The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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    ti r
Vol.. MX
hillsboro, orkcon, july 2". vm
HUM l ! I"151'
W. II. L-trkey, of tin- Itruwrij
livery. while reluming fnw: h
drive to S IioIIh, Sunday, had u
runaway that r-Ki it ' 1 iliKatnnm
lv. A tug U eitm.' linhiti hed mid
iing him ut.
iken. vmt t
he Miixtained
lid. U-Miilt-H
"10 YMIKEE" Slflfa
I I 111 u
An ( lr tri- t'ra
, ..iit.t y Sut'inl iy
i m he uYWk, iU
n. i.ithliM' "f tt.rMv.rnr.;
tliu'"" 1"M'r,,l,"n' '"I" )r,l
... u t t for M V
,rui iimifi. Kite H1 r'
,illl,teld. "'l ll'" ,,ri't"
t.ilion a injutv.l. '!! h'inf
i, l. r v a xh:ilt"ri'il. Hi- w:ill f
the ,iniw t hum-il. tlf
ht.ili..n ut Kon-Ht tlnm-Huifi-n-.l
u tin I'", running ml" hundred
of ilnllurn. It i -Mim;it.l that
f.1 Mill in it ni'Ti" than eover
tie ttittniige,
Itio IIiIIhUto "train l:n it wa-
Bt nine find tip ltlil t' W mi the
Imul Ui'l. "" " Soida. Sut't.
I'urin'i" hint tin' li"'" Ih-IiiH Ou t)
t r.paiif.1 I bat I r I Iul
jtiit.' mram in Sunda
I hi nt- rlrvtrie lt in h:i I" '
nun- fmpient tl'i than
, v, r Ufofe more the in' ry
T ruiiii' tli.
liarn N liniifHij; to a man I'
II... inline lif M I ! WIKrdnii'k
l.v ii U.U. tin- mime an
l.nrtud iluMtl III tin Beau-rlmi
I Ilk SM I.
k fiif Li r in Km!-.' with
i . . .. . . - -
I.MU wide imrrlifH, .alhtniii.
janlry Util Imminent. Kmtv
ll.itik' rl' and tew . n in 1''"'
l.i,..i. Will in-ieid small ra-h
iiiiwtMiit down. I!ilait- lik
f .l.-sii-i-,l (h. will li-avi
i.. .1. .,f il.l.- tenant I it iiartii tl
I m til" a.l.lli I". M. H' i l' l
II. II. I-.. . i Orr I'hone. Main
Virt'il MaHxry. .-.lit.T of tin
r.iriu-iiiM l rititiiif. w a-i in t"rtii
Mon. lay aflrnnK'n.
1:im.h41 IVikI stu l w ifi-. "f
IljnkK, wri S'ln.lav ,ii.'sH at
t(i. la.ino if I. A. I rof-I. i'l
North HiUnl-To.
Mr, J.ih. DowiH wa lak n to
irtially. He
own lv tin-
. urn! atU'tnl'
iU-y. Ikf
nmirani-' ami
' COllHnlaliol)
. fnrr'( vara-
I taken two
ht lmlin Mr t ion
lilit' w hen the
. l tie team
;re they wer
antmTTirai" tin- j.uvkiianeriiiaie,
One of the w heeln. ill I the flam-
av'e to Un ke ' anatomy.
U. i). Ilalilerman. of 1hk-
mont. Col., wan l:nt week tin
i'uet f din brother. I,. I. Ilalil
erman. ol Aloha. ItieUMtoris
an ntloriiev of the Colorado town,
ainl rami Went to the Klkn con-
veiition. He Kays In likes I'ort-
lutnl, ikt Oreiron, liken the im-o-
lle out hTe, and in-ver in his
life had n U ttef timi' ainl after
roitiinilte.1 hinitelf in that
manner the Ariftm ttin almost
vsillinu' toiU'iT that hi' woiiM
nut hi re within a v ear or ho
w ith hiri imiM'ilimentaaml his law
A c rew . iimler Win. Foster, tin
ontractor, ntarle.l puttintr in a
new loin-ri le watennir innisn.
it Main Street, at tin- curb.
wlu re it maken an anu'if ai me
larkinr. on thfronrt lnii4 Hit.
l he watelilik' l'h'"'' tH 'M' UlMllt
sivtien feet 111 li'imth. ami IH
mill on an anifli'. Thf fit V has
ii le.l mu lt a plare for uUmt a
vi ar. ami it will now have one
that Hhnnhl last an ti;.
Two Utl.l eatlen are nextin in
lhe Worn Isskirtinir Mi Kayt'reek
war lhe .John llaili'V ranch. Tin'
who Kwim mar when1 tin
. i i . .
nest H are eaeriy wau nmix i
Hi-e the mother bird rout tln in
nut of the liejtt but US they 11-
l M -t ihl this at ilav bn'ak tin are bablf to miss th' t'X
nti -iiient. Ibis is the lirst tmif
l-avles have nestiil so ilosi' to
tin- town.
'Prunes are a i'inmI crop in
the bills almvr Hanks." saiil
tl.Hirm' LaiiiH-rman, I ho other
.lay. "I bavo a half aoro ainl
the trees u ro laili'it. Iinwn in
the vallov. how over, thero tiro
but fow. Wbilo hero ami thoro
the frost raunht thorn last Spring.
. v.. ii in the hills, it waubl uplM-ar
that tho liihlamls aro tin plaoo
for this cver wniiloil fruit.
Now Cithly-I uur Year Old. anj
Hunt Allrr liahy Son
Wat Hlacktmilb Here ia I irly l ifhlir,
nil ai(nc Charailrr
Frank M. I'oAor. who is seoro
il in.l ! nil. iv. an. I on
(lav niornii. an up. ra ( f h( ()riWin Slat(, Hrti-
Ih.m (V..MI VI 111. I) SIM' r.lllH'! I . t a I nl.a lHWifil.
fcl'M t , I I'MH i ..... .
( hu f of poliro P.laser has hi n
Bimihil tho oily takim' Itoto of
pmpei'ly whiTO lbllolollH Wl t'.ls
ami bilt rass preuiil nionvt tl"'
suit-walk. II" ill now iris 'i
ilivi.lual iiotioo to bavo tho ilis
ri'ptitablo Htull roinuveil.
Kobt. V. V,iwh ami l.uluKl. in
w. re unitoil in niarriaof t "'o
llniel Wasbini'ton. I'hur.-uiay
ovi nimr. July IS. l'.M'i Kov. P.
t'laiviuo Cook, of tho '.apti:t
I'huiTb.ollii-iatinjf. I '-'tb partion
resiile in Poitlaml.
I.. M. lloyl rotunioil Monilav
fr.i.ii ii.Mir Stiili'lil wlll'1'0 Mrs.
Ibit ami obtblroii aro nimpo.l
fur a rortnivbt. at tho mooting ..f llw I'llitt'il Kvaiu'oli'
oal annual ntnleronro. Nt-1 aro thoro to tako part in
the deliberations.
('has, Strobmayor. of Ciivon
ville, was in I bo oily Monday,
making llanu;j, moiits to nmvo to
llillsboro. whoro bo will ontor
the employ of tho Porker P.askot
fai tory. Chart. i an old hand at
tho business ami knows luiw to
weavo tbom toKotbor.
W. tl. Man. Willi In-laml. A.
A M Mill liin I :... K irk wood Wont
nvnr in iiwi M.ili' and Vor-
. l.f III. lit'" I
linnia unelioiiS t lit1 hist Ol tin'
week, inotorinif ovor tho inmin
lliin in ll'in.'d enf '1'hov oxporl-
oil tit roninin a work, butowinu
to thi'tinsottloil woathor r-auni-od
Satiirtlay ovoninjr.
Hv tho ciul of tbo wook tho
VaHhinKton-()roon t'lirpnralioii
fn. pit u.'iii iwivi thMi In'iu'h ill'
omiipletod botwoon ImiivkI (irovo
and llillsboro, ami tin- la.v'i?J
are now liotwoon t'ornolins am
Hillnbnro. A fowlnvnion'nmi
tbo wator prolilom will !' w'1"
mil tor tho county soiii.
Tho InV barn of P.. I''. l,'",,1y-
of Pulton Valloy, burnod oarly
last 'riiurTdny morninK - botwoon
two anil throe o'clool?. 'Uft
is Hiipposod to bo alwiut 1F.I.IHKI,
contonta nml all. It is roiiortoU
horn that an auto wont up in tno
tlantes No on nitnoai'S to know
tho cauae of thu lire. There wns
..ii Inl-Ill iu'll' V. lllltl ilinnri. i
i-.rv nf lhe Orotrnn Nursory
Cniniiany. was onoof tho visitors
from Oronoo at tin' koopfrosh
reooptioii Saturday ovenimr. Jir.
power evpnssod himsolfas hinh
lv doliohtod with all ho saw.
i'..u. I.ii.-merman and son
...iiiii'rd. of alMivo Hanks, won
. .. 1. I ... Hi
ll, nil to io n v rriuay. mi
I ....merman IS Stl HllorOSIOll
I .. "II
whirh roomily cut two limnors
t. .. i tut i'iiiw ori ir uiio me
I I 'I HI , Jm m .
liittbors boim; 2l2. ami 1001
iu lonirth
L roy Landers, now eighty-four
years old. ami well known here
in tho latter part of the seven
ties and oarly in the eighties,
showed up iu Portland. Sunday,
looking for a son. a few years
old. who was supjtosed to bavo
U-ett with a wife whom he di
vnrred thn-o or four years ago.
Linden at one time had a black-
smith shop Ix-yond Orenro. work
ed in llillsboro, lilley, h'orost
tlrovo and (lastnn, and was
know n by tho sobriquet of the
"Wild Yankoo." Ho was a light
or Irom tho hoad of tho creek,
and while at bis shop near tho
Wilkins' plaoo iM-ramo involved
in a tight w ith Wilkins Sr. and a
man by tho namo of J. Card,
hinders struck Card over the
head with a nllo barrel, render
ing him uneonsrious. and tied
tho country. Ijiter ho was In.
ated near St. Helens, and Sam
Miles, sheritf of Columbia Co..
and his deputy. John Collins, at
tempted to arrest him. Uilhns
shot lenders in tho leg. and it
was later umnutated. Ho suoi
Mi os. Jud'o I ailos iM ing rusni-
tnrncy. IIo was given $1.SIH)
damages, rrom hero ho went
to near Seattle.
lenders tnado otto of tho first
buggies manufactured in tho
county, and Pr. V. A. Haileysays
tho old man in his prime was a
line workman. lr. Pailoy says:
"Ilomado inv lirst buggy, and
it was a lino ono. Ho was a fine
wurknian. but ho was a man who
frtHiuentlv had trouble. Ho was
a tighter of rotiute. and feared
nothing in a man's form. He
was ito.ssessed of a ready wit.
mid was fairlv well-read. As a
mechanic ho had few equals. His
nersona honesty was untitles
I. After striking Card on
the head ho Hod with tho thought
in liw mind that ho had ki lei
him. Ho came to Hillsltoro and
told tho lato Richard Wiley, fa
ther r W. V. W iley, that n
won!. I never bo taken alive.
attended him after the surgeons
had worked on his eg. and hat
ft it in rather bail shape
umlorslaml lite om man is now
fnirlv well-to-do."
Jesse Moore, father of Wil
Moore, tho Hanks nstmastor.
.ia uheriir nt the time, the
Wild Yankee" was brought
back to llillsboro. and Vol Hay,
a brother of tho late Wm. Hay.
nurtieii I jtndors in the tail here.
During the warm weather the
True, of Mnldleton, wru a
seat visitor the last of
I 111 V l -If I
C. F. Miller and Hugh Murch
ison, of F'trest drove, were in
town r riday.
Jihn A. Thornburgh an'l .1. K.
Itailey were down from Forest
drove. Sunday.
John Uf tis ami W. 11. Plat k.
of almve North Plains, were in
town Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Klsie Sehaer. of above
Moiintaindale. was iu town Fri
ilay. and called on the Argus of
fice. I lance at Helvetia Hall. Satur-
ay evening, July Si. iool
music and the U-nt time of the
season. l'.l-JU
l)r. A. P.. Ilailev and wife, of
Portland, were in the citv Sun
day, the guests of !r. F. A. Pai-
iey and family.
Mrs. C. V. Wilkins departed
Monday for a two months visit
with her mother, at Woodburn.
Marion County.
Karl Wallace ami wife, ot
'ortland. wire L'UestS at the
Frank Wallace home, near Fann
ington. Sunday. .
Smokers want tho best there
fore t all for a Schiller or a (Jrand
Marca. w hen you want to see tho
blue w reath curl.
Chief of Police Plaser and
wife returned Saturday from a
visit with their daughter. Mrs.
Kverest. at lillamook.
Cilgian linger, of almve Moiin
taindale, was a city visitor Fri
day morning, lie says that
crops are looking Al up his way.
Cicneral hlacksmithing, horse
shoeing and woodwork. All
work guaranteed. At drove-
and. on tho United. 0. Wil-
l Oil
son. iJ-'-
Uobert Alexander, of Forest
drove, aged fit years, ami Marion
'.iisi ham. i f Portland, aged !).
were granted license to wed by
the Multnomah Clerk, last rri
.1 It nml W. T. Phillips went
to Van.hillOmnty. Saturday eve
nimi to look- over some farm
iitnls. They tried the hast side
nror lo the lamhi trio, anu
. . .. ..... .... I II!-. l.
say that the wesi sine is me
place for them.
The Oree-on Kloctric 3 nutting
in iMtles along Washington Street,
. . . . t : a . .
and lining ttiem up in coniormuy
to the survov ot tne city engi
noer. the now insiaiiauons are
nearly double the sio, in dianvj
tor. of tho old ones.
1). P.. F.mrick and wife went
to Tillamook Fritlay for an ex
tended vacation. Dan holds the
record for hooking the biggest
trout of the season, and so large
was it that it pulled Daniel Boone
into the stream, clothes and all.
rWi ;ir Kelsev accidentally chop
ped his hand' last Friday morn-
i nir n Hint live, o ciooK. wnue
splitting wood. Dr. Wood took
seven stitches in order to close
MAHUrT ill RUM '
I blltmerof the Sword of Came
Coasts of 22 Children
I'urllv Mahitmrntdan Sayi Hi
Wnn Live ia Amity
Mahomet Ali Huhl. a Mohammed
an, was in the city the last of
the week, selling trinkets from
Bulgaria, Turkey and Spain -
and Mahomet is some salesman,
take it from us. He says he has
four wives and they all live in
amity - not Amity. Oregon but
'ulgaria. He also boasts of 22
children. When he made the
statement, and it w as questioned,
the P.ulgarian promptly pulled
out his passiorts from his gov
ernment to the Mexican govern
ment, and, sure enough, there
were the lour w ives along with
the husband's name.
He savs that in his country a:
man can have four wives if he
can supjiort them properly, but
support them he must, or go toj
jail or tpnt the country, aia
hrimet is a natural trader, and he
says he has made his Rtake, and
will get back to his native land
in two months from now. with
enough money, made out of mer
chandising in Mexico, to keep
him and his multiform family as
long as they live.
Mexico is the place, young
man " said the man witn me re
ligion of the Arabs and Turks.
Ten vears from now Mexico will
hlonm like a rose. They will put
water on their vast plateau
tracts, and much of it will be
artesian, and much Dumoed from
the bow els of the earth. Mexico
will snntiort twenty times us
nremnnt ootnilation. and it is the
Americans w ho are to show them
how.- Americans are now buy
inir vast tracts of land and
leave it to the infidel American
to makeMhe land bloom like a
rose, liut I m going back to
Bulgaria to join my wives, who
left back for the out counirv
when the Diaz administration
was attacked. 1 want to get
back and enjoy what little 1 ve
made with the wives of my
hiinnm "
And with this parting word!
the man from Bulgaria lett tor
the vine clad hills of the Balkans.
lul lI
You cannot t beautiful if yon ate unhealthy with iot gotxl health your
fit lck c'.ra'ne. to matttr how you it niuUie them the nkm vet out
of conilttiun, no millei hew ou pal"! it the vhoie body givti off ad nn
piim;t odor, no matter how yen batbe it Good health it the ahortrst
cut to iealleauty and f ven the hcnely woman can be attractive if she
keep her health in Kxxl condition. Our
Vegetable Compound
is designed for that very purpose. It keeps the feminine hotly in a condi
tion of perfect health and helps you to attain the highest kind of beauty
tieaaty outsme ana in sine toe Doily, wei a Dome lotiay. i.oo.
The Delta Drug Store
t j Are You Thinking 1
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you arc, do not oycrlook the mod
em accommodations at the .
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list iu a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
im in v.- .u . i .,y. the wound, anu rveisay win uu
jad was so warm that Undew . vacation, whether he
was hroughl oui uuo me nun .
the court house where . he could
have some comfort.
1 .'iil'ilu'fMW L unit's no to 1
, ime er. I'llCl' Hills
IMt in n - ' , , , . .
i lui.n-iln nf a kintis. inu
llini - - . ,
stmewood lengths. i po uuo
tl. country. Write. I"1'1' 1 '
call on me. Carl Skew. ( ak SU
helween First and Seeond. Hills
H,m. Oregon. Phone. City 51.).
Quite a nuinluTof Hiltshnroites
ill attend the Portland Press
... i .it iiiiimevi e. nun-
t IUO ilfliu, t'i .
.l .v Aiiinistl I m inn w 11
iii i ---- ... t .,..- lam
mill,, hv spefial train oui m u
Koso City. mornmg. ...
the return will w niiiw
in ening in uun- y
ro on the hleetrie.
Bogistered I'otswold lm-k,t 3
v.'irs ol.l. ami line in
I vidunl. for sale. Take h.m for
$ r Herman lMao. Karm.nR-
Ore. A.Mress HillsLo ro.
Ore., Kouu
Mi(hnl Sushauer. of Corne
,iu, ten.led the Keoplsh
Su-ring Saturday evening. Mr.
gauiiuii .... ,. tm,..t m-
Sus inner i mr'h - - ,
1 .1... .iHiiiiwt una win
torest in u.e iv"- .i,..,,
devote several acres iu ,-.v
r.irihe laetory next year
.. . i. ...:n im mi sale at my
day. . . A fine
V" f Kline-
man. IWswrv, -
i ti Willinma and W. u
. 1 " ' .'.f.1.1 ees asking
ut the Auffiisi inw
Cant A. Johnson, of near Lau
rel, was in town Monday.
w ants one or not
1). 11. Wheeler, the warehouse-
Aloha, was in town Fri
day. He brought up two of his
grandchildren, and was showing
them where the iee cream joints
nr.. Wilted 1). li. doesn't know-
it, but he makes a venerable-
looking grand-dad.
Orville Prickett. of Laurel,
The Oregon Elettric is experi
menting with a new train sched
ule, and a new train has lieon
placed on the Portland-Forest
Grove run. The time at present
is, from Hillsboro:
To rortlan.l From Portl iml
b:S m. 7;5o m.
7.20 h.m. 9 39-m in ti 47 ni.
10:50 a m. :oP "
p. m. s:Jip. ui.
. n 1 n m. 7:0" P- "I
6: p. tn. 7:8 P
S jo d. 111. 9 3 P m
10.06 p. m. 13:13 a.m.
Main mud Third, Jf Jftoftoro.
Ro90urTeLarg9t of any Bank In WaMlngtonOomnty
Vice-President Caahier
E. Ferrin, Aaa't Cashier
School District Ponds, for Dis
trict No. 107. Washington unin
ty, Oregon, in the sum of $.")T)00,
in denominations of !?r00 or
...... f-a enlil trt t nf
.... . . .1. i..M....vm.f 1 .1 .3 in 1 111 eiiiimv ne.Li. 1 nun 1
lieSt llltlt Or Oy Uie UIIUeiPIBllvu, I nw - -
sealed imis upon samt-iu 11.1"..- - - - --.7 , ....
odat thecounty treasurer s io - sun case wn.a "
fice at 21H) p. m.. sauiruay, uie iui'siiuiu-ium
111 "l .n.: .n... ..i.. ,... ie...L-a mm The ow ner will
AmrilSt .5. 1 ll Miiuuiii'ii m .. r. -- ., ...
Kid district, on the tax roll, please call at tdentify
i-, $113,005. it. and take same away.
K. P. Sappmgton, gam gtoy, now assistant
r. 'IVntiaiinir i ila I ...lon .P. I on.
VA111111..T 1 1 v.i... . . 1 nianager 01 nit lamiuhu l uu..
u;nlitn. Ore.. July 25. 1912. Lctiiio wns nn from San Fran-
cisco, the last of the week, and
Mrs. Fid. Poge. of Farmington, made a visit to llillsboro, for a
. . .."-..11..- in iim tv M0nd.1v. nnnrirnnefi with the local agent.
... .lohn Vanderwal. Mr. Stoy still
Rav liensoner made a business f n ar Kimonica.
trip to Timber, Monday " anj say9 he will hold it until he
luesday. ct.ts a big figure tor it.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant chri3 Uocke iandiord 0f the
Mann, of near Cornelius. July M, tol Uinstwro a few years ago.
1912, a son. writes from Lincoln, Nebraska,
.. ... 1 ... 11:11 nml ii ifn nf 1 1 l,,.t U.i lina ln.'iiii his hotel bllSl-
II lBylor Hill mi" 1 umv ,
.. . .1.1- ilia rilvL.,.,1 in f h.i oitv nf ltrvan. for a
MOlllUainOaie, WCIC hi mv 1 ni-aa 111 v."- v.... --'-'-,'
Moiulay. making the trip in HpL
.(... I IS IIWI f UIUII imv.j ..w...
, m r v tvtle and tioro. alxnit September 1. He is
Dr. Tamiesic. C. L. Ltle and . . Oregon after an
O.G. Wilkes returned batu day JVeU and it is
evening from an. auto trip to n. hn lnrate here
the Spirit Lake country.
UUflt llVV va, V J v
possible that he will locate here
, tl . , John M. wall nas oougnt. a
13. E. Lytic, of Portland pas3- . near prineville. at a
ed through the city wow town called Culver. The land
morning, enroute to liuainouiv. win raige wheat, and produces
Mr. Lytic returned in June trom fine peache8) an(i John is going
a European trip. up there about the first of Au-
The Ladies' Aid Societyof the "ft trip from The
nL.:ntinn f'.hnrcn wi 11 ir ve b ---- -
viiriBu - - .. . ri-.... a,, manh iw that tar on me
ice cream social lai ine r- '"rer 100 miles
toniwu .nteriort and WU g0
Uhrough the Antelope section
Tf ia u-nn derful to note the
progression of the moving picture
1 .1 . c,tn..tnrl trt
snow since vnc) mi swucu
Hmw the attention of the public.
Did you know that every year
millions of dollars are expended
films for the nuroose
r.f unforrnininn' the neoule of the
V'a, vii ti- 1 v .. f- i
world? Whole townsnips or cow-iinva-
mnnv workmen: Indians;
river steamers; steamships, etc.,
aro mwom i eil to make Dictures,
the world s best actors are gotten
feather- tmwdi.ins are called
. . . , 1 j.-ii?
upon, and in a tnousana amer-
ent wavsare people usea tomaKe
. . 1 II 1 .. A,.
up play tmsiness in oiuti w
get moving picture nims to snow
to the puunc. vvnen lut-ic ia a
Kiw show of anv kind, the mov-
.R..r.. ----- - ,
nintiiro ia thpre to cet lue
iiK K.v.n - -
n ms. and these are sent inimer
and von. where you pay your
nickle or ten cents to see it.
Tko ninflll-oa Villi SPfi in Hillsboro
i IIC CI"M1U J . -
an mwn in ji hundred ditterent
HIV 'v-. -
places, and so it goes. Ihey are
realistic but watch a series of
pictures closely, and you will
see tne same iare m wc fii-
pal actors. It's a great business .
and with a proper censorship, is
Alfred D. Schock, of Chicago,
was out the past week, visiting
his brother, and incidentally call
I Inir nn Vita n A P. II. r.iass-mate.
in v.. ..." ... -
Ed. Luce. Since he lett racinc
University a few years ago, Al
fred has been all over tne woria.
He. taught languages down in
Central America, and is now
..nth a nnhliuhina' house. He
say9 he is glad to see Washing
ton County torging to tne iroin
Argua and Journal, $2.25.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $500OO
Loans - $280,570.12 Capital
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Surplus
Other Bonds 57.160.00 Undivided Profits
Banking House 18,500.00 Circulation
('ash and due from Deposits
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
$529,312.50 $529,312.56
Roaorro 3 4 For Pent.
Thoa. G. Todd John E. D.iW I Fqu.
Wilber W. MeEldowney J. A. 1 nrnDurB
Hill You Be One
My customers are my best advertisements. Every
pair of glasses fitted by me sells others. Every
day some one says; "Mrs. So-and-So is so well
pleased with their glasses that I thought
I would come to you.
I want to add you to my list of satisfied customers. To
fit you is to fit your friends in tne tuture. i wiriew
all defects of the human eye that Glass will Remedy.
LAUREL M. HOYTitu r or."
no insurance.