid wife, of tt.ik Park, for several days. Mr. Johnson has just Iff t the hospi tal, nnd is still Kuir.-rmw' from the fracture of three nhs. He will now reside at Shady Pnsik, and savs he is ifoinif to stay here until they carry him away in the little Kray waiton. One must U sold -Full base- Hunt, rn imiiroved house on two lots in llillslioro. Also a vl house and 21 acres in Mc Minnv ille. near uiod whiMil. I leal town place fur Uisxl chick en ranch. Must U sold in tew roads was ernbraei-d in the vari ous writing, telling how much has been built and how much money has been exM-nded. Wolf Urothers were paid pM) on rock hauling. It was ordered that $.'UXNi ls transferred fnwn the general fund to tlie county road furuL The road petition of Frank Hill ct als w as continued to the NovcmU-r term. Harry liobiuson was ordered to oHn the road as per s tition of J D Hite etuis. J HCiminoand Italeinh Kobin son were uesivrnateii as viewers on the proMHel road, x tition of (jihi hlligHen et als. 1'htf road iK-tition of tjtsi hit tletield et als. was disallowed. The prohibition elections for (aston and Ka-st llutte precincts were ordend placed usm tin NovemlHT lialloUs. The road as tier tx tition of Julius Christensen et alK was or lennl established, the js-titioners he undersigned w ill sell at !ub- lie auction at his place, 5 miles south of liillsuiro and 1 mile west of Fannington, at 10 a. m. harji, on SATL'UOAY. OCTOP.hi: VJ ',y 14 vciik, I IS', my liurr, J , i jim; torfrl lure, 10 f, I4'); buy nil, i rx, llj'i; I r. 5 rriiiK ti.llen, 1 out kiln C'iH, 4 lrrli mi g'xxi ll jw, I row to tr Iirnh Jn. J, I mw to I (tr-U Mf !i ; h-ifff. 1 ynt, to fith- ll frli. 6. .illtn; litlf.f,-v KifD( lvi : nijiHlriril J. iwir l.till, CotiilDK J ', trM inoilu r ijure 4. I.uiirr t ilim-ii' ei I. (iHicihI rt, I it( I'ly- tii .u'li It M k chirki iia; j itirh Uivx on, Itht inii jtiii uh tup, hack. t linn m Ik.-Ik fur ,vin:h pinlir, m nuir ;.rriKlcr. .uiiii.i.iii imn.rr, in ki hiiipin rk. Aitrmm t mrr, nearly nr; Uny ir.l'ler, Mi-el lever nsrrow. him: li-itu,, .jinitiHilli lmiim. Iiini.1 ilrill nil ttm !.HK;iil, aomc iMleil clever hny In l l y the tun; mimll t''ls nnd ull.i rnrli.-U- tiKi muut-ruui to mention. I, ii in Ii at Noon. Terms of Sale - Ten dollars and under, cash; over ten. one year 8 time, bankable note, 0 percent; ter cent discount for cash on ill sums over ten dollars. J. Cruickshank, Owner. I. ('. Kuratli. Auctioneer. .lavs. i. ei aiiawim. lerms. pay the $2Ti0 damages assess i , I', I.UnSeU. ... ,. l.l,; .kieti. .Itivu feom tin' Mr and Mm. Jake Smith, of court'n order. tj-hanoti were in the citv the Herman Collier and 1-erd Uron ! i,i ..f the wi-ek. ereetimr friends, er were atitsiinted to view the I Lev hsive U-en visitinif in the nrooosed nwid. petition of V. rl-,ri North Plums and Uov l( ruikshank et als. sis-tions. Mr. Smith now owns a C F Tigard and ("has True farm three milesoutof U-hanon. were apjrointed to view proinised and kivs he likes the country up road, tietitlon of J U utiHtin etals there. HillsUiro has improved Following claims were allowed ......... I i u... l ii. iw utni-e ins I li (' llii.wn rtwoiter. intiiteKl fl( S . i i ihti I. Vat innnv vears 'H'r A.Um. wimeM .i . l. .. ...' . i V,.-.', T K Tohkump. witoe - Air, ;MUIlU liirun'u iiuv mn( i w A rMi wiiiirn - I O t'. ItancH-k, iherlfl juror I oi. IWlLii.t 5 HI. m. IS in ft. Ml. up. m. in V in. i. in p hi, Krom I'orllmi'l 7 V ' V Ui i. in , t ( 47 " t IS i in. V P in. 7 (Ml l III. 7 s . in. 9 ill j.. in. M i), " P. I. Webber, the Cianlen I'W well driller, w as aivArgurt wr, last week. Alfred Krit-kson nnd (!uh Ijir- n. f Mountainiiak'. were in P city Monday nflermxut. ('hris. Ueiben. of near Hanks, JMa citv visitor Mondav altcr- Mrs. Marl ha Carslens. of M. was the truest of Mrs. K. McKinnev. the fir.-it of Ithe At !C I ION SAM; Plains 1 saw cordwiHsl. Kies up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails, and Uids of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Wilt go into the country. Write, phone or all on mi'. ' Carl Skovv. corner Sth and Fir. Hillsboro. Oregon Phone, CitV S22. Sam PaUcv. of H.ixton, ar rived in from Chicago, Friday . veiiiiiL'. and went on out home . . . . .. i i. S ilnn av. Mint tins iM-en oacn 10 VI V Halt, juror K K Hill. poor,.. A I. Seme, juror I. It Stone, jurur Henry laiierirk, juror Hr Ira I'. Ilarrrtt, ptivnicinn ... Flumt Stnlile. co : coin ct W V I'ielrtier. k1 jury.. IlilWioio Tel Co, c h i jail Willi Fletcher, g'l jnry wit ... Mill Tcmpleton, ' tirwm llroa. relief.... VV ! Smith, justice (e 5 W VV O, relief a II C Alwell, CO fruit ln 45 " Mm C II Beiartli, .lejiler ilel cuiw I S I oo I ix I oo I oo I r In oo 6 10 6 oo J4 Si tj (H) S "o 19 So I .... I !. ..I I Illinois oil a month IIiIIIkio Mer Co, reliet JS visit, and he struck that section tj.l Kirctnc Cc h s in the best time of the year, lie McSjl.n wtm.coct i 5 nu t ai us ohltime Irienus in me ..,. miii.!ie 44 i ..... i w:i I . r, ... - . i .ii , i. , .. i.. ,.i i oeai'ii. ill ii savs vv n- a r, v anr.uion, s , u - ' o. , .i...,r- ir i: II . -.1 . j ,.ii,.r In clirrv I r.iP-iraw" """ a the windv city, from present in di.ations Sam is glad to gel back to old Oregon, anyway. . P. Corrieri ulvvays kwps ii... ft nest lish in the county. All kinds in season. Also n line sup n!v of the freshest vegetables iv.. him SiH-ond Street, one .i.J.m siuiih of Kocber's. 2T-tf T E r.rcov liellN Drui; Store, relief 7 Fore Grove Ilonpitnl, icllef I oo t.W Hoime. Mieritrit co cU 17 lltllnlioro Merc C C h K jil b Ss NrlK.ll Hilw Co, c h .t joll 1 1 9 l JUm A I'ru.ltionime Co achool opt .1 T York, ct ct i y llren L.Coume, ct ct - 3 WO ltonelion, relief IS oo VV II Smith, ctr ct - 5 "o John Nylwru, co court - ,V 9 li.lni McClaran. co ct Si U II Slrvrlloll. CO iuittff -HJ ,H Mr and Mrs. I i. W, Mines, OI Hen lleeiwcaer, co rono mmi mi, ..ii. 4 i u.nnvi above Hanks, were m."e my " - " 4 Thursday and V nday. Mr. iiines Tinr. c h jnnitor 60 w IS SloVVty ri'COVeilllK (iui "v I K IS MtpjllllKlOll, Ol lirnn ..... .I t.n-e stroke which ht Sustained Mattle VVilnoU. aea0i'aonice.... 45 1 few months iigo. lie was Kepi , busy greeting his many county (, h 1(.,klns nc(mvt m & Cxp...aiS 9s seat friends, and says that the T ,, Xor,Ke jr, ctr ct so 00 old town is improving mightily w nwood, relief. . . ....... J"s OUI Mm" ' ' ' w 11 U-,l ro hea th o icer 111(170 bet Wi ell VlSltS. h.iui,,,,,, Llverv ct a So Silumts. weighing Hillahorolnileiien.lent print A mp 9 4" I'll! Dkl 1 1 ino-- p,n.s Corneltiis. Kotiti 2. le e- l)mrr AVllli clr ct .hone SchOllS, Line 10, ii". T M Kerr, co ct. ............ M.i,. n lew irt'SII COWS 101 won nro, co runu huh.... 'Vl., ,v ill. Ill ItI... Mri,l.v ml ilirV sale. " I H S'nra Aulo t o Mlsc Ih.nnis h-lS rented his luck IWyer, co roail fuii.t.. DonniS n.IS ruiliu iu HUmter. heritrnoflu firm til 11 IiartV HI IOC . ... . ,.,i f,i mnnn ll'M lM. ... , , I ft 11 IWIIIi VW l'" hk'hest rate ol rental lor upianu A puirr, co ros.i lumi . . ....!.-..: II.-. haa hilt I r....i Mu.ui " ' JtU '..! .111.111 ......... caw- Jhe Qtidirsiiriwi,l will Sell nt, imli- Mitli' nt. tin. I. ml, I.e. Weiti farm. f Itt'cilvilie, at two p. m.. n MrUUDAY, OOTOHKU 12 ,ay luirse. 11 vrs. I'M): Imy Url);'l.a'v mare. !)' vrs. KHit); iy mare, fi vrs. ltir.l): 'M Haiti fafn. John Deere jmle buggy. nwt new; Deore plow, 12-inch, KWl- ) ... . . o . . " ..l. 1 I M-lH Ulll WUIR llilllienn, f'1 "''I I'uggv ImrnesH. almost rl set Hiiudo buggy snws, nail t.,,,1,. . i ........ i ..iiw.i- - "nn, llliu IIUIIIIM oim vo l" lrnCllS. H'rnis of naliv- $10 nnd under. f1; over, one year bankalile Me. 7 ln.n ' - I- . I IMIl, , W. W HoHtetler. Owner. JyIm Vanderwul, Clerk, IS ... I 5 a i 6 5 M.5o no t 40 ... la 55 ..aa. 7a 3" 6u 511 00 pa,,, , u ;,v ..... UJNafl Bank Forent drove Tax ('.,.. Ii. 111'e.ia m 1 h link inuvv, - - o not nil of it cleared, and he gets L,." 1 5o mmi ner vear ensh rent, tor a ne 3.93 piTiod of seven years. BrUIerA B TM J. Tom T01M a 50, n.. ....t for-tv.'t. that DaVO tor- ,i,., in . A Kostur 34 75. A I'i Mo . -ii .1.. n oliimhinir and I'mnsev ia vS. Ii fleischmier Si, Frank Will Will OO J.n.i i" . I, , ' " ' tfivo yon estimates, Satis factory Keh 3 a. MmvUwt f n(s, work always, and prices uiu. ,mr0 ,br Co , v corrieri 8 60, emi't be given h.V others, the- CUv Tr,te(l 75 nilUlmro Merc Co 16,1 ao, nette Uow. Second Street. Martin VawWhey 53 5", henii janacu 18. ill ui ik". . r Hornecker 38. 1 it 1t1!l!..r- nf t he Arctlde DlS- ri..,li On.irt Jurors W .1 U Ili-ach, J tri -t was in' town Friday, and c oKle,.t.y. m ii c-md- 11 i ., A eo-ns. The mail hnk. Win Sclinlmer kh, Clm. Uo.1k.Wu. Uaa Un II b Halvoraen, Curl Clll ed Oil tl!0 Argun. -" I. ii.lrorarn. Url Larsen. Herman route past hlS place Has UUtn Jlliel YonnK. T H Carter, J L fhilllged. and the Carrier Ol I Si,liptoni f6 rach;Tlio Council, James MIIK. t em u. Inquest Dr Ira R Barrett fin, Bruce liken ta 5o; S A Cmft, K U KUiott, K Hanks II now delivers lnsieau oi Cornelius 1. Gits Kleier, of Chehalem Moun tain, was in the county seat tri day. ' Allen Peck, of Quatama, was in the city Friday, ordering sale bills for the 25th of the month. Wllkea ChriHteiiaon, Earnest Welch, Ji 50; V 1) Smith 1 a 45 Uortilnanit hlRhwaya Nelson ll.lw Co 96 47, KtiiRsley I.ytie 1 1 5". fllc 10. Johnaon Bros as3 70, E PfnlT 4, R T Spragua 4. K J Ward 5 4". B P t'ur dy 9, C O Reltei ao 30, j m utau 5 4" Jake Milne and wife, of near North Plains, were in the county seat Friday. Wm. Hosteller, of Ueedville, w as a county seat visitor the last of the week. Jas. Loudon, the tall sycamore of the Iowa Hill section, was in the city Monday.. K. I.. Mapes. the Chehalem Mountain bopgrower. was in the city Monday. Willier Tompkins, of beyond North Plains, was a city visitor Saturday. For Sale; Wheat and oats. with .K ixrcent. tare-make tine mixture for feed. J. b. bteinke, .1 r 11 . tl rt one nine sotun 01 iewun. m-& Julius Christensen, ot near Ijuiref. was in the county seat Friday afternoon, interested in a road case. J. 11. Kllerson, a well known oldtimer of near Heaverton, was up to the county seat Friday af ternoon. K. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was in town Saturday, bringing in some King apples that woul make Hood Kiver hide its head. Hugh Kogers was a Spring field. Iine Co., visitor the last of the week, on business tor the railway company. Wm. Cuddy, editor of the Weekly Oregonian, was in town Friday evening, making a short circuit cull. W. J. Hutner, of near Heaver ton, was up to the county seat the last of the week, greeting his many friends. George Madison, well known hero, is working at Hood River, and writes for the religious weekly. Smokers want the best there fore call for a Schiller or a Grand Mnrca, when you want to see the blue wreath curl. I. 11. Maxwell, of Mountain lale. was in the city Friday. He finished baling his hop crop last week, and is now ready for the buyers. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Turner, of Albany, are visiting this week, with their son, G. M. Turner, manager of the Washington-Ore gon Corporation. R R Reeves, of Cedar Mill, candidate for the legislature, was in town Monday. Mr. Reeves is making an active canvass, and says tlaVt if elected he will give the county an excellent service. The Shute Savings Bank pays its depositors over i?10, 000 yearly for interest on Savings Deposits. If vou do not participate in this start an account, $1.00 is all that is retiuired. Its what you save, not what you earn that makes you rich. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Goodwin, who took second prize at the recent Hillsboro fair. was given second at Gresham. the other day, in a selection of 2S7 little fellows. He came with in one point of getting first prize, also, on weight lor age. For sale- One hundred gradei Plymouth Rock pullets, for 50 cents each, u taken soon. Will make good Winter layers, and come from good laying strains. J. P. Hornaday, Oak Park, on Yager Farm. 29-31 Jury Out But a Short Time Until Award i Voted Plaintiff RESULT OF SIDEWALK ACCIDENT Trial Utc4 Nearly Three Days, With Haay Witacuset he case of Margaret Jane Mc- Gowan against the city of Hills boro. after three days of trial. came to an end Saturday evening ate, when the jury gave the plaintiiF a verdict for $3, (XX). The plaintiff fell at the corner of Third and Fir. last October, and sustained injuries of the ankle. The amended complaint and al- owances made her suit call for WUIj. There were about 18 witnesses for the plaintiff, and 9 for the defense. Dr. Wilson, a noted Portland Physician. Dr. F, A. Ilaifey. Dr. J. P. Tamiesieand )r. K. H. Smith were called on the case, and there were many medical testimonies that would liewilder the layman. The at torneys, however, appeared to handle the anatomical terms with the fluency of a Beaconsfield 1 he jury viewed the premises Friday, and then settled down to heneino- two dnvs of witnpsspa The argument by counsel. T. H. f and h. B. Tongue, for plaintiff, and W. N. Barrett and Geo. K. f Bagley, for the city, were more than forcible. The jury trying the case Geo. Biersdorf, North Tualatin Plains; Gustav Grabhorn, Heaverton; J. C. Corey. Mountaindale; Pern Patton. Cherry Grove; Chas. Lie bermann. Tigard; J. T. Fletcher, Dan Baker and J. A. Abliott, Forest Grove: Fred Meyers, Lau rcl; Fred B. Clark. Farmington. and Chas. R. Bradley and J. H Kdwards, Newton. Many exceptions were taken on both sides, and the city has given notice that it will move for a new trial. In all probability the case will go to the Supreme Court Other cases Sumner vs. Sum ner, order made giving Mrs. Sum ner temporary alimony. Decrees of divorce Pitman vs Pitman, and Withrow vs With row. Neither of these cases are from Hillsboro. The reuort going the rounds of the streets that the case could have been settled for a few hun dred dollars, at its incipiency, is unfounded. Inquiry from the j Tongues, and from the Mayor, go to show that at no time could School begins on September 16 and as usual we will have a com plete line of School BooKs and School Supplies The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE ' 4 n i 4 ft i i t Are You Thinking Of opening a DanK Account the one snre road to best business? If you are, do not oyer look the mod . ern accommodations at the American National bank i i Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home ' for we have all the modern conveniences. yar patronage courteously received. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Mate .Ma IfttVaf, Nlihtora. it have been dismissed for less than $1,800. AUCTION SALE i he undersigeed will sell at pub ic auction at the Gardner place, two miles above Mountaindale, at ten a. m.. on THURSDAY OCT. 17 Jay horse, 12 years, 1300, dapple gray mare, 8 yrs, I4uu, orea to Banks Percheron; both good work horses: yearling colt, out of Banks Percheron; 3 head cows, all in milk, one fresh in Dec., one in January; heifer 5 months old: brood sow, bred; 5 shoats. 16 head Angora goats, mixed; Jones mower, 4J ft; Jones rake, 10 ft, wagon. Bain, 3 inch; hack, Monitor grain drill, 12 hoes; Syra cuse 14 inch plow; 60-tooth lever harrow, clover buncher, farmers Friend fan mill; 3-log roller; hay rack, woodrack, set dbl harness. set single harness, root cutter, 3 ten-gallon milk cans, hav fork, rope and pulleys complete, log chain, post hole auger. 8 inch; pulleys, steelyards, 500 pounds capacity; Home Comfort range, 2 bedsteads, 2 bedroom sets, 3 bed springs, extension table, kitchen cabinet, cupboard, dishes, lamps, washing machine, and numerous other articles. Lunch at Noon. Terms of sale $10 and under, cash; over, one year's time bank able note, 8 per cent, interest. Orel Gardner, Owner John Vanderwal, Clerk. J. A. THORNBURGH President J. K. BAILEY W. W. McELDOWNEY Vice-PreaMent Caahier H. E. Ferrin, Asa't Caahier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $280,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from . Banks and U. S. Treasurer 143,082.44 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27,000.00 1.317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 $529,312.56 Reaerre 84 Xr Ooiat. DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Todd John E. BaiUy J. W. Fuqu Wllber W. McEldownoy J. A. Thontburtf Eyestrain and "Headache SCHOLLS NURSERY The Scholls Nursery can furnish everything m the fruit-tree line this year. Also Loganberry plants, blackcap raspberries, Clark seedling strawberry plants; two-year old Golden Ortleys, and Yellow Newtons, large trees, well headed, for 12! cents per tree. Yearling apple trees four to six foot, 10 cents each. I. C Nealeigh, Scholia Nursery, Sher- l wood, Ore., Route 4. 22-37 1 ."Many who for years have suffered intensely from chronic sicK head aches, using drugs of all hinds with out benefit, have foUnd immediate and permanent relief in properly ad justed glasses, because eyestrain was the cause. I tahe away the strain and the relief is lasting. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LAUREL, M HOYT JEWEUN AND OPTICIAN First door west of the Delta Drug Store i 4 4 A ii