The- H.U.SWlRO, ORKCON, MAY 30. 1912 NO. 12 I .. Anrnm Tlllfl CH ftuutfio m F RANCH1SES . i a .-f ....... - ... WOk'k ON iKMIV SSII M M Monthly. AHcr J I i-h. of tin- Wa-diing ii' .i. "" .. iv;.i., ..,,!, ,! water ami nam hrniil f'T tl'O f.llUllitl onsen L.of tli- t. rn4 ..f theine.uires. U palr .ii. alter .inn.' i. r'n lIlOU'.UI.I gilll'"! fVCl'SS m Lf tli;nt lltTft'iI'M-f I'T lite street a ill burn until oiu in tl'' morning, macnii until iiu.lmv'iit. m at .r(-H,-t,t, r chary.'. w tl " I"" 1,1 I""-; flm i the ,W j limit and Uiih w HI msi tt,)n nothing fir installation. lather. I ran. ill '.' i t' money i.,iun to IIi1UIm, htrpUnc'e if tin fruiuhi mi ihat ll"' company !,t t start work on the rrauty iu-m It i" t nnat-I that it jpfil at least tliM.tum t.i .ut the Sam Creek hyslem and purit of mountain water li flawing i HiIMnm-o f.iu H inside 'f a few month. Ih? rir' re imb'ir-o- r nty '.''. for tl I'aiiy H-k Mat r rights, which w.n rinsl l.y tin' authorities while rmatli-r of adjustment of tin (nchi ! was under way. I. .1. I. tons, of Turi'k, Cul.. at ricl mi t h fit v r'ridav.and w ill remain several tnont M. looking :i ft fhi i I 1 1 - irii-h.s mtere t. I'L J. Mill ivn. the .l.n ksim place, at Ki-vm !l ht.itmit, beside his husi-in'-.s property mi Main St rift. niHHiif tl.f Tualatin. Ill has in, I yi t ii.i,t ! iilni w hi tlit r or not In- will tivt t a diick IdiH-k this ii-ar. hut uiil liuiM in-vt yrar, if imt this 'va-iiiii. Ilf Mill ri'lain hi- iii'ri'ai' aii'l Mut-yuril iluwn at TurliH-k. I. vims h:n not - u hi'ii- hini'i' IlillsUiro wrnt at im irmii.fiit in Mholr:il inaniH'r. ami hi' s;r, h thai thf altit'iii'i of tin' ohl vsiirp..! plank anil tin- ,VHrli! i' lit 1'immI li.'l'. i-1 MrtH'H inakf thr to .vii loik 1 1 k liimi n' -is. ' J. has Ix-ci hhak- mi! h.iiiiH ttf aM Jew uays. havinu' an ti-fit v n i uai 1 1 1 - iiiu'c in the iu!i!ily. t'lmaiiK out Hah- of plant.". Will Hi-ll at saii!ii'' to those rtithinw' to ti ii U"ir ylirils aii'l tln-y will io well to call ami fiff what v havi' Iiohm' plants, roses. hhriihUTV. lilies. iMOiiii-s. lil.-fltiH' tirarts. ami otluT thnik's iim inimrroim to inciition. ("ah- liav'" ami tomato plant- in thfir t HOW PENSION BILL. AFFECTS VAR VETERANS CoiiKrrkxional law l May CIi.iiiec in I'ayiiii'iit II KII.S HMD ON dbVUL Alt L SAL!. Tabulate County I.Ul TOVnl OF CHERRY GROVE has fi::e prospegis Aucut Lovctrcn Ha Mill Run- ninr-Will SUrt Another lr. linwe. Friday. i'hm. Utichi-n. of Itoute 1. was in the city Friday. Pan P.urkhalter. of FarmiriK ton. wan up to the city Monday. Contractor Ilaldwin was down from Forest (jrove Monday morn- i n i .!.. Ir K Pnrdin. of Forest OWNS BIG TIMBER TBACT IN HILLS (Irovf. was a city visitor Monday I REXALL STORE SptfJt SIM M! ia Baildiaf SUadird Qaafc Railway ".it-ion al;o hair noun lm riMii. t. rv n ants and bhru oU-rv. Mrs, Av'ik-s t'ainpU-ll, t'ornt'r n Vv.-nth hr Mrii Is. I lion cuv KkI. rctf (Irovi-r I'luml'.s is arraturintr to install un i l. i trie motor that w rinif tin- tin' alarm i!ni! hi-n ll.i'iv is si fm. ami it is cvtuH tr that h- will haw it rraly to om ratc wit hin a frw days, isln ii Himl nnt-inL'" ivill ria'. lh' total i-xpi-nir of thr apparatus will hraUiut iv hrrr purrhast t smi'Ii a tnachim' would nwt ii-r 'I!'!. Tin' P't'k' w ill W ar . . i . l ... raiik''. so that H can iwojirrau". from tin trh phonr central, as ii ..-! ..i t1.. ili'ii'irltiiriit. As soon us ii is rrauv i or a m " will l v'ivm a tryout. 1 alt kSKiltlS Ol' OH I MH1 S L,rll UN I (jllillllS Vl.'.l I'll .burn .Snmlay. an rM'ursion Vmi.t tlnir cars coiiihut oui Vim Portland. Ihr ikt:i.M'"M Villi.- installation of II K mi-' I t - ...... t'lilutiihus orv'aiiization in tin (. and the Masonic Hall wji." U for thr initiatory ScrvicrS Wt I 'union and tin ladu'S i I . : t . .1 I'..... Mr s i irranrro n oik- . tnmctit for thr visitors, and in viiiiiiL' u hit haii'iui'l was Jrved in thr llartrampf Hall, nl I. . ...... i . .i..: i lrnctl over hiiiU'H wrrr iam V. Ki-llthrr. district d.puty as toast master, ami his hih nit madr liim an ulrul mas of ct iriiioiiics. Mayor H. 1 An important chaiw in the (m'ii- snm laws waJ consummatei! hy the act of May U. VM1, and old soldiers are busy tjrttintf their U'arints under thr new allot ment. A K'xM many of them have not yet heard of thi'chatw. he measure was ayr"ed uHn by Kith houses utter numerous amendments, ami was adopted in the lower house by a vote of 72 to 57. It w ill entail an in- in th.!ension roh oi tnir- ty millions. The new pension act provides us follows: When a man has reached thr ue of sixty-two years, and has served ninety lays in the Civil War. hr shall receive Sl.J ls r month; monms. i:$.r0; one year. $11; one year !.ii,l n half sll.. HI: two years $!.; two years and u half, $15. 511; three years and over, $lo 'r month. When such erson has nached thr ut of tdxty-.six venrs nnd Kervi-d tnrietv days. Ixt month; six months. $15. JI- line veiir OI1C Unit OIO' half years, H;.50; tw o years. $17; two and a half years. $18; three veurs ami over, f 11). When such tu rmoil has reached the aue of . l cars, ami has serveu forenoon. Miss Kthi-I Donaldson, of Fort land, was the rueat of Miss Ona Ford, Sunday. John Koch, of south of Corne lius, was a county seat caller. Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. L Fwire. of Keaver-K Che c the new lum ton. wxs in the city rnday, and 'M tm r.n. called on the Arjfua A party of Hillsbjoroites, consist- lintr of A. C. Shute. W. Mahon. Geo. It Bajrley, C. Ilehse and the Artrus reporter, made a trip L ('. II.stTel and Frank Wei- M iitM ck. of Witch Hazel, were in town Saturday. ,t. 15. McNew. of Mow Keed- vir.r, was a city visitor, Satur day, enroute to Cornelius. ber town seven miles from Gas ton, Friday, and found something worth while. A mill cutting 00.- 0U0 per day was running full blast; a town of neat homes was found nestline in the valley and on the slopes surrounding; a big rock crusher was at work, oper t ft 4. lloiuiiiM, a.v r I'nrar at ri sird ana womson, atea Dy eiecincuy; a macuinc Portland, was in town baturday shop was taking care or repairs evening. and It is me Desi equippeu ma- i i Wr... nd f!. H KoonU chine shop in the county; a ioco- wJnt to Astoria..Monday. to at- hotr-an ,s i- tend a mating of the liquor men - n .... ft l . ut'it 1 1 L I v n in a..f ' llii biaii.. I f :i, Au,nul and nrwrfltpd l):m'i lit New Helvetia Hall, k i the avstem costing s;:i(nril:iv evenini. June 1. Fort-Itimi nm nnH withal there was land music. Admission l. A an a;r 0f Drosperity and a fine irood time guaranteed, and a outiook for the future about the are invited. 11-6 Inaurnitv. Mrs. L N. Gilnett and son There are fourteen or fifteen w . . ...: ..t unA Ifmo Knntmlnws nuilt. and many .Master vaair, oi nuuu -u 4i Ore., arrived Monday morninft ol tnern compare w.ui u.c ..- for an extended visit with Mrs. esi in nuiBuoroanu ru.cnkw.... .. t. mit Mr Th town has a gravity system tl I'll n liilicilia, Mil. ...... . - , . .. oi nr water nnd in a short time l" 44 . will have another. There is a Dr. Ira h. Karrett was home , , , trf H htintr plant the last of the week, visitinjf his I . ;-h house lights, mil Your; r! Doctor l kf iha vLaLf visit mi? his I a .F. i i:L4 BUMilut.L?lVi tr. nts. Hon. W. NJliarfU and ,7 "u." rl liahtaon r the U'l mnkp J , t .t .. Vm-- . . . i, and a half yenn. F-l.torrw ' " U ';ul or over. $25 jn-r month. When tales that this r. . u ,1..,..1i t... avi, I .1 . . 1 ...1 1 .,..1 lt therefore, to hear the U-ll innkP r"",? ii violent call win Mavor Itas-I. y Mates that this ,PllI1 i...u reached the age 11.. ..ll..H I feAIl ' . will com.' imme.iiai.'iy hi in ,..,..... He., v.mrs nn.lservei l.t.artment call. So one Miould I . ' . . ,, -i not run on the th.s.ry mere is u lire the first time thr motor gets busy. William fv'hiilmerich and will tell you that unless his prescrip tions are filled with the utmost fidelity with the purct and freshest drugs all his ability to cure you will be wasted. Your prescriptions should be brought to this store wheie we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's instruc tions. Ask your doctor he knows. While our prescription department ia tht best equipped In thi town, we 'io have a wetl selected stock of all the latest oecetsaiies in medical and sanitary appliances. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. First on The Page 1 t First On In RESOURCES 1 i ! rot ceiei V.'li'Y k'ave the Catholics a warm Mroine to the citv. his a.Mivss ioitinir much npplause. Toasts Vrc r.siidrd to as follows; The (li rtnan I'-rothers." .1. H. i-ckmun. Portland; '"Our Or 'r." ltoi'er II. Sinnott. of T he ailw; "Our Ladirs." Frederick mdein. I'ortlatld; "Thr Faith tHirl''nthers." W. F. O'llrini. storia ; "Ihr Kniglits of the Jaitwrnl." J.w. Keilly. I'ortland; Te Me Are. phi iter .nc- inn, of ( olumbia University; f'athulii" Citienship," tin' Ar jwri'lHirter; "The Last Word." Vlhir Mark W. happen. Mrs. (' C. IklMtrnr. of Me linnville. sunk' two vocal srlec- ms which caplurrd the mnii ice hv storm.- The addresses we tlioiiL'htfu . rni ete with Jintilhitit wit. and were a men- l feast to thr auditors. This hi the largest Catholic gather- Jilt ever assrmblrd here at plic function. Tliesiireiid was jll that the epicure could w ish. mi was the acme of the art Hil ary, lather happen and bis xswiati -a are to be congratulated IPQI1 the sneeeHM of thr dav. Tin' prter mrmliers of tbo K. of C. hnl J lli.,l,), Mil-l-ili-l 1', (CMi-iO". till ml I Ik. I. ti vu lk.Uiiiin Wll m lielMiimi. Aiiilii.nv liiielu r, Tlmiii'i Itotihrr .l.ilni iielitl t;cr, I' W l'"1 m .1.. .... ... ....i... tt. t,..W IV Y'n, It nmnli-a l.t-tli-r. I iruli Mn-ti l. I J Millrnl,,., K, r, ki-v.1 M.lilmi. C S C. iivrrritrtlrr. Mu-lim I .1 I'nwr, hull.. 1 1 1 1 ..I. i.. i... it U..HI. A l ii It ir ' it i.y, ii.i.u, , , ".i tifl, JmmiU S 'IiiiHiIit, IMliUp Srllttvi t'f. J II c. .. r f u..... L ....... A.thnr iPIMM-hm it Iwnttt t'l'Ki'f. I:"'"k tirl,.li.iir.i Mull.. C.Wl) W THANKS ninety days he shall receive oer inonth: six months. $22 5(1; one year. $21; one and a half i.M.isj '7: two vchis and over. ..lies in 'IO l nUn urovlili'S that. Lite tl llll. IUI II'IIHK l""- -. - . r..,. .i.,i u im..! her trio to I ,,,,,mwsionor nf nensions shall I'.ntish Columbia, w her" he w ill L,ake a separate report for each lecture on the dairy imlustry. county. state, territory or us- ....i .....i,.;.. t ti.. i i-i nf ilan'ies at I irii't ultnivini names ami engins itflll I'tl'I.IMI li .'. ; . . I li ' r. . I iirmers' institutes. .Mr. N'hul- (,f Kervice. rales ol payment, ami : i i nt. I,, i I.. Dominion , of nil lit'llSlotll'l S in II1C1 It II " i ov 'if nitnniit... - . lust sear and gave so much satis- tu. Cnited States. r . . ... It. ..I ,.. u-K iwkei 10 Ihunrl IS lll'SlLMK'll 10 am ill nuiioit 1 1 i.i l ; .; .! t .1 .-over a much larger territory surviving I'nion soldiers of the .i : ... ll.. ch j imit I lu-v 1 i "i II im.l Meviean wars, tit at) llltS sl'aM'll. II. rtii.i i... ...... i villi .! -, . are now importing a considerable Uge when they most need it, and . i ii...:. .luiru unwliiet I ......ii..j nl" whether unv dis- iicrccni. oi lin n o.inj i 1 1. Kio-o. .... . ltlt that within a few years they ability was incurred in the ser- .11 i . i i.i.i.t in imu r i iiiiiiLiii i I'li'i i I'liMuna itiiiawv ivii for their l'H-:tl consumption. The World Kccpfrcsh (. is ... A f ... Iwl now ready l con tract ioi im season's supply of peas. Is-ans. . . ...i i.iti corn, Loganiii'i i les, raspo. i i . straw berries, etc. t all on M. h. lutherford, liehl man. at tne in int . X- W as llllL'toil. oi I lllllll i '-l'l . . I 1 .. r.i t.t Hi is Hiro. anu m will call on you. to $;?() per month, iso peri who is receiving or shall rec a greater pension, under anj i.t her general or special law, .1 1... ....i,l,l lw untitlnl trt rt'. mail ov n.niiv. , - . ccive under the provisions of this Knights ot not te nensioners un- iiiii.sooro. Will I tirk nnd JOS. NicCAm. are up at Shepherd Springs, on the Cxilumbia, for a two weeks' vacation. The twys wnie mai they are nicely located and taking the hot-water baths daily. A iiostal inspector was out last ii iuik ami nrranired to Start Post al savings banks at Banks. Gas- ,,.,.i iVimelnw It isexDect- ed that one will soon be installed in the Ilillsboro post oltice. I. (V Coooer. at one time owner of the Chas. Stewart proiwrty tielow ths city park, .i;..,l lnct Summer at Turlock. vim . . Cal.. leaving his family the modest little estate of ahout $UK).U(K. .1. W. Vandervelden, former ot of Koy. now general -Me New World in--jat Seattle, VVnan w -, t tend the V.- Colum i ..1...II nltl lul 111 iTI Wll 1,1, l 7. 11l. 1111 11 171 W. Mlilll inn 'v I' "' - 1 . , ........ i L-.. ....Li n ft-n.irt mr c&sn. or iler mis ct. nn - mau .'..ihoimriMwr of s hovving tne .v terms nouse on nrsii thn nolo otck. 1 . i .i'.. ..... A..,.wl i iii....i.:u.bnM CMAta .nn I . . ..... rv nnl in the CltV. -". 1 anA AO TKIl lias ouiu '-nhe builds his -vl.l Raton. Fatton ficiallake thatv beauty. The new mir-, rmm i raio to 200.000 per c. and as Lovegren owns 400 million feet of timber, and is close ro t mAM than that amount which UIUI V w m I must come down the Tualatin and other streams tributary, u ifl can readily be seen that there is "some future" for cnerry urove. rharrv iimvc note . neai anu V,."-..J " . . . L . nour onri with mpnu mai was lie n a ia . verv attractive, is one of the - - i features that is not overiooKeu by the casual visitor. HILLSBORO LADY TO DRIVE AEROPLANE tl. tr..,iiiiii Dailu fnliimhian lllc BIituuc. vt'j ; had the following article relative tl 1 . . . tl..MtttiiA. Tknra. 10 a Ulgnt at utuuci, ""'" dav. bv Mrs. Becker. South Tua s. n Hasp na rents reside on nnch: flights were CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000 The oldest and strongest National BanK - in Washington County. The most Substantial in J i i t I I it,. Co. at and bo ilu,u,a;U, ,,KU(. by this act over and Washington Streets and last evening, two wtii . i I call on you. ln0 !U.t 0f i-Vbruary . 11H)7. we house on First and Fir, and two made wjtn WOmen pass' t o .iiiii,. l'linsdrll of uuote the figures under the lat- houses in Highland Park. Also miss Pederson flew again k f J: o H I slM,ro ter- C.2 years. $12; 70 years, 15; three vacant lota on Washington a lonRer lrip than that ou V TTl .3 5 5 yoari or over. a. These Street-See IL H. Greer, Hills- njght before and Mrs. R. BecL Hi the remains ol tin . i.iu on i j ,,:,,.. . nvs ser- 8-12 ..,? olon heeome a Dlafcv lit .oiiisian with the remains oi toe ...u- - r . , .resstnan "gue a e .. ..... . war, or sixty ago. has nee,, u.nP v,ith Mexico. States Senator by w u-giM.o ,. v ;. of hisstate. Mr. lia-ns,..;.. ma. t - - - . f I...- ,.f li iemlS ili r III liui l"iiuiM"h ' visit, here, and they are pleased service, . i r i o n. .u' honors. i UM""""" c ACCiTONSAl.lI Dairymen, iiin'imo. ....... , . i ii a. i..;.. hull en vrs l-iilrISU'l CO lioinn iii I ... ... ll ... f ,r mle ranging in age from The undersigned will sell at ,ve weeKS to " " "r """" : " u ..., r North .... x n .... . ii , i mi ii i tr ii iii i lino m 1 1' iiiii uitttob vi t ... Ihi'ee oi uie. ...... - . ........ - . in -ti herd, cue pum. i tiioin, man in in. i.a. iiti..r it ace. at ten a. m nri'i" lor age. vieu. tv. ...." j. uuhu i h . ....I. f...i'.ii ... HilM'oro. in , o, r v 04..,,,n,v ,,1NK1 I.- ..iri'Sl tifOVe. Home i. o .... . - it i in, . - Ve hereby tender thanks to our fn,'t)ils and neighbors who so f'ntlty tendered aid and symim tny timing our bereavement, the Path and o hsonnioHof our sister, fholute Mrs. Klla O'Connor, and return especial thanks for tbo fwutilul lloral tributes. .1. C. Hare, Mrs. Grant Mann, Mrs. Henrietta Morgan, , W. G. Hare. HilWioro, Ore., May 27, 1912. P t ll .. r t.t. iti n I , IMOWn, Ol UllUIt-l, wua Ihto. t)re. 8-12 wh0 w,n also become a plats John Powell, with the SanteFe driver, made the second woman train lceoutof Needles. Cal. Vancouver from inr t no nasi year or twu, inocu uk ., Kify Monday, to visit his Un. Bker is a former Van- mother, Mrs. M. A. Fowe I. ne couver u av '" .7 " ovnret to either remain in ure-iunu iuw iav... - - expttis to timer ""'".... . a. ... n.,mivpi.ftf friends here Ktmthw&ummer.orgonurH. r.Ved to see her the lirttisn line.. "I' Kir Curtis The Southern Pacific Railway XJmtta nftor her triD-to the . " ... Ul.wl all 1 Ul'!"" -. . r ... . . is getting maienai usacuiui - cjoud9 gne 3 an air eninusiasi along the line for the proposed , greatest ambition now electric construe uuu. jg able W run ner Dipiane there have been several carloads which 8ne intends to get soon, ilroosited at Forest Grove, and mka )oa :m(, that Christoffer- TUUDAY, JUNK 1 the rails and material for the flew he made an attempt at ... ,,. 1 . 1 ) I 1 1 1 1 : ! 1 1 Lv.x slant Ml r11TAil I OVIB . tt . . 1 H- . ...i.-u oray goimng. i""1"1"'' innsw i altitude ana new tuny - The spleniliil cup am mtiuis ..ui-31 inch farm wagon, jn a short time. nih as anv one has ever flown 1 ii... 1 1 . 1 1 1 M 1 14 urn 1 - , , 1 1 . , ."----- - . a . Willi l V 1,1 1 1 . (;riHm:ir schools at the recent .rcst Grove county . track meet invt. hreii on exhibition in the Hos t Store windows, forsevera ilavs. Thero are .seven.. alll silver nHlals, ana u e "- nei's are very prouu 01 mvn nings. 1. . i.'....i,.,i. n non of Mr. and JUS. i. '... , ..... ,, 1' 1: line her. wno mi ii- hlu.k at Urbana, fin'oializing. ar- ..l..u l.omr 11 iltlllO, IO iei .1.... - M- Koeber 13 a n,a.-r,o.a,n.n! this fall lane '". University ol l aiuonua. n:.. K. Wilcox, special ist manicuring and shampooing. every ; T ursday and Friday, i-oiwe o,....- " .-7 Goes to residences. u- Jack Hoover, of .Kast Fonutm . uiiq in the city mis ivix-n, ....v mg with friends, and looking af tor his business attairs. nf Cor ...v.. .-. .' . . . IIIRH j - - . ... nearly new. set single nainessi, j Bearse. of Ferndale, here before. Starting irom m set double harness; 3 cow s all m wh above BeuinKham. is here ground he apparently rose almost milk, one fresh, with calf two for a short visit Years ago Mr. perpendicularly until he was over months old; 2 heifers, one nearly R conducted the Glencoe a thousand feet high when he ,.., ihr other months; ; k.. Um anvnn .tanru1 toward ML Hood, con- itvt ji in .'i 1 creiimerj. ouu ii. n . 1 dw. v. -- . . i... i, ,.Lnna now rrramr1 '". l. 1... u;iio.k: ha wast several z nogs, 101 VII.V..V..-, --- years since ne iai iohm - uhuiur .... .- -- - - ...,t,ir uliuv. harrow, barrel r ... u mnrh aur- miiaa awav and aDneared to be a UIIV4 uncivil churn, incubator hay cutter, . OOIO. I1C - imiw."j . 7, 1 1 1 . ...l. noa an milin BIllV. I mora anoplr in the SKV ..... . - onseu to min I uiv .v. ujvv.. ... . ....... 1 tnnil house- . .1. ! .1 ll T :- k. noma 01111111 v...'i'i in..,ritioi irrviwrn in liik uiu iaiuiiu u"i t . ,V; nnd numerous other - ll.lll. w.".;. . pital and Surplus $5O0O0 i toon R7fi 1 9 U.v (at par) 25.ouu.uu Othv 57,160.00 BankWHouse 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 Canital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27,000.00 1,317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 $529,312.56 Zloaorvo a Tor Oexat. DIRECTOR The. G. Todd John E. J. W. Tuqu. Wilber W. McEldowney J. A- 1 "ranurl . articles. Terms Lunch at noon. of Sale-Under seat Tnimino h came DQCK and flew over the grounds and the . I . kaicrht and shut. The first consignment of Boos - w " r u;r.T!''L." i,, An,n fmm Forest nng uu ins i.i ".t j-j cash; over, one year, nanaa "Vihe last of the week and a quarwr 01 a r , $10.! u mil. ennt. interest. note, wr',r v.....w 1 ni imvvi;iiui. uwiivu Ilillslmi-o. Or., Route ,1. Box 36. il.' A niivtviViiti Henry lvtiraiu, nmumnii. LAKH LYTLE Grove the last of the week and m- - - "he finaU stone cutters started dressing www am dafterafew the cubes Monday morning lorr-" - - the seven feet and halt 01 stone- work for the annex at the court Mtlnn house. The stone will give me rrui w- - B a.l L..iiJiiM4 a nma BTia.i base 01 me uui.u ...... nearance. H. Bigham, xormeny uet your Areenaw ui " .! , . a . . .1.. imoil and vnu are pearance. 11. uiki"i . m ....- - If vou are contemplating thepur- Lell known here L , r.r n bf.-ich lot. it wi on ident ot Moniavina, una vuw uurrui gtiiiuij wr,, B . u iu t advanSge t! investigate of the work of putting in the Neutral, which Willi not burn .the to yoiirauvani. i in th. eourt house annex. f0 age. and can be used with I i. 1 A sma deposit will hold a good selection for 30 days, until you can Personally inspect the property. uoou ,uc"1'" ' ir going fast. Address Chas. h. Lytle, Ilillsboro. Ore. 12 ot tne worn m hhwb .- i.w stone in the court ;house annex, foliage, and can be used with iff hi! completed' t number of Lime and Sulphur solution. ;.a thin kind, and has Reasonable pnce.-B. Leis. Bea- the reputation of being one of yerton.'Dre. 10-tf ;1lSIStd I ArguawdJound.$2.25. n 1 t Laurel M. Iloyt tmm laia. TTT7T T M M If U V Etches iatiso on the great rait-"B- roaib c.f tli:3 cottntry than all rtlior nakca wcibincJ. Why? Because tha Waltham Watch can be relied upon to keep accurate time under the must trying conditions. ''It't Time You Owned a Waltuun" WatamafuUstocklnallmde. ' n Xulk with iu aUmt a V Jtkuu. und called on we a'k" visitor Monday.