THE UlLLSbORO C AI ITAL $50,000 SUKH.US ...... I'ftOI'ITS V.OOO An lil, id : 1 1 i ii it( ! in ilu I lill I.Ul. S tt i-. i"i im i llillslioro (oiliilliTriiil !;mk. r vv mist;'. I itt i J I l.l , V V II M I I II Tim hiusi Naiionai. Bank OI; iOUIiSl liKOVIi, KOIiUON Capital aiul Surplus $60,000. A roti'.M:iil. J tt ,1 V Ml it. IH lit 'l lie I. t lit I .'l"H tt ,i V l t. I 1 1 Uialiafrl Mli il HI I t at, ...t.n,. a n sns N..V. May N..V May N..V. May I'.HIM, l'.l, l'.MI. l'.'iJ, '.IS;i l.VJ.i: I if, M kC'Hill! t f IV , r. I 40 Par Cent No liei'd to " lid III til you W llhl. W e h;i' e ih an r. Von ' ii w hat ymi reiiire and ially laid our ti h e l out to ma V rely on .rompt : 1 1 -nt t .IMM .-.-Mil. " ,IV "V PercV Lomi; If imoNC main 573 ( - CENERAL Mil I SHORO K. O STEVENSON. C.'iuity Jii'lf "I VasliiiiKt"n Co., ( )ic;"H. Dtmot ratic noinini'f to suc ceed him-itlf. Nov. 5. 1912 i I Vaw .mxaaxxxxxrc Main Si., next Always lint s a Show for . Pcoo es - Cs MATIN livi-ry For huIo: My farm of r... acft's ut SchiellVlin, Ontenilk ono mile from ruilroad station. A. Ueverman, Cornelius, Ore., U. 1. Telephono Furmcrs, C25. 211-5 nrrtt.itivr !:uik. .Imti. C'i liniu il i.ll M.iiii ami St i IK Si iti a it u Aim, ( a .lii r ' SI A I KM KM lr . jm.u it rrtourrf j( thr i"r, -Mr , tunlrf f prriit '., $177.:ms.10 :;i:,i;i.r,(; Canh Rosorvo i Ink.' mail order houses fur what here at the saine I'l ice if not A il;IM, mi) way. Send u list of t iih 'huiv on it. W e have spec- 9 eeciltc m . mail orders and you HARDWARE - ' OREGON J isnSaCCfcaw Theatre door to City l.akcry Good. Up to date 5c and lOc. iSiitnrilay at p. m IV KlnuT II. Smith, annmmcea i.:., ....iitu-ia thut. lie w now , LL' n tn tliiva' outinj?, ? .T..;.ul i. L at hi office HIHl I'AI'i i" " about AuBimt 31). Slid. 1.1. C. CASE TAKES SIM VOTEDH TRAIN WtxuJroM WilMtn la-ail all in I'n li-riiHc. hut Many t ndciidctl IUI VS 1IIIKU IN llll Will! licNHiM Sirs Vule liken Tillamook llilloburtt Iraia M. V. Cum; scIkkiI Hii(4-ritilfrii lit fur Wustiifiytoii County, rv- turm-il Tuesday from an fiht 'lays' vacation, with hi family ovit at th Tillamook Ik-wIhu. While enroute home on the Tilla- niiNtk llillnlitiro train. Mr. took a Klraw vote on the presi dential randidacies, and the re sult wan Kiven him without hesi tation. Nineteen there were who as yet had not derided how they would vote. J The utmost candor prevailed v. hile the vote was gathered, land when it was counted there 'were many expressions of nur- prise. The vote stood as follows: ' Woodrnw Wilson I? I I'ndecided l'J i:.N.Heelt H Tuft 7 As the Taft msi are ,'i'rnT ; ally outstoken in their convic j tions. with the general kinnvl nile in this section that Mr. ; Taft will he third in the race, it I is to U iiresumed that the li ; undecided votes w ill Ih' tlividt'd hetweell lioosevelt arid Wilson, hut just how, of course, is riiitr- i tualical. STATI- I AIK I,. I. Westfall. of Tualatin, was in the city yesterday, and called on the Arirus. Mr. Westfall is working hard to ,'ive Washinu tun County a ,,'ood showing; at the coining State Fair, Sept. 2 to Sept. 7. ami asks that all ship ments to him U directed to the KuirCround at Salem, shipment to U' made via the Southern Pa cific, as the Klectric line does not run to the Fair tmildinus. He advises tiiat all who have some nice, shaiK-ly. law products, iret together in the various commun ities so as to Kct at least a hun dred Kiundsof samples together; half-bushel each of vegetable:!. lomatiK-s, fruits, etc.. make nice xhibits. and less can not be handled very well to good advan tage. Now is the chance to help advertise the county, ami West- lull says that a kikhI exhibit means a tfixxl deal to this section. All exhibitors may bnnn their products to N. II. Alexander, at us real estate ollico in the Hotel Washington building, and he w ill attend to the shipping, at no ex pense to exhibitors, lift all ex hibits to Mr. Alexander by Am. 2S. or sooner, as they must lie shipped by Autf. iiU. KOSli kKliVKS CATCIIINd Mrs. Hose lieeves ( atchmtf. wife of W. K. Catching, of Missoula. Mmit., passed away An trust W. after an extended illness. Nie w as a daughter of the late W m. Ueeves. ami w as Uirn near . or nelius. in 1SIM5. She was a sister of J. K. Keeves. the democratic andidute forsherill. Ilernioth- ... i ... :n er, well Known nere, was uw m to leave her l'ortland home to he with her dautrhter at the last illness. Her sisters-in-law. Mrs. J. K. Keeves, Cornelius, and Miss I : race Reeves, l'ortland. and step daiiirhter. Miss Kva Catchinir, of Portland, were present at the death. Interment was in Mon tuna. Her husband and two children, a son and daughter, survive. St'von-rtHim houso, motlt'rn.for aalo on easy terms. Or will rent. -C. Khoiules, llillslioro. K Heisohauer, of Gaston, was in town yesterday afternoon. John Koek ami J. H. llaase, of ahove HloominKT. were in the city Tuesilay afterniwn. .1. J. Utzintfer anil wife, of As toria, are Riiests ot Mrs. Uum iror'a narents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Stephens, of North Hillshoro. Smokers want the lHst-there-1 fore call for a Schiller or a Grand Marca, when you want to see the blue wreath curl. Mrs. J. C. Kniriek, of The Dalles, is the iruest of her daujth i nr. Mrs. A. VV. Siecrist. of East HillsUiro. P.. li. Hentley. of Portland. formerly located here, was in the city yesterday, and called on the Arjriw. D. Hamer. of below lleedville, wns a caller at the Arirus office, vnsterdav. lie Rays the farmers are welcoming the vrood weather down his way. C. V,. Koontz. Cal. Jack Jr, ('lork J. VV. Bailey and son, Paul, departed yesterday mornmi? for a hunting trip over on the Neha lem, and will return overland the last of the week, via the wuaon, with Thos. li. Tongue Jr. Noti r. r kx ki m htkf.kt A-. h.tMKN r T' all "f l'i I' iaii'l l'( n lil t .- l ! I ti rw Iter i.r iti.tit,-i that, mi A In.:, an a- - "anient eii'i-ranl ti tit hM-ki.l ti !..'. lliiU.r'. Oreni. aalual antif (rr.frty mi Ji-oulit fl th lfMII lit mtuiit lt- ttf llw.tlt fFrt t it. ...fti liin- t.f tl A K ;'.' niflti i.l . n. Mt.l it J f;.. t: in. at i..i i. in ,.i i.n.iH ,i i.r i iti.itiu III.) 4l ,,i ti.. lurnrr I'll k 1. riiiit'tii'fi I.. Ill' i.u Millyl.r't. Orruii. Ii'ii.w tiiltt ali'ii I.l,.- f l,.t I. I U li' I ,.. til l.rl. .at Ml. t l' tit t. kiiiiiin:. A. f. . I. Ill' li' .l r. hi. i.r : H. i. in,: a ii'iint I' ft (.'Mil "f tti Bout h.-.l i-itr-it. r ft li'" k 1. SiM.iiii'iia A-l-ilili":t t" tin- ii''r tii) I t.f llillnl.'.rt, iii.Ki'n; iiii.inii tit. in i ijttrtl, rfl'titK tit" t .ikI tfiiii-l it y of I.l... k .il ..l. III.-n. . t -t I'.t. Ilf IHf .)Utl . lift, ,. . , M ft t I tl th .i . t ..f .itiiitiK. Ttetiiua ". Il.tili y MM. r.tKltttit at A ("l!!t mu lit t int Itnuti l tty lilt of tl k I, Mnirii'iltii A.liliOoli tn lUm ti.tkll I If ni vt illlli U'.i.t. ii.i."ii. Ki f"t iKJith t.f ilf n-iuilit-aiit vtirnttr wf .i.l ti". k. on it. ruititiiiK im lit ul..iit; tli- lioiiinl .,,) ..I nil I.! k In ft it. ihfii" tt ! ff-l. I Iii-ii It.tutlt I'-t t, On-lit rant til ft In III" liljir Itf ii ll- uliii!. J. W lUtli-ir It. i liuiii.k' it "'Hit un tlt rant l...lll.l il)r linn of liltx k I. In AMillnii l" Ilf tlll lll'IW lll 1'f Ililli l.tiK. ittt-itini. hlih (...nil la fiit Itnlth of 111 lit -ii-t t.illit-r of B-iltl lil". k I. rtniiiiiiK thru' liul III lll'ililt Olf t t't tl'lUllll- ary Int.. ..f IJ I.I'M k t f . . I. lit. ii. t- mi ni li ftti-t. iit. it. ; o-i t. iIk-iii l-.ll lt I' - t t'l tin- lil-li uf bi I" I II "I 111!. A. II- Halley II., iiii. t; at lll- t.uthi-at i tit it. r of bint k I. hiniinuii A . I -1 1 I " 1 l.i Hi Ik rt Itl'iW iiD) if iiiUnbtifu. ri-Kun. 2tt.ll luiiii.iii; im in in. ri:i unuiK Hit. i ti l II".- of il'l lil'it k 1' f. t-l. Hit II"- Vlt-itt IIH fi-i-t. Ihnnf n.iiiih j firt, Iht-Iii I .11 III) I"' t IH l'l lll-l'- Of I., cumuli;. M tii. Mi tjiiill art . . lu liiniiiiiK al a ii'ilnt on Hi" .iulti Inn- f bl"rk 1. Siia iii. iim A-i'l'lit'ti lo tin- llt.iw l l I V of llillnlioro.; III) f'-'-l oi-itt of Hi of talJ l.l.itk. ru'iiiinir tlittiin norili fU f.-t l. tlli-m.' turkt fi-i-U linn,.. .. mli p it. tilt I In tb i ll.t llll" of mill bi n k a f. i 1, t.i Ih" ("iiith Im of Mid I.l... k Ih' li" i-n-t "6 fi i-t Ilu- i'I up of In Kiniilni;. ! A. Itul.-y It. (-. illlilliK "t il It'illll " II'" .until Imiiiii'I try lln of bliii k I. MmiiH'iin Ail'lilioti t'i Ih l.tviii lit'twr i-itv( of llilln- I.l. lit. Ulti'tl. I fill '' l,f lilt- ..Ulllt-.tlit llltll'T of hi:. I lil.iik. riiiinliiir ilu in Sit.'.iJ iiitilli on Ob I I" Ih" " I.. .mi. I i y Iim- i f il'l Mi" It vi;i, l. i l. lln iii i" i"l H 1 1 I,. Hi. t.f M.llil I.ll l'l lulu:. I! .it., v. , it. " tt.iiiih :"ir i j fi-t-t m.uih bnuiitlary lin 1,1... k. Un lit nut 1 J lb.- tlttt- of litiiin A. II. I'.nl.v. J. W. Ti ia '. iiaiii-y n. I l. t liliiin.i I'-tili ) ninl ..lit) a A. Ilalli - in n 1 1 ; at a point ' Ih tI m. f bint I. 1. Hllli- 1.07 nt liM A.l.llli"ll iii iiii i"n ii . i it) I of llillfltnrti iHi--ii H.a norih of Ihi- i it tt ..ii i Ii 1. 1'" U "i.l. 7 a llll" Wt-fl si.:! f. . t II III T. la.t I. t till l - t .ttt ttttiii r nt ' aai'i i iiniiiim- Ih-ii'i- ninth ft i-t. alotii: Ih" ii-l .f i-to I blot k. thi-tifi' I MS It t. lln in atuilh I,.. I. Iht-ii" i-ait In n t In- iil.o - of Ih-cIii- J. W. Htil. y f I, I". k I. Slllimoli" Ail lo lln- ton li t now 11.11 ill i of llillxliiiro I II t noil. I'Lim-lni-i lU.ini-r Lot 2. of block 2. Siinmiina :si.6s A.l.lilii'ii to Ih.. town inow i il) of llillMinru. tircKiiti. t'ttrnt lum :iai-r 1 ail il. of blotk 2. Simmon a- l i i ton l.i Ilu- town (iiov i It of llitliliiirn. tin-Kim. I'ur- lin liliitir Lot in. Ill Mm K 2. In Mlllltlona Atl.lititin In tin- to a ii mow rily) of 1 1 il IHtmro. uri'Koii. Kn-d ficli.iiiibiii.: Lot II. In block 2. in MiiinioiiH Atblition in thi- town mow city I of IliliHUoiii, wri-Koii, l-'rct S. -hoiiiliui'K Lot IJ. ill blotk 2, III Mlllllionn Atblition In Hi towu mow ,ll f un-Kon. -i ctl St hoinbiiri: 7J1 St Ii. Kimiitu: t th li.irini-.iii -..rn.-r of I'lti.k 2. riiniiiioiia A, 1. 1, II. m In Iho town innw lly) of llillMbtirti. tiri'iton; riiniimi; Iiictite souin auma. Hit- cast line ol aald block 1 1 1 7 :, (ct l. th.-iii w' tu feci .ihcn. i' ti'ntii 1 1 i -i ' then, i- i-ii it iiloti lln- north I, of ..aid lil." k 1MI ii-i-t in l.i-Ktllllilll!. li'Ular.l 'i""1" in, I fin lie I.. M'lui'f r.i.e so I'omiiii nt Inu :il tii iiimin- i"! toni.-r of la.i I. lllii.K .1. in Siiiimon-'' Addition to tin' To n i now Oily) of 11111s linrn. iin-soii; riinninvr liu-m i-tt mi tin- puiith lino of "aid blot k I'm fi'i'l. ,no ""l'l'1 west i .n ni l- of lot il. i"11'1 block, thi-mv luirtli " fi'cl. ll, hCt casi tuiiulli-l wuh Hi n.iulti lino of until Mni'lt I" I11'' .list lino of lt I ' l.l.i. k. tln iici- mmtli M Ii''t ! tilt' iac.' of lii-KlnnillK. I N. Tiiini'Klns 277-47 I... I li. Mm k 3, rilminonn a.i.ii- tlon l.i tin' t" n mow i ii) i of llillslitiiii. itritnit. Uri'K.iii it I'iilirornln lUllioa.l toin- piiiy Lot ", Mock la, in Simmons rtu- tliiinii to Hit' town mow i-ii)i of Uillitliol.'. iiri-Kiin t'l'i' Kiiit I'nlifi'i niA Itnllroml ftillll'.HIV tf.V. Lot I, block S, Sllllllions rtiuii- tion In lln' l" n tnoiv rii i of llillslmro, tiii;on. tionisi' 11. l.i-tll'oiil - Lot ft. block S, Simmon ahiii- tlon In Ilu" town mow i-uj of, lli-.-Kon. r.i'Oi k'O 11. Li iHoid l.ol li, block S, Simmons ah.ii- lloii In Iho town mow i'ii i of lllllsbino, Oii'Kon. HoovB It. Ldir.ird Lot ". block V. Siminona aoih- II. hi to tlin town (now i-iu i of llillsdioio, Oil-noil. ISoiniin I'liiholii' AivliMHhop of th liliici-si' of Dii'uon 731.53 l.ol It, block 9. Simmon au.ii- llnii of 111 limn mow i'ii ot llillslioio, Oi'i'iron. riuiioiio Ai'.libishoi Itomiin of the liinci-si- of Oi'i'Uon 26 37 Lot S. Iilni k v. siliiinons iiiiii- lii.n to tin' town mow iiiji of lllllsliiiio. tii'i'Son. I'litlinlli' Ari'hlilslitip Roman of the I iitici'so of tn-.-Kon 28.37 Lot 4. Ill block 9. Minimum diiioit to tin' town mow onj y of lllllslnifii, iiii'Son. .Linn's M lllckciiliiilti'm. Ili'lii'ioa A. I'liiin. Iimin J. Sti'VPiiM. Kinlly I Niiilliiup. Licntiilii M,. vi'nltn. Miillnda V. Itohi-rts, CliilKtlnii L. Ihivls, Viulfli' V. Hliki'iilioltom anil Joseph llli konlioltom Lot 6, In block 9. Bimmona Ad- lltln t t fnwn inarr rn i.f If , i:.tHri. tr.rf"n. J.tri. M Mm int..ttijiii. Ii A ri. It.i J Strv-n. i'.!Ti'f J N.rih"i.. I.irbtiiia M Wail.. M li. n ! V lt..l.r j. t. r i-f i n I. I' I'xitir i II, . kit!."ii."i ail J .. i- II, k- BI...II.. i. Ij't . In i-i tc 1. . A. r '.!) I A. .i.ii'.it t.i t ..f ll. i.i... M li;. kin l 'r tin. 1 1, z J N.rir Wail.-. M I "' r ut :ri II" - l'l"t ir. i ,i in. I l-ll.. H'lli t.t li. M l:..r.. r. l.i. ! V I . ,f i. f 41., I J '" t- l tii Ih. k' nt.'.lt.. I'a k-miiJl' t . ..nit r of hi A'Mitiiin .11)1 of II r itiiiin tin, .true .Hi. I I.'"- k. 7:1 : ' II." F-i'i'i . ..' k I I. Si" in-. I ltli Ii.' ..I.i.nrii. lilt-i:, it' it ii-irOi 1 I .-ut lili" t r ii r a v t t ' -t n a l.n r inn.riit n utn an i " ttli ti.rttiiifli ti. irtti-r of ;i! 1 Itlmk. t'li-ror ini?h t'l t'm '.ulii ln.ti of aalil hi ' k : t'l tJ't I''a 'f t i-K.iir.ltiir lli-nrii-it M'i icun 191 51 I !! KiiiiilniC at th m.rtht ininrr of th ii'hit i i:irti-r of b!'i- k I". S.mra'in 1 A'l'litiori t. f tnn m-iac 'll)l of II. I.l. or-1. tlri-K'.ri; I ie tin-n i-a.t tf) trm iinitr of mkI bi n k, t'Kri' ('iiili t". fi-ft. tiiii' i'l paiala-l wlfii U. n-.rtti linn of 'il. a-iuoiaimt fi'iar'i-r of ralil bl-K k I 1. t'l t!. went lllir of a.llil bl'uk. tl.i-Ii'ii iiorih fi-i-t ti ti i !'-' Itl-KllllilliK llotlU K. O'l'i'ltll 0 IliK.miinx at tti uiii-t n.rm r of th nort-'i rt I'.arti r of bi'" k l'l. Smiiitotia A'liiui'iti I" tf loan lrt' iiiyl of H::ib.irn, )r-Bon; . rut riir.if t'it ii' i-U't on t.'.n until line of nai.l njartt-r bin. k lla f"i I, I'.t-r.i rt'iriii l.ataili-1 with tit ran im of s" ori'l atrn-t Ti fi-i-i. Iliin wl atail lt!i tt.i "itii lliit- of rail guartir b in k Hi f'-i-t to IM at lln of Si-' oi.iI niri-i t. Itii-n- B-mtri 7'i fi-i-t tn t! - I U- r of b. KiO- nifiic. l-irnlly I'onnHI Ii 1' I'.i-kIi.iiiiii; at thu iiortliweitt torni-r of ti;r- k 1'). 'if fct:n ni"l. Alliii"n t'i the t in mow iit)i of III .iboro. Ore, ruiiiiiiiic t',fn' ut'i alttiiif tl-,i mint lilin of nail bbii It I" "1 ft. llii-r.'T t 1 ( n. ; a f.ft. tln-n'e m.rlh tn !,e Mirth lln of nai.l bi-" k. Iltl-lli BKt llllTi fti t In th of;. inw iloritan i' San! atiit-rit iimt li- (mi'i witlnn I laya Intiii Ih ilil"of i. rfify or an aittiliralion liitnl wuh tii i-lty roi-nrilur tii .y tii nam In ln-tallim-iil. ilut no Mauiiiiit li than fi'imi inn If jiwul in in.tallitiHiiti. ami no ami. fa! him IliTt-!..r rail li rii-ivri nr tiiil hir any trt ami Mtarr aniniiiii-tit ai'trn-vatiOK ratr um llian tii valuation nf nal'i (irtittrty on th lat Ui roll ut Wa 'iliifUm county. Ilri-Kiiii. , lhtti'tl Hun Aionia' l.i. I'.iii ' Koiitiiii IViwman, ! Cit Uwainli-r uf llillnlwrii, t'riKini iNiiTKK )K KAST WASIIIM.TO.N j K V. KT A SS KSS M K N T To all owner of III lull or tract of i Uiul lirrainafti-r ilcr.l-tl : I Von at hrrliy iinliti.! that, on Ail- gut l.i. VH1. mn aiwinnt aritrd in ih Ih krt nf I'lty l.kna ol Hilllri, lrr;oii. atf-iiiit your .rniirt-on ainmil nf lb itn-t'l liiiuiuvaiiiHIit on Mat Wanti- nnili.n itnt, Inmi tn unor i iiiru atrw-t ami to th i"t line- 'f lItll alreet ill aald I'iiv, a fulloaa: r..-t(iiiiiiii al th aoutlia-t cor- ni-r of blo.Js r.i. of the town mow citl of Hillaboro. Or Ron. thi-me eaat 15S f. ri. iheii.a north lU feet, thiiir a rat l'J f" t. thi-nca aoulh to tha place of bfitin mtiK. iiri-iion KU-itric Kail- ay t'oiniLiny 631.9a IW-t;iiinliic at a point on the Mm l h line of block IS, in the Town (now Cit) of, ins feet east ot the aoultiw.-t rorn.-r of aid block, runnlnit thence north ltm ft rt. tbeiti- at 15 feet, parallel with Hi., south lino of aald block, tlieiue aouth In0 feet, to nouth line of aaid block: tin me wet 10a tert to thf placet of he miiiiiinir. Ore- Kon Kli-ctrii' i.auway oni- p.iny lb Kiniilnit at the sotitln'Sft cur ii.r of block is. In the Town Uniw City) of Hillaboro. Ore gon, runninx tln-n.e north 6i feet, llieiira waat W !eet , tliem-a aouth Ml feet, to the south Im of aald blm-k, llietli' fiwl Kl let, to th lilai-eof ..ii:lliniliir. I'P k-.'H 39J SO Klft-irlo Ittillwar Company.. 329.27 IIi-Kiliniiitf at :i point on the- :mt line of block 19. In the. Town (now City) uf Hillaboro. Ore- ' (ton. fit) feet norlh of the south, ant corner of a.ild block, run n I ii 4 thence north HI feel, thenco weat 9-1 feet, thence a. "nth 111 feet, thence ! i-uat 91 feet to the place of h'Kiniiiti. Lode-ma K. Ander- a iii Hilnnln at the aoutliwest cor ner of block 20, tn the Town (now rity) of Hillaboro. Ore gon; running tliiine north on the west line of aald block lv feet, thence east T5 feet Ounce aouth 19s feet, to the 57 87 aoulh line of raid bl.H k 20. thence west T5 feet to the place of beslnninif. William Nelson Pa tannine at a point ,he aouth line of Hloek . in the Ton mow city I of llillsboro. liri'ison. at a point " feet east of the southwest corner of snl.l Mock. ami running thence north 196 feet, theme east a feet, thence south parallel with Fourth Street 191! feet to the south line of said block, thence west follow Inn the south -line of allid I'dock 3 feet to th r,:,oi7 I Place of I'esltinlhR. I - !I7.59 Smith The l-Mst bitlf of lot 7. In block 20, In tin' Town! now City! of' llillsboro, Oregon. W. K. 182.84 U-M07 Mc Co tut .Conim.-nciiiis at the southwest corner of the east half of lot I 7 In said Mock ill, runitlna; liit'iice 10 feet. Uionee north ... ii.t. m-trtn line oi aiu o. 07 t thence east to the north west corner ot the cast half of said lot 7. thence south to the placeof beginning. W. 2C.37 K. McCinitt 3S.09 Lot 5 In block 20. m me town (now Cltyl of llillsboro. Or. Chlclta K Rollins 484.35 Lot . In block 20. In the Town (now City) of llillslioro, or. Chlclta L. Rollins. 391.26 The south half of lot 2. In 731.53 block 3t. In the Town mow K.l- Pltvl of llillsboro, or. irar P, Wiinn 43S.2S The south H of lot . in mock 1. of Morann's ailditlan to the Town (now City) of Ilills htirn fir. Kdsar V. Wniin., 420.87 All of the north halt oi lot In block SI. In the Town (now City) ot llillsboro. Or. . W. N. llarrett Lot 4. In block 1, Morean's Ad dition to the Town (now City) of llillsboro. Or. W. N 'llarrett 374.33 It 5. Ill block 1, Morann's Ad dition to the Town (now Cllv) of llillsboro, Or. W. N. Ilnrrett Lot 3. In block 30, Wehrunor's Addition block 30, to the Town (now City) of Hills horo, Or., n. recorded In plat i,.,.,u i ii'i. William 11. Weliruim S46.1S 26.37 Lot 4, In block 30, WehrunK'a Addition block 30, to tua T.ari Inow nty of lllllf boro. Or., a r-or.1I la pll b.k I. p,x li. William II. Wrhrun S4S IT ftt I in bl". k li. Worun A.J.I 'ion bl-.t J. Town ini City) of flilla nr. aa r-urifi-ti In plat 1,'ntk I, tnica !. tifori A. fatten"!! 411 II I.t !. In M t.-k ID. Wehruma A .lil i t i'tn block l. t th T'.a niw fityl of llllla bor'i. Or . aa r'-ort"! In plat it-Ktk I. (tai I. llttorir A. I'attr.on ii.t fait . him k 17. In th Tuwn if.ii fl'yi of ll.llahoro. Or. M ' Wrhr'in 411 IS u-Klftnirif at a point ft ,ai of th ti'rtnvt corner of lit J. hlok 17. In th Turn innw Clt) of llllla. b-iro. Or., rur.tiinit hri- at tn nil lln of a ilil lot J. thn' oith I'll ft. tn th aonth lln ut laid lot 3, thi-nr wat ti a point dirt- ' r a nith of tha bsrlnnina; int. rortn tn th p' i-i of bKlnnlnir. H.rnan S. hulmi-ri'-h. tru. 1T M fU-Rlrnln at fh riorthwat rtuwr of lot I. In bl-tt k 1.. '.f tha Town tnow Pilyl of II Unburn, Or., runntna; lhnr a.t 41 ft. thUlf i'tlith IJ1 f't. tn th 'iuth lln of aai'l lot I. thn wt J ft, thnf north 1 fet tn ti-. ,lar of brxlnniruc- C. VS". kolmontl 1)1 IS Lot 1. blot-k 17. In th Town mow '.'Uy) of Hillaboro, Or, Alit U I'.'dmond I77.H Ia-t 1. blo-k 17. In th Tokn irtow t'ity) of llsiUboro, Or. liiii Wilmt 441.11 t.t 4, blot k U. Town (now ty) of Hi!lboro. Or. M- inU faT) 407.11 Lot J. blok 14. In th Town inn Oily) of il.i:horo. Or.. m,t a atrip 10 ft wW off of the wil (Ida of laid lot. I:m It. f'aT l-iirt of lot 1. blot k 1. In th Town rr.o City) of Ililla born. Or., bftclnnina: at th riorihaeat rornr of taid lot X. and runnlnz thn- aoutlt on th wi-Kt lint of laid lot 1S frt. thnra t 14 ft, tht-nt north paralil with ti mt line of aald lot llll f.-t, weat 19 fet, to the i'a' of bi-itlnnlnir. Iaa trr J. Huahlow and ).ffl A. Ituahlow It 2. In block II, tn th Town (now City) of Hillaboro, Or. Ia-ii. r J. Huahlow and Kffl A. Ituahlow It 1. in block II. In th Town mow City )of Hillaboro. Or. TruMtfa of th il. K. Church in 320.13 cf Hillaburo 320.13 Saul aiaiinint nitiat b nl ithin 3D tiara lrmii the Hat of naui entry or an l'iiiatn,n tiiwl a.tli th i-ily rw-oriler to i tin- aaiiir in iiiatailiueiila. And no ai,p.n at:on thrrefor can ba rewivwl or li.i-tl lor any atrmt or nar awoaaiuetits ak-LTi-vatiinr a irraur auiii than the tralua ti, ,u of Mtiil property on the last tax roll of W alilnictin county, Orrxon. I.atftl tbta Ailgunl l.i, I'lli lienUin Bowman, t'ity Kciirt)i-r of Hillaboro, OreKoo. SUMMONS. In The Circuit Court of The State of Ore gon, For Washington County. I..antl,-r ChownitiK, i'Uintiff. YS ll T. Charlea 8. Xaylor and Nellie, hia wile, Ktlw.ird U,,r. J,,lm K illeaaon, Myra K. 1ml I, w Myru K. Thornton and John Uoe Thotnioii. her huaiuind. Cora A. Worth liiKton ami 1. A. Worthinirton, her hua- I..H1.I. Martha J. Uu tinch and C K. llul- II mli. ht-r laiMlmiid. Kmiiiallne r'unk and 1. II. 1- ulik, her huaband. Kdwin J .tiu if uml Irene Satin, hia wife. Her- man .Yl sultnir and Llna Mimic, nia wife, Ibilph li. Stillnic and I-Ui tsallnic, Ms wire, rnmk Sulint; and . U. Salinn hot wife. M.ihniU SuliriK. widow. Jam.-i H.itir and Jane Hoe Harper, hia wile. Mary K. l.vda and . M. Lyoa, ner luislitiiitl. k,,,.-rt Haroer and Jane l Harper, hia w ife, Aden Hartr and Jan Hue 1 aroer. ins w ile, w tiarper ami Jane I toe Harper, hia wife, Jumes llaruer and Mary Frances. Harper, his wife Mrs. M. A. ITatt and John me I'ratt. her husband. Mr. ill.-nn Hunter and lilenn Hunter, her husliand, Kate Mo and John I Hie Mo, her husband. Mr. Sue U'linen and John Doe O lirien, her huaUtniL liuvid Harper. Clarissa Num ber and John Io Numlwr, her hu band. Imibella Fawk and John Io Fuwk, her husttand. Benjamin F. Pratt and Jane loe 1'rutt, his wife. Kittle lUiltoii and John Is. llolton. her hua band. Fiiince Hear, lotiie Heal, tattle i 'lam ami John Hoe Clam, her huaband, ll.tse Frost and John Do Front, her huaband, Joseph Ileal. Jane Harper, th unknow n heir ol Latma tiarper, Liec a. and the unknow n heir ol cuarlea itur per. Dee d, lifendanta. To Ii T. Robinson. Charlea 8. Xaylor, Vt-itie Xavlt.r. John K. lileason. Myra K. I Mil. now Myra K. Thornton, John lie 'lln .ml, hi. Knitmiline Dunk and 1 ill Funk. William Harper, June Doe tiarper. Mis Sue o'lirlen. John lhie O'Urlen, Let- tie Clam. John Doe Clam. Jane Harper, Hie unknown heir of Lonna Harper, ae ase.1. and the unknown heirs ot Charles ll.uper, deceased, aeventeen of the above nallled defendant!!: IX THK .NAME OF THIS STATE O i i:Ki',n.: Vou and each of you ar hen bv i-ommaniled and reiiuired to be ami appear in the above entitled Court and answer the complaint tiled against en in th.. above entitled cause, or oil before the expiration of six weeks from ih.. ,t;itp of the nrst nub cation ol mis summons in the llillsboro Areus, the date I Hi,- lii-st imhlication thereof beins Au eusl 1. Hi 12. and the date ol tne last i.niiii. tiiu.n i ifit-or. iii-tmr iicioner a. i?i it.-wit: on or before October 3, 1912; and you and each of you will please take no tice that vou are hereby reuuireu lo ap m ar and set forth by way of answer, any t i tim. interest, r irht or title you may have, or claim to nave, ot, in una 10 me follow ins described reul property lying, being and situate in Washington County t o-.. ....n t.t.u it: litiiur a minion ot the iKination iJinu Claim of Andrew Harper and Elian Har- i..-r. his wire, in Sections six anu seven, lownsiup inie couin, uaiige line ici in.i s,,. ii,ms One and Twelve. In Town ship Ihie South. Range Four West, Will. M.-r.. particularly described as follow. . .....ti ls, (tinning at a point on tne soutn.iine .,r s.11,1 , llaruer anil wile oonu ii.iii IjiiiiI fTa m. in section Twelve, 'I't.w-nshiti One South. Kan it e Four West. Will. .Her., norm 11 ueg. easi it. tat iimnn i-i...t.t tin. southwest i-orner 01 sum nn drew Harper Donation 1-and Claim,- i-umi tur thence north 71 ueg. east 11.01 , lia - ih. in north 2u del. 4o east. 0 1 chs.; them-e north 23 deg. 39" east, ..l.u tl,.,,t. ni,t-th 1U tlcir. All' west. 4.38 11. la chs! 'to the northeast corner of the tract ..r li.n.i set on to Char lea s. .Mivior in partition suit of Charles S. Nuylor uKainst K.lward L; Ntiylor; thence south tl ueg. west, lo.pao 1 n. 10 mc ii.tnn ...tsi i.irnei- of the land conveyed by 1, ii,.,uiitnr mid wife, to J. Chris Peterson and Fannie lvterson, by deed recorded on page 3i'7 of Hisik 96 of the records of of Washington County. Oregon; thence south 10 deg. east, 19 30 chs. the place of beginning, containing 29. That the same may be adjudicated ,1. ..r the above entitled Court: if vou fail so to appear and answer, uln'iiitirr will apply to the Court for ...lief oi-avwl for in his complaint, to - For a decree that he Is the owner fee simple of the reul property hereinbe fore described; that you and each of you have no interest therein, and that in..! each of vou be forever barred precluded from claiming, or attempting to claim, assert ne or attempting to sert, any interest in, right or title to t.iiiitu nt- lien ilium said nreinlses. or nart. parcel or portion thereof, adverse i the title of the plaintiff therein, for such other and further decree as may In- net essai-v and proper In the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication ill the Hlllsboro Argus, pur suant to order of Honorable J. U. Camp bell, JiulKe of the above entitled Court, made and dated on the 10th day of Au gust, 1912. B TtAOLKT & HARE, Attorneys for l'lalntlff. 46.55 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby glvet that! the sinned have been by the county court the state of Oreaoti. for Washington oniinty, duly appointed and continued as executor and exeoutrlx ot the last will ami ttamtil of tir rii'hr. u rwMrd. ami hat iln! mIIBl am Now thrfiK all lfuu Ravin fmmi aartinat Uw tal of (twrir iwwt. eail. ar br.y rnir.l U Mw anteui th nmlriKI at in taw ui-w ol ru:ly A Mar in llill'twru, t"na. loictlir wlttt prmr toih-iws . ail niontha from III atC IHMa IHHW. huil tin A'iul li. vn i John I arlir, Mary rw-lir. KiTutttr anJ neriitris of th las! aiU ami ttauin of tienrir rtaiii- ' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICl: Tt CRr.DITOKS Sntit I hrrt fivan lliat Ih inula - mtn-i ha bn by Ilia County r o tha Stat of Orrrnii. fur Wahiatin niiility. apintel ailmiiiiatratrll. ll th will annlil. oi in ewu m ."' laahella I'rarwm, ilm-aaaml. ami haa.luly tiialiriil a aurh. Sdw tlwrefiira all pr tina haln rlaim attain! thatataof Nanry Iaallla Pmrnia, tlcl. ar nri.y riiiiril U prwnl th aaui to thuiiilr.iil at Hi law ohVof Kan lay Hr. at Hillalf, tfriin. l gethar with pMir Tom-hara. within l ninntha Initn th ilat of thi notma. )til thi Aurnt li, I'Mi NawT Hall IVaraiMi. Ailniinitratrli with tha will annaaml, of tha tatof Nancy lnallla raraui. thrraaeil. NOTICKOK SOUTH Hr:nM'TKi.i.l ASr.fcA"SMl.M 1 To all owner of th Iota of tracia 01 land hereinafter ilaseritmil : Ynii ar liererijr notihml Align l.i. Mi. an wwewinant was nriiu m m 1.' i,?.. i t.. 1 ina nf H, Ore gon, againat your pmprt on aiuut of tha itrawi improinn im nraiim fnim tha north line of Uneom ir n th south Im ol Jcki,u atre!, in una eitjr, as follow: Commmclnit at a point on tha west awl of Second street, in th ton of Hilliborn, Wash ington County, iirgon, said mtint belnir 1 f't north of tha northeast corner 01 in ruhtlc tuar. In aald town of llillsboro, running thence north along the west aide of Serond street aforesaid, 12 fret, thenr weal IM) ft. thence aouth ti feet, thene eaat 150 feet to th place 01 beginning. K. C. Iln.wn I J34 Beginning at a point 1 5 feet north of th southeast corner of block numbered 1. of and In th town (now city) or Hillaboro. In Washington , , County. Oregon. running thence wt 251. 4J ft. thence north 75 feet, thenra eaat .27 fet. thnc north 14 ft. to th south lin of Jacka.m itrt. In said City or llills boro. thnre ast 12 feet, thence south 82 ft. thence aat 239 1 fet to th wst line of Second atrt In aaul city, thne south 157 feel to th place of beginning. Washington-Oregon Corporation. . tl 07 Commencing 117 feet north nf the southeast comer ot bloi a 1. of th original town (now city) of Hillaboro. Oregon. running thene nortn teei. t thence west li).4 feet, thene t south 4 feel, thence east 10.4 ftet to the plat or beginning, being part of lot i and . In sabl block I, Hllls boro. llillsboro Cuff Club. t 1(3.241 Commencing at th southeast corner of blm-k numbered S, or snd In the town mow city) of Hillaboro, Washington Coun ty. Oregon, running thence 4' north on th west line of Sec- ond strt 117 feet, thene west parallel with the north lln of Lincoln street HtM feet, thence south parallel with, th west line of seconu , street 117 feet to tne norm - , line of Lincoln street, thene east on tha north lin of Un coln street 10.4 feet to th plac of beginning. K. R. Mor ton and Mary A. juorion sm.a Iit . In block 2, In the origi nal town (now city) or Hllls boro, Oregon. In Washington County. Samuel T. Llnklaterl HW.Zl Commencing at th southwest corner of lot 1. block 2, or and In the town (now city) , of llillsboro, Washington 4 County, Oregon. running thene east on th south una of th north half of said S block 1 198 feet, thence north t it feet, thene west 198 feet. to west line of said block 2, and thence south 54 feet to the place of beginning. De borah Barrett S3 1 Commencing at a point on the west lln of block 2. in tn City of Hillaboro, Oregon, said commencing point belnu 84 feet south of th north- west corner of said block S. T ' and running thence east 198 t feet to a point on Second " 'l street 144 feet south of the :" northwest corner of said block I, thence north 60 feet . . to the place of beginning, being parts of lots 1 and 2. block 2. In the City of Hllls boro, Oregon. Mary K. Jack Beginning at the northwest cor ner ot block 2. In the town , (now city) of llillsboro. Ore gon, .running thence south 84 t feet, more or less, to th ' northwest corner 0 the Mary " E. Jackson tract. 13 (ml running ' thence east along the north line of said Mary E. Jackson trnet 1S8 feet, thence north n'1 84 feet to the south line of Jackson street, thence west 138 feet to the place of be ginning. Ealy Buell and Pur sis Buell 8 J43.00 Said assessment must tie uaiit within 30 days from the date of said entry or an application tiled Wlln tua reconier in pay tha same in installments. But no assess ment less than 825.00 can lie paid in In stallment, and no application there can be received or ti lest for street or sewer ar- sesament aggregating a greater sum than the valuation or said property on the last tax roll of Washington county, Oregon. and Dated this August 1 , 1DI2. Benton Bowman, , City Bet-order ol HllWioro, Oregon. Administrators Sale of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that In tne Dursuance of aii order of the Itounty Court for the County of Washington, State of Oregon, made on the zuth day of August, 1912, In the matter of the Estate of Dav d Smith, deceased to 06 the undersigned administrator will, from and after Tuesday, the 2th day by and of September, 1912, proceed to s'U at private sale, for cash or upon the the nrpdlt as may seem best at the time wit: of th stile, the following described In real property situate In Washington County. State of Oregon, to-wit: you and . Heing a part of Block 7, Walki-r's Addition to Forest Grove, descrirxa as follows: Beginning at a point on or the aouth line of said Block 7. Walk any er's Addition. 201 feet east from the southwest corner thereof, thnte east on said sou.h line of said block 7 feet, more or Una. to tlrfl and anuttipftst corner of said block, thenco north along the east Hue 01 said block 200 feet to a point, thence west parallel with the south line ot said BkK'k 135.6 feet, more or K-ss. w point 201 feet east from the west linn of said block, thence twulii 200 feet to the place of beginning. MILTON V. SMITH, Administrator of the Estate of DovUt Smith, Deceased. Date ot first publication, AugiUat under ol 3 1912 4 Date of last publication, Septem ber 19. ma.