The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 27, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 10
VOL XI,oki:r.()N, junk 27. 1012
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nun" w
Ili-ii M in In-
Id.' "I'.uiliy" coon land which
a i h.-rc Saturday was one of
On- ln,t heard iti the city for
itianv months. 1 he colored i'en-
tU-ni.-ii were there with the nil.
and 1 1 i - y lil.'W rings uroutul
.". hs r loin iianii. u hii-li in
it..'lf. ;ii I.r.-ttv i'ikm! When
it . aim- to the "Vali of hn-aiiis"
th- had in all young again, and
w hen I hey ton- ulT a m itc of nn-
tmo' even tln'ulil, halt. lame and
lilm.l. itart.-d to trip a jig ami
only i,rii tiii'iiisfivi'K ijo'.vn hy ati
appeal to 1 tii 1 i in ral liecoruin.
It a a i miiih- land.
VitltiriK leant Made Itut lour
Hit oil the Voum.tcr
4llucd I he Hume Trim but a Meanly
Si Milt ia CIukc (iamc
yr Suimard. of the Wa hmei..n
hiitroi.'t ni.ti"" "lht tin' la 1 oi
the . K lr a art !. ll-
1 (ri I ..1. t I. rose II. at uili
fur MV month supply ll.oiu. lam
ti, r t" ",l,,,v M 'I I la
Ijilrlt'r.ilv supl'll will U-tapped
jt tl,.' olv Ininl 1 "I ir..i-1
Ut hi"' n"i ll r.aij h I ..rti. lmi.
k.r,um tl'al " tt;,,, r ,":l'l,l
iii,! tin " J"i' I'1' 'i-1"1
it 'ir t Sir. i t. '-a
Mr. Turner flatted a l u'
lat "ik tl.- Iif I '! !'
I 1 1 .. . 1 .1. 1 1, it it r.i t .ik
l it a l'1 i"!,!,'!'' ""
t, Ca!. iv. k al.T w in
thiri'f"i- ! running int MoK
Ujfo'.H maim tfre the -:
Lin .M-ar-i.
Work ill 'i-i"''l ""
Y tvri I'll"" li1"' an. I ri-v. !.. ic.
L..I tl,... will I..- roiiii. .!. I tin-'
('til U-wni'l iloul't. I h-1 i.i.lia. t
f.rKitt-r from I on 4'.i- will
i,l,ir. Hi a. I.' of M una. Mi . an. I
l .f car.rati"o n Mai I l
r,n-fci't lr t!i'u.ia.t rail"i.i
A foni- wa al t n . . from
m IlilNU'io fii.l lu. -.lay iii.'in
I a
I lav that roin-h, ihair. or tiar-
ir m I iiihiiKti'i'iil, ami it will !
v;.l a. tii'W. Mattri'sst' mailt'
llif TimCrt'SH Vu, of rortlawl.
w t rt ili fi-att'd hy the Cardinals
at Athletic
r; tarnav-.' trimmmi;; rariiets s"'"lay aft.-rm-m.
t t at... Ill 1.
lai i. I i. t.rv Jai k'i r, l .!ioisii r-
r. Main Stri'i-t. u.Hisit.' fourt
ho;i City or rountry. Work
i' laranii i'.l. l.-t
liuffiii' hant. of Kfi'ilville,
.va up to llie fitv :aturilay
I'ark, hy a lU'orc of four to two,
in a tlose ami excitinj? Kme,
fnim start to finish. The visit
ors ili'l not wore until in the
Dr. Iie' t'lassea are tleath
to headaches. Ask your neigh
W. A. flriilith. tf Portland.
formerly of laurel, was in tow n
Hon. Ira K. l'urdin and ('. V.
MiII.t of Kort-st (Irove. were in
the city Saturday, on leal busi
Mrs. C. W. Ilonham and tlauirh-
ter. Miss Myrtle, of Canyon City,
were quests of Mr. and .Mrs. M.
N. Ilonham the first of the week.
S. C. Sherrill has Ut-n award
fil the Watts school aliove Forest
(Irove. and will take charge at
the bcirinnihif of the Fall term.
Ilv siM i-ial reiiut st Dr. Ijwi
the siH'cialist will visit Hanks on
Wednesday. July 15 one day only
lU'inetuU r the date.
County Clerk liailey Has llouunt
OlJCommcrkial Properly
I A k' it-L iaim.iI of Hi'fdville.
ninth inniiiir. and ui) to this time and Win. Mohr. of Oak Hark,
it looked as though the Cardinals were in the county seat Satur-
would perfect a shut-out. Scott, dav imirniiitr.
ii i'..- i:.,..i i,... ut,,..L l; Mcivtiiirht. the hot) grower
u;iH CiMCl'leraiUV. ami 111!' !. v annual iiiiiii-i, ruum - - .1 t
I. .U.'t weather of the out lift.-en men and all wed but near dlenco... was in the county
. .. w..!.t N!itiir.l:iv II.' owns It U
if 0.
I hi.U will In' r.c. ni.l l'V
'llllhtV Cl.'ll of W .1 illHIvt.Hl
juiily. Urenii. up I" I- i i' k
.in ' l.ilv i'.. I'.tl2. and tla ii
Vitflirt "f the Ci'li; triu U.Mi i.l
Wnl l.ri.U'.- tl'J fill III l.'lu'U
r-....... . - -
ytlir U. I h place, in li -I
. . . i. .. i
Jr;a jv. I laui iinu - " ..
itli IIKlV he M'.-ll at the i l.TK s
hi' cout t reserves the riht to
eel anv or all bid
By order of the County Cu n t
I! U, Stevenson, Couilly Jildv'e.
llill.iU.r.1. Ore.. .Inn.' l'.M'J.
VIkv J. V. Campbell sn."ned the
mporury mjiiiictioii i.-sliainiiu'
KfitV miners td forest I. l"Ve
rm IrUim: any contrai t to the
Ijrf.'ii t'l.nsti ui lion Co. until
mutter of ilitenniuinv the
Walitv ..I' the iiriK-ecdini; hall
f I., . ii .l. l. i mm. il ill i ll'CUlt
I'lii' all'.'ited over
ilMI feet of nav ini' oil S colnl
lUlllle. The papers Wile re.
In -d til the olliee of the county
rk Fiiday inurninir. and the
f Will be heard at the liet
luf the circuit juh;e.
I .mt sav s that lie timls that
aphis has injured the outlook
iats coiisiderablv. and tin
I of the week has L'iven tht
p.-. I a new lease of life after the
li..t sun had m arly routed them.
Wh'-at. he says, is looking tine.
as far as the Fall sow n is conn-roe.
I. and he does imt think
th.-v have in nired this particular
i-r.ip hut the oaU have at least
..;!eie. a one sivth, or more, of
;i i..,s. it.- urn's ine aiius in
iats m nearly all lK-ahties in the
Oairvuieii. attention Seven
- .... ..... ....i
rej'istere.l ltMSlelll null calves
for sale, ranuiv in uvv from
three weeks to Seven tllolltllS.
I Live of them old enough to
lie.l.l Herd. rine sohk. iinu
Ian'.- for ai'i'.-C.isi. Ii. llavrley.
IliU.U'ro. Ore., or Oak Cove
Farm. Forest Crovc, Koute 'i
Hoys haveU'cn throw inn rocks
from the Southern Pacific rijrht
of way into the lie.s aloiitf the
railway, and farmers from
four hits. Hartels. the Cress
pitcher, struck out but four, but
was also stiniry. allow ing but six
The fame was one of the liest
of the season, and was enjoyed
liy a lair sizeii crowd.
Scott passed but one man,
while Hartels walked 'A. Wil
liams and Hrik'S were the only
players credited with sacntice
The line-up:
TtlU Clrl Co
t al.v lirf. 1 f
T lUrrd, f
M.-Krrn, I l ,
Mi tii.iMl.l. J Ii...
1 1 .IK llrk, t II . . . .
y IUerK. I t
WiIm.d, r f ....
n i loii to C.aston have U en tnak-
M..ij;ri, J Ii
1- irritun, c f
. , ... i .. 'IK. "
lliK' complaint Inal II Keeps many ou.k, l b...
el them developiinr their biceps Willuun. I I
throw mvr them back uain. This '"'. 1 '
throw inn of stones on farm lamls
t e .ii... i
IS lliol".' or less 01 II liuinaim-
th. re is likely t U' some com
..1.....1 I. h..for. the district
iiton.ev if it d.H'S not cease. DIST. 61 IK)HS IT KMIMT
Where can we play ten-pinnet?
I I... i':mie thllt IS all Hie Hofe.
Jl 4 6 J7 K 5
.1 P. .immerman. of District
I'.lllll' I I 111 L HO "t- - I -----
this new howlintfyame will soon No. '1. lieyond North Hlnins, rt
seat Saturday. He owns the
Farnham yard, and has a fin
Five-room bungalows on easy
n:iviiieii t ulan. in Pattison &
Moran addition. West llillslxiro.
See Spark man.
Ladies and gentlemen play
ten-pinnet. the new. respectable
and entrancing crame. Soon in
HillsUiro. Watch lor notice
later. lt-tf
Miss Laura Walker, of near
Heavet ton. passed throuuh town
l-Viilnv cveiiinir. after a visit
with her brother, A. A. Walker,
of Scotftfin Valley.
.1 C. Kuratli returned the last
nf the W.'t' k from a trio to the
Tillamook .section. He says it is
a irreat country, but old Wash
ington County suits him better.
John Powell, who has been
visiting his mother, Mrs. M. A.
Powell, started the last of the
week for Needles, Cal.. to airain
take his iosition in the train
Last week's rains delayed pav
inir work to a considerable ex
tent, and but little was accom
plished. Just as soon as the
I her settles the old contract
of last year will soon vanish into
"thin uir
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lonnwent
Bailey Cay SIMM fur 4ivPst feci
One Slory Building
County Clerk J. W. Hailey last
week closed a deal wherein he
takes over the brick one-story
building built by the Commercial
Hank, and where for several
years the bank conducted its
business. The property is 41) i
feet by 1HG, and is well-located
With the sale follows a half in
terest in the HillsUiro National
Hank's east wall. The two stores
are now occupied by K. L. Mc
Cormick's music store and Chas.
Parker's Palm confectionery.
Thi nric naid was ilO.lfX)-
the highest price as vet paid fori
llillsboro property, considering!
the size of the building
Clerk Hailey has great con
fidence in he future of the coun
ty seat, and liesides this purchase
ow ns a big interest in the Com
mercial Hotel uronertv. at the
corner of Second and Washing
ton, W . V. Wiley having the re
maining interest. He intends
adding another storv to the Main
Street building as soon as busi
ness justifies.
E. J. Lyons will build next
year, without question, to the
east of this block, and there is
some talk that D. B. Burk halter.
who owns the livery, will also
put up a brick next season.
With these old buildinirs sub
stituted with good structures the
future of that Dart of the city
will lie assured, lients are al
ready very high in the quarter.
Is now one of woman's strongest weapons.
The ileliriou fragrance ef a delicate perfume carries lmt ing memories of
womanhood that eten n.ake up for lick .f prettine.s nl other thiii;s.
but the tcrtume miet V V.00A.
Much of the chenp perfume nowadays is ma.'e from mineral prmlucts,
and not only I uses its strength, but decomposes into an obnoxious smell.
Our perfumes are carefully selected to get and retain your custom. You
o an thertfore t absolutely sure they are Rood. Come in and try them.
j The Delta Drug Store j
m v s m v mus t s:.x..m
i Are You Thinking
I Ij tin. lil.l'ani. ui.u
' il- v for f tt)iis repast, consisting of chick-
"iS I " n,l a '' wM". straw berry shortcake
, rs, here and at .i..ii....i... as well as
I 41 I HI IF I, I I I MV lit M "
T he election of school olllcers
The Pythian picnic at North
v nms satuniav. was auenaea
bv silKiut five hundred people, the
threatening weather in tne morn
ing, causing many to remain at
home. Past Gram! Chancellor
Marion F. Davis, of Union; Grand
Chancellor Frank Wrightman and
G. K. of li. & S.. Stinson. of Sa
lem, and W. G. Hare, of Hillsbo
ro, were the principal speakers,
and the addresses were thought
ful and full of fraternalism.
i u hi itimn i aii iti iH'i iinu .ini lii i iiiiuai v ; i r ii in mm. i i 1 1 i a
. . i - .
ii. ii.. i. ..h.. I u. .!... . i.n.....ii ui'muii i . i.ii..M w..,t...n niu'.k a iv
,. alley HI IllllSiaini. I KUl tlUll lV lll. ll num.... lo jUIIIl l, u.v... ........j,
.'.'...i.' .- ..w....i..nt A meet ini.r thev carried (Hit the full vj!4tiir.lav. to attend the funeral
, Y. i i. i f,. i .. ...... somethiiur instructions and remiests of the Lf Heni-v Phillipi. a brother of
l l tf State Superintendent. I he lad- Mrs, Umg.
I: .....I n.l uei'i.) n luinn-l .... I r..,a..
i- wil. who rounds the 7.1.1. Fa,""a""'-'
iiiuntv for the mi
. I... t ii ,i ...iiiilellSl
l oiest lirove, was down to tne
Wtv Saturday, ite says in. com- ..lotion of school olllcers V". "i , IV V p. ;i ... .V. ,i "i' .T Vha nninu nnvil
p:,n bus receive., i.ioM' oo . . . 1(, . A L r for di- 'Vr. ..' SiVr nn.l th elders had a irood
S aild Carl r . ..U flnn.! rsnninn
nu. . t l t.,...l r.., 1 L-r, I n.i nr,l wu-iuom,
1 lie liro-1 M. 11. ..le.i'i auu sun, vv, m.v
......i r.. .. .... montlw ehoo now iloinir coniraci woriv ai
l ......e-w.d nn.l found but Mohler. Ore., over on the Tilla
will pronaoi) oi.'im
lolnlilenil'iy i"
lie leaves a wife
ii- I." I., ..'111 mum nn
11. na I.. U..II... .... - " . ,
otlicein the llillslniro Commercial John Zimmerman presided over
i(,.; nlw.nt .lnlv 1. He thp nroirnim. After the speak
i p. i ... . .... m.".. - - -, t- - . ,
w ill h:ne miarters near the ot- ing the young folks enjoyed
p:,n has received more mi K a u ,tw, in A L i,,
turned ut more t this f h
Spring than for any ""JJf lUUn for clerk. Tli
the Plants started. !! " . months
Itiilitluc is Giving Great Sat i
fii'tion to the Peonle There
i. I,.,.. is now tm the
1 1 . -,i I...I.K. , mn ' -itiMtt.-.-.... , - ' . K..
wane, ami win pi. ... .-- ,,' , hi ile nimos t on. The legal vo- mtxik coasi. iney expeci w ut
ncioi e nn . . I i
Of opening a BanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not overlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
ODD 11 axk
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
btwth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courfeousy received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, Hlltobwo.
little opposition, me legal o- iuook o'.i.h. -'"-j .;"
ters instructed the Uiard to pro- there all Summer, doing grading Horse. 3 cows, calf, 25 chickens.
.' .. ..i...... . ...... I..... f,i. llu. r..r Tlll'mnmW lountv. mnwur liinrtur hnv rake. 2 walk-
cure ii iirsi-ciu. irdi .1. . .... .... -, ... .n.v . , - .
I saw cordwood. poles up to 12 t.suing year, and they expect to
diameter, tence runs, Vote at a 8hici;i
lllClies ill ui..'"'"" .. , . I'
.....I Iman s tf all into ror a special lax
stovevvood lengths. m g qmrwl
vviite. n none oi north
1 ne i t ti 1 1 1 . i ... .
----II ,,n me Curl Skovv. lualatin f th,
.i . i,.,.-,. (liei'on.
innei. nn.-' ; . . ...
i.....n lHt)ks ior me nomij,
nd they expect to . .... , . , . ing plows sulkey plow, tanning
..I sehool meet nir J-. l " ".Kt3. sl a . mill. U. S. cream separator. 2
to Idaho, t ie ast o ineweeK,
spec a tax to meet the re- J" ll' ' . Fn ,.,r ett car wagons, etc.
I exiiense. F. M. Wads- e Kin . u-nn t tnh A W-it Having sold the Josef Meitner
of The Cellars, chairman 1 i: . A;, farm. 1 mile east of Farmington.
of the hoard of directors, pre- - n 0in t nl in small tracts, we have no use
sented the achool with ten useful am1 ,s 1,11111 Ior a niounuun tuu" for this personal property, and
I i'... I try. 1 ...ill coll it nt nttrnclivp tiriCCS.
l. Christie and W. I'.. Hiass
fmiineiit teal estate men ol
fgary, Alta., have been in tin
i lor the past week; says Uu
at Falls. Mont.. Leader.
Uluarv iirobalilv has im't
"il streets than :iuv oilier the Canadian Nortiivvesl.'
Ivy saiil toilav "Its miles td
'ilitliic st reel's have been unite
,Mst for the town. I,arc.e con
'ts for this type of paving
l been let this year, showing
aiilislaction eiveii by tins
1,1 of naviiiLr. All our heavy
Biic streets ne now being
t('ii with bitulithic, al'ler hav-
tiled various other kinds.
I'ruil tirowcrs' Altentliui
M 1 I ....... ll 'll f III., I t 11. U
The craw iisiiermcii nuo- .y .jyj a Vote of thanks tor nis William Miiiin. oi ureeiiMue, Soe ranK isamicK on me
busy shipping some tine catches nK men of tnt anj Anlon Vaiulehey. of near pia0l.f i mile east of Farmmg
,to Portland and Taconia- lhey (... mu a jVcly baseball game Hanks, were in town Saturday, ton, on the Reaverton road.
.. ..( thai ll"1 tlt'lu'iicies are 8i.,UH)1 Knninds, c.. an.l called on the Argus otlice. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co.,
v. i nt very
large this year. yimil,1.,.mnn umnired the Mr. Vaiulehey will move to hoy 219-221 Board of Trade, Port-
J r il... ui'deiit lishermen are ...... n., i,est one-room this Fall, having acouired prop hand. Ore.
'. ..r ,r,.iiinir sonic of the
: 1 1 K IIIV .'I "-r. - . , .
Vainhill river species down into
h ! Tualatin and tributaries, as
1 . i ti.ev imiw larger
It is sum ui"- r . . - ,u
.that stream. TheA.ams hoy
the big shippers irom
. i. ; Two larne lots on
.. i "V i p track, near
f li c i c lit
MHUU . . . ..... 'I
... I ! iMlf IIW I H.
Cartlner. WW Kast Ash. Port-
mihI. Ore.
.... i.' M lh'ovvii. of liu'oma,
r.'.l 19
Voiir Ai'seioite of Lead of
Ulli nii.l villi .111
i ( ) I i . . 1 1 1 . i . r 1 1,, i lii.rhi.vii eradt
t'b'ul, which will not burn tin
pge. and can be used will
IH! in i 1 Siilnlinr hi ilu I ion
L '"I
Kan.. 1. 1.. i I ...j I ....I-
r ... . ui ii .'. .,. ia in. . ..
II'"!, Ore. HI-If
for sab. tit ! leo'iriiin lialinir
r't. in first class condition.
John M. Wall, llillsboro. II
Turner, of the Washing
r'll'i'i'iin I 'him w.i-'il inn went to
funs the tirst of the week
ll. horland. now one of tin
flt'm of the ('.leiieoi. section
UlC illti.i'i.ti ut.iu ......I' to l ilt
' Mimday morning. ,
'trrie.1: At. the M. K. Par
m llillsboro. .lime 15. PJl
K I1 111,., ..I ..I' V'nn. ..iiivel'
rh.. anil l.'.ic. siiiiinei'. of this in the count v. and the Urty there
building of the best mountain Fv(,eman Albright and J. E. Horwick. the Keedville
road in this section, the peopie , ht Miss uortrudo. ot merchant, was a city caller, tn
roaii in mis neciioo, ... ,r""e- daughter, miss iienruue, oi rnercn;
of that vicinity predict a htulu- Soulh Hom, vVash.. temporarily day.
ture for this portionot wasning- Portland, and Mrs. D. L. r Miiw. of the Arcade dis
I.. . .i. . i rif.. .,1... I x-" --
ion vuuiii-. iiousion. oi me nose viij. t-j-t ,. na n roiintv visitor tne
truests of Mrs. L. A. Long, bun- . . nf thll
I , I lUOti va v.-- "
.... Mrs. Mary Johnson Bird. of Auc'ust' Wedeking, of Scholls.
The undersigned has so d the North Tualatin Plains, was down . the city Monday.
rnarmacy w mtwi-. no ine inon-.-ei iii.xiii .ov
Loans - $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
I reasurer 148,082.44
Undivided Profits
-a -9 .-: .;
r Resources largt ot any Bank In Washington Oounty
President Vice-Presiilent Cashier
II. E. Ferriu, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18. 1912.
Capital and Surplus $500O0
visit with hi hmthcr. h. U
County years ago, , r. t ...
Wlr to Tacoma. where he has
,uilt up llll CXK'USlve I'"'"
ive-rooin bungalows on easy
XJl Xvro
Moran luuuuou, in -
See Sparkman. 1,""
. ,.r nf below Newton,
W!fs in the city Saturday morn-
.,, .....i ,,.u lieweil Oilt
S; ranch on the Tualatin hot-
Five-room bungalows on easy
, ..lull, in Pattison it
m .Edition. West llilteboro
o ... Cui-L-man. 10
L. Liiulsey and yv.te o
Tualatin, were in me cmr
.I.... ...m'l.inir.
day in". .
... , T... 1 ud hens for
1 harmtuy W unw'-. - , lO uip iiiuirti mreuim ia-
Pheeters and U. ayne, ami Mr9 . nn-d was oorn in i.anaaa m who. uiacKoernes ie uc.i.n,
all accounts due are payable to 17, nnd came to Oregon in and the young America is mak
.1. . .:. t.mni'ii.tnr. Thank m-m o.,.l in tmint of earlv date incr tmeket monev.
llie leiiniiK v, . 1.1.', r- -, - . "- r
.... .1.. f llilluhnro mill 1 : . .1. , .,l.l....t ..;..n.i..r in VVlKhini-I . . . .
ing me peofiic u. . ' " 1 is iiiv 1 ui. ... I V, " upen air
dance at the city
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Iloaorvo a 4 For Oont.
os. o. load jonn ui.i-7 j- . n
Wilber W. McEldownry J. A. Thornburg 1
vicinity for the patronage of the ton County. Mrs. Margaret 1 ow- ' Saturday evening. June 29.
past, and soliciting a continuance ell. pioneer ot is w, also auemteu ;j,jeketg 00. This will be as
for the new firm, I am the meeting of the pathfinders. ieasan't an atvair a3 that of last
Yours tru V. .. ... ;i,tnn.l tVmt wnu
llillslioro, Ure., June i-, ui- vriAnv. on bus - m- ..hin Snmuel Hr sh ne.
ness for the company.. He says who were wedded here last
that he is of the opinion that weekt departed Saturday tor
S1X carioaos m .. ... wi be no trouble aut home Jn Mor0i Sherman
'''r wit h n th ast Ke Retting an acceptable franchise Count The bride was former
country, v. h.n the gJ n Portland( and that work will ly Mrs. Agnes Campbell, who
weeks, efhpmentswent to lonR Qn e y home here f
Str Sand ?? SB "tS " - lto Y-mW" divi3ion- SevMth Hr-
11 UI ... -- i iT ., - . ui . t r-i i J r.,-i rtl . 4-net rvo nn
As a result of this casiern vie- iVr. Lowe, the wen Known
Kon demand there has been an
I if A. ! nM.iWVCl
Upill 1" pill-co.
Mrs. EdythTozier-Weatherred.
of Portland, was a guest at the
S A. 1). Meek nome, over Sun
day, accompanied by her brother,
. .r rr: thd vuM known
newspaper man, of Portland and
t.i Covtrin nnd nusociafps trave
SUr. LiOWC, UlC wen nn"., mu. ua.... - -- - .
'optician and optometrist, their friends a big crawfish eed
will be in Forest Grove Monday, down on k,.
uvn 1. j, -- - i
1 11 In it V I f AMt-Afin I N I I r-MI WttLCI
Julv 1. ana nuisuuru. temwu.
and at. liatiKS, ju.y HM inr t.h
fail to nave nun vest juui eje- cih.hj .
I an to nave tio.i Tho menu of the ancient
For tr asses. ure muu j-mn nuuo. - - ,
experience. Scores of Washing- Greeks pales to staleness by
rot? County references. Re- the side of the Washington Coun-
member the days and dates. ity crawnsiu
A poor timekeeper
watch, really worse
misleads you. I
well as the finest
watch trash. I
watches to be time
are safe iu buying
price you pay.
' .
is only Half a
than none, for it
sell low- priced, as
watches, but no
guarantee all my
keepers, and you
here, whatever the
'jeweler and optician
. '-va VL Vy Vll I - '
P-V, Kev. Weber otliciatmg.