The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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IIII.I.Sr.oRO.ORKr.ON, MAY 9. 1912
no. y
rn n iiunum-u u..
1001 E
,1. UH" r
III ioJt tMlll
linn' iitr
i it
ImatiV. :i"
Lrv-it t"
.ml tl r ,ur" w:,H '"
, Jll Ill llt CM IIltlk'.
,,-,,' .;isiliall ii" mi
. .V 111 I" I " J L
Ihivh put up a i;imm
lh that l!..
. . . . ,
m tir.ioniitH Wint iiht
:., ..ii f V. K & N .
,. rii U-inif th I'rt
lie il.tV tell '
il. Tin' tri'i ''ft
fcf.i IH-lI.t
lh til'- '"'
lit till I"
.1 Kit 111.1'
j'sUnv in H.' ""'
drove one o it on
putting Harry Su
t'oait Iukiii1 pilch
, ami ultliouli In'
ly, tin I"1)" i'"i!.
mil l"r ..afe l.itt.
will main
ilixt.inl In
Lrr f..r a i - ( i ii
Tu iii:iii Mill 'N.iiiik lias wiih
e!r ,r I v i it t'i tin-"aft emm
mj t'' i aily all t lh.-
bt trip " r HH' I aruir
. . v I I'.....
Cli r-:i-l t.. tin' O'ltl it.
. V MWIi'l M
,11 S. M rum. n foriw-r r.-sj
Yn of I .Ti s i i,i.m an. i inr
liny )r:ir an itijilovre of tin-
.rvhaiil National Lank. I hi t-
lid, at Iih lin'iii' at IS Ka-t
unity si i iiinl St., I'm llaii-I. In-
y fvi'innv'. .May .1.
Hi il.atli rami' il a treat
.ck t Iti i rt-lat ivi ami many
rmN ll' I. ail Umi Htti-mlimr
l I . . . I . I ....1 ... I .1
D ni il'llli1 Ul llli' nut until
'huts.ia. I hat iiiv:lit lii ill
tn ii'i liii-.!. lind In' wan wait
k um I h l.r.ilhi'r. Ir. ( . A.
KTUMI. I li iltll l llllH' Hlnlili lllV
lut '. I'. M.. I'ri'lav.
Mr. Mai-rum i Himn'l !v hi
Jim, wlin nan MiH l.ulu
ith. of I'liitlaiul; hi inntlirr.
! I. A, Mar rum; in l'ir
tlsiiN, r. t'. A. Mairmii.
crll Mai-nun ami tiarfnM Ma-
urn. of 1'i.rtlaml; ami Jnlm W. ,
arnini 1,1 SiMikant'. ami a sH-
r. Mix W. II. Its nl. of Salem.
Hi' Ha-; .1 f 1:1 1 i v (if I " 1 1 1 S 1 . 1 1 1' ' ' . !
. . . . in-ill 11
Livihn 1...1, luii-n 111 mil iii' 1
me tu I'lirllaml witli In par-
It Minn a fiuv iiikiiIIh nlil.
A liir uii- i item of ;Li i an in
llili ,lni, ri r -,ll v hail an alia.
.t lnihliai'ii II- hlart'-i lrnm
t Hli- I in a U.a kiint. an, I luuthl I,,' ll ii'l'.'lil Mils NUtlll lllli
tm nt II- ;i.,ii.-. il tu Ins Lark
in r..i.nis iililuii.iiiH, arn t l Lt
lii-Vt iav. litnl th- m-t. hr rr
atn it. II- w.n riiri-.l after
lin- ila. ami was tillitu'
almut thi" i-llirarv of the iartir
ular Lrainl of linimi-tit wln-n
his iff, whti ktin'As a thin or
Mii'l "Why .larms tdat
was a rnnih nie.iiriiii- that you
! !. Vm ina.1- a mi. take."
W. I Uayimiml. of m ar I'.anks.
was m toAti ri. lav. lie sas
that tin' I 'nrtielnr; ru onTatlVe
rhecse fa. t'irv will S'Min L;iw a
ImihlmtT roini!i tnl, ami Mutt
there is rnllil 'e of a I'reat ileal
of Lit line i.s. The Hanks fa tory,
Mr.'l Mate, is workinv'
rijfht alont; with a hn' h u t 1 y of
milk. With the :i'l. eiit nf Sum
mer ami a iknI pa-'tiirae. there
is hkehlim"l. the nillk prireH are
likely tu irn. ami the cheese
value will have a temlenoy l
keep lip Pk prifes.
('luMm.' out hale of plant.
Will ,seil at naerifirc t'i those
wishing' to tlx up their
aml they will , well ti rail ami
what we hae house plants,
Tim's. hhrulilMTV, lilies, nnileS,
Lteeilmi; heiirts, ami other things
t.m IHIIIIernUH tu lllellt lull. ('ah
u'f ami t.iiiiatu phmts in their
M-iiSon, We also ha e some line
reitu tery plant an. I .shniLU ry.
Mrs. Ak'nes Camplirll. Turner
ol Seventh -'ir Street. I 'him,
citvivi. .vjtf
llisi, I'.iers'l.M f was in from
hi North i'lams Impyaril. M011
il.ty, ami sas s thiit with the ml
vent ol Muinliiv's warmth, tin
vines Ktarleil their first rapi.l
emwlh of Spring. (ie!. s;iys
that the lover crop is lominir m
nieelv. ami that three week of
warm weather woul.l preeipitatr
hayim? earlier than Inr jears,
A a rule 1 lover havnu ilm'H not
hiart until almut the miihlle of
or 'Ji'lh of June, hut it ha an
earlv start this season.
JUDGE 1 A. 1.111
W ill at Oikc Ik'ttin l Assfmhlc
Mis Maliriul for Aniit u
Hm) Claim All.itl il h May Tciw
ol County Cuurt
he eountv eourt hel.l a verv
tusy session the past week, ami
was one of the term fraught
ith hit' thinirH. The contractor
r the new annex to the court
use tileil hi tximl tin; lirst of
eek. ami will at once Ik-imh to
a.ssetnlile Iuh materia .
Ua. viewer weri' apNiinteil:
Ii. Ciminoaml A. I'.. Mutiny
to view the roail. John l ami'ihcll
tals, iM'titiuner; J. W. Hughes
am! J. A. AIiIkiM, to view mail
rank Hill ctal. jietitioncrs; A.
Mint ami ( . r. liL'ari), to
ievv roa.l J. T. Kelly, t-tal. pe
Fifty ilollars wa appropriated
Supt. t ase for the county
John M-urer. of near (Junta
ma. was in the city Saturday
He Havs that hi son inlaw, J no.
IVercnhoolll. of KoV. hll two
llolstein cow that are worth
while. One ha U-en k'iviwi;
lMiuml of milk per day. and the
other S'J iH.umls. At fl.l mt
i.imilred this would mean over
Jt LM i r dav for each milker
iiml that is some money in tht1
dairy Lusines.
If you have a farm for sate, or
want In traile your larm lorcny
.lv see a i l iV UaKIT
. . I I wlo It..
man. real ('Slate neaiern, 01.'
imi Avenue N.. I'ortlan.l. Ore
1 11. 1 ..ti.,i.i;ii...l iiil'ii'i' Pros
. I'lllI I l I llll'II.MI' l '
c was a erailuati' ol the IXM ' ... , 1.,,, ; iheiroll'ici
lau.r l'.....-... I! 1 Jil-i" ' I ...,.......-'.
took the law cour-io of the; ' ;. :,. .i.;,, ..,,
!tv. and i tet'll ahle to rciresent
l.-vi! t.ronertv. Ml
(leorire llolsheimer. of Klmoni
nivvrsitv of Oregon, uradu
limit in iv.Hj, i entered the
nice ,, ih,. Merchant Na
final I'.ank. where In was cm-
fioyed as teller, ncrvinir there
r the past 21 year.
r'or ten ye;ir lit' ha !oen re-
Vrdcr of Wasliinutoii hMlire.
fninhts Templar. He vvn also a
iwnhcr of the Mvstii Shrine.
Dame, Millshoro Mall
o tint foiyet (he ilanci- at Mills-
PTi all. Satiinlav eveniui'.
'lay is. Crescent' orchestra.
nkets, :f.(KI; ifenllemeii Hpecta
'W, 2T. cent. t-lO . T, Martin, of New
Ork Mi:. I., tm it I iLi ti.1i t ructi in
- .1.11.(1 111 Hi M'l'ini'i' P
ll'lxisition to waiman'H HiilVrsi.'!',
'atunlav eveninir. Hi the court
""w. Mr. I'. .1. Hail.'v, prcsi-
t. of the Portland Anli-Suf-
r'lv,'c I .I'lii'ii.. iii-i'i on t i:i i ii'i I Miss
fliirtin I this fit v.
U. ""im I i in f ii i iti m ii - -
.inland, Friday, nfter a visit
r'th her children ami erand-
M'ildlen in this Hi.eliiin.
in the city r mlay, am
....n. ..I mi Ihe Arirus. WIVS
ii,..t I'liiiiiiiica i thrivinir am
i hni he is iroii.if to stay rii;ht
there with hi Mnti'h lumiralovv'
piitch family, and a I'm' I'ntc
I,'..h u..l. ir I rnde for Clisll, or
on easy term hmist'
and Washington Street.
house on First and Fir. '
i...,.o..u in I oMi :im I ai k.
three vacant h't wasmi K '
ii i II.II.i
,Hln i. -
I Mirn. (hv.
i.' W. ('adv.ntu'of Hoavorton'
mere llllHS. W !li in
. . i . i.:..
Hill NIHIL" Hi"
Arvrns. 11
ihe cilv rriilay.
I -'ill llll 1 tit'
milium ..... ,
sitvs he likes the way old llillsho
ro is proirressinir,
i..i. II norland, of beyond
v.'.hI, Phiinrt. was trnnsadintf
l.usinessin llillshoro, Friday
Tennis Pyl. of South Tualatin
. I.'..l.l.itf
was 11 1'iiy visii"' "'"j
llillshoro Commercial DonK DlocK
I! r l. J, l V mii. 4 . K I.Tllr . V.
1 'w.l ( uiv.H .V Huiik- Co 119 97, lvl.
Vi tti'H ! i) Xv. J Cmtiilc Tt tjo, llilll
l' Mrlmtlllir C l 'V
l.lrrtioo i;nw. JihI'V Clnkt, Mar-
linla, Ini l.lrnlU
Ihvi Sctiimllrr H, ttnl
IimI. V rh llickrtbirr IxxMlit 1. Kolil
I, tli llirkcthtrr, Krwia Kil-
Jim VV tamer, Julius I'rtrftuB 6 each.
Ii vnion- (. W Still H; J A Jolintoa,
W r Itrtmiirr. C K IMr, C W AUrs.
J i M vim i
Iliili.n-V J Stiltjr.C A Prlrrvm. A
It IUvt, I.,Ik" llminnu. Fir'l J'ilinxo.
Vi tin Ii. N I' Nrlion H, Julia Lucta, ball
it nl i
IUnk-ll C Camlrcs. K V Willi. II J
Ulvr. A Mxi'r. I M k-.l. r. ) II llrtl.,
C Inkli v. K A K11K. r r Uh.w, II W
tu ki ll I14 I-. Ilra llrjr J each; C L
! II. lit I J bit
Ciiin !m J llurhrle Is 05; I. Oi((rf,
mnt M.tin. I II M'iriiwry, II A I.t!r,
a lin',i-iirk j tat 11.
I'lliullll.U I C
,'ili.. I It S le. II Int. I C Lrncaef. A V.
MrCuttiu v. Joliu Milltf 6facb.
. ....
imirv J m iii, 11. J w liuifh , w 11 junsprudence here it is
hool cxhihit
Fifty dollar was transferred
from the general to the instituU'
fund. Koads H. T. Johnson
tals. and W. M. Iluirhes. ctals,
(etitioners, were oruereil estao-iished.
loiad J ;t. U c i' tals petitioners.
nlcrctl cbtahlished pmynleil pc
titioner pay half of il;ima;:es.
f 57.). inside of '.il days.
Ihe follow intr claims yvi-re al
ow eti:
frank S,tl' l, ititatio ra i jn
I'nr h at I'miliiii; C, iip li-' . 14 l"
I' aril (.tm 1'ieta, n lulu 1'Hin 1.1 J'
11.1 ImU, iiivhic raar - 7 ''5
I'.iit'itn.l I'iiIv Alm'iart, .. )
VVUJiimU, lt Ulc ca.. - I 5"
W l .Sinitli, j f Stair v llrmlirn. 7 $
W Mil l.illUtt, CI .7 4"
C A Ijtmkltt, tm riillritinn J u
M C'aii'lall, tM-Miir ' ,ilniv . .Iiki k
M C Law, limil attpt nil - ft...lS7 V
Mainairl (.iuhIiii Bsit tilliiT. 41 ik
W II l.vt. roc rl ... )"
at A I'tuillimiittie, rlrrlion mi 4'' 4s
A M.iitill, awa-iir' ullicr 5 ''
Sii-ttr lv Mrlal Wnik 57 "'
F S Wnkra, cotinly rmnl .V 5
Irwin IIikUiiii Lit. rrtoi.lrt'a tf,... n V
(', C h Si jll - I '
II I'rtkliH. C II .V Hll .. I iw
W I' I'lnni!' ; m K'tlil'ina 9 b
IIIhi l.ivi ty Lo, acliiail tup J.ick... to
I. W lloutr, tlrrlmii liwilm m
I-1. n Slnlilra. ltvrrv - 4 if
lltrllinlil-IUriE Co. att 1 ,t ic b 8s
v'li UtrK Corp, lilu m l Jl 5
K O Strvrtnoil, liiilKf wl i l'...l W '.S
Jno Mi'Clatan, cu cotur Hs
uhn Nvla-rn, ro cuttir 7 J T
a II J k, mIhmiI mip Si tsp.119 s
C ( Hot & l", Oilllily COllil.- ... IS 15
li C. lUiii'iH-k, ml. rxp H't htmrit 4'mi ,w
I V niirv", eti clt tk twl rxp y.J uti
lllio i.lvrty Co, lively -
Win Tuppt-r, c li jiinlliir ,
V .SiriftlM, in eiillrciion
II I' llttinplitrya, l rollrclion
VV l YVoo.1, co lifallli t llurr
li I IV iirlinn, lax dillrfllon
I' II Tuiiviir .1'. I""! Ally cilliif.
J-liii Priini. lax rollrclion
K 1. l'riktn. Ml S; rxi. rrc oiltc;i.'7 70
H II SittiiiiiRlon, Irt'iiaml '. 75
Veteran Jurist Injects Humor Into
Oregon Archives
TV Marl Twaia al Orcfoa Jurinpra
dtrate Stare Home Raa
A dispatch from Salem tells of a
Supreme Court decision by Su
preme Judtfe T. A. McBride
which will be relished by the
Coiry fio o; John many Washington County friends
of the Mark Twain of Oregon's
ifiaU-r, C Hr'ili-in, Wot (.olttrman
t :i ll, ll.u. 1!. I J Hun kttj 7 511; Wui R
rplirtta lioolbi I
Ka 1 Unlit W K shaver C F Ti
in'. C A I'lu Hi, J M (IvnhulUrr, J f
rai. lt. I. A iprk 6 r .ch.
I. nil Crilar Sam (rtlhiratb tio, mil
1 nl 4; C V Caa'eel. J L ll.r n, h
VV'rtLrit, J M:utitiii2i, C lieilxrifer 6 .
r.air l'ink-J W MrKulfiK fS 60;
V'hak iviu. I' Lilly. JuliD (iicenwoixl,
In UivtiiK, Walter Sargent 6 each:
Ihmi.Ih and tuilor 4.
Lemrlint Ailam Itrrgert Jr (3 61: II
sclitiieimatin, Michael SiinUiier, (JeiKt
ll.iUrliei, L'atl I I 'I 111. A BunnitiK J each. II F I'lir.W $S (.; Imotbl and
tttaislial, K J Ward. K llanline. W C,
Kv itiniiit, C J N-nner, J C Callahan 6 e
Mountain Tin t M uphy tit o; S
ll,ii:i r,li-rk liamilia j; Win lloncarin, C C
r!..,,i. S N ll.-llf titx-ck. T C Meachatn,
I'eter II. Ifitmn 6 each.
North HillslKiro-K HGrcer.G
t- L'.:tt.i..: L" I L'.,nti; I V
- Cllll llllt-lll, 14 I IIUIOIII. U U lrlk
Sll'lte. Fred Sieirrist, J as Imbne, out of their epinioni and that defendant
was dinoei to magnify innocent
"Cool lager beer" versus the
contents of the "old oaken
bucket" with its accompanying
possibilities of bacteria and noxi
ous germs" proved to be the
burden of a Supreme Court de
cision today in which Justice Mc
Bride discussed some marital
woes and modified a divorce de
cree granted to Charles EL Short
from Maggie E. Short, the case
being appealed from Josephine
The lower court decided for
the plaintiff, but as to settlement
some of the lower court s rind
ings were modified. In the
course of his opinion Justice Mc
Bride says:
We sather from the testimony that
bctb parties were diipoaed to be tenaci
and will tell you that unless his prescrip
tions are filled with the utmost fidelity with
the puret and freshest drugs all his ability to cure
you will be waisted. iour prescriptions should be
brought to this store where we pride ourselves on the
care devoted to carrying out your physician's instruc
tions. Ask your doctor he knows.
While our prescription department is the best equipped in
this town, e a!o bare well selected stock of all the
latest necessaries in medical and sanitary appliances.
The Delta Drug Store
l.t..e Itiwi-iiw w N Rnriftt Jr.
L" I M.(' i,k Ian A I piemsBDiiies into iim inuiicniim. uu,
L McUirmilk, Jas A F fewd.,;.lter the marriage, be
Sewell. l);imon ureer, waicnman, i(1 jokingW. to friend, "1 paid fx for
l e;u h. I this thitig (meaning defendant,) $5 to
V,.illi l-'iiroat Hrovo A verv the minister and it for the license,' she
i....r i.. i." vi' n..:.. o IM li;.n now atanmes that a dead' insult was in
IwllieiV. l i namva, iAt y.w., , . . Anlh,r ..;.Iiii. -M rr
( ,arl Mc.NUlt. t nas V aniroren. ltm,eA ihe 1. alter the wedding. The
Kdw Dav is, J A l eterson, J L bridal party with relatives were on their
(Mark. J 11 Hartley. W L friCkett, t to Crater we. ine u was noi.
.. i.. i.... ! a xv I T I the road dosly, and the bnde thirsty.
i u n . "'in nnuL-i , . - , Pre(erlng tagef right ofl the ice l0
rieu nero. the contents of the old oaken bucket,
Keei v i e - W W IlOStetler. Ueo with iu accompanying possibilitiee ol
Jack. Ralph Wann. J A Kirk- bacteria and nosiou. germs nebody
wihkI Oswald Frank, $6 each; J stogg
li 1 mlay It. decided objections, and although the
South Forest Grove II J Got! beverage was procured and presumably
tl 'XI- I M llnlTmnn f' W MprtZ. consumed, the process was not accom-
A Ben Kori . Kdw U Wirtz. E J Kuro.bUhi.roinrBd
r isher. .J each. .... . Toe husband gives a lair and plausible
South Hillsboro J Asbahr, A reason for hia opposition, namely, that
Jack. D Corwin. A W Siegrist. C he objecteJ to beer being drunk in the
K 1 leiehman. John VanderwaU "1.3
V 1 ru I linger, J W M)nneii, u L. tried to worry alone on welt water, or at
('nnker, John PenniS, 0 1 Led- least not have taken the objection lo
ford, Fred U'od. V Jack ?.J each, heart as an intentional cruelty
South Tualatin C li Adams.
nn Chambers. W M Hathom. BACK TO THE FARM
A U Mulloy, F Brown, ?b each;
I) r.urkhaltcr, $7.80;LC Mulloy. .Back to the farm"-l have
f'2 (H). lOii ucroe nf lnnH- 40 nerp clear.
Washington Joseph umneii, , the Kst eo0(j 8aw timber; good
$C.(H); l'hilip Tezoldt, Alfred h0U8e barn and orchard; 2 wells;
C.iierher. rrank Jackson, Henry oonmnm- inro- rrppk? o-nnd mill
w .v Kuratli. WT kerr, $6 each; Thos L:te. timber can be floated down
,"6 7" Connell. $2. iT.mlotin rivpr Si miles south
. . 1 A . . ,1. MWIWV..I . . .
tf fill I 1
llays. r. w jonnson, jonn von- ma and m k route: phone in
a b m m mm m
First on The Page
3 S
. hi 50
Mu t)i
CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000
The oldest and strongest
National Danh
in Washington County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any bank in
the County.
Give us your business and
we will make it your busi
ness as w ell as our busi- .
Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the
world over without identification. Safety deposit
boxes for rental, and a private room in
which to look over your papers.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, HIIHboro.
t tvi a a a a a
Uinneii. at t , Tualatin river. Six miles south
West Cedar -C True, $14; W 0f Hillsboro; one mile north of
I. 1'eters. Ferd Lanr, Charles iurei; on main county road".!
l l.e A-kiis. elections and printing, ta J . Kutte C ChHstenSOn.
fiMinlv mur fiirm I Krltit I'riin Slnre
t. -, Il iT; . I'lHI rttllV..l
1V-"!T:?TZ.V Harry Uobinson, J B Downing
rrilc b1 etc 77.
Utilities John I teuton il'i A, I'M l.of
siini! '.'1, 1 B Kensmier 5 K, li r Ui''
ttinrr liS Sv. H l-lrocliniicr 14 7. i11"
Ihiio l.iiinlH r Co i6l Sj. 1, N Tumpkiiis
j. 4S, C I llayiies 46 ?., J L.OR10 W Jo.
Krlf-nrUm llros M Ss. J ,,,lry
ft II T Cornell I 71. 1' M Roliltisoti t.50.
ielm;er Sins 7 fio, Hoys i i.itin ahi
SiH' IS". W '"! 3" l,r (-,-
lltnes limn Mote y)
Supervisor district ron.l fund K 1
Hue dm NoS. i irS jn, K.d IWntcti No
u. us ss J J Siiivitn m 1551 19,
house; will sell all or in small
tracts, at $150 per acre. Fart
cash. Come and see me. A. L.
Grebe, Hillsboro, Ore.. Route 2,
Box 18. 6-tf
$fi: A V Denny. S8.
Whee er-K A CBUIeS. U IN
Sproat, M J Powers. J J McHale. N. P. Oakerman, of Portland,
.1 M Weisenback. $6 each: I) R was in town the last of the week.
Wheeler. 8.10; L) II Wheeler, 2. Mr. Oakerman formerly resided
I at Beaverton, and is now in tne
. i et real estate business in Portland
l-reti leueRion. oi outooo, "-- ..... . c .
in the city batumay. fm' r- rarm innrfa hv the
I IliailU IVI Maa swaaswx j
11. M. Basford, of below New- homeseekinjr element now com
ton, was in town Saturday. ng into roruana.
C. V. Hesse, of Scholia, was in The potato acreage promises
ii Heir No j.t 4'H), Ami No ii it ,1 , t ,st 0f the week. to be larce in Washington Coun
l?t"H T G. Meacham. of above ty. this seasor ..owing to the bjj
rK.ver .H,.yo,s.,,n.A n r,t;. MinlSndJei was a city caller. STJ
iJU 1 1 IK. 1 lii V mv
uikn kail in nvo nprps last vear
w, a,Kt. Ann.r.e !ci in. o... . Ton, Sinay) ot aDove dioommg. wh0 win double the acreage this
j nn ucHu.ii ji. a" .v - . : j-: ,, ,i,vn tn thf citv the ast oi lo -
jeS HQ, Wm Schcmlel 15, 7" 3. J ll """" "" ouiiiuici.
llolliimii J4, 35 Pl,cl' ,R -M 5- me WL'eK. fVnntv riork Railev was ud in
ket.ilft(iiK electors J V McRolierts n.l plana Jesse. ofLu mn,.no,'na aKnva Timhpr.
" ? .... II..V.I. I1M limner Kan. - "V" . . ! ... " '""MO. . .T . '
vks were down 10 ine Sunday, trying his luck at nsh.
S RoircrH a 20, II n liK vima i r iivuija linKa lie mauc uic nip v
(loiheiKtr io,t, i; .i!i 4 M- Rnd Mrs. John Fuegy. of excursion
f..v's o ic x 'iur.iiii j f'17 j, R A Phillips, were in town Saturday, Ferd Groner, accompanied by
CapU s a 4,
Resource largest of any Bank In Washington 0
H. E.
Vice President Cashier
Ferrin, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $500OO
Undivided Profits
Loans $280,570.12
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57.160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
$529,312.56 $529,312.56
Reserve O 4 ror Cent
Thos. C. Todd John E. Bailor J. W. Fuqua
Wither W. McEldowney J. A. Thorabur;
Ml lljni ij I I
Tho Hillsboro Commercial .tank HuildinR. ltihtlvXw
.f Main and Second Streets, is one of t he s ghtly WotK i oi
' cilv. It irt .u'rn the street from tlm couri "
W'Tru hie.1 l,v 11 (lommereial Bank, which has the w
avi the larKi-Ht deposits of any ir.divi.Uml Will.
8('at, and the Hillsboro Mercantile Company, one of the largest
nimercial enterprises in Washington County.
K ections H M Itrooks It, 1' K Thi'll
' ... ... Ill tl'l.i. C
6 Ml. McNiiinerM Winn 5. .1 11 oi .-
10 C V. Kiiiilt H jo. W l Stnitn o, vi iu
iliin er 4 ho, V If IK'kiiiKfr a, O M San
f ml a. linn Puree 3 5.
Circuit Jurors C T Unll 1(1 61, S A
n iwi At. A C lltiUv 54. W U Walket
11 hritnk lli'iiiiett j. Roltt A cKitnili r 4 ,
k l'.le B Jh. JllO Vil'llll'IWIll JO, OVltll
.'1..I1..1. a ml lack Jr A, It K Mncliiir 36
.1... M.U.ili. rl 4H J C l islier 4. l"'t
Vl,eln ad. Rlt MclvlliKlit 39, L. Hoy
... t,. (1 .1 lVi.tmu-er 33. A J klllHl 12
iln. R Ailmiis 55 W C Tiicscr 4i. Win
Wtlltiiitin 5
r iv tin 11..IT
I:. I-. U.Hln.ff l' 0 (tOrtlLII, A M
j lliowti, N HatiKC, Will lliiiimiiK.f1ec
L V KJ't 4"
Roads and hiKhwvs-J T, ntirriRrov.-r
. .. 11.... M,.f.ll. Ol l. W f II.S8J, .1
" ' .. - 1 .ii l....l.u.... . f. 1 .1 A
.fc W..f1.lllllll. 1. .1 V Jfl.."'" ww-...
Aliliolt 6 ao, J W ldulies 6, J C i.llls i,
HAD Meek 4 S.-c null k Metal
9t4 t6. Western Cliiy Co iy 77,
A It Twill 5. tioT Itios i a. Jolin lleyer on
Kiiests at the Henry Hesse home. hj8 wainut horticulturist, was up
ur. u f cknita wna to the citv the last of the weeK,
trill, uuiiaini, uv..v.'i . . -
..... 1 0-1 1.... r aOanitinir In snm wnrk for local
11 iiiusiHim visitor oaiuruay ui- aiKuuiua
fernoon. patrons
John Seifert. of Phillips, was
visitinjr friends in Hillsboro the in town Saturday. HewyB that
first of the week. Mr. Wismer. of near Ph ilips,
., . c nt QKn,l 1081 a granary uy in c a
Ueonre Bantz Sr., of ohady
Brook, was over town the last ot
the week.
Hugh Moore, of near Roy, was
A fhn niftr hVirlav HP
SivtetMi inch fir wood for sale. ;a efiii o Hpni nf
j r Kiinis 4.v -Also, for team work, call on C. g ' ing to acComplish-
.st,n-c8es-i;r.'k . u notion, Hillsboro, Phone Xnuthi sway.
IT, M lliuvey. Win Ryan. R I j,.. h g.Q ea OUt ms way.
Ph d Shea, or Detween L.aurei
and Scholls. was a city visitor
Monday, and called on the Argus.
R. H. Greer's horse indulged
in a fancy runaway Monday at
H. A. Halsey has given up the
City 80.
Joseph Bishup, of Helvetia,
. ... ... -i- u...t.:
nn, VVm. HlSnilll. Ol mouiiioui-
dale, were in town Monday af
Whv nav rent when you can
own a home by paying for same
plan, in ice
the instal inent
.... - ir" -----
,,)8 39, V) a oamiier 17, v - Addit on. for sale. T, U parK- uyawr nyuot, wv-"T"
Waih mnn.P.O. Building. 9-11
bhevlin 3H iu, w - i" 1 -
and has departed for Portland.
1 8MR
When I Fit Glasses
I liave the scientific appliances for deter
mining and the Glasses for correcting any
and all defects of vision. No matter what
the nature of your case, if your glasses do
4 Spot suit you perfectly, call and see me. .
I Fit Any Eye That Can Be Fitted.
You are invited to call.
L '