The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 02, 1912, Image 2

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    KXtSBORO ARJCS. MAY t 'tft)
.--lO-ir.C STOliK
Japanese Goods
Lnamel ware
if. o.
Tost Cards
Wc aim to supply your iimls at t lie popular pvues.
S l tbt )'Mt-rttc t
i'vm, won.l-rl&M noil tuatt.
fount lticidl Tapir
ulori,ii,w; !. per A nit it Mi, Cirr) TbrwU
lui a MiklNUM
Tongue - Addition
Solii by the Wchdvt Realty Co. I.ts
and I Lilt Acre tracts very reasonably
priced, and on the very best of terms.
Also farm property. Mouey to loan.
Come and Give Us a Trial and We Will
Treat You Right.
Located on Seeoud St, between Main and Washington.
Kerr Brothers
Plumes: Office Main 75. residence City 5S2
reat Sale of Shoes i
Clothing and Furniture
Everything Must be sold -within
30 days regardless of Cost or
Value. Come and see our Prices
Tents Tents Tents Tents
Buy a tent and save your rent.
Reut your house and live in a teut.
You will Save IOO Per Cent.
Main Street, Next door to the Royal Soda Works.
Low Round Trips East
On the dates givm below, round trip tickets will be sold to
the points in the tJtst shown below, and many others, at
greatly rtdueed fares quoted:
In connection with
The North Hank Road, Northern Pa
cific and Great Northern Railways.
S owwa
c mm
Athntic City
11 illimore
Color i(l Spunks
I) livtr
fi 10 60
10S 1 a
1 10 61
. 92 lo
75 10
56 60
5' 60
ll'tioit .. . . fS3 10 O nalia "So (
DulutU (jo 60 I'll il nlelphia.. ... ( 9 iu
KtnsAS City 616) l'umtji 9210
Milwaukee., 73 10 St I. uis.. . . . rofri
St. Paul 6.6)
Toronto v2 10
Washington.... in3 1
lli neapolis... 6 60
Montrcil los 60
New York I 9 10
Mjty 1, 3, 4, 9. i". n, 17, IS, 24. 39. 1911
.lime 1,6, 7,8, 13, I), 15, 17. IS 19. 20, ji 21, 25 27. 28, 29, 1912.
July 2, 3. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22 23, 26, 9. 31, 31, 1912.
August I, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16. 22. 23, 29, 30, 31, 1912
Sc,teinler 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. II. 12, 30, 1912.
StojKjvers and choice of routes allowed in each direction.
Final return limit October 31, 1912.
Details of schedules, fares, etc., will be furnished on request.
Gen. I'rt, & Pass. Agent, Agent,
Portland, Oregon. Hillsboro, Oregon.
Sonator Jiwuthati lUirtw was
defeats! &t the primaries recent
ly, and with his defeat ends tho
carver of a man who did nurv t
put the Orvtfon system into our
state's organic law than any
other singto porson working for
the cause. Inuiriie was Ivaten
by a progressive, and yet. rarriotl
his own city Portland, against a
Portland man. Itourne counted!
too much on the public tempera
ment, and w as not aware of the
fact that printer's ink, with no
contra effort, oft jroes a long
way in bringing aUnit a defeat.
Itourne has left his Impress on
the state an impress for good,
and one that will long endure,
(raduuting out of the class of
machine politicians he took up
the fight for opular rijrht at
the crucial time, and was a pow
erful factor in netting legislation
that has meant thousands of
dollars t Oregon, and much
education in general administration.
Roosevelt captured half of the
Massachusetts delegates, but, U
catise the state preferential vote
went for Tatt by about 3.000.
uks his delegates to feel them
selves Unind for Taft, as the
Dutchman says he stands for a
principle, and he dot's not want
w hat he is not entitled to receive.
Uoosevelt has strengthened him
self by the declaration, and he
probably thinks he will have
enough votes anyway when the
convention meets.
Members of the Seholls Commer
cial Club m"t w ith the people of
Laurel, luesilay evening, April
3'. to talk over the question of
better transportation for the
Tualatin Vallev. The most poj
ular idea apjieared to Iw the
tunnel plan, under Council
Crest, with a rapid transit line
out through the South Tualatin
section. This proosition is
meeting with hearty support
from all the business men in
Poitland, and seem to be the
most feasible plan to tap the
valley, which is capable of sus
taining a dense (Herniation. The
Laurel people turned out hand
somely to the se.sion, about 30
representative citizens being in
Laurel is at once to organize a
Commercial Club which will work
in harmony with Seholls for the
general development and better
ment of the long-neglected terri
tory, which is one of the most
fertile in the state.
An Expert on Bread
agrees that the quality of Log
Cabin Bread is tiuiforinily perfect.
We take the most scrupulous care
in every detail of baking and our
bakery is pure and clean as to the
ingredients that are put into
Our bakers are experts in their trade
and we always purchase the latest
machinery to improve the quality of
our bread.
For sale at T. B. Perhins,
The Pacific Specialty Co., man
ufacturers of a "5-minute wash
ing jiowder, want to come to
Hillsltoro to put in a factory, em
ploying several people. They are
now located on the peninsula,
and are selling their product in
all stores, but they want to sell
more stock and enlarge their
plant. Hillsboro looks good to
Turner Bros., of Connell, Ore.,
and K. A. Prebles, of Portland,
are putting in a 30 M. capacity
saw and plaining mill at the
former (dace, and will be ready
for business by the 1st of June,
The Southern Pacific has a
crevv of engineers running the
lines on Sixth and Main, and on
out to connect witn main line,
to the west of town.
Rhode Island eggs, for hatch
ing purposes, $1 per setting of
15. Per hundred, $5. - Mrs. Max
Crandall. Hillsboro. 3-tf
(J. A. Plieth, of Tigard, was
up to the city yesterday, attend
ing a session of the county court.
Smokers want the best-therefore
call for a Schiller or a Grand
Marca, when you want to see the
blue wreath curl.
Frank Hill, of above Gaston,
was in town yesterday, on busi
ness. Furnished rooms to rent. Al
so a barn. Inquire at 5-10-15
Cent Store.
C. E. Holcomb, of Portland,
was in the county seat Monday.
Mrs. Ed. Mizen, of above Glen
coe, was in town today.
Dairymen, attention -Seven
registered Holstein bull calves
for sale, ranging in age from
three weeks to seven months.
Three of them old enough to
head herd. Fine stock, " "and
large for age, Geo. It. Bagley,
Hillsboro, Ore., or Oak Cove
j Farm, Forest Grove, Route 2.
Jury out IVur Hour and kVlurn
I irt IVxrv l intling
Rfpailiilioa Cvafoilu el Hrulhcr
DiJ Nol At ail
George M. and Chas. Humpbrys.
the brothers who settled aUne
Banks, last Kali, and who were'
arrested this Soring, and suhse-!
quently. made confessions to the'
murder of Mrs. K.lla Griffith, at;
Philomath. June 2. VAX. were
found guiltv last evening, by '
Cory all is jury, the finding In'ing :
murder in the first degree. It
will le remembered that the
elder brother was first brought
to the county seat by Sheriff
Hancock, and that a confession
followed. George, however, held
that he went to the widow Grif
fith's house alone, and that no
one else was implicated. Two
days later, when George was
taken to CorvaUis, Chs. was
brought to the county seat and
after a severe questioning, bnke
down and confessed to complicity
in the crime. John A. Jeffrey,
who defended Koselair, was coun
sel for the two brothers, and be
tried to discredit the confessions,
just as he did w hen tning the
Timber murder case. District
Attorney F.. It. Tongue, in secur
ing George's confession, w as very
careful to get the instrument in
line with first degree murder,
and his deputy. Tins. H. Jr., in
securing the admissions of the
younger brother, was equally
careful. The court held that the
confessions must lie admitted,
and that they were valid.
The llumphrys are of a very
low order of intelligence. The
court will sentence them this
Friday morning.
Th Mtaican Tutkty.
cruriliiiK u tlu imllu'i. itii Mptl
cull lurlev In IN nllil V it. I n.4 a
wy lnli'lllirt iit I. ml for lin y !,. lur.
tin.! lh ruvoliM m 1 '1 11 ry II In running
hi ilnU timli-r the Ir.v lu wlilcli il.c
bird are roonllnu until the latter tM
dlrjy ltiroui;ti wn t . U I u th.'iu and fall
d'KH ii one ! un
AuMralian Pin Bard.
Krum AiHtniliiiii idiie Imrk rnrl
have ntrmtivl It l 40 ht n-nt of
lulllliu KUiilii-tt tin- H t cent ol 'tai lied
In fcutUnil from oak li.irk
Catarpillar Baromtltr.
Colt-roll In r nrt- k-hhI weuiher iroph
. Kwlnlly Ilium- tlnil shelter lln-m-elve
In wi lx When rain N due I It. -y
it ay at hoiim liiHtend of furaliiK ou
tl.e leaver of Hie ret nidi It they In
hilbll Their nente of linroiuelrlenl
oliaiiKe H kd'iier lliuti that of the old
et Weather irodiet.
A Bookmark.
A rorner cut out of a lnn.e rnveiom
ninkPA h kooiI iHMikinark, e-.H- l!illv iwts
ful where aeveral leutea In 11 He r
to b bld together.
Coal In India.
India inliiin owr I ii,ooi Umn of
coul year
Nut Butttr.
Nut liiittcr U u very kik.iI nuliiitltute
for iiH'iit, Itun wiiliiuls lliroiik'li n food
1 lloir und ruli Into them about one
Itilrd 111111 h koimI friih tmlter
8ireiid on crisp crai kera
A Laap Var Chanc.
"Have you tnado n rewiluthm to
tnnrry tlda yinr. colouerr asked the
delermliiisl ymiiiK tsoii iin hly,
"No," the colonel lu his ir
ocmjdwl iniiniier "Have you''-lluf-fulo
A Oiiappointmant,
Sinilh- llow Is your in-w tirn:un
wurkliiK thei cold diiyV
Joiiih- It diH'Mii'l (.-he 11 a inuidi hot
air as Hie inn 11 who sold It 'o lue.-t'lii
einiiii 1 1 Kiniilrer.
Ane t llnirn to W C Crnddy, 10 a
t 1 n r 1 w j.,
Mildrrd McCnnnaiiijlif y lo John W
FlidHy, loniKX) fret al lUiiku 250
C II .StmndliridKe to W II Sliunon,
!6o a wet ion 35 1 1 n r 6 w ioho
I N I'lri'hnrr to I'lrishner Rral l-
tate Co , tract in mc I t 1 r 1 w., to
Minify Jiiciiohou lo I, C Westbtook,
12.43 a Win (!a'pen'er doiiaiion... 10
Ouy U IWH to V. V Robisoii, jut in
one a ire 10 1 1 n r 34 w 1
R I, I In rh a in to Irrank Mclluli, lota
3 and 4 Fatmo AcreTrnrta -j,m
Ani-eline McContmuiflirv to Mildred
McConnauxhey one acre at Hanks 150
O W 1,'ndaay to I, I', Liudnay, 10 a
wc 3 t 1 a r 1 w .' 1
John A Foote to Archibald McCill,
10 a 'c 3 t 1 r 1 w.... w
J' din A Fiaile to Archibald McOid,
in a Ifaic Hntltr d I c , n,o
Bank of .Slierwocul lu Win I, Smiih
lotH blk 3 Kplvr ad Hheiwood... 700
A 11 Mulloy to Win T Dunham, 4 a
tee 3 I 3 r 1 w 1000
Carl Uribiicr lo F J Wiifs, timber on
160 a wc 39 t j n t 14 w 7000
Sarah Roberta to O & C R R, li.t a
blk it Forest drove 400
Maria Neilson adm to F, J HabbcrK-
er, 40 a aec 36 1 1 a r a w. 3609
A McOill to A M Power, 3 g in Hen-
nett & llutler Cla nm
A McCill to F W Power, it acrta
Iac Butter Claim . 100
Ksther Dennia to C II llimes, $ oH a
In Kairview ,,,
John Minter to N 8 Clearwater, 8;i a
wc4t2nr4w 0
A A Mead to Ijouia limke, 1 30 a nee
34 1 1 n t w in
J W Ciberaon to O If. Hoyt, 5 a Gray
oak Tract 3000
Sarah Radford to II M Basfont, 100 a
wm mgrant Llanu 1
' i -o
,1 ,
f) r'l
And Return
Train Leaves HILLSBORO at seven
A. M. sharp, foot of Main Street.
Tickets can be procured at Commercial Bank,
Mc-Cormick's, and at Grand Theatre. Limited
number to be sold. Come early.
1 i j
o !
1 oo i
Wm Urobili n lo J I. Itndrn, 4 trad
liii;drn H(r .
(. I Wuii.leiln b lo A U sir H
Crlilei t die ... . 1 1
M Stmm Sr to M Stiiim Jr , 4., "c,r
outh if ComrlliM,, ,
iHiimin to r T Spu krr, Id 7 uf
blk 1 S C ad
C Patterson In I' T Sp'rkrr. lot H blk
v.. , .... .. .
'nil l.sivill hi 1, j j ll'illipsolt,
lo H a sec (( ami t , t m
Joliti Mui'rf lo N S Clraiwairr, M.t a
"Ml 1 11 II
C I'stter-on lo M iry I'oiwiii, lup,',
Irrt in I. Ik It llillsbom
1 ho Si, Mil lo Amy K t.ibhs, trad in
Lester Tram to Not man K Tiu
101 a sre as I J 11 r n, w
Came Kiiklry lo .Maiv II Walle'ia
l( t S blk hi MrlKrr ie
1 1 . .1 . .
. i. viiiwiiiiii 10 1 my i ne, nt ir
1 1 n r 4 w
I Uicliaid 10 J T I'rrnu.oii, 5 a at
Alhe llinKei h, V 1 Miinfiodl tract
III Hanks ...
lieo U llaihnrn to ( '.ro (i llatfiiu 11
41 'j m ifi near l.surel
Oeo Nayer to no Kiililln, 41 rj
w '' ! iNewlioi ,,
V VeihiM'ven to A ! Stott. Itn.'t in
blk ft, Purest (Wove ( (,
I' A ChrestPhaen to F M Alley, 7 a
aer jS I 1 t w ', ,,t. tJlll
Ceo W Mom an lo Mn Sosorl, 40 a
wr 1 1 n r 3 w ,
Pied C II111I1I to p, i, ,U h lirK.
limn, bhxu,H, b:k 1 lluinplirri'a
ad ((
ii Y Via to ,iw 'iiiKrni. ,'niki,, f(
ill lllixllill j ,
J II Shield 1 to H 'j ',wj. iV.i'i
Shield. UilleFiirina ,
W A Shaw . t .. 1 l Si hiiMvely, trai t
in J dms hi estate ad. Inn n -j,,
I) Cot w. 11 to H I Kuiatli and w i
Wehrnnif. 1 n.11,1 . 11 i.L h
J !: Wilami eial i ;,,., 11. ',,
w loon, Km a see 31 t 3 11 1 4 w
Prank lleiry to 1. R Mairom, a,',"
-n 10 t 3 ti r 3 w
J I. Dllllv In N',-,,1 lin.wil," io'lfty
A llininnii rlaiiu .
I'.ri'est llnlipisliali lo Kale W.VMii
.J s si , Illtll'IIIIS
I.nirel M ,iy, Mm f, j (i,,!,.yi
11 .sewinii nrif
Ceo M, , to llel,.., T in k. r, ii'.'is
PICI'HIII iM, ,.,t 11 ,vrl,(,
M S Allen lo , N11 hoi', u S3 a II
II Catchinu donall ','
J .1 Mil t!eyel to II ,i,ks Hop Co
!ii.3S lunr limka (,
II W llonyiMin t j Mraub, yi n wc
3r t 3 11 r ik w
soi jack tos v. tis,'"a"i;:i;,
i n i (illusion , t( t .
I.yman II pair to I I1 Mi'cioskev
too ,, ner ,f, , , M w
AMia luibne el Is to ,1 M l.hwience
363 i.cies near West Uni,,.. '
Hunting on otherwise trcspii'iH
incrnn tlm fVut..i ..: i.... .. '
. .. ..... - .t".i 'niK run ,
n Held mn 9r. " 1 M u r in '
- ,, , , A u
joining the Ladd estate, will l(
Lfl ,w,wu tuLnyjuu extent or
Kittie M. Ellis
4-tf Perry Ellis.
In ,
To .Sift s j -j Y
Build it s ofllomr.t
Invcstmsnt Certificates
Si'inl fort.tfMot
604 SOCwlH-ulJLPoriLjftJOiu
MODlvUX - W(K)IM1;n
t i t
The Modem W !,,.,, ,, ( n jij.,, in the i,,,,,.,. i!,,,:.!,,,,,, ,,.,!
and fourd. Tl.,i,, ,. , ,.lM, , ,),
.Nl'lyhbnrs lllttled.
C. I'. l.lbllV. v. u .l.t i HIS
. n,' I
II I I.I '1111.1111 l t .
You Vnl.'iti.atf HmlJing
tlim opting or miiHiiii'r. mvi
und git mir ligurcH.
J, S loraunq and Sm
Oak fmrt. mmm mlf mt it
A, hi, K 4.
rill.oe, VI cm It.'
Sfitli-fl ,j, . jvi., )V
llu- County Clerk r Wji -1 1 i i, f ,n
County up to 12 .,Y..rk niion,
Saturday. May It, JUid llton
dicni'il, fur tl II" I i :i 1 1 1 i 11 . e ,f I.....L
for rnads. from ninfs at FocchI
'.rove, CoriH.liHH and Ilillslioro,
s'arat.' 4 tor hauling from
ai'li iilarc. Tt court r. si rvt'S
tho right l.tvjTlai,v or all hids.
K. O. Sh vi tisiiii, .ludire.
I.v order of tin Cnunly Coin
niiHsinnors' Court of Va:;"liioi'i.n
'"""Iv, Oivnon, ih.l. d 1 hint May
I. 1.J12. H.j,
M'iil.-d l.ids win , rtcivod ,y
III- Counly C(.r( isH)m, (,.'
"P t ti'ioii, .Vi,iiy, May :i, 1-.M2,
and thou o,ei,ci and cnotracls
awarded Tor clearing and j-nili-
irig a si rip : f(M.t wuU (mn
the townsit,. of Timlier to the
Carl Her plat;.., a distance of over
"lilt'. Plans and specilical.ioiis
may k seen at the ollict'of cuiin-
.V judgfl. Tlif right, in reserved
to reject any or all bids,
U. 0. SleVOIIHOU, ,),ir,.
n! vm Cmmly (:"ur1, 'yril
modi:l of style
arc tjioso SUITS wt' nrismikinj
for young men, and men
slay young.
v. " i 1 !,,. utiln if VOO
j 1 till y,vi inoie MM" oij'-"'
I rtiakt' ns your Tailors. louF1
iiuisitiveni'ss of wiukiimnship.
Sto in and leave ymir m
for a SUIT from tll.iHI and up.
..i ....ic-cY
ClIKIbT wuwi.
The Tailor-
I'lione, Main H5.'t -
lleoi'lier, lilark K.i-tred M
will stand lit myelin. WJ
norlh. Korest (irou from M"J"
If, , July 1. I am I"'18"'"'
lK-nlfiI ln"-r hihI .-siMft towj
with you thru fortum-or Wjnj
1 am tnakiug n HM-iul tuay
foal production, and will M P"
to answer nnv and all quwj
pertaining to tin' IrfJntT
neiifi, 1 hop., to have yoorK
liort iitniiproving tin' 'n"16,?!,,
of this dislrift. Your loM "J
loss, and it is my luminert vSZ
that my nistoincrs
mares in foal. I have form
much iiiWs of cvpcrienci,
tainioLf in this subject '.,,
r', . . vni
would mteresi yon. jV.
foe bills of Itecclicr mWJ.
nig Uirins, or can "
Yours truly, ,
w II French.
Argus and Oregon""),
: "