The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 22, 1912, Image 1

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HIU.Sr.OKO, OKKCON, At'Ot'ST 22, 11)12
mm uhei
ralii laiiM il IVr
iii I IVr tViil. I
tirata la HmiJI-
Ut vmV r:iim phwl I.uv.m
ith the tfr.nn if op of W a liinvr
lon routitv. ban i -tin iin.l
thrilling iH-mif u shiuI.-,1 for
aevrrul d.t). llni.,,,tHis tl
nrv of wheat and oat 4 wen
jn (In- bundle nii'l limk. ami
much of the hl uiilinv' . er.tin wan
tidily tiiiielel and Ul.'id. I'.v
c, ii.lnv morning. hi,i v r. cli-ai i
weather f.rt-v uil-l. and M'n.l;n
binJi rt were iu'a'it 'tut.. I pi
lh irrain ilislri' t.i. On tin
Kurlh Tualatin plain tln-re w;e.
CitiM! r.the d.iiia;e t- the
gram. Mini it U i-Mimaled that
lai'iity rint. will it"t more
than cover tin-h'fl.
Jttke Milne Marled 1 1 i - bind
tnt Monday tiMTiiinvr. and I - I a
rr? the I "' the
bundle, and farmers ail aimi
the In. v itc busy pelting into
the Limes.
Threshing machine w. r. im
A.-r ran an fur m- das. aid
baling crew were laid oil n
l,,iu. n were l'ii v tin- in t of
th Week pllttllll' III tit-W ili-1
lini wire when- the wind Lai
prostrated bops, an. I tt was a
bin.' --k. I nmi tin- i nit to we
tll.l u ttl.r lia.c u ' r I -fore
itvn t'i much rain in Augu t.
ar.J fanner p, her.illy were in
the dump liit week, tipuring
(hit condition JtH.V.-.l I'll- a "i
jnusince nf I'a.l weather, which
ao'ild haw tin-ant a lit t ' "'r
tent lo.- at the baM. Many
will haw to feed their oat ami
hrkt a- it l. hut figure that
ll nut mean a much In a
thuiinh tin-)' Mit tln ir .raui on
In. iiuit-Lcl r.
r. i-Nkrnatiit nn, wiff, ari'l
t'ranilo.ii, Knnith. rturni-i
Satunla veiling from a trip
ahio;l(, uihI tir- ut tin ir lionu- in
Aloha. I lt.-v id .urti'! from tin-I'niii-il
i...,.,. .,i.. ....
to iMimaik. wIuti thi-v iHit.
Mr. lint kmaiiii'H ohl lioinf st-vi-r-
ai linn s; fit mum- tirnt-
in Norway ami Swrilm.
tiirmnv tn Kiivlaml tdfv wiMit
ui to Stotlaml. A vu-t-k aifo
Satuplay tln-y arrivcil in Ntw
York, ami tumlt the trip to tln-ir
Urivoii hoiiif in rxm tly a wt-t-k.
Mr. kinrinn nayi uw vi
l tn i' of In avy rains all arnws
thi- fontniiiit. I'Mfplm in ami
aroiiini tin' t olora'lu KH-tiri.
Hi'- I'. S. A. InokH U-tti-r to
tin-in than incr. altlimih tln-y
ha.l a lU-lihtfnl trip, uml a ilf
hv'l tful tinn'Witli ImyliiMxl utul
irlhoil fl'H-lnls.
I taw enrilMiMMl, mi s up tii lli
iiithft in iliaiititi-r. fi-nci' rails,
ami Imanls of all kimls, into
-,tuM-AniM Irni'ths. Will yti into
tin- fimiitrs'. Writi'. iilmiif or
all on tnr. t'arl Sknw. Oak St.,
U tttti n I'irsi unil Si'fonil. IIiIIh-
Imrn. I in v'on. I'lioiif. tMy
It. I!. Ui. v.-s. of (V.lar Mill.
a as up to tin-rmiiity wat. Mon-
lav. in tin' iiitrn sts of hi.s ram
pain for tin1 Uislaturt'. r
nas Imrn ami raii'l in Wusliintr
ton t'outitv. ami thinks In1 is Kiif-
luHiilly rntivcrsunt with rminty
ih-i-.Is t makr a v'immI ri-ircsi'tita-tut-
at Sali in. at tin m xt st-s--ion
of thf lrislaturi'. Mr.
KiTU'i has a yimiitfMiT that will
Mm 1 1 ! a yrar ohl, ami thr litth
otif lattttt'fk nti iri a im niark
liankiiott from tlrrinatiy. Hint hy
Ins Kfan.lfathcr. as a hirthilay
pr. M ut. It is prolialily Ihf first
mi mark banknote that has ln-fti
mi a liinvtoti I'oiiuty for some
IjisI I'.riHMl ul CtHlliiiK Mold No
Nci-tl Attention I'ruin irorr
Vclrraa ()rklifJil til rUaurlna Wnlin l.cllir
I tll ulTi-r for cah' at m farm.
21 rnili-s Km 1 1 hi-a'it of I'anks ainl
.1 t ... . 'I I I
inretMiiuruts iitiu m
Roy. iin
SAiruuAY. Ai ta sr :;i
Sale l'viniiiuif at Ma. in. sharp,
the folloviinu ili'sri ihi 'l 'io rty:
Our iwir, ft M t.t.l. l. I ',
WIO'I ll l loir, -r .lint;. f" "I''-.
lyw II. . miuii'I mi't inn-, (" l in in
l)r nl.l, l. I"i Hx. II i-lui 1
, olil. line iii'itiili- ii.t I ii"
But run. I.lll litr 1 v l.'li- I I' I S
dntt haill irlr-l Irl N ' ililn l
OcIi.Ui .,i r In M ioli. nii'l.'l t l
Vi(rri s iii, .hiIii ul, I, i li-u.! ..
tlrriiiii; Liinlrr, I IIh.iii ni.mri. N,-l ,
lick li.Mjlr, Aim- 'l,., Klu' l llU
piO. 1 1 1 1 v r f M l k I H) I'll" . !'' "I l' ' "
Wi'r tliiilrl (,'m.lrll .l.i, I'l lll'K ''""
h.llun, n,llM( IihuIi ll ltli'0 . I 11" .lull.
lhlr mri 11. m n.ikr limlli liii'.'W. ''
'If M' I'hIi llittnv w; "''rl
liurk waitun, miir. nil.t r Im-'l ' I'
btiugv. ..prii lniKKt, llmili'iii l.iiiuiiiK
Will, I li.nif iiimrt iilrni,il."i '. K1"
llll riiKhir. No ! r""n ' - . '
tUltn, I art ,, ,!,',.- W.H k llrtMir.
tliri, In-, tU- , rtiii ki-n (
lUiui'l ullirf liuiiK-li'iiil l It 1 1 t t f -I
I: I I 1.IM II A I' Nil 'N
TerntH of Salt': Alliums tiinlrr
lit), rash. Sums vt l'. S
itionthM tiint' at S pt f rriit. iiiIit
est mi approvi'il imti s. 2
cent. uiT for runli on miimt ovrr
W. (I. Walki-r. Owni-r.
J. W. Illlhl-H. .lilH. A. MiHIIV,
Aiirtioiii'rr. t'lfik.
The Orison Kli'itric h I'M'i'ri
nii'ni in,p 1. ;ii, ,1 ii- .iiv si-hcil
nn 11 11, " '
k tuul it iii'W train Im l,,,,'n
Plun-il on tin. Port ami -Imhyki
drove run. Tlu time at preseiit
hum I'lHll""'1
j ',11 in
4; W . I"
II 4-; a. in
K p Hi
y n p. in.
J HI p. III.
7iSp 1.1.
g 3 p. III.
1 1 n. Ill
The Shiitr Savin's Hank imv
its ii msitors omt $1ii.ikio yearly
for intt-reHt on Savings Drjmsit.s.
If you thi not partieipate in thin
start itu mntuiit. ?1. is all that
is r ipnn-il. Its hat you nave,
not vi hat yu earn that makes
oii rieh.
Uuvton ainl Haeona are soon to
U' toiiiiiiti'il with a mail route.
(.'. t . Ni'lson, of r.aroiia. to Ik"
i-ai rn r. 1 lu re is a ten mile trip,
ami tthril the Winter timerollies
on the riilue will have from three
to four fei t of snow unlrss it is
an unusual neason. Anil this
ii inimls one that he wouhl not
like to h- that particular mail
i-aiiitr. Cut Nelson is amis-
t..iiie.l to that sort of Inisiness
lU-sn't miml a little snow,
the Mountaimlale-Carina route
is to l' ilisroiitiuueil.
in not iorni't that Pave Or
win v ill ilti your plumliimt utul
'w mhi estimates. Satisfactory
wink alwass. ami tirirrs that
ran t U' 'iveii by others, t'he
nrtte Cow. SeennJ Street
is. I roin
T I'luiliiiitl
'J"i . in.
7 ti. in,
MS . in.
'i'i in.
' 4s p. m.
4 o i p, in,
P- HI.
" p. III.
lO.llli p. ,.
The following claims, allowed I'.V
the county court, lit Uie August
term, were crowileil out of I"1
Week's issue:
Witnesses State vs .Inney Mch
Oiillireatli- J J Iloone. K li t'olf.
Mellaril Townseml. J C, Miuiina.-
21. W A H i ?. ti
' tm v Jl III 1 1 1' 'i IJ .
ach;. U c: Thomiison. V. K tas
toel, (;,iaH (Jcilii.rer, H each.
U.i oi .i ',,., Aiiii-n
" Illlt'SSCS CltilLO V linn
Iw-C F Miller, IS 11 Umtli.
H C Murchison, $3 20 each; I. L
KiKv. I'urran. former fontf.
pastor at this il:ire, later editor
at Comlon. is now pulil ishi n if the
VV'i.bli.iiii.'i l Wash.. Sun. Mr.
fin-ran is tfettintf '"'t a hrik-'ht
little :ier in the thriving nine
city on the I'olumhia nUve Van-
rom er.
Mr. and Mrs. ('.. Claser went
up to the Ceo. Harms' place.
Mi.untaindale. Sunday, on u tish
in expedition. Harms' little
live yrar-ol.l Hut weni i m
rreek with Claser. and Claser
noticed the Uiy had no lunik on
.1 i ..r line. When he
told the Uiy that he should have
. I .1 ..!... f.tlil It'll
a hooK. ine )iiuhko
"No. I'll tie the grasshoppers on.
When 1 put a hook on, Paddy al-
wavs files oil the Hart) tor tear
I'll hook mvself - ami mis uocs
just as well, anyway.
Ci'tiernl hlarksmithinjr. horse-
slioeimr and woinlworK. au
work Ruaranteeit. Al np
land, on the United. -0. Wil
son. Pistrirt Attorney H. C.Tontliie
and wile are spending the week
- ;., th. lower Nehalem.
o ri oi t.. -, , , .
where Tongue is hunting and
lishinir. They expect to return
Saturday or Sunday.
li'or Sale-Wall tent. 12xlG,
. ..i nun' Also n new
Willi I'm. , , i
iron fence. CO ft. with double and
single vrate.-inquire o.
... i . I . V2.titivi1 St . lit
Win. .nicKMoii. .
tween Lincoln and Jackson. 2JU
i m,t iiii. bust there
fore call for a Scliiller or a (.rand
M..i'..n when you watuio see uic
blue wreath curl.
Sewell Jr. und wife were
in the citv Saturday.
. i . i t..i i !ii nf Forest drove,
,i ( ur iioui.-', - - - .
was ,Un to the citv Monday
morning, on wm i""
C, V, Holcomb. of l'ortland.
was in town Monday. Cetwoen
the Kurnm' in l'ortland, and tlte
ranch! t5. I'l. i one of the busy
fellows these day9.
Frank Murphy, of Mountain
dale, was in town Monday.
C. I is.the Iteavertonorrhardist.
in resioriMe to a riin st of tin1
Arus. writes the following nrti
rle on the lust spraying for the
Coillinjf moth, or worms, rnm
monly railed. Mr. bis is a
prartiral grower, ami went
against the relehrat.'d Hon
I'.ivt-r roiniM tition. last year, and
won tri.cs over the "fleet" of
that section. His letter:
"Hie serotul brixnl ot the Cod
linir moth will 1m with us in a
few davs. so orrhardit-ts should
iet their spraying outfit tovfeth
er for the last rayinir of th-
HeiiKnn for the best the Worm
that makes unmarketable your
apples. This last brotnl enters
mostly from the side of tin ap
ple, as tlie calyx cup "till pro
tit ted f-om the former spraying,
there htill U-iriir enmiirlt jmisoii
left to kill all which would at
tempt to enter by that means.
Not so w ith the sides, and here
they will Kct busy with their
work of destruction. This spray
ini kliouli! lt'Lin at once- should
have bek'iin on the 2lith of Au
gustas it is not yet too lute, as
it will lie Ifective UP to Sept. 1.
Use from 2 to 3 jxiunds of Arse
nate of lead to M gallons of
wter. I ilo not know it there
is a law to comel this sprayinn
to kill the worms, but I am for
such a law. and. iw there is a law
uirainst selling wormy nptiU-s. it
is imperative that you spray at
once, if you want lomarKi i your
prikluct. The fruit insMt tor can
condemn any apples that are
mirmv That is enough. One
instance: The Multnomah fruit
insK'ctor met me som years uko
when! had on a loadV.f apjiles
r..r dt.i in Portland, and he stop
1 nl m ved his orders and
lie dumped out several lxixes of
the fruit He found them all
i-i,fit iimi wi nermittinir me to
K to sale with them, w hen hi
iwL...t inn where I came front
1 told him. "Washinijton I'oun-
iv M With that he jumped back
'V. i . ... ...,
in the witk'on ann weiu hut uh
entire lot He said: ' Ihey pass
muster, and are clean fruit, but
I want to tell you that this is the
first lot of clean, unwormy fruit
I have seen coniinu from W asli
inirton County."
That w as some years ao. and
we have taken U tter care of our
orchards since. We were not
alone in having wormy fruit, nor
are we now. In the past I have
seen the inspector throwing coal
oil on as high as 30 Uxes of ap
ples at one time - and thvy did
not come from this county either.
From this an orchanlist can see it lines not nav to raise
ii-,.rmv fnnt or sea v mill. U
you sprayed at the proper time,
and will spray now. you will hau
nt least IKi percent, tiorfcct fruit.
notirr by Hip A run llwt fie i-ouiily
fair will MX'" It li'I'i "in""! "''nee
i-i.i. 1.....H.I ili.iM i-iii.iiiih mitt vi-t
I in-, ir 1.1.1... . . . .
hov to lot t tout It'" i l'lw
Walt. r I'.ii-rsdorf nn l wif
North Plains, were in tow
lay. l. Miniver, of Hast Portland
has liffii fiiiiniuu a IlillsUin
vi ;it for several days.
Peter Jaiobsell Ulld iudolpll
Pulmls. of W!,t I inon. were in
tow II the last of the week.
I!il Sehneler. of South Tuala
tin, was a county seat visitor th
a .t of the wi ek.
John'le. of below Ceth-
anv. was a county st-ai vimior
F. A. Cete. of South Tuala
tin. w:c; over to the county seal
Stramcc I'rature is That I oliac
ik Not as Heavy as I sua I
Burrs are auw Turainf YkIIuw anil Hop-
mtn I Jmt ia Supplies
Notwithstanding the cmuous
rains durirt? July and Ausrust
which generally means a heavy
... i I
II 4-:.Pt,.r of Oak Park. I,",a"- m
the citv Saturday. keet- 'OUrity this sea.son are carryinir
toward tin
( itHI.
was in
ine; bis weather
Menrv Toelle. of Shady Cnmk.
u as in town the last of the week
lie reported plenty of V rain out
in the wet in his section.
.l.-imes Manx r Sr.. the dales
('n ek oldtim- r. was in thecoun
iv K,.:ii Saturday, talkinu with
his pioneer friends.
vv 1 :re'i' of Nisvville. re
jMirt.s that the wind and rain of
last Thursilay tumbled many of
ili.. vine Manv Holes were
blow n over.
Mrs lti dorin. of University
Park ilel.aite.l for her liollH
l.v;.l iv :ifler an extended visit
less leaves than for a number of
seasfins. There is a fine crop
everywhere, and this is notice
able in the "baby yards." as
well as in the old ones. It will
Ik- nice, clean, ea-sy picking, and
the burrs are ripening rapidly.
w hich means that picking w ill be
from a week to ten davs earlier
than usual.
Hopmen are feeiinjr jubilant
over their prospects, ana are
hopinu that we shall have dry
weather from now on to vnye
them a chance to at least harvest
one crop without falling weather.
Kvery day sees hopmen taking
out supplies for drying, presag
ing the jncking season. .Nearly
all the big yards have their quota
of pickers secured for the sea
son's work, and before long
there will U' several thousand
women and children earning pin-
money picking the crop mat
means so much to Washington
Of 53 Head of Dairy Stock
with her cousin. Mrs. J. 1..
I-..I- Mv farm of ;m acres
i i .-bietMiii. I'enterville. one
; : ... .
mil,, inini r!li roail station. a
l.'..v , i-iiKin Conielius. Ore.. U. 1.
Teleplmiie Fanners. C25.
t r .ill. 1 Mrs Frank Imhrie. of
lu i.iw Orenco. were in town rn-
,.n. Frank n uirts that the en
gii.ei rs have U-en surveying oui
,. .i , u i. ui e lor me irenci-
United cutotl.
I II Dnrlaml. of Shady Crook. ()wini? to retiring from the dairy
vi id n town Mom av. in- sa nusiness. se ng my lease, auu
i, ..i it... farmers are we coming retinnt' to mv own farm. 1 will
a change in the weather, as grain S(.n at public auction my entire eniiimeiiced snroulmg in his herd of tubt'rculous-inspectei
- i . . ... .
i,..i,. ,Uir Iiimh . i airv cows, ana other proiK'ny.
n- ...c. ...b. nt the J. YY. l onnei iarm. 4
lor sale: iwemy-o.e v,:. - v ,, nf -,,kUiro. anil 2
. ..i. d r.iL't L'liiti ii nivi. - -
ten acres c.e.,, ..i ?. . .. . vorth Plains, at
Sll IlirillinniiK.
i i,..if n.;ia fnim ten a. m on
line ami on.-i..... oi'ivn-woLM.
HilMmm Prce. Ss5.;tit. AO 1 II U KolJA 1 , scncuuMi
aLunts. Inuuire of Henry Holtz. Fifty-three head of high grade
Hillsboro. Or., 11.4. dairy cows. 48 in nlilk, some fresh
ater. majority Winter milkers.
jas. i.i. Mi . ... -. .. .. - . , nk fl am
MV i ili clune ti 'cially selected: one of the
oui iiini. . nosi. herds of dairy cows in
Oregon in mi, a iu e y :.rtm Cmmi,,. fMx -rade
,,ow, vrry.,. .1,Wn " rZ n I liolrtein bull; 3 heifer calves; 5
I fill IH'II M IV riv,'.i
There Are Two Hinds
of Brushes One kind from which the hair falls
ont just as soon as it gets any hard usage,
and the other kind which is built to main
tain the reputation of this store.
We sell the last mentioned kind only-heeause
we want you as a regular customer. You can
absolutely rely on our brushes.
Here are torn of oar ipccialtim.
Hair brushes Lather brushes
Cloth brushes Flesh brushes
Tooth brushes Complexion brushes
j The Delta Drug Store I
V rf
, ! ' n
1 Are You Thinking
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
do n a x k
i i
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schwander.
,.f nl-.v.. Mniintaindale. were in
town Saturday. Iahj rcporieu
ulentv of grain in the shock gel-
tini? more water than was need
ful, out bis way.
1 Al work horses, weigh from
1250 to 1700. all sound and guar
anteed; 3 farm wagons. 3 in
good repair; gang plow, disc 3-
gang plow, 4 11-tnch walking
plows; 2 harrows, 8-ft binder. 10-
ft hayrake. hay tedder, manure
soreader. Adrianco mower, new
F. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was a disc drill. 2-horse cultivator, in u rvtr thuun brtr. 1 have ul
lirxl to Atituulnte inlrrrsl
in Ui fttn powiliilitifn uf fmtt Kr,,wi,,K
in our coiiniy, Kriurn w wuni'in ii ...
ninlraitirtion. tin- tx-il K"''"'!!
liuinrl Iii llif I'nllnl Mini- on-oiiiv
ilr.wlMt-k twllll! Ull "w 't'"''1 wc
i. u.iiiii... let i lie iiiniT ii-iiuw
i.. ii ... mil tiir i'i'i -tin nun iu-
1 1. I I1U H hk thr ollu-i fi-llow."
u'li.n Wiikl.ini.lnti IJoiiniV cupuim
pn-iiiiiinis lam vrnr in cimipeliiinit wllli
ii ... l wiurr ami fillirr uri'tioliH the 1'iul-
limit Jii!l!i timl t'iK tii-x'tlmi-" tellliiK
iu...i ii utul vi'i liimiv mii i ...'. .
limit it looitrtl ture tlm trim i theru
.ml llii'V want lo ll." Now. utmi
.k liv "Unit ffllow bi'is" writ
Uicsp iirtlfHn on KptnyliiK mini nine u
.1 I...I I (.lull lo 1,1 V 111(11 IX'lH llll'" I
llliiv "" " .-
a ninle arte of taint to aell. Hint lie 11
not UytiiK " h""!" " "f 1,1,1
he linen think there isn't money
in Oregon to liny him out, so luiiK s "
want! to fnilil ir urow Irnit. i.eia 1ms
planted anil mused everv one of his
trees, studied the tiest methods for over
vim run see lli it ttiev are a
l . . 1. 1 " J - ----- ,.
. . I 1.1 I... .n i,n,l
part ol liinii sun winini n.'i.i . I"..
from under miv circuiiislnnces.
My chlefest leason for lr)inn to sliiim
i.... ,ir.,nHf fiiill-ytowiiiff nud rare of
mi. ""l " 11 , .
Imit is to attempt ns near r.s posnlile to
..u.r..Ai r.i.ii fuiuml In Vi'imliini'loil
nnvr (ici i. . - r.--
iv,i.ii If vour land Is located prcper-
ly for fruit K'ow'nm )'u r',n ,n,sc
tiest apple In the world, with proper cute
.,! Omi u wlnit l want to see none.
i in thine this snravini! now one is
. f,.r mrlv smiles It Is tor I lie line
i .
"! '" . i i.:... t
Nr.w ll in ttruii tiiirii it". j
,..ii ii anmi nlmiit thtl "dead Mint, or
milhrainoi,. when the time comes to
spray for it. Anil to conrnine. i unn u
tmposslhle to have auy apples up at the
county fair, so some one else will have
lo do the t'booslltiK.
Yours Truly, B. Lels, Uenverton
county seat visitor, the last ot
the week. Mr. Mulloy was ior-
merly in the hop business, and
was one of the pioneers in inai
industry out of his section.
Mrs. J. C. Wilkes, who was
operated on lor goure oy it.
Klmor Smith, llillslioro, ana nr.
'aimer Cixnike. of Portland, is
... 1 1 a I. .
now fully recovereu. ami me
nurse. Mrs. bnuse lownley. oi
'ortland. has returned home.
M. Sturm Jr.. of near doom-
ing, was in me cuy rnua.v,
imisiiiur that broken shouiiior.
.... o ... -
the result of being thrown out ot
the rear of his wrgon. tie is
getting along nicely, but will
take it easy through me uusy
1 have moved back to my home
I Ktiwt North, between
t.'.iliviiin 1 Jettersotu where 1
will be nleased to meet my
friends and patrons. Thanking
all for past patronage and kind
ly soliciting a continuance of the
same, I am, respectfully, Mrs.
M. Malone.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gfeller. of
above Mountaindalo, were Hills
boro callers, Friday. Mr. btel-
er bought a relinquishment over
on the headwaters of Pebbel, re
cently, but relinquished to an
other party on account of Mrs.
0 feller's health.
manv other Iarm tools ana ma
chinery. some household furni
ture, 4 do., chickens, and numer
ous other articles.
Lunch at Noon.
Terms of sale-Under $10.
cash: $10 and over, six months
bankable note at 8 per cent in
terest. Two per cent. olT, cash
over $10.
W. T. Kerr, owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
'our patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main mmd Third, HIIHboro.
Vtit mm. wmm
f ReHiroo Lmrgt of any Bmk In WanMtftfftom O
Isaac Cram, of Shady Crook,
was in tow n Monday.
Wra. Foulkes. of Farmington.
was a caller in the county seat
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alt
man, of near Buxton, visited
relatives in the city over Sunday.
Win Caker, of near Forest
Grove, was in the city Monday
morning. Dan is of the opinion
that Mr. Taft is going to get
very few electoral votes at the
coming election, believing that
the o-roftt maturity will be di
vided between Wilson and Uoose-
H. E
Ferrin, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday. Awi! 18. 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Ixans - $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18.500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 143,082.44
Undivided Profits
Argus and Journal, $2.25.
J. F. Cogan. owner of the Big-
Kour mill, out at Uroveland. on
the United, near the Helvetia
o.wtion was in town Friday
lli mill has a caoacitv of 20. 000.
. . . . ii 1 .
and he stales mai no can i Keep
no wit h us orders a great (tea
of the time.
f.lnv Trites. sunerintendent o
ilm ,nimt v farm, was in the citv
Mimdnv morning, taking out bur-
inl sntmlies for the late Rosa
S w.'ioo. who died Sunday night
Mm Sinvae-e was a naralvtie. and
was taken to the poor farm about
two weeks ago. from near El-
monica. She was aged (JG years.
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
noaorve Oi For Oont,
Thos. C. Todd John E. Bailor J W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McEldownoy J. A. Thornbur
The undersigned will sell at her
residence 2 miles N. W. ot tims
the Hillsboro-North
IMains road, a mile north ot the
Klineman brickyard, at 1 p. m..
6 tons hay. in mow, 3 acres of
growing kale; i acre potatoes;
2 sets harness; springtooth har
row, top DUggy, plow, spray
pump, 5 doz. cnicKen, iorK,
shovels, 2 milk cans. X-eut saw,
Vinck-saw. log chain. lantern, sev
eral cords fir wood, sacks, 15
thoroughbred Rhode Island
phiekons. wheelbarrow, and nu-
mprnns other artic es.
Terms of sale: Under $10.
cash: over. 6 months bankable
note at 8 per cent.
Mrs. M. E. liisner.
H Why Wet
When you look at your watch there should
be no question whatever in your mind as to ,
whether it is correct or not. You should be
just as sure of it as you are of the sun, and
you can be if you'll buy the right kind.
I carry one of the largest lines t 5
in the city, and certainly one of .
the finest varieties that many
years of experience can bring to
gether. Let me show them to
First door west of the Delta Drug Store.
vruCKt'r, & U.