The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 04, 1912, Image 1

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    if ir
NO. 4
v iiuhrf to IiwUIIcJ
Uicil Uond IHhkl
.....t Hrit VttlnU t Nfc
Ml I It v Ilk
Th -'t v ftiurl w beginning t
,.,(., i arrangement fr an im
nK,,M- ani.unt 'f road work in
V,l'na-i, County, ttitil by the
rn, ,,l the nt'Mitlt. hni Heeding
itim- l "l. ll,nt team ,u1, ,14,
. . .. :u i -
rui i 'I. rutin "
i.. iluir cui'iuity. I'll-
Sam .IkIiiihixi an.l wif.-. (,f
Sliiidy r.rimk. win- in tovwi Kri
.lay. They i. ft r ;1)k.
ilioil.t- Sprint's. iirriM tin- m.-r
from II..- HuII.k. tin- lir-t i,f ,.
vmk. and lli. y i-N-rt to remain
tin-re until hill, uml erhu-.i:
citr or nmrr, Sam sav In
going up fur lii health. Imt
Kiiod authority swears that
H ll luraiise tin- h;W garni
MllHHIOII lloHt'd the Water (if Mi".
Kay r--k to fishing, after April
l ami therefore the old home
diMru t n a-.l t.i have tin same
charms for hitti. Sam km.
every hole when- tin- trout hold
Sunday mIio.. ami ramp meeting
Mrn.tiiiiiH. ami I if h:u had tin-
trout so tame, for years, that
they lu c eaten cruml.s olf the
pulimt of In hands, lb-re' lin k
In ou Sam. an way, ami vu-Iiom-
you'll catch bigger ones up
tiiTt- oii navi
I limber Violator f
Iluir Way Hi-ink inn, Saturday
tllS. JHM S lil TS lit T il JAIL
Mutlbt-ricrt V.a ia Cirt.Mil Cvart
0er t.cacaulil
t,nl i uinr ,......,. -.MsHti nom Hilly" Smith, tin-
court ha- inttallit it cruhcr in famous pugilist of bygone days,
the r.i avt-rtni district. J. A. win in tow n Saturday, tt living
... .. i.r uml monument of tin- fat that u
jtiim-iii, - i .
rP)sh. rWlll I- located lit Cook
ur i.iir IN ego, where the
i i
liii! nnk supply aH hipM-l lusi wasout to try to i-vt a n -oiM-n
yrsr A. H. Smith will run th- ihk' "f n ilior.-f .lt-rri- that
i-o iiuarry. uml In Iiiih madf awanh .l hi fivt- i-ar t.hl rhil.l to
I , t hM '' 'ruth r hixi- wilt-. A f t r tin- wife mar
put in at 0-kii, Smitli tn fur lritil anothi-r man. Smith ami tin-
tush it ami In hii In w ill I'uil.l nu t m thf trtt t in
. in to tin- Nvlx-rit iiuarry. iVllaml ami lu hl a n-voh
man tan Iuim- lour m tmU-s
through him ami -"till livt- and Im-thin-
with tin- l-inmIh. Smith
Judf CamplM-ll held court in thf
ity Friday and Saturday. My rtlf
Howard and Clara Krazii-r, th
twiiwonn n from TimlM-rihariffd
with salt-s of liipior without li-
n-nsf. wt-rf t-at h titii-d t.9K or
1 ' days in tin-rounty jail, but
tin- court Irani-d to thf sidf f
nu n y and M-rmittil thctn to
on tlu-ir wav v ith paroU-s. with
tin- promisf that they kwu out
of tin- judicial district and Kin no
morf. Tln-y an to writt to an
ollicir of tin court onct -ach
month for a -riol of Hix months.
lin y were a twain of tritfhtfni'i
prisoners, and felt that they ha
U-i n t'iven a Imor. in their Iret--
Ijmis Mvers. of Ch-hal-m
Mountain, wan ove r Saturday.
Tennis Pvt. of South Tualatin.
w as in the county neat Saturday.
VA Mizen. of Shadv Brook.
was in tow n Saturday, on a busi-rifHH.
K. W. I'arnes. of near Iaver-
tofi, was in the tity Friday eve-
S. C. Inkley, of l'anks, was an
Arirus caller, the last of the
Will l)arety. of leyond North
I'lams, was in u.e county w ai. .,r u. ..... . ,r
,.,.,.. r . Iuy live nunurea uouars worm ui
,m s, II n k heajf-r thun it cost
l.nt -. a on. The court may take
up In pri'iw;'l. Smitli is t"
l.,l,l i he rl.ctrii' line into the
quan v ami innlull the itukIhT.
Tl.t- I hatcher ouarrv is now
rum. ii4'. ui"l 'f the NU-r r
ptnial is put Hi. together with the
0 n-ii. tin-re will U' nrk t.':i
lore. Smith ntatis that he ran
put out yards day at inula
in. If l.e is im mulled to install.
Atl.eitlsenieHtS lor bids for
ihi- i limit house npH-ur tliis
week, uml inside ol W Uas
thi-r.-will l u contract let lor
bUll lini; the ud.litioti.
MPS. AW I lit M CO
er ( har i-s A.Jones, thf erstwhile
duel. Smith ate tin four bullets iMMith-L't'er. who broke a Paroli
and was taken to the hovpital for I sunn months airo. was relexsei
out of it 1. K.. from tail bv thf court, and will
a put on a not U trosiruted on a secmu
indictment until h
unseemiv liehavior,
had. Ilecaiiu
;iml four Weiks
Hparru. evhilution in rnrtland.
Smith wants to n t the custody
W. (i. Walker Ijmm Five Hun
dred Dollar Animal in Death Trap
I Pectttiar Accideal Haca
Near Ray, Reccatly
of thf child.
Wm. r!ackl)iirn and family, of
Itoi.apartf. low a. arrived hen
the la-d of tin- Wei-k. 11117 Ill'i
L'uesls of William Wolf ami wifi
of Ninth Mr. Mark
hum is a net. hew of his host.
and hecxpi-cts to locate in Ore-
. . .... 1 . .. 1. .. , 1 . . ;..
.1... tt,.v ..r ,.1. Wi,..n i... terminate a lease, the court in
1 . 1 :. 1 1 siniricii me nirv 10 on ok m a
ell low a mere w at 11 iuk cihii - - ...
. 1 1 .....ii.. 1... verdict or the ShaliU-rirers. Hit
uirin 1111 hi 1 riiii 1 1 .1111 ih- 1
lioile I Malieson. 01 Viasion. a , . , .
wa.s a county Beat visitor the last howeflwh through one of the
of the week. most peculiar of accidents. YVau-
F. S. Harnes. the Forest Grove "ired man were clear-
i.i..n....r anhrv man was in the inif land one day last weeK. iney
city Saturday. had blown up a stump some five
iu, ,j finaton feet in diameter, and three huze
a lining iiv ia 1
w as in town Saturday, on county prongs of the base had been shot
court business. anart. between which a fire had
lliirmin Wulilur and u. iff nfllxMin starttx) Thp old Stubs
111 I limil V V I ' I ' ' w M r-M - -
U-low Newtor., were in town the were fuj 0f pitch and a terrific
l:mt nf thf wffk I 1 ? ...i.:u u. J
... I nre was DurninK, 10 wuku au
Il..nm of Monntamrlnlo It -ill 1.1 t ftna
vj-r. iiuniin, bi."hihii.i..i I ueen auueu a 101 ui uruua. u..c
transacteil business in the city 0f his teams was driven alon-
i. . 1...., .. I. I 1 .L . 1
uie iusi 01 wic it. 8l(jtf ine i,iaze, ana me norse
v w 1 !,,,.. nnd .n nxt to the stump caueht his
r. w. hnermore ana son, ...: u;m in Kia
t seat callers. Saturday. amma, turned a 80mersault and
Captain A. Juhnson and wife. anded fairly on top of the fire,
of near laurel, were county seat on his back and between the
callers, last Thursday evening. prongs, and was incinerated in a
A C Miller and John Loftis few minutes. Mr. Walker made
indulges in and families, of the Arcade see- a tremendous effort to eet an-
. on.. took lion were dow n to the CltV Sat- omer learn, w unu
hitched to the animal, but before
l,k I ' i .Bonnt, he could arrive the animal had
f t , hI riir onS , 1 ,av,e aU",t 8' J"1 made the final plunge.
r im' Hiu nu ontf fur ra U nt 14 iur thou- j-.. a kA
..11 - - .1 HUT H IMV iir Mil lt 1 VJI t- L all
a month as an earnest m K'"" 8and.-T. J. Ford, llillsboro. li. imawas killed Mr Walker had
intentions, and tell what he is , rA 3.4 '' Vjj,'
. . t 1 1 " - 1 1 n niipmi 1 vr uunutcu
Ining. and where ne can ue , . . . ........ ...... riV. ,.o.".";.. ik.i ;
i . 1 1 j. ft. Meinue, 01 oeiow iioru. iuiitrM) it
"". . 1 I t.f l 1. I I 4L. n kAV.Ia ol
. .. ... tt tir . - inn .nii mnv tiMNpnwi'K. ill ..nn ill Lilt- mirat l.ui i iu nvu
in the case o ic n- Kr ;.. - .
versus ine MiauiK-rvrers. sun 10 ..,"- - 1 1:1,
never wants io uk
liee his seiisi-s to tind warm
ISuminer tluss with only slik'ht
I - 1 . 1 1 I I
Mrs Kuphi niia A. Cox. wife of trosisai nigni w nen ne re.,t eu
Arthur Cox. of Scholls. died lit "regoii.
the ( imilv home Friday. March J. r Miller, of the Arcade dis-
2). r.'l-. She wus a datiehter iru t. aUive (ilenciH-. was in tin
of th.- late lli-orge Johnson, of Lw Sat -inlay. J. C. says that
South lualatin timl llillslmro, tin tteoi.lf up on the mountain
Urn tit IUI Wing, this earsol.l several thousum
She .(..linrs u.irth of iH.tat.M-s. iind
lilii.l tin- iron has beaten nil oth-
' . 11: .
t-r avenues o l.nniiHiion. ins
district has n reputation of pro
.iiuiiii' 1 In- tiiu-st I'url.auks in
i-oiirt hfld that the lease was not
violated, as under the terms of
the instrument default in pay
merit was the onlv avenue
through which they could I
.ust.-ih Tin nirv linniring in
the instructed verdict: A J Kll
visitors Saturday.
('. 1 Itenefiel and L L. Craw
ford, of Crawford, were in the
eitv the hist of the week. They
reiort that a new store is going
in at their point
K. 1. Kuratli has bought an
E. M. F. Flanders "Twenty"
Candidate For Nomination
ami was I Mini lit ltl
Minnesota. Jan. !i lMl"
ranie to Oregon with lu-r par
ruts, in ls.i!. She was married
to Arthur 15. Cox June 17.
iHSli, the husband and the follow
ing children surviving: Arline,
wife oi Klia Mercer; 15hji. Or
ville. Alfretl. Kuth. Arthur and
lulil She leaves seven brothers.
tlir. e - i-.ters and her mother, to
Itioni 1. her Ions,
While ri-Mtling at Lng I'.ea. h.
Wash.. he joined the t'oneii ga
tioiuil l hurch.
The fun look place Sundity.
a nniuter of the Christian
Church preaching the Services.
(ik'l I N ll.l.ll ltl.ACkS.MI I II
If I am nominated and elected. I
will dtinnir mv term of omce.
k n r. , I . . iMmiNniiolif nnfl tmrtor.
tj. . " - r I llul.C3l.ljr, 1 .kuiuuoij oiivt ii,i,
t,m Iku VL'ilkoU Alltrt JiamiTf I nIKnial ltian
.1 . .. A I K il. I 1 unnvu " I llilllY UCl IOI III III Ul.lliw uviucii
t . .t.. it .. 1 ..u .. 1 1 aim ne- 1.1 KvitiiiK v -'"-'.wiinti 1 it-arur itttui. ciiutrotvt-
ien. m 1 ucKer. 1 nas iki, juiui - . ,lla ..ran " ; 1 :;.,ioi
. . t t ita' . f ' .... I LI IV 111 tav 11111 v ainvw 1 v 111 nrriii u lu rtri i iiiuif uuwi
Sinclair. Steve Meek.J C Fisher, .aindale. was in town Saturday, SLT!!:
..t.t tov...ul.. II I ' rnn wr. hi:., n!. MM Pmm harhv nf " rKh.
himi air.iiiiMvi w niinni 111 it 1 v. t. mi3i iiiiinw 1 ;M m 11,4 fka in
Walker was given 90 days to hvlaluma. Cal.. arrived the last 3? iwi.
l,lf al.iliot execpuons. , tlu weeK lor a aummer s vis.i . o iftn'f wp M
11... i-m. or Mvstenotis r.iuv u 1 . h.. s-h is.
C,ith f.,r.,isl .IS eX-W ff. USk- ,.. U.noauicu.cKu.H,.
1 1 'iiiiMi . ---- , .. a'Hi.irta nau n'inv fiirii- 1 1 ,... w t tvwn r ramn nr nr.
1 - 1 ........ 1 r. 1 11 kf.- iiu.i . . m 1 riii iiv 111 v an rarn 1 lei iib va va
Dairymen, attention Seven ing lor a re-o penii u. 01 u u vorvt . . mwng picture show fice. 1 have secured convictions
registered Uolstcm hull caives so,m i, . V.;..Vr building, formerly the old Shute of more than 95 per cent of my
for - :.le. ...'M-mg in age iron, ,ean. . . - Hank, on Main. It will be one case8. I have won every crimi
ihr.f week , to seven months, that he had m t xs nj. en no f neategt -movies- on the na) case tried before the Su-
,.ld enough to ue 01 i''1111 " l,'t t: V. :- West Side when finished. Ureme Court. I have defeated
Fine slock, nn.l l.nus. ex-w.u o. u e ,icuuo, - . nnnnnent. Mr. Norblad. in
li. Hagley. er. and lur counse nna Kt Won.enot the wpoacrati w 1 " ' jn whlch we have
UUocI lu'W ttmi service was Rlve a llance at ine "'"ed to e ich other
made on him in lr?on. The i,an, near w
fore me has been given two
k .1 1 l
, v v.. . . . w r' t" - 1 t AMiMd lAAd tha iirntri gnnvi
to iret ww nisuniy in inV ana rooh manamt?nu wiy- . , f fnr mp?
.11 , ,1 Smith w 1htM....J.. A.t iiiiviii- r- -
v ir iiui .iiiiii tt'iii'vu inniv uitiLcrva. v
J . .... 1 "
and 7 Am,
Is next of imrirtance to the doctor's orders.
I'romptness means that we have the fresh
est and latest drugs right here in the com
pounding department and that there is no
need for unnecessary waiting. Kmciency
signifies that the very highest skill is used
in filling your prescription. The combina
tion of these two thing3 is of the greatest
consequence in that cure. Ask your doctor.
Besides a well equipped comiounding department, we have
a large stock of all the specialties usually carried by every
first class Drug Store.
The Delta Drug Store
First on The Page S
1 1
Three of them
head herd,
l.-uve for ttl'f
il.iulu.i-ii Ore . or O.ik Covi
Farm, Forest lirove. Koute 2.
i' VV Hint of llffdville. was
in the citv Monday morning
greeting friends. I. cue says
.1, ia tr.iinir III III' lltlite lilt
1111 i '
t ...... i. ilk. a ai?won.
.... .iiii'ii'iii'i in 1 iuk
Along felt want haslM-ei, lilleil (( tlu. ,j(r Ka sovvinri
ut (.i.-ft.villi- the liH-ation oi a . t,i( in1 Wl.ather .luring
nrsi . lass i.iaiksiniin snop. u ,1 1. ..m.l.l.ntr many to iret in
or Ihdimans. n limt :':'f , Spring crops.
niirsi'MniMT, ami general n I'.uiei, 1
1 . . . 11I u-.. ,ci..h I In nifs. iittnrnev and
inn 1. piiie.i a Kilo 1 III ine 01. 1 . -....I ...! .r.. ..,...). nn-vii. eiit of the lillamiHik lloani
Him n.iuiui n.uiiw. nun ' " . . .1 . 1 ,
...... ... 1' . I I ,l..r Ten. In whs III tilWIl MollU.O
i-iiu.Mai 11011. vin-f in ine nan ioi.k 1 01 1 : ,,
1 .1 . .1 1 11...I ...,;.,.r ini-o.iti nome to 1 hp
wen WllliOUl U Hlllllliy, Uliu uie iif-i -. j f I
fanners in that section me very coast city. 1,t'r "' ,,.
much pleased that the shop is days in the Uose City. Ujimi
opo. again, and will give Mr. says In likes the looks of I s
lu'.,mn.,..m.,;..,ii..,r,i .in l.uu and he is coining our
i UIMIIII.I tilt 'I 1 1 wiMia,'
Js. Robinson, of Farmington. 1 saw eordwood. H)les up to 1L
u iii ii ;iu M,m.i.iu j in ilinnieter. fence rails,
-.' 111 ,ni- im 'I I II,., 1 1(1.1. tin iti , . . .
. ii" wftSt:
. , , .,, M,.ni.i,. , ,lrv. Wrilo. ..
lllUt Mil Mil l - "ii I
uuv- ...... MJ .... iui..t..M call (n w
A. Stindberg, of Santa Rosa,
on the Oregon Klectrio, wus in
town Suturdny afternoon, 11ml
called on the Arutis.
Thos. Tucker, of
IiukI, was in town
week, 11 guest of his
Mrs. II. (J. Cardner
in I,..,
... vwn 11 ,141 til I nu J, t IllaV. illO PitJ
thai, things are looking up down i,.w,t up his way.
1. m w ay
The oldest and strongest
National BanK
in Washington County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any bank in
the County.
Give us your business and
we will make it your busi
ness as well as our busi
ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the
world over without identification. Safety deposit
boxes for rental, and a private room in
which to look over your papers.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, Hlllmboro.
- ll ltl l B
noted prize fighter, who was
shot four times by I-oomis, the
husband of the ex-Mrs. Smith.
in Portland, a few months ago.
ir 1 urn nnmimiteil and elect
nffie Hnnrs Anv time, dav
Mn I film I PhPl. Ot &DOVein ni.rkt t-nii hivu nthfin hllSl-
." - v . - tVl IllfeUV, JV v..
Mountaindale, was in me cuy ne8s to transact
the last of the week, wtth the
"i-hamition ecu' ' for smal ness.
She evoects her husband. John
Uebel, home from California in a I
few days.
We have moved to our hand-
E. B. Tongue.
Leap Year Advice
"We may Iiv without music, poetry, art,
We tuny live wltuoni conscience,
cd I will, during my term of of- Lomt, brick quarters. on our old J without hWt.
....... . ...f,ir the candidate lor o c.,t u.Tnmt Will til. Miilltnnl fiilinil
11... 1. ..I ..t..i Senator Who has kmiuni in I W m live without books,
;;;i highest numlr Of n,e cannot tive without
't!arl Skow. Tualatin
Hotel. IlillHlHiro. Oregon.
.... if,.L..i- of Henedict. Ne-
I iii tint- ' ,
braska. was in town Saturday, a
guest nt thell. uarnumoi,
T, 1 I,...-.! live vears ago,
lie wii tii.v n, i .... ,. ' i
of Fast Port- , thinks Oregon's climate has
the last of the Noiluka beaten to a frazzle.
"au"u'' Mr and Mrs. Leo Schvvnn.ier
I . , I'l-.ii.,.. u'lit-it iliiwn
and Jonn ineim ;
k Unwell, of Scholls, was Jmn nuOV0 Mountaindale Satur
n Saturday. Frank says j.lVt jj(,0 Says there is some
t...l'u.. ....'ii - . .'.....,
t 1..., ,i-.w.nlimr nlff lion I . . j .1; ; ... : I
volt's av ot- cm 1. tionery. aeucacies. oysiers, vi- , , .
t Unit niVw.t i j .u.. ii t -k'Kitf Rnv a Coffee C ub Look Book
101 . gars UlHl luuiictw. o. 1. ivw.,, n . tu:a
Will supH)rt an economy mat ana gei nusy. wh
w ill keen down expenditures and Julius Peterson, of near Cedar 0flice. the Rest Room. Vaught s
alU'lV Hie aiUl leM. U Ull Oiiu-u....l, no r- urUlTI wm mi a. wuvi. -
nri itions and see mai wueu ing ia.e, auu v.. ..v. ... eryt
1 1. ii,.... it'tvo luen iiidieiouslv knis. "Fine weather for farm-
!v ,,-nded'and sullicient for which ing, and you can't beat Wash- BACK TO THE FARM
-in .ronriated. thus avoiding defi- tngton County, was ms mes
ciencies. . ' sage to the Argus. -Rack to the farm"-I have
New iHUirds and commissions :,- A,,tn ComDany will hw f land-411 acres clear.
have been unnecessarily created I n builj a parage on Main the wst good saw timber; good
and some of these should street, between Third and house, barn and orchard; 2 wells;
.... .i:.,i....i miiuii- tii:in more cre-i it ,l l.:. miwiknmiH imML. l 1 1.. .wsi milt
atioiiM.eo. i"" - - 1 r oiiriii. iittviiiK uu.n. h...v.jj gprinKS, lorne crwiv, kwu mm
ited. ..... , from the Kuratli Brothers. Iney 8ite: timber can be floated down
1 believe in a juuioiai reiorm :., i up designs and build a Tualatin river. Six miles south
President Vice President
H. E. Ferrtn, Ass't Cashier
Forest Grove
ct.v,f ,sf Pnnilitinn on Tuesdav. February 20. 1912.
OUIlCl.lCilli V vv'iuin1'" ' - "
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $2o.,411.ob
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57.1GO.OO
Banking House 13,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 99,094.29
Undivided Profits
Hosorvo a 4 Fox Oonti
tu.. . TdJ John E. Ball.y J "W. Tuqu.
Wither W. McEldowney J. A- ThornDwrg
ii j ........
...... .. mi iiiMiivs ami suve
lice, r11 .
money for tne taxpayers ui
Washington County.
VV. If. WOOll.
J. I1!
oi..... nt North luaia-
Im illllS. IS 1 1 1 it ll 1 1 K -
1. ........ il... .I.,miuit.lii
. ii. ivt-fi-n, nit- - in liilim, , ,,
candidate for sheriir, was in the j .j rlt tuu oarly several days oi
city Monday. J. I-, nays the Uu Wl,,,k, driving some young-
imniers are all liusv out ins way. i,,ra
fori n o i.i..i An.-min eegs for
"nit UMV, jrilllll Ijr.i" Jl I I' llll Him"! - ; " it
Hule. Fresh April 5. (lives good hnt0,inft $1 per wllmv of U
Him ,.r is.... ill, A C,,.,,ll,..r.r ... ';!.. ?M Mrs. VV. Whit
i.i mn- iinm, 1. miiniui n. i i'n(ine V'UJ ., I lv
unla Rosa Station, on Oregon num, llillsboro. beventh and nr
a w vVnlker. of South Tuala
m biwn Sunday, with his big tin wn3 j the city Saturday
National touring rar, with which ;"k'; n ro8t after a week o
he made the Month nnd West, ii..u!...m .iiiitiu
I.I..II 'c. iiti- ima eomuleted the
r VTUlk ."",,Tl. .'ii, wim,d
'imtv till. L-itriivii
lat Fall and Winter,
n. j.. ..i-'. i i it.i.i.:
vonuueior jonn imiuuimbi i ,,,,..1, a,j(tion 10 ine vvuov "
tliu Southern Pacific, was in the . 0((t jtVHows building, on
city Saturday, coming out to , . anJ Tnird streets.
iaKe in a Ireight from tne r. h. . . ( uarmington,
..uu reiorm oi ii, uo desiirns and build a Tualatin river. Six miles
hat will insure more 8iKiHty jus- , 8tructure for the purpose. Lf Hillsboro: one mile north of
a ami suvei i. t.
... . r, Monro nn main couniv ruau.
Mr. and Mrs. u. k. uesse e" ri' J m w -oute Dhone in
hnnue- will sell all or in small
occasion Deng weir wvhu $ Part
wedd.nganniversary. iaras -nu p' ' aa ee me.-A. L,
refreshments were ine oraer o i , r Route
tne evening, inoac mw"i ..,i
and Mrs. 1). 0. Box 18.
. . i i i Trt were: Mr. ana Mrs. u. u
ieecner. uu ' "i- Jacobs, Mr. ana rare. n. u. ruo- 0j,... . nf
. i iv,i iiNim.nn. nr the ..' . m t ti :.. I Kewaru OI 9S
in nurrix. i
fiontt Mia3lT.ninu.Avo (tollnra reward will
high; white .... Koaap nnd Vircil Cood- honaid for information leading
iioints. oneot tne nesi juck-j m to the arre9t ana conviction 01
the state, win Mini" -"
nartifKi ahontinff or
rli.i, Miiri'h 5 to June 30 at the Will lease for cash for z years - . --r-,
eofundersigned, First Ave- 13acre tract; ot ir the telephone pole,
, ..ii. i.
e-13 acre tract ot Douom iana. ii ff" thfl t"ieDhoe oolea
Forest Urove. A miles .'fn L f " vf? on Line 3. between Glencoe and
Terms-f ea; win pjyuuee "'-V Bacona.
HU v
IW einirloSOrVK'O.
Forest Grove, Ure.
G. C. Nelson.
tout Norm.
aiiri- iiiui .a ju no,
.. . , - r . n..ncmM. k 111 1 tan imi rit'it Bull, ucii u . win i
for ve colt; ho r.?" tv 1 a oz-b
- 111 11 u-Mnnnri 1 in ii iMt- 11111 . uraiii uiivi
Hill. I it'.i.". --"M - " . - ... . if
ana one cow go wim icudc. . . , (11 . . .
man can itive good security need JacoD acnmiai, 01 near wn. 11 .
(1vo,of Portland, not Pay-nttd until Nov. 1. was i m I IK
Will look the finer if you
wear some new jewelry with
it. A Brooch, Hat Pin, Neck
Chaiu. or Ring which your
neighbors have not seen be
fore, should go with your new
gown and hat.
"jeweler np opticuw
n. ( .. W. Lowe, 01 iwnnu, i-r:""-"iaaA KthoAwMi Schmidt Ravs that I
' 1 11.. nntia I tirnau Til rill 1.11 it 1 mi ur uocu aj 1 vn .-- r : . 1
was in town -nuay. n p eo. r minutes from farmers have a bia end of their
finit llillsboro is one 01 5;" o7,-aH miu Snrimr work accomDl shed. ex-
towm on his Willamette Valley H """'MDt Uie planting of poUtoeB
'town Friday.
'near Spring Hill Farm.
. !
r' l,
visiting lis