The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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1 1 k
HIU.S!U)RO, OKKCON', MAY 2. 1912
NO. 8
Of ALL HulibtMtN
Mean I I
Mr. U;n li. l II.I.Mh.,1 r..- u.H
kl.mMi Iti ;n,. iirmiii'l ill:! mi
Ik r In liu,mi' mit tin way !
IliVt llii . i A tlinriif r:mi li, i:i t
nf tin- fit . I,:m - i I inn- n! ,i r
d;mt'ht-r-. Mr . Collin ,. tor tl.i-
IVturn ut ,,;in-i i,f -:,M k II,
tin- hi 1 1 in 1 1 v . Sin say 'ilif
V':r.' tli- il:iuiltli r tin shur.
nil I oh. lit
i up
viniijiDcn pv iuchie
iuiwilu ui muniiL
It I '"
l' i . ...... ...
it it. i it I r-st im!
rn.TH. uu m....
irvl,,l.,t Mainour.
. . ... 11.11 .!...,.,
ti i.-m. way "
fr linl-lmg a" anim.ii -; vvitin'Hi.1
, hhw i'H' f"r
.ill pne winner.
I ' . ; I I . - . I I 1 . I
I M. Tarry liiK- l I'l.rll.tnJ Willi
an I M.aH-J l unatic
Iran Kcpromkil That be Wa a
lluin Specialist
II. I'raiik All.'ii. an escaped lu
natic from tin- Stilt.' Asylum at
S;il. mm, drove to llillslmrxi from
Portland, Siitur.lay morning, ar-
ruin here U'tw.'cii tfii ami
l.-Mii, iilnl iiin i n 1 1 1 i i r ' found
tin- liomc nf J. M. I terry, in
North Hillslmro. Introducing
liimsi'lf as a I. rain s.'i'i:ilist Al
len ti.M Mr. I., rry that In- lia.l
recently Im-.'H to Salt-in with a
patient, ami t hat In- h:tl noticed
:iw thorn.' Iiwil.l M.t.- tl i' stock
.luring In r hie tun. . M r-i. I o
lllii has Ui-ii nl mi' til'' stuck,
wln ii kIii- w i -hiil, contrary tn
tl..' term t ..f ti,.- pit. o Mix
I t liorni- sai,-i, :i i , 1 1 -l.c iinA
atiH tl.c vilt cam II. -I. Silt
w as tilr.l in i'ortlaii.l. Many rv
in. miM-r Mr i. I lit a i 1 ..nil', an
lln' t rto i'ir! (. ainl in t i'iii h pa t.
t ! 1 1 y li..- iiir-. or uior.- m'.
tin ) wi ii-out li.Ti' iii iir'.y .'scry
S mini, r, takmi' a vacation mi
t In- farm h. n the M il.oA m-ys
ran the plac.
( 'lo mi" ..ut aV of ilants.
ill hell at acri!;c' to tho-a
wiihiiiv' to tix up their yanU
inol II,. v iil.oell to rail an. I
' what a.' ha.e lioii-i' plants.
1 ... I I 1. : .
n -"', ' I.'1 , unci, ih imiii'i, i , .,
I.i.'cli,,,- h. arKan.l other things ,,r,,tal tr.-atm.-nt i.l J. i ryar.
iiuineroiiH to iii.-ntioii. Call a iiepiicw ui int'iiui K'.-mii'man
unr m , .
-,,n- mt- i. t may a.'. ru.-, i or
v lirt tim' i y-an lh.' pri.e
I'.mi.nL' omo rn r.-o'iy. 'l their
rtkn at I'lm'. yry .au:n nt
U'.llll? " i" o. .i
, f tli. .lay ol '"! "' 'iik'.
Wihinl'l" '"mlv Ims a tn..
H4 f h'T " an. I i.'lH. ami i
! jtv in th.' tat" an make a
!rtt,.r i.h"nu'. H" ! H'
till If hci.l lat.- i'ii"iiv;h thai thi-
,nr Mii i. rt ran i- m
,r,tn. "l if wayn ami ih.mi.s
-ai u- il.-u'.l it will U- y.-ll
fifth l,ii.' !r rvhil.itoi-H to
jkr a .lav "it aii'l hov what
tmac in the way of l.orsi-
ia!li,ni oAii. rs ami all horse
nn r.' o'l lt tlly " !,t
mi'l the l.iiMiiem m.ii of
IlilUlnni are eariieslly re.pteste.l
Uj ! t th'' S.ilui'hiy im'. tun?
ThH H an event lhal .shoiil.l
rvryne hearty tiuamial
'min il.n I.UMIieSH
liWI I NN II t I. r.l UKsMIIM
t L,iu f. ll u:ti.t hili U' l lllli'.l
lit t'.n.'iiv ill.- the I.Hiitioti ...
n,t I'lsiHH l.lacksiiiith shop. If
tr iM'oinans, a lir-t ila'
horf!th.'r, ami retieral repiiiifi'
I Yu p4ii'l ii .'liop at ti e ol.
UarMmitli - tan. I. an. I v'i;n ;int'-
tmf action. ii'een ill.' ha loiivf
hwn without a smithy, ami lh
firniiT in that tteetinn are very
much pi.. i .,1 that the nmi ii
oprn a.'. mi, ami will e;ic all.
IMmuuis their i.atroiuiL'i', I '.i
August ltove. nf SjiiiIIi Tuala
tin, wan in tlie iitv the liiM "I
I'uifo (iar.lner. pioiui.tor of
Ih rhiiitn:ii-y , vvse eonliiieil to
hi room Hie (list nf the Week.
FretJ (iioner. nf SiholU, was a
Cuutity H. at rallci' the l;l- t nf the
I wk.
ThetMlore I' nf Ver-
boort, was in town Mnmlav. nn
iMHl htb'mess.
Ktiw. I'ot'e. nf Kariiiint'lnn
mi city visitor Satunlay after-
J"hn MattheH, nf near Laurel
'h in the eity I'Viilay, nit husi
i nosH,
lie Mil the Kerry that he cnuhl
vet I ryear nut nf the asylum, if
Kerry Sr. wnul.l to with him.
lie tulviseil yt'ttinvr- Kryear'nut
of tin- asylum ami taking' him to
Portland, where he sanl he ha. I
an iillice, ami that he euulil cure
him in u few weeks, with noex
ietise i'i'eit to cover tlie cost nf
the ii vf rv ritr from I'nrtlan.l, ami
the expenses to Salem. U
.Ivy elt iiMin the ahuse nf Fryear,
ami exhibited a hl.HMfy towel,
s:iyimt he lia.l picked it up after
the attendants had used it to re
move the hlond stains. Kerry
thereiiHiti went to the hank and
drew ten dollars, the two had an
early dinner, and they left here
uhuut run m.
The lunatic was very kind to
K. rry all the way dow n, and af
ter receiving the money for the
rivr. deMisited his passenger at
the Jefferson Street deot, Port
land, and told him to go to Sa-
li;is.'e and tomato plants in their
s'a"oti. We iiino have mmiic line
leineterv plants ami hrulh. ry.
Mp. A i'ln -s t iiinpu ll, t orner
.l Seventh A l'ir Streets. I'hone .v.'tf
John . J.-iTrey. the I'oiiland
attorney who defended K.oelair,
used tin- same argument in his
..iM-niiii.' 'tatemeiit nt r.irva'lis.
the last of the Week, ill defense
of the lluinphrvs I'.l'otlnrs, that
he did wh. ll he defi'tidc.! the
e. lehrat.-d I iinh r w ite inur.lerer
thill H. he said the confession
was worthless, as the I. miners
were weaked imtided. and were
.hilled" into coining through
.... . , . I I .
with tlie laic oi in.' crime, .km.
fre will make the ino-l of the
l-.e. hut he will pmhahly U'
wiser att. r the case is over, ami
it is not hkely there will W any
!.i.i!il Jell rev has U-.n trying
i.i ilirow Miisnicioii on l'r. North,
the itinerant dentist. I'n'ii tiioiign , .M1 imi afternoon, and he would
i.rtu was li.i.i i r a i'
A. L ;reU-. nf laurel, was in
the city Saturday.
Win. Kagley Jr.. of Oriter-
ill.-, was in the city Saturday.
II. V. McNelly. f the Jolly
section, w as in the city Saturday.
N. liangs, the pnmoter of the
TiinU r townsite, was down to
'.he city Sunday.
Kiehard Wiley, attending the
Hilt Military (Allege, was in the
city over Sunday.
Mrs. W. IL Shearer, of
katie. visited with her hister,
Mrs. K. II. (Jreer. last week.
(leori'e Kiersdorf. of North
T ualatin Plains-, w as in tow n Sat
urday, taking out supplies.
Watch Hill.tUirn grow this
year the old tow n is making a
good start thus early.
!. W. and C. W'hitmore. of
m ar laurel were in the city bat
Cilgian liager, of above Moun
tain, lale. was in the city aatur
Sixteen inch fir wood for sale,
AUn for team work, call on C
U. ll.Mlgdon. Hillslmro. Phone
City ht;. S-1U
Mrs. II Keeker, of the Kissner
Kamli. South Tualatin, was in
the city Saturday, driving her
new Keo.
Mrs. Kdythe Tozier-Weather-red
departed for Portland and
Tacoma. Friday afternoon, after
a few days at the 1. b. Wealher-
red home.
Clem Shaner. the North Tuala
tin IM-iiiix horseman, was in
town Satunlay. driving one of
his youngsters.
hilUboro National and Dave Cor-
win to Build Two-Story
Bancmeat lad Tw Storitn. With Brick
Front, Tile Rear, Idea
Building ojierations are forming
in the embryo in Hillsboro for
the year, with prospects for a
successful year for the city's
building betterment The first
to take the initiative on Second
Street are the Hillsboro National
Bank and David Corwin, the
plumber, who have gotten to
gether on a two-story structure,
with a basement under at least
one of the store rooms, and per
haps under both. The frontage
of the nninosed building will be
58 leet. running ieei 10 me
rear. The front is to be ot
nressed brick 3. and the rear per
haps of tiling. The outer wall
will tie of re-inforced concrete.
The bank store-room will be
for rental, while Mr. Corwin ex
pects to occupy his portion or
the business on the ground floor,
and rnt the tinner storv.
The tiasement under me DanK
tmrtion of the structure will be
used for a heating plant for the
HillslKiro National holdings, and
the upper story of both rooms
w ill be useu lor hall orotnee pur-
nnaps. tt iM'tnns to looK as
though Hillsboro is going to the
I The Delta Drug Store
thai, of below
Newton, yvas Tn town Saturday. ,;.k t.i.ii.tinir reenrd in
- . . I UiH n uii vuuuM.p)
John savs that Spring is nere
imo Ko nill cwlinao nil former
exihange ('olonial
llot. l piopM itv. near. P. depot.
an. I Carnation condenser, em-
..t..v im. hii'L'e numlM-r f tieople.
I.. ...... i (ire . for land.
and then li
Motel for
arrive .Monday, ami mcy wowm
get Fryear's release.
Kate Saturday evening the
Kerry family U catnt' alarmed at
the strange proceeding and the
otl'uvrs were r.otitied. It seems
th:it Allen had telephoned to
sure, as the geese have been Hy
ing north for several days.
Cus Kleiner, of Chehalem
Mountain was an Argus caller.
Saturday. He says that the
can be yours. A healthy home should always be a happy
one. There i3 no need for anything but the best of health
if you are a regular customer at this drug store. Everything
here for children that medical science has show n to be good.
Mt.Um't requirements specially catered to your personal il
m;nU nl necessities are carefully attended to as oaf own.
Tliii is no mere market for selling drugs ami specialties we
want you to feel that all tnemters of your family have con
fidential friend at thit store. Co-ne in and get acquainted.
a-v a a a nii(iiuinii
First on The Page
' . I.. . . .o -:.r ....! i.. .... ..I..
farm, nmtv property, any w he.v. I .epu.y rn.-r ui
Price $p' lino Address .us rauiiuav loieu.- ... .....
-r.'l of Irade. Portland. Ore- the llerry's rest, ence location.
li-fs ami nan men muni i.. m'-
He was told where the I.errys
1,1) v.oii, ir ye... s , i lt ('orneinis. ot uio
list ollice force. Search yvas
iinmeiliatelv made, but nothing
Dr. Y
rancis .1. Kiiilev ami lr
A. li. Il.ulev. nf Portland, in
comimiiied bv the Mesdaim'S Kai-
ley. were l,.sis f relatives
wrr, over Sunday.
rnrsaleor trade for cash, or
n easy terms house on First
nd Washineton Streets am
house nn First and Fir. ami two
nousen ii, 1 1 ,,. , land Park. Als.
three vacant lots on Washington
i Di - . . . .....
I'wvet. See U. H
born, (),v.
v..,if f,.r years a
resident of near lleav ert.m. died
la-t week. The funeral was held
Sum! iv. ui d the interment was
at Illicit c. m.-tery. He was
7n , irs of si .. and was Imrn in
K:s, nhcim. Unein IK'S en, (ier
m:inv, e is sunned by nine
hihlivn, Ihev an- l -mry
f. .ir Ii.IL.v' I'lwreliee on.
It oil, I ' 1 1 . . . , , .
, ,1,11 Wolf. Mis. A. Uossi. .MISS
'tl i Wolf Mrs. W illiam II.'ckiii.
1 ' . t ir I
til of Keavciton; ,Mrs. ,u ....
ovt am' Mrs. A. Weisetit in.
'.ii ihiii.t. :iul Mrs. Henry Miller.
His hat in the ring M- ''!;
.. candidate for the sale ol
Watkins' Kemeilies. was m town
I il.ei- . av. leselis me iimi
.'- . ; i. ... ........
i: ,. fur nii'll i am- !in.l lie Weill oxer im o
rellieuier. m.i. . . .... - . , . ...
mills and his luuiury i l. nml ine ponce ;xeie nmo e, y.-
the thing for all Iirogrewn llVr MIIISHl'MiiK ii. im- .nv .vi.
,H,ltry raising. He was taken to Salem. Mom ay.
' .. n ... .. no ,.n.i ui live who lli'il
VA. f I, "' Z llrmlnnt. I...K hi. koy.
.. , i I iir. nut uj i.v . . f
could he learned of the vvheiv
aUmts of either until Sunday
morning, when Frank Kerry, a
son. telephoned Alexander 1 oi
ler, of Salem, to look out lor me
father, and Mr. Potter tele
plumed back that Kerry Sr. was
then in the house, Kerry talked
over the telephone, and said the
lunatic had adhered to the story
that lie wtf doctor, and had
treated linn with me uimosi
Allen was not caught until
nearlv noon, Sunday. Ho knew
l' K. llolcomli, of ( Bethany,
-MMi.iiur :i eiirairo in Hast Port-
he went over m
1912 that will eclipse all former
ifl-.i. 4 A U. fnnn" 1 hai'A
ii in li.l v . iiv: c-uj e i ruii'M 111 Liier iai 11 iiu...
ru....i I..... l,t.. nnlKimr nut ViIaI.oh t At nnratr ntQr-
in im. iui.t nuiv i iou acres xi iauu, viv v.....
uMi- ri ii.l then, is uromise of a tha rant crnnrl saw timber: (rood
- j - . i r"" ' .
1'o.kt fruit croii. hmiao hnrn and orchard: 2 wells;
For Sale - A horse mule colt. 8 2 springs; large creek; good mill
months old. big for age. Will site; limoer can oe noaieu uow u
in. hip ... i, , r. i Six miles south
make a line nnimai. n. ""'"". nt
nussen. on Merrill ulace. be- of Hillsboro; one mile north of
. . - . i w i. . M iMTir wvvfi n
tween Keedvilleandrarnungton. baurei; on j am "-
a i i ii u i r imnii hum iiiiiiv if la . urwiib
Address, m-averiou, wnwi, .k . ,.
4 1-tt nouse; win bcii on ui . d.i ..
. . traciS, ai lou per acre. a. k
i' I 0 .1...l,l nf PnrHanrf - .l n na m A I.
,. .1, iniiiiuut ii ' ''""i I casn. Wllre biiu are uic. r.
with law oirices in the Chamber Grebe. Hillsboro, Ore.. Route 2,
.. t Hsl.. ... C if
oi i ommerce. was oui io ir koy o-o
coimtv seat Monday, in the inter-
est of Swiss clients, who are PUBLIC SALE
heirs in tne estate of the late
redcriek Magers. who burned to
t CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000
; am
iWvvv, Kills
S 12
'-'iris Maurer. of nlmve Moun
Mindale, lost his house mid its
"intents l.v tire last Wednesday
veniiiK, The blaze wht from
defective Hue. and the Haines
siTeiui Hl, rapidly that nothing
"'"in lie saved. The
'J wife iiml little child' lost nl
lhii' clothing, executing that
ich they wore. (i. I lager was
wn to the county seat, Satnr
with a subscription paper,
nil was given generously by
Hillshnro citizens.
April showers slarled in'iilnind
the hist of hist wee 5. and
lf first of this, and iMolhr
Wth is prelly well -soaked. As
matter f fm.t tu, M,U; of the
M-ing work is enmrilete in the
'arniinir it ll
I'lant. Potatoes in tin
llll (lisl.i..K, t ... I... i.l. ml.
HI. 111. I ...... I. ..i .......
'.""iiiij nine neiween n'
'id July l win answer. It has
Zvr n beautiful HeiiHon for
lamicsie iitteiuled me w ...... ..
Saturday Mrv tun.ii. a.. .
thinks that tin- hmken I. w
mav ,e sawd. aunoi.K - - ;
. necessary to again a...,-...
,. .1 tent ion Seven
nary men. ; ,,
... I II..K.I..1I1 11 caivf"
V'UT' ; age from
Ol p.... .
.i ....w.ks to seven
l nice - . ,
Three td them tmi
head lu-ril. Vw
laiTc for ag'.-t"'
no. I (ll'l. Ill"
llllisi.oi". ' ' I ,,!,
Farm. Foivst Crovf. Uoute
... :. ,.i.,,. of Yamhil
the county : Uw :n
County, now pnici
Portland, was out Sati da . 1
.i. ...
OOclllLMl l
stock, and
11. Kagley.
Oak I'ovc
sale oi rem ". . , f tin
1 ...1 mil 1 1 ! 1 V I ----
in tho state. v.
......... setting Caliiornm
. Farm. IlillsU'W. Kouto 1
n..v ir,7
.1 I A H.I J II former Bethany
,,. ident . at carpen
, I'ortlaiid. was out to
teiing ui c,,,,..... ,,v. and
the county seat w "
called on the Argus.
it..n leisv of South Tualatin
l)an lAisy.' .
IV, -----
u.Miii.Mrml wrongs of his tavontt-
V III" f' "
i, reaililv fell into the
in i'n " , - .
...a. ....... i.i-..uinteil bv t he niamac
M lit no. -
The crazed man is noi tin Known
in this county. He taught out m
he C. K. Holcotub district, mreo
oars ago, and has a good cduea-
lion. l'" iioieomi., m. n.w
place of business Allen yvas ar
rested, said today that Alk.i was
between fifty and sixty years of
aim, and that he is marriou. Hav
ing a wife nt Salem. Mr. llol-
,i. j.i .1 that when Alien visit-
..i Mm Sntnrdav evening, ho
i. I mi unbalance of intel-
ev nit ot t " ... i i
led, and it was Holcomh a man
who telephoned the ponce wnen
the crazy man was at the garage.
(irnnd Concert
Given under the auspices of the
I'nnirregational cnurcn. cvenim.
of May 13. W12. Watch for pro
gram in next wcok s papeis.
i a Monro of liov. recent
purchaser of the Vanderyelden
store at that point, was in the
city Sunday.
n i. n,.! v West Union.
1' ran tv tit.n. a i
was in the county seat the first
of the week.
rrCIICriCK ..lagers, wuuuumcu v . .
deathatKeaverton,alK)Utayear The undersigried. having pur-
..., chased the Roy store and rented
' .., , , . his farm, will sell at public auc-
Fred Waters, of the Washing- tjon tQ the mKhest bidder, at his
ton.Oroiron ('ortioration. was in , i.i.;u .n,.n..r PavSi..
- --r- - . 1 1 anil nan mire wum vj
the city the last of the week. the p. k. & N.. at ten
lie stated that Mr. Welch naa on
bought the lem electric rail- ojuRDAY, MAY 4
way ami o uer p,,ei in"" n . . . rafe (or U(Ue, or
Uiere. ami uia uis..a.-iies phiM . ..eeDtion.llveood tnilk cows
that Welch Will run a line 01 h tutier. uleiu testetl) all lofresheu be-
feeders into the capital city. tween aur is oa. i. and all giving
I I . -it. al. mu. V, tmw4.lltfr
S. C. Seat's, of Forest Grove. mu complete with Mi box;
d'ed last week, He Was one Of ji, ; in. Stoughton wagons wide tire; Mo-
the substantial citizens of that canopy- hack
section, and had a hosts ol """t". Aitc ,- .Vin plow.
friends in Washington liOUnty. McOortuicfa binder, good condition; bo
He was the father of Walter tooth drag harrow, is tooth upringtooth
Sears, who had the tonsorial ?!l1Z
shop in the Hotel Washinsrion. p.-; .r.Tani opei buggy,
for Several months. Im.iw utensils, wa hitig machine, dining
. . f in table, levolving churn, airtight heater
1 saw COrdw'OOll, poles lip to li LM barrow, pitch forks faim tools and
inches in diameter, fence rails, other articles too nume.ous to memtior.
and boards ot an Kinns, inio lermsoi saie-wmiu unuei,
stovewood lengths. Will go into cash; over, six monma panKaoie
the country. W rite, pnone or note at t per cent.
call on me, van brow, iuwoui. u. n.
Hotel, Hillsboro, Oregon. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
1 1 1 'imi ii!An o
i. i. tiniovi.o, s. o- if k. peters, a Dracucinir ai-
millionaire. who tor years gave -th . E Clark in the
much financial aid to Pacinc Yeon Buiidintr, Portland, was
University, and other colleges thA first of the week, greet-
throuphout the Northwest, died . .. .. friends. He
states that his brother. John, is
now with the city engineer's of
fice, in the metropolis, and that
he is studying law.
Virgil Cooper, accountant for
fka VVoohinutnn-Orpiron Cornora-
tion, is now in cnarge oi me on-
Um intprests ot tne comnanv.
Virgil is one of the capable
voungsters in his line and nis
' .- J I Ik.l Ua
many inenus nere inu niot ot
will make good. .
Krwk. of South Tuala
tin nnp of the substantial citi
zens of his section, was in the
city Monday.
rnnnrv Commissioner John
McClaran was down from Gales
Creek. Monday, on business wun
the county judge.
Lnvintr hens for sale. Une
mile north of Sewell station.
Address B. Hainline, Route 1,
Box 165, Hillsboro, Ore. 8
HfuMehuvcke. near Farm
V r
inaYnn wan in town Monday.
He expects to start to Michigan
. a. A...
in the not oisiam iuiure.
The oldest and strongest
National DanK
in Washington County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any bank in
the County.
Give us your business and
we will make it your busi
ness as well as our busi
ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the
world over without identification. Safety deposit
boxes for rental, and a private room in
which to look over your papers.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Man and Third, Hlllnboro.
teouPcelai,get of any Bank In Washington Ooimty
Vice President
E. Ferrin, Ans't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, April 18, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $280,570.12 Capital $25,000.00
US Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Surplus - 27,000.00
Other Bonds 57.1(50.00 Undivided Profits 1,317.33
Banking House 18,500.00 Circulation 25,000.00
Cash and due from Deposits 450,995.23
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 148,082.44
in a suburb of the Illinois city,
a nhitan-
lilM i ntia.n v i" r
thropist who believed in giving
,iefore he passed to me oeyonu.
r.ihson. of Reedville.
and Geo. Heal, of Seghers, were
in town Satu.-day. these two
oldtimers came to Oregon in 18-
17, and were twys together, witn
in a few miles of each other, in
the IVdlev-Seghers section. The
llil.timers were elated to
meet each other, and commenced
to talk over old times together
Those were the good old limes,
- Chas. Pierce, the former
r.i-..nviller. was in town from
iwtinnH Siitnrdnv. He is tak
ing his annual vacation, and is
fwitimr with relatives at Green-
vi le nn A Forest Grove. Pierce
has been eleven years with tne
Portland l'aid r ire iJeparirneni,
n,uu f.nHrWmnn with En-
ilMU in liu .." --- --
gine 1. He was accompanied Dy
I. OaShiell.
Chas. says he likes the way Hills
boro is improving, ano inai ne
going to come out July 4 and
meet all the old boyhood friends.
$329,312.50 $529,312.56
Boaorvo a 4 Por Ooaxt.
Thoa. C. Todd John E. Bailey J- W. Tuqua
Wilber W. MeEldowney J. A. Thornburg
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Watch Buyinfl Advice
Intelligent watch buying requires judgment
ou your part in two things, the case and the
movement. These two items that -constitute
a watch are obtained by the jeweler from two
factories that are unrelated. The movement
is fitted into the case by the jeweler and the
price of the complete watch depends on the
cost of these two.
Thus you can buy a very fine case containing a cheap move
ment, and think you are getting a bargain, or you may buy
a cheap case containing a very fine movement and be de
ceived again. ... , , . . . ,
It is the proper combination of the two that makes the
No Watcl) deception at my store.
LAUREL, M. HOYT -sssa -
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Si '
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ennK Wor(t
I was over to the cuy ow