The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 06, 1912, Image 1

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    tt rr
HILLS, okkcon, junk 1012
NO. 13
miibfii'H of tin Hanks
ln-r i'ixkI road 4 a fux'iut Km
: 1 mil IIMIt
II,.- u
Uirv. uii
lilty I1' 'N1- ,,u' Ct'itilt il uilt
sulhrcJ Stunt? ltiufv
AuaaJl " ,H' M' ,hf
"The annual game ImIui.ii the
ikhH i.f I' liiiUM and II." M:i
M,- Iritennl) t't"! at "
Athl.U'" IirW. Ihurhs nit.r
lumii. May : l.-.n.itimi t.i
in, I I tui wit 1 M"!iif riin.u"-.
(n,e im ii wt-tv ciw n :im in inn.
hut in-urly all the l"vs Ifl'l '"I
until tli' l-'t ' I'"' " iiiiuin'.
ultfii it is taff t fuy i
could I'i'" l"lt "I'1"0
lu lilt llitu il rmi' w ith li -l
... itln-r 4-ttult have hurt Hi.
an1 '
..ih.-i- It Wit!i yamr. ai
repute wdh 1'tlnt 1.1 .hi, At
least tfie Hiirual "! r..'i"it w a
lTf..rin.'l I'. J. S.-w.H. maiia
Kvr of tin- K. !' P. te.un, ha. iht
U'Hv split In hand.
lhi IVIimh t'it I'V a o.rv
of II t' a, an. I there .i. a i" H I
trnwd t wilnen Hi- i'iit. 1.
1 hi" Ma "!' I'a'l tt'l't'1) '""
hitcher Oav I'rr.nian an, I
th.-i.iff, lul the
I'jtluns fi.HiH-li'iA M'l'im 'I tu
tnul the slant ;. i, A n.l. i un
pitched for th.- I'vllit.uei ..r a
while, and hi vv'"nt
ami I'.uiwn reii.std the hiil.
tp. I'htlprt, wlm ML d up lui
sletne tllid HWote that hi the
heard of Pytha'otai U- '-.mid
pitch hint If Mwav lack hi the
dead iat un.l Pln-lpn .II I pilch
tome hull. M' w. nt at lhe Ma-wmu-
hatt.TH likt'T!i. l'i' II""
veil at Now Jrr-u-v aodichie.
and he dropped nil Ih t Hi he-
.-a.m.. of 11 uriii w hell In' hit! " il
thi' ohl l.agurcr. 1 1. I.. Miv,
tWO time.
I'vthian injured I'. .1, S.-.wll. rspht hai..l; ("has. Ni"n.
niraiiicl ktM-f; .lax. -'ii.
nkiiHU'.l flU.v; .("I'D l'."k-r.
lao'ratttl t'iiiiHi'ii"iii-.
M:iniit' injur.-.l Win. S.hul
iin-rit h, Mil liiii-'i r; I'lay 1
man, lrartnrf.1 I.m- nt lia i-i'
hfkifki'il ; K. L Mimv. wri'in'li
vi i..';l'liff.tiT Ahnaii'h r. hu t !'
inisplao-tl. anl Win. tiolh ih. ha.l
I'nuiirf ll.alor wax
hors ilu foiiilial, ami Ai t Sim
who uiiitiirt'il, wan worn out. ami
th.-n Ailaiiix 1hhhIh. thi- iaiin
ri'.inii-iiiLi Muni' tuliii' W hi'll till-
ishfil, Jliirf wire n' ta:ht-i.
howfvir, Hit tl "f Sin"la
kcIumiI f.'.'linu having nvail'l.
It wax a tfri-at traun'. ami tin
h!! Htaiti'.l t t'ltk (Mil Iwu
nm.'S for wl I H-t oration May.
Thf lini'-tiii:
knigliin u( l lin o
l'lil llimwit " ...
ti. Allll.'IMlU 'lcl"
i! th" Kaniat City school liousf,
to I'tow in tritt-rt-Ht
I , iiii' in .l.-iriu.
I tnt'tliiHH of "ihhI roail
l.iilhlini'. H thf ilirx!tf of tin
no ihIh t4. I h.-y also mtft to
i n .n-rat.' with thf county court
ai,.l 1 1 m r isors. in ftTortii ftir
hii-h .a miiprovciiH-iit. Much in
t. i ' t ha-t U-t-n t-n-atfil. hii.I crtnl
ita'.h- r. Hiil(4 have Im iti otitaiiii'.l
A liolahl.' result wan thi-recover.
hi;- ..I the hatcher district roail
I" . l.i, fiiliil of JliUi which h;nl
'..ttt I. lost in the nhiftinif from
IuihI to another, ami wtiich
as I..-. H i.ut in the fuml ak'ain. tilf urinr
I he A-,'n. iidvocnteH a mort- iren- Htrueture
lai n eof the mail jfralcr, roads county
n,.....h, in the center at the (;rove furnisM lhe l)ricki an(J
r..i. r tune, for u tter ilramaife, I , ., . , , ..
i . . ., III,., lums iniiirrv r,us lie.'ti lie hver-
Peter (inw.sen, of Phillis. was
in town the last of the wis-k.
(!hrist (Irarul. of West Union,
was a city isitor Satunlay.
Fred Narup. of near Panks.
raiser tif line Btrawbcrrii-s, was
in tow n Saturday.
Warren Williams, of aliove
Mountaimlalc, wan down to tin
city Saturday.
J. A. Purves. of South Tuala
tin, was transacting business in
town Saturday.
Fred Uood. the hopyrower of
In-low Newton, was in the city
last of the week.
Wm. Hidtft-ly. of Forest (Jrove,
mis iii I lie ritv Saturdav. and
court house. Forest called on the Arus.
J. K. It'-eves. the candidate
I oundattun I (luck Will Soon he
l hl nJ Wall Will be 7 I ret
Three Mci Baity Citttinc Bout Kw.k l ur
Nc Departure
West Washington County is
bermancntly in the
lt-ing added to the
I U. I.. Ik'.-.'
I, . I ... I . d . (.
, .... I in. lutfhu fiuiirrv riuu iutn n.i v..r. t..v ui,..i,n irnm nriu. 11 u.r.
'i in. ire eeiiern line ol llie tJ ............ . v, draif in tin' Winter time. i"f the atone for the aeyt-n feet in tow n Monday.
II-..,,-.. nt the Vnrth l'l:iin?
with the brick laid just ahove Pavilion. Saturday eveninir. June
the presfnt concrete line.
- - i
when the rams are on. It also of wall from the ifround to join
ia. .us timhtiiiy (iiiiilication oi
road suiht isors reimrts. to
i . .. i t i ..
nn.irt ii. -f. iiiiiiii- iia ihtii c. l .... - i ... ,
i..,i ... .). i.....v.. ,J lhe wall of rock will go clear
know where their money is git- "round the annex, and will lend
m i,'. Meetings are held on the a massive appearance to the ad
.-. i VV...I....u...u ... ..iiimr .f iM..., I ti. :.. :.. t .. .. . u . . .
... ...... union. imam ny lar vne ire
month, anil l-esi. es taking up lHtiwl nR.k to founj i this, or
cal mil all air lhe memUTS will I nv -..:.. ,.fft state.
. i . .i . i I -"J "v :
mk.ii laM' up ine projitmeu ronu
hills to U- oted on next Novem
ta-r, so that people may vote intel
!u'. ntlv on the measures
H. 'lot-lies orchestra, lickets
Fine lloor KveryUxJy
Th. Nissen, of Scholls. was in
flu. eitv Mum av morninir. He
renorts straw hemes a pretty
good crop dow n his w ay.
Five-room bungalows on easy
payment plan, in Pattison &
Moran addition. West llillstxiro.
SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS Put tin the Map by
Managers of llijf Attraction
Ten Thousand Wiiot Alleraitoa Per
(urmance l.m at Mghl
Hillslioro is on the map, and has
the distinction of being the small
est tow n on the coast enjoying a
visit of the big Sells-Floto circus.
Their manager came to this city j
several weeks ao. noted the
railway facilities, looked up a
few population statistics of the
county, and concluded that he
could get six thousand for a day
performance, and 2,')1) for a
night performance. He could
get no other date hut Sunday,
and he took the chance. His
aspirations for this number of
people were more than realized,
for the big tent3 handled, at
(Kith performance, practically
Vim people.
It was a fine show, and there
was a oarade nearly a mile in
and it works finely under the
chisel of the Htone-workers.
.laying Hiarw u.m weeK an. s.,arkman. W.6
I Mr lt lt hunt u-lui im l!iari' OI I
i m l.i- . m I I . !i I LI . , ... ..-. loiiiiriilnii-l! ih itflUV
li- inr. out mtle oi pianw.- mis pan. oi ne wora. says u l,r". "', iV . X h.n.rth with animal attractions
U.i! sell at. Kacnhce to those w. take l.ui a nine ume 10 .ay. pay me, t a m' : that were superb. The show at
wishing to tu up their yards- lamlractor rosier now nas ine . uorun aiu.t.o,., ..-,,. "" -" ,. .a. at the foot of Fir
i ,1... .I.. U-..1I i, ..,.ii .....I emwret trm.ind tW laid, a bove See Snarkman. W the grounds ai weiooi oi r ir
" ""J " v.. i st r.T wii-i as 1'ooa as anv ever
what we have house plants, the basement line.; It will last as j0)m 11. Humphreys of Hayes, biUe(1 inlo iortiand and in the
n. s, shn.hl.cry. lilies. Mtmies, long ai me pyramiua oi ckjpu Wash .. was over to jltllsboro, UftermKin wrformance they gave
hi.-.. hnv hearts, and other things It is the only reinforced cement i).H.orati..n I lav. returning Fri-Lu
nenma T.rtoT'jm that thpv cavf4
t... numerous to mention, tatt- ttoor of iU kind in this section .of Uay . illrtiand. Monday and Tues-
l.aj'e and tomato plants in meir ine siaie, anu i ornunu nun not.ii-
s-a-on. V.; also hav.. some fine ingon i for nntnand durauu- 'he "itv over Sunday. Their manager was very much
cemetery plains ami snruooerv. iiv. ur oivmiK ui-Fiwi . w th the Hi shorn nat
Mrs. Ai' t'uinpU'll. t Aimer un, i..n Lmw nnd told the Arsrus that
S. .enlh & Fir Streets. Phone nilliV AUCTION SAl.P. ' . i, U town Iwastinir 2.5U0 had never
t itv I t... i)-u . I'anceai .ti-ii. .?at- . . d
i I .,:iri,t 1m.w i i.'niioit ir-
I,'" :?hr undiped will Bell at his invited Z "
i i uMi t" in lih till uui n. a v- i - i . ,ia t vm ivnimrn via. t .1 i -w .
' . . . .. .... i .....;....i vrw 11 v-rrr.. ir me om m hi uuiie U?.ac. ,hp Hdinsr. tra ned animals.
"n " ' one miie in m fine time n the Ume. Lt"VPPl, Mvt7 5onallv cood. and
: o "A 'state Pt r i ,ri,7hfDrn The funeral of the late Chris- the six weeksold baby elephant
f the rural letter carries, was Ut io o'cU-k a. m . on P'n Uen was held Friday uas there, and the baby monkey.
t. !.....;..., f,tr 11 ,",,..V. foren.Kin. at the Uonelson Under- M welh
The advertised lorty ciowns
t in all their irlorv.
ir llln utoin rnwu. RlXteen tiead in . . Ln,imnii nun nnpa were driven
"i ... . : i i . v!ii u ni ne vena, was hi --- ......
. . . . t e i . m i iiiiw . r tri a. iiivi t-. vununh . . , . . A i rtvor A i pvrv h v i iii liic un
il iiv.i oi irt'averiuo. a.-, i - ,m, nv no savs u u --i-. --- -
;;;,.,. sclretary and treurer. , at r,n agea - 'aIr,ady tent a Rroup of fun-makers kept
v..t the annual meeting "'"" ' , . . . . r ..nmmnnwil harvest of clover hav. I UP an i1"-?"
. - 1,1. it 1 J tumil AilU' I VH . VVIIIO" in'
Decoration Pay. V..".- Ti. n. and that the crop is a fine one.
j The Delta Drug Store
enem. r.i.t " THIiltSllAY. JUNE ZU. . V
ihecountv ortfainzation. and r. . --- - a. uaKing ranors. inimnna
... i I' . t .i uw hun.i ri n irn.irra in .i i i".ii . i,...r.t..Hit
(lUeii was chosen president, i wcmj-oi -r in tne wi rniuws wmcn-o
ami A. M. Kennedy, vice.
r. commenceu narvesioi viuei na, , . ,
.. . . .. .. it it.... la-venr o as: a i-veur uuts. mc - -- -. - . . ., . . .. . i .-..rhni nmi m naniomime.
v I .t a U ...-..-.1 I TM icin-t. illlll LIIIT SUU UK
earlier this season than usual.
Wm. Schulmerich
tire force, and the suffragette
1. rvf mvl
Ispeecn, w oa one vi vuv f.vy
features of the chasers of mel-
Is now one of woman's strongest weapons.
The iltlicioue fragrance of delicte perfume came luting memories of
womanhood that even make op lor lack of prettineas and other thing,
but the perlume must be good.
Much of the cheap perfume nowaday i made from mineral product,
and not only low its strength, but decompose into an obnoxious smell.
Our perfume are carefully selected to get and retain your custom. Yoa
can therefore be absolutely sure they are goal. Com in and try them.
First on The Page
... ... .. ni t-..,neof the features, year oU. . Nearly ai are oreu
""' " : ;. -. , ....-u,! Ilnlatuin till I.
,h,. carriers to have their lanu- .w
nil mihii i.iiifri itii note- u i
iif! with them. . " v :,:,;; Knii fmm th.. w " , rrr..r - .ir-- rv"r,.r
i tereu iiotairiu uu.i, ....... ... .iin.iav i ir ins leciuie niu um i ancno v.
The World Kcepiresn io, is K wewe farm , at head of this in u,.itioh Columb'uu under the Notwithstanding there was
- r.. lhal . I - . I ----
now ready loconinui ui herd. o, of the aL'ricu tural Uu- nme criticism about the Sunday
ea-iou s supply ot peas. wans. Xerms of Sale-Two per cent, eau He will cover un entirely feature, many church people
. urn, uii'auoeiiier. """-"" oil tor casn; or one yeur uaur.a- r ,w,m than tnat oi
t raw liernes. etc. t all on ni. . auurve.l note, at 8 per cent.
Uulherford, field man. at the (J , 0,r trajn at (Jove Oa-hard r ,
Plant, lmh iV Washington, or 8tation if you come by train, and
at llillsboro, ard ne mjie north. on railway.
iun ii I'.ivkrr
t 'li. Nrliti , ,
l Smith
hrmrll llewlM...
1 Aiiili-i.oii ,
Call llm.l.l
, ..M..-.H- I rr. m ill
,-irril.ei A.rt-Ol-
,1. r
1 1 . N 31 "
( Si. i-H"l M ""
I Ii . I'. nl v i '"i
Win. S liiilm. i" I'
K.ll.i I' M' Ki'-t
Will lietl' d'
write ( o. at IlinsiKiro, aru r 0ne mile north, on railway
w ill call n y.m. Farm on S. 1 line.
Mr.andMrs.Thos.McParland. , w ...
f l'.uton. started East irr. r.i.V"fi'...".,..""U.a.r
i-ii siim.l.iv. via the l
ll.H-krr ti Aii.I. .ii 11-
UiiliU rtii'l U'l"
Wlllt ,ilV ttl.0 'hrirtfll'l rlotiK"
! tlm lie Cll belli (.U. I" a'"1 ',u 11 "'
l minr .ih lu t n w. ll as I,.. kU.'p.
Old Min iudil I'li'lp-, I"1'
aava lir was lu. ky rm.iiK'i ' '" h " !'
tliiilicr t.iiinikr n lliu. !. iil,s" "ii.l.
U .,,1 ll..u... I.. I l,r ail.ili.lltr nih il
ni llif itnv,
M.Knesiiv hi- didn't know l',"'' 1
l.m.l. d. l lir m inn! iii iiih!1 '
Isi.tltliils was "wli ll, . I" two Oioes I'V
liis ri Kiilar r ut. In t.
llmt Urn- S'r. tin- lit tt sii-ki-r ha
Mamma, is mnir rlima, lillii-.'-I
Kill S. hiitiliriicti, wl... .l.iv.d widi ll'
Masmia, ui.l his lnivi r l""i
hut, and t-vrn t thnt .i.k.'d ''"
.iM.i.' i.r i... .hi.tii.itiil 11
niita ill., iliu.t ulule UK In h
lliat It'iiiue tmir.
li..c. Smilll thro w-lilt Hi'
and a.
I'mir ni tlm Mtsi'iis K. ,,f "
and they nil tin- id'")' "f ,lr,u
and vlitiuv.
, ...a ii.. i h:,r llii-rr w i
.1... i. h iiimi'. I 'i. I' Hi.- I'ytlniiiiH jiil hli"t """
tyt an, I winded awitv t lit" 1""-
It's till tivrr until next y.Hi's 1 C""
tiou Hay,
Fruit Urowers' Attention
0. eii
ind Ommn Ulectrio. am
if il. u
l.i he atisel.l I or mreu
Mr. Mcl'arlandis lluxtor
smith, and in well know
North t ounty. Mr,
land's aged mother is no f health and tn i
, Il nd t.
see tier, as wen "
"auld iu'.uent.
Pairvmeii. attention
registered- llolstein bull
for sale, rangmir i" K
three weeks to seven I
Three of them old eno
ht,ai herd. Fine a too
htrge f"r nge.Ooo. H.
llillsboro. On, or Oal
Farm. Horfst CJrove, liM
i i stt.-innard. engin
Washin'gton-Ori'gon CortH
was in tnecity rrniay mi
. i ....t fur enrnera u
loiiKiim " t
Sain I'-nn-k country, pre!
o starting out a crew
- ii. . ..Mititit tr
survey tor im- k""'1'
system, lie Hiauii
Welch, manager ior inu v
t ion. was very anxious
things under way u. t
water supply.
ii:.., M.n. V.. WilCOX.
lllinn e....j - ,
ist iiiiinicuring and sham
" . 'I'l lira
I.. 1 I . 1 1 .1 1 w 111 1 H V I I V 1 llll,'
111 i nil.-""" ,
i-'riihiv. Leave orders N,
does to residences.
.1 U. Mi'Clarkin. of near Lau
....! u na in town V HUBy
last were there with their children.
and young and old enjoyed it.
W. E. Thomas, principal in .mere was uui o,-v--
m-cts to spend his vacation this e mini..
iinmrner over at. Iimr Heach. Side Play Causes Laughs
Wash nnd this Fall will take For a half hour before the
charire of the Forest Grove Lin- show commenced a young man
I.IMII I.uui. i vj "
u t nio ioianrnmcr vided much amusement for the
tinany. nuicKauiomo . e. . . . anmp wntuman. whether he
ine be- f . 'L was with a lady or alone, and ex-
ew ur- l '7: '" 'T' "I fmm plain that she had lost a piece 01
lemrers machine was brought out from tha ,rMCJft. nerhaos
life. trampr. uirougn win-, in listener would at once
has was made. wn tQ make R search for the
accom- E. W. Pant, of Keedville, w as host article while the interrogator
in town Saturday. Mr. Dant stantlv fan the search-
meanwhile the audience
CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000
The oldest and strongest
National Banh
in Washington County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any bank in
the County.
Give us your business and
we will make it your busi
ness as well as our busi
ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the
world over without identification. Safety deposit
boxes for rental, and a private room in
which to look over your papers.
. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
A. C SHUTE, rres. V. J ack, j k., vasuicr g
American National Bank I
Malm Nf FhW, Jfttfeftero.
f Rmompom Uwft olamy
I Ration
Get vour Arsenate of Lend o
ll, ii.i.h.rui.r.i.i.l Illlll Villi tll'l inn. i. .-ii.. ... .
sure of getting the highest gratlf
. . ... ll. . I l.o
Neutral, which will noi um n m
foliage, and can be used with
Lime and Sulphur solution.
Heasonable price. - P. Lets. lon
verton. Ore. 10 tt
Argus and Oregonian, $2.'
It. Schwanke and Hon, J. 15.,
were in from Centerville, rrniay.
Itiilhinl and son,
Lynn.'of Portland, town
-el W art in vv'" . , " n
.. . u un., hmk nur fine
myu ii ui i'"im"'rVi..r filt
t int WI1V. lion ma"- "-
oni es a tine yield. Clover
""" mi' I... wmdv for har-
5 and 1 prt indica-
tions Winter wn ai wio .
for luirvesi rmi.
n..i.i,.iUai. nmi son. Edwin
inn nuiMii"".' ,
and Ktl. lVnca last ween
vs i the Wilson, after trout.
,l!.l" " . tn 320 and
Their caicnes r--
!W5 respectively, anu me, .v
Uome tine ones.
j. F. Johnson, of Buxton, was
. : .l.. ...urntu seat Friday.
i own IO me tuj r
lie says that the outlook for a
r4 nnd
fc ." "7 . i . ...,.l ,. ;th
nomeui savs ne met anu conieiot-u n,i ,
r . i"".'- ... vi, - ...
kwni at the ate Christian Larsen, flion-1 WOnUi be convulsed with laugh-
. is in dav eveninir. May 27. after he, - Thi little comedy was
opera- Mr. Dant, had returned from a workec overtime and made the
in all trip on the Tillamook line. This on(!; wajt as a? a vaudeville.
in ami h nor the ease Mr. L,arsen orou- o,a wivoj heenme ratner
. i i ...p, ; , i r i i uuiiii. .. . . . , -
kssign- bably took his lite early Monday "sore" on the intruder, especial-
Niieeuic i ovomniT - ii.. vetun trie nrereniieo laov
., . v , v .....r,. i ii .i ...... r - -
re con- ... ... j 3 . : un i..,n,l.l nut her arm around ine
hime race! Sunday even- husband She caught nearly 100
I- ing. narrowly aped serious in- of Hdlsboro a best
iV i a. nirv. tier norse icn vv one n- r, u
ted J n 30 yards of the post, stunning immensely, and the man who
Vtfl he? 'for a minute. Another " art went to take he
' " name near tramD lllg ner. onus
id that "rv :. " ' ,-..iu thi.r she of satisfaction, all the way
was not badlv iniured. After a through
few minutes she was auie io
leave for the dressing room.
Aiuert A. Asoanr, in nit; vjnan i ,
. . , il - ti.. n Wu d.iB ro to thank those who SO
I of Airncu lure ai me rtnun-iuii --- -Hitrh
School was in the city kindly assisted us and tendered
High &Lnooi. was ut i j bereave-
unMgned wJn'receive sealed air .J th'e obsequies of the late
bids for the consirucuon oi yrr in'Sollth Tualatin, and Christian Larsen, and t re urn
four-roomed, iwo-siory oiy.e en:0VUljr a vacation until especial thanks tor tne ueauiuui
building, on Second Street, be- '"L X,' when class-work floral tributes.
f,ori Ma n and Washington, in m btpiemoti, w'leii u . Wjfe
Vice-Preaident Cashier
H. E. Ferrin, Aaa't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday. Aoril 18. 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Undivided Profits
Loans - $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 57.160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. a.
Treasurer 148,082.44
Roaorvo S -a Por Cent
Tk. Cl Tdd John E. DalUy
Wilber W. McEtaown.y J. A. Thornburaf
$529,312.56 I
. W. Twqu I
oraburg I
?e ships I
tween Main and wasmngion, n v-;; Hp pxnpct9 t0 re
Hillsboro. Uregon. .r; nMrton this Fall, and
opened June n. on wunuy. he . to see niu
Hillsboro. Ore., June 3, 1912.
Xin nVkik A. M.. at the Hills- t he snau. ne . o,.e3 - p. . nm gtone contrac
' " - . . ...ii., imrn reoresen leu tti tut. cuii.i. ' r: ' . .
boro National BanK. in nu.sooro, r'-d;-' He iikes Pendleton, tor for the court house, weni io
Oregon. . , .Jnnd savs the city is progressing t'omana monuay le.uuu.. u..
The right, 'with her public school business trip.
any and an oiu. r. Two stories of the new
specifications can be seen at said ita, building are now
Uankr. . i. J tt,.,41,.t-.-in il. nn,cnur.
DUUi ana i ciuhciuh .o
inc. what with improvement and
i.... .....i fnr Knmnei croo uromise. Asbahr
too much moonsnine, wil-.?"-:'. ;wpn wheat
and that was S LS aA9around
who earned over n aupp.y x... Vn V Umatilla.
the day beiore. "
Five-room huniralows on easy
nnvment nlan. in Pattison &
t . ' ..V.. ur. Ii:nl
Maron addition, wesi nuisooru.
See Snarkman. lo-b
Whether you are a father, mother, or
simply a friend or some prospective bride
it matters not, you will find it convenient
and satisfactory making your purchase
I can show you a very nice assortment
of solid and plated silver articles, very
appropriate gifts at moderate expense.
Gifts suitable for ushers or brides
maids are also to be found 'in new and
varied designs in scarf pins, brooches, etc.
Tho nnnilS of Miss Wilcox'
class will give a recital at the
Cong. Church. Saturday evening,
June 8, at 7:45.
n .
good crop W ai up uw
Decoration Day.