MlLLSBOTO ME vol.. xix IIIU.SUOUO, Olil'-CON', AUGUST X, 1912 NO. 21 WATER H0 IN HSKnH GOUNTY Make SHTtlu' Moitl.iy III I I U1H Wl ltl Sfcll al ShriiMiJ Hatllinf Ike iKmua Hum . l'a't, wlcl f prohibition. i t -"- I Washington County M-'iilV tiHiriiiiiv. at lnTMikxi. atl'l lit tlM lt il a SmtcIi in the Hit" reH f lut cundidacv (or tli'1 I'l'it'-'l Stat. s h.iKit.-. Mr. IWi-t I"'" hiliti' tivht for a vfl many yeurs, working . t I m li.itnl itl I H. Aiin'.. an I i.i v. r a Cami'uigh panoi but bat " taking tin' ni-u 'f Jonathan (Uric) corn, :i gentleman who is llway h" the J"h w !t" turn mlU a 1 1 iin I Mr lag-l tn f.iii i fni . a'.i r im U lieu in reaching tin- no t. H the ci.l nv ilav in ih I'liuiitv. uml l l'r ' ! inl.-il hi rumpatgh la I "i-iki-ii at Sli.r ond. Tualatin. I i-':ii-.. ill. , I'.ea Vfrt.ui. K-cdull. '"ik li t'. ilMr ,Mid Orenco. Hi.' fart that t amor an- crv bio mi-ant not tl"' largl l HMtif. but tl" "I'l ni.a..-r annuo! lung for tlii ' f-iluii' i( hu ork. Mr I ' i'nt' i' I m I' auk ilg In the tis of I'oillaml. but i . t'llnU llllK' I'laCVIt M. l ti.ti r t i v prohibition lu lit (I'ffli Itlola', Ail f nmi Ivh ia!i-1 ""' '" in th- ii n.t a ! a iV' ' k- a - Mr. Paget' tour h tin initial CtTurt of tin- t in it ai:'ii. Dr. S. M. II. agan. the vi-lt-ri-nary, h "hur hi combat." Uith phonetically ami pity nit-ully. these l;t. tlic nmilt of dewing tii noun' wounds in u twn yi ar old cult, owned ,v K.I. Schlllllierich. I In- rult tangled in Hub Simp--'ti'tt wire fence one day last k ami lr. Keagan went out tn (in tuiiui' line tailoring. He wa working away with hi nee '!! la-t Thursday when th horse liiiti in th jaw, shatter int! tin Um Drs. Bailey ami fixed him ui. ami r. Mar thall artii'iilati-il hit twlli with win-, to kci tin' jaw fnttn . ... i ii ... . . i . lnit hi :i j i. an, I will In- unahlt' to lr. ViniCV"Ovt3',,',''an inaHtu at.' for K.-v. ral wt't ks yi-t SIhtwumI. wan ' Stnwk FriiJay I naw innlwiKnl. jniIi-h up tn ' nmrriitiir hy an On-on Jbipt trie im lu in iiainft r. ffiiiH- rails. SaU'm-l'urtlaml rar at TSiranJ. .... I I ..I.. . t ..ii I ... k . . .. ... -.i ii.i"it in uti Hiiiii.i, iiun ami an a rcKu l was laki-n n ir.n HtuM.A,.Mn..MKthH. Will iro into .(irtan, h.i.ital. ,r H-vral inr nitimry, nu iiiioiii or HAS NARROW ESCAPE Struck at lliiard hv an Orriron I kxlrti. Train, I riJay TklN TO A hlKTLANI) HOSI'lIAt. Wi t a.ua4iii Scciat lluur - Ileal- mt frrWatcd Hcarinj Train raM mi mi-. Carl Sk(w, Oak St., U -twi-i-ii l irst ami Si'runil, llilln Unit, ttrctrim. I'hoiu. City 515. "Wlii-n ymj i't Sain Crw-k watrr in ymir mains, m-xt y'ar, IlillsUiru will havt- wat'-r kit- ruispital. l or 'V hours his lif was in tin la1am- lr. Vinn-nt had U-ft Slu-rwooil arly in tlu inominir t' rail ti 8om patient at Tij.rarilvill ami was struck whili crussinit tin track on a curvi-. lU'injf draf In mid to mini' in tin Ktatf. or in Ji, not hrar th approach of tin h...wu.w.'si. lumwai.T.wnich train was lhrown frum his .vtiinwi'si ri'puiainui, nas . ,. , . . .. ... . Illlli unit n iih II .'.! ..v- niolishtt), and sustaititil a Ki-vcri1 contusion on the head. The physician was taken to I'ortland in an unconscious condition, and remained so for several hours Saturday he derail to mend, and will now recover, The curve w here he was struck ' is said to I h' one of the danger iiai a no U tti r water than that which comes out of the coast range, ami feeds Sain and oilier streams." This is what II. W. Si ott says, and he pnihaMy kmiws more aUmt Wasliimrton County's streams than any other 1 1 1 1 idual in the county. Ueitistered Cot.swold hilck years old. tine stm k and tine in dividual, for sale. Take him for fl'i Herman llehse, Karmiiik' ton. Ore. Address tire., Koute Z If I 'lark Wih., the Weston lead er man tells of a man coming in from the harvest field so hadly coere with dust that his own l.ulldogliit him. That's nothing. A Hill Uro dog held the master tHiints on the line. I r. Vincent is well known in the Tualatin-Sherwood seition. and has a large practice in that community. I ok s.M.i : Orcguii AtrUuliural v.'lh'ite Tlii treat Hist it III' 'HI opens its demrs for the Kali me .1. r on Si'lilemlier 'Jl'h. Courses of III itruclioii uicludi-: lieii. ral Agn culture, Ai'ionoiiiv. Annual llns Undrv. I'.aiterioWij'v. I'-itany ItiJ i'lant I'athologv. Poultry rluslutmlry. I 'airy llusliamtry , Horticulture, Kntoiuolox , CimI rinyuieering. Veterinary S ii nee. tlt'ctrical lingineeiiinr. Mechani cal hngiioering. Milling Kiui tifi'hng. Ilighwav Kiigineenng. Ikmu'stic Art, Cominerce, I or entry. Pharmacy. Mathematics. Chemistry, .oology, Physics, tnulish Language and Litera ture. Puhlic Siwaking. MsItii Unguages. History. Industrial Pedagogy , Art. Aichiti ctuie. Physical Kduciition. Military Science ami luetics. :ind Music. Catalogue ami illu tratcil liter Iture mailed free on application. Address, IN gisli ar, I Iregoti Agri cultural ColUge. t'oivalliH. the. School Year Opens Septeinlicr 20. Calluiln. Churili at Uastoii The new Catholic Church at t!as ton was dedicated Sunday morn inK hy Archlushop Chrir.tie, Mons. .las. Kauw. of St. Marys assist nor in the masses, rather Mark Lannen. of this city, held High Mass at noon, after tin dedication services. IJev. Kath r I'.uck has the charge. liieh has heen christened the Church of St. .lohn. the P.antist. After the ilediiation and Mass th Party returned lolhe drove from which place thev lvturneil on tin Eltxtric. A gixsl eight-naiin house with halls, wide Mirches. hathnaiin .uiiti-i uii.l ti-ii.ro4rit l'A'erv . .i i i lialiT'"' : : ' I Hie nou-M. ui iki) oio-sme in.-, i. . a... ...,w. I j ... .,, wn .rch tor an all-nigiil wan. h,M.aljon Will accept small cash and his wife was so cranky she wouldn't call olf the dog. al though "huhhy" had arrived at Ins gate at . Hi. P.rick will lie on sale at my yard. North HillsUiro. hy Satur- lav. Aug. X U-ave order If .1 -i 4 you are in ine niarKeu i one kiln just unloadeil. J. d. Kline- man. Hil'sUiro. Ore. 11 K. Punsmixir. of Urenw, was in town .llslmro s pn comes trom i learwaier, a inr larv of dales Creek, and ihm the system comes from Wi O the finest stream coining Oil the coiist range of niountai navment down. I'.alance like rent, if desinsl. Or. will leasi to desiralde tenant. For particu lar stH or address F. M. Heidel Hillslstpo. Ore. Phone. Main 1 11. . . IS tf Bi:KY NOI.AM) Edward J. Ilerry ami Miss Alice Noland were married at Cornell Monday. He Sunday, at the home of the ,sent water niipply bride Hister, Mrs, 11. J. Nrard. and auera snori vtioing mp will U at home to their friends in I'ortland. Therroom w in the abstract lusinesin the Knse Citv. and the bride uell know at CAiriielius. w heresllt- has mad I i ... .. i I .j iinv l llllLT 1 .. ... ii ... :.. -ilhnr riiilence for maiiv years lllllll-l IK'Hl HI- ' '' -H treck. The Ladies' Aid Society of if TMShe i a daughter Of Mr. ami Mr. Nathan Noland. ; Christian i nurcn win gie nu ice cream social at the rarminK ton Christian Church. Saturday evening. Aug. :i. Program. All cordially united. IMKKinT-MUOKi: Krnest H-rr. of atxive daston. was down to the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I). P.. I.ei.,y. of South Tualatin, were in the uty Saturday. A. W. Walker, of the South iialatin section, was in the city the last of the week. Porn, to Harvey Fmpia and wile, of South lualatm, Aug. 1. l'JL!. a Hon. Jas. Ilobb. of Centerville, wa.s in the county rt'-at the la:-t of the wi-'k. I. P. Walker, of below peaver- ton. w as in the city Saturday afternoon. M. Ua-smussen. of Klmonica. .1 i 4 1 was up to Hie cuy :saiurnay ai Walter Zuercher, near Cedar Mill, was up to the city Monday morning. C. N. Jager. of darden Home, - i t was an Argus caller, rrmay ai- ternoon. tlrading on S'cond Street, 1k- I' ..I L.Ik 1 tween r.ase ine ami ine . i . lie- lot, is alxiut completed. August Sumliwrg. of near San ta K sa. was a countv seal visit or, haluniav. ami caueu on me rrgus. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. French, of Forest drove, were down to the city Saturday, guests at the I. W. York home. .1. A. Thornburgh. of the For est (.rove National lUmk, was low n to the city Monday fore noon. deorgo Meacliam, of alsne Mountuindale, was in the county seat Saturday. los. has lamieti his annual venison. Kir wood from the country h:is Men selling this year at $.'1.2.1 per cord, a slightly lower price than last year. Mrs. M. A. Powell departed Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives over in the Tilla mook country. She will camp at Nctarts for a few days. Frank C. Franci. of Dak Park. was over Saturday. Mr. Francis has one of tin' tine onion stands of his section this year. J. A. Zimmerman, of Uoseland Farm, be ovv Witch Hazel, was up to the city Saturday. J. A has a pair of tw in calves to grace that new barn on the ranch. County Clerk J. . I .alley went up to the Murphy Camp. aUive Mountaindale. Saturday. to visit a few days with his fam ily. returning Tuesday. Hucklelx-rriea are not overly plentiful this year, but A. L. C.reU'. oK l.wcl. rememtiered the force with enough for a palate- pleaser. Saturday. Notice to Hop Pickers - Kegu lar nickers who pick at the yard are reipiesioii lo IDH Cnineer J. I.. Stannard Well IMcaMrd With lM.-spati.ti of Work AIL UNDS OF WATI.R l"0R Till" ClfV Supply ol Pure Muuntain Water Turned From Gruve Syiltm can tx1 Win. Hag are ev Hop yarn are n li V l! nnd Miss Ma- reirisler ai once, so usi hel Kthel Moore were united in taken care of early. marriage at Portland, in the ley ir. Wilbur K. .Newell, oi anove episcopal i:iuircn. inursuay, S. L Ho en beck and wile. 0 hillev. was in town alurlay. August 1.'. 1 no is a .dmve Mountaim a o. were in the Imiking over tin' Keepfresh plant. Uister of W. d. Mhh'o. of 1 oil- L.;v Mon.lav. Steve has one of Mr. Newell is oiuMif tin' elit-iors un,i, and tlu1 groom is won the best fruit driers in his sec .i li I ...L nml I a I I. .... 1,.. ..l,l..ol ti.. rF I I .ill I . i . . I . . . ... ...Ol ....t oil nie i.ooscveiv. nim-h miu i k now ii n.i ii- eiio.ii. !wii ""'"ilion. nut me prune crop ill cui conlid.'iit Unit Washington doun- W. N. Barrett ami wife. Ho is jown run ti,;3 yum ty will give the ex-presiileni a a jiracticmg physician ol miiisih) nluralitv. und thai Oregon can n, with safi'ly mg P nys c an oi iiiiisoo- ... ,, .. n o. .... :.. .i... iinioi Mr. and Mrs. M. Koontz, 0 unices in i ni- iiMi.suwii' .. ., , o.. i.... tk.. I oriiaiui. were out ounoiij, on- o- I"'"'" .v. r , ;,.(,. ,,f llinrsnn C Koolltz. 1 ,,Uimn- , K til! v c I Sm Tl w n.V -i o They spent the day at Smokers want thol.est there- the U nut w dy jf Oi f JJ w. H. Mcdourt ranch, bo- rvM VXt H Islloro. Z 5l S lo ynd Oak Park. Marca.wh.ny.iianttoB.tlhi f September 1. Mr. and Mra. John M. Wall i ue wreain cm i. . . . Hillslioro. since last Sunday, has lieen enjoying (iales Creek moun tain water, and there will be plenty for domestic uses, irriga tion and for fire purposes. The big pipe line was completed at n-on, Friday, running to Third Street, coming into the city on Paseline. dates were installed and the circulating mains con nected in the afternoon. The getting of water from the mountains was accomplished in record time. When the Washington-Oregon Consration found that their de.'p well would not liegin to give an adequate water supply last year, another w as in stalled on the darden Tracts plot, west of tow n. During the Winter there was evidently all kinds of water, but with the ad vent of a Spring with but little waterfall, shortage was at once pronounced. The company ask ed for a separation of the water and light franchise, giving one for each, and pledged the city that wre this done mountain water would be flow ing by Aug ust 10. if not earlier. There ap- iK-ared at first to Ik a determin ed opjKisition to segregation, but all at once it dropped, and the new franchises went through with a whoop. Work was at once started a coniraci was made with the city of rorest Irove for Clear Creek w ater un til January. 1013; right of way- was secured from the county; and today we have mountain water. F.ngineer. Stannard. who was . i i r . l i in me cuy rrmay. u-eiing goou over the result, states that work will now start on extending the pipe line to Sain Creek. A great deal of work will be necessary for a big reservoir will have to e built on an elevation near liil ev. and ten miles or more oi nine laid. i Ihe company expects to nave the entire system completed by- January 1. I There Are Two Kinds of Brushes One kind from which the hair falls out just as soon as it gets any hard usage, and the other kind which is built to main tain the reputation of this store. We sell the last mentioned kind only because we want you as a reirular customer. You can absolutely rely on our brushes. Urrc arc tome of oar prtaltic. Hair brushes Lather brushes Cloth brushes Flesh brushes Tooth brushes Complexion brushes The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE Are You Thinking fj Of opening a BanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you arc, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National rank ui Bl 11.1) LP YOLK TOWN When you spend money at home nart of it gets back to you N e are turning out fine bread, cakes and pastry, and this means em ployment of people. We turn out just as wholesome bread as outside bakeries, and cleanliness is one of the features of our mix-1 ing and bakeroom. Huvat home. This means a bigger volume of business and that means a better Service. A bigger volume al ways means better results in all business, l.uild up your town by helping your toyvn's business a'lHirtion of the money spent at home always gets back to those who soend the money. Pies, cake and pastries and the best of bread always, at the Washing ton P.akerv. Third Street, in Washington Hotel Kujlding. Private desks for writing your business letter, for drawing your checks and a big free . telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. Your patronage courteously received. A. C. SifUTE, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National ' Bank Main aitrf Third, MMhon. Rotouroe largt of any Bamk In WamMlmgtom a and family spent Sunday at the .. ....... i Midi nni vv. r . Iiesinger. ine i.eaver- n amooK noaenes. iiiey leave I I V S VIMT..'""." '"""" I - . ..." I n' renort ton contractor, was up trom r0r near rnneviiie, uus ween, .'! - shi. gton County, along near Farmington. the last of the making the trip from The Dalles ,,,, ,. . . . ...,at.., .t,,ii.t.i iihi l ... i, , i.l.. lelmih n i l. ruitni ll AVir I U WM'K. Ill" in IHIIIUIK III tr"'"'llll I IP ilUUi, M HIV II 11 llll I1.....I...M ilMitllU 11 VI II SUlie. I.umiir, ii. ..Ml I nt I.. K. lw,, e...m,l ' I f . 1 e o.l aiV'IIPV Yv rttT I I rll L. 1 llin MV 'l VII. r. III L t lir V I H Kt are neiug mi v." ti:..i.. i ,!;!. i..i... ;u i.v.l- l,,","'', w,;,lVV"" he rural districts, lie expects Crook County ranch. reintly The Orei'on Flectric is experi- C.eneral bliicksnut ung, ,lors.- to complete it by September 1, purchased meting with a new train sched shoeing ami w ,,M,V, or at the latest, uy me ume U(V,0, Cram,a anJ ukand anew train h;is n work guaranteed. A 1 u rovt uhw begins. wife departed Tuesday mohiing Pined on the Portland Forest land, on the umuu. -'" , , ti0,z thp wcirknown for the Fast. Mrs. Oandall stops roverun. The time at present son. ' Ihavhnler. was down to the John at Anoka. Minn., to visit her I ..... I . n i II 1 M.r I . " ii. i t'l . . m ,ii irom llillsburo: I I I CI kIC SCMI.IH l i: To t'oriluml . in. 7 n. in, MS . in. '"'Son in. 4S p. III. 4 0" . in. '!'S 1 in. ": l. in. O Wl Ji. in, Kmiii I'nilliiii'l 1) (i IX. Ill li a; ii. in. J S l in r,.l) 1. III. 7 IMI II. Ml. :jS (i in. 9 i p. in ii:ta. in Mr. and Mrs. Kdw. Haylee, of I Kamna ranch, last week, and in mother, Mrs. Shannon, while the West Union, were in me cuy jii hours haled 1U tons, .o Judge w HI go on to Nieuoygan, Mnn. lav. Mr. Hayiee nan I'uiirjouiids of timothy and clover. Mich., to visit relatives, iney 1 1 H A I r . . . v I ..1 1 ! , A buck his big orcnaru, anu f This means over 4U tons per expect to start home aoout ucto- not expect to have mucn oi lJ(lay, and it is supiwised to he one her 1, and will stop at Myers. of the host recorus ever mane ui jyionc, io visii ineir son, oesse j the countv with a balinfr outfit Crandall. ' i' i j inr Foster reci'ivettW terra colta me tasi oi k .1 . .ma unirivin m on yvorKiueu mi- ciihwby" IMKTII AND DCAl ll aving at thoeorners on thecoaM house annex. " V siiei-iiV Hancock and Attorney frm. to Mr. and Mrs. Klnior T. II. Toniruo were Klnl vihij Mays, of North Plains. Thursday, ors, Monday, an attachment sale Au:. 1. 11)12. a son and daughter, of some woou. Ihe little ones missed away vVm. faptter. of near Within u I'.. ui linni-u of birth. . i .....I Mm Alev Scott, of Ihcse were the first, children ol l,OIH Will minirton. were visiting II . . . - . . . I I i ih " . "ir. am Mn Mnvw and lliev i-..: i i ttu i tv Suturiiav. J . ii V. , . - I u iciiim in . --j "uiy led me losa. , Min., nr Vnrm nir- ,101111 miuii" "I ii.. ---r. If.... l....i....l...-,lM.I.JrWII." " Sunday eveninn for a horseback moininj.. jnD through the Nehalem, leav lnK out of FoieBt Gove, in com pany with three other. An.U.ishnn Christie, of Port land, passed UirouKh town Sun day. r k'omnn of PaVminirton. The beach excursiou train. J UUIIII - ,..-.--.--- ... .... ttk. f rttv tho tf i he II. Dobbins, conductor, was wibuiwiv.j '""-; fr:n l. k3...,,4.,.. Week. John MS W acrCS Ol oatS wreCKOU neui x umnnum, oiiuuajr, i nn nil. nrettv orood acre- while carrying passengers from airo for Washington Coun Ot NehaK'tn to Tillamook, running !t vionlil not meT mireh SBOcial. The engine was thrown "lu,I"i '" '. . v " I ' i . 1......1L... in a prairie and grain section; onus sine, logemei im i but for this part of Oregon it is cars, but tortunately they were anmothinir rare. thrown against the bank, and no " . . : i i. i u Olio WHS injuieu except me ni Arthur imuey, oi uaurei, Kineer. who sullered a bruise one of the carriers on the rural Conductor Dobbin says it route, was in town Friday, lie VV!l!, a wonder that the engineer recently returned from a visit .,ot m,t of the wreck alive. Penn wun ins uroiuei, mum iv., wnu n cost urougni ine regular excur is now located at Halsey. s;on into i'ortland, and arrived H. W. Scott, the Forest Grove in the metropolis early Monday imlu. rlen er. was down to the morning, naving a oreaK oi uie city Saturday afternoon. eccentric near Witch Hazel. Notice to the Public Notice is hereby given that the Oregon Nursery Company, doing business at Orenco, asmngion County Oregon, on Friday, Aug- ust amenaeu Arucie oev- en (7) of its Articles of Incor poration. and the same has oeen filed with the Secretary oi caaie, at Salem. Oregon, and a copy of said amendment has also been filed with the County Clerk ot Washington County, at Hillsboro, Oregon, said amendment increas ing the numoer oi directors oi said Oregon Nursery Company. M. McDonald. President. Johrt A. McGee, Secretary. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Ore. Dated this Sth day ot August, 1912. J A. THORNBURGH P resilient J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY Vicc-Pmi.lent Caahier II. E. Ferrin, Aia't Caahier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK ' TOfeEST GROVE. ORE. Staterrtent of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 IxMns - $280,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S, Treasurer 148,082.44 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27,000.00 1.317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 $529,312.56 Rosorvo 34 Per Cent, D1KCCTOBS Thoa. C.Todd JohnE. B.lUr J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. Mctldown.y J. A. Thomburg .1. C. Lee. of Fatton Valley, is having all kinds of bad luck the past month. One day last week he was kicked in the stomach by refractory cayuse, and was just beginning to teel easy. when he encountered a wagon tongue, Sunday, while working in his barn, and suffered severe injuries. Dr. Linklater went up Monday morning to give auenu ance. Mrs. Mary Bird, pioneer of 1S39. was a caller at the Argus office the last of the week. If A Man Choose To Carry An Inaccurate Timepiece. DgfT THAT'S HIS BUSINESS. If he prefers to have it re paired and made accurate That's My Business And I know my business thoroughly. An in accurate timepiece may cause one a world of inconvenience. It may cause the loss of many dollars or even the loss of life. That's why many great corporations require their em ployees to carry perfect watches. If yours is not satisfactory, let me make it so. LAUREL M HOYT ...u, oic. First door west of the Delta.