The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 28, 1912, Image 2

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this ropruvu
o-lO-loC STORK
To the ladies: w ill soon be here. Is your
readv? If not. we can help you. We have
Kaster bonnet
the trimmings.
frames, flowers, braids, and notions. We know von will tv
pleased and delighted with the quality and price. We urvie
you to examine our stock before you buy.
FASTK1I baskets. egrs, candies and novelties are here.
Ju t the thing to make the children happy and 'the older
folk too.
e have on hand a fine line of KASTK1I Post Cards and
IWklets. very acceptable as gifts to friends and scholars.
We are constantly getting in new gnvls. Come in and
examine our stock at any time. We try to please you.
Statues! m tba l'jt offlro t HillaN-tr t
Oitien, wm MtfeMiLi-liaMi asail tuaunr
? outm Otticia! Cajxr
.iit-vrnm.ui: ft, a r Vinim..
it Ksrrt lit Mr sal at
-K -
l.ot; M.kiwtv
Roosevelt has lost New York
in the primaries, getting. s. it is
said, but 7 out of J0. That is
what was expected whore the
Tail Meant roller has swing.
Teddy claims that with fair
treatment in a preferential vote
he would have cleared up tl e
state - and many who watch the
New York situation hciicvo the
Putchman is richt.
Fence- posts for sale Seven
, fvHt cedar fence psts. Will de
j liver, or buyer can haul from
j place. On place. T cents each. -Jacob
Vuncen. Helvetia. HiH
.ioi.. (iv.. u i. nr.
l'r Slate Senator
I! T. I'tvler Mavni f llil Va-tii. Wit
.li.lite tut K Hihtu-n hi'Httnitv a .i
s: te S natf.
Tongue - Addition
Sold by the Webfoot Realty Co. I.ots
and Half Acre tracts very reasonably
priced, and ou the very best of terms.
Also farm property. Money to loan.
Come and Give Us a Trial and We Will
Treat You Right.
Looted on Second St, between Main aul Washington.
Kerr Brothers
Phones: Office Main 75, lesideuce City 5S2
$1100 Completely Equipped
I Clerk is going o carrv the
'Oregon democratic primaries un
less all signs fail and remember
i that there are many Missourians
' in Oregon.
mm J -i fetvJ
The Digest Value on the Marhet. For demon
stration see, telephone or write
Forest Grove, Ore
Alxuit fifty neighlois gave K.
A. Wolf a surprise last Saturday
evening, the occasion U'ing his
"1st birth anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. Wolf were completely sur
prised, ami were very much
pleased ovt-r the neighborly trib
ute. The hours were spent in
conversation and a program and
reiresnmeius were scree I at a
late hour. Mr. Wolf lias been
in the Ueed ille section for many
years, and has a host of friends
i in that section.
The Commercial Club of Aloha
,and the ladies auxiliary will en
i tertam, politically, at Aloiia. on
I April 14. at which times there
will Im representatives, of the
l'at't, LaFollctte and Koosevelt
presidential electors, and U
representatives of the iniifrcs
sional and state tickets, a well
as a number of the county c in-
iiiuau'S. uie laities win serve
luncheon at the U. A. Caples
I represent Sit'.rella or-tet-t
not s m! in stores. Will call at
homes on remiest. and do the
titti:ig. and teach ho- to adjust
and wear thee trset. 0 ir tulor-
id made t wne we corset, with
; an experienced corsetier service
us no more than high class cor
sets purchased in stores. - Mrs,
! M. K CaudV. Ilil!sh,ro. Fifth
and Jackson Sts. l'hone No.
siksi. :m:
Mry I)k?i, plaintiff
Cbarltn Darin, Defendant
To Cliarln Davis, drrenilant:
In tlie name of tbc Sute ol reon jrou
ai hereby rrquiivJ U, appar and an
frtlf )iii.Uint tiloj airainat you tn
tbr atxivs niiiilrit Omrt and rauM on or
befori- six wwka from anil aftr tu ilat
iiflli lirt puliliration of thm mininon,
lo it: on or mlim Friday tlie arrl. day
of May. 1HH!. anil if you tail to anawrrtha
plmiiliir fur want thnW will tak judir
ini'iit KHHin-t you lor a dn-rMt dissolving
tlintHimlH of iiiatrimony bcrrtofore and
now dixling liflwuen T. .11 and Ihn nlmn.
till and for rnirh oilier ami
a to the Court may -in mwt and just j
Thin NummonM in uut.lmhrd hr orii.r of r
the lion. K. M. hirvmson JilIiio of the (
onurityronrt of in- tie of Oron. for f i- firPuil , ... w. .
tlie .HiuntT of Wa-diirurtou, and ordtr I " 1 ,url t,"! Sta"' "f ""'
a ina' ami iIhIwI on tlie anh day of r'. '' w tiiriKton C' junty
MKri h mi in thB aUenre of lb lion. I John MazuU. Fiaintill 1
J. V. Caii.)lll, circuit judge from Wanh v """" I
liocton .Muni y and the date of the hrnt Anna M.zuba, f,dnt.(
1 si-
tbe 'JlKt. day f March, MJ, and the dale
ol tlie Ihi imlilicatioii of tdm rui.unona
is Ttiurwiay the 2nd daT ol May, llli
Clyde Kii-hardmiii, attorney lor plain
titf. Six ( liaintr of Coiiimer.-e Hull?.
I'ortland, r-v -
Notice to Creditors
Not io is hereby giiren that the under
tigtieii has been nppoiiitcd Kxeoulor of
thces'ateof John IJ. Henrv, deceased, by
tlm I'i.iiiitv I'jmrl i.f II,. lii.t...f . .
lor the County of WanuinKtoti. and baa i ''.ii plaintift and defendant
qualified. All irwuis havinu Haii... ?" I"" ""inlj of cruel and inhiimm
avainst said Minn r lmr.i, i,.,i;iii , ireaiineni.
a!onr pretty fast now. Of course
von need a new suit, and we ad
v'se j o j to let us comtneiice mak
ing it at once.
Stop in and choose from our
very latest style plates the suit
. .. I I . m
, uu iiieier, ami seieci iroin our
Cloths the Fabric that strikes
lyour fancy. No matter what
you choose here, your choice is
j bound to be correct,
i Suits From $14 to $45
; Cleaning, pressing, rcpairinsrand
1 alterations will be satisfactorily
In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you i "one !in" KXarantWd.
are hereby required to appear nod an K'Spectfllll V
swer the eoinpiaiut tiled ai-amst you in ' TUPK I' U PI.VT Tl,,, 'Kit,.
the alxive entitled conn and r. o or I Cl ' K,S ,' V L rV 1 1 ailor.
tiefore the unh it ..f May, ijhj, ' rhonp, Main
date l eing nfler the eipiratmn of eix I'i) 1 '
weeka from the firtt i,ul,li. mmn of tbi; Nottc ol Final Stttl tnent
aumnioiis, If you fail to appear an I no. : . ..,,.
swer, the laiiitiff will pp'v lo the curt ' ,n ""' ( """'T ' "rt f the) State tif f)n
for the relief demanded ii. ti,e complaint, Ur' for W'aliiiiKlon County
t it: Fur a deren of divorce iorever r. . w .. ....
dissolving the bonds of matrimony i,..,v ! hI Ma T "f "'" I
" 'II .IIHI I "Olilllll'lll
UfllHIl K.i,,, x, wt... ,
o Anna Jiszuiia. the above named d
present the same to me. K. K. 1). No. 5
Hherwood, Oregon, with proer voucliers
and duly verified withm six months
from the date of the tint publication
First publication. March U, 'i2.
Charles (sVliinokel, Kterutor.
I). P I'rii, Attorney, Mo Oregoiiian
oiu.t orimuii, ure- I
Jacob Yunger, of Helvetia, .
was in the city Monday. i
This siirniiif.ns Is riubliKhil once . u ..l-
forsix Hi) on teeieiv weeka by ol
the Honoraliln J C. t ainpl.ell . Judne ol
the above entitle.) Court, dated the Mill
day of March, IWtf, directing publication
IherfNi .
The date of the first pulilicaO mi i
Thursday. Ihe 2ib day of March. i!i',
iast publication. !tb dav ol .May, I'lp
Hi hi.ahel A Lnlioche,
Alloriieys for i'Uiniilf.
Arus and Journal, $2.25
iVitib: h hereby given that the iimler
Nigiieil, on tlie '7lli dav of March, !ia,
duly liled an amended final account here
In, and the County Court of Washington
County, Orevoii, has set f..r the tune ami
place ol bearingtlhe name nml any oiijec
ii.n s llu r.lo ou Monday, the nib day ol
Apr I, 0M, at the hour of HI o'clock A.
M "f paid day al Ibo Court House at
II ill-boro, Oregon
Dated this 27t Ii day of Match, 'i'.
l'raukll:i ifiibbel niiii,a iii,
Kxerntor ol ihn last Will and Testa
merit f .Inhn M himiHton, deceased.
No. 74697 No. 52496
Imjiortfrl Reijistered t'erclieron, sged 5 years
weight lfko; color bay; gecilr, hi e build,
just the horse lor farm ai.d draft purnoes.
Impoittdby A. V. Huliv in 1909 lirid by
Letotiruer, C nioiure of Penlon, Fiance
Monday, 10 a. m. to p. m , Watts place,
'.aits Creek; 430 p. rji Monday to 8 a m,
Tuesday, O.iles City; Tue day noon. Si ho
tield'a place, on iirntat Ilavid'i place; 5:30
p. in , Tuevlay 109 a. ni., Wednesday, at
!inl(B;4p ni. Wednesday t i 8 a m Thurs
diy, Jake Milne place, Norlh Plains; 10:31
a. 111. tn t p. in 1 Thursday, at Millsboro; 4
i. ui , Thursday (09 a. tn., Friday, at Michel
N uuj inn place, K mill or Blooming; Friday
11 md at Cornelius; Friday evening to Mon
day morning, at I'eler Ever p'ace, Ver
Ji ant.
TKRMH; Single feryice fto; to insure
with foal, f 15; colt to stand and luck, $ 20.
Cure to prereut but not responsible for ac
udents. Wm, F. Hcffman
I bit ifttet Statement Nv. I. and t
nt'miiiatr.l au.l rlntcd oillviproM the
feopHrarliok- lor t'nitr.1 State Senatnf
and tutthrr pli.le ntvrtf tocpall
riti..Knt aprprtatHnt and imrusI
vv iaprt sa, h ineurr oolv a air
tu-T.I. .1 n, 'enrh. isl. I hclu ves
ol t roue I t the Slat ruotil.l I
err itrtl, and will the ctratton l
iiro iid if, t an.l roniuiiuions, and k
I r irrairrrc nomy itt juiblu- sltiti to
the rkd that Ukrs Way tw rr.Unrd
I 'it'ittrwivv au.l louM-rvative
II. T. HKtrv.
I OH I'Ht I I Ik .
T" e 1111.!. 1 ln. .1 a hi. mli if II r
i;..,uiuit in iiiu rtHi.pna at S.1..U.
tnn..ul,.. I lui.i-lf a t' f r t' r
l;.'li. I.I u-1 11 n.ti,ii:ti.ri f,.r Itri-i. rnM
tlx,- al If-,. . rtii-aii etr-it..n i,. i.r tr:,
Apm ir hi;
If I 'u 11 ,n iif i in. 1 .-ic.-i . ,s 1 ri
define 1111 trrtit i.f ,rf !.-. i.. f..r II..
....r'. it-...!,- f,,r Ciut,. Mit.-i S'-n-at
r . . .,1 ill.l rltlln. In ai-iir ...
i ri ili-.n. an.l ),., a".t t -.! lraiU-it-it
u:n k.i-iiM! in mad u in
ti'i'-tt I O ia. it t s
1 xi iiKs.vr.
1' h. tl. tale f-r Kepi rti I tl 1 1
A Kepuhlioan eaniliJ:tte for the
othoe of Sheriff of Washington
t .. a a, i . t
"ini, hi me nominaunjf elee
turn. April 11). 1912.
rtn iVata arWft MSMafaat
I'aiil atlvertiement.
M ATF. OF oltMioN. Koit 1 II K
in the M iller of the A Piilicatioti i f Kotb
I rtit 1 i.nipat.y, a l'..rH.rali-u, to tacate
r.iwiric A, 1. Iilii.n to lowisiteot Hank
in Siectlou Thirty otiel.'lt Tow nship Two
i .'l North of kange Thri i( l Weal of the
iitanieaie aieriiiian.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Until Trust Company, a coriM.ra
itoii.rias li.i.l Willi tlie county clerk of
via rilMgi. in 1 oiinty. Oregon, its petition
avklng lor the lacaitoii of Kkclric Add).
Hon to Hanks, and that said petition will
hi nrougni ou lor bearing I fore tbe
cam in v court of I be state (if Oregon for
said VVa-bingtoti county, at lh regular
term tbereol to I held at ilm.l a" if it kli
aid coiinly 011 Wedtiei.lay, the Ural day
of .ay, uo '
Ituth Trust Coinpariy,
Hy I'arl It Orav,
Nnlite ill Final Sctllcmcnl
In the County Court of the Htate of Ore
gon f ir Washington County
In lb Mailer of the Ketale
Frederick Maimer, Defeated.
Nollcai Is herehy given that the nml..,.
aii'ned Adn inlstrator tt the. elulM i.f
Frederick Maver. deceased has hi.,1 1,1.
liual aciaiunt herein, anil the Conn I...
vl Ihn Un, a and Place for heart mr till.
same and any objection thereto on Mon
day. April rnh, lllli, at t ie hoi.r of 10
o'lock A.M. of said nay, at the Court
uonne 111 uiiisiKiro. Oregon.
Itate.l On-J, th day or .Match, &
John Welch,
Adrninlstrator of the F.etalei.f
Irk Mh r. ilfffnw t.
. if cA
X 'S' "1''"', v
v' K'j Vv;
r v 7
'AM ... ,
In the Circuit Court of the .Stale of Ore-
gon, for Washington County
F. A, (lore, I'laintiir.i
vs. v
KleieC. (lorn, Inilniidaut
Tn Khin ',. (lore, dnfendioit:
In the iianiflof the Htate nr On 'if til Vtut
hereby required to appear and answer
the complainl Iili-il against von ii tl...
aoove nniiiKid court ami cause on or bo
foro rriday, I lie IO1I1 day of ilav, litl
jWini-ii ih six weeks a id in re alter the
. nri puoiicaiion or tun suinmoua. to wu-
I Thursday, the 'jMih d ,y Marcli, 'i ,
.and If ynu fni to answer the complaint
and Hiiinmon, the i.Uintilt lor want
tliereof will lake ju (gniont agiilust von
for a dccrmi iliHaolvnig tbn bonds ol mat,,
ri 11 .my iii-riHii on nml i.oiv riisting be
t" .Vou Hiid piii,ul- uiid lor audi
, other and further rulief 11 s to Hie court
triay sa. ui m,...t a j 1st and as prayed
lor 111 said c impl tint.
I Tiu-t sumimniH is publUbed by Oi.lcr of
I Ibi! Honorable . o. Mlftvriiso 1, .ludgiiof
the Coiin'.y (,'oiirl nf theHtat tof Oregon
for the Comity ol Wash Ington and mii
Order was luadn and dateii on the VH Ii
tiny of Mar. li, 1:11a, n ti, absence of the
Circuit Judge Iroin Washington Coumy
II nd the dam of inn lirrl public it ion of
this .Summon 1 Thurnliiy, tlie KM h day
ol March, IIH2. mid lliu dele of the I...1
publicall in is Tliursuay, tint IHh day of
1 May, 1:112.
j cijue KlclinrdHon, gttv. for Plnlntllf,
l"ntn MH Chamber tr umintirc lildg .
. I'. 1 1 land, Ohkoii. '
New Stock of Base ball goods at
1 new Uillsboro Gun Store. 62-3
l'r County ClVrk
r. The V,.lrr ol Washington Ci-unts
I .111 t aii.b.lstr Ins he..t'f ! '
t "'.. ' ndhsir hied (wtitt."! k " ,
to li It v name 'lavl O'r 010. ial
s. u. ballot id lb K.
paili I ,w piuuaty rlevto n l b b
i 1 1 inti , li. In od petition
al all litil I plrdgr miim II. I rl !. '
is 1 1. .iu tl r dulH's vt M".l idti.r I"'
vitlT.I t !s slid l-l lhclt
-I til vt 10
Candidate I.Mti'unti Clvik.
Itlk'SIII Ik II i
I'hr un.). i ig tii-.l . a mrmltrt the
Kr,-ult.iM till ae. I c.lmg in Mi 1
ti.o.. stiM ii i-.'t I ti-! a i aodi.l-vle l-
tbr K pt.b te tn In ioiisii in li't h.tll at
be I'ltliiiin tli' !- he'. I I" W hiiigOi
count. - 0 t'l I'll 4 U M lllln. .1
au.l i Ir, t. ,1 I a yrlcliU to t tOc li.t
the oltne if,- If!. sd t. il Ir tint t-ttottr.t lit tlliJ-
hav hi ; I n Ji t III the i Hn r
I V' il'I'trKSlf
I in. lid. le lot Mo nil
lot Slurill
The nn.lriit:iir.l a nienibtr ( tlie Kr
puli.ivsii pant s it-i.l el id,
antit.tiBK'es buiiti 't a t in. Ii, lair I r the, all li.-iicu (ll-li l-l Stir 1 1 It. at
the piiinanrs . Ik- litr I V i l I i, i n I
Il nt'itiinatr l slid rlrvtetl. I plr.l r mi
sell l.t tv-e.liut the oilier lu a honrat,
rtticiiitl, rc-iuiiitu al ati.t butint like
iiiatmri, at all tmn a krt plug tu iiiut.t I lie
inlriytat'l lbrlSairis
l-rr.t I' i otltrtiiis.
row cuiMA ji imii:
The itiit'etai-iuil aiiuoumTs that hs Is a
t so. b. late labile tbr Krpu!lit-ans t-l
Waihiiigtt.u rtiunlv. to la iitrl at the
ntlianr , Aptil iv, li J. lot Hie i.IIht id
I'OlllttV pldgr i. alniigton ItolQtl. Il
m iuinslrd and rbi'ted he mil tt-.a lot
(... I and il. I, ii, li , artmanriit r Ii,
Slid a fvavoiiblr late id tatlllnll.
i it. Iaru..iifr, IlilUls.m, it. r. K
i'oitirloia I in in. I
I or 1'iMiil Ofilry Comiiiissioiu-r
The iiii 'ri.iiu ,1 sMtouncrs that he is a
ran. In late l.,i llir . ,ir i ll . e 1 1 1 ,l
Oairi 4 tui'iiiii,.ht i iul-trv t lo the Kt
i.iilihi au i it si tl primal ir yT lif
Il n.illll Kiel Slid rlrtte.l he lr.!..
Illltlr I I'l a Ita s. Irllto.lla t-ttlldut I id I hr
i.llitv ai d a sriinr in tbr l-r.l ml. i, , l.
ol tbc t and .1 tit v ntdualiii s. ai d
will alasi i pri.lrtt Ihr piialn, ti in h oi
rt l ltl. lal rndralitl
J. It MliVIr
Fi it t iioir, I bt-gon
l or iVi-prcsa-nlaiiie
To the Viilrrs id a.ti i tiy I. n f malt
Tlie n bimv-ll a
rsndldaie . i llu ;, pulmi an n.iimiu.
tmn lir lU pre rntslitr al Hie prim-y
ele.ti'n to t,, li,-, a,,i , ,,,,,
i.nliliial.'l and elr ltd, I aill bnu.g my
trtui of i Ite r, nipp ut ih.' i lorn.-t.l ll.r
op!e f..i t'nitrd Matrs riiali t rrun t.
my in sppriip ia i..ns. ,i,, ,(
gmal loads, and drill plated nllei tt.v
iiauie on the nflitial l.tlml llira.
r ioinuiiy lu app-t p un ii..
lot I be M lr lain-bl "
J. hit A t h tpman,
Candnlalr f ir kr i, rn aUi
st la
I or Shcfitf
I hereby immiiiie my ran'idov f r
llieitlne i.f Miriill, sul rct lotlrKr
I nl. In an xnlna at ,K, igb n
County ptiuisnri to I a- held i.,
If I am n. llillialr.l and rl-itrd I mi,
during ni bun ofiltnr I1..10 ill v and
faithlully. and ailln ut .-a. bii.ImiiIi
not Is., i prrbirri all i.f I he dolus t
longing to said nllire in the limit rtam
otiiiral manner.
Win MiOuillan
l or County Surveyor
'"'"signed, a mriiila-r of Hie Krpub
In-all paity. iriidu.g m ilMo, n,P
gon, hrrel.) siiimiitice mi till at r.ndi
date for i.oiuiualion lo the olhte i
Cniinly Suneviii nl Wsshiiiglon Coimly
Otrg. n, sill )ect lo l,r kepubliran ,ii
mains tola- lirld m W htutloti Cunli
April .lh p,! If nuuuiattd and
elected, I t.lrdgr tniself to pe-torni the
dulirsol my i frire ai curalrl) and faiih
lully, and t , .oik f .r Hie pr.n.anriil in,
uioinnrui ,,f , ,,,(. ,iglaats
C.eorge Met I.f,
CnrnlnUtr f.n S. in nadou.
I or Cuunly Commissioner
To tlie niemla-rs r,f llie l!epul,!i, an i ,
and the electors of Washington Civ
I hereby announce niysrlf as a lamli
dale for llie idhce of county rommiaM,,,,
er hir asliiiiuli n l ouiily, llrrgon ml,
-ct to the keptibli. ari primary ' held
April l'b io.ii, and will accept il,r nomi
nation, in,j otlaif. if noinoi.t-.i ...i
elected If tlrrtrd I mil ,l,
le tu of i ftii-e, ra rfonn the dim... ..i tl..
olflce to ,be best ,y Mllv ,,
me iiei.eni tn the tsipavris.
.John McClarsn.
(.ale Creek I'leiiuc .
Tor Meprescnl olive
To the Nott rs nl W.sliit.gton County
Tlie undersigned announces liimse f a
rand.dale for ll.e Republu au t.otninatmn
lur Kepresent itiie t the urn.... i..
t un o be IJrl.1 April , ,9 f .
imed and e tl.,t,, w 1(, (,,g ,y
I'm ,, tupport Ihe people's
choice for Cti.led Stales . Senator. Will
r insider f aseivaioof the peop
' al times and .k f.r in.-Interest ,,f
the la-pitf,f Cmnty.
Will support an icouotiiy that will keen
ilomi ep mil urea Will nppoie t,e
ce.tton of a I tin i .e. tv,'' ,
h id Coiuiii ssimn, an.l wt I o,k (or the
atto i-meril , ..-1, ,w it) ,.x;u.,.
Wi l work ,. f,m i, Wl i
UH.i.i. ,.,le apij, p ,.lrll
Iss and sue uioiiev f.r it.-, t
k-eping ... ,..i,t ,.r lime ,,W,V,
'd the people . f this County.
Vinfil M .,.ryi
Ca.-idnlile for ltep.eeiitiitive.
or County Clprk
I hereby announce myself c.ndidate
'.r i he nfhec id rnunly clerk, nuhjerl to
I if npproval f thKcubllcan yl,
Hie .Hin try tlt ctioii lu be held April lo
191 If i.on.inaled mid eb e..d i ...
k.vemy,,nd,v,de, a,.lltin tothe'dulie,
f Ihe nl bee and cnmlucl the same in a
c-tu.teous, economical ami l.ui.,e.n like
llliiliner it . .... ec
ii. iv nun,
Ktst llntfe I'.ecinct.
Dance at W. 0. W. Hall, Glen.
-oe, March 30; Toelle'H orches-
Argus and Oregonian, $25
brl;in N. I'.TiV! Aim ri. Nt
I'mileil in r1"!: I'tnl lv r.min i I h in..,, t ,,
tv. fliatialt. .itt.l init u .. liy , t Kil.y f,,
Ote. A s'leiiilltl I'.i Uri.OI Mre. wlitvae ,., a,,.
all ei'lt hl.ow
.-sf vf
l i
. h IVH
MmnlaV until nteiti, at I". C Muilnv .!;tie. I.u inl
M.iiulay n(t riitadi. Ili iii v lUit-'e t t-. I'd. i,,(i. .,, MoUhia,,,
'l'neH.;tVH, :tl htiine i.iv, II II It ye,
Velnevl.iv4. 'i ra'l
I IniriiCts iii llfiit) I -ii-' h t.tee. near I Ir.. tl
null. Selii'lU.
FruLiX. at l.el l A Keel f nin, U.f.h ille.
S.tttir.lav s. lit Hill lx. ri, S.eni Street Lain
I'KI.MI. S M .'tn, fl'J. :ia!tli half u hi t- I,
m. mill, r al flun t.f M. a-t.n.
("are t prevent luit r-li?iil..' fm un nt uta
II. lit IVOCiK, ()v.nrr nml (iroom
r i l.oell
I. tntl r.
-e it- i-i c y,, irj
KS c, W sV' Ka
i r -t.: ..
5 'J ' S" ,
Aiiuiii ui No. S'M"1
Cool DUcK
1'lt lH I. No. f, I ,i) I
Fin-ly Kormril
Illitutteil i't t. Ik -leu Stallion, fmlvtl in I't.tiUf allJ ilD
("tttil l.y , C Unity i Co. ill I'e-''.
Si"-, MUTt'S, No. ,,,7i.,; D.iin, I.I.SI' l 'I K, iS,o;S.
Motttlav h.aitn, at Win. I'.aKl. v place, ill.-, M.mJlJ
nu'liti, at .l.d. rt.i.nells; luemljy nt 're. ll.iin. I pi are, West
riium; UViltn i,a t. at Murrav place. ( Mill. TlmrU)r
; l liurxiluv nn-i ti- nt KVd
iMiititl l.ain. lli:iilH,r; I riilay luu.n, Mt Henry llnerefe pi,
I:iiiii,iii; Sat unlay ami Stunlay, lit Anteiie II-rinaii plfcuf.
'JKUMS: Herviei
payalile vv hen mare
ritaml an.l mit k, ?l!o.
J I'! I'OOUI), Cm sun.
$1. paya!.leuUrni.v. insurance.
H kiii.tvn to lie tn f,. nl. ei ilta to
An Argument
On bread
IrSeZI '
'l lie Iilenl Uif slumM he of close
'':iiii, Hue It: xl lire, snow while
i"lor, i i, In-own crust ami fltky
like nnr
ll i not. the kokkv. pulTy liitker'M
Innl'. It is ji your mollier IIHfil t
make un her Ineky Imke day.
For sale ;,t T. B. Perhin.
l'r Sale r Pent
A Hpleillliil (;.IUTe impeove.l
arm, in huIhi elm nl' i(.ul ,...ii....
,'wn:r,7l ' liviiiu wnt.
. l"'t.V nf I', etc. An
Wiii i ho,n:!rA,J,lrH Hox m,
Hillaboro, Ore. 2-tf
For Sale l.y Owner-1 1;'
arrcs. 20 in cultivation, ,
beavertlam, Home tnnl'V'' uth
cHsary l.iiililinKrt; 2 mil of IlillHhoro. I'nefjS;
Ti u -..I M Miller. Hil't"",
I inn, u in fgji
Arnua and Journal. $2.