"L The it r nuLLSBaiK lUIXSl.OkO.OKKGON, MARCH 21. 1912 NO. 2 it VOL NIX ffliNS OF 06IRG - MEET III GOHW u llunJrid I r CwniU-a , oilll Hrrr Sal ur Jay St-nator Maam.', K.iihii r. and (ii i, II,. iMI.i-... ..ll'...;.. I I vv;n t.ri-ui.t Irum S Iiu'iIIIiTH h tiiif uf tin-li st m t lie nnli-r in tin Mt:it. -;itn .-ar from Crt-s- Will t't Utt.-tid tin- iMiih. Aii in-l. T is miIii);.-, in iKU iwic In.m (In- Stat.- Cam. War lining Mi Kav ir.-.k tn any CUD RANCHER a wot Sol lit I J The hiV".t lHlri-l convention f ki ivt-t-i -f Itl.i ev.r n -,.,,,1,1. .1 on the W .-t Si.l- in. t in ftthum Hull Sit ur lay night. Yaml.iH VHtiiiiirt.ni rui.. H,. w.-iv r. -i.ri-MMil.-l. and tli.r.- much intltUMiiMii I. V. of Gaton. iinlr.i. t.-.l in tli'- rank of Uight. nearly forty mm n l"tf insu. 'I i" th- !,..r work. wl''h hil.mlar tuol l- auliful of n t-vrr Maged in On' Male. ,.n J W. G.hti !H rhmr and .Mm M- - ,Vl t;n! .1 Chancellor "f the h,:,t''-,.-t.. n- tli.addr.H of welcome to t!,c vmti'ig Knight. i il.-ii. km, I it tinJiiiiL aft, r Aiinl 1 Huh in on.- of th- lust trout itr.ann m tin- county fur early (idling, ami ran nar Sam Jiiliiison "ay; "T.g gone it, tlioHf trmit will g.-t ho lilainitl Ihi.' that it a ill take a hawsi-r to land tin -hi in uhntli.r y-ar." 1 1,,, iirit.-r it -w in-,. t. i. ii ,i.,.iiit jof ulotot wing fry having U--n i-HiHit-i in tin- htrt-am uiul its tnl.utan., lad Fall. Wt- have Mm'. i . to our hand itin- liiii k nuarti-rn, on our old it S''oiii Street, where we ar.- U-lti-r than ever prepared to eater to our patrons. Confec tionery. ili-lu'aiifS. oyhti-rs. ci gars and tobacco. U. T. Koel.tr. I -. Schulmerich came up frmii Cri-wcll, Sat unlay, to U in attendance at tin- I'ytliian run wnt urn. reluming Monday. Scliulmernli has just movt-il into on.' of iht' finest homes in (Vch well a recent purchase, He has hi-y r iniss. il a district con w-hti'iii, ainl a little .litaiu'.' of I'M nuli't inakt-s no oltafle to his enthusiasm. hr half - 1'n sli Shorthorn row tf i 'I U'imhI milk.-r. ainl call at hki N. ar S. vM-11 station, on Or.-vroti Kl.rtrir. Ai.lr"s t.UH Stt'V-s H itv U. I. or s. t lar. CONFESSES JS GRIME it M. Humphrey Ti-IU How he killed Woman Near Philomath S TO CDKVM I IS IKIUW Mulhir ul Murderer tie Relttrc Sua nHoyaic (twill ! hors.- that O-orj;' nxle when he wi-r.t In Fon st Cruve in restonKe t an apKiititmMit. which was Ix.j'iH, t w-ll the llanks ranch to a ilt titivf who hal iia.ssei a few days a, ounI the Humphrys ranch. When the confession was ai'ain related, thas. sauJ: "It is a lie (Iwirjre was never away from the house any mxni in June it is a lie. The murderer is .rl years of ae. and was Urn at liaralioo. Wis. Mix victim was .71 years of aire. Ij-i' Humphry's, the Moscow. Idaho, brother, passed through tow n KrulHV. on the 1. XL 6i .s.. for his home Hast of the moun tains. In Id. roui'h wav iivti. Hum- i.drtu w kiiIiI to have tMen de ir.t,.,l to inn mother, and in ms years in Oreon this was his first intrmluction to crime. Me is illiterate and his signature is ilumphrvs was arrested at the drove hv Shentl Hancock, am SOUTHERN mm I'JILL BEGIIi SHORTLY llxpect to Have Construction (ianft Kunning Before May I SHORT WORK ON HILLS BORO CHANGE lieu. M. imphrys. a rancher of tn-ar I 'raw ford Station, on the 1. U. A N.. Ihursilay. omfessed to tin- crime of killing Mrs. (Iritlith, a !ut X o'clock on the evening of J iiic 1. I'M. and was taken to ( (iryallis. and lod.ti in jail. Fri- il.iv. Shortly aft.-r the killing. lluniphrys. with his aged invalid Miiillu-r and his lirotht-r. Charles. i. ft i'i,,i..,.,..ii. f.,,.1 i ..,.,.,. hit.. Wt'ilncsdav evening he l I V llll"IIUUII Ull'l I '- t L l Iht reached lianks. They U.ught made his 7f'"n-h'tJ I ..a wvii.m in liv .!.(,. Aiti eiraie. ll'-M acres of land from Jci.tha " ' " anil J. V.. (Jarrigus. the purchase price Uing f'JSiNi; paying 7N wrv!! iinu K'lf,K iiiii,v i . i..,.,!, On St.itzenhurgs. Newtons and II KIMili e. in.- iu im .,i ,i .- , .. H i i,ii (h-t .-vs. hour and six remained close to home after the . , h A 1 1 ir-,-1. n-i. ImLIiil' rare of the ...,...,t...l WL.hIU nr. . r. - - I irt t viaianit t-,.. ' - - - mother. She passed awav March Uerv Co., Scholls; Sherwood. Or., i i .i . r ii . . rjt uiul u as n urii'ii ine hiiid mi: i i.-.niie i iv .,t Allcmv tin. mourn ers U-ii'ig (iiHirge and Charles, Call at Hotel Washington. ami a i.rotiier. i.ee, oi siobcow, lvu av. Marcn SJ, anu SIM CIAL SAI.I; I'l Ui ... I 'luff VV .1.1 li. a. 1. V !1 It !1 r. I .. I k.. I ....... ..W. ........ II Ttll. Ill, IL' - . i'l.."". t.-t-Tv i.i'iH. ...ii.j t i nave it. uirMi jw. v.,v ,,v nun ai irv-ima rant charging cruelty to anunais .'lasses with 111 ' ..j ,,r..r..rr..il Kir:il,iur I .IHI UHlll.ll u.is nreferred airainst (Iei.. and i r. - Charles Cral- I. of Portland, he was l.rougl.l to ne couniy ,eele. Will l upp. r III II W heel- seiu. uu- ; .inm . -- all which you can see distances: no lines or seams i RE A ALL STORE Saal. FicMt Say ll Will Take Bat a Few Weekt la Fiaita he Southern Pacific will assem ble its construction outfits and start work on electrification of the line lie fore May 1. All of the delay is occasioned by the fact that the Portland council has not yet granted the fran chise down Fourth street Mr. Fields stated to an Argus repor ter the other day that the work of putting in the chantre of route here and at Forest Grove would be but a matter of a few weeks once the construction gangs btart. Tho hpaw riart oi me worn will be putting down the rails uhero the hitulithic is laid, and there are three blocks of the hard surface to tear up. The roadbed will have to have a brick pave, tied with cement, and this. too. will take several days. Provided Portland comes through with the franchise. Mr. O'Brien thinks it will be but a matter of mid-summer when ..!,! rir trains will be running. Forest Grove has no hard surface J 3SS and your ii,T Doctor, The two are closely ASSOCIATED The Doctor puts all his shill into diagnos ing your case and Prescribing the Remedy To the drug store is left the carrying out of his instructions. You take great care in choosing a doctor in whom you have confidence you owe it to yourself to take equal care in se. letting a DliUG STORE All the physician's care is useless, if the drugs he prescribes are carelessly compounded. Bring your prescription here-ask your doctor why? We carry all kinds of Medical Supplies - r ill ni III VJ) C I iCaaJ iiu uniu in the lens to catch dirt I to tear up on the route selected strain the eyes, iso cement W in that city. First on The Page 3 t 0. B. TONQUE Candidate For Nomination' barrow, from the corn. r of the prcsenie.i wun ine c meme wmc apart. &mooin. unuroKei . i ... cured airainst him by hx-Miermit.irf ,... Thev make you feel si an . i" i nt toiiii mill.-", 'ui-i - . - - - ' . in.. ... .. i'...ii..n ,'iiiiniv r.n. ll .....i linn im unlav When the auto trip was """"'-iv. , " , " ng wmioui u.ao.K jvu . i' . i i ... ....,,1.1 ... U-fore midnight he had signed a i. i Fine demonstrations. Doz- COIIIil iei, llt-ll.n i i.. ii- " - , . .... , , i ., I . ..... . r ..lam but it is Kaitl that the coniession. inai ; ens of llillsnoro reierences, unrk was the resu t of an elec- ' ' ' -y ,, : th. . -. i ,nm, ,, Hentence lor niunliT in j. ni i lion l t some years ago. mui mw - , . I llll,,.i.,.r b,18iness here, was seen if t nm nominated and elected. us the tirt t.n.e the .,pH,rtun- u "i . . k. -. . - - : theotherdav by Geo. ": ..nrintr mv term of office e - .tf.,j..i.t...l I llllll mill l lit iiiai I - . i 9 " - L U rii'l t nilill. of Salelll. Grand Chancellor. I!,ihiiwi-S wi-r iimde as fol tow Ihiiiui. McMiniixille, Win Vinton and Mr. Mcl'liillips; Yam , a II hill. U.rrison: t.aslon. .1. n W..r..ti uiul llez Stott: Forest Cnne Hoi. W. II. Mollis: C..I in linn Ct.l McNutt: Glcticoe. J. K Zimmerman. Col. McNutt. iu-e.1 ami ill. made a very pathetic talk on fellow sthip. and all of tin iiv oi nayini; lui'i iiuneu. . --. - . . . .... .... o..u, .i..,..-, .k kn'h hm mn.ie an -ii.. ., ..nmni .ml immr. - ., s aughter. only. Ilie uuirsoay oniunm .... nunesuj. unumu, v . afternoon Humphrys was taken bunch of money since he was in tiay perform mv official duties. Fggs for sale. Thoroughbred to )istrict Attorney Tongue's Hillsboro. His wife and daugn- w,thout fear or favor, endeavor- I'm! Orpinntoii. Per setting. (),,a, jj,. t,aiked, and refused ter are now visiting at Denver. ing to accord to every individual, fl.im. Mrs. .las. Sewell Jr.. . u",k )ist. Attorney Tongue w hile Koch came up from ban irrespective of party, politics or I'L. Ii'ii 1 1 ill i m .rn 1! 1 Three . :.. i .. Dii'L'o. 1'al.. on a business trip to norsnnnlities. a souare deal un- miles N. ll. of HillsUiro. W2 Uym (iates. the stenographer. Oregon. w Vi Ijiws. keeDing always I,-, liirsiitig has succee.ie.1 in gaining a i.nut..-ie ou cannot anoru w "'M "'"'7k" .V. I wil .i i r. 7 I viiri ii'in.vii'iii ii"1" - i - vuur mini a i.iuui ov..... . , - - i he w in K in i rn in, 1 1 ik .,.'".' ...... i .. I i n I . i -i , r-. of eat th from east of the rv I . deiMit. at the foot of S-coml M., and tilling m the end l U' street, lie Will do the work 1LS 14.m11 as the weather settles. This will make a vast improve- . . i: . .. ..... ilielit over pieseiu coiiuui"... 4.SUHI iroin me n i.ii'Ni . i your cnilU visual viwoiv--- - - .. This he signed, and it will war- eyes in children, are frequently protect tne innocent, ci. rant hrsl degree mimier, uum- iht. rt.sult ot muscular weaKness. jicvu .i... :...... . i. :i i ir. I Dnnnir mv nrpsent term 01 0 nirvs siirmng ine iMnuuui.i.v vol. naVe a ciiuu unuci w -.. r- . -. -. 1 1 i,: ...... r..u . .i ..,n:......i v,n,.a fioo I hnvp secured convictions alter wing loni w iiai ioa toii.v.-.- .-ears oi age inu wmuru - sion would bring. Ho related i)r. liwe give you a frank, hon- of more than 95 per cent of my how he had seen Mrs. Critlith. a t,st lll)injon as to whether it can cases. 1 have won every cnm . . . i . - i i,n,i. I. .. i ..-.L ..i ;lnai ratio tnpd hefore the ou wuiow. sexerai uni", oo o"" mh relieved wun glasses it v x . . . i i ;.,f..l, I viilh her I. ... I... oi.a .Kan enrru lirpmB UOUtt. 1 nave QeieBlcU The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, ORE. i i M t i i i Miecrhcs were well received. v . U-came infatuated wun ner. Mu,r to be sure than sorrv. premc .u '."-'rj'V f Xhlz? SS r-Jl'tU. r...... r. ,r;V:.t:; ' I"1 i-.. ;;! XT K. of a, where ri ,be- ! """' .pl:i.iH.'. '" '"1Ur- . u... ..... . l niu.L !,,i .1 ui .l.wir. and he is in the dairy business, was fore me has been given two 15 Cr.n.l Iwneellor Wiifhtman. 0. ........ I... I.s 1(1 acres hoiw.-; kwh-mhi ai i .e u.mi. a. u : .n nllt to :rl ,,r tV' .W . , v. in r.ui. -. i ... . i . .... in- ihn womnn. i in io n oaiu.utj. --terms, uvea mc ."viu of Salem delivered mi ad.lr. ss oi , ......, fn,;t orchard near :;" " "",.:.. : ....,...,.. hU Helvetia ranch. Geo. say mrit th nerond term for me? . i,..tr l.na . .ii'iili.in hat .. . ' .... ;.. ..,. V . av. nu 11,1 " .".- "''"'' V.V: .. u.. k th.... with " u-..-., A.;ma Av " . : ,. f, ticiiiany. " N..i t this Mrs. urilliin inai "en c " unite nuura. m.j ,'. ? breathed .Mithns.a un for the fir ,(.(.(.s wj u..ir lhw v,.ar. and . .' . lmU.hl,r knite to (t.. a three year lease up at Gleone. or niKht. you have official busi ttire of the order, and staled j i, , M. si factor in the M"1'"-" i...i i,;, i,.. ;a .mimr to move back to the nota transmit .1... :.. ..II I.;., ......a u i.li . . .. .1 ;.,.r frill I leilll lumen, ...... i V" . '......! u .....I lival linn ill in. nn i V" li-mt f 1 I at U"' tl... 11.. trrniili Oil DeSL COUlliy III me swre mm never witnessed n more rfect , carnival, to U- Ir! , " ' . ., i v,.,- ;.,, on his own soil and under his own ; i H.-.r u.i.W i .. .. ,.. .1.;. I.VII wun ner uii.i """v ."." '". " L . ...i ....... ui innii muni - ii,,. i.i ti ii simiii in.. t i 'ci. I, ,r., r.,ii t mm ner I vine anil ntiivvr. First On In RESOURCES 1 i CAPITAL and SURPLUS. $5S,OOOn The oldest and strongest National DanK in Washington County. The most Substantial in resources of any bank in the County. Give us your business and we will make it your busi ness as well as our busi ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the world over without identification. Safety deposit boxes for rental, and a private room in w hich to look over your papers. A. C. Shite, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, HUHboeo. m m a m m w m Mmm A. THORNBURGH Preaident II J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNKY Vice-Presi.lent Caahier E. Ferrin, As't Cashier E, B. Tongue. ked her into a on his own soil anu unuer nis ow n ; ci.. b;r.. f..n fmm h.rlvine and tigtree. I . - nt. I her wrists For Sale or Trade-Old estab- y . w ,n town turd?. ,ia.mlki;rc lK: lishetl paying merchandise and . I1T . I . i. ",r- V;ik' .""".; V. no Wallace fasiey. or near v ri,w l,ul.r..s I saw eoniwooo. i- - .-- lianas. u.,u r ' - - r i . .i i . i .. ... .i,..i,,..ier leui- i.iiii. ... in. ,.,,, - - tni wun. nun li. bv Stinson. C K ,,f I! S.. of Salem: Hon. Win. Cake. Portland; Mcl'liillip uiul Win. Vinton. McMinnville and W, the team selected from the " After the c. re.i.onies at the u.c e.s ... ......... . .. . i. u. r ; , ..M.ev. - :: :r"7 va.lnLL 0f near Beaver . ,, iii .... i u. ,.ii iiiiiI iMiai'ds i o mi...--.. anoui ner umwi, grocery imau rouw, wii -. ;., . af nan one hunire.i nn.i . ,.. . ,, i li,1,nf,,nmhir. Mrs. 7. it t orirn pnn.M house. I ton. WbS a IllIISDOrO Visitor Oai live enjoyed . midnight ''J""'''' I , . iV." Write, nlione or S " "to the floor u neon- ,V Lanre 4-roorn urday. at the Hotel Washington. ." '",. ',.. Ll,... lnahitin . .,.i a slntntorv assault i .i.n. i.,l.n.l,in, water. a.i-,., UmMnn nt Roodville. Uoe. of l orest Grove, pivsnieu . n,,.',,.,, oceLmn. f..iiJt',..l llumnhrvs then went i;,J-titvntn and canoes, for hire. .oa in thp eitv Saturday, and .1 ,i... t..i... .....I n ..r . inner iioiei, nm " ,,....... ---- -- i - . ' l.n- lilinr, it. - I...M ,i,,,l tiwW Or Jv.H I mil I von otr PrlOP. JiJl.lRF. ll...4 n fho Innlll i .. . ... .v..s ii ISWM.H.IIII ....... y - -- i.huii.ii jum v.. . . , - tuiim uii tuv r.""- uoin. rum im'ii. ... , ii,.. vtooian s inirse. out lounii no i.1nj,.n mss. wi traue ior .. ..... I.... .....I r..i nrneii " ... . . --. ... , in town .-sau.r.....v. , more money -she had soiu some snia farm.-Wm. Micheiieiuer, luiine via Forest drove. i ' i s iM,flrt, i)ut had r,d Win. Vinto... McMmnv Hie; ,-,r.. warden for the county " in ,n nW lie 4"'1'" . town r ml W. C. Hare, of HillsUii-o. , ' ..,,. unil covered the entire l"11 "l! , r.imiWl.i Vm. McQuillan has filed his rio TritP of the county With the close of luncheon ; 't (iUI,nt V,e burning sea- ' from the couch( announcenient for the republican f arm was up Saturday, and took i Ai..a. . . - i . a ..v a iimi it nn.i V.1J IIIW I 1.. ...... .J ' I'.MK . ' " I ..I .1 ... I It t Mitil ciuiir.Hiins un.i weie .-..... Misl ii K Uiwn. oi Li. u.,.am , o. ... r virtn5n i . .i it-ii i ... i . .... ....i ii nvi.rti. in i. nun 4i.'-t ... ..-..I ------- . l ,. niii mi tin nnu iihhii i .i .-t-iiiniLU ui iuivuivw ii v ine mi snoro ikivs .on n..,,iv sutur- i...-i, u mw to n nn nonu an a iook w.vmm...... : o-i.j-.. i . i i milium, wen-ui ... . - ---- iu-i n . , ...i.i.. r.. iha a mm riia. uiu in Hiusnnro aaiurusv. w. i"'.roke. .. to Wo)dlmrn imrhth f n mile distant, anu consvau.e iu. ?"jrr.AZ,?2'"'Z i fin HiLnleleLrntions were t.reseni uay. '""".,, .lilT - ..... ; ih., u,.l..r. which tret, mid he pieages ieaness u. is engageu f..., ii,.. i.ulir.ivt to the West and this Spring, in - u". ' . , . Cn:' n. thtUdministration if elected. blooded poultry. u ii. I Vi. ......... M.v Ihelrillicll WhlCll Ivir. UIISOII in. i'.i; yUn Kll n.lllli" Vt . I .... .1... I . .. .--J ur... M rf Ih. w .-muni, anu .ni-iicov i'. , , hi ImmIv imriiauv uoiueu un me ski which nas oeen acquireu r.. c. mw, uhv first lodge in the state to own u i" " ' r.,r 17 surface, where it was found next bv vt,ars 0f experience and the gressive dairymen of near t arm- ). C,. Liny, "i ii i.... . Ur Norlk tinerant : '.."iii.n.nt nm.lieation of that imrton was a city visitor oatur- Ar.rm reader. WHS over ... ...:,k .1,., 'V"": . f ' " V.:..u...i k., . a eain .... '.- - , . , .,fi(,r. dentist, was cnargeu wini mi i skill IS Why glasses luriusneu vy uay iwiii t i the county seat ' 1,''l "'V . illlf ...ns released, and the n- - .rive such universal noon, paying tases and gm iiuk .. . ft few LnHafn-tinn. He outs the cream pno STATE SENATOR I . I lllllii I'l" J " . . 1 iavii - , I v friends. woeks. Harnett found hob-nan- ftr more than 20 years of experi- Constantino Miller, of :nod shoe-prints leading from the ence int0 his glasses, and his nominated and elect- . k. i ii i'l i v i .... i. . .-v ti.. 1 1 ii ii hi ua. Mftnavnn n a Kai niingtoii. was . .'. Uinltiin nomu w r"u. pnees are enuu-ij .c.i..v. w1 I will, during my term oi oi- hVi.lav. and repeated m u......... , , ,r roum1 me siuh-s v u.c . r, , f . n(1idate for visit to the Argus den. abandoned Humphrys farm, and were in the city the Un,ted States Senator who has Mr. and Mn, Kml ' f l .111"! SVonce un! ?t of the vveek He has received the highest .number ot VcrlxMirt. were cauers at no...- .-..... ',,v:-'' . hi h i).,m,tv twuKnt a P'ace Wl" uu."" ,c?' votes at ine preveuuiB ,ice. Frhlity. UmmK on a w-" ' ' 8l) ted at Uarste s station on u.e nayinf? tn. . ; " "V. " 'Th shoes, and the Unitea-. w... w .-.. Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. c.-. ..r r'.-.n.lJfl.ir. nn TiipaHuv ThVhmarv 2(). 1912. ouueinem. ot vuiiuiiiuii . Capital and Surplus $50000 ... AAa AAA At Loans - $23S4U.3b (.Capital U.S. Bonds (at par) 23.0W.0O Surplus Other Bonds 57.llW.00 Banking House IS. 500. 00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 90.(594.29 Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits $25,000.00 25,000.00 3,988.29 25,000.00 374,807.36 $453,795.65 $453,795.65 riosorvo 3 4. Per Oont, DIRECTORS Tho.. O. Todd John E. Bailor 1 W. rq. Wither W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburf -1 0 f 4v . , i. ' ; -d : ; ' '" 1 s ; J I II A Fountain Pen wnThA. li.!r.a;:Kta,: the Udd & Kwa r.?m' i. ing. and the officers I -.. i,t in. ciiv rriouv.i , , ih. uim Vine, wn "r -. Lou Stinson, Giaid Keopor of Ueconw & Soul. own hall, contributed a large percentage of its membership. It is noteworthy Hint every lodge represented at the conclave owns its own home: , lL J. B. Bourno, editor of the if thev I r,,ii hl.vid Ancona eggs for -vidav. mp. n" wv u r lt ;v. ; u-.t5 of 13. m . .--" . 1 . BkMAr. I lit nlltlt 9. I I it 111(11 I IIaLLIIIIIK W a ,-. -luinv. wun ..". Tu:Q i,i.0 ritv 7M-Mrs. W. Wh t- 011 l.usiness .0. ijcrer wouui ue -,v -y. --"-.r- N Noland. the Cornelius old-1 done, the Benton omcers causeu more nu.soo.o, ,, .. timer one of the boys of Humphrys to be located, and the streets 2-tf llllier, llim ,, ...... .. ,, ,1 f..orlm,ttinir I ... .t n...i. 'he davs that were, was arrest ioiioweu. Harry cigsner, 01 swum iuo.o- 11 iiisui'o visitor Saturday morn- the shoes. Humphry was up u jn town the first of the lillslsiio visitor o t of the 1 , B.98 mg. .. i . ...:.. imji h.. succumbed, and .1, -nnaniu irtat a HI 00 . . n . ,i uiiro nt ev'iiion M. -- tner mi ni .""j - Chris Zuercher and wile. 01 f rf th cnme .hinoed n from Helvetia, were in town rr.uay p notified by tele- ldgho time ago. .mm Ariw. Alto the-tat of Uion "tflrjt apiindilter- HJSS. He .. 1. ilia hrst remarR wua j - - ... Hazel, was in the city baturday. 'horse; fKof nftlPP IV. llll. V... . . - ur:n mmiinrf an amnnmv that .fill ouupv. . .. v.... , ...:n kann Hnwn ovnenditures and mil ivvvp ---r- I apply the acid test to all appro priations ana Bee umm. Lmn iiiniriruiSlV I TTlaU'c tuvjr nave w-' j- 77 f I expended and sufficient for which appropnaieu, niuo '...'. LICllk.co. , , I New boards ana commissions kn.ra twian nnnpcpswarilv created rut anmo of these should be I abolished, rather than more cre- .4.A.J I believe in a judicial reform that will insure more speedy jus- w: . i maoaI fni the UxDavers oil IIIUIIVJ - - - ur.aklnflrl-nn Pnnntv. IBIIIIIAWM . W. D. Wood. to be serviceable must accomplish certain results. After these results are realized, no amount of money can make the pen better from a working standpoint. WATERMAN'S IDEAL is well made of substantial wearing ma terialThe feed works up to the last drop of ink and is always ready. The pen point is 14k. gold with a perfect writing iridium tip. It will not sweat and soil the fingers. LAUREL, M. HOOT: "jeweler AND OWICtM n 0 Si I