The"5' lnllLLSBR i i NO. 5 VOL XIX HILLSIJORO, OREGON, APRIL 11. 1012 I v. i died ran. COIKE ENDS Willing. IIiIMm. Ilura lo Mi Minn ilk , I INIIK 1UIS IIICU. Mill! y $. 1uwta. Mcr. OfN Ibc SI. Julia liarfe II. L I: I. of l5.-ru-.iirt. N, i,.. arrival Sat unlay with hi vwO arid Hint- children. 1 h-y .-ft on Ihi- first train after tin- hitf blm 'kadi and rain.- through with out trouble. Mrs. ..-.-d j, a daughter of Mr. and Mni II. Harrington, of HillHUiru. ami the K--Ih hae l-in li-r- la-fore. Un-y will locate in th- county. as lh.-y have coin.- W.-nt with that intention. Mr. It.-d nav that in some aertiorm ot Kansas tin farmers havi- killi-l their stmk l jin-vi-nt tln-rn from starting t death. In the lU-ne- COUNTY BOARD AUDITS BIG LIST OF CUIUS Tii. Tint"-'! rloHeil a It th F.vangelical Confer four days hchmoii ul church. Sunday. 1 he r.iiift-n-iuv was divided I'.. i t land I list net. of J,ich is a part, and Uif Pallas DiHtrict. hi h com prim s the Ktato soulli of Port land uiid we.l of llilMr. Hie appointment for U ensuing year, nre: t. ...I I ItUlri.-l l' (' Pol- itilT. presiding elder and pastor of W ashington County Woodmen of i ! . . 'lnr.t. ' l'..rl I m.l lot- uiii writ- ii.i.-w-m.-ii, nun iVNiaiiu rmi .n. UiAMoii. II. L I'rall; Portland Ockley linen, to npi.lie.. Portlund St. John. W. S. Plow min, Portland Suburban. H. II. rirnhain: Adna. Wash.. V. A. Batlantwic; llillslmro. F. K. rish.r; A. W. Briekley. im-mUr of tiuurterly Confer ence; P. Bit tier. iminUr of hrt Church Portland IJuarU-rly Con fen-nee. pullas District S. S. Mumey, presiding rider; BrooU. K. Sin ... lt..uli.h uiid Summit. I. . liurns; Buctm Vista and Air Ik S. M Wood,(rvnllis. N. W. ht-U!s ; Pallas, C. P. Cat.-s; lliyton. tl l Stover; Kugciie. V. I' rhino; Florence. W. V. Will; Canton. C. A. Burris; Km Valley, lo Ih mipptied; U'wisville and Bridgeport. P. K. Bnckley; UKayitte and Mr Mmnville. V. F- Willing; Ma pU-ton. to U- HU.ilie.; ,NeWrt inJ Hay View, to ! supplied; Kickreall. 0. H. Stieglit;Salcm. li. II T Korlr, A I Rot. O If Snntbltia and Au(ut Tr. I etch. Witnesses State Cases - Frank Sappington $" 40. John McNew 3 40. Wm Wohlschlegel 6 80. W Ifenmnger 3 .VI. J Holmes 5 M. J V Kellv 4 40. W C Moore I 2". Scleral Nev UuaJ llktablikhcd Ivan and John PorfiKt. Joe rk- .i a,ii Tm cu-h. (hs P-sh. 5 CO each; M win at April Term p . (. MiinaelL W K Thomas l i-ach-.C F Casteel. J H hlSV AT KOAOWOW; hllPATION Thomin. Wm llay. Chas r.;iu.r.r..r iwl Frank Bar- . ... . I ml T M I. UI n W ill 1 .ill I . B.J I Hit Mim u lkp(Bilc a loaaiyi ". i 1 1 loimeH. r.lf uerc r orni mu y Hiki) Thill Vcar t- n ,.at.h: C Blaser. C A Mad den. CT lodds, Frank Vander POULTRY R.'JSERS MUST VISIT OEJIiSIRAIIOll O. A. C. and Southern Pacific loultry Train Cominc CHANCE TO GET SOME POINTERS noud;'';:;.' i h-j w.-atlM-r has ha I the l-ast aion last week and a ..iff list of wro rn.we - v.- 3. W'int.-r. rlaims was audited lairm. n, attention S-vrn in up to its ears rearinK fr Linirer. J II Gross. 4 each. resist. -red ll.liteiu hull calvrs the vast amount of road work to rB111- State vs Itussell: for sal.-, ranirinir in ak'e fnun (. a,.n,m,,ished this season. W H Smith, justice fees, $11 'JO; I ";? "V" '""' The following husiness was Wm Mcquillan constanie iees, Ihree of them old enough to . . . .in-1: I.' Smith e n. C Hehse. h. ad herd. Pine st.rk. and trarmacieu. . Frank Douvrhty. J B Trullinj?er. Iarkv for w,.- t;.si. . ISaley. rred Ln-r. lax Hera miem-1 ,f Koebep Aujrust Tews, jur lire., or Oak Cove Minn allowed umm navment of $4. t aarh ' I arm. I on-sl Crove. Koute 2. Srss-ial tax in road (list No 2, s'tate vs Hundley G J Palma- . .... I....:. 1 1.... !...... u,,.-.rvitfor lt..r C. F Smithlein. C llehse, K iiuririK me mourn 01 .iiarvn umin nr i j m. i ; .--r 1:: V. ... ----- ,: . . ,,r...r v..r n II Sttwrll. I . . 1 1... 1 rj. II... hmlh.rh..Ml in the IWifir 1 1. W nouseanu '.v " . ' Jurisdu tion. for the death daim 8,1 'rv f w . T," 9TlKa A,unS of Kawlmson . Potts. Tualatin. 11 l-titon of W M & i MrKniirht, 2.50. Oscar Hundley, and the death dam, of drover and Henry 1 Johns.... rrferml to 2. ; Peter U"K-ltffV K Ti lownsrn.1. iheUawl.nsonl-ott .l.strut attorney KVatawn1J i' wSJin'o-WTm tiiu Onh-re,! that S2S7.:JT. BiH-ia! I raril. A S.oi at Several Withiaftoa Paiali Here May I Canaty r ami was paid toera. IMmmv wruereo inai " m-"1 '! V." 1 7 rj. Wohl. and Thomas, duldren. in the Hum L ad fund in dirt No a-1 of ll.iMi. ami I tie lownsend 01 lax .uri.i in name ui. w - ,, , r r.i fill- ..f '4u..t iihe nar. ov.-r to J 11 HolTman. suiK-rvisor. m, .... ''J1'1". , , . . 1 1 K Weiistrom. Ui.lP'. L. l nueu, t: r liaru. K iwuinnon auu - - - .. c surveyor to re-.s-ate roa. ie- - . j R tween M.IU-r s rerry niaa ana . m lavlor rerry roati, Apr biiu i . , . J . 1 1......,.- If n Sv..nnn. eo mdire $112 75 View Hie IW-Wlliif ruun wiw.t.. y .. .:o 1 n a.. 11 AW Sieirrmt. tax col...... 1J0 " lUS-UVI.U- U..U .H-a.r. v..o. ... .. -- v-7 . fiP 1 WW conlw...!. l-les up to 12 John A Johnm. lH'rv.s.r ol " . m in. hes in d.ameter. feme rails, dist 2.. alloweu JUU.W rom ' . T (lit attv .... 1 m 1 1 a fisn as a vr tm. and U.ards of all kinds, into county roa.i iunu. &fe 20 00 toveood lenirths. Will ko into County riwids ordered estahlish- ... ' T.,utl..r janitor sal - 05 00 on nts. Mr. and Mrs. t.eo. K. lownsend. I hisidore Muller s claim of $ went to the wife, Atn-'ala. Muller du-d in the South and was drought to Corne lius for l.urial. the country. Write, phone or rail on me. Carl Skow . Tualatin Hotel,, Oregon. C. A. Yeren. of Chehalein Mountain, near Uurel. was in tnvl II the last of the week. He voiiiuj ... o'lice County nwds ordered stahlish- Tui.'prr" janitor Bal ed: Petition of K A hddy. hut VanDyke. bridges . i-miilitiiiti eountv uav no dam- ,. l.-w-,... , mnif airi-s; petition of Killiirard et als. r w v..I4,k c h ami jai petition of John Wohlschletrel rt Wash ro ew B-Times, The following special from Cor vallis should be of interest to the poultry jf rowers of Washington County Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. Ore.. April 6-Today the poultry demonstration car. equipped by the Oregon Agncul tnral Colletre and carried over the Southern Pacific lines through the state, starts on a 30-day journey which will be marked hv 55 different stops at towns and rities enroute. for demon atrations and lectures to the school children and the genera Th tinerarv 13 as iouows v.rati;a ariH A1hnv Anril 6 IVIIBJIlD " . . j , - r ' Grants Pass. 7; Medford. 8: Cen tral Point and Ashland. ; Merlin ,i CaIH Hill 10- C.lendale and ai ivj vjvm - Kiddle. 11: Myrtle CreeK ana l,,nK..r 19- Wi hiir nnrt Mitner- IVUKUUIKi . r;n ii-roklnnd 11-Yoncalla and nil tu. - - ; Cottage Grove. 15; Drain and Creswell. 16; Lugene. lb ana li. c..n.rfiaiH 17- iVihnrar ana .u- gene again', 18; Junction City. 18; Harrisburg and ttaisey, m; ai i.nn.. ihannn 20.21! JetTer- son and Turner, 22; Brownsville and West 5cto. za; aaiem anu m ur It O. rAMfMia nnJ Kan lr I REXALL STORE j Promotess and EfficK F 11I1111U' - - - Prescription 13 next of importance to the doctor's orders. Promptness means that we have the fresh est and latest drus right here in the com pounding department and that there is no need for unnecessary waiting. Ktliciency signifies that the very highest skill is used in filling your prescription. The combina tion of these tw o things is of the greatest consequence in that cure. Ask your doctor. ItAawlua a u.p!I fonmnei eomnounding department, we have a large stock of all the specialties usually carried by every first class Drug btore. The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. tM a s First on The Page com 0. I- l-ovell; Nhlasillr. to W 1 7(x MCU of n.tatoeon four anil lupplied, A. W. Teats. N. Car- L..half acres. andrereivtsl$ir:M mu-hu. l. Presidi-nt A. A, W inter. fr pnxlucl this IS Rome re turns, ami isrticouraging lolnos. als;H-tilion of C C Nrlstm et als. . i..:...l...rM .I.....I irranttnl f( .1 uiu ioioi - - i anu-vi r vuii'i. states that a Mr. lorgier. un im ' Ui.,,l K.wT;mM Fn ... ..i...... .i.iu u....,.i rmse.l ro DWlllK liuiius nin.i-u. nn vu" . II lit I' . 1 111 PI liwo, 24 32 to Woodburn. 25; Silverton. 25;PJ 5 05 ML Angel, Aurora anu ,o- i i h or.- Oroimn Citv. Z7-8: &ner- umi a.a: NewDenr ana ou .First On In RESOURCES 3 lyO WeWB-limes, inuw, " - court - 8 10 Joseph. 29; Carlton and McMinn- W'ash-Ore Conm I). M. Meti'rr. M. J. Ibllan tvnr. Presi.letit I. A. Mink, of Western Union College, and M. H. Young, MemU-rn of Dallas vjuurtcrly t'oiiferetu-e. MVN HUM) HI. M ho are considering the advisa bility of putting in tutors. Full blood rggs for hatching. $1 'r Retting of PI. in i'.iv 7VI - Mrs W. Whit- I III" I"' ' ' . J - . ... I ..'Kir more. HillsU.ri). Seventh and rir ;ia & -'' William Alexander Gourlcy. ngrd 6) years, his relatives living ut Uni'l'in. Canada, was found dead In the timber II milrs northeast of IVavertoii, latt Saturd.iv. by llrrtr ifsingi-r, a son of W, V. iK'Ssmi'i-r. Hie tv was picking fluwi-rs when he found the Uny. Cormier llrown was tiotilied and held hii inquest. It w as evident that he had passed away several ilajs prior to the discovery. By his Hide was found a half gallon jug. a quart Mile, and a small Mask of whiskey, and there was Ilium! thr.o. fourths of the roll- tents in each receptacle h it. lie C. .lack Jr.. .. .. .. n .... i i..r.i-i..r tiH 7.1 fniirr III. iinrn, vuiimi .r.-- ,j Thr AtKut. pnnimn & Mvp:iM ... 4i s J M Bridges, c h grounds M K Burk. J I. ptrcinrt jury ha. J oo .)f y A faeyt gtate Case I w lUiey. rlcctioiinp elc - Jt J7 ... -e;ef j W lU.lry. m Sc r.p .... J.o W 1gW fM, Mm I'ramUII. M ew.r'i ial U w AM WHlins, vire u it i' i-. . Iiivil imit. trav riD... I ns m c cair. i a oiiu-e ep w ionn Johanson. of near Banks, ji ru-.iia sn- r.oston. 30: Beaverton 1 r I Ilis-a w T 8 62 and Hillsboro. May l; roresi Grove, May 1-2; McCoy and La !W 40 favette. 2: Sheridan. 3; Dallas i m ml Indeiwndence. 4: Corvallis, 5. 4 50 First there will be a lecture 1? 1 K I nn,i a domnn at ration eSDeCially 21 00 for the school children, which will last from i Jf an nour w an t...... yniinu.-inr that there will lIUUli ui.v " - lu a half-hour lecture for the general public on "Poultry Feed MVruA ,U""U'",M'"": 6 was in town Saturday I w KLiiedK. wrciaci jur? li-t .. " vjick Kemmer. of Beaverton, A aft.rward for an hour M.,K.rri ioo,i.B.; ' . was in tow n Monday, conferring V"' ",;,d n half those in- ttlai A rrutiiioiiiiiir, in . .--j i ... ... ui . - ... . . ....... . i. ..i...... ... luith tho enuntv tudire. I. .j ...:n Homnn. -j.jj i nu, (rirjuiouc i-u, i i ' --"-- iieresveumo w; " i - . rim innn nHioiiii. ui icai ihithliuii anu vunvv. Charlie Fry. of the ivaverion ,; iu,ui.. u.i mii tj "" in the city Mon- the car exhibits. Another half- Kcs-r tcr. a- d Virgil Nlassey o , iu hour lecture for the general pub it... I'.ii-n.. ins ln iune. are out " ' r... ! I.: "uo n rhipWna " and a I lino roainiai t. j".. " i .. . .. r i i nc uii nuuoin vi...-- mi Livr,, co. )..- a. m. iJiuue. i r"re" " ' V' aerfl0n8tration and exhibit of an UJ .. j. H jack. .u...... isoo wa8down to the city Monday, PJ"JJ H, . the pro. Srib Miiirr. i.n.irt - Frank Pranger and family, oi for everyone to ask questions re- McNau.rt ,v wntt, count cour. .. Creswell, have movea oaci io garding the solution oi prooiems L S MiCi.norll. pircincl jury lint oo u,wliinWton ponntv to reside. Lf Ya nwn nartieular location. vi .v . Uiri. nhniBi iHlCt n ooiuiu ' li . -.i. V": ; : ; ".. rn,., ol , w.rut nt u,m Idaho, so that the greitesi possiuie i 4 4 I t 1 4 for p .litifi.l honors, r ry wanis to he a deli-gat- to the National conw ntion. and Massey usessev columns of the last 1 rumne ho forward Ins can.Ii.iacy ior .i v r. oresentative. Both are rrpuhheans. i:ii ...... viiimir JerSi'V. for w i. w hit nr. oi nun. luanutiau .. - . 5" . , t r... ovq viait t amount of practical help may De IS uown iruin " ""j" ' , I . V i KI. I.u rnmt. roUlt- l .1 I " ' - U . H 1 1 1 1 V. II 1 I Will m iv.. UWJ - 1 ..- sale. Fresh April '"SK. .. .. " t the Mr. and Mrs. Fred scnom- given w .... llow of line milk. A. SumiiHTg. r Siu(h circ court Ulllir JO uurjt home, on Second Street Santa la Station, on O,. rs- W. H. Bender, ot Portland MmiH. II. . Mi..iiii 7 oo L.U nut ftnturdAv. mixmir with ashier of tne ,llh,11R c Biuwn. cor hu Hiiiotmra friends of his resi- imini.1 ...... , :. : . t CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $53,000 The oldest and strongest National BanK in Washington County. The most Substantial in resources of any bank in the County. Give us your business and we will make it your busi ness as well as our busi ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale-Good the world over without identification. Safety deposit boxes for rental, and a private room in w hich to look over your papers. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, HilHboro. E. B. TONQUE Candidate For Nomination , . i.... i i I i. ...... ,, ..... I on i lie l im. juiii."".. - ' . . I loo iiiuowiw ..... -- ..... t had sixty cents in coin in Iuh I An.erican National, I ms. nam . iollcli w j cnritrr, h s crawior.i, A I dential years in Hillsboro. If I am nominated and electea, i iKK-kcs. 1 he dead man had been Fred , Su;grist I Wo. AU;xa,u er , .u. Women of the Woodcraft will will, during my term of office. cutting wood, ami nan am o anu irep uv Mr...l.ickm amUl. Klirn a joimfon. - a dance at the w. U. w. nonesuy. ik'j ""T" the' road. He was rvi- wm. ut Portland hua 1'.. $ $atMy,vT f1 dar Mills. Saturday tially perform my official duties. .Utly g(!igr,on, Beaverton b. evening, to - Ud "'imfv ! ..... J evening. April 13. Tickets, in- without feat - ' favor, endeayo ..... 1.... ...1. 1. . r..ll .... ..... tl.llt'. I I l..l. ..... 11.11. r 111 MI11II lllll. I U.I..I I.IlIK .-,.'. W .1.1. III!. 1 1 1 1 1 Wll.-ll 111 l.-ll IIV LIU' ... I. Mill L' I llll UK '"-- ,. Rnill " " . - Hiil uiwl nxriuhed He W HS found on tlu ' going iiom iM-uveii"" cvenuiK. ra n)"- r- . ou.mino" Anril IS. llCKeis, in- WIUluuv it when he fell by the way flub grilling- of state and cimnty MMM m ; auJSr. fi. . Good music ing to accord to every individual, nd perished. He was found catl(idates. They report a good , m,,c Co .. 43. H.iubor. t-mte, Jj"; Every. irrespective of party, politua or Wled place. The follow- time. TTASirtt it as a turv at the inquest: n ..... A nr il 1 1912. to Mr. , w .Harry 1 Humihrfji . der tne LAWS, neep.i.K ing sat as a jury at the inquest: K. Hedge. Ixiie and Win. Wolf, Fred Panple, W. F. Des linger and W. K. Pegg. I ( STATU SI-NA IOK Illtl-Il till II -1. fc' 1 U-...I.. h'e.ip.wt n daugh- umi airs. V. .-..ur ..f M ....... It ut U NIT t lilt I V I li..n1m ra4 so. Hrry 1 Humihrfyt ... ... ii I Kavab. A W Mfgrtst IChai Uti.kin S7, r re.1 Stf grist 45- 3 J Frank Klineman. now prac- uppermo8t , my mind, the in ticing law at Lents, and incident- t 0f the taxpayers. - 1 will H9 ncu t If I n m ii ml elect ed 1 will, during my term of of fice, vote for the candidate for United States Senator who has guilty. nresent term Of Ot quohkmI convictions than 95 oer cent of my ... . 1 Kionrl. I 1 liaua Wftll fPT CniDI - f near ' hiard. U.r.uch is ts.y: " " ?-j":"L" "vL"r:,: ""- m.r old ;-t 00 tripd before the SU ;.. i..... i Siiturdav. Gils lius.. , .,. ..!,-. nio 16 i5. Fteesel:. o..r.,t Stwt. where we nreme Court. v;e. in i""". ,- .. . i..,..-i nun v : . i ... r .taut, ucw.ui. , . ir- . J. A. THORNBURGH President H. -- ., i - . . ...i ...-i . i haua notonrpo ,sfc. Huiirc, mo. tr, Uite, Secona Mree. wnert preme : uouru rrv" i , n resident oi ..- '""' i.ilicKoi z, J i hotter than ever Drepareu wmy opponent, im. meived the highest number of L, action for a good many .05 7. J " "VS-iri cater to our patrons. Con fee- every case in which we , nave ......... .. . . .. I- ... ..... I ' 1 I o.w.n vnllll'S ItO I 1-1H0I1 , J '17. ... .tiH nl. 1 nnnnsul Tn PftCll OUlcr. uH sUl , prtH'tHiinK "... yi,ars, una " . " nvf. . . tionery. a'c"'D ,j; r" "w Attornev be itirirnii ikiiiftfi 1 .. ...Miiur mv 11 111 iiiv; 1 ....1 I'Mweni 1 nruii- 1 ifaim nnn iihuutil mi. x. iwmvu uvea - 1 - Will HiitiiMirt nn economy that . .. ...... r twat .L.i i. n t. D Cirln a 50. Mi Coml ., ,. ..iiy in..,.., urn u "'T. " ,.V ' iiliin.l. wmWfrt. at - - ; r.. j,. o,ii,u. f ... r ... aa down from .Salon. ""m - time. d S' I ,, 5 S MK. 0. ,Kin,y Jr-H. & orj KC. W oeU - UVIUili.l.i.l i..illi.u,.iil lVK tL'llll'll Ii I I ill. I - ( l.i Wt.m.w wr a I a .a aA J a. m n I imn LU 1.1 UIIUHV va,.i iiiuu aim mum i.-u i. .... ...... r l r.taml Iiinra w r. - -mnlnv nf tne State, anu lias t,ampor , - ,..., -a- Win lUBloy sr iiw, . KrU and at Sa- o. xvu&u. McCumwy E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNRY Vice- Prwi'lent Caahier E. Ferrin, Ass't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Tuesday. February 20. W12. Capital and Surplus $50000 " ...... lAr Tk $2a,uuo.uo 25.000.00 3.988.29 25,000.00 Loans $2oo,44l.oi U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 57,160.00 Banking House 18,500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 99.604.jy Capital Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits 374,807.36 $453,795.65 $453,795.65 Heaorvo a -4 ror Oout. DIRECTORS Tho.. G. Todd John E. BaiUr J- W. Tuqu- WUber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbtarg fAa'.v.sra: i t..raV K Peirir $JS. H C , ,l aata nnd has a appropriated, thus avoiding deli- Ml.,. Agnes , Campbe " w Byter r .. MK w oy " heVe and at Sa- v ..n..!.,u ... .... t. .,.,.1 Kir. S HOW SlllhCient- ;.,-.,.. as. Jno Bateman 7 . Jhn h08t OI inenus iicic N Isiards and commissions I from an.iUness th.t 5. Jobu p iua ,5 40 . Men, - v Reward ol U$ have I n nnneeessarilv created ,nn mve attention to ner v. Arc m. 1.--1 "".nVu U ll.ra reward wil -- , . . I oil- 1 !..., lMfl 111 d. mi . I IrYMNIIIIlaCUJal VVUIIUJI I I WEI LflllV uwiitai" ' nd some of these Bhould In' customers. Ii..i.i. , n Vrank Siaiy. J Buttroff. w " . " , . . . Kil o5lI - information leading .'HT..k. twin BH-i.." n SMiit. 1 AnKe,es .w U,".'K..T .u :..infrt,nff the te eohone pole Sutuiay evei.o.n John where ture business, wa ... . c7.. . W K Rowel ami Ferntnami cueciv u w Z " a iZ. Friday. .mK-j 30. w. mo- Haying net money he .or Htap bv..,l It. Chirk, of below farm- ,,,. s.0 uilrrrt L ,nnt) to the city oMj;.r1:1rwSr micow.c Reh, . r"r.r M;v-m. v.ul ,r-".ra-."v iv. nsrv IIIUU'lli - r I IS t mill I a I' 1 - I At trail I.nt IKIllUUS mvim" tnp nHHIIWHLCISI VI improved urday niorninir. Plnn9 P-flne.t fl forks, and he made one of the 1 ir.innn. 01 isoiv" --1 .." iw . m k wai i ta- i lav wnn u veiiKcn.ivc ."innpac catcnes ure was in the city Monday after- iiijU' ll t ll the first of the weei t Opened. . , J'- . ... .nem,,Kifi,,.a,. f0th. C. E: Kindtof Kinton, was itoX 'uptothecity Saturday. ing, mum miiur ui HH'Mt piumii- aholiHlied, rather than more ere-ntiul 1 believe in a judicial reform that will insure more speedy jvis- tiro, mrnvont ihiluvu nnil save I'... IV... ..V.WJ.' I monev for ih tnximvers of Washington County. W. 1). Wood. l-nr Sale or Kent Hnleruliil fU.nprA . in suburbs of good valley : irnoil linildiiu's. ivinff wnt- plenty of fruit, etc. An iiiiiiirT. nuu rno "--- HillHborore. 2"tf Argus and Journal, $2.25. Having ncr money nere on ueyw- . u hnnk nuahed the case, and I ' PKoioa Mav of Portland, was t. If Sluitc. I . . . . ul.JJ.U iuI.a nnuo. . . . I. AaVilnor nn - - ' 1 ( ..rv-n.iv rm.r.Lii.a. n .iv. v.wv i nnr I uui wkkh. .iuii. v.. farm, town; er; , ideal Your Glasses Correctly fitted will give you better or .fr,rrahle Vision. V VVU11"'" , j f My optical department is equipped for the most difficult cases. KRYPTOK and TORIC Lenses a Specialty. LAUREL M. HOVi: "jEWUER AMP OMICIaa P 1 , t