17 Yl 1 ' 1 JnllLLSBTO VOL XIX IIIIXSnokO.OKKCON, SKIT. 12. 1912 NO. 1G V DEAD li FOUND BY nOIEUHD OPERATOR ttaiigrJ lltiMM-ll All.-r lruiil..s ,ttm'l Na''' Jugul ir vD MU JiU-kMII UM iti (mar' ' ' ' 4it i ia I Wait r A.liitm. ..-r:tr .it t i i;ni.l.n'l iul hl.iti'n, tl. fnit.-.l Uailwav. n.ur !! h. -tia. f,.ri'.l a dead man nt ll. u point. I H'l.iv ni'M iiini.'. ati.l Sh.-r ,lf ILiiirm k uii.l ,lWn r i: r irwit wi'i't out 1" ' ' Uh 111 qm.t. :" win n""". ami hud d.htr.md w rv 0f i.l.nt.ly. h. far a ewl. i c. ,.r, pal-T 1 1 "I. H I ifi tat.Uil hium-lf Kvri tl Iin ilh a k in f nii'l f;nlm, t.. li himH. !f. lui-l tied w r'" '"" 0( tho r.iilwav t"l". f,r ' from tin emtiod. and ih-!itT.ite y r.tr;na'l-d " 1,1 d'-.tlh f.riinr Hi-own ln'ind trtil in III'' d :t I m.i'i'i. n k. , lid hill Im i'II ',ii l ' 11 opt Mr. and Mr. W. A II.-. 1. who talked witli I nn I li.;i da) i.U'lit. lf' I '' ! 1 1 Ikhik'. !! :H a!-'iit "i JO r:ir if in'-; f" t. 1 1 i' 1 in L u'l.t: kmui ir l.:t- I .-; ha.l r.-..llHh l.rmvll I. air. pe lair!) pi. .1 L'n-! Win Jovte mi'l J, II ' wen tlif next parti, -t t i afti-r !. .n found hy tl. lr litn.ner I'.i"vmi l.a.l l!..- hrotitrht l.i ilMn'o li-r Wilt. HI. 'I I'l l') it i.l could laar lr'in the I ( many ll.l!.lmr.i frii-ri'lH nf .!. ilin.i Wai'i'fii r. l.iiil,t-r "I Mr. iin l Mm. H.ifm Vai'.-- i ! In-.- i liari-i- id ll,.- i.i:in,. ,1.., i:",,"'.t i.f AlLany Ij.H.,., v, I,, t.- I h ill (.me m-iiitaiiK Mi'-. Wa;'v nt-r formerly Lh '-'i ill. tl..- Mi Mininill.. i'u. !. , ;i,, l.cr IraiihliT to AlWany i s a r ii.,-iiitii.ii t.f ln-r niusieal a'.:':.. SI..- ,:h n,:i.,. to ti !" 1. 1 i rtiiany to finish her ni l . e.lh-atinii, II 1 1 1 iioa raitkft '"i ans 1. 1 the instructors of !h.- ,'.it!,."4. 1 1 Si. lite Sa iut'H Hank pays it i ! :!..r, s.ur JlO.IHIO yearly lor i'.!. r. I in. Saun' I eHtstti. ll . i .. tml .artiriiat' in tins lai t an a.-.-oui,t, fl.'" ix all that "' 'i nr.-. I. Its s hat you nave, I. at y i earn tiiat makes i. Contractor J. S. Iirun AwardcJ I he Zimmerman Campbell Und 1, .! -, i I . I'LlM. i.. i -.:in lorn ;( I '.in t v. of lieyoml North w.if in tl.e city the other i i o!i,,.i!ii.'. hy Virifil navs he has not I ! ii... .! tl.nt Imrk, yet, thi sea ! "M. that he out with 'II- '.iv Inii.-.tif Sl.a.ly llnmk, lati.l U ,t Hmrt .man laii'h-.l a tine i i.iiii' hu.-k up in the hillri, Mlii i. mi ,J(lj ,,f Hi.. ii.,-n sea-ton. j 1 1:.- i !ii...ii w a monster liitf ;. ii. . a'. I ll.nry was even Kore i l. i . he ... t tin- liver lirinjr- j him I'i l l!i.- ti!i.eihikne. wanU to ; . t a l.ii !!i (roiii T." to l.Vt aereK, ! niitah'.e !..r taking ran of l.r to 'J" I. el "! . .i-As an. I ruiiini? hoiiii' ji.n a1.. I er.un Statt 1 !': pa'-tn .ilari. first letter. A, !i..'i:ri. li. l'..-.iseitiiii, (In., Koute i r...v it. 21 ..,ls i i.l. r until I- .-.li .i. J..! i. W. Met une, Reeretary ..! if;.- Uoai il of Insurance I ruler w i iters, 1. 1 I'oi tlantl. iiiin receipt f M.n..r ll I. Iku-ley'x letter, r. ! .1 1 1 l,i in-1 l. r iiimir;im-i rati'S iwnt.-s lt:l the iMianl will lak :j. 1 1..- inatli r. ami make a Hiir .m ot the l tl. r coinlitions. a.s an4 irwiHimi roii.-iuj. at I oi t ! iii a- iHHii.e. lie Klales iiutl laml. whom Mr. I'.in.Mi ii"l it I ailhi-u-.-li it may le Home time It was rrv evi. enl that 1 1 . U !- the nurvr-v can In- maac. man ha.l tne.l to h..i , l.i.n !( , o-miu: to it Im iiiit a very busy with his mi.iM'iittTs. ati.l thai thf hanpni; as the i. ,!t l the thml iittempt on In lifv MClMhN sui: Tl.e un.h-rsine.1 will II at p il' lie auction at tlie V, " K - elm tilme. Seven IllileS east ol Hill bun I. one iiiile luutli an. I three mileS West of lleavellull. oil the Cunvon Uoa.l. at 10 a. in., on il KSUAY. (MTfMIKi: I Black horse, ll year. 1.11; .I nk gray horse, Ti )ear. lL?"t; l'lli Km til workers; il ear o). I i.ev, in milk, fresh Keh. I'.t; M l 'H' heifer IS in. in His: hi'lf.t. I'' months ol.l; I'hauipion i ft hiinl rr, t'hainpion inower, I! ft; I i.l war.ls hay take, 1 1 inch (Hiu r chilleil plow, CO tooth l-'v.-r har row, nearly new : I 'olnnH.i.i lisc. 12 ir.,i;unillach lnll. 2 lnr a- cu! tivator, cultivator, hay rack, "i inch wiile tire half-Inn k Welter waRon; I in I'inlell wayvin, 2 in tire, w it li Iteil; canopy top hack, top hlly, (.'ravel heil. M l ill. I Wurk harness; 2 iii'W I -i U -; with lines; Het Kinj-th' luitfiry hariie-s, 'J tons mixe.l htose hav;.'l luishels wheat, ton iray Winter oats; bay carrier, fork, pulleys ami 110 feet of ro' colllpli'tf; I'M' chain, scoop hIiom-J. K in fl oilier, Ion augers, forks,. i'nft'y Kal harrel.s, Hprinn waon slmlK lioxheater, horse slioeilfit outlit. oO kiicL IX vem-limf hens. 20 rods woven wire fytiniiir. !i"l Other inliile I.hi mime-runs to mention. I.nncli at ikmui. Terms of Sale $10 :uul ninler, cash; over, one year, hankalili noli', at 8 per cent. int. rest 1 1 per cent, oil' for cash over $10. A. W. Keehn, Owner. sea. on. the rates will U retro- ,1. tl.e. ami ilale liilfk to the time of Ik tt.-rinetit of con.litions. I aw eonlwooil, (Miles up to 1". h i I . -. in iliatneter. fence rails, an. I Lu'.i . of all kiinls, into st.twwoo.l h-iii'tlis. Will k'o into III.- country. Write, phone or (ail on me. t'arl How. corner Mh ami Fir. IlillsUim. Oivk'on rhone. Cits S22. John Vanl ke ami John lVtors pa .- I lliriiii':h the city the last ,. lia- week. hailllH llopS fmill 1 1,.- I! I! I'orti-r vanl to the Jas II S.-w ell la. ii ' houses, which w.-re rehauvtl so that kilns coiihl ,. lanl Mr. 'orter. who lost a t own house hv lire one day a,t w.-i k. fnuii'l it impossitih' -. I a ilrier nearer honu'. ami as to as to I'lu Supt. It. W. Itarne Slate That Fntire Corp ol Teachcri Secured ('. W. Ithtom. of liclow New ton, was in town M.iii. I. iv. ami a.vs his yanl will soon l har vested ami his hops ilrie.l. Allicrt W. Keehn. of Klinoniea. was in the city Satnnlay tm tii -inn:, iinlerin"; hills for a public aiM'tion. lie expects to l"it farming uiul tnov to town. Wanted -About 200 layinir liens, year old, Fehon prel'er "t'd; will take Home of them as pullets, reaily to lay lliis Fall. Wendell Davis, siiort distance south f east end of Oak. 21 .Mr. ami Mrs. .1. II. Fd wards, ol Newton, were the proud re cipient df n pair of twins, the first of tho week. This makes twelve children for Mr. and Mrs. l'ldwards- nimv duuuhters, (4a,uil three sons, I'Vir Salo: While Leghorn pul lets and t'oekprels. -Mr.s. J. A. Hohhs. Vnrhv. nn Oreiron Flee- tric. miln nn.l n half west of Hillshoro. I'hone .lames No. .'1. J'. 0. address, Hillshoro, Ore a i oiiseiiucnce was tilillkiei haul his u-eeii hops in the tw'fi ln h,,H, of nine miles. Ii.t not Joriret that Pave For win will d.t your plumhinir ami j-ive oii estimates. Satisfactory n,,il." n!wavs. and prices that can't he eiven hy others, in-tte Kow. Second Street. Frank Murphy, the younirest i.ui ..I' Mr. ami Mrs. Ihos. Mur- i.hv. of M.iuntaindale. severely ...ii one of his insteits ii net. in1' W it h an last Friday The wound was a had one, ami he was hurried to the city, where he was treated hy lr. Fmklater. Ue will I"' laid up several weeks. Ceiu-ral tilacksnnthiior. horsc shfU'insr and woodwork. All work piaranteed. At (.wvc land, on the United.-0. Wil son, : , - , - Mrs. L A. Loidx ami daughter. Mariraret, arc visitinvr with Mrs. Font's sisters. Mesdames bituik and ti. A. lleynolds, at Wheeler, Wash., in tho I'.ijr l'.end wheat section of tlu? upper Columbia .! ill 1..,- Ml.Li.int U.IU. Uiver. iney win iv u.n m, . eral weeks. ' I Khoats for sale. WoirIi a M0 liKIST W ClIMS Al l ow 1 1) Miller Allucd Saluua LUcar il lUuii; I adcruuj Dinicil he county commissioners held a busy week ending Saturday niiflil. ti. M. I, rnlerwiMt.1 was nie.l a liquor (s-tition dow n in the Kex-liL'ard country, owmu to conditions and testimony. J. W. Winters, of MidJleton. wa up remoiiHtratinK against allow- ink' the Haloon. ami the petition wiw dismissed. Other business transacted follown: J. M. Miller granted a saloon license, Hanks, for periixl of one- year. J. S. IirsunK awarded the instruction of the roa.l in dis trict No 115. at contract price of $120; bond filed and approved Id tad petition of r Jossy dts allowed. I litad ordereil establishea as iter H-tition of Anton (inos, etal I load onlereil establislieil as kt iH'tilum Merman nnirel brecht. etal. J li (!imino and Kaleinh Kol- inson are viewer to locate court line road as ht petition f (list .ilik'sen etals, to meet with Clackamas viewers at their con venience; Same viewers to view promised road w iter pcuuon Ceo Kllinsen. in this court. 11 V l'urdy and K J Ward to view nmd w M-r in'tition 1' rat ion etal. August (Terk 8 feea reHtrted at J'.rjo.W); recorder a lees, $-17:1.70. State cases, transcripts allow ed; Kred Meyer. Ceo I. Funk, Milton Smith etal; Fred Krelts, Ceo A Mumpheys. 1, Lrowner, Hick lliH'd. Kufus 1-rost, Jas Itrd rials; inquest John iKa' Sullivan. The following claims were al lowed: lainri Cliuiclnll. i'U uli't lii(li- - $vs 1 Wo ( lltiM. roa.U mul hiulir Hi 2S luhn "J J.ilinMin, nw.U nu1 liiiih v - 7 Urn I'lrfMrkrr, rovli mi.l hiiya J Vt A llri-kuiiiiiii. i".. aii't IiikIi) s " A Krwrmiiti, ril mul IiikIiww 4 " A KiHltir. rumU ami lilaltway.. S4" si Julitt A.li)liltwn, ruail ami IiikIi- way tinman', ,0'' ' A Si iiiiinlliii, ro!! i'.l 1 tajVi w 691m 11 FIclm linK-r. roa.U ami lUKliwayn lJ 45 Itivr W'ditirr. ruvltait.l hit;liwaya jimumi SitUli 1'iiillaml Ciunlint Unck IV lua.lii ami hik!liva t 7 7 O A Plirtu, rimila ami hiKtiy. I tint n I.(i4' J J Sltrvlin, ntatUaml 1iikIiV" . Si ' VasliltiKtll Co Nr Tlliira. I'llira Ct. Oct. Ta iS Tlie AiKa Ciitta, IVuit 1H-I Tn Lint .. - J'' 5" S II Unllman riaitla ami htthw:y Jt 511 J W Ikilrv, Co cleik, al ami rxp 31$ 25 Count Culvert A I'luuie Co, luaita ami lilnliy '7 J L Krtr. Comra. Cimrt S oe C.laaa S riu.llt.ttnmr Co. flection U hi t;.-o Mi-Ore, witl.r Hale raatra 4 ih Win Ttit'wr. C. H. Janitor 60 on W 11 William St Son, road and hiKliiaava J" ' IlitslionK A Co , .Shrtiira tillii np. i S Chna li I'olta. Co Poor Fat 111 ... S mi II Sdu-iH-rmann, aaw-aHora ollicc r, mi UValtni Clay Co, roa.U ami UIkIi wavt 9 5" (iliiwt S: I'lUillimnine Co, npilua 375 Wt-alrrii Clay Co, nw.lit ami Iuk- wua I" J5 U l( lli'iitrr. wllncaa ('.rami JillV... 'i" firaccnl Clinn Co. C. II. ami jail 4 l-'urfitl Omve Pteiw, Ailv warmitU M mi McCatin k MarKh, Ittiilyca. 7 Jo I wrik W BE fAHCTID to Miay Ckildrca Still Aay ia Mop Fk-lili Bciai Mutr v l: nt Win Miltuillaii, r n.t;il.Ir f. r ... H yi I Mlr in-k I1 WllSuiitli juitii-c Crra IJ7S Win M. l.u;l..B. roiiMnMr frra It t V. I Kiioitil J'l'iil t 1 I t ll .1 i v. tutor ... I iki h Siiiillilntt, intiii .. ., 100 T M km Juror 1 00 ('. I I'.il in . I. .r. ittir ... I n II T K. i. jie.ir 100 ti!iii K... i'in, ilwM , j ift l.ile. l K'l-in. atitiima... J f Aitmt M .l. ilm- 19'lltr.HT ..r.i iri'insiii. nuiir ,u Jrk HauUtr. lturii I 70 K joiinim. 11 itru .wllli l',.- u 7..l lt.'i-t M' J me Hikrr V. C ll...tt, I'otitt.rr II 40 Mra. Tii'M ll.krr, M C Martin, r I'tiirii. 11 Mmf..i.l. itn-.w.. Sup-rinten(lent of city schools 15, hr.o i;i.'-.rKr7trom V-VpuiVM-i-aj . states that all ar- wiil r.iiii..krr. i.ui..iu.rf.i.r hue ... a i raniremenU are Defected for K ll NiMH tit t.'ti, roteity ttrawurri. I . . ... , , !,, . ...... 7r,(10 operuriir the public schools in I. w n.i... r.M.l. mi.l ii.tfii.ya .. y I liillsbtim next Mondav morninir. Ct.y I i'i. r.mnly ,.. f.tm 75 o .. , , , . . a a , V. I. V, k ma, kr;...l r. t!ry an. I o.o'" ""am wiuutt ic .irimttra J ' entire corps of teachers, but as- A II Siili.n roiinlv Ir Inrni 1000 . , . ,, i.m. un.c.M.nty p.-.r him u 50 Knments are not made in all l'.Lii.on S'ai.ir. i.w.Uiiii.i iiiithwaya 6 instances, and this has been held a- l II . - ... a.. ..... " M.tnic-. .wiiiut fci 00 in abeyance until the rooms are llnll.rii l'utiiitiiir ami ll.iflwuc I filled 11. s.ii in. io.u..,.ihiLh'ay"a 00 The school will continue for a Win Stii.n.1.!, K...U ami inKiiay.67) fu njne months, and the attend- I. M It.u-a. roa-la aii.l litKHiaava...vi 35 -n i- j.,1,1, .i.rai.cii an.ij.1.'... 7s 00 this year will eclipse any a Krvnitian, towiaamt biKinaiy jo ro former enrollment Mi-Nain-r t Wnl. CVitiii. r.ittrl... J no ,,, u 1 1 -u- -o c 1: 11 Hi.ti.t.iirf h't The new school buildinj? will n Wi-ni;rr, r.'.. u an t hiiiwiv... i 55 not be ready for occupancy until lui. a iinw, riiii-i 16 oj gome time about the first of the lii'inrr - Roarll, romU ami lit)ib- year ;PMM,r,r. ri.,!. ...ti i..;V..'. ;. 7j Ts Mr. Karnes states that quite a i!t.in.i in, rn-u ami ittiiwua .. iis. number from outside districts iiiiuu.to Til Cu, c. II ami jui ... iii-'t have jriven notice that they will l;tiMe ri..ii....i.,iy Ju.ir. i entt,r ujHsro njKn this year jittu sX-Tco . coii.r ," ivrViirn.' ' for the first time and it appears ami miir,;r h 00 as thoujrh the old buiidinK w ill J.ii.tt M.-ci.i n, to Coinr. ivr tiirm have a capacity attendance. ..n.i itiiic-ue i 4 supt Karnes has been retain- J.1I111 Mi lit-, fixi.l ami liiKha a... j.hi , .. , , , . J..I,., Nyla-.K. I.....1. ar.4 hiK1...y $ 47 ?i.lnii) l' and 0n' k r Uraauurr, Hn.hra $Aj s if he shall desire to remain. He i-arm-M ii.-rr Until vw 00 has had charire of the schools iir.. i.n.i- 17 honker than any principal ever ................... ....... v l,,.l,.J l, kl l.n.l lltlllava J IO Vlliyiujcu uj llic ovnuui uuoiu. Vaiiutit'a l.ti-irv, rrllrf J mi Co..t itru-i-tive H.irr-au. tate car 40 70 Administratrix' Sale ol Personal Wiik- Auto ti4tni;i- Co. nhi-iill a ollii-e 4 50 Property WVt Snlr I.iimlirf ,V SIuiikV Co. 19 06 Notice ia lierrby (iven that the aod r- II llansrn. n a. an.t luliwija ... 5660 ig,lc,l, A.lminiatrnlrx with the Will an- C..it iHlrcltve Itiirrait, alnte rat 97 00 Uricd of the Katste of Nancy Iaaliella Win l.wtiT, c.Mitt nine ihiii.iiiik 4'x o 00 MVaraon, deceaanl. will, pursu mt to an Itrall .V Co niiiln ami Inch).-. 690 7J onler of the County Court of Waabitiiitoo tountv, Uirtjon, ma.le ami ilateil bept. 4, 1911, tell at public auction, to the bi(he.t ImMer for cash, at 10 a. ro. on SATI KDAY. SKPTKMBKR 14. I9i. I jivi-.i S,tit 'XI I at the Praraen Kami at Laurel in Vah ' iti(ton County, Oregon, all of the follow- The T ualatin Hotel pro(H'rty is inn ilccrit.l imouat property, to-wit: U'inir iriven a fresh coat of paint. 5 k . w. vrarlinv atrer. vearltns heifer, tow. 4 l'cter GntSSen, of near Phillips, ahoata, 5 piu, io hena and rooater, IS was in town Saturday. f Vc u tf V ,on,1 MJ 1 , D,,nmnuPj ' lanle-hill plow, il inch plow. Planet Jr. A fret I (ilierlK'r. 01 Helvetia, drill, riaw. fan null, wee.ler, I gram was down to the County Seat "adlea. amiare and aa. prinKtooth bar .. . I row, crowlwr. bed anil apringa, 2 bora. shovel, potato fork, garden rake, grind alone, a auveri, washm machine, X School begins on September 16 and as usual we will have a com plete line of School Boohs and ScKool Supplies The Delta Drug Store j REXALL STORE I t Are You Thinking Arnus and Orcironian, $2.25 Monday momintr. A. F. McUill. of near Laurel, was a city visitor Monday. Jacob Kudu'le, of Cornelius, was a city visitor Saturday. Dr. A. H. Hatley and son, cut ui, heater, jvtir nippi. brace and bit, ax, aletlge, barrel, iron kettle, kettle, 1 pail. 4 milk ctocka, j 4 gallon jara, lamp, churn.atrainer.chop kuile, a gal lon jara. a kitchen ctipltoard wilh dish es, 6 cup, l'S ttaurera, 9 platea, ayrup I..... . .(...n .list.... J l.iullaM twu-t all Knice, were OUt from Portland, 6 fork, spoon. eten$'ion table, Sunday. t4 Move, with granite kettle, tea ket- Korn. to Mr. and Mrs. Uranpe U pillow. blanket, hammer, rocker. - .-,.! Phelps, ot ilillsiKtro. aepi. o, jtte.lthi Sept. 4. i9 1U12. a sou. Henrv KrHk. of South Tuala tin, was in the city Friday afternoon. Tennis Pyl has moved into the city from the South luaiatin ranch, recent v sold. Vetch and tare seed, ready for Mr! sowinvr.- Adolph Uutschman, on " i 11:. i .i. l. p....... 1 t ,;i.,o nm-th. attack of carcinoma, at i 1 11 1- , Ikl'tllC A I i"ltl.J liv-i, east of Hillsltoro. 2-8 1 t ll t Of opening a DanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oycrlook the mod ern accommodations at the ? I American National RANK I I "J'-V." '".1- yr . Nam V Bell Pean-nn, Ailiuiniatratrix ilh the will annexed of the Katate of Nancv Isabelle Pearaon, IVceaaed. Dagley & Hare, Attorneys for Admin istratris MRS. DELILAH PRATHER Mint UK) pounds each. - Henry niio ah reuK, on tueiuiieoi Mountain. 2'-6 Min't-ieil In Hillslnvro. Ore 'sent 7. D12, at the honu? of the .iii.imiinir minister. Uov. H. Liar of the Kaptist ,u ,.1, Mr W. A. Weifenbach ,m.l Miss Laura L. Johnson, lvoth of Portland. makers want tho best -there r 11 l ot- n Schiller or a Grand Marcit, when you want to see the blue wreath curl i.,.ir n Clarence Cook. Pastor of the l'.aplist Church, will take up residence-111 the tongue nome .,t..n,l H.-iselino and Second, Octo ber I,' and will upend the Winter there 11 Tnlior below Rood KridRe, I, ,,..' in MTindav. He is one of I in. Ill' Mi in irettinir his hop crop nicked and dried, and ready fpr iiiriiri-it l.br. Co.. roiiiis and hitth wava 117 4 Win lliiinelniaii. witneia grand jury a no John Wilaon, roads an I highways t 75 Hull 1I0 Steam Koller Co, romla mul liiyhways 1 Mitrtou it Pteeman, relief ... b 35 W O Pititclaoll. Relief o 00 C S Hyiiea, roads and highways,..! u 00 lliishoiig iV Co, aitpplies, v.ictK. s ollii-e 13 5" Copier A Co, roads and highways 6 10 W llnglu-s, roans ami ittgnways 030 A Abbott, roads am) highways,... 6 to V li Souther, roads and highway i 9 C U Keiter, roitls and highways... tl 95 ;iaa it Prmlhoinme, supplies, cleraa n-.. is s 1 M,.Udila..i. Hrrai nuida and llti'll 1 ,..v . ... ..... - , - r. I .. . .. . wnvs 71 4 cation in a lew weeks, Hillshoro l.lvery Co., county Poor at Forest Grove, died from an No. 87 North 14th. Portland. Sept 6. and interment was at Forest J. S. Lorsunu, the contractor, drove. Sundav. She was born in started Monday, with a crew, to Kentucky, and was aced 8G put in the Hollenbeek Fill, alwve years. She came to Oregon Mountaindale. about 20 years aeo, later moving 11 p Wfi....i nlw-nva kpens to Portland. Her husband was the finest tish in the county. All a veteran of the Civil War, and kinds in season. Also a fine sun- was killed in the first nay s dsu ply of the freshest vegetables, tie, at Shiloh. Her surviving 'iv tiim Second Street- one children are: Mrs. Lydia Bow- o-.tf en. widow of Chas. Bowen. former resident of Hillsboro, and J. T. Morrison, of Farmington. mother of J. A. Bowen. formerly brought in some fine evergreen connected with the Argus; Mrs. com Saturday. J. T. always has Frnest Storm, Portland; Lillie, lino luck raising this product, the widow of I. H. Patterson, and ho has one stalk that has formerly with the Forest Grove only fifteen ears gracing it. Times; Mrs. Minnie Wallingford. 1, Portland. Mrs. Frather has Private desks for writing your business -i letter, for drawing your checks aud a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. our patronage courteously receivetl. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main mnd Third, Hillsboro. RoMOurooa argatUOfanylariJMrirVsfc I. A. THORNBURGH I. E. BAILEY W. W President Vice-President H. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier MCELDOWNF.Y Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18. 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $2SO,570.12 Capital $25,000.00 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.tH) Surplus 27.000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Undivided Profits 1,317.33 Banking House 18,500.00 Circulation 25,000.00 Cash and due from Deposits 450,995.23 Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082,44 $529,312.56 Zloorvo O 4. Por Oont. $529,312.56 L. M. for over 50 tl A O A . . sawm... nmn. was in lown iur- - tQ dav. nccoinoaiued by Michael "... ,u ni!i w.- to move his sawmill to a new lo- County. Farm 3 o Chas C Roe, county P.xtr rnrm 2150 llillsboro Merc. Co, C. U. anil jail 14 40 J V Umliii, roadi and h'gloaays... a 50 Hillidioio Merc. Cu. county roor 1'iiim '4 5 M C Case, School Siuit. aaliiry ami ollire esiienses U4 7 Hillsltoro Itidepeniletit, printing ami supplies 3" "5 L M Buell, roads and highways 73 aa S M Reagan, county poor farm ..300 fit IT Rros. roads and hiuhways ai7 7s OeoO Hancock, sheritl a salary. ..aas 00 (U-o 0 Hancock, eip state cases... 159 as Oeo 0 Hancock, board prisoners . 45 75 I Pouelson, sheriff's oflite in 00 (ieo Kingston, witness circuit court a 00 Thus H Tongue, Dial Ally's office ao 00 RTrotnley, wltnesi circuit cotttt...6oo Delta Ding Store, rel'cf . ........ a 65 Slice vs Humphreys W D Sutitli, justice fiea 3 S State s Urowner W 1) Smith, justice fees ELECTRIC SCHEDULE Herman Pape, ranching up at 1 IIHIIII lV UUVt IIHIU vuviovi a " aw , .u.; js,i u . M, lororiiami UOWIl llie llRtl 01 lli yusi. ween, visiting his folks down in the ,55 a' m! Sherwtwd-Middleton section. He 8:45 a". ui! realized $20,500 olY the Borchers' 10:50 a m. place, down in the southeastern 45 p.m. 1 ..r ii,., n.i.. r.:n.T mm 4 00 p.m. (mi tm mi,; i-iniiiLj , yuj ins a-uv. 6:a5 p. Ill From Portland 7:50 a. m. 9:39 a. m 11:47 a. m. a:iS p m. 5:1a p. ni. 7:00 p. ni. 7:a8 p. in. 9:33 p. tu. 12:23 a. m. DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Todd John E. Bailey ) W. Fuqua Wllber W. McEldowney J. A. THornbursf lor it a tew years ago, ana ne is 8:20 p. m, investing in Sherman county 10,06 p. m wheat lands -the best in Oregon This vear he has market for over M. Palmateer. of Reedville, 15, 0(K) bushels of Sherman coun- Was in the county seat Monday ty grain, his crop averaging morning. about du Dus ne s per acre in s R Koontz flnd Cft, Jack Jn pas u-ena preiiy Koiu year up Nehalem, over in the Klondike country, and fl . . eit5nn shipping facilities are fine. He "" says they farm half their place Mrs. Geo. Schultz, of Oregon every year, the other half alter- ('itv. is the guest of her parents, ! -...!..!.. ..:.. Ia (IIaii. I !- TL l'l,nn. 3 35 1 lll.ei J Kvuuk w uuiuiiici-ioiiu. ifflir. Bull 1IS. xiiua. uuccii. I SATISFACTION I Guarantee every watch I sell to give satisfaction If anything goes wrong will put it right. Would be glad to give you prices LAUREL, M. IIOYT JEWELER AND OPTICIAN First door west of the Delta Drug Store. ana it y i ri P M P i if P P P to P P t li uoute 4. 25-7 tholiuyera.