L , tar IIIU.Sr.ORO, ORIT.ON, APRIL 1H. 1912 NO. 6 i faTIOM WENT TO f SAW GREEK FI . . ii,lMm' rr.M-J PK" .. . . K ym 01 Will M UN lk l,.f "''' W" tiiu HlluUU ,,,! ,!l-d...roiiti.ns. . iu. I-,. .1 Waters and l .n !ii i iiin:inl. an. I ' .1 .. U :ih hllll'toll I te W 01 i" Crn-.rat " l';s;'": ..i.: t- t"-i' ""r . i.i.lv fur Ihecoun irr ai" ' - m i - il(jb,.a k. l fT i the matter U.y,f Aal. ro'iii..,ii. tamlllH i. IWow. Nmin. n.ir Kuralti. filv Atti.r r?Urr,... A r I ... -....rl.-r . . It. UIkI . WhintSt.M. tltvv-.i. oilman, ami rpm nia li' to Sam ( r,.;k ftl.aM mili-iur. 'I !.:. Sam Wk.d up l-v the party, and rt dedal...' ll"W " I""'" intak.- lb re they found f.nupp!v "f 'l.:rklnvf water. J fn.ni n!l indications tl'i'' ilU'n.i'lai v. ri'f iilluliMi or rumination. for the "i"J .n th- wa'.r will dammed Krtm.ntls far mt. th' "'"" ml that r.imhes will l' f;w j fr U twi . n. All tin' C tc satime.l that Hi'' 1'" 1J liTomiti..lat.' a uly f o". UpfojMV. I h-company 'l',!4 put in a 1'itf n-M-rvoir mar y iiul from thirf pipe will !,,( IhnniL'li Ihll.'V. U lMirti.Hl I r'om-t tiriHO, (WnclliiH Hint in IUm Ih - to HilNUiro. No fin" r r supply inuM U ihnl f.-r l v any nty. ainl Mr. un a" that tin' hlifinkav.' im in 'tin- loAi-Ht wt-r H.-an 111 not In' om r tin t-U'lilh from Vtin-Mtlt MilllllH'. (Th imrt i . tm nl t 1 1 ill- roiUiiit I '! ami wi r.' hu. hh Mr. Wat. n at n Iuiu Ih oii at llut.l Wa lumrtoi). S- i r.il h'liiilri il pi'upli iloun lit Aloha. Sumlav, to wit IH-x-i tin- 1 1 1 - n . I ! V lu-rm i.f tin- ilitn al i I.-iiih, ui partiiM ! I in i. pii-. i,t, , . , i,ii,:, I f tli' It. A. t'apli-s lioini- was ! talil.-.l. iiti'l Mipph.-il a i . ! -1 1 1 . 1 i i . .i iiiiiin r in ;iiMiiii h i y t caii'tiilati's ninl . iti. t tn. wlin hiti- at ttii wi'Mi' ail. Anioii tin- iin t.i!i!i - prcHint wrn-i ol. CarU-v. r.-pri-.-ititm tl.f t'liamp Clark rampaiiMi. ainl lion. VValti-r I'u n i'. t aii'li'l.iti- for I'. S. S u - ator. Hon. S. It. Huston. .f I'.utlaml. :h at tl;c nn-ftiny. Spin t.i H m ri- mail. hy a nuni- In-r of tl.f raiuli' .iti-s Mr ami Mr. t'aplis ami tl.iir Aloha t ri -1 1 I an- to ! i niiL'iattilat-i iiiii llii-Uninti'oii i 1 pri-ail. '1 I'.i a 1 1 ti n li.inil I ui iukI.imI inusif fur tin- im a loll, .loliti M. Scott. V'.'in ral av'i nt of tl,i- S. I', lin.-s m Or.roii. anil J. !. I ..My. rit'tit of a man for tl:i- Soutti- rn. win- i-itori. FRANCHISE ON FOURTH SIREETJP IN I I'm 1 1. 1 ml CuuikiI Prvukrt South ern I'otilic Mijcht row m mi: m.nahw riii iioiniiiati-il ninl i-I.H't- will. iluciiiL' my t-rm of of Vuti' tor tin- r.'itiilulat fr lrit...l i ii. 4 . imliir ulni l:.m iwiVfil tin- liiitll' St llllllll 'f 'f Itttat tin' Mi Ttilllll! flutioll Vthat ullnv. Will kumhiiI an rranoinv that Jill kw'p ilo.v n I'xpi'inlittiivs anil Jply tin- an. I tot all appro rations ami :!.( that wlirn Mil tin V l.ar i II imlirioiwly iwmli-tl an. I sulliriciil for wliii-li llimpriati .1, Ihu avoiilin il JftlClfS. I.Vw li;u ii ; ami ("inuniions Velx-i'ii uiiin'iiHxarilv ffi'at.'.l ii Honio of tlu-Ho shoiilil lw Jolishi'il. ratlu-r than moiv t n i . . . . I w lu vi' in a jiulu'ial n lorm kit will liisiui' moiv spi'i'tly jus- ft. lircviiit ildavs ami savi pwy for the tavimviTH of "hiiiKton Count v. W. 1). Woo.1 CAPI or THANKS V . e Ui'siri' In I'viii-i'sa nor miu-cri' nksan.l I'l-atittiiK' to all w ho kitlillv ivivn iw niil nml Hvnt- ithy dm- inif nut i-ii'iiil lii'i-i'UVi'- Itllt. tin' ili'filli mi. I i.liuiiMiiinu (if ft WO M in. I'm him. ,A. M. t'olliiirt ami DaiuOittTrt. HillslMii-o, (),-,.., April 12. l!12. Thoiisaiul Mile It imk Ami " fyl'irniiu (liNid un I'. K.& N. Hi.- l.rii'ht w. atl.. r I. a i milita tril av'am.t truiit latih.-s Minci- tin- la a iiunii ami tins rciiiiiii'-i the Aryii-v Ki-iiit-iiiU-r. o.i who live alon .Mi Kav ('n-. k ami t nl.utarii-s. that tin--.-utrraniH ari- now ilin-il to trout IihIiiii. 1'i-putv aiiu' waril.-iiH an- watrhmv; tin- wati-rs t-.ry .lav, an. I if nu arc raul.t th-r-vi!l !' vimIh to Un- ii ai. t ins til-. omit, Si io not ji-t into trmil.1.' ain I llii-n sas thi At'i-us failr.l to t.-ll uf tin- i-o!iiini-sion- rn or.l. r. J ist as skhi as tho paving rompanv 'ts thovi- uiin-r two i!mk foinpl.ti-.l ll.llsUiro will earn a l tt.-r ..km ironi lo thosi- hn isit tin- i ity. I In-ii-w iIoaii Washington Str.-ft. pn-si-iiti-.l to passi ni-rs v'i-ttink' oil th" Ditvoii Klirtrir. is tint at all assuring, tin' str-i-t to thf wtvvaril U-mir hll.-.l with un- sivhtly th-hris. Thrii' ari also lots of ol.) junk tu n' an. I tlu-rc aloni; tin' I'urh in tin- husini-ss HtTtuui that shoiilil Im' n-inoi-il. t9s Call at llot.-l Wasliiiik'toii. 05" Fridav. April L't, ami have r. l.iWf low sou the new xea'ni.s 'liri' v'lasses, with whu li vou t an s, e all thstant-es. I hey make nu fe.-l yoiiiin with- nut making Sou l''k oi.l. flee I ir.l S.i.resiir III S- lll-lll.'ll. ' " - Uiim ref. r.-nf.-s. Ui-iiieinher the day ami date. Sheriff llancoek r.tur I the little Ti.wliseml Ihi to the llnys' Industrial S-h''l. Saletn. Sumlay. Ihesoiim' ti-rwas out on parole. ....I vi us Loiiie for a .short tim'. Ust ss.-fk he sol. I a revolver that li.l not l-loni: to him ami hivjh !inam-. avain place.l him in the t.ls ol the stati". li.uism.'ii. attention Si'ven .III. I ..II ....I...U r....i- ,-ivii li.i i.-m noil i.o- t ' for t.ile. raiu'nu: m :u'' 'r,',,1 three weeks to sesell lliontllrt. Ihree of Ih.'lil ol.l eliouvll W .1 h.r.l. Kin' slot's, ami rve lor ave. .o. u. . Hill-U.ro, Ore., or Oak ove l-'arin, l-'on-st tirove, kuu' C. C. Whitiuore, of Chehalem Mountain, vsas down to the n Saturday, ami stated that me heavy frost I ndus' eveiiuu: iasi formed ieo on water uiai wa.- A- noso l. As vwtation was sr. dry, however, inete - lainat' to anythinK. ... U'liuiimirinn Counts' Not- eran Association will assi'inhh' in Cornelius, at U a. in. snarp o, ri.urs.lay. May 2. r.'l-. ') dinner, a nm-lully seimi'u p- .r,:tin am a k'ood linu" k p. ...... - . teed. Visitors welcome, v...,.-inittoo. V. I.. Sinhren. of Pallas. spent Sunday in tin cu.s. m. ' I 1 I ....l.l ! Ilk I'l lUi III' relatives, i.ioyn w a ; . r-' - inir Dallas at tho meeting of tin' " "r .i.i a I.. .. ii win I'm-tland council Miuirnay. . .. H,,. Southern l'acilie franchise was liein ilicussed. I saw eordwood. im.Ics up to 12 liaineter, HiMI'WS lit 01 1 1 It M I'HolitSAL iiimrjl Mjiiafi-r Campbell tit ficcal Amilhrr I riNcRix ihe l'ortlaml city council has re voked the Southern l'acilie fran chise on Fourth Street, ami the mayor ami councilmen have agreed that tin future rights wtl, ! t'iven. it is said, unless the common user clause is in the in- Iruiiii-nt. ihe Southern l'acilie already has the matter into the courts seeking to tret a decree ileclaritiir that their franchise w as, or is, pi-riM-tual. general Mana'erCampU'll will at once olfer another franchise for consideration, complyiiiK with that now lieintf irMed. w ith the exception that they w il ask the citv to await the action of the courts in other words, if the I'niteil States Court Khali de i . i . . 1 dare thai the company nas perpetual rinht under the ol raid, the common user claust in the ordinance-franchise Hhal U- null iiml void. If. on the oth. r hand, the court declares the old franchise did not carry perpetual tenure, then the com mon user clause shal w opera live. In this manner the-com pany holies to lie ahle to K't their construction forces Rtarted and huild out through HillsUiro and For.'st (Inive. Mavor Hairiev was at the Fort land council session, the other N. S. I'rickett. of Hanks, was in tow n Saturday. I)r. Iwe will Im? in Forest drove, ihursday, April 23. A. H McCumsev. of North Mains, was in the city Saturday. Henrv liotre. of C'hehalem Mountain, was in town Saturday. M. liasmusscn. of Klmonica. was up to the city Saturday af ternoon. I. 15. ami Krvine Burkhalter. of South Tualatin, were in the city Saturday. Dr. K. J. Uailev. of Portland. was in town Saturday, trreetintr his oldtime friends. J. H. McNew. of Im-Iow Aloha. was in the city batunlay, con ferring with the county judire on road work in his vicinity. FINAL PAPERS SIGNED FOR BANKS FAGTORY fur RE (ALL STORE j larnicra (icttinc Together Manufacture f Cheese OVFK IM PATRONS SOW SENDING iMtitvtiua Orx-aei Mnadav. With Mr. Carey, Eiaert. Charge Hanks is making a move in the riht direction and their new cheese factory opened Monday morning. Over 1W farmers have formed a co-operative in stitution, and thev exuect to I I nwi n in ma iivioiii i - I to for settinvr -California have at least. fty more patrons i iui (,..r 1". I in a snori lime. uanKs is me for 3) days.- Suare Deal I'oul- centre of a fine dairy section and try harm, Hillsboro, iwute 1. 1 for years supported a creamery Hux l.7. o-o w hen nil others in the county Herman Hoire. of Farminirton. had rlrmed and I-Kter Campln-ll, of Schol s. cheese is always a staple, and . f twi lr I Iiroimneill. iiniaeuien ui iiivn -i.. . 1 i, tv ca hties. were callers at the AM, r: c. .,.. I.... i larmenj oi inai vicimiy came vu KUJ.ini.r.o.iuiu.,. tUat thpv wo., fl For Sale A horse mule colt. 8 ouen a factory for turnine out a months old. hiir for aire. Will nroduct that will eet the top of make a fine animal. H. Has- the market An 'experienced mussen. on Merrill place, be- cheese maker, a Mr. Carey, has tween Kcedvilic and Farminifton. been emoloved. and the new THKHEAtl HAPPY HON can be yours. A healthy home should always be a happy one. 1 here is no need for anything but the best oi neaun if you are a rejwlar customer at this drug store. Everythmi? - .... ... ... t 1 i here for children that medical science has shown 10 be gooa. Madam's re(uin-nieut specially catert.l to yoor personal ail m:nU and necessities are carefully atU-mleil to as our own. This is no mere market for selling drugs and specialties we want you to feel that all members of your family have a con fidential friend at this store. Co-ae in and get aoiuainted. Address. Heaverton, Oregon. 1L t. ltf S. F. Goodwin and C. Blaser departed tor Tillamook. Saturday morninir. on the 1. U. & N. They expect to have a K time ii .i.:.... ........ i ua n.oit Antinf t and will have big stories to tell cess of like undertakings the ,u.n their return. venture will meet with the ... fullest success All iM-rsonn interested in me the Mohair sale are requested to bring in their clip to the Har trampf warehouse, where the f tw. nnnilnl lutfl nan IIIIILIUin UI llic annuo. pvr. i get bids on the product.-Jas. I If I am nominated and elected, I H. Sewell. I will, dunng my term oi omce, factory starts with a delivery of 6.000 lbs of milk daily. Wade Ar- mentrout. A. C. Carstens and L. I. Crawford were down Satur day getting the legal end of the' new company together. As Hanks has always made a sue- E. B. TONGUE Candidate For Nomination The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. p. aV! s s oav. nml mad.' an address asK ing that the franchise be ( graiit- honestly, vigorously and impar- e. as iiresenieu. nevenu inner ...' ' . .. . ' .- i tiaiiv Deriorm mv oinciai auues. vallev olhcials were present and U.iiate ipr ine repuo. can no. ..- - - f endeavor- add,.! their voices to the appeal, nation for Mate food & ua ry . individual. - . i i i.a-w.t tamo in t na ni rvi"-r . . hut Mayor Uushlight. after an m-mm. .. . - v.y irrespective of party, politics or i.i i i r nniriv umih mi hi irr in ihiiil i - was over, .leciareii inai ne wuuu -VutA uiia personalities, ICai ll'lices. mr. luitric niiurxo j , . he will come under the wire first in the primaries, C. 1'. Syverson. Ham Ellerson, M K. Avers. Jas. lobin. J. J M. llnle Arthur Mills. J. K. Mc New and John Kelly, of below Keedville. were in town batur sustain the city's revm-ation and hold to the common user clause If ii fr:iiu-hise were eranted. ihe new proposal by the South ern Pacific may 1h granted, and if so, there will lie construction unrk Kt n-te.1 within 30 davs. Councilmen Kobt. Hartrampt a souare deal un der the Laws, keeping always uppermost in my mind, the in terest of the taxpayers. I will protect the innocent, as well as nrnspfiitp the miiltv. During my present term of of fice, I have secured convictions of mnn than SS tier cent of mv . r I . . - ; iiav. having a conierence wun cases, l nave won every cnmi- the county court on future road nai case tried before the Su- work in their locality. preme Court. I have defeated Hotel for exchange-Colonial "PP0" .. . j . leverv case in which wc nave Ho el property, near a r. oepoi. - . to each other and tarnation conuenser, em- u.trint oip. v. imu iiik i.iic iiunii v rurvi and C. Helm accompanied Mayor llaglcy to hear the argument. HACK It) IHE I'AKM !:i. k to the farm" -I have t in m res of land: 40 acres clear. the rest good saw timber; good n.'orest Grove. Ore., for land, house, barn and orchard;: wens; farm. orcitv property, anywhere. snrinirs: large creek; good mill Price. $12,000. Address 518 sit.". timU'r can U IUated down iarj 0f Trade, Portland, Ore- ualatin river. MX miles bouui on t-8 . ! .L f I " l iiuistK.ro; one nine norw. . . - . , .nnHi,4!t for Laurel; on mam county .nmMti,. i 'ii. a . . k. im i ii. sn. Lit' naiui vii wiiv uv iuia, v. mail ami mux rouie. p vwk " .T". ;,.!, vroo in th eitv . .... 1 na m omo I I I'l 11 II aft I T vans v " a" ,1,msi' w"' r ." pi.;"V ast Fridav. talking over pros tracts, ai im per acre, i v - - . f;tKt,.i Mr - I IH-IU Willi sVHV IttlhlliMIl rash, i omi aim - hmv hft3 reoresented his coun C.relie. IlillsiHim. ure.. iwuic . . - .Ji,,.. I5"X 1- ' L..in.l nith a niimhwr of Hills- lvrxi nii l Vain a st it ii .r l i,iM i t ieo. . raiienson, fore me has been given two terms. Does the record above merit the second term for me? Office Hours: Any time, day or night, you have official busi ness to transact E. B. Tongue. i t II fi i t s m m m s m m vi First on The Page First On In RESOURCES 1 1 I. CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000 The oldest and strongest National DanK in Washington County. The most Substantial in resources of any bank in the County. Give us your business and we will make it your busi ness as well as our busi ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the world over svithout identification. Safety deposit boxes for rental, and a private room in which to look over your papers. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, HIIHboro. a tn . a m k m- FOR SALE Heavy team, in good condition, with set of harness; 3 cows, Kerlcshire sow. lot of chickens. part of them pedigreed Barred Kocks: farm imp ements. &wen- ru Lii.iviia. i .. . , , ., Fson stump puller, almost new. John K. Bailey, of above Bux- Kosedale Farm. Santa Rosa Si of Port i'" land, was in the city Sunday. John K. Bailey, of above Hux- Ro8edaie Farm, Santa Rosa Sta. i ibah limn in r& in i ir p rniuu uiiii i it . m x - i i i : a. tl,.ln.-li. . i 1'orltaJ. John Ii. say, that 1 0. Address Heaverton. Or.. R. 2. i'i. inis poiaio crop went iur n uuc Horn, to James breon. 01 tigure this spring, ana inai near- tn . eame 0f baseball at Ver .. ...i ... ..:i 11 10 9 i.,ii f kuaimn hn. mnwnr ln a game oi uaseodii ai er HreiRO, ruouiay. ifiii iij no ' nw - a son. V hT li t fnr s p it boort, Sunday, between the mar less of .the product for m e . singles. Her- i.....,r Cross,.,,, of Phillios. was K0.H1 prices. lie siaies mat u . msirds WM hit over the :.. .i ,i- M.indav. on leiral bus- "- ),,wlaa,c KWU ,"" ov.l IU Ull-VllJ --r. iness Aiiv.i.1 C.nerher. of Helvetia. was a city visitor Monday morn lnr- uVKiuii-ntinn hw hoon iimmnted the case. ClemShuncr. the North Tual- t0 the loca 8Uperintendency of nrnnt ..:.. p .. no horseman, was in u ....nM on,t n.r-Kfi ii 1 1 1 1 i i. .. - . line iwseuuiK si "u town the Itm oi me wcck. way. ove bv a ball, and rendered un- pnnacioua. the hlow causing con- C. IL Resse. for manv months cussion of the brain. The injury superintendent of the local busi- wa9 a very serious one, and Dr. nes9 or the waPMnffioti-ureon r a. oauey was ta.ieu w anviiu i tit w2(HHi ii(. ($,).(H) iMioks is- BICil I.i, lit... . -.. r j in ooiit net it rnciuc ami y.W. ll .V. M .ini,u'nlui Clertrv pns-Coiilinental perm its, will r ii.nioreil ,y tlio I. K. ii N. pwn all stations. (-7 I Harlan Kelly, of nlmvo Moiin- "niule, was in town the first of n week. LtOIK lllctnr Tl.na till rortlunil-T illitnuMjk run, 'is tak- lB a fit.. I..." I L " IIITRB V tll llllllll, llll'l "ib riiisiern Oregon country. About ii a I..- uu "'"'.I'll IIIOIOI CJllfPi er.e in the city Sunday, several I thi.iii I...: i ir i - .,.i iii-mir iiuuiein. ji iui- they "j j,, ,,- la ; one wiiiilil i-.iiii..K ,lith,.S III man. "V ..'' , f.imilv first nf ,....1 Limn s o all Kinus. ui" SYCUUie .tu sivcss,.il lengths. Will go into the week. the country. Wnt P J'"V Sheritniitncock has Deen busy cull on nu". -Carl Skow, liialatin ( ,.lst few (j,iyai getting the lintel Hillsboro. Oregon. lmt)t iMxes out to the chairmen A.la.n Hcrgcrt. of south ol 0f the election ooarus. t:.,i'nelius. was in tlu city mou- wi, Coulee, lineman ior ine A.lnm hllS tli'l'll . ., ...i ,! t.l.urrniih line be- daV mommy;. '""" . leiepiii'in-uo """:, V ior a ni"" hw,H.n here and iiuamooK, on Grant Mann, of beyond Varley, . av'cvv....is ""-' - .. was in iown wionuay. aim w town uu- nn" plant, and ne ana ms iamuy win h w that h g heart ,9 ,n the Kilvtho Tozier-VVeatherred, of soon take up their residence in riKht placet a3 supervisor, is fix Taconia. was a guest of the T. S. the Douglas County capitol. ng the K&A between here an c virgu cooper wii in mc nui, u.? i Cornelius for SDreading ot rock tant future hold a responsible Stranire M it mav seem- three or J. A THORNBURGH President II J. E. BAILEY W. W, Vice-Prvsiilent E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. stntomnnt. of Condition on Tuesday. February 20, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $253,441.3l U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bonds 57.160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 99,694.29 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 3,988.29 25,000.00 374,807.36 $453,795.65 noBorvo a 4 Por Ooaat. $453,795.65 DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Todd John E. il.y J. W. Tuqua. Wilbe-r W. McEldowney J. JV Thornburg ii..., - , , -.. I.! . .... .r I. nil' llllllll 101 il I. ..., in ii in mi. - i,,,,. ".. . !.. a. many ywnn. ni1 l,n? f . the P. It t- W1S 1,1 dreds of foivsis pin mu' ii' . l0 tirst ot I lie ween. lion. . )r. Ralph Davis and wife, nee 1 - . a I - . - . . 1 . . v. .i.......o ii. in c'ime nere m ,,.,i,.,i lUimn. were oi l Btinuay, Kebruarv ami March have been ;ie8tant the John M. Wall home l. .. 'i ...hi. ihe beautiful V.i... cihurhind and daughter. tlt'llglUCO - .fl dOIH. V" . i I.. tl,..r of he nasi seven et Mabel, oi r orimuu, wc c ni.'l.." . nU. " .. . 1 l-. Un i.i inn never saw "r ,uia nt Mr. anu mm. "i I 111'. fl.T - Kill"'" ' thing like it. Saturday. 1, i . . Wm-kmen are doing a grent It'll. ......r IIAtllHI1 .lersev. lor IYIIIK COW. J""r V, ,.l sale. Fresh April o. u. v llowof finonnlK'; '; i..uii sun ion. on i"ih"" loan ui iw. ' Kloctrie. 4-6 i ..i r ovnpiitmn in rne lmlv ......i, .i when thev get through ..ui,' h, nnnronriation the win. ( ,ii.ds will be in nice shape. Jigger is any enter uiie would rat her rule an astern (iii.. i......,..i,.... r.... Wrson Rin-iiiu ,.i ui,..i. Nw ffiK te ll L ",ce StthanSluitePirk. r'Klitbe. thinga about the county seai. , gOUlIU - " : . . .f "n. iriAVn m ITI'LLIIIIf. OIUlUV-uvwi ix.. m it Cnnn nghnm, oi i n. ...a n( in, Mini, ier ever year um iiw Orenco. vvns up. to the city "on- Hr j vt r y er .vriti.m uith tho Pnetlaml Kill-I . . . . j ...;n wiiiilil .... nourmiiesoi macauam win com- gene & Eastern Railway, either ,ete a from here t0 at Corvalhs, Salem or Lugene. the head of Scoggin Valley. County Clerk Bailey and his Hi9 hat in the ring Z. M. La ollice force will in a few days be RUe, candidate for the sale of . ' . I . ..I ...AM. ... ... . . , 1 1 A. over wim primary eieciiuu wuis i watKins uemeaies, was in town - and they nave naa an arduous the other day. He sells the nnest time for several weeks. Regis- remedies made for men and ani mation has involved an enormous mals and his poultry tonic i9 amount of work, for it was 1,000 the thinjr for all progressive greater than usual. Then came poultry raising. - 6-8 the getting together or election N . Wedneadav bids wm be ballot boxes with all the ballots, . , f th t h use tally sheets, return sheets, post ,ffiUHH &MeaS,ffi sheets, pencils, pianKS, laws, . fi , contract and all that must be sent out w f9 "warded it will not be long the election officials in every pre- f ?WS; JLJ J 'iSy cinct With a few days more " 1 1,,-, hollnt nnnntod nffi.l Clark Rrothora are everv dav cially, notifying all successful shipping out box after box of candidates and sending a trans- flowers for Portland delivery, -:.,f tn. tha cn,.i.otorv nf utntp and the institution is briniring in i;illl -V ...V wvv..v.ww..rf - "w . , and they can take a rest on this money every day-and the best election business until early of the thin is that it is foreign next Fall. I money How About That Shabby Did Clock On The Sitting Room Mantel? Doesu't look just right, now that the house has been cleaned. I have some new and interesting designs in clocks that .you should see, and the prices are as attractive as the clocks. I LAUREL, M. HOW JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ! t . i 1 i ; ' 3 r