The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 15, 1912, Image 1

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MM) 1
; of t
.ll. i
,1. Hill
Hi. to"1
il '!"
.r, iff"'
,r Atleu'
nil th
Ui.t I
. Of1'
, ' ... hH
' ...i.rt
' liffl'
mHJS 1 01 Mil I'KOH I iMiS IMII
tl4 Jkjl CiiU'l lVli4t Cll Cum
fta) rum I uilhcr UmC
Att"rnr li u'li v 1 1 n.- l id
friiby whim? Iil'-'l an injune
tl,m !,iit af.uh't tt.- 'tiv i.f
IlilUl""'" '""I 'I" "'" 1 ' " ('olill..i!i. inkini the
(trv-Uil ",irl "' tram Ih.Hi
i it i
from !" ' ini if won in- p.iMi'e
of Wa.liihv-ti'M Si t. in f runt
J tl.e . v jT.H-rt. Ih-I.m-. h
Thirl anil l'tUt I h Str-i t . on tin-
jTtfill.ll t!i:it gr.l'.rl b.luMltie H
I uutt't 1 1 1 pavement, an. I
the V:trrii- and olii. r laune
cuncvni" i "" l'if"'l and ih.l
prm-nl l.i'l hng on the a.mI,
the r.Mn.l.nnt ul!et'e4 1 1 r t in
lSt I J IV'I "i tli of't Ml ll.ll it
(umhrtilioh. tnat i-r.iwl l.itn
llthlC H I' ati'liti'.l . iv. illi ;l
rtiwr f..r noultv h i.r.i
lllbltO'' to pn.ettivr toinp. ti
U; Warri-n I'.rov.
Wim-n t'oir.tniflioM t'o ; I'luk
Iknry to, ami r.iwM ii--
ill ' IH! foli--rirl. i'oiililv '. to-
fvlhiT I" inaihtaiM tin- pnee of
Urllii. .wth tntiilltliii' in tin-
. . i . i . it
'.ll til l iri' nn-1 UKH ini'v
HfwJ t.., . tli r Iliat Warren
Cjnttnu lion hIi.hiI.I S '.t fr
KwHj t U .iilmn'ton Mr.rl .r
jwt. and Hilt ifli bid w;h a
fm-ntl pi m l' nv.iie .1 inoiio
biv. 'I'l.i Instrument "i ul
i kiM that tin' l it) ro.nn il knew
Hit l.ituhlliii' !H ri .;it.'i tr-.
j (tvrniriit. an. I t,
te.ii in tin- ii it'ir.- o i in .1110
poljr. til council .i .'.inv' i jiii'
the court h linn-fore u-ke. to
4c!art null an. I oi. nrdiiianre
Na.SMi.f tli. t'ltv of llii!
vA that till l otili ai l I" deviated
wwj. n. tliat city an I
W rritranii il from proceeding
lilh tin1 iitiprmemeiiK
Innmui li ;n tln 'iri" t tirnw
ase was not fuillo r i-onti stiHi
Hi the court it a. that all a;h .Ii.. . Mil, ( tin
liliiiK' hlioi that tli.'ii' 11
hull i hattli' v'loun.l in tin- mi
ement future.
Kit Wailmu'toii Slri i t i-i now
ptrtully v-'i :i..., unit tin' nil.
uiilrtu.h I.. ni laid.
Nuliic to the I'nM.i
! II. t'artir un. wif. nf
South IlilWUiro. i.iartii tin-
hl'it of tlii Wrt-k. M.'.'.llll.UIIIiil
1'V tln-ir hil.lrcn. They first im
In Knovwlle an. I viiniitv. It-n-n.
.. an. I afti-r a hlmrt Ktay
th.-n-. tin- iMii-st of n-lativ'H.
tl . y will (.'.. to Plant City. Fiori
na. Winn- tiny will remain
ihronvh i. in' irop Ht-asiiti, Mr.
art. r htill hul.U tun
prop. rtv. an. I nays In- will coim'
i .. . .... . i
I'.l. h U IIlH I II) HI tilSC 111 lIlM'M
not tin.! vimi'thnu? In-ttiT. Tli'y
vwtit V.aA ovi r tin- Onvun KW-c-
trie ami the 11.11 liln-H,
Coiil rac lor l ooltr So nil will be
Corniikit'tl in k tuber
Ab'iilulcl) Iho IWI Sl.-uUurc in W-n-
IniUin Cuunl)
I Maw i-.l.-H up to 1 'J Contractor William l'ostrr statnl
i in in-- in ilianirti-r. f -rir raiU(
an. I of all kimls. into
.Iovi mii.. Iriiths. Will pi into
tin- country. Write, pltoni' or
all on inr. Curl Skiiw. Oak St..
Mom lay morning that In-i-xiM-rts
to haw thr court Iiouhc annex
huililihl; COIIlpli tcl home lime
liirinir Septi-mlier, ami ut the
U tAi i ii imt un. Si run. I. Ililln- latest by Octoher 1. lie is now
having the fare l.rick ami terra
cotta lai.l. ami tin exterior Malls
Mill present a Ix-autiful external.
Workmen are now busy with
the plastering, ami the dig heat
ing plant in installed ami U-ing
this is one of the Iwst struc
tures in the county. U ing ahsol-
Imm., ('hone. City rl.V
Mr. an. I Mrs. Weml.ll Mavis
an. I Mr. ration, who have Itecti
r.'.i.lmg at San Ihego for some
time, arnve.l in the city Friilav
in .rt.ii.g. ilirert from lloul.ler.
i in., w nere iney visiieu w un
U. v. M. rntt C. Mavis, the well
known M. th.uli ,t mnister. They
ial Uarely !.rnei in the city
when they rueive.l a telegram I ulely tire-priMif.
annoiini iiig Uie iteatli of the 1 lelay in getting material ship-
i alilomu hrother. imm! m has iM-en i ry annoyitig
uml onlv for this the Klnicturc
h'li-u I . . . .
1 nl U.lll l tt! lu Vt'ltl tilt lU'l'tl.
ut n in i ii . i-i f )ii,i"ni j i-iii i iiniii'v resi on .av mgs i .. hwis. .,v nB1 u liai ,,y
n .1.. noi pamnpaie in mis th(. rirt ,10US. (,,(.iaK untl
laii an a.;.-. mi. i.ii w on wiai .. wi ,M. .,,.m.r;i iming
is us Miiai you save. ... u niml.!..tetl.
noi wnai you earn wiai manes Mr hsl,.r says t,. SI.tiiiiations
TU ll, I f ,r u. irtfif fiiul l)i'itmtr nr' itf tin
O. S. Uruster. of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Saturday.
Will I.irhtv. of x-o Klrnonira.
wa in tow n the last of the week.
.1. I! CamplM-l!. of alstve North
riains, in town Monday.
Kichard Samlford. of North
I'lains. was a visitor
the last of the week.
I hns. Johnson, oi Uie iaplc
Hill district, was down to tin;
city Monday morning.
(i.hi. S. Uohinson. of the South
I ualatin siction. was a city
caller the last of the week.
('. C. Nelson, of tin Hacona
section, w as a city visitor Sutur
tiilgian llager, of aUtvc Moun-
taindale. was a city caller last
F. I), and l..-rt Uo.m1I. of
Scliolts, were transacting busi
ness in town the first of the w eek.
Chits. I! i ;.;el, of daston. on
the job as game warden, was
The Shute Savings (tank
W. (I. Walker, of liny, was in Mt, l of the co'in-
ty capital win w iM'iierenuipM'u
tiian any other court house in the
town Friday, lie will soon move
into lianks an. I make that place
Ins home for a time. He still
own i hit farm, and a--i.l.' from a
dmit time at Forest tlrove, at
school, has lived l'i years, con
linnou-dy, on the farm. He has
a notice of sale in another col
Notice to lion Pickers KegU
lar picki-rs who pick at the Hag
ley hop yard are reiucstcil
nvistcr at once, ho list can
taken care of early. Win. ltag
William l.ivesley. just return
..I Irom a trii to New York
was here the last of the week. II
guest of bis father. Samuel Lives
i-V. Hi l'.ik I arh. ineMsuorin
a brother of Ihiw. l.ivesley. the
huh buyer well known to Wash
intt.iu County growers,
Crhcral blacksmithing, horse
hIiihiiil' ami wiKhlwork. All
work v'uaninteed. At tirove
land on the Tinted. O. Wil
A dance will U given lit IU
etia Hall. August li. by some
of the charter members of the
l'.aclulor (oris Club, viz: Klla
Kcrircr. I'.ertha Schmidt. Klsie
OrcKn Ajrkiillurnl CoIIckc
This great institution opens its
doors for the Fall semester on
SeptemUT ilO'h. laiurses of in
struction include: (leneral Agri
culture. Agronomy. Animal llus-
to bandrv. I'acteriology, Itotany
U- and Plant Pathology. Poultry
Husbandry, hairy Husbandry.
Horticulture, F.ntomology, Civil
Fngineering, Veterinary Science,
Flectncal Engineering. Mccham-
i . . . .:..: i.i :
cai r.ngincenng. oiinnig i.hki-
neering. Highway Engineering.
iKtmestio Art, tummerce, lor-
estry. I harmacv. Matheinatics.
Chemistry, .oology. Physics.
English uuiguage and Litera
ture, Public Meaking. iMiwiern
Linguaes. History, Industrial
Pedagogy. Art, Architecture,
Physical EMueation. Military
Science ami Tactics, and Music.
Catalogue and illustrated liter
ature mailed free on application.
Address. Registrar. Oregon Agn-
i. i . ii . . ti:.. . i
CUIlUIIII voueire, vorwnus, vie.
School Year Opens September
I Notice is hileliv t'iveti that tin
I Anna tirosseii. M-sa
bim-ss at Orenco. Wa duinMoii i and peat rice lunstall.
I Oilhli' I I.-.. ..... . .... I'... I it Vn.r. .. i .1.1 i il, ......
. --...t, ..,.fr..M ,,,.,.,. iri vv nil i iiieiH-ni unit-
si r.M J.aui. n..'. Article .v-jf(il.t...4 fr u Schiller or a (irand 1 he Oregon Electric is expen
mi ni us Articles n! lin or-1 m. ,,... ..(,,.,, von want to see the nuMitmg w un a new inun scneu
IPomtiiui. and tin- same Inn l en
'W ith the Secretary ol State.
t Si.1 imii. t Iretnin. and a copy of
l aiiieiiilnienl hat also U rn
with the County Clerk of
Mhington County, at,
I'Tejtuu, sanl amendmeiit increas
P-t the niiml ier of directors of
Oregon Nursery Company.
M. M.Oouald. President,
I'ltin A. Mctlee, Secretary.
Ort'l'on M maj.i-v I 'iiiiili'lllV
lOrciu-u. Ore.
Dated tl. i.l Kill .I n- nf Ani'll .l
MiV. Ml k'kMIT C. IAMS
JtV. Merrill (' li...... ....... I 1".
... I Ml in, UK."" ,,r
ut ,mi in lloul
ler reek. Cal. Thur.sdiiv eve-
y. August S, PJU. from an
wk of I.,. .ii- i.,ii,ii... i;,.v.
'iviH was born in I'm llnnil. .lime
& the son of Perry Davis,
in ninth,.,., Mrs. Davis Pat ton.
Wat San Diego, .lime :!0. Mr.
lv,1) left here several months
Maml went to California, lb'
,lc,'ptei a pnslonite ill tin- M.
vhiirt-h at IIoiiIiI.t Creek, and
flVe(l,lii family there. He
"universally bel'oved, and was
jjMnof r.uv scholarshii, and a
!!' Rieker and expounder,
wi'tity.fivr years ago the Davis
innved to Washington
0l"itv. I',.., li.. ..... ,.,,..
fWalM,t tlr,n,n y(.ars nm ili(
maiden name being Ethel
r "''Win;;
NI i.),a.
Mil I 1... i, ii. I. ..ti mii.I uiv
i,li .in i. inn. i.i... ..i
iitla i.i,;i.i.. i ...
. -v., ,,. surviving, inier
E'Ht was ..I It. mi. i.... i ,i, uml
an l ,v i Minimi iu ii n
C-luvisand the children will
re to llillsboro in a short
limp ni. I - i .... .
'.: " " resiue on their Home in
"iH immediate family he
'wTiw'0 tliorM well known
. Wendcii Davis, recently re-
'ftii ,f,,,m I'wlironiiii. and who
tine dead bUuir a Wt.ek ago
rll(iav n, a . i ...ii..
jir" "o -." uuyn,
"'"'gilDaviH, of Shudy Kruuk.
blue wreath curl.
I'.-. Silent I. M. Walker, of the
ltehiike-Walker ltusiness College.
Portland, was in the city Satur
.h,v and called on the Argus.
Many Washington County pupil
attend bis college every year.
Smokers want tin' U-st there
r... .11 for a Schiller or a (Irand
Marca. when you want to see the
blue wreath curl.
tt.ili..ri Jordan, of North
llillsboro. departed the last of
I liil U l'l'k for Chicago, over the
l.-l.Ttric and Hill lines. His des
t ination is South P.end, Indiana.
where he will visit with relatives,
returning this Fall.
C. F. P.rown. farming on the
ii.n'.ll.ivt nlace. below Newton,
was an Argus caller. Friday
afternoon. 0. I''. 1'I hi" ra'n
all in shock in time to catch the
rain of the middle of last week.
Sam .1. KalVety. above Moun
taindale. was a county scat Vis
.i ... i,'..;.i.iv Sam savs that ven- is mi.' of the delicacies of
the bill of fare up his way those
I.V...I Pntzlau". of dales Creek, town Friday. Fritz says
Uml ranching beats life in Port
land working for a
house, anyway.
The rains the last of the week
.,i.,..,w..i threshing and haling.
ii.i. . ..i. !..., o.iiili.r still observes:
1 Ut! Oioenv, .-.v . -
m. ....... unw weather like this
early in August.
D Tschabold, of Helvetia, was
a county seat visitor fruiay ni
J 0. Bench, of North l'lnins.
was in town tmlay
.John lioftis, of beyond N;orth
Plains, was a city visitor ri..j
A nliin Pautmeier and wife, o
near Kurmintfton, were in town
ule, and a new tram has tieen
placed on the Portland Forest
tirove run. lhe time at present
is, from HillsUiro:
To rutllKii.t Krom I'nitlnn.l
6 is n.iii 7:5011.111.
7 m . in. H V) . in
S 45 . 111. U-47 ' "
V I". ' S P "
1 is p. in. 5 'p- '"
4 o. p 111. l- '"
6;s p. m. 7 s 1' in
8 m p.m. 9iip m.
lo.iib p 111. i 'i i
Al'CIION s.m.i:
I will olfer for sale at my farm.
miles southeast of Hanks am
three-fourths mile northeast of
iov, on
Sale beginning at 10 a. in. sharp.
the following described property-
Onr nmrr-, f ym. 0I1I, wt, 1.175 lbs.,
wmii.l uml toh'i K-,,,""K 4 ''".
15110 IIm., HOlinil niul Hue; limml HiHro,
16 VM ol.l. Wl. I 10 H; Ko'Ki!! ihiy. I
vr. ol.l; "lie throe ihhiiiIh-oI.I H. li'inn
mure coll, lull hUUtii; 7 triitrit Jotsi y
am, 6 will frdlicn in Soplrniber uml
IVInlirr, we In M irch; RrmK-.l Jirsey
heifer cttlf 8 111. mills ol.l; a bruoil miwn;
lieetlnn liiiuler; Dsbom mower; McCor
mlrk Imyriikr; ilinc plow, Oliver Milky
nln. Dliver WHlkiliKPlow, bolh IJ ii'rh;
ilnlible nliovi-1 gHtileii plow, rolliiiR ilic
Imriuw, iipiitig tooili burrow; KrHin .trill,
Ihree hocIioo npikf -loolh tmrrow, tnn.t
toller,.V e'C" Hickory wroii, sut-i
Huek wkoh, miriry, nibWr lire.l top
h"KKy. "Pen '"'KRVi Clmllvun fuiiiiinn
1111 I: 1 Horse power nueriinumin. kmi-
line rtiBiiie, No 9 Rniln chopper, a log
clniilis, i ! nimble work lmrtiess
toythen, forks, Ikh, etc , cliiekeim, cur-
pelHitiul oilier iioiim-iiihh oiiimiirc.
Terms of Sale: Alt sums under
$10. cash. Sums over $10.
months time at a per cent, inter
est on approved notes. I per
cent. olY for ensh on sums over
W. G. Walker, Owner.
J. W. HiiRhes, Jos. A. Moore,
Auctioneer. Clerk.
S. A. I). Meek, of North
Plains, was in town Saturday.
tow n to the city last Thursday.
I.u Myers, of Chehalem
Mountain, transacted business in
the city Saturday afternoon.
Frank Weisenbach and wife,
of Witch lla.el. were city callers.
W. I.. Patchclder. of near
North Plains, was in town the
last of the week.
C. II. Malcolm, of near West
Union, was a city visitor Monday
W. J. Ingram, the Farmington
hop grower, was in town Mon-
lav. His yard hasa tine growth
this season.
Arthur Kno, of Scoggin Val
ley, where they have rock roads
worth while, was down to the
city Friday afternoon.
Peter Hoffman, of Haeona, was
in llie city Muuruay. en route
home from a business trip to
Hen 1. row 11. of Laurel, was
over town last week. Im-ii Still
lakes an interest in the national
game, but says he now get out
of the way for the youngsters.
Ole Olson, of Garden Home,
was a county seat visitor Satur
day. It will not Ik long until
Mr. Olson will have an electric
line service from his home on
the S. P.
The Oregon Electric has a crew
surveying in the P.eaverton-Os-wego
country, hoping to get a
better grade. Uith for the main
line, and the llillsboro-Forest
Grove branch, out of Portland.
F. F. Knight, of Forest Grove,
who likes Oregon a little better
every year, was down to the city
Saturday. Mr. Knight still owns
some property in trie naKoias,
but ho tinds Oregon better to his
H. II. Herdman. principal of
the Washington High School,
Portland, was in town Monday
en rou to home Irom the coast.
Mr. Herdman has written some
very good articles along maga
zine lines.
Lightning has played many
pranks in the timber section,
this season, and many trees have
boon shattered. Old mountain
eers say that more trees nave
struck this season than the sum
total of the past 2f years.
Senator Jonathan Hournc Jr.
has for distribution a number of
copies of bulletins issued by the
P.ureau of Mines and of particu
lar interest to managers of power
plants, coal mines, metal mines.
or quarries, ami lie win oe giau
upon application to send a copy
to any person interested therein.
G. E. Jacobs, who left Hills-Imu-o
for Santa Cruz. Cal., last
year, writes that he is now en
gaged in plastering at Dos Palos.
He says that Calilornia is a hne
state, but in all his travels he
has never seen anything that
beets the old Willamette Valley,
for tine crops, vegetables, and
weather that is superb.
Carl l'.erggren, of above North
Plains, was in town Monday,
lie started for town early on a
bicycle, intending to see a den
tist, and lief ore tie arrived he
found it necessary to see a physi
cian, lie fell off a bicycle, and
badly sprained a shoulder. Dr.
Wood attended the injury, and
Herggren will think a "couple
of times" before he tackles an
other bicycle.
Homer Emmott and son, llay,
departed Monday for the Siletz
and Salmon river, making the
trip overland. They will camp
in the Salmon country, and ex
pect to be absent several weeks.
Hefore returning they will drive
clear into the Newport country.
Homer will buy some of the fat
cattle in the Salmon Hiver and
iSileU valleys.
ruiuc n
Two South Purest (iruve men
Plead fiuilty to Violation of I .aw
Judge Parole Tbem During (iood B
hatior and Report lu Court
The celebrated Tualatin fence
trouble, which has kept the little
city in a whirlwind of excite
ment for a year or so. has at last
been allowed time enough to run
its course. Judge McP.ride
heard the case of the State of
Oregon versus Janey McE. Gal
breath. Wednesday and Thurs
day of last week, and the jury
brought in a verdict of guilt as
The court imposed a tine of 1"t
which was paid. This is the
second fine over practically the
same case, the defendant having
paid a $100 line for shooting in
the close proximity of workmen
who were tearing down the fence
put up by Mrs. Galtireath. The
jury tindingthe verdictof guilty:
Fred P.. Clerk. Chas. Lielwr
mann. J. F. P.randt. Gus Grab
horn. 15. K. Denny. J. C. Corey.
Henry Cop. Dan I'aker. Pern Pat
ton. M. C. Lincoln. T. H. Carter,
C. Kehse.
J. Son n en and H. Krueger
w ere fined $'.!" each on pleas of
Gus Angeles and ( has. Pool.
of South Forest Grove, each paid
a fine of $00 and costs for selling
liquor in a dry precinct. Hoth
of these men also pleaded guilty
to a charge of perjury, and for
this Judge Campbell sentenced
them from two to five years in
the nenitentiarv. They were
paroled, however, during good be
havior, but future violation of
the law w ill mean serving of the
sentences irrqxised. Each must
also reixirt to the court every
month for a year. Any improper
conduct will mean a withdrawal
of the parole extended, and it is
safe to sav that Messrs. Pool
and Angeles will walk the
straight and narrow path.
There Are Two Minds
of Brushes One kind from which the hair falls
out just as soon as it gets any hard usage,
and the other kind which is built to main
tain the reputation of this store.
We sell the 'ast mentioned kind only because
we want you as a regular customer. You can
absolutely rely on our brushes.
Here are tome of our tpecUltirt .
Hair brushes Lather brushes
Cloth brushes Flesh brushes
Tooth brushes Complexion brushes
j The Delta Drug Store j
a-war a a a it xi t a&
Are You Thinking
The undersigned will sell at her
residence 2 miles N. W. of Hills-
lmro. on the llillslioro-North
I'lains road, a mile north of the
Klineman brickyard, at 1 p. m.,
6 tons hay. in mow, J acres of
growing kale; 1 acre isiiaioes;
2 sets harness; springtooth har
row, top buggy, plow, spray
pump. 5 doz, chicken, fork,
shovels, 2 milk cans. X-cut saw,
buck-saw. log chain, lantern, sev
eral cords tir wood, sacks. 13
thoroughbred Rhode Island
chickens, wheelbarrow, and nu
merous other articles.
Terms of sale: Under $10,
cash; over, 6 months bankable
note at 8 per cent
Mrs. M. E. Risner.
Of opening a Banh Account
the one sure road to -best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
hank nTi
i 1
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for vc have all the modern conveniences.
oar patronage courteously receiveaf. :
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main mmd Third, HIIHhoro.
Resources Largest of any Bank In Wamklngtom Oouttty
President Vice-President Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Ain't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $280,570.12
Rev. William S. Gordon and wife
and daughters, Evelyn and Hel-
en, ot wooauurn, ure., sumpeu
over in Washington county, last
week on their way homo from a
trip to the Yellowstone National
Park, and visited with Rev. Gor
don's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H.
F. Gordon, of Forest Grove, and
attended a family reunion at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Gates, at which were present:
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Gordon, of
Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gordon, Forest Grove;
Rev. Gordon, wife and children;
Mrs. Cotfeen, and Frederick and
Ruth Coffeen, Yamhill; Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Leiter and children,
Wilma, Virginia, and Joseph.
Cornelius; Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Sewell. llillsboro; Ralph hatter-
waite. llillsboro; host and hast ess
and their children, Roland, Gor
don and Johnnie Gates.
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 57.160.00
Banking House 18.500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Roaorvo O 4 Per Oout,
Tho. G. Todd John E. B.iUy J. W. Tuqua
Wilber W. Mctldown.y J. A. Tnornburg
Mrs. A. E. Benz and daughter,
Miss Rose, of Sylvan, were in
town Monday. They remember
ed the Argus with a fine box of
plums, showing what a Sylvan
orchard can do.
J. Frank Stroud, who is selling
a great deal of Beaverton real
estate to home seekers, was up
to the city Monday, greeting
Geo. K. Rogers states that the
Keeufresh Co. is putting in an
other machine at the llillsboro
plant, in order to handle the pro
ducts contiguous to the city.
If A Man Choose To Carry 1
An Inaccurate Timepiece,
If he prefers to have it re
paired and made accurate
That's My Business
And I know my business thoroughly. An in
accurate timepiece may cause one a world of
inconvenience. It may canse the loss of many
dollars or even the loss of life. . That's why
many great corporations require their em
ployees to carry perfect watches.
If yours is not satisfactory, let me make it so.
First door west of the Delta.
it .