The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 01, 1912, Image 1

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NO. -Mi I
vol.. MX
In V tlliiuit nl I'tirtl.uiil
M U'UI HI I Otll I MM I)
W-k ul Mt jmrf'. I uil nl l ilrM.,
Iliuifo HJ lu '
lA-t llilll'"l; ufl'Tlufclil SIl'Tl !
llano I ii'i'l ' M '
, ti.lllll til V il'A tl.f I l-'ll.tlH -
o(ullv w I t' ll l !i ii r;n
bv Uu- u 'i "I ri ' ' "" ''
(t tin- I ;n l-r Si t 1 . 1 1 '
o ri - '""'"I Vu l'i. i.u.
Sh- in vif h:ti Ufi) v rv strong,
a'.il ulu n hln-i unti'ihil.ili-i mar
t i;i;-.- v,H, I Wolf. .f IIiINIh..
i ". 1' r 111"! lii-r i ii'il i.t'niiiut it
l V.w? l;i ii'litt-r that she
'UNI in.t a lifi-mi a Hrnall
lai in,
.Mi Il.trrU L it Hillslmni on
H'1' t 1 1 i t' f hl. 12. and u fiit
I" Ik'inl. vtn rrhlic rnnaitifil
i-r ti H' I . t at tin- Yimg W
inan'M t "ti ri-t lan AK'i:itini
i''m '. i . inif thf in't niitrn
iiiv'. '' i!i ajiirarcil. Search
!vaiin;ni- t r hcmtuI if 1 1 itH.
Unit waiat first uiKM-t.. tin
"!t i i.i! i Hunting that he knew
' In- rniiti inilali-i li-a . inv, ami
Ahithcr sin- had pun'. Tht-
.ni!i man iliiiictt any ktimvl-
j .! uf the utl'air, ami i-pcnt wv.
ii-r:i! sii k hunting fur tin liwt
i It h 'ipjMi-1-. that the Imily
I ri :ii.ii!,ci nndi r tin iIih-K. where
Fred I:ihni. of Onrno, was
up to the city Monday
Minn Lulu Ifcinelson visit! in
Portland over Sunday
.Mrs. lunzat. ot I'tTtlarnJ. was
nut to the city Saturday
I. II. Maxwell, of Mountain
dale, was a city visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Janii-dallin atlt. of Tua
latin, wan in town Monday.
liorn. July 29. 1912. to Kari
Ira'tain and wife, llii'jiboro. a
K. M. Lack.-y, of l'Ii. Polk
Wanliininoii O.untv is liirurinirM outitv. was down to Uif City
lltnir K. New ill Named at I'ort
1inJ n Presidential I lcitir
Nuinincr Prrilkl Wihinjl(i Cuunl)
Will Si( In CanJiJjIc
lad of the week.
L M. Hesse, of Seholls. was
up to tiic cuy jiuri'iay, KnfiuiK
' V'U'.,.
. .
V. f,
& - i
- 4
;. it... (,,. r..-.i f,.u;.l..f,i of uu
till 1 1 I I I .i . f " I i .T v n V
thf Tualatin Vallry has Imcii
nami'il an a iirfHidi-ntial clfi tor
mi tin KooKrvelt tickt-t. Tin
iiHTtintf took plan in Portland.
Thursday last, and Mr. Ni-wi
wan in alU-iiilancr. Wadiinvton
( uunty iravc Knost-vclt a plurali
tv last April, his nanir. liki I'.i'ti
Aliou. leading all the rest. Mr.
Newell went to the m-etin;r of
the I Still Moose HU.Hirters w ith-
out hoiie of honors arcl tounil
himself in the running, lie was
selected without olioxition, Illld
le predictH that old Was'nr.irton Mrs j.; , Al'U'tt
will U' there with tin
Miss Marie llofer. of Salem,
v as a vrueht at the Hale Springs,
Saturday and Sunday.
lion. S. I!. Huston and son.
Carl, of Portland, were out to
the old town Saturday
Irrank linger, of South Tuala
tin, vas a county seat visitor trie
a."t of the week.
Mrs. L A. Wl.itcoinl.. of Port
ind. was in town Sunday, a
iuest of her parents. Mr. arm
JELLS HLLSG0R0 Will go all Over the
W'orlJ Where lbor Ha Interest TOZHR SI NDS TO AKiil S
Ktpurt ix in Frror on flc ation.
Behind on Cau. i'rencnt
nd tr,e tei father and sli. risT
frared it inn Id ! Mi liar
n, w ho disappear' d from lldh
Un. I rhruary 1J. .Mr. Sh.nV' -r
diTideil it was Miss Hani , hut
to decide thi- idelitlH, pni'i S of
the dress, and a l lt and hni kie
NUTe hrouvht In the ninth. -r.
Thursdav evi ninv. and ; he '' I
tively identities the hui 1.1- .
The ImhIv was claimed and
hnmeht to Hill dioni the la A of
till' Week for hunal.
Miss llanis is the daucliter of
Mrs. Shalli r. who. with her fain
lly. came to (li et'oii a ear or so
K), from Minnesota. She :i
Hifed 22 years, and was possessed
of nUiiit $2,iMm in her ow n rivht.
he sank, until raised by the
wa-di and churn of the water by
the p.'lddleS.
The dead vmpI lirst knew Mr.
liells this Pall when the otesan
counted, and that lhisxiori
Uooseelt Will SWeethe county
leudmi' liotli Tall and Wilson.
Thus. Withy com le. formerly of
PuriniiiL'ton. was at the conven
lion, and tiirureil largely in Un
deliUTatiotis. Mr. WilhycoinlM',
like lioosevclt. feels that tin
tariff is to - more of a vital is
sue than most eope imav'in
and the Uoosevelt utirters that this issue shall not
lie relegated to the closet or tin
The moose has been curried
and shixl. and lus antlers knoh
U-d'aud be isexpectisl to conn
under the wire without ierspir-
i ....
The lioosevelt electors will Ik
on Hie ticket in Oreiron, and this
is the first time in history that
Washington County Kiliticians of
republican instincts have ever
countenanced a third party move
ment. Here and there on the
street voii bear men say they
are Kiiitr to vote for leddy, any
way, come- w tiai w in. aiiu iney
will have the chance, lioosevelt
carried the county by 2iHI ver
Ta ft at the primaries, with Ijx-
pollelte a close third.
K)K SAl.l:
A itoikI eiirht-rooin house with
Wolf at the tirat'ir hopyard. in halls, wnle rcnes. naum)oin. mw'.
pitii m, ihev met mrasiona v. nanirv ana uasemeiu. i.eri
. . : . ' i .... i :.. :.. I
and as well, Kept up a cor- uuntf clean ami new . is in v.'""'
rc- poiidenee. Ow inir to the uirl's !ocntion. Will accept small cash
ill health tin' mother candidly payment down. Palance like
told her that she thought it lest rent, if desired. Or. will lease
i,oi to marry Wolf. To this the to desirable tenant. ( For particii-
da iehter api'i ared to auree. and lars see or address P. M. lleidel,
took no unilrav:e. Miss Harris IlillsUiro. Uiv. l'bone, Main
was of a verv retirinn disHisi- Ml.
tion, and was in the seclusion of
her room a threat deal, rarely
l ieakinir bread with the family
more man once 01 mnrinuj, y,.,.,))) hieclric is expen-
I he burial took place Saturday nientink' with a new train sched-
M. II. Stevemon. the abstract-
... . . t':o.:.
or. Msiteil ins wue at unoii
Springs. Sunday, making the
tri i from Portland in a motor.
Miss lae Kessel. daughter of
Mrs. I.. K. Uok'ers, of mar Lau
rel, has returned to Portland to
attend the Trades School.
Miss I Jose Cave returned home
I'riday evening, after a short
isit with in t'oiliaii'i
and reyon City.
W. P.. Peterson, manager of
the Hay hopyards at lkeedville.
was in the county seat the last
ot the week.
Contractor Jos. Irsunk' lias
Imch down in the lower part of
county the past week, tloinn
some bridge work for the county.
J. M. Pitman has sued Klsie
Pitman for divorce. They were
married lu re Oct. W and
the husband alleges desertion.
There are no children to the
V. K. Pevrir. of Peaverton. was
in town Pridav, accompanvini; J.
Prank Stroud on a business trip
to Forest tirove. Mr. lw is in
terested in the Peaverton Pank.
Mrs. I.luvd (ilnett. who has
leen visiting with her relatives,
the family of P. U Ablxitt.
started for her home in South
eastern Oreiron. Monday morn-
She accompanied by her
sister, Miss Minnie Alitoiu
A. P.. pHvis. of Puxton.
al li rnoon.
.MUS. A. C. MWStlN
,eona Ib'llenb'ck
2:! ears. Wile of
lailson. of Pat tie
Mrs. Flora
Hanson, ayci
lr. A. C.
oround. Wash .. died Tuesday
ninrniin!, I u I y 2:!. P. Hi?, at Si.
I'lHephs Hospital, ancomer.
Wash., from appendicitis. She
Bs ill but seen days and i leath
as unite unexpected. Mr. and
Mrs. Hanson had been wedded
but iihoiit seven months. Mrs.
Hanson was a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. P. Ib.llenheck. well
kiimvn in ami around Mountain
dale, where the family resided,
ami where or years ft r. o Men
Tennis Pyl has sold his l acre
ranch, over in South Tualatin, to
a centleinan
ule, and a new train has heen
placed on the Portland-Forest
drove run. The time at present
is. from llillslioro:
to 1'i.illiiint From roitlmiil
b AS . in.
7 n . in.
S ,S n. in.
lo:yin in.
I 4S l. m.
4 On v in.
ti;)S p. in.
5 jo . III.
In (Si l hi.
7:50 R. tn
y ( A, in
ti:4r a. in.
2:1s j) in . m.
7:1m p. 111.
7 js p in
I) 3 p. III.
IMJI. 111.
by the name ol
llin. who hails Irom Nmlliern
t Irei-on. The new purchaser will
take possession in !!M days. Py!
has not yet decided whether he
w ill buy another ranch or not.
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rails,
and boards of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will tfo into
1 1,., country. Write, phono or
call on me.' Carl Skow, Oak St., School District Ponds, for Dis
hetween First and Second, Hills- vwi jS!0i io7, Washington Coun-
boro. Oreiron. Phone, t ity ty, Oregon, in the sum of ..)tHi,
1 1. ,.i,mi.H. of near Laurel, in denominations 01 smm oi ti.
vv-is in tow n Prulay. lie is now
1)00. are oll'ereil for sale to the
7 .in i mm o in 1 1 11. 1. ' u as in iio 11 1 1 111.1 . iv ......... 1 . , , , , . . 1 1
l'H-k ranched and dueled a uil,.r Second crop of clover best bidder by the undersnrned.
... . .. 1 . ioinif. ..." I...1 l.l.lj n.w.n unmo to Im ooen-
av mill. Later they moved to!,
i. . . .... 1
ouuie tiroiind.
h'ui, 1 i,. ,1,1 -it
- 11 1 11 1 11 1 ivfl him 11 v li 1
ti ll,. , . ..... 1 ; 11
oie iinllciilicck home at liailie, !
ornun.l, l-rnlay, lliterilielil liellU'
n the Wilson eeinelerv. Tin
casket, banked by an immense (
firoiusinii o Dowers, w as repos
on the porch ihll iuir the ser
vit'cs, which were attended by a
fnultitude of friends who came
from far and near to pay tin- last
Aspects to one whom they uni
versally esteemed and loved.
The husband and the parents
and family of Mrs. Hanson have
tn' sympathy of their many
friends in Washington County.
. I II. ..I ........ 11 l.l I Ulll lilll OIOS IIIHHI n.llllt' LU uet'l'l-ll-
1 1 v. iii says 1 1 ui l in'i" in - . , , f
".' ' , 1. . 1 .. 1 .. t 1 ji.innitr irii'iuiiriir u ill
.1 ....I 1.... 1. .111. mill II III' C.'lll I'll UL 1 11" HHIIIII in.i.Ti.n. v..
.T "r". I ,.",, t 'l-M p. n,.. Saturday
l asiieaK 01 ....... v t ., Ti,.,
..11 , o i-iu in inn it 1 ir si .). iiv
.111 IIIO III.. ... " I .'
e w ill navt
cover w illioui any wcuiuk.
Peeistered ('otswold buck, il
years old, tine stock and lino in
dividual, for sale. Tako him for
$1.1 Herman Koliso. farminir
ton Ore. Aihlress llillsboro,
Ore.. Uoule 2. U
Alev C.mi'iI.iii ..I' 1, ...o' Nloi'lh
Plains, was in 'the county seat
J. S. Miller, r.fScholls, was in
the city the last of the week,
Kroctinp; frionds.
Smokers want, the best thero
fall for a Schiller or a C. rand
Marcu, whon you want to soe tho
Wuo wreuth curl.
of said district, on tho tax roll
is $UobUr.
H. P. Sappinjrton.
County Treasurer,
Ilillsboto. Ore. July 25, 1912.
Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the
Christian Church will kiyo an
I 11 Morrison, of Sacramonto, ice cream social at tho Farming
Ciif returned home Friday, af- ton Christian Church, Saturdaj
(er a week's visit with bin par- evoninfr. Au. 3. Program. Al
cuts .1. T. Morrison ami wifo. of nro cordially invited. 20-21
.ii ininirloll. 0 is in iiioo.iice
oi' tho superintendent of tho S.
P. at tho Calilorma capiuu.
Prick will b' on aalo nt my
yard. North llillsboro, by Satur
day. Aujr. 3. Loavo order if
you aro in tho market. A fine
kiln just unloaded. - J. G. Kbju1
man; llillsboro. Ore. 20-21
, It. Dorland nnd Frank Wil
lianis of bovond North Plains,
were over to the city Friday, on
business with tho condenser.
Fred Hood, of below Newton
wns in Saturday. He says his
hops will not bo ready for pick
inir any earlier than usual, nc
cordinR to present prospects
General blacksmithinp, .horse
shneinir and woodwork. A
work iruaraiueod. At urove
Innd. on the United.-O. Wil
son. 19-3'-
Carl Pfahl, of Blooming, was
in town Saturday.
urned from Kuirene, last vvevk.
and Monday and Tuesday ship-
im'.I another carload of work
horses to Southern uretfon, to
ork on the Oavis-Hannan con
tract. HolHiuwrht I no oi team
f Johnny Mcllaoruo and sent it
Constable MeOuillan has one
of the finest roadsters in this see-
on out of Hal 15. It is .a safe
et that the youngster couut
make 2:20 in a very few weeks ot
track training, and just where
le would land with a year or so
of training is hard to tell.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Perggren.
of the Wallace settlement, be
tween Cilencoi- and Senppoose.
were in town Friday. Mr. Berg
eron has boon in tho shingle
business 111 his section for many
liov. John Russel llorriek.
president of Pacific University.
ilKiut 30 years ago, tor a snort
period, died at Chicago, July 2tl,
iged IK) years. Kov. iierncK
was here but a few months, and
lorrick Hall was named in his
Hon. P. W. Haines, of Forest
Grove, has been named state
chairman of the republican com
mittee, and will labor for Wil
iam Howard Taft. He will get
busy late in August and keep the
political machine busy from then
on until November.
M. Peterson, former mayor of
Forest Grove, w as in tow n Mon
day, accompanied by his wife.
Mr. Peterson is vice president
and treasurer of tho Ford Auto
mobile agency in hast Portland,
and says his company has soul
30 machines since the 11)12 sea
son opened.
All those in this locality who
aro natrons of the tented city at
tho Oregon State Fair Grounds
aro requested to send word to
Albert To.ier, mayor. Fair
Grounds 1'. O.. Ore., and state
whether coming this year or not
and also how much additional
room may be desired by neigh
bors t hus assuring all their form
er locations. There is no charge
for camping space or for stall
room for team.
Albert To.ier, the well known
former Hillslxirorite. and who
never overlooks anything touch
ing on this city, sends the Argus
a report w-hich w ill go all over
the world. Tho rejirt is in er
ror on elevation, giving 121) feet,
instead of 2,J-"i; and fives the l'J
10 census of 2.010, which is un
der th present population by
several hundred. The rert
IlillsUiro (II. T. Pagi.-y. May
or.) IlillsUiro. the county seat
of Washington county, is favor
ed by the Oregon Klectric and
West Side branch of the South
ern Pacific running through the
town. Tho P. 1L & N. to Tilla
mook starts from Hillsboro. It
covers an area of 320 acres and
is IS miles west of Portland.
Two good county roads from
IlillsUiro to Portland and good
roads lead to all parts f the
t e
countv. It lias a population 01
2.0K; and the elevation is 120
fH't. The assessed value of city
property is $:7.V". and there
is a Umded indebtedness ot $2.1.
(XH). There is a gravity water sys
tem under construction. There
is a paid tire department with
horse drawn apparatus. A new-
annex is under construction to
the court .house. There are two
sewer systems (sanitary an.
storm.) tho sanitary having sep
tic disjiosal system. There are
eleven blin ks of street paved ami
fifteen more have U-en ordered.
Tho "World's Keepfresh Plant."
costing $10.0iio. has just Uen
completed. The public school
hu dinir is valued at 2o.ouo ana
another to cost $33.0o0 is under
construction. There are seven
churches. Christian, baptist.
Methodist. Catholic. Congrega
tional, Fivangelical and Southern
Methodist The buildings are
valued at $22,000. lhe value of
other public buildings, including
the county court house, is placed
at $70,000. Nineteen school
teachers are employed and they i
are paid salaries ranging from
$.10 to $110 per month. The city
marshal is paid $i.1 por month.
Common labor commands -2 per
dav. skilled labor $1 and man
and team $5. Tho electric light
and water systems are ow ned by
private parties. The cost of
electric light is 4 cent per month
nor candleoower. Water costs
$1 per 3IXH) gallons. Lumtxring,
dairying, hop and fruit growing,
and farming aro the principal in
dustries. IlillsUiro has a plan
ing mill, sawmill, flour mill, con
densed milk factory, seven gro
cery stores, three drygoods
stores, four saloons, three moat
markets, two hotels, two har
ness shops. 3 drugstores, 2 fur
nishing goods stores, 1 hardware
store, 4 farming implement
stores, 4 banks. 2 commission
and feed stores. 2 storage ware
houses. 4 confectionery ana no
tion stores, 2 garages, ti livery
stables, 2 milliner stores. 2 mu
sic stores, 3 jewelry stores, 3
shoe stores, a planing mill, sash
and door factory. 2 newspapers
with job plant equipments
Good Health
You cannot 1 lutifut if too are unhealthy without good hrnlth ymir
rvr lark c'.rarnrn. o muter how you stimulate thr til the skin Beta out
ot ci.n.t 1 1 1. n . 00 matter how vou paiat it the whole body Rivei off an un
4e4uiut oilor, n matter how you bathe it. Ooml health la the shortest
nit to real tirauty ami even the homely woman can lie attractive if she
krrj her health in Komi rendition. Our
Vegetable Compound
t ilritnel for that very pitrpoae. It keep the feminine txxly in a nmili
tion of prrfcrt health am! help you to attain the highest kind of hrauty
ln-a'.i'.y outsi.le anil innMc the boily. Get bottle toUy. f 1.00.
The Delta Drug Store j
Are You Thinking
Of opening a DanK Account
the one snre road to best business?
If you arc, do not overlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
r a x k
1 1
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for w e have all the modern conveniences. ,
our patronage courteous received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main mud Third, HilHboro.
Oreirn Agricultural College
Resource Urgt of any Bank In Washington Oounty
E. Ferrin, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $l!80,570.12
U.S. Bond (at par) 25. (XX). 00
Other tionds 57.160.tX)
Hanking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Hanks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
27,000. V0
Iloeorvo a 4 Per Oont.
This Kreat institution opens its
doors for the tall semester on
Sentember 20th. Courses of in
struction include: General Agri
culture. Agronomy, Animal Hus
handrv. Kacteriolocy. Kotany
ami riant Patholoirv. Poultry
Husbandr-v. Dairy Husbandry
Horticulture. Entomology. Civil
Engineering. eterinary Science,
KlPi'trieal Engineering, Mechani-
i'!il Engineering. Mining hngi-
neering. Highway Engineering.
Domestic Art, Commerce, for
estry. Pharmacy, juatnemaucs.
Chemistry. Zoology. Physics-,
English Language ami Litera
ture, Public Speaking, modern
Languages, History, Industrial
Pedagogy. Art, Arcniteciure,
Physical Education, Military
Science and Tactics, and Music.
Catalogue and illustrated liter
ntnre mailed free on application.
Address, Registrar. Oregon Agri
cultural College, Corvallis. Ore.
School Year Opens September
M. S. Chapman, of Oak Park,
was over to the city the first of
the week;
Tho. G. Todd John E. Bailor J- W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldownoy J. A. Thornburrf
Most everyone does. Every
body needs one. Some people
however, don't feel like paying
a large sum of money for one.
They try to get along by de
pending on the public clocks
and their friends for the time.
Inconvenient, of course. "
I have a large assortment
of the leading makes of
watches that I am offering at
At the prices I am. offering, there is no further excuse
for your going without a watch.
First door west of the Delta. .