F'aW'32a1LEaSI!3!jj It HILLS MX JIII.LSBOkO, ORISON', SKPT. 5. 1012 NO- 2 i i B VOL. tlSSOIiOlfMES nrOU SUNDAY j Mrt. I """' tr,l III IIIf' l.-o.t.tH- lP is mi ik it in i;. 111 1 f ll'iJ Willi llinlill. r hih in I lif! laii llll.-,',.-l ,!.!' I l.riil.il Ill,- HVI.it.il itll olll.ll l.o t AO ,!;'. r S.ll.'!.l j,tr!;l t 'ill V olif'l r j;, ,!. I.wim !l. -,.;l.iii. g(trtll"-l Kiiiiii.i A it tl;.' OaU Mi". r..ik i-r. f ln.ro. . it"' ''''' m:tU I" 11 J;iru V air n:i i, 'I pi .iv r li i !h,'ht will. t!:. ..:il... and Nth ll' W I w-- --- ,fjl (hpnii" l ai !'. ! ii- ii,. i l. 'iry Irviccx wroa. 11. I t.M,r t'i i if.'. I I ! A ! M,I A I I.J t" Ol-I ,'U I I l l''." (,,!. ., .I.H.-.i K' ' I . " I f,.rr I..' ilit sii.iki' In . i t .,n,. t i! '-' to I In' ii ;i- .or i i;i 1 1 i) t . Tli.- a ri.l. i.l t.ili I il. ii? ' tnp.o Mi. l i.t w .1 i ina v. !l ln it ;n .t,t!,ol;v'!i t'l.n- to:;. I ,..! I tLit tli. i'. v. a i a i-r, ..t i' il.il p r lilt:.. l ii I" tl . k.i.-' t . tla- KM,- . -a. :,!!,. r, '. l, r v. .i t.'i'.i ii .). in r at ! ' o' Ii h . Ml t . r ,S,- r -I'll I ' l II Pi i ..w-t if ll'l' U ro ;! tl.' N'!' H'l'l! I,' i l.i !, at ii,. If. 111 tl,.' a-, ialor til l.i; ! ' .1 .vi . r..i ) i.'i i a ill. a I ! i..a :i .Vi Cat: ' I r i ( jirrai.t'ii'i: to I i-r ' ti. a'. .I f a. i i.t! I .. . I I.t Sam I I. lit. -! a in the roi!it) of tin i i k . Ir- r .. at !.! I!..- last II., !.,( :.-im,M of .r .r(. a-' ;tii!y :.U"I' Satar flay. ' f. ('.,;! I'f .11 ai,itli.rliu.!( i;...-t.- '!' Ill f lolll lMfcol. r.loofhllH', Jt-ii'.l.;s . J. K la ... . t' o "ial Ml.-r" rainii.lal.' for : li.-ii!l. : in tl' C.t Sa! mi I. iv. Jiil.lt ainl I'lt.l !! I fit -! ill frum ia ar It. lint. . Sat .r l.t af t.T!,i"tl. (iii I a aiitr.l (oi lam ..work in faiialv of tvi. 'l-!i lioiu- Main fiT:!, Hill hor... i (, Stol.i-lnlI'V. t!,r lin k rnail lnnLl.r, f I'oi'i I l.i-o., ,: in tovs ii rrnlav. i onfri i in',' llh .IraU'r Sl- a lt -oil. V. I'. 1 1, li.-i r. tl' I'. ':im iti'ii riii!i,n lor. was in tin' ;lv l it aliiy, !! Aport la finili tin1 H. iIi.miI hoiiii in llii- II' Iis.' ilhl'ii t, near I ai'iniiu'l"!! tlii Wi'i'k. Wiil llamtt. wlio h:ii l."'ii Niill.llik' with tla' !iorl.olit pi'" ili', ii'oiiiotimt p.i .'iiicnt imii ti'ai ls nMr in a.;liin;:loa slat.1, Was l.oini' tho l:i:.t nf tin' k. ! or S:il.: Wl.iti' l.ri'liorn pill li'ts ami ciirkrri'k Mr-. .). A, 1 1 l .t ti. Vai'li y. nn Or.'K"" l'.l' ' ti'ii'. intlt' ami a h tlf i st nf llilNtini'ii. l'lumi" .l.tini' N. !. I', tl. ii.l.ln srt, IlillslHiio. On'., lainli' I. 2." 7 Tin1 lintel Vai;liinv.ttM l-ar Mj iii'il the last of tin' week. Vi '' I'". roriii'linx ii'"! N ifk WiF 'inns in clianri' ol' th'' mI,,s-Tin- iirtni t is very tii'iit in p ln.'iiaiii'i'. ami tin re m ith'T chair nor talile in tin' il:u- Tin' iavinvr peopli" liavo l'''i' vt ry innrh iliscinirai.n'il over tho ranis n' tho past wi'i'k. at one tinu' having over 'JH nirs of hai' r. m U nn liainl. which they wi n; imal'lo tn Hpreml. Ni-arly H 1 1 n i r- jM'ailinir, however, in com I 1 -t . II. II. Kilmer, of llethany. was in inwn Triilav. II'1 Htatcil up tn that time very few lunl thresli fil in his seetion. hnt that most '!' the small farms hail their trniin slaekeil. It, lie-ins to look iis'.linni-h the hij,' growers will put their jjrain in theslm k here "I'ter, even it it is a tilth' '1,,(, expensive. A. A. Morrill .leparte.l the first f the week for Ontario, Ore., where lie outfits for a trip into Klamath County, overlaml. ami w ill have chaw of aRovernmnt survey injr erew. He has awaitei 'filers (t-,irt( last Spring, u'11' w'" unw iro into the interior ami re main there until Winter starts him hack to the Willamette Vnl- lev. lie tnk-os in his provision ami other out lit. hv waifon. as he can not. ire!, what he wants in Klamath County unless he keep 1 n,a.. II. Ilolnnnli. of lUthanv. was in tin- city Saturday. .. in.n.'.l hi family t Portland, . tlu- I i r t of tin wcfk. whre t hy i will r-M.h on n.-wlv purchasi-d t.r.... rtv. on Id.. Last Sid Mr. Iloii oii,l. has Hol.l i in garai'i Imh iii'' i. an l ha i taken a Mmitiun as cl i. f tivin... r for tin- ( VitmurrxTH' Supply l.uiiilirr Co.. a fil'W K.1W- iiull i ori-iialnm. just huilt two hiiUh out Jroii I.iiintoii.iiii tin I iiil 'l In tlu' ro'w (Mihitmri Mr llolroiiili will havi t hariff of fiM- ;' liil. r4 anil tin- .ti"ini't ari-otoi:iiiiin'. ami hf will havi-oiiiti-r him a Ht-M-ral nii'ii. He form. il w.H kt il for tin inaimi-r .f th. t-oiiipMn v. ilown in Kla 'iiatli I'oiinty. S.iUiti anil r.tniii, ia Or. vn lli.rtric Kv. for tin-(trefoil Stat.- ! air. S'it'iiitM'r 2 tu V. VM J In ki ts will U- wil.l A hoi t J". to S it tnU r 7. inrlu i.e. IMini li:iut S-pt. 11. !'i am hi l,.'.hiles nm it-taiU ill I"- t iri.is;c, on niui'st. S. I '"""-r, liv'. nt. Hi'JWxVi; a .lav that a iml wiakinif wai J not tla- penalty of picking. ThoHt htl.nc.itih' fmin a lii.Uance were tli.- most i.iriorn, m they were ..l .ii'i it to remain at the vurimm I'anijii. w til!.' those froin the ..ut.tv Hal Hint other county towns coiiM ... t home for a little r.-.pite fr.un the ini'lement w alh.-r. 1 ha.v conl'Aoo.1, Hiles up to 12 nn Pes in iliHineter. fence rails, am! Uiat.ls nf all kimls. into lo.. w.i, h ncths. Will ki into the country, Write, phone or all i n me. Curl Skow. corner Mli ami I ir, IlilisUiro. Orei-on. I'hone. Cltv SI.;. Mr. ami Mm. .M. M. Itriilk-es. f I'oitian I. fortm-rly IlillsUiro r. M tents, were in the city over Snmla, truest of Mr. an. I Mrs. has. K. Ii.'iihnian. Their hod. ..rest r.ri.lm-s, is now tret tint; ht J'-'.""!! per year in u re!.ini II.. position with the (leiieral la. i lric. in the Kast. ami he pent Ins Sumiwr 'vacation at I'ortlan. I. Maine so he can say 'that he has I ice n in the rnrtlaml on each coast, the Atlantic and Pacitie. M. M. was very much pi. ased t see HillsUuo develop ins.' mi rapidly. I he Slmte Savintrs Hank pays its depositors over 1iM"I yearly for int. rest nn Savings OejMisits. If Mm do not participate in this tart an account. $1.00 is all that i-, i. quired. Its what you save, not w hat von earn tltat makes von rich. It is reported that there are r..t acres nt Mitalix'S as ine i;uj crop on the O'linell place, tiorlli ,,f the city, litis is Haul to ie tla- larcest acnat'e urown on a Miiuh' farm in Washington t'oun !"s hi-lory, It is understood that the hulk of the crop was un ,j. r contract, for early delivery, ami that a larfje joition has al ready I'cen marketed. Tl... iin.leisiirned wants to ., i,i a farm from 75 to l acres, sintahle for takintr care of 15 to 3) head of cows ami raising Home n.v unit erain iK-sidert. State foil iiarliculars. tirst letter. A. lloinnch. I'.eaverton. Ore, I I'.ov 11. Route 210 1 h.. i-arrierson the rural routes, five in immher, hnd two days of .-..vii in succession. Sunday and to...hu. the last liointr I.alnir itav Thev went out Tuesday morninir laden to the uuards, ihroneh the two days nccumla ii.... ..r mail. This is the season when thev carry extra mail, also, to the hundred in the hop fields. M not iortrct that Have Cor win will do vour plumbmt? and dive you estimates. Satisfactory work always. i". can't ho jrivt'n by itliir. m tte How. Second Street. k always, ami pin.es um. Liie- Monday was lalxir day. and the court house and hanks were closed all day. makinsr the town have more or less of a holiday appearenee. as there was no work on t he streets or buildings, owintr to uncertain w earner ei.ii..inv-... ,. Salo-Wall .tent, 12x1(5, with poles, new. aiso i.t- iron fence, It. wan mn mc ... sintrh". irate. InM"" M.!l Win. Jackson, occom en t ween Lincoln and Jackson. 2.5tf 0. Ii. Jacobs, one of the oriR ina, purchasers of the II. Isboro darden Tracts, was .n the city Sunilav. It is reported that he wild his interest in the hi tract to some Portland investors. General blacksmithm. horse shoeimr and woodwork AH 1. ...wo-nntend. At Urove- and, on the umiLU' v'j9 32 son. Mrs A. H. Iiiuloy ana son, w.nirnnd to Portland. Hruee, ....a. 1 .iioi-ioum. ntter a visit l-rniav ni - with llillsboro relatives. THE COUNTY SEAT Crrt CoiiimrtiLrd laying Ma to J am l ast of I Ik- Wi-i k. lAI'ltf fO LAV Mil l: AM) A It M l Will Tbi-a Shift la the B-im-linr. H.lcin Itilliiburo and Cuiiuliu Mai udaiii road la) inircomineia i d fruiti the county seat the la.st of the week, under the direction of 0. 0. Stoke.sLury. and the first rock was unloaded out m ar the Klinetnan brickyard. The crew was hhifted. Saturday, and lie fore k'oiny; hack to the northwest of town, a mile ul W-taidOB m intention to lay at least a mile am! a half out of lliHslxuo. and then switch the work to the I'.aseline road, between Ilill.slioro and Cornelius. Kain has I ecu detrimental to hest service, hut in case weather hol.ls tro'l, an extra force will lie on at the crusher, and more rollers added to the laying crews, am! an at tempt made to tret a bit,' lot of rock down on the hitrhways. The court hopes to put dow n several miles yet lieforc the sea son closes. Several rollers will he released from various sections in a few days, am! with a month of sunshine a trreat deal can he accomplished. Several miles have been com pleted in Forest drove, (raston and Hunks sections this year, and some work has been done this side of Hcawrtnii. Center ville. too, h;us a stretch of new mad. W. K. Smith, of South Tuala tin, was in Saturday trreetmtr friends. 1 I A I. I . I. MHoKersvM.n, hii-ii ...U Tor n Schiller ir n I .ranil l Man-ii. when vou want to see the v -- - - - : blue w reath curl. Mrs. Henry Flemintr and son, who have Uicn visitintr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. bmtr. departed Sunday for Cali fornia. Eight shoats for sale. Weigh almut lmi ciunds each. Henry Otto, Huh! Peak, on Chehalem Mountain. 21 G Wm. Hrogden. ow ner of Hrng den Acres, on Haseline, east of the city, was in town Friday. Mr. Hrogden states that this is tho wettest year of his Oregon experience. The Hramhall family, pioneers of Oregon, held a family reunion at Pleasant Home, Multnomah count v. last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Prtitham. of HillsUiro. and Mrs. M. A. Hramhall, of Forest drove, were in attendance. Wanted -About 2H laying hens, year old, leghorns prefer red; will take some of them as pullets, ready to lay this I'all. Wendell Oavis. short distance south of east end of Oak. 21-Gj The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cochran, ot North IlillsUiro, died last Thursday, nnd was buried in the Masonic Cemetery. Friday.1 Uev. Ii. Clar ence Cook, of the Baptist Church, officiating at the funeral. K.l. Wann, Wm. Nelson and Hal Tavlor started for Tillamook Countv, Friday morning, on the P. K. & N., and J. II. and Thus. Williams followed Friday, to join them. They are out on a deer hunt, and expect to bring home the meat. John Freudenthal and wife, of below Newton, were in the city Saturday afternoon. Freuden thal always grows two crops on his place, grain ami vegetables in the Summer, and wild ducks in the Winter-and he always has plenty of help harvesting the latter. liav Kmmott and Donald Long departed Saturday morning with a shipment of 25 calves, en route for Jump Utt Joe, ueyonu Newport, where the young stock will have winter quarters. Homer Kmmott and son, Kay, have leased 1.000 acres of winter range, for several years, and thev will make a plant of young stock from time to time, and watch them grow. There is no necessity for feeding on the onnst and stock thrive through out the winter. Mr, Fmmott bought about 200 acres as a head quarters' ranch, and has a live vear easo on me luuu acres, in side of a year they expect to have several hundred heart 01 youngsttrs on the leasehold. Sam Parley, of Huxton, was doAii to the city Saturday. !! and his brother. 1:. ., of Port land, start'-d Tuesday for (Ihi cai'o, and from there will visit at Ihibuque. am! then t: to Wau petili, Iowa, where they will visit a brother. Jonathan Pai.sley. Sam has not U-cn hack to the 11,'iwkeye Ktate'for a aarter of a cent iry. and now that hU crop is harvi-Htc! he wiil take a month o:f in the .Missi ;sippi Valley. anl then return in time to tret his vote into the Oregon ballot box on presidential ilection. The Ariruswi!l be sent to cheer him on hi.; ca.-tcrti trio. I-'or sale: White Orpinton vj-'s. l.i for $T..r0; per hundred, for incubator lots $10; will take orders for chicks, one day old, at f'3) tier l;umirei. Also nave a few cockerels for each. II. Jeibmann. North UillsUiro, on Hoeker place, (jarabal.)i Ave., and (jk-liLMW IwaU. -W-tf th State air-Tit-nmy tion that every year Were held Mr. Kedrnond takes The State l'air!ats . . irly this season to tret away from the rain--but it aiti'ars that no matter w hat the dates are old Jupiter Pluvi istrets his sprinkler towoikin;. Albert To.ier is still mayor of the Tent City at the Fair (Irmnds, and the oldtime IlilisUiroite has a w ide acipriintance over the state through the jiosition held for many years. John Vanderwal, the first of the week, received ch'-cks in the sunt of four thousand dollars, from the 1mdoii & Lancashire, lor the lire loss on the Alex Heim rohr mill, which was burn above Cales City, several weeks atro. While Vanderwal takes out a treat deal of money it is noted that occasionally he brintrs in some trix! sized checks. J. M. Loudon and little daugh ter, the latter of w hom is sutTer intr from a dislocated elbow, were in the city from above Hloomintr, Monday, seeking medical atten tion. Hie littii' trirl is six years of nyy, and sulfered the disloca tloh ile, .lay int: with neiirhlHtr- . ,,,,, ,.l,, .1 r..n '" '" Atrent Jennmtrs reiHiris mai his company will pve a one-and- one-third fare to IlillsUiro s street fair on the West Side 1mv of the Southern Pacific, sale date to begin Sept. 17 and good for return up to tiie 21t II. Huntemann finished deliv ery of his splendid peach crop, the last of the week. It is safe to sav that no portion of Oretron turned out liner fruit than that produced in the Huntemann peach orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Green Hale, of I'ortland, who have been spend ing two months of a vacation at their Oak Park Summer home, departed for Portland the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Frost, of above Forest Grove, were conn tv seat callers, Saturday. Mr. Frost was one of the 11)10 census takers for this district. A. C. Shute, president of the American National, returned from Newport, with his family Saturday evening, after a month at that noted resort. Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala tin, was in town Friday. His son will a train have the chair of Agriculture in the Pendleton High School.- J. C. Heehen and Frank Im brie were in from North of Oren co, Saturday Imbrie finished his threshing the tirst of last week, and w as feeling better. J. T. Morrison, of Farmington, is showing oldtimers how to pro duce corn - and by the way, this has been a tine year for this products. ' George W. Guy ton. of South Tualatin, one of the "best guess ers" 011 the storm proposition, was in the city Saturday. Col. Thos. Crawford, of Tigard. was in town the last of the week, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. John Ashbaugh, of West llills boro. lload Supervisor Kostur, of Huxton, was down to the city the last of the week, conferring with the county court. Ii ' A. Wolf, ono of the sub stantial citizens of. the Ileedville district, was in the city Friday morning. Attorney Geo. H. Bagley and family returned Saturday from an extended vacation at New port. Jacob Geisbuhler, of Route 1. was an Argus caller the last of the week. Dan Bailey has concluded the delivery of his contract wood for heating the county court house. UP SOILTOLD BY PROF. Well Known Washington County Chemist Sen. Is Out Bulk-tin BKADhEV. CtlIR OF CMEVIISIKV (Jjiry Product inj lictoi.k Deplete I.t Thjit OUjcr t.iiK Prof. Chas. K. P.radley. tho well known Hanks student, now of the chair of chemistry at 0. A. C. sends out a bulletin u soii fertility, hn observations tro'ntr! to prove that dairying and stock raising rn'-an better up-kept s-iils. "It ii a matter of considerable interest and imjortance to knw vara-TiyitwiaTTy wTien iiranrarf rein? ma,le .s thev are in modern! , ,if f:,m;,.,,,,m,,, !.....! UIVkliVTli) VI tui iiiniti lie. i,iit..n. i , . maniU ., . f,,Pti;;.! zation." says Prof. C. K. Hrad- ey. of the Oretron Ak'ncultural ; ollec chemistry department, j in anew bulletin on inesoiisi of Oregon" (No. 112.) i The losses of mineral fiAls and nitrogen by leaching arid- the loss of nitrogen bv direct ox- j idation are. of course, additional Jernands w hich come to the cul tivated siii . he continues. lie then gives a table of fertility of ; wheat, vetch hay, altalfa hay. timothy, potatoes, apples, fat attle. milk, buttt-r and fresh; ;a!e. showing the comjwsition I and market value. The value of the plant food in one acre or wneat epiai3 $11.10." says Prof. Hradley. In like manner $21.2.) worth of plant foods into 300 bushels of I apples. The large amount of; nitrogen and consequent nigh market value of plant foods in alfalfa and vetch is otfsct by the t storage of atmospheric nitroiren in the soil by these plants, so, that the real nitrogen draft doesii not come on the soil, ine min eral foods w hich these legumin ous crops carry, however, are large and represent real losses when they are sold as hay from the farm. The values for kale are extreme and represent the real demands on an acre of soil bv an average kale crop, w hich, by experience, is known to be hard on the land. The small amount of fertility entering into dairy products and live stock ex plain the well known fact that these industries do not deplete the soil." IILKCTRIC SCHIIDl'Ln The Oretron Klectric is experi tnenting with a new train sched-l ule, and a new train has been j placed on the Portland-toiest Grove run. The time at present is. from llillsboro: To I'urlUn.t From Porthu.t 6:.vs a. 111. 7:50 a.m. 7.1a h. 111. 9 .W S:45 a. 111. 11:478.111. lo:;o a 111. :iS p in. 1:45 p.m. 5:21p.m. 1 4:0a p. m. 7 1X1 P- t;2$ p. nt. 7:lS P "' S:jj p. 111. 9 23 P , 1,1.06 p. in. 11:238.111.1 John Overroeder. of nearOren co, was a city visitor. Labor Day. Miss Mary Heidel returned the hist of the week, after an ex tended vacation at Summit. A. B. Heitkemper, manager of the White Crow cigar sale agency, was in the city, Monday, the guest of his cousin, Henry Dels man. Notwithstanding the copious rains of the Summer season leaves are beginning to turn early this Fall. Oak are shedding tally a month earlier than usual. Chester BrKlges and Oliver Johnson returned the first of the week from their hunting and fishing trip over on the Wilson River and tributaries. Uev. B. Clarence Cook, of the Baptist Church, returned last week from a visit to his old pas torate at Sand Point, Idaho, where he enjoyed his vacation. Postmaster B. P. Cornelius Sunday distributed the daily pa rsers onlv into the lock boxes, in compliance with the latest ruling . . . i n-L 1 of the department,, me usuai Sunday morning crowd was not in evidence at ttie delivery win dow. Anyone wishing to work for board while attending High School, in llillsboro, or anyone wishing to take students to work during the term, for their board and lodging, will please notify B. W. Barnes, superintendent of the city schools. 1 i t lid w School School llt;. sj " 1 Si4 bcnKl I The Delta Drug Store j I REXALL STORE I j xw -m mm -v x x IJ f Are You Of opening a BanK Account the one. sure road to best business? If you are, do not overlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National 4 i M " " a n a x k i1 1 Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a' private . booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. our patronage courteously received. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, Hillsboro, !: i a c a & " . ' rfostfurevs urpiisi Of anjr A. THORNBURGH President II. Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $500OO Loans - $2SO,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 57.160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 $529,312.56 Lesorvo a DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf r ONE PAIR to a lifetime. Do not neglect and abuse them. YOUR EYES" MAY NEED ATTENTION and need it badly. Don't put it off from day to day. Do-you know the risk you run? Every day's delay means added danger to your health ' " and eyesight. I provide glasses to meet every de fect of vision, and my charges arc moderate. No charge for consultation. LAUREL M. IIOYT j EWEIER AND OPTICIAN First door west of the Delta Drug Store. -J s 4 a 1 a t begins On September 16 and as usual we will Have a com plete line of Boohs Supplies c Thinking m it OHM n ndtninyiim uiwni y J. E. BAILEY W. VV. Vice-Presi.leut E. Fcrrin, Ain't Cashier MCELDOWNEY Cashier Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 . 27,000.00 1.317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 Per Oout, $529,312.56 OF EYES -5.1 M M M H H ! l f J a team on tho roud all mo unw,