The lnllLLSB)R Vol.. XIX lIII.KSIiOKO, OR I '.COX, JULY IK. 1012 NO. VJ iili .ll" lliKlltl' Hi.! lupWJ ,iiw ' i w 1 ,piai "C ir A H ,...l,l f Mll . ..H III ' III.. " . .1 al ' i,ull'""1 ii..,IW' n . IK ! I A llll l) ' M."'J .Kuli" ml. .i,ll 11 tii n ..irfb'11! ,li.l' ...wl1 iin I'1 " w i" ni ir ' JII'IH iiim" Jilli toil ...i n i" nit 0 ORGANIZE EARLY f OR ANNUAL FAIR 'IDEAS ON GAME LAWS I i.t mi. r I lloil ASKED 8Y COMMISSION fUllMI III 111 UII III Omilt.f ' 1 K-lbc and IN H,,io-n III nie.ini.e I"r uini" il 1 f,tir- a" ril.dnts and l all I'.i I ef fort di-plav "I W.i li tinit"ii t .Mint : 'I" " "ml ., Vtt.'. 1. 1! ! !. i'f i" s ....I nil .io.hi.l. A prominent l,UMn- i in iii. w ho l,:,H ,r '' ' t. tisn i. in t-imv ' I '" ' " ,v u( the itu.itimi. "We have hud '."in1' mn-i,l fin.- Cnf mi Mill I ". but .a, , tin' lU'l.l Hl"l '' product-. U Imt auv thine. I'l l" l "ii ..i.i.!..- .hilnt Wi" ' I" I" -'t I In- ttti..ll Minus letter s t i t 1 1 I . .1 ..v.iiu uj men seii'iui imi ns i.T.eih to Several Hllh.lmrn Inn I'lf II there IH unyttillll' do.Vli ncl.t rascally it is Hi,, part win. wiit.-H annofiMiums letter: tn pinple, attacking tlii'in in the lark, or k:iiiii,' Litter mm.) tin -itnl V tiiiiik'H iiUmt in'ii'iiUirs of the lei-inti-nts nf tli, si-reeds. If t lu re h it Ii II. iiii..1 tin. writing of aniionvmuus tilth proclaims ii ,.r..i.i.. ..t .. . i iu- n.-n'iui, hi p'h n u jiuin' I it's ii run Ii that i.imi in that Hunril Wihc Popular Ftprcniiim liom i . i : - .. i hi. a i I iMnnii rt-v'iou u iiianmiye mere all Conn mri! is ;i tune t-iiiiy several limes l,,ilt.,l lit. in lli. ln'iiii luu.l ..ii.l ll,,.. m.. i-i il vM is :.i..,l f,.'r 1 1... M he State Hoard of Fish ami in. 111 nr woman who writes vil-Miami Commissioners sends th i anions s.reeils uii.J send them Amis a letter for tm blieation. Matulr Will hr MtvUJ at Car- licut Opportunity Kill AND lilVi: Y(H It (ll'IMONS '" -I...1.1 m.'i n. in, in. ui m'is I' in r inr iuiiui iiiimi hmadca-t without su'tiiio; a i.ame f y((11 ur,. itlt, r-st4-l in fml M, iH eivi- the I S. UU- . , . . f , : dimities a chance to semi them tn Mi'Neil h lilaii'l foru luratH t(; Wull l III 'll'l' tl"H "I I'l llH. jfuvM-i, frui I aiil M-t'et al.les, R, we slt.iill.l "lure !f I if.'rt tn nuke the i.iiliini-' fair H"' " 1 m tlir stale. S e r.lmnl.1 nrraiu.'e gt nine, H.t tn vi'"''1 , :t" I iari l.iliini ih tin ir l- t :!..( t . A iIiim" im r t'1'' ''"int i "- tl.t w e are In h.r. a l..iin r trui1, tt'el kU ; I"'"''' Ii" ' i'.i' I' .I In lirmlmi' an evl.llutl'.n that ill t'lH'U t' ,,'r '''' Wtcitlet n-iliueil l it- . Ii.eii J'grt!l4l'"l. "i"l tt.H hIiihiM hrinv thOlihan ls t i Hi- f-iii. I t M !ir .iii i t-i were an ti'i'ii iiii that I (air lS l.exl ti lllli Ml.'e. Thiivtar will luv evirv Ihini? "'ir I ""'i1' USext that ' lia e m-"'- l'v' itix-k in tin' iil i'-' ti". hat th' lniMiies i Mn-ii .'ii' r miU lUnluil i.n.'ri. ami I v pt .nn-tly llkf the ..tlii l.iU of that l i t li'-rni' iho when eMi winner re rfUi.l their llii t k at nine," II... .,i-..;iiii.rii mil tt ill take , ii. --. lilac.' In fine tin' lirvt "f A it'' ' t ii us tn imvi' lilefil ol tune Inr work, ami the hel.ilt .1 will pri'liuhly Iw Ihu.e Hot iliti l lei IIH with the htate fair. I ami iraiiH" la. reail it, lor it ih self explanatory: I lu re are several things iinal.le Uii' State Hoard of t isli ami ,.f i.i, .'vi.w .ni,l ... nl Ik, In uiiil tianie ('iiriiiiiiHslnlH'rS havi I'isl h.m the imtriil uniimn mows uii'lertaken a thoruiii.'h revision 1 ... ...r.l. l.-tti-r writers ran Mwsilily sleep VMtll t el'.eH. I saw ohMkooiI. Nies up to 12 inches in ilianieter. lence rails, an. I hoanls nf all kimls. into itovi rt.i'l lengths. Sill eo into the country. S rite, phone or call mi me. t'arl Skow. Dak St., U-tweell l-IPt Uinl SeiOllil. Hills- Imr.i. t tiev'iill. riiolie, fit V Til'i. HIP Sl I. A in. J etLfht r.Milll hiMI',.' vs It ll halls, wi.le imii In i. h:ithrinn. ititry aii'l liasenient, Ker.v tl.inif clean ami new: l in t'.-x Ualimi. Will iueit small ca I payment ilown. I!.ilance hk niit if .lesire.l. dr. will toiliKu-:,!,!,. tenant. hr i t u u lars see nr aililii h.s l M. Ilei.l.-I, Hillsl-Uii, Ore. Plume. Mam 111. IS If II I M l.'INHl I Tin- funeral of the lale William Kiiiv-le tihik phui' Ifi'lay. al Fure.'-t (Iruve, interuii'iit I-iiiv in the 1'iiixtoii ii-iml.rv. Mr. KltU'le tlteil July '.I. al'ti'l' ":"'v nililths nf illn...l The I'oleSl (iruetiri. ilepartineiit atleinle.1 the .service;! ami burial in mn form. Mr. KiiimIi t ni' havui).' heeii a iMeinher of tin (M-Lfini iln.i, II, u :i4 IhiI'II III Indiana. Aiik'. -.. )s,;s- . 1,1 wtil.'.l Mrs. KnHi' l homain Kan a.S. in IS'.HI I he widow llll'l four i-hildreii Hitfviv ieor,:c. witli ttie W'iisliinv't'in tlreiroii ( urinratinii, IlillslMirn; and r.arl ranl and Mnv. of I'liiest (.rim KiiiL'li had cluiri'iMif Hie Hills Ikm-o water and liiOit 'l:nl ,,r"'' inn tnuiHciiiil ciwiieishiii of tin' uystem, ami was also in cliarire ff tlie Forest (Itovi' plant f"' two or Ihri'i' years. Mllki: I t) CONIUACIOKS Scaled propiwiilss will l' m't'ivi'i by tin' umlersinni'd up t' -'"'V 1912. ami then opened and tun tracts awarded for tin' runslriic tion of a school litiililintf in Oin ncl No. H7. Wiislniiv.l"" ( """( Oregon, Haiti Imildm tn have it coiierett' f.iumlatioii, to !'' I"1'11 )f first class material, ami he lirovided with a I'lrsl-clax '"'l(, . 'mi' and chiiiUH'.y. ( untriicini must, furnish material nf "I kimls, int'lmlmn; painting. :ii'' li'ave th,. httiltlitiK ft'iuly fnr oc cupancy. Plans mid specifications may he seen nt the home nf the tindersinnetl. or tit the nlliee nl county Hchtiul miperintemlent, Hillsl The riht is reserved to reject any or all hids. , , . Curl Her, Clerk. Tli.ihi.H n..,w,,. liine 'M I'JlJ iii.i.i, wi. ;iiiii in'"' . ' Uy order school district otmrti ot directors. . Ulrich Kemp, of llelvelia., was JOWn tn tlie eniiiiLv seal rno.i. with one of his Swiss cheese out puts. of the liresent HVStelll 01 tin iraine laws. The idea is to HreS- ent a cle for adoption at the next legislature, which will tfive niore eointilete lirotection to fish and iratiw. and correct iuineroiis emirs in tin! present system nt laws. The commission desires in making up this new irnit cKle In nresetit it til the leirislattire. Ail HillslMirn particularly that Kor this reason the nicmliers f iH.itiini which visited TortUm! the commission ask that resi- !a-t 1 hiirsdav w as proud of the dents in dilTerent parts of the shiiwuu.' made hy the llillslmni state, i'S(M'cially fanners, fruit hand. 1 he Uivs were there with vrniwers. as well as SKirtsmen. tin- UIU-.1C. and they v-avi' the send in any BUk'vrestions so that f... ... i. . I'll t he hest reoer the commission tnav act Umn I, in-,. eiiinL' When it came to them. Suiritcstions are also . la,-.i.-;il tmnicohl IlillsUiro was sought from the ,rrann;es. com- 1 1 .. .,1. tl,.. iiiil..d mill ntativ Imi-t-riril IsnlieS. rod lllld kCUtl I III II n II ll imi jihhi. ,! - i - -p t si.. t:itors thoui-'ht it was lite cluhs uml older orKamzauons. in nawil oaii'l Irom l.remeri'Ui. nnu (inter io uei a Kam? nnn- nunu- .r., l,..-,r.l i.t remark hie for dilferent Harti ot the HliUM - - tih well, those fellows nuifht state. . '. .. I... ti... I...1 nf the All communications and StiiT 1 "r'-" " . 1 ; . .. . . i, ... i. ... ...i. f ii....- ,i.. mit hunr inn 1 1',-si inns Kn i ne neni in .m nun ii. mi o" ) '... - - - , uliiv rutisic iill the tune, in sea- J. r. liune. cx-vn-iary in in. ' . . ll tl'l l'.' I. .... a i . I 'ittt miLlLMikll j..,, nn, mi n fceason. mien r sn nnu .uiue v .iiiiiu..-i".i, t..ii, . --- i .i .. .. ill II...I it 'in u Ii:iihI I S iii'iii i ireLroii tlll'V ITI' llll'l HUH. II, I r. fmin llillstown several were At present mere are a numner .. 1...1 ti,.. i.i, i eoiintv f niiestioim under discussion, near. i ii j uim ". j -, .... . s.tintiKt Ih- a hummer to up- that will Ik' of interest to sports- . ....i .....,..ii,.i iii in tereiti tiarut oi nn (yiri u in nkKi. km ......... - sioi.l r.-el(.iranlhinic from raf state, such as the question ot - - ... I, . nttiimi .1 . .:. ....i .I..... inr. luiiiniiiiH on nreouioi v uiiinii to OlH'rauc, (Vi'i i") "' V. V r . . f '. ... I Tim ( nnimission is in favor of a laxny ru'in. ' . , .r .. i . i ... .. ,i.. more nnio enuri i""- r sal. Ihree heas) mule , t , .,. i ... vmiKui '" " - - t.-aiiH. harness ami V.":'. tion Iuls U'en aifitated in certain ,ese mules wi-iuh uihiui ,iarU of the Btate to reduce the p r l'-m. """ " non-resident hunting and tisitinjt i.iMlcott.hti.m. Wi. Musi. row. ia.nso to n. 8!imt. price as the (iretu-o. Oregon, on l, license. Many sKirts- liliuv. ii'J men are also in favor of reduc- M-mv conversant with the his-the limits on deer and other ' 1 . .. . i .. ill I . it Inrv oi ractlic I niveiMij "" name. .....iieiiilier Jennie Norelli, the fa mous singer, who at one time roR iNQL'IKir.S h; churne of the chair or music. Hie diva has h.iuv c ,ar iiih, ..,.... .,ountv now ,,,,, s of r.urop- vv.lii n .)ml,K.lion jn the n.wt she s now making ", " '.' - , , u th I ust state of Oreiron, and the records IIII ii i - I'liiijuiiiiia tour. ii'mi in i . . i .. ,n .hip mit inn siaieiiieiu ii uii , ,k h,,e had n . r. J. W J ,lSH morl,a,e indebted- Alhanv. I,n,'t7' u! nesson farms than any other "''": W0fe l in nnmty in the Pacific Northwest. , walk '7 'ml, Vi iL, i L lmlairy pnulucts the county is fmmtv rnii.U hefore telcphont in ' r , , M.-rciiry went to '.Kl in Port land. Sunday afternoon, hut old HillsUiro wa content to rinvr up 'Jt. And even that was warm enough for von. Il.-tiuty Jaeolis. it IS reoited. Started to Jail with a fellow w ho had landed on the riht eve of a man from New U-r. Win n w ithin a !!ck of the luistile Jaeohs asked the prisoner w hy he had struck the Yamhi er. Well, said th- I--I- linerettt. "the darned fool asked me if it was hot enouh for me. and I just couldn't resist the temnlatioii to ham' him once. .la.ohs let ,'.( of him and said. "Scoot." And he scooted. (I.-t the old and reliable Wat- kins remedies the liest mail.'. If you once try our extracts you will always U our customer. .. M. 1-lKue. Forest l.rove. Team alw ays on the road. 1S-20 Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Syfert. of bis Angeles. Cal., arrived at Forest (Irove the first of the week, and will locate in Wash ington ('ountv. Mrs. Syfert is a MSter of J. II. Fletcher, of the (Irove. and the two had not met for IS years, when Mr. Fletcher left Iowa for the West. . She was a little V'irl. and w hen the broth- r departed, was sutlennjr from ;in attack of the measles, lhe .rother and sister were more than tileased to meet alter near ly a half century of separation. Smokers want the U-st there fore call for a Schiller or a t.rund Marca. when you want toseu the blue w reath curl. (ius Wehrunir. who has In-en at InKlewood, Cal.. the past year. where he is etura'ed in mauanmr !i ooultrv ranch, came un to see the Flks carnival ami convention in Portland, last week, and visit ed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II Wehrutik'. the first of the week. (Ius looks line, and says he is surprised at the way Hillsbnro is humptnvr to me front. He expects to remain liere alxiut SO days. C.reeti Hale and wife, of Kast Portland, are now in their Sum nt Alder Snrimrs. Oak Park, to remain throughout the warm season. Ihey have an i.l. !il enmtiimr nhice. w ith a dense shade on the banks of classic old ll-iirv nith the COO est Of Slirinif '..,. J k ...... - - water as a consoler on the days w hen mercury roes rampant to the top of the tulie. W mite. I Three dininir room nirls, at the National Restaurant. Th.. Amth Tualatin (Jravs lu'at ii... llillslmrii Cravs. Sutidav af- terntHin. bv the score of six to four St'lnilnuTU'li and Schui- h for the South Tualatins, and Van Kirk and Harrington were tin1 batteries, lhe pame was replete with interest, and the weather just warm enough to limber the players up to jjood working order. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Holeomb passed throuirh from ltethany, Monday, en route to Ocean Park, the Ti amook Peach, tor an MOUNTAIN WATER BY THE FIRST OF AUGUST 1 - 'Messrs. lioyakin and J. I.. Stan- nard. of Wash.-Ore., I'lcdije. BEKALL STORE i SCOkl.S AI.OMi ROtTF WAM SU'I'LV Tn-ncb Due tu Within a Mile uf Cuunty Scat. Saturday I la- Hurrah and Hooray! and Cornelius will have mountain water by the first of August un less some jrreat and unw arranted obstruction bowls over the pro phesies of Messrs. Boyakin. of the Washiru.'tori-Oretfori Corpora tion, and their consulting engi neer. J. L. Staunard. of Stannard &. Richardson. These gentlemen were in the county seat Saturday, con ferrin: with the local officials of the company. They had the trenches dun to Dairy Creek, a' mile west of town, by Saturday, and the crew is now working on this side. They expect to have the pi pi? layers follow up closely- after the ditchers, ami men in side of ten days from today, or the first of the month at the lat est, Calos Creek water, tapped in the mountains, will rush into Hillsboro's mains, as well as be ready for the city of Cornelius, as soon as their circulating sys tem is readv for acoua. . What is more than uratityinir there are scores of farmers be tween here and the Grove, and U'vond that point, who are clam oring for mountain water. Wells thev nllec-e. are very irood in their place, and some of them are irood all the time, nut tney do not wish to pass up pure tiiniintnin distilled dew. and they are willing to pay the price if they can have taps for house ana barn. mm . ' V l , T .' ' -V X', 7. A Beaun f S V 'A -iv. i I .K,i ); A'-' CoodHcalth Vou raiiMit I tutiful if j ou are unhealthy without good health jour i-vti lurk cirainrm. Eo niktttr how you t mulale Ihrm the skin tft out of roii' noniattei hew u paict it the hole txxly KtveaofJaa un ilrnsnt cxlur. no matter how yen. bathe it Ok.i1 health ia the abortrst rut to teal lieauty anil rven the h&melv woman Can t atttartive if she keej lier health in goti! ct.nmtion. t)ur Vegetable Compound i .Irsineil for that very purpoae. It keep the feminine txxly in a cotnli tion o( perfect health and help you to attain the highest kind of beauty beauty outside ami inside the body. Get a bottle today. $i .00. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. J j Are You Thinking Of opening a DanK Account ? the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod em accommodations at the American . National I: ALCTION SALl; 1 A X K I I .. ... t..L.. Iu.. 10 lilt" iii.'i- . . .inn llie I I 111 "r un,am c, ':,. wife of more onions and, more aioes . su anJ a I- I!)... l.iMIMt.XHI' . .. . o. .ti i.i.i nhvsician. than any outer . - "., Dr. i..ino.i.i.i...i. 1 1.1 1 ear she totireu won " the Willamette Valley. Cherries. carried a cotnplete camping out fit This is Mrs. llolconib s nrsi iHiint, timt trio vithoutmueh r....:i 11." . .. I'or cuiii.".!"'. ii 1.; - 1 ., . .. . . 1.1 hu. k. U . t in. uitl, ute.-im Wil Ne son. Heruiaii Uaiiiiec P. unci eretl ioisis.m.. ........ 1 uu1 COU III V n vrn. i' ,.,.,..-. . - - - . . .'. . .......b uinl tine ill- .. 1 timiu lAir the bine-1 nn. I I'lilT LoiiL' returned Sunday veai-s ol.l. nne m. v , . I no i.t u . . - - - ..... Til,:ln.ix)k .1 1 r ...... 1 . 1 ike 1 i"i 1 ..1 iiiniii n ru :i 1 11 1 1 111- i"v tkimi iiuiii lui 11 nn" - liM.luat. tm mi;. . , . I"i"' T .. :.b I . ,'....;i..,i.i; hill of far if. liel'lliail Ui'line. 1... ins lorctKll iiii"i. 1. 1 " j x - .m.i. 1 1 1 11..11. in. 1 n,..i.,i. Un ,.,i,; ,i ii.,i inr t he W 1 son Kiver Ore. Aihiress ii"'.- '-. lt migui oe wrn i ...... ...... - f ---, -- loute 2. 11 ..... ii... ,i.,v when tht 1111 The undersigned will sell at pub- tip nuetion. on the Jos Haines ni.ieno mile southwest of tieaver- ton. and a miles soumeasi oi leedville. SATURDAY. JULY 20 i mire. 7 years o1(., weieh l IS -. i 'nt' rnirp o vears. M'O. HIUU'I nwi ii. . hotse, 9 vears. 1 2SO, h"re, S yearn, K"1 1 Kt'litte .I-lvcr, 8 i, vearunn sin .'", i a nil with calf, three lit mil, ail tn freshen I Si'Dtemlwr I ami Jan l; I- 9 head shonis, 50 to llu.; 3 brood sows to Utter Sept. t; wnkoii, oo.l as new, spruiK wno.i, b-'jiiry. rrfaui sep't'r, 14 inch plow, U'tnch p'ow. One-hotse cultivator, .i;.. ii.rmii' numinu liiMchino. havrake. sets .Mil harness, a sets smRle b.irness; lo-vallon kettle, immetont amall firm tools and oilier articles Terms-10 and under, cash; . . t 1 1 . . . 1 . . . , over $10. Danname notes, nut- i.,n l 10t:t. eiirht nor cent, in terest. Two per. oil on easn no. P. .1. Tucker, uwner. H. W. Bulger. Clerk. line ,1 iiii.iii. ... ....j- -- - - I I ............ U.....1I fi-mtu I 11...... 1,1,1 v 11 ev 01 iiii'i.".... . .... ,. - ! i, ., .i,... 1110 i" i' ............ ...... .vuss.s,,,.,.. mUM .......oi all krow she anticioates a lino mi!li. i- .V,, :,,, and the fertility ot me sou leans - ; . 71 me the all Oregon. For running water , - V one day v ninny no " m ike acreage excets in vmi-koo. i.i,-,1 , 1 .t ii,.. Hit .. simrer. -....:i:;.,u hardship. Private desks lor writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private . booth. Privacy for your safety deposit . boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteously received. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main Mrf Third, HUHboro. lull Or. .1 .. :. ... n ,11 run 1 ti.-itiii-v was irouL uu nie.iiii, tiiere is nw ,.. ...v. ... ... t ... ...l,A 'in Mrivn til .linnet lllld SlllUlor. iilHl at V !1 1- UU' CllliniV "UL nn vmii ...... - " ' ; '. ,. . . - I.. the I'orMand. a city of a quarter of baldi it was crab diet straight. I l Ol I. lim. m'.j - -1 - . a million, within a day, and halt ii. ... . 1 1; , ....i-i a liimm'll IT! of I laity an.l.iue .--;" e-nn drive to the tin. and ,etsmore enjoy e , , ; & ,iUh sonare men 01 i .- ..... anmo evening. Hy than any n, .. , Miss Mary Hooves, teaching at I fiui'e . denarted Monday lor DcLatid. Florida, where she will through the Summer, re- l-LHCTKIC SCHl-DlLf; The Oregon Electric is experi menting with a new train sched ule, and a new train has been placed on the Portland-Forest Grove run. The time at present. is, from Hillsboro: To I'otlUnd 'r".'i rottli.nd 6:-,sa.t" 7:50 a. 111. 7 '2u . in. u:.W. S:j5a. 111. 11:47 a. 111. 10:50 ni. "-' v '" 1:45 p. s ' I '" 4 :oj w 111 1 '" Smokers want the best-there-.. . '1 iniMi Schiller or a Crand M-irca. whenyo.. wanttoseelhe hi,,,, wreath curl. .buy season w macadam. H0L1SI; ItURNS A CARD RcinLargmtt of amy Bank In WaMngtonCaunty J. A. THORN'BURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELIH"IW President Vice-President Caahier H. E. Fcrrin, Aaa't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18. 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 b:5 p. in. S:jo p. in. 10.06 p. tn. :jS p 111. 9.2.1 1 tn. 12:13 a. in. Loans $280,570.12 Capital U.S. Ponds (at par) 25.(XX).00 Surplus Other Ponds 57.160.00 Hanking House 18.500.00 Cash and due from ltanks and U. S. Treasurer Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00. 27.000.00 1,317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 148,082.44 oiir mi os. ano nexi i. - -. Z S covered with first of the week for jus .home in iNOrin IH'IHU IHIIfDonvujo I n warm snot in his heart lor ol ' . . .. i , uii. unit makes it an annual visit. He is still in the drug business, and making good. General blacksmithing, ltorse- oli.ii.inir !Old VVOOllWOrK. All . i... -il owed u vacuo"" miih .iis - . ' , t0 1 1 . , I iv owing to the guaranteed. At Grove- ,.v,,,. Monday, o k det-signed has so U the , A my tll0 United. -O. .W'il- . f, their ay. and were harmacy to Messrs L 1'. Mc- son- 19-32 s til iiim .hMe riVISleanti Warren Construction people tX th.r wh, have s ue payable .- 0 . f t. U . ,: ,,.,! the "Wim Kettle their disputes. i 1 pent. li'urnisheurnn.. . - innuue guddess Al so a uain Gent Store. A Killin, one of the pioneer A. 'V'"1 ' . .i.i,,,!,. . sec- (lf the liNH'nv.. - i ndBy. lion, was ... -'-.-ovcrlna m.... u m m . ftirw. , t" .... tin1.iivttia. 8U",""vnksao. Iherrtinns ""l'''.; ' , -, Wriiiwtton. he- ; ,. .... nimiwii. I morniiitr past, and soiiciunn coiiuoua..v - ,is sawyer at tne VUK J lVki 7... United, east w Hit. - Statio i. 0 c... iUa new firm. 1 am Ul ll"' ' . 1 . - Yniirsiruv. Page Gardner. I Hillsboro, Ore., June 12, 1912. i.iiu 11 1912. to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holz. ot beyond Oak Park, a datghter. FredGoetz. of above Bloom ing was in the city Saturday, and called on the Argua. liowerv dance at the City Park, Cniiinl-iv evei-iinu-. ,lulv 20. The iiiix.i ....j . .. best dance ol tlie season, ritte orchestra and out-door dancing. I II Wescott. the Gaston hardware dealer, was in the city Monday morning. Dance at Helvetia Hall, Satur , oi'unimr .1 il w Ti. ' Good Uilj viviuiihi " music and the best time of the 1 season. LJ-JJ E. L. Mapes. of near Laurel. was in town csauouav. mi. Mapes says he has a tine nop prospect. S. A. Holeomb. of Portland, formerly of the Bethany section, was an Argus caller, Monday afternoon. VV II. Morton, of the Green- Lift- Tuesday for a two- weeks visit with a son. up at the tine, of Mt. Hood, w here ne says he intends having a good time fishing and eating his own catch. Calvin Whitmore and brother, G. VV.. of Chehalem Mountain. where the products grow oig, the air is pure, and one can see all over Washington county, were in tht. city Saturday aiieruoo.i. Cal. Jack Jr., was the only member of the Hillsboro band who failed to tind a suit as me Elks parade in t'ortiana, iasi Ti.,.c,h.v The coat was too small, and the trousers were not large enough, sojacn wore noiti- ing of the unitorm out nic along with his ' cit cioines Jack asked the uremenuu "why they did not make their clothes man's size." $529,312.56 $529,312.56 nosorvo 34 Por Oont. DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. Bailor J W. F uqua Wilber W. McEldo-wney J. A. ThomburaJ Hill You Be One 3 My customers are my best advertisements,. Every pair of glasses fitted by me sells others. -Every day some one says; "Mrs. So-and-So is so well pleased with their glasses that I thought I would come to you." I want to add you to my list of satisfied customers. To f,t vou is to fit vour friends in the future. I correct all defects oi the human eye that Glass will Remedy, T ifTDPT f IOVrr -TTTTi- 1 1 'i