The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 16, 1912, Image 2

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r.-io-i.-c- STORK
A fitunate purchase enables t:s to otter a -pYm!id
line of decorated ware consisting of
Meat Flatters. CKe Plates, Fruit DisheT.
Cups and Saucers. Platrs, Bowls,
Cream Pitchers, Etc.
Auytlrni? you want for "k llV, LV.
fr.' I m il ",-m.i i HIIUN.r
Ort,iB, u Momt-ciM mail butt In.
U .. I.oW. frultio
i uii Oifict.u I'.-ijvi
, Mr. Koosexelt sus that t'v
I'ic ihiilit-s arc ti.hlir lii:ti t l!i
ank nail. That's i.otliiiw. A
Iteiitlenian wI;.'m ' rnr i
i Williatn Jointing prat net t
j M't jH-rsoiial. has Iven to iciu l
; those same papers tr m..v!i
years, and if Mr. IJvw, e!t :i!
sorls a few moiv i lea 'vni t ho
yrvixl commoner he can i
the nVht to U' continued.
1 1
Tongue - Addition
Sold by the WeMoot Realty Co. I.ots
aud Half Acre tracts very reasonably
priced, aud on the very best of terms.
Also farm property. Mouey to loan.
Come and Give Us a Trial and We Will
Treat You Right.
Located lie t ween 3rd and 4th streets opposite llottl.
Kerr Brothers
Humes: OtEce City 50, tesidence City 5
f-Poinc Saw Hill
We Wi 1 Quote
Ou everything iu the line of Dimension,
Lumber, Timber, Etc., alsoShiplap, Rus
tic. Novelty Siding, Sash and Doors, Ktc.
Our lumber and priets before buying
elsewhere. It will pay you, as we have
feet to cut off within time limit.
Located at Groveland, six miles north of Hills
boro, near Jasper Keffer's old mill site.
It now begin to look v . V
.. :i. . .... "nmt;.
m stuiie me ..... ..vtr,.m..U
and M;
of the :
-S Pell
II ;v. rl .
an i'i
Wherever tlie direct preferon- Three- hundred set-;, n ore or
tial primarv prevailed R.msevelt loss- of eighth Ktadoevimm..!i M.
has carried overwhelming, with V T Uu ''""""
.. . lountv are now K i n
tuit a HVr soeotnt. lluodorv Kra,led bv the Wahinvtou (m
carried Minnesota with its 2i ty examining Uvani, w;
delegates, and Tuesday he ear- of Messrs. M. C. 'ao. .1 It
ri.-.l j!it'.rni. hv Jack. C. . liurl t. II. C. I'o".!,
as . though Ohu
tivrht one way or the other, stance U'ing that the popul ii ion
Should Roosevelt carry Taft's ' of Washington t'onntv mn from
own state it will he the death one paper to'.V.mHMi ei
knell of Taft's ambition to sue
cet v
then stop the militant ex-presi-; are completed and the gradu.tes
dent from landing the noinina- t'neir diplomas,
turn. As time rolls on the Ar-; Why pay rent when you can
gtis his veritioiti.m ot its (iredie- , a home ly paying for same
tion when the light started on Uu '"ailment plan Nice
,i,, 1. . ,... . I bungalow in rattison ,V Mown
that Lonet was stronger j Aailltion for s;il- T. (. s,,.ir..
fore the rai k an I tile of republ -1 ,na( p. 0. building. 1 1
can voters than Mr. Taft. j Wilbup WilliailH ., Ml
Hattie L llehling wer' united in
marriage at the homeif Mr. and
Mrs. Henrv Hogrefe. ot mar
another. The hoard i ii
umselt, for nothing can j several davs U-fore the etude.
rhamp Clark is gaining in
strength every dav. and it looks
. ... 1 ll ..... tl.... 1iO l.. I1
as though the Missounan will ; "in. " -; o-. ..
h..-. .,11 k. i..,... . 1 . 1 U I.ueckeo; liciating. llieoiii)
have all the ha lance u stancetl at ., r .1
, ,, . .-iv . ! pHple are well known 111 the
the lultunore tinish. Owing uuMmiukr. rornelms and S-na!,
ti the extreme bitterness of the Tualatin section,
tight, however. Clark may havej For sale A seven room house,
trouble in getting the necessary ' built but a few years; lot otM .,
ml (n T 1 Q
m & ul I I
( 1 n wM
IT u iify f
Do Not Mi It
Always An llxc:itinj; G.tnu-
tAO-thirds to nominate and a
dark horse may U trotted out.
Harmon and Underwood are out
of the right.
on First Street. 11M t ikes it.
Here is a snap. Frank (!reener,
or see Web foot Kealtv. S 11
Contractor Foster is get t nut
his material assembled in siif
0 , . 1 . , . ' tkient ipiantities to get dow n to
Smokers want the best - there- j Mtu T,. ,,m.k sam,,.
for the faces of the walls nr
the new annex are now on e
hibition in the county cl- ik's of-
fore call for a Schiller or a Grand
Maica. when you want to see the
blue w reath curl.
liy Height and Olive Greek, ! .
I glow, of Moiin-
the city
I yesterday afternoon.
of Tigard. were granted license j Mrs
to wed. by Clerk Bailey, yester- taindale, was dow n t
Herman Collier was up from
Scholia yesterday afternoon.
Circuit Court will
here next Monday.
Low Round Trips East
On the dates given below, round trio tickets will be sold to
the points in the Last shown below, and many others, at
greatly rtduced fares quoted:
In connection with
The North Bank Road, Northern Pa
cific and Great Northern Railways.
AtUnuc Cny
B . 1 1 1 m jre
Cotton ..
I huMgo
I'lilormlo Sp.-iiiaS 5660
U-nver .. 55 60
O ntm f'.i fio
i'hiUilrlilii. ... n9 i
l'nil)iir 92 10
St L a s. . . 70 6 1
H. Paul 6.61
Turuiiti if2 10
Washii j(lon-.. luH 1 j
fno6o I) t-o't .... fS$ 10
. 10S 10 1 1 iluth too 60
. 11061 kmviCity 6 61
... 92 11 Si Iwnukec .. 71 10
731a Mi-nmpo ... 6 60
Moirrro .ioj bo
New York I 9 10
.Mar a, 3. 4, 9. 10, 11, 17, IS, J4. 29 19U
June 1,0. 7. h, 13. u, ij. 17 i.t 19 aj. ai a, as 17. jS 39. 1911.
July a. 3 0, 7. 1 1, ia, ij. id, i t, jj jj, ib, 9, 3 ., 31, 191 j.
AukuM 1, a 3. 6, 7. 11. 15. 16 22 aj. 19, p, 31, 191a
(.icmlitr 4, s.6, 7, 8. 11, u. 30, 1911.
Stopover3 and choice of routes allowed in each direction.
Final return limit October 31, 1912.
Details of schedules, fares, etc.. will be furnished on reuuest
Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agent, Agent.
Portland. Oregon. Hillsboro, Oregon.
ii ! nv r n
urn wi .vrii
Free Circus "Street Parade 10:30 a.m.
9 bands, 250 horses, TsZ&3iz
people of all climM in MUvconturoes will be nhown in parade.
Two shows daily Afternoon at 2, night at 8, doors open at 1
and 7 p.m. . Waterproof tenia. Admission 25 cents to Nee it all
Hillsboro, Sunday, June 2
fj & i rJ f-J & U U il
Game Called at 2:30 p. m.
An Expert Bread
agrees that the quality of L'-g
Cabin Bread is nniformily perfect.
We take the most scrupulous care
in every detail of baking and our
bakery is pure and clean as to the
ingredients that are put into
Our bakers are experts in their trade
and we always purchase the latest
machinery to improve the quality of
our bread.
For sale at T. B. Perhins,
William Haines, contracting agent
of the Stlls-Floto circus, was in
town Tuesday. Mr. Hainea has
come in advance of the show in
order that supplies necessary for
their entrapment here, which is
on June 2nd, shall be ready to lie
delivered just as soon as the first
section of this popular circus
makes its appearance.
It ftould lie repeating an old
story now to endorse the Sells-
Floto people as among the very I music and conversation.
Ixst purveyors of attractive! present were: Misses
A double birthday party was en.
joyed at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Landers, Wednesday
evening. May H, the anniversary
guests being Miss Esther l.rin
dess, whose birthday was May 7.
and Edward Hetison, whose an
niversary was May 8. Eiht re
freshments were served with
punch. Presents were received
by the guests ot honor. The
evening was spent with games.
: i . . . ....
f ' i
For sale a registered Jersey
hull calf, nearly five months old.
A fine type, finely bred, and just
the animal for the head of a
herd. John Dennis, Hiilsboro,
Just make up your mind to
fpend the Fourth of July in
Hillsboro -and you'll see a cele-
some which have been imported
from Europe at considerable ex
pense. The prices this year will re
main as formerly. Twenty-five
cents admits to the circus and
menagerie in its entirety.
These people carry 400 people
with them, and they have paid
$40 for their license. Hundreds
of dollars worth of provisions,
mrnts prt mnf ho nni-nhaaorl
C. F. Hornecker. of the Jolly for the one day stand here. A
section, was in the county seat special train will be run to Hills
yesterday. ' horo from Tillamook.
arnu-erncnt visiting this city. ! noush, Phehe IVrrine, Geiilm'
For many years they have been Olsen, Leah Harnett, Merle Orn-
coming hack to us with an at- autt, viola Johnson. Lulu Ionel
traction more important in every son.Mesdames Harvey Patehelar,
way than those which preceded Mrs. J, Johnson and Thelma
it. For the last three years they Johnson; Messrs. Ed. I'enson,
have adopted the policy ot cut-! Fred, Glen and Will Taylor. Geo,
ting the regular price in half, . Kingle, Uobt. Davis, Guy Edson,
while at the same time they have ; Harvey Patehelar, Earl Lut her,
augmented and strengthened the ' Iick Brown, Howard Walker,
show from every standpoint. (Frank and Chas. Vanderwal,
Mr. Haines promises that this: Dewey Johnson, and Mr. and
season the performance of the Mrs. Grant Landess.
Sells-Floto circus will in every t
way be worthy. Many new and I Barney Leis, of Beaverton,
startling features have been add-! w10 nas done i110 Uian any
ed to the program, among them I ? one. man to encourage tin
bration worth while.
Mrs. Iiena Brewer, of Port
land, is in the city, a guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
fruit industry in Washington
County, by agitating for care of
orchards along line of prompt
spraying and timely work on
trees, was up from the garden
lands, today.
A good brood mare, with colt,
to trade for a horse that can be
put into steady work.- Adam
Beil, Centerville, or Cornelius,
Route 1. . Telephone Farmers C
552, 8'.f
Walter Jackson, of Portland,
was a guest of relatives this
Full Earnings
Of My Money
Ami linw rti ,,,, f,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, (11P
'l vnl- f ir tit Ulr ,.,
The Chipiu-llc-rluw M...tKaKt an!
Company of Portland h:Ve the l,..t sohui.,,,
f this problem f,,r you. Coopctatioii i.s -key-nut'.
,,f MiuTssfi Invt-stiiuut f Mll ln
sums-Join with many otluri, yur
money, fr by co-oKMti.. a,,e , -., 1M
inake your: ...all capital yuld ,. h.,,,,1,,,,,,,.
reluri.s whkh the capitalists sml,r with ,1,, ir
large Hives' incuts.
A 7 per cent, sharing bund is U ing i M.,d
by tins company. This bond is a u riiluaH
representing tho holder's sl,.e in ,. , ,,,,1
I'.vcstm,,,, (,! ;ui(j js ,,H. i(iira(
.r M.ves.,,r and tl.o o.u.jKM.y s,, clyi,,,: ho v
l lt' 7.,,fy si,aii u. illv,sk,,. ulut j
sball hrst Be Paid The Inv sto, and hw the
rcmai.nng I'rohtfi Shall be Divided.
1 lu re are many ways , ,.,, ;
tl.f u .SAV I,, Save, Save. l,!w ,:lsy ,
fritter away every Jt.;ir a an.,,,,,. Zh ,(
T "'j'1 tl'e 7 per ,,,, p1()lt
hit ., monthly payments will by , a'sc
I make your ponu-s accumulate and grow
an income for you. K
''"I "'iMIll- nil;,,.),,.,! ro, ,
i.i- r rs i.i'ki: vio
watkk surru
U'e drill w u'-r th
and li ill l!. m riifliL
-. lyf Wi-iii iivMWI
and urw ma.le
A'A ii i at"Mjt it
rami mo,
, ;n .InliiKiHi M
M"l III.-,.. Iv co, y, ,(,, lMlM(
My Moiny "
Address ......
I nil t:
hi in,.-, i.f
,., ii. ,m, r .uu ..( ili miJ
I- .ii, . -,tn."- II t Jf
In I ti ni.einri.l On- hill
"-I u IU
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Mini., I ..i II. i , K"
I...... M hi... J . I.", I MM,"?,. i-i.lll... l..-.'pli ""
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... 1 1... I 'i ...ii v .... 1 1 ..I 0
,..r ii.- ... .... V. . ,.nl.h
111114111 f I J 1 1 1 III '". m J,
lit. I' mill v ,.l VI it IniuIlMI, ltn '
" . . . U '
II... I .'ill ilitv l I in.. I'M ""jj
in II... ..r i.'M.n "I 'In' " '""I
1 ,1 i until, ftm I.
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I l Ilium
I ,, nil I.H.I! """"r'Tk.-
! I r ll... limmiliiilii'
UiwilM 11..1 li- m i I". y,,v(M
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...... i r tin nitt"" m
I I..HI '.!IV "I !!).
! A ln-nl :
..I r tirt
. I' , l"l ,
n.piii lWh
.l.ihii Willi, All . rni.y.
.1. II. Dance. Hie ifW'JZ
an. wrileHlhat Kti
Mi. nr..,. I.,,llii.lll.'l. IIIUl i.-
. I. l.i
i- aim rraneen, o hevoml clc
l ark, was in the ci ty ycHter.lay.
I'M win Moruan and Fred Tay
lor were Salem visitors, Sumlay.
The county court is today eo.
frrm.K will, the Oregon K,.(:l.i(.
and Unit,, Railway ofliciuls in
.K'Kar.J to fixing up Home cross
ing Vuch line. Each line
wants thoir franchise perfected
tu all his
"ill Palmer, i,.amjn,, with
"iir-romi, Hawmi
was in ((,w, (,.iy
Pel'. i,:ill... II. ...1. I
parish rA:
ra (rfillc-Ki., one of (ho .Ht of
'"'"'n. colleges i th; ,ty.
. ...ii
i,. ..ll us u"'":
. y.ti i . i.t
. e . i m
there in the pas. "V' ."it
talk nlioiit On-K".i iMnJLM
c-.untrv!" II- '.'""U cWlf''
'down in I he south. w,n
... ihert
... . . . ul ran'-" ll mi1 ea .
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25
"... M
ili'imrteo. ,
II In kles, who
woi'kinir on Uu
i . .. . i...
several monuis, " a
Lho OreRoii KUwlriC
lines for Mason City, '