L I I niLLSBIR IIIIJ.SIioKO, ORKCON', MAY 1G. 1912 Vol. NIX . NO. 10 NO. 10 Wi PiOMEER m mm m 9 MjjIlvrJnl I Ml l'.MiM..rMt HIF Iff duo 1 1 ii r HUM I'j'hliHilcr HuiicJ tuaUlm. suiiJ.iv Mji li jaarl lar.tin. oinif i'Ul.it ill's J,t I im'.t relucted pi" :it th' h'iit' of In. j,,,. (,, !rnii. liiurs.iav M iv rii J. al an a t ! was li'ti at r.ni'laiiil. ll.toU-r , cain' to II"' I nil''! ML i.yiiiiik'. -jni'fl :' P ' .... ii .1 i !s!ti Hi I" l. " '' Claim I1 1 " -1-" I'1". "n'' il1 . . ' I ... 1 1,., (..iiil.. I'u'i! . t,n pi-tru I II-' win vm .Mi .1 l.i cju.jUtl, M hn r. in U-n r.mn- . - . .i ..: . .1 . ; Jtv, in ni. i'i' " 'n i"K i'i IV f ile ral nifi" win- h-Il Hill.' I ll'"l'. Nllnliy mlh til' "i n.- al liu' .HHM' k'a t.otttl I'li'itvh, liml llilrliurlil at I u:il:iliii. Mr. I.r.iiii l n'I U i "I I' l. wn Uuf In'' lM lu-U'lilmrS i'i Ins I .1 .. I ...j ll. .1 hMYIIt.lt m l" !. Hlt I" 'f H-irlm'- m 1 1 i'l. He .r :i ini inlx r 'f I lit I i i' fill r Ui-S'M't.llH'll, UIKI HT JfJH li.ll l" t t ConHUlltl lllfliil wit at II ' ir iiinni.il iii-lintfH, ri sun nr.l hv lli' lolloping Irl.iMrwt Joint I... Jstini', Malm; JJr K, A IM.lv and Jus. I. . -( Tualatin, an. I Mm. Piiuih- 111). of lrV"ii City, Oji uii. Af $1 J I'l l U'l With uti.l.-r wav in I'm- iletiin fur ln(r prices mi nlnt I 4vinif tin Mint Ori-gnman taki-s ilitfur' l.l iv in riprodui mi? a ofv fritn (;.'l li'ii..il. Wumi.. and ml!i li'-.l in ii 1'itrtlritnl pa- hr la I - nmg. It Hi-tH fin Hi tut m. ii l.i.H on har.l twriacr Tiavwjr Law Ihcii nci-tved u thf iuWi'n.J.i!i' riMinril liml l hat l' ry . i"if Ih Uvm olTi-ril ih hiim.- llMrc at a ru-f of il.W ri Muur yard. lh3iiiui h an tin' I iiilorwnvVi'o iV littw I.. I-II u-jkimf a lu ii i' of jl.Sl) r i.iiari' vanl lirn it roulj (t.i-iu thul tin- rnniiany huijut 5 t t ri'iirhi"! Im-iIiim k Willi rrfcrciu tn iru'c rutting i" l''l illrlnii. S in lv tln n inr roiii liny will imt hui'K l""P rrty mv li.-ri uny iiir' f"i" I Im-ii ork than t ! chary tin' Mi c prop . I.'HII rrty n at (!oii'inlali' Hnjx rtv iiwni iH niv a ti 1 1 lot of lituuis an. I niv ntitli'il to tin' ver h. .t tliat'rt noint-f in 'I"' ynf i .imiii' prif'!4, a fart Unit lilli ll.r psivinj nimpanifsshoiihl arffjiiy u-ar in iiuiul. haiuc. liinro Mull Ik) not lnrft tin1 tlain'f at Mills born Hall. Saturday rvHitmr. My h Civsii-iit onhilra. TkU. f J IM); KcllllfllU'll SH'l la torn, L'.'t n iiN. '. M Kl I I'I Ul.SU IM.ANI TheWnrhl Kccpt'ivsli Co. ii now installing iU (li'iupji-Htoi-H ami aiTcs.sniv murliinrry. iimlfxpi'i'l to lm'..- i In plant n aily lor opi-r-utio'i In Co iv tin first of tin' ioii) i"K niiinth. Sunt, rmvi'll is now t Wiilaininii, Siiifrintt'iuliiin Hi! mi i? truoiion of anolliiT lar ivy I'uihlinn, llonry M. I.- wrt In.- invfiitor of the 1m''- fri'sh tiu-tlioil, uiul vii-i' pri'Hiih'iit lit' nt (ninpanv, wiw in tin1 rily Miimlay, ovi'rsi'cintr installation. Ht' HlatiM tluil from pi'fsi'iit prmiiii-ris it is L'ointf lo crnwil I'lf niiiiiianv to tin' limit 1 Imild lactoi ics as rupiilly u: var i'us mm tlons of tin- Htiid' want lhf hi. It is iirolmtiU' Dial an "I't'iiini: ifli'liralion will In' Ih-IiI in llillslioro wht-n tbo plant is TWly ur iiiicration. dro. K. lywrs, (. f t. principal of tw df t. Himimnv. was also a ilillslinro visitor Moiulay. i thai. r..rnaii. il (l.titmi Stn-.-t. r.ntlaii'l. a as in tnwn : Sat ur la . an.l ;n v't-in ruiH with 1 lm pi ai ii' nt IliUslmrn'.-i yrn'Ath hii-i- hi- la ,t viit.Nj low ti. t hai. M.iii-i uiai iih uimi uauiMi- l'-r. Mm liritni'li', ilipart'-tl I iifi.hu fur lri-laii.. - rami' unl liniiii', uii'l that 1 1 1 1 v will U-ah "nt lor M-M-ra! mniithx. Tin l'.i rnar.l t arv w i ll kno'A li at IV. I.tr Mill, whi-n- tln-v futfiicilv i.m.I.-.I. n..iii)f nut sa!i. of plants Will "i!l at sarrilirr to Ihnsr ai .hint' In In up tln'ir yar.l-i- iHi.l thf ill .hi Vkrll to vu'i ainl what w f ha.i' hiiijsi- plants, i'i dliruliUTy, h'i'S, jwtMiics, t ! - 1 1 1 1 j In-aiH. aii.l olh r thmt's t.Hi iiiinii-iimH In tin ntinii. Cah kit'i- ainl toinato pi. mis in tln ir ; (i in aKii has Hnliii' lihr ri'iiii P ry plants an. I Hhruhln-ry. Mrs A ! ( 'ampU'll, I 'orni'r I S' i nlh i l ir Slr.-i N. rinim. t it v IV!. f.L'tf .las. I'i rkins hat nilinti'il in tin- I'. S. Navy, at Ihvuifrton, Wa h. hf rai itii' waters will U thf Mi-iif of inufh naval ae Uvity in u lew i-ats, hfii the 1'aiiUMia i anal is ruiiipleti'il, ainl Olif ilay will e a lin t on the I'ai liu' an. I the next day it will Iw Hteamiiitf lat the Kloriila t'ape. If j hi ha.e a farm fur naif, or want to tra le ymr farm for rily prop' it), Hee llalt h A; (taker man. n al eta(e ih-alers, bl'J Uti mil Avenue N., I'ortlaiiil, Hie Hon. 1 1. I cMa!ili -.he. ollit'e. l'ros p tue farm I'liyersiatheirnlliie iieaily every 'lay. Mr. (laker man formerly lue.l in this eonn ly. ami is well ahie to represent Imal properly. y 11 Miss Amiil M. Ihii'i' ih parte.l M.m. lav i-veiiwiif for San I' raneis eo. where lie will inuke II n e teii.le.l visit with the Ulfe of ( apt. Waiti r t'hristianseii. 1 lie ChriNliaiisens formerly liveil In the S"nth Tualatin section, where I'apt. I'hristianseii Sr. owneil a lv. ranch many years ano. I'or sale or tra.le for la.fli, or mi easv terms house on first aii-l Wa-.hmuton Streets an. I hinine on 1' irst ainl l'ir. ainl two l,ovjt s in Highland Park. Also three vacant lots on Washington St reel. S. e J. M- Hreer, Hills Imro, lire. N-l- 'I'he W. O. Uollelsoll I.I.K k, a. jiiinimr the People Store liilihlintf mi the north, is one of the host Imill structures in the city, as well as hanikr a ""' froiit-ap-liearancc. Such huihliiiK's are i-re.lils to the county seat ami may there he moru of them. Nathan Nolan.l. oni' of thu ("orn.lius ol.ltimers. was down i.i the citv Friday aftcrniHin, Mate knows Washington l ounly from all Uiumlary lines, havinir spent his I my hood here, his fa ther Si tllinR on a donation lielow this city. Henry Molt, now living utl) Oak Park, was in the county seal Saturday. Moll, thinks that ii... 'vi.iii.le life" on a farm . . . i . i ij ..iiieia duties as a t'oruami in tlx. -'- M.liceiuan. in which capacity served several .veal's. Mrs. K. M. Haird and her two dest children started Saturday i iii I. ei o il lion. i- in I IS LET LI Wull I'.rullicr, of Cornelius, Sue tessliil in Award 'tllUI'IK IIHN l ASf SI xSHVS I'.IUS Simihir Submit I ifiirr. furrl 'inot. Ihll-buru & Curmliut Wolf p.rothers. of Cornelius, Were successful ill lieino; award ed the contract for haulinj." the rok from Millstmro, i'orest 'iroNe and Cornelius stations, for the inaiaUu. roadwork to he coiminii ted ley Washini.'lon Coun. ty. and the liyures were timier those of laht year. The dilTer- elue ill the hids Sllhinitted Weft' sulliciehtly marked that the uward 'A as made without much .imputation. ''be hids were as follow s: Wolf Pros., (airnelius: 1st quarter mile Mc " 11 iirj " Ith " r.tii " fit it " th " Mil " Ith " III. " Ith " Ith " J. F. May nie st quarter ml " ird " ith " th " th " lit Mil " til " W ot h " M lli'tt Moesack'T. Forest (Iruve, lidding on Cornelius haul st quarter . ml " tic .13 'J 2' Hi i :il :w 45 rii ..Vi F. M. Parr, on MillsUin, For- st l!rove ami Contulitis, hi. dif- rent titles on all three places, hut was too hiv,rh to Im in the . i in ki' il l. consideration ami v. v. iiyuis hid on Forest Grove haul only: st uuarter 12o ml " Ird Ith th th th Mil Ith Oth 27 nth " .11 f.th th " 43 Sth " Wi oth " - Henderson and reld. Cornelius, lillslMiro and Forest Grove: 1st uuarter 1U e lot a 'mil 'lrners' AUonllon Get ynur Arsenato of Loitd of the undersitfiu'd. uttd .V0 lire sure f Kt'ttini' the Itinhest unule Neutral, which will not hunt the ;liK and can lie used with j'ime and Sulphur solution. Ueasnnalilo nrict'. M. 1-eis. P.ea verlun, Ore. 10-tf J. II. Ilaascof South Tualatin, was a city visitor Monduy mor-IIR. , Crn Walker, of Uoy, wu "own to the county sent Sainr ly and Sunday, on btibincsa and hutching the ball game. i u.l., ,..e fill .er letnir nunc in oi... ' ill l uhseiil sev eral rin . months. Will. Mohf. who succeeded C I'.hiseras the county scat shoe maker, and later wi ni to am - 2)t inn, was in tfom "uk ta. " ;,., urday. Hit Mrs Walter (ialloway. who 5th has iicen visitinir her paretils, f,th M,. n.,,1 Mrs. I . W. Path, re- 7th ,;,,l to her Peidott C ounty Sth home Sitt urday iiiorninir. ,it Lindsay, of Soul hTunlat in, was in the city Saiuruay. . .. . i....... i. i ii-en-oii since HUM I" I - ' " , .1 . iv lifiies. and says he wouldtt I live'anywhetv else. vv K Arnold and Supt, i,.'..l, of the Warren Con ;' ('... were in the city the last of the week. I F llavnie, Hu' Forest Grove . 'mi,'.., contractor, was in town Saturday afternoon. m ii.i..i.v!on. of Cornelius, .. ,,j in lim n Saturday, at tendinis' lliV.neetinK'of the county lMard t I. .lnekv. of near Nort Plains, was a city caller Satur dav niornttiK. Ulrich Kemp, of Helvetia, was ,i....... from that innvttiK u"j tiwnn section, Friday. John Kumnu, the l-irminKton rancher, was up w w w urdav afternoon. Kxcavation for the court house annex basemen l contnteiiL.u urday momintr. C. Viohl, of Oak Park, was in the city Saturday. Forest Grove IS 22 2"; .'to :m .rw 42 u; r.o ..51 He 10 1.) .:w I'i 45 I" 17 BOS ns BIFF SEVEN RUNS IN EIGHTH I xcali Had (lime Won Haxily Ln til Kattine Rally IVaU EXCITING 0ME ATHLETIC 0R01NDS I'i. F. J. Pailey was out from Portland Friday afternoon. J. l Johnson, of U-low New ton, was up to the city Monday morning. IL C. IVarson, of Iowa Hill, wa over to the city the first of the week. II. II. Walker, of near Heav-r-ton. was in Hillsboro Monday, on k'k'al business. t'.i,.. i. -it f u . !!:.. I ..ai. ee. ..wh.u nm, (iMf Cif j, pj,,, j, fM -( UeaU was u ansaciiiiK ou.sinesstn lowni Moi.div. I TieLe Kl't'd lf!lf..tl,.P llf lf..tvrA.t.!l was a citv visitor Mor.dav morn! Manl8 and HillsUro met in or e it. v. of thtt exciting -famesj of th K. A. Kddy. of Tualatin, was year Athletic grounds, up to the city Monday, on busi. Sunday. In the fifth inning the '"ss. j-ame stood 4 to 1 in favor of Kohl. Caples. of Aloha, was a Hillsboro, and Parrott, the bijr i-ounty seat visitor Monday af- first baseman for Banks, in a r"""'1- " two-baxj?er. cut first base eipht lau Hurkhalter, who owns the 0r ten fe-t, and went on to Ja.., Strfi t livery property, was d b y , A(J t in Ui- city Saturday. .. , . . . ' ' the plate, called htm out and Henry IJojje, of Chehalem then there was a bijf talkfest ..io.iriTi.in. was a city vtstur bat- which lasted for 10 minutes, at 'I! ?' ,;:..r,:!tnii!rOS- the end of which the Umpire ' "f a "Jl,ut' Ui "ajl- called theKame-9 to 1 in favor J. C. P..'chen. of West Union, of the local team. After more was in tow n Saturday. He says parley the decision was recalled all tinns are Ktn nneiy out and the boyi went at it aatn. Ins w ay. I In the eighth inning Banks bat J. N. Miller, of Oak Park, was ted clear aro.und th line-up. and in I..-. M..mh.v llf va that every man hit out the horsehide, onions are looking fine out his ith. a.to1?! of even tallies for V4.'.4V' II (ill tl.r.t th p.tt.wnrm u the Dairy Creekers. This prac. not" much in evidence this season, f''y won the game, for Hills , ... ... , bora wad not able to put over .i. i. .uorri3.ii ui near runn- enough tallies to overtake the iiigioii, was in (.own nmmy, stickers from the up country. laKlllg out Mliraying Supplies. flnddnrtt nitnhAH fnr HilUhnm Me says that Spring-sown grain an(1 up to the eighth twirled a ii-imiik one uovw. ins ojr. irkm Rame. He became tired W. P.. Peterson, manager of and in that inning seemed to the Kay hop yards, at Witch lose his speed, getting a terrible Hazel, counted as one of the pounding. biggest hop ranches in the noun- There was a pretty fair crowd tv, was up to the city Monday in attendance. Martin, for morning. Banks, was consistently hit by Dancu at M. W. Hall. Heed-Hfe ;u ..,. i,,., ...,nir... lion til ivoum wuusiauu uie lerrtuc uai- iwli iSSS M ft - to tota team In th.t i. id, ll,n.,wi.. h'vervliodv ln.1 ' ' cmuni iiauic vited and this will be the REXALL STORE Doctor Rrlows fend -will tell you that unless his prescrip tions are filled with the utmost fidelity with the purct and freshest drus all his ability to cure von will be wasted. Your prescriptions should be brought to this store where we pride ourselves on the care devoted to carrying out your physician's instruc tions. Ask your doctor l.e knows. While our prescription department i the bet equipped in thijtown, we a'w hve well lelected stock of all the ltet necc.Miiies in ninlical nd unitary appliances. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. 1 s tun iuiiti mi First on The Page one best dance" of the season. Play Next Sunday Ird Ith 17 Andrew Miller, of Hillsboro, nVs will return here next Sun tvturnej the tirst oi me weeK day for another Rame and the fnmi an extended trip to South- Hillsboro team and management ern Oregon, whore he called on Mieve they can the yet George and Herman bchulmencn. ! o0t,a o-on.orirn M., . it.. I I uiiwaw.i ajwuivj bkii.k'.hvii. e says those former Hillsboro- There win be a little change here ties are in wo.k up to uivir ra. and there jn the l,ne.up 0f the T I. (). Thatcher Real tv Co.. locals and home boys are going of Forest Grove, has sued Danser out to bring in the bacon. They i',..,u .t. iiiv.,., of Forest Gmvfl. were so certain of victory Sun- for if'lSD real estate commission, day that they feel that they lost Tliov nlleir.t tlllV r.mll rod a the game by hard luck only, and purchaser for some land in per- next Sunday they will have a son of W ill. Schuman, of fort- uuowi pticnem o uiai uuc u .in.i t),.e veant thpir Hvp can be relieved it nis arm can "" "v-' "" j .l. i - .,,.,... inui tsianu me naruMiiy ui nine I : : i l - ...... , I lliiiillKs. iunnaKci iuou.c yiu.ii lip in me low n w nere nenry igejJ a jg ft earue next unit uvea vaie. imckuii uauiu,,j. . i -!., ,UI U man M.ieu liiv ihj ...a.D.iai niv other day. Henry, however, has alwavs lived on the frontier, and man for ud i'il Ith th (ith th Sth Ith Oth 11th th A. .. 14 ....20 ...551 ... l2 ....37 ....38 ....43 ....47 50 " GO Mermens, Verlxtort, only on list 3: st uuarter 0 " KJ " IS " 23 " 2S " 33 38 ' 45 HACK TO THE lJAKM "Hitck to the tarm' 1 nave 130 acres of land; 40 acres clear. the rest good saw timher; goot house, barn and orchard;:: wens snrings: large creek; good mil site; timber can be tloated down I 1.111:1111, river. o . iiiiiia muu. of Hillsboro; one mile north of Laurel; on mam county ro;ui; mail and milk route; phone -in l.otwe- w sell all or in small t.'iu'is. nt $150 per acre. Part v .-j--t - a filth Come and see me. A. i iirehe Hillsboro. Ore., Route 2, ' . i Box 18. Sixteen incli. fir wood for sale Akiv for team work, call on 0, Iv. Hodgdon, Hillsboro. Phone City m. Jas. Sewell Jr. and wife were . l 1 13...., ..II Cfali.M. in irom oeyouu o.-n.-u ui.'h Saturday. Miss Alice Sewell was the guest of Miss wuneinuna neme Saturday ana punuuy. 1 V. Tlennptt and Wife. near Orenco, were in the city Saturday. C First On In RESOURCES 3 J ADAM FULTON CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000 The oldest and strongest National Banh in Washington County. The most Substantial in resources of any bauk in the County. Give us your business and we will make it your busi ness as well as our busi ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the world over without identification. Safety deposit boxes for rental, and a private room in which to look over your papers. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, Hillsboro littl.i IhilUT like n . - ... i i i -II 1. - I I.Ikm tii,1tstn (liu tkrraA vataran ii-Kiit t!i lines., r. nt Hit mHKe . nwaiu i uiwu, i.is k 'i"'" limlong for the green of the who for many years has been old Willamette Valley. under guardianship, died May iu. . khz. at tne nome oi nir. aim G. A. Lechner. of near Beth- Mrs. Faeh. Washington Street. . SaT 1 I ' - ... any, w as in town wonuay, on between Second and Third. His business at the court house, ne wj was recently executed, and reports things going nicely down he rave all of his property. his way, but says there was a which amounted to perhaps $1. neat little forest fire in his sec- oqo. to Mrs. Faeh. who had lion the othen day, the wind dry- Lored for him in his last illness, ing the ground so that fire runs Capt B. L. Snow, the St. Johns ery last. attorney, drew the instrument. that Fulton has been an invalid for a ihu Aririiu ij nrS itilmirernf Thet). number of years, and has drawn 1,11V M. ----- I . . . tl . ,l.tr.i K'.uwm'. t namrant fnr the a Dlff Dens.on. ne was umic ui VH'I. UWUV IKV - I . " .7 I . J presidencv, and considers the less dissolute, nowever, anu a Ovster Hay man superior to Mr. guardian was appo nted away t.i . i... i,.,r ,i,wi r.nt snnil back in Judge Rood s administra ting V'VIW H.MH v..'v -I'--- ,, . . , . onii. tnrv A sm COterie OI llOU. till"! nuiaui iiw ""ii .... uniitipA in the guardian for some time, tulton court yard, under the trees, the had a withered arm, the result other Jay, and Caples approach- of a gunshot wound received in ed. He was saluted by one ot meuvit war, the party, who said Bob, who w ill be elected president? Ca- Card of Thanks pies remarked that he did not &r-v ttttuti c nit m m m:mmmS R&touecoa largest ot any Bank In Washington Ootmty J- think either Taft or Roosevelt could be elected, as too many kindl u3 and tendered personalities had been indulged. 9ympathy durinK our bereave Oneot the party contended led- ' J , death and ob. II V was il iuu.-l.ua.ici, Caples a lour-nusner. wnen -e of the ,ate Mr3, Grant told a story. He said i 7.,m.., that one of his neighboi-s dream- rant Zumwaitf Husband eii ineoctore uteu uuu went w heaven. He did not stop to knock on the irate, but content ed himself with a kick that made a dent in the filigree work, feter Mrs. Clara Petty Copeland, Mother Hillsboro, Ore., May 14, 1912. A. THORN BURGH President J. R. BAILEY V. V. MCELDOWNEY Vice Prvaiileot Cashier K. Kerrin,ss't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $280,570.12 Capital U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Surplus Other Bonds 57.100.00 Undivided Profits Banking House 18.5lW.tXI Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 148,082.44 Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 27.000.00 1.317.33 25,000.00 450,995.23 $52t,312.5; $529,312.56 IloHorvo 3 4 Ior Oorxt. DIRECTORS Thos. C. Todd John . Bailey J. W. Fuqua Wilber W. McEldo-wney - J. A. Thornburrf i m mm n . xt: i. ir:i opened, and fearing to lose his ,. l uaroner ana mi S": "Thpodore I've ms, who have. a contract of position, said. ineooore, i ve , , Ronmptntt I Z ed 'this door for mH ion. of slashing on the old Baumgartner position opene years, anu tat. u --j -;rz 6. Thpv haye a,ready it you seeanyintng "K. J : olnt fiftv oros. and 1 . k I. . ,v..r fi,M unllM limn Dnull I oimOIIvU w ioij belaw" Tiierde" the Nick says it music to cease, and turning to aevetoy h i"'"8'" Peter, said - Add 1,000 soprano strayed or stolen six head voices and 1,000 alto voices to cave8, 8jx months old; nearly that choir, Peter," and the or- an have bells. Last seen Friday der was obeyed. Peter expect- morning. Notify T. H. Folken antlv said. "How many bass hpP Holbrook. Ore.. Koute 1. shall 1 add," when Theodore - Kolkenbera Station, on the thundered back at frightened St. ijnjted Railway. 10-2 tu "Mui'M. minrl th 1.000 bass voices-l'll sing bass my- John Ritter, of Helvetia, was H(,if I down to the county seat Monday . The physical defects of the eyes a study, just as I have studied the merits or de fects of every lens and spectacle frame made. Such experience enables me to tell in the shortest time just what kind of a glass each of your eyes will need. No Delays, No Dissatisfaction. I am headquarters for Careras, Kodaks and Photographic Supplies Everything at proper prices. JEWELER AND 0MICIAN ac x I i i , I V i t 'V.. n I'; ? t f i