1 The R11LLSB6R VOL MX HII.LSI'.ORO.ORKCON, MAY 23, 1912 NO. 11 I I ftt ALLEN, CRAZY DEPOKIEU IU tUAHU i. rmrH lM S4,",4,, llir I, I Vl.tl, 'A I,.. ". it : .1 tiiur lt , it, I'm ;i i t ton. h;i t lor itimn'i-. .Mt 1,1 l;u, . Park. I,. I I .r I , i . I, '...I on .i, ai I i'ti!i) t! they 'At I I'd t. ,.r I.,, L.i.stiHIt Mill kMiUMIIM !.'." . U.''." pMM rurtlat. l. i;i. t ( ami i t:n t an. I tin v tt i t.r IU.!.- . v,.,j t h. V Wk., ad ia U itiu J J rank Allen, one ' t,a.lnr. will ducalcd, IUr an. I a man of dream 'iiat'c Si I, a l n tl t.rtJ (roto ! jl,, ar!uti at Salem, mitt laki ii l tt.- Mttlm authorities, Allen ; k. ir..iH rtv ii Malm, and he I tli. n fr taken l.t tl.at (at. fur r' Allen taught Hchmd in the ,.. ..tiili lintri t. timr I'.. th iny. a ''ri4 "'"I wie l,n ' that section i.f the Inmi here I"' wii Nuti,,- 1 I. III. I ..! ,,,, pair '-'.'i. nr IIIIIW ! 1 .I" that It it" nai'i- a '-ar nr so; 'I I.U-K'-h 4. J: t to j -i!ti.i.' h!'.. llietvj U'l'V. but Vial j k to tl.e eity to tlii' m In' is vmmI to-1 they riturta-.l to mid at.'l : Ha A llIT t'lrn to a tiij'lit lor 1 i aliMinnv, 0. B. WINTERS KILLED ; Man Surtitrtl Hint- l);i Alter ' IWinsj kicked in Throat 1 imw ws ikv HMti.v I'.KokiN rli-rif Were Urn ken S I hat I'll) -'n.un Cuuftl Nut Save lite I'lin s lor anoin k at j'lillu-'s re a loiio'A l,ai h I r .'in any i 1". i M l- o 'ti.'f. !.. , . t i;a,'or- liotir. paired. I'm i ll J 1 to VMM .-.t ins.' inai dun s niai liHif ', N. . t . tin hhojt. Main I Si if. t v I'. I ri i ilia br' In l lalio, lil Uifli !!K.. .I I M-U- M ars ai'o. . . .. .. I '.i.i.l ill I'., mill- (trr Naklllia. H ill ll ii i" ' ' , liiiiL-lit m ar u ia ;uit IM, II. Wintcn. r. siilin' ( tin "Mountaiii l'.m k" plan-, s.-veral tinli i ' mil L a i-,t nf ( ',,1 lll-llll mi .tin "HI mil - , , , , . nay at tiTrimni, ainl inuvMUislaii'1 iiitr live .liyf.iriaiis were ralli'd tlif injurt-il man -x pi rl Fri'lay aflcniixiti, aUmt thru o'clix-k. nh. rf la' J'll.il U" k. Ill oiinmilt. il to tK" M-ivliim lriii I'malitla. I.t ifi- unlink? t" S.!"-m f u ! r.fur him. All. ll !HKlCif tl . :t- H IlillhU'rii with a ln-ry rur. nt tmit ui a iilmtfibli' kI.h v t .!. M li,.rrv, ln U-ll IhlliiU.ru uith the lunatic IHi'l flit l l'"rt Ign.l. Alli-ii trllmif M I--it thai If wihiI.I u with Imii t" Silcm ami tf' l J'' I ryt ur. 1'.. r ry'n t.iT'l.cvv, tuit of lh ctatr hw'it.il Alien riiri Hi i,til th s! liewaH an ulii-iiist v ith mlln? nn It the asylum. !inl hilI that In hul U i n then v ith a 'a!i. nt. Hid ha. I tiotucl that the i.epl"' wa.1 mentally ull tik'ht. Tarry cut uiiMih'ctiii''Iv, nin Uit AlUn at tin jHtVrwm Mr.et ditmt rhniuclt K. II. ImmiiIi, Alien wan turnitl mer t.i lie UlthnrilieH, whiU' Iterry wt'lil n toSiilem in ii'tiortuicc nf Uie fact that Allen iiH jm I'srntu'. I in--o .re to have met in Salem the next ilav, Allen vs til never Ih curel of hit mental mahnly. ainl will dotlhtleHH ellil hill tlitVt t the Uaho asylum. I ruit ir(mrr' AHentmii Get your Arsenate f l.ea.l f the mnleritfne. an. I ym are nurenf Kettintr tl hik'hesl j,'ra.le Neutral, which will not hurn the filiac, uml can U' ineil with l.ime an. I Sulphur wilutimi. lU'UHiii.alili' t ic(. I!, l '1. I'ea virion. (Ire 1" ihvt ovi:i.M)K ii ihnnraihs, an. I washing ir to Uolan'w ami Fourth 11 well know n t.ovv i.f North i comity witti t l.n-e a m tales, han.ihnj.' a cinii- ru l.t fur a ' l.ift. r." I ree- man I St IliilsUro 1.'! years atru. ami -.a that he hanlly knew the ..' I tow ii hi ti I arriyeil the t.r t ol the w. i k. His father li.rm. i'h he. i:. ar JI. ih.m-, ainl wa- wi-il kiin a n In tin- early pin in .r , ("u. nic .mt a!e nf plant'. Will si-l! at sacrilice to those u i , I . u i ' ' to !i up their ar.ls -at;. I they sm'.I .i well to call ami hi 'i w hat we ha.e house planti. i'o-. v shrnhlitrv, lilies, peonies mi.' liearH. ami oilier linn not worn m;t; as 'J.V if tint too I, a. I. knives lo to l.V two fur''."M': uceiiriliii" to ia! price "Joe. i nl.s iM', ,.v. I he hlnw from the horse's feet .struck Winters hi the larynx. crushinir it to a im!i. Several i arteries were ho hally pulped that the unfortunate man hied inwardly. Home of the hhxxl yet- Itiii1: into the lung's, causiri? Utranirulation. Winters w as mar ried to a daughter of Mountain I'.uck.and the widow and one son. U).id P years, survive. Dr. l.mklater wsls called to the scene Friday aftenxHin. and found the man practically in the thnx s ot death. Winters helonved to the Fra ternal lirotherhood. and carried &i,(mO life insurance, w hich Koes to the w idow and mm. The Mountain Hut k place w here the trairc.lv t.'k iilace. is joined to the hedrick place, and the hr c:t i v was ot mticn inu-rcsiin (I,.. .:irlv nineties, yyhcti (Jus Wat hline killed John D. l-ednck. t,. nuim nm-i t.i mention, t at. til'imi? me remans n a i...Sv i'..v .. . ..i . . i.,,,ia ... I ,..ir o eomtHisl. iacK (I Uie nam i,ll'i' an.i it if. i ..... i v ,.. - - -- . , it . ..i .... i en,., i n., Win-n ine t nen roniMMi me noose . ... i ..i.- html tuck hedrick s team to 1 urt- ii' eifiv null ami phi n..." ... . ,, , ... ., i ..... Ii . I I ....I I l...... VV ln ii .. ,' I..,! I -r I inn I1I1I1 Mini III. Ill, .I....OOIO. ,11 rn. .A'.'i.i i i .ini.i- ii. . i ; . ,, . c .1. v i tr..-t ' hone cMiiatci! me crime on wie ki- ' ' ..... i ..... 1 1 :n. :., IviW Dr. Iiwe's trlassesare death to headaclifs. Ask your neighbors. Frank Stewart, of Ccnterville, wan in the city Monday. Perry I iy. of Portland, was out Saturday, vwitini? relauves. Mails N'eilsen. of above Banks. wan down to the county seat, Saturday afternoon. V. V,. Hesse, of Scholia, was ii to the city Monday. John Klink. of Virginia Place, was a city visitor Monday morn- in if. Imlir,. .1 IT I 'nmnU'U held an adjourned session of circuit court. Monday. Fred licrirer. of Bethany, was up t.i the city the last of the week. A few years ago and it was ditlicult to find a mule in Wash inirtoii Cimntv-but the "woods are full of them" at present It. H. Greer the other day sold the First ami Washington resi dence, with four lots, to Mr. Mc Farland. of Frentzel & McFar- land. Cus Steves, of near Oreneo. was in town Monday. Gus is rigging up an irrigation plant to water his crop when the dry siiell arrives. T W Sain, of near Gaston. was down to the city Saturday, greeting his scores of county seat friends, lorn says mat naro scrat.ble" is getting along all right with crop prospects. Mr Imo the well-known eve specialist who has been coming to HillsUiro for so many years, .... . my ' i will lie here again rnaay, may :51. If you want the best eye tests, liest glasses, and at reason able prices, don't fail to consult iim. I;..re- t Gre h furni.-hing tin hri. k for the walls tf the court ImtiM' anney. and the material is In init hanl. d hv team, this twuiu ,'l,...iner than loadimf en the car and tli. n unloading at the r.mn- t V M' at fer the haul uptown. !,!, w,H.,l for sale. T.'i cents per .iii-iI at the hmr-l'oint mill, near HILLSBORO BEAT BAflKS BY KM TO ONE Klein, ol N. W., Pitched for the Cardinals. Sunday. Athletic Park STUCK OUT FOtlTELN MEN ItiHikoro Aaaciti Fr1cea Hits ofl of Mirlii; Baakf Qui Ftmr The Cardinals were loaded Sun day for the game with Banks. and the result was a score of 12 to 1 in favor of the county seat team. Klein, of the N. W.'s pitched for Hillsboro, and whiffed fourteen men. while Martin, al ways a reliable whirler. struck out but eight Hillsboro smashed out eleven hits, while Klein held Banks down to four smashes. The game was ragged at times, Free man. the regular first baseman. not being in the game, and at his old position. TVia irama u'H mnw free from p-... -- nltprratinna than the last one. al- thnnuh Ranks comrilained consid erable of the judgment of the umpire on bans ana striKes. The positions of the two teams BacheUr -1 f. C Dooley Brown -i b ..C Wilson RrlUv c f -.Schlesel I'luk -I b .Parrott Yett Sheo Biue-Krager r I Crtens .2 b E WiUon Klein ...P Mirtin pbeltM -C Lotigtsher binm,-i.ki( hit. Stetbec: 1st hue on ballt, Martin J, Klein o; left on boaet, Btnkl 4; tliliworo 0; D. ...... Ru-Mu Shra: it ruck cut Klein, 14; Martin, 8; paaaed ball. Long REXALL STORE J VnTmTrlV dx DOCTOR K tinrl will tU vmi iVit un1pi Ki nrirrio tions are filled with the utmost fidelity with the puret and ireshest drugs all Ms aouity to cure vou will be wasted. Your prescriptions should be r v. .1- . 1 :j5 .t. Drougiu 10 inis siore wucic we pnue uuiacivcs uu mt. care devoted to carrying out your physician's instruc tions. Ask your doctor he knows. WUile our prescription department w the best equipped in this town, we also have a well selected stock of all the latest necMsaties in medical and sanitary appliances. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. 1 i First on The Page First On In RESOURCES I)id you ever seen baby elephant running a race around the hip pmlrome track of a circus with a XltlV? The chances art you have nev et ."eeti nil ad of this kind, be cause it is one of the new ones introduced by the Sells-Floto cir cus this year find was imported front Kurope esK-ciallv for this season at nosinall expense. Now when the circus arrives here on June l!n. you must certainly come over ami see this laughable performance even if otherwise you have that tired feeling re garding them tif the tinsel and Raw ilust "Muggsy" is the elephant's name, lie is a cunning little t'liap 17 months old, who was brought from India last W uuet and trained in the big hippo drome at Hamburg. He is said to he the most apt pupil which has ever graduated from that k'reat institution ol animal learn ing. And he can show speed that wotdtl make the ordinary race horse ashamed of himself. His opponent in this event is lit tle "Sunday" the smallest horse in the world, and to these two straining every nerve f'ot supremacy is really one of t hi most eiitertninini? and tit tilt Name time the most ridiculous leiilnres ever introduced mulct a big top." On tin. nwimimr the citTUS !ir fives here the usual parade will I"1 given at 10.110 o'clock. It should be especially noto; that the Sells-Floto People still adhere to their policy of popular prices, and that the general ad mission fee of 25 cents admits to the menagerie and tint perform ance, in its entire. Tho regu lar tii.kut umminu will lit' OliellCil un the grounds as early as SW " CIOC'K. Colfee Club Cook Hooks are on sale at the following places -1 nc tout Room, Mrs. Bath's Millin ery, Vaught's Grocery. A. W. Scott, of below New ton, was in town Saturday. hi.limr ti.-i eral VearS lit) 111 the Gilliam county. At the time t .re was some suspicion on Mountain Buck, but the jury, had no 1 hi icu tv in inuiiig a veruici of guilty against Wat-Mine. HACK If) I Ml; FARM 'lii.L- to the farm" 1 havt l"H .,..' , . ...V - . . ft 1 . lil ........ 1 ;roehuni. 1 his is cheaper man j,o acres 01 latin, 10 .n n-n v.. .... ..11 n inn iit. - I in. n.t t'lHiii saw 1 miH'r; v;otHi lO'ie.tHl.U .0. - - r. - ......11.. i'our I'.uut Mill. house. Hani ami ortnam; - e.i . ' iiiirmtns' arire Ct'CCK: eiKiti mil At tl,- recent state grange - , . . ; meetiiu' at i.osepurg. 1.. "' r,,,,!,.,;,. Six miles south M'i'i , W ell h now o in m.- tv. was ciecte.1 a mem hm v t , , . t road; .... . 1 .1 ..,,.1 1 lets :iv. : . . evccuiiie i-a. - . ,.,, , m k route: tifone in ,f She. w 00,1. was. Iecte.1 assist- . n smal, ant steward. i.ets ut Sl.ll tier acre. Part Micj M .i v I! W'ilcox. stiecial-L.nui, ('nine and see me. - A.' I 11 Hii.iMinmr nmi snam xniion. .., snoro. tne., ivtmu- In HillslM.ro every Thursday ami !ox js, I..,: I.., I ,..iv.i nr. eM .Mailt llttl.... ... I , .....l...es li t SIWKIM: tew 1 ' . ' . 1 . 1 ..r l,..low lleth- IOIIII ItOIIIOI. o. . I , . . . i ... 1 wiior a .,,,,i,..u,i ii'irtv w'is iMven ai :my. was a ...... ... - .. , XVm I'i d iv This is John s nrsi trip tno tumie 01 .nr. mi u.-. ...... . 1 I..., 1 ill 1 Wjiiinuiii.r I'll ki ii'.Mi,! v 1 vv' lii t tie count 1 '-eai mo. . i n. " 1 kt niiii... v ... t Uume.1 ntetropolifitt .airs, and nin, May 15 in honor o their e ns I i it 1 1 slMiro is gcitioK son rraiiK ifiii)-nn.i. . 11., , . rel. :... ,...j ciuint 111 to the ironi mue.. n...i- , -''-'v V'' .. .;." 1 :u, L.tu. .1.... 1 ,t ,. ei . mtlSIC aim gainen. nixun umii 11. ........ 1 , . nt l 1 II I (llillirtl UtTi 'T t '11 111. IHMIIIIKII v Dance at New I Civet ia Mai . .i.,,,.,....,,! at an early ..... I ,.. ..v.uiiiiir. . imc I. ni- r . ..., ,-I.IUII ..... , . music. Admission W V Krentzel and wife de- ie.. r this u-eek for an extended stay in the Southern Oregon tun - Ur district Mr. rrentzei, wno has been in the lumber business here for Several years, will not disjiose of his interests here, but will leave his holdings. Vnr anle tir trade for cash, or on easy terms house on First ,l vi'auhiniTtnn Streets and ami , , .... ..p. wv.. - house on First and Fir, and two houses in Highland Park. Also three vacant lots on Washington Street-See It H. Ureer. ttiiis lioro. Ore. 8-12 ..k.. hit K niirhn. Rarhelar. Brown: sacrifice bits, Klein; stolen oasts, oacac- lar. Yett. 1; C Wilson, f. wuson. Hillalv.ro senred 1 in the 2nd: 2 in the 4th; 3 in the 7th; 6 in the 8th. Banks made the lone score in the fourth. AUCTION SALE k'in.Tchtv I.vtle. Ward Wilkes. Kov Schroeder, Arthur Connell and ClilTord Iong went to the big meeting at torvallis the last of the week. While the boys failed to qualify for the finals they rejKirt a good lime, lasi week Fulton Magill. Hurley and Fisher went to Eugene to a like meeting. G-tf morning hour and all reported a anil mme. A.im ssio" . . k, tinui Thoso ,)t.eSl.t were: ,rood time guaranteed, ami an m Schulmench. arc invited. u't- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens, Mr. . ... . , I I I ,,, .. , i, . 1 l i,,.u.,. Mrs. ,1. W . v opcianu ami Mr. ami iurs. u. n. i.m no.tue., sons of McMmnvtiie. wci - ... j am. .lonansen, term imiuhui. the fits' Saiurtiay. m""- 1 wc Jennie niccaiieu, mmn .. i .v ...... h,d be'ing lu're pn'1"11'' Flma Schulmerich, Marguerite i, ess ov.iii.il. "v,,1. i n ii ii M ill of Shadv Brook, Smith. Josephine hdwan s, bva U. II. Hall. ' .i?lul,,-y1. A i -. llrcn Mnrt)hv:lli ey In- ii .out in m iir i tiuii't ! i - and lietirv rtieaio....,, ... , .. Sehu mor, Mountamdale.wcreiuioiio - , tlirk ha, t01- lltfrnert I-, .. . . . i, ,, ty aueiM.n,,.. Schulmerich, Arthur Mcuiuen, l....,.,j 'in ford, of Kugene, .if.....l Miller. Winifred Snider. . .,. .j .mt hist week. ... , ..I.I.....I i,..,D.i niT.ir.l ai't'd M ycais, ti'; - t nesier ntuitit, i ie .i . .,,,.,ut ii ns niece. i ii.,... . iihiitmen. Horace uotuu- Ult Hi"- , V.-.1... ... . A Morrill. son. Frank sciuumericu, juuh Wm. Ki-lgcl.v. of Forest Grove. Smith, Herbert joraan " l. T f.H weekl umiUTHlC IN 1,12 INCRHASHS ,m, en eti on me t" I"1" 1. ' .... 1. ...... ,.-1 i . ..... i liu W I But iter, ol near i w'- Development 111 n"iiii,iiu i"' ton was a county scat iug industry uevcateu in Saturday. Year's Figures p:ii l'.'ihneris hauling ties to it,.. 1'. depot from thetogan , , iipt,n aH0ntod in the ti..:.,t null I . inii n,.ltr 1fit(10 vurds of j'Olir i oon, year linn, nmj '"iv v r- I I.., llonheS Ol DC OW ie- Uf nit 11C Iiavt'lllfin, not. vi.ij John MUgiith. oi ,, . . ' .foj stnt..a t.r'w isimAivus caller the last ol thf week. ,..,..i,.,, of Helvetia, was I 1 I ill I I (1 I "t s down to the city Saturday morn- intf- .... llonry Harm, ol new w - ville. wits a county sent Friday. t Pwiekor. ot below NowUn, was in the county seat Friday. Ira Watson, of Gaston, was in the city Friday. Jos. Cawrse, the North Tuala tin Plains hoptfiwer. was a Hillsboro visitor Monday. IlltUllt.n.1. ,,......... . - ...,., nit ins in the United States nt-vvi v..,-. ---- - . nm.ni, nil its use at mat reiuiiiniv mi. "-- time. In the year following the ,nnA hnA shown a great in- crease and in 1911 there were 99 cities whose recoru snoweu imu, and under contract, over 4,w,' 000 yards of Bitulithic pavement nn' .mi. shows an in l IIC JO" crease of 48 per cent over the year 1911 r 'a iwwniitflt for t.PSt- ing eyes is one of the finest and most expensive evei j the largest maker of eye testing instruments in the world. He is naturally proud of it I f von hnve a farm for sale, or want to trade your farm lor city property, see Hatch & Oaker man. real estate dealers, 819 Un- ;. A rum m n I'ort and. ure- ttt .I 1 11.1 otnt.lished office. PrOS- Ml. V ' s v k. vx v pective farm buyers in their office nearly every day. Mr. uaxer man formerly lived in this coun ty, and is well able to represent local property. II B. Dauchv. of Banks, and Roy Lynn, the tinner of that (tii'ivinir hnrr were in town Saturday, enroute to Reedville, where the Modern Woodmen haa a big entertainment They re tHirt Banks as going to the front rapidly, and Mr. uaucny. wno is tha Davids lumber III VIIIIIV Vi, Va, --wm- . yard, states that the April sales of lumber eclipsea an lormer Aprils in volume. . Tim knirci- vnur pvps see p il... i'i v . v . - a 'Cthe better and quicker de- .o. wMio vnur tirnin win maxe. V..on jwwi .. Your eyes plus your Drain equm you. if you have defective sight Dr. Lowe's, glasses fitted bv his new method, will strength en vour eves and brain. He will K - 3 analyze your case ana aemon strate this indisputable fact for o-rntia. Consult him - , , . atmut your eyes ana glasses at the Hotel Wasningion. rnaay. May 31, to 5 o'clock. Scores oi Hillsboro reterences. LeBoy Armstrong, well known tn envoi-til Hi isnoro Deouie through association with him at the Portland Press Club, has bought Goodwin's weeKiy, ai Salt Lake, and has taken up the publication of that admirable magazine. Armstrong ia ow; writer," and has contrmuiea some very lively nction wun Northwest coloring, ne is mere ...ith tha hp a nil rne Lime, unu will give Salt Lake a high-class magazine and one mat win ai- ,.,a ha artnreeintive of thfiWOn- naia ui, .!-'.' ' . derful resources of the Kreat state in the salt Lane Basin. Armstrong is a man with the op timistic bent and he never sees ni Paaaimlam without taking a crack at the cocoa. "Here's to you. Lelioy." Tha nnriorsiomed will sell at public auction at his place five miles nortnwesi oi oonn Plains, in Helvetia, near the John Ritter place, at ten a. m., on . . SATURDAY. JUNE 1 Gray gelding. 1600 pounds, 12 years old; 31 inch iarm wagon, nonrlv now! set simrle harness. aat dnnhle harness: 3 cows all in milk, one fresh, with calf two months old! 2 heifers, one nearly two years, the other 8 months; 9 hnoa lnt chickens, new cream separator, plow, harrow, barrel churn, incubator and brooder, kav putter, smal tool 8. House hold goods and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Torma of Sale Under S10. cash; over, one year, bankable note, at 8 per cent interest, J. M. Howland, Owner. Hillsboro, Or., Route 1, Box 36. Henry Kuratli, Auctioneer. i i i I i C 2 t MASON HILL LADIES CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000 The oldest and strongest National DanK in Washington County. The most Substantial in resources of any bank in the County. Give us your business and we will make it your busi ness as well as our busi ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the world over without identification. Safety deposit boxes for rental, and a private room in w hich to look over" your papers. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, HIIHboro. ' m m m m. Resources lageifananinnWaunlngt J. A. THORNBURGH .'resident J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCF.LDOWNF.Y Vice-cresnienl v.asnier II. E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier The ladies of Mason Hill had a very pleasant meeting at me home of Mrs. Adamsen, May 16, and organized a Sewing and So cial Club. Officers were elected : Mrs. Anton Persinger, presiaent; Mrs. C. Johnson, secretary and treasurer. The club will meet monthly, and the next session will convene at the home of Mrs. Mm Ari&maen Droved A ClOIUBVii " ' - a charming hostess, and all were pleased with the initial meeting. Those present were: Mrs. Anton Persinger. Mrs. C. Johnson, Mrs. Adamsen, Mrs. Nitshman, Mrs. M. Kyan. Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. Solberger, Mrs. H. Christensen. Mrs. a. Ander son, Mrs. R. Cox. Mrs. Daniel son, Mrs. P. Christensen The J une meeting will be dated for June 12. KNI0HTS OF COLUMBUS Hillsboro is to institute an order of the Knights oi umimous in ttlo Uo mi tha ovpnincr of Sun- day, May 26. A large class will who has worked hard to get the charter, is well pleased with re- ..U A Mtr hannnet Will be served by the ladies of St Mat ttinuia Khnreh. and there will be a big delegation present from Dm.f lanH nnd nther Oreeon cities. a t tha honnnet the toastmaster will be J. P. Kelleher, district deputy. , , Tha oAProf nnaainn will be held in the court room, and the din ner will be served in one of the large halls of the city. A V. rinilov. carrier on Route 2, out of Laurel, was in the city Sunday. Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $280,570.12 U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 CaDital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27,000.00 1,317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $529,312.56 $529,312.56 nosorro a 4 Per Cent. DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. B.il.y J- W. Tuqu. Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. ThortsDurg REMEMBER GRADUATION DAY Looic back to the day when you were stirred with the pleasure and enthusiasm of Gradu ation Day. Think what it meant to you. Remember how you treasured and cherished Mother's Graduation Gift. Think what it means, or might mean, to your daughter or son, The graduation gift should be some thing distinctly "personal' It may be ser viceable, if you like. But above everything else, it should be of really lasting quality. I shall be glad to help you in the selection of a worthy and appropriate gift for Graduation Day. LAUREL. M. IIOVT jEWIUR AND OPTICIAN r I 7 i ? i , t