The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 28, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 3
r ..niiritT nr riurn
PAIMtNl U, lAAtb
.. . . It... .. 1 l-a
V.-rtV li'lK ""7 -
line l ,lur Tin I hmU
Li WIND IV l Tin: lSf PU
p..l U Mad ay Ta.t U.I
1 IMiaqncal
-hi ii Hi'" l:"t week f',r
' .....
Kjvm. nl f Uvesnt tin' collection
-int.T 1" the "l''nll "''
P.I will h.v tli -! of
1 -
k. lust il.itf when you can walk
in lllil tliiMiSlt Olll half Of till
P ... . .
hit iharv-'-.l uwl then lmv until
lh fift Mil:iy i" IVtnlM-r to
Unit tin remainder. I rn-rt
Umn art- lining "p at tin
Lint r thin week with inurli
Upilanty. and t 'X--ti-il
ihit r'nhiv. Sat unlay ami M"ii
Uv"ill inran heavy diiiM in
ihiKtmt treasury.
Whili tavmure litlt HUH year.
. . ... t. ......... ..,..t tm
.inif in nil' t i" iii on-
pfurnniit levy, tin ndlfi-lhiim
tiv.uu rii'iK-.i anv veur in uu1
ifiinrv uf Ya.hitu.tiin County.
hoink' that tinitnciul roiuhlmiiM! as lai US llirV inilfhl l.
" . ' ... I
Jlittv nx'tn y mm.h iaiu in unmr
the three r rent, rebate ruling
hin rwr In fon tin total col-
iwtimi. in ruiitxl numbers, Uinw
l mi take the nllicittl turn
wveral days yet to iftt the enl
ifdioin Its mail computed mi it
J iin no.-.. 1 1. 1 1 to trll just how
much ninM-v has passed over tin
IfAclll 1. 0. COl I't I S
I Mm. Ilat lii-I l. Couple, of near
Buxton, .luil March 21. VMZ
Shf hat r Hi..i in that section
no l'.ml. an I bus been in oor
hralth fur seven or iikht years.
Sh8. Ix.rn in Coshocton t'o.,
Ohio, m Kll. her husband pass
unfit) l7'.l. Kitlit children wen
burn to lu-r, on Htirvivintr. K.,
01 IfUXtotl. 1 1. . . UHl cl wan ti
memlMrtif tin ItaptiMt I'hunli.
Ttn fiiiirr:.! Imik nl:ui Sutlir-
di". mill int. rin.'iU un-t in tliv
Buxton ci'ini-tiTV.
M'I CIAI. sau:
On Siit.'rnlurir, Ni'toim uml
Gi'lilrn (ilUrt. Four and nix
ft tics, lo centH iu,li. All
tit'. ,'ii:inihtTt. St'lu'lli Nur
wry Co , S. IioIIh; SIhtwoo.!. Or..
Koulo M ;t
lr. bnvi. l-'riilay.
0. (lariliu r. of Miiiintaiiiilali',
m in tl.i ntv tin- last of tin
J. J. U latti'ii. of lieyoml Wi'Ht
tnioii, was in tlu city Miimlay
T II I'fikvi' tt iti iiluuttii-iiitr fill!
PhH moving iifturo buil'lintr,
on Main Slrt.
Mrs. tlladys llfnilorson, of
not milk's. Ark., wiw in tho
cny Uii first of tli wk. niiiii'Hl
oi Air. ami Mrs. John M. Wall
II. W It,
cashier of the Bnvrton State
Bank, was in town Momlay.
Jfret'tiir fri,.n,rt un, trunsuetinK
i'''! I.. Paul, of Multnomah
"J i i'ii io m. hvann, ot wasn
"iKiiin l ountv, wrt uniti'd in
niarrinKf in this city. Mari-h 2:1.
Kcv. V. K. Willinjrs offlrio-
Jihn Witt, of this city, went
to St. Martins, Monday, fo a
tlirw! weeks stav ut the Snriiik'S.
When he returns he expects to
cnaileiiK,. a few of the younu
o"wa ior a tootrace.
Jas. II. Jack was nt Scholia the
Olllitr I iL.l m.
-' i iihik, unu nays umv w
basket Hocial, ut the Scholls Ar
yans' Mall, netted the haschall
5y" W. Scholls exacts to
duo me urnmc early wun
DU''ii! KuiHi talent.
f,'iuin jury uiiiiiiii nt-ii nrn."
.jwny nijrht to return to the
county scat tomorrow morn i nur.
lh'y expect to finish by Kriday
Aim.. .. . v.
"'iiirT. and at the latest, by
- -' ,,l,,' I.IMIIJ l Mill!".!
cases have been inveati?ated by
the hotly.
airymon, attention - Seven
reKiHtored Holstein bull cnlves
J"r sale, rantrinff in bko from
si'" wee kh to seven monins.
inree of them old enoiwh to
.cmj tu.rtJ j,ne gtoek, and
lBlflrn f . i. ,. ....
jj ior aure. ueo. K. HUKiey.
"l8boro, Ore., or Oak Cove
'wm, Forest Grove, Koute 2.
Tin Oregon KUftrir i.4 lii?uriri.'
on Hiukinuf a water level
fmm Portland to neur Tualatin.
KoaH to Vvl tt U tter Hi Ki lled-
iile to Nilrtn. utnl ulanlon the
heaVV ITiel. Utwieli I ', I
and tiarilen llurne. In cane tins
is &vomilihliel the Hillsln.r.t
Konut 1 1 rove locals will U routed
over tin uremnt track. unl.KH
U tter time can U made over the
new line. I he ruiiiiuitiv ha-t uIk..
dicid4i to build it freight line
U tw it ii (iretico ami drove ainl
conniftinu' the Cnited uml Klec-
trie. As IlilUUiro and Fornt
Jrove kui y u nplendid passen
ger trallic the eumnany may U
eM-cted to make an cllort to
k'et wnne line wherein Utter
limt can U perfisted Utwien
tlns iuiits and 1'ortland. in
lieu of the fact that the S. I. is
coinmif in with electrification.
ihe Mi'Minuville I'.and t'uve u
Conci-rt at the ( rescelit theatre.
last i inioi.iay nik'lil. that was
one of the ht inusira enter
tainments that has visited Hills
Uim for many months. It was
poorly patntuel. and the tot al
hand, under whose uusiiices tin
Mc.Minnville ihsiiiIc came lien
went behind tinanciallv. The
Inmble wiiHilatmif Hillsboni with
out an issue of the Im al tiaiiers
interveliitik'. However, the vis
itors could come no other date
(iiiiun. of North I'lains. is said
to have u H-tition so larve for a
salio n iN'tiliou at North l lains.
that a remonstrance will not
Uat him out at the May term of
court. Inn place is now closed
as a result of a remonstrance
avrainst his aiiilicutioii. tiled ut
the Murch term.
Henry, the veteran mail
carrier, is iuain unvini; his mail
wai'i'ii Utien town and tin
Southern I'aeihc. his injured
thumb U itik' Pretty nearly well.
Ceu. Hutler was his relief durinjj
the imthkI of Ins injury.
(lutfrir.l Schlaelli and John
Cifclter. of aUive Mountaimlan
wen in town Monday. Mr.
Schlaelli has just finished haul
iuK in his sitato crop, ami says
the mads are tine for hauling
this Sjiriiik'.
I saw cordwoo.1, imles up to 1-
mcbes in diameter, fence mils,
and I nan Is of ull kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will k into
the country. Write, phone or
.. j ... ..t Ot ..... !' l..t
can on me. i an .ikow, luai.uui
Hotel, HillsUiro. Orck'on.
Virifil Massev, editor of the
I'.iriielius Tribune, was in town
Tuesday. He has tiled his an
nonnceineiit for the nomination
for representative on the Kcpuli-
lican ticket the lifth in the list.
. C (lith. with the con
i ........ U..lir.(iiv
ileiiseis, was in inwn .-imij ,
on ..lie nf his trins out to View
il.t natrons of his employers. II
savs the farmers are very busy
ilowihk' and seeding
... I... ve Ci. ,1,1.. i, .tt
ai ur n in. ...
..f Portland, was out to the city
S-itnrdav. in his unto. tieo. was
itnn h it eased to see how
the old town had progressed
since his last visit.
For sale Fresh Shorthorn cow,
I milker, and calf at side. Scwell station, on wre-jon
ii.uirie Address tins Meves.
I'itv It. 1 or see hun ut V irmnia
Peter Zuercher and family, of
....- k'tinntiien. were in the city
l.'.-i.lif iti.irninL'. Mr. Z. has
. ? ' . . . .
Uen indisiHised the Iksi snion
,.r 1 1,.. vvnii. r inn is now im
111 hi. .
Kir irs for sale. - Thorounhbreil
lloir Orninirton. I'er ettmr.
i yi Mis .las. Sewell .ir
"' .... - . .in
Phone II.!). HillslHiro, u. I. uine
miles N. F. of HillsiMiro. o- -
I..... iv K'ellv. nf lluxton, was
dow n to the county t-eai a lew
i...... ii... ii. of the week, lie
i ivn iiii it-
says his health is improvmur rup
i..ii i.i,u..t Aneona eirirs for
run .pi."" - ...
i..,.,.i,;.,.r 1 ner setting ot lo.
i.i i.i.t 7 VI M rs. VV. Whlt-
l lione'i.j , , ...
more, llillsboro, Seventh und l'ir
nf Helvetia, was
I,. I Im eitv Saturday alter-
niMin. He says all me peo- u uV
hi wav are very busy
l'-.,i, Wniitieiv nf FarminKton
r nun. - -
was in town the last of the week
Frank thinks farminK ueaw
roadinn in many ways
.- or. 1012. to Mr.
and Mrs. Antone Von Gruenof-
aen. of Centerviue. a son
Jas. Gibson, of lleedyille, was
in tne couiuy o-""
enlled the Arkr"8.
n i lignum nf aliove Banks
was a county Beat visitor batur
dav morning
s,,m Moon, of Centerville, was
s ihM ritv Saturday, greeting
It. I uer and I. T. l.ercn
on Ibiiul lor I ve MunJrrd
Shipped mult lu furlland Uurinf
Cluxd Sciii There
S. S. Smith, aent for the S. V.
at Gaston, in January, Pjll, un
der J-Vni bond, was not in court
Monday morning when his a-
muI ca-,e was called. As a n
suit of his non-aiiiMarance his
bailUmd w as in danger of forfeit,
and his sureties, I!. Fleischauer
and i. T, Lirsen may U called
ukhi to make good the sum of
fo"l. Smith shipped sunn-ducks
for one L i Fort. Jan. 21. 11)11.
holding them over one day. so as
to deceive the fame wardens.
They w ere billed to Fort in Port
land, and Multnomah was then
in the closed tterind. so that shin-
nient was not possible without
violation of law. unless the ship
ment was uroiierlv marked us
consisting of ducks. Smith was
fined $I2T by Judge Smith, and
he annealed to the circuit court.
the Uiml following. The last
heard of Smith was w hen he w as
in t'orvallis. but since that time
his friends have lst track uf
Fort killed the ducks during
the osn season, here, and was
not liable for the shooting of the
birds, but was lined S.VI for offer
ing them for shipment. Gist.
Kusse . Ifciv I'.remer and t). It.
Parker were the deputy game
wardens who located the Mill)
meiits and caused the arrests,
The Uuidsmcn and othcers wil
try to locate Smith so as to get
a remission of the bail.
Fleischauer and Ijirscn says
thev will have the defendant in
court today, and in that cast
they lie realeased fnm liaumiiy
If 1 am nominated and elect-
in I I w ill. during mv term of of
fice, vote for the candidate for
United States Senator w ho has
received the highest numlier of
votes at the preceding election
for that ollice.
Will suiiiMirt an economy that
will keep down expenditures and
aimlv the acid test to all appro
priations and see that when
made they have U'cn judiciously
expended and sullicient for which
appropriated, thus avoiding tteti-
New hoard and commissions
luive !een unnecessarily created
and some of these should be
uUilished. rather than more ere
11 ( itil
I Mieve in a judioial reform
ilmt w ill insure more sneedv jus-
lii-i. nrev ent delavs and save
money for the taxpayers of
Washington County.
W. 1). Wood.
Thou. TallioL of Cornelius, was
in the county seat Friday after
O. Westcott. of Cornelius. It,
1, was in the city Friday after-
J. It. McN'ew. of lieaverton-
Kettlville, was in the county seat
r nday.
Hon. C. F. Tigard. of Tigard.
was a county seat visitor, the
last ot the week.
Thtw. G. Meacham. of aUve
Mountaindale, was in the city
r nday afternoon
Jacob Heichen. of West Union.
was greeting friends in town the
last of the week
Sunt. Church, of the Warren
(instruction IO., was in town
the last of the week.
Pobt. Thompson. Cedar Mill.
was in town Saturday, transact
ing businss at the court house.
J: K. Porwick. in the mer
chandisinif business at Ueedville.
was in the county seat Friday
I have about 8.(XK) horseradish
plants for sale, at 4 tier thou
sand. T. J. rord, llillsboro, It.
1. P-x GH. 3-4
G. N. Hale, of Fast Portland.
was in the citv Saturday. Mr.
Hale still owns a part of his
original farm, at Oak Park, find
generally Bends his Summers
K. VL Yarnell. proprietor of
the TimUr Hotel, was dow n to
the citv rndav and Saturday.
lie extMH'ts times to le brisk at
that point as soon as the lumber
market oHns
Gov. West will address the
Tiiard Improvement Club at
Schamoni's Hall, on the evening
of April 1. his subject to be his
Itoad and Prison Policy. Ko
admittance will be charged. The
public is invited.
Wt have moved to our hand
some brick auarters. on our old
site, Second Street, where we
are better than ever prepared to
cater to our patrons. Confec
tionery, delicacies, oysters, ci
gars and tobacco. 11. 1. Koeber.
Frank Keenon. of Vinelands.
was a citv visitor Saturday. F.
M. lives where they raise tne
Ust Hurbanks that can be pro
duced in the world, and his sec
tion hits Uen nne that has en
joyed great development the past
ten years
r. V.. Holeomh and wife, of
Itethnnv. and A. L. Ilolcomb.
were in the countv seat Friday.
in C. E.'s car. Charles is in the
llelmoi.t Auto School. Portland.
and his firm is also handling ma
chines. He says he expects a
good year.
John A. Jeffrey, Itoielair's Cun-
cl. to Defend Them at Corvallis
Ami ! Doomed Mca Sayi She ha m
Mchs ! Give ( Dclcitc
Contracts awarded year after
year show the satisfaction given
property owners and otlicials
Tin. it. iv elonment of bitlllithic
pavement has been phenomenal.
The city of Forth Worth, Texas
alone, showing an increase of
over two hundred thousand
stpiare yards in three years. In
ii,.. . nur 1007 there was aimroxi-
u it j . i.i "' -- .
..,..i..iv li lUlvans am. mine
year 11KW shows an increase of
three times that amount, and in
i, ...mi 10,10 there was in use
ovcr'200.000 stpiare yards of this
pavement, showing conclusively
il,.i tsntiofiw'tiiin bitnlithic nave-
nient is giving m this and other
large cities of the tnitea aiaies,
ri.(iish:ki:i) jack
W. K. Jollv. of Portland, was
out the last of the week, on
business, and called on the Ar
oma. Mr. Jollv well remembers
incidents away back in the latter
part of the forties, when Oregon
Hour, from Washington County
millii wna shinned tn California
on the backs of burros and mules.
Next Mnndav the open season
d.r trout is on. and there will be
many a fine fellow pulled from
the Washington County streams,
After Anril 15 McKay Creek wil
I A 1
be closed to anglers, ana me
deputy game wardens are pre
narinir to give that tributary a
close watch so those along the
stream should observe the man
date of the wardens, or there
will be ' trouble, trouble, trouble
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Daven
port, of Fort Wayne, Ind.. and
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 1). Merrvman.
of Portland, were guests at the
W. N. Barrett home trway.
Mr. Davenport is on the start or
the Governor of Indiana, and is
a cousin of Mrs. Barrett. Col.
Davenport and wife have just
returned from a trip througn
California, and they return home
this week via Seattle. TheV
were very much pleased with
Oregon. Col. Davenport is also
a relative of the late Hon. W. u.
Geo. M. and Chas. T. Humphry's,
of above Banks, were indicted
last Friday at Corvallis, the State
charging murder in the first de
gree. They were taken into
court and each pleaded not guil
ty. Both refuse to talk to any
except their lawyers, and the
brothers have hired J. A. Jef
frey, who defended Roselair, to
take their cases into the Benton
County court. Each has signed
a written confession, exactly like
l?n(lnir unit now pnrh trips tn
dodge that confession. The cases
will probably go to trial within a
few days.
C. P. Huntington, a Yoncalla
real estate dealer, who sold the
Humphrys' place, before they
moved to Philomath, wrote Sher
iff Hancock a letter the other
day, telling that official that Geo.
still owes him $40 of an unpaid
commission. Huntington says
he and George mixed over the
deal, and that he gave Hum
phrys a thrashing but it did
not bring the commission. Huti
phrys paid $45 on the account,
but never came through w ith the
nihor If nntinitnn savs that
George Humphrys threatened to
kill him. the xoncaila man
wants to know if there is anv
chance for him to get his money.
Judging from the $z,iuu mort
gage on the Humphry's property
above Banks it would seem
mighty slim picking for anyone,
and it must look rather scalv
fmm a financial standpoint ior
our old friend J. A. Jeffrey, who
is to defend,
fl H Cline. the militant M. E.
minister, formerly of Hillsboro,
writes the Ore iron I an as follows.
anent the case: "With many
others, no doubt. I am perplexed.
the Humphrys brothers, from
press reports, were making a
clean breast -of their crimes,
most atrocious and sickening,
till counsel a lawyer was em
ployed to advise them. Then all
changed suddenly! Their jawt
were closed like a steel trap, anc
whpn arraitrnwl nleaded "not
guilty.', I know little abou'
court technicalities, but it is sue)
things that bring our courts anc
the legal profession in the main
honorable into general con
tempt. How long must decen
people and law-abiding citizen
stand such mockeries?"
f?1ffl UT
3i ! Ill
Is next of importance to the doctor's orders. .
Promptness means that we have the fresh
est and latest drugs right here in the com
pounding department and that there is no
need for unnecessary waiting. Efficiency
signifies that the very highest skill is used
in filling your prescription. The combina
tion of these two things is of the greatest
consequence in that cure. Ask your doctor.
Besides a well equipped compounding department, we have
a large stock of all the specialties usually carried by every
first da.s3 Drug Store.
I The Delta Drug Store I
1 mmmmamamammmmmmma
S V aT
First on The Page
CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $53,000
The oldest and strongest
National BanK
in Washington County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any bank in
the County.
Give us your business and
we will make it your busi
'x as our busi-
r's checks for sale Good the
Location. Safety deposit
Id a private room in
fver your papers.
C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
ational Bank
Ird, HIUmboiHt.
at m, mmwi
Candidate For Nomination
stered Jack. No.
leemi-i, . ; .,
ir.' tuL inir first premium at the
Oil...', ' " r, .
State Fair; age o years; pure
bred; 10 hands high; white
points, one of the best jacks in
t. ntntti 11111 siaiiti II IV flVC -11
from March 15 to June 30 at the
place of undersigned, 1'irst Ave-
i i m Tiipma S.-tl
sure loai g'"ei. -"". jr-
for live colt; $15 iJrw
for single service.-- w . r
Forest Grove, ure.
in 1.' vif nf Reaverton.
, lu . '.i. ...i.. Sntnrrlnv after-
was in me i"j -".v" - i
". ia has again announced
Lis candidacy for the state sen
ate, one ot n.s y -
twe-cent tare on runa,
lis announcement is found else
St nmn hlastinc down below
P.lmnniea last Thursday after-
nnnn nil t the electric light svs-
nut nf business tor an hour
or so. A flying stump smashed
iha wires tocrpther. and tne wav
transformers were shot to pieces
was not slow, it is said mat it
will cost the company at least
$4,000 or $5,000 to put them
nacK into commission. nienw
ble extended to Portland, and
had tn be cut between
Beaverton and Portland in order
to free the General Electric in
its current, or Portland would
have hppn Without llffhtS. eXCeDt
in aiieh bnililinffs as furnished
their own powt r. The local plant
was steamed up ana niiisooro
was supplied with juice within
two hours.
If I am nominated and elected. I
will, during my term of office,
honestly, vigorously and impar
tially perform mv official duties,
without fear or favor, endeavor
ing to accord to every individual,
irrespective of party, politics or
norannalitips. a sauare deal un
der the Laws, keeping always
uppermost in my mind, the in
terest of the taxpayers, i win
protect the innocent, as well as
prosecute the guilty.
During my present term oi oi
Rna I Knvp sMMirwi rnnvictions
of more than 95 per cent of my
cases. I have won every crimi
nal ensp tried before the Su
preme Court. I have defeated
my opponent, Mr. Norblad, in
every case in which we have
haon nnnnapd tn Pftch Other.
Kvprv District Attorney De-
faro mp has been given two
terms. Does the record above
merit the second term for me!
Dffipo Honrs Anv time, dav
or night, you have official busi
ness to transact.
E. B. Tongue.
"Rnolf tn the farm" I have
l.m nerp nf land! 40 acres clear.
the rest good saw timber; good
hoiisp ham and orchard: i we is
9 anrincru lartrp creek: ffood mil
aitp timhpr ran be tloated down
Tualatin river. Six miles south
of Hillsboro; one mile north of
Ijnirel: on main countv road.
mail and milk route; phone in
hnnae: will spii an or in smaii
tracts, at $150 per acre. Part
pnah ( Vimp and see me. A. Li.
Grebe, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 2,
Box 18. oz-4
Argus and Journal, 12.25.
rresiilent Cruhier
h, Aas't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday, February 20, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $233,441.3G Capital $25,000.00
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00 Surplus 25.000.00
Other Bonds 57.1M.00 Undivided Profits 3,988.29
Banking House 18,500.00 Circulation 25,000.00
Cash and due from Deposits 374,807.36
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 99,694.29
$453,795.65 $453,795.65
IloHorvo 3 4 I'er Oorat
Thoi. G. Toda John E. B.iUy J- W. fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thomburg
Scrubbing and Sweeping
and Scouring
You'll want some new table fixings, surely
a model housekeeper like yourself will not be
content with the shabby old things. Call and
let nie show you some new patterns in
ttnives, Forhs, Spoons,
Tea Sets, Salt and Peppers,
and a great variety of the many useful and
dainty articles in silver that will make your
table attractive to your family as well as your
I have the best qualities at the price and
and you will do well to see me after your
spring house-cleaning.
I- ;
i ,