The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 14, 1912, Image 1

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lUU.SUORO,(RK(H)N, MARCH 14. 1912
NO. 1
lp.-iiiiiiruul llcthany l!n
Itrlala on Sunday, Marvh Mi
'losing out sale of plants. I
ill sell at sacrifice to thttH
ishing to tix up their yards
I tlu-y will lo well to call ami
what wo have -house plant.
txwes, slirubU'ry. lilies, tteonics.
bleeding hearts, ami other tiling
too numerous to mention. Cab
lage and tomato tilants in their
season. We also have some fine
' iiillt. I .ikk fttt(kftt UBt.i .t ft. . I......
l" Mrs. Ague CatnpMl. Corner
ol Seventh & Kir Street, l'hone
j HWI ifUio art lrka t ity 1X1. 52tf
i.n . la-aw Ci T. Young, wife aiul family.
I of KalisH', Montana, arrived the
u. .n,i Mrs. Jacob Wismer. of .' the vvevk. and registered
... lit lllil Ul,ll. ,,.rt.. ,
their irol.lcn V. " " "
county clerk of his county. He
comes to Oregon to locate, ami
thinks he w ill find what lie wants
in Washington County.
Argus aiul Journal. $'2.25.
"''Kit HriM, rvlirf .
HiIIbIbx,, I'hariitwr.
J l W.r.l. roilMl
imt Mrlli. I and b ..
V-h I n 1 VI I'u, tlvlimM. ...
A i Miiiltt, rHtli
Appointed by Mayor Itaglcy
Turaday Night; Take Chare
si mwn o by thi i ikk di taitmi nt
Hat Beta
la I'malUc
0tr t Vcar
Pualliua Iur
Bthinv. cclchrat
fddinir t their home on Sun
fcy. March 3. 1912. ij the pres
tact of a large attendance of
relatives anl friends, nil their
children U-imr present. They
William I Man. lire chief under
the old organization, was rccom
nutidcd to the Mtsition of Chief
at the lust session of the depart
ment, and in accordance with
the resolution Mayor II. T. Hag
ley Tuesilay night apMintcd Mr.
Dolun to the iHtsition under the
new orgam.ation. lMun has
l n a conscientious otlicer and
has made gixxl. The Uiys were
unanimous tor his apintment.
and he w ill now prin eed to or
ganize the department for the
lest interests of the city, and
the proiterty under protection.
Mr. IMan is in the tinner's Imsi
ness, and is well known here.
having Ut'ii located in IlillsUiro
for a numU rof years.
Die apiMiintment gives univer
sal satisfaction with the Uys
who have U'en his associates in
fire fighting for se veral years.
and he will prove an cmricnt
The folio ing claims w ere order
ed paid ly the county Uard, last
Kluirr II Sinllli trlli f
C A krif. r(iir,,..
t'.Mnnrf HriM, tViut h
Ilriuy I loll t. ir Irf
A Krvrinmo, f unit li
A Ktrkrlmmi, rmiil Imuw
Wui V llrth, r iml h
J U JohnMHi, f mit h.
The Ai(t'. ""I
Mnil Navliiira lUnk. rant I'I'lic
W'ih M iiIUii. roiiital4
W II PmiIOi, Juall,-
W 1 Hmilh " ,
W in Miill!u, nniabl
W lNuil.l.liiU. .
Win M.iJiiiIi.ii. iiUII
W i kimth, JiiOIiv
Ml Hilt. ulreoiirl
Jwk ll. " " Jwk ,
ttMtHW "
AUII '!'
IU-IIJ IUf.lH.ll "
J II Or " "
M K,.l.liiiu M '
WllM MMi "
W in i,4iiirr '
A II ririlirlil " .
Kmnk trilt ' '
J inlitifl
V M..lmr
W l finllh. jilli
W liS.i.Uh
Win Miullli4ii,niilitll
M III Miiullitii " .
were married at Dyersville, Iowa. Win. Cuddy, editor of the
ii. . iu. i ... tv;.:.i Weekly Oregonian. was in from
m-,, . . f Saturday.
omctaung. Mr. ismer was , .-j.. t A u M
born in Canton, Zurich. May vm. ia feeling haiiy over the
27. 1SW, and came to America in advent of another grandson, that I iirim.o . 'r.i.i.l.m, r n.l ii..
iorr u, vc;j...... a L,m In u iw Imrn to his dailtrllter and MiNmi Will. r rouil
' . I.,... M mill Mm M.l. II t N liuill'rr. irhrr.
Province Savon, tlermany. Jan. " - : r w... M,y...iu..,
11 1U ami came to America " -. W l Hmilh. u.iti-..
i7lK Blth..iiih uh.. rr.vMHe.1 b , Uist Week, t IS one 01 Hie j W li.ilry. cmiil rlri...
in 185o. although she i nws. I a Ain.mlaaa that kl)owH.M o.,.,R.uru
Itw monms later man imt iuw- , - - - -tii-klt-r for the iro- H l""ii.. ...k on u roll
band. Her maiden name w as ,s a J u ' f .l '' k,c. , pun.,., r ....i n
FwdtrickaHick.thier. and she is l'""'"-. , s,ru' " ,h'f Uu... 1..0.. , .,! b
. .i.f-K r.f I'ha4 llii-kithier of MIIKIipsi nooie u, vr
: i " 1 1 1 1 -i i .... ... has started a luxuriant grow tn
nr euar .... .r, .... i , f hjs , mJ
wejjonjy years bko. puri-iiiisiiiK - - ...,. fn,.H for
i iiul nil iiim aawttt j -
him. ('ome again. "Hill," the
llut.h Htrimr is ulways on the
outside: the lock is "Inisted;"
and there's a little No'th Cah
lina moonshine in the cuplxmd
Hon. Heni. Schollield. of Cr
. . i . . . i. .. ..
tie in i. wa". nown 10 wiw uij
A It Flint, of Scholls. was in
nun viturd:iv. lie says that
! the Winter grain is not damaged
at all. arid it looks like a humper (;oir iir.-. f ami Ii
j crop this year.
Argus and Journal. $2 2.
their present home from the late
Peter Brugger. At this home
they, have held continuous resi
dence, and raisi-d a large family.
The Wismer place for years has
been the scene of a splendid hos
Ditality for young and old, and
the hippy couple have a large
circle of friendi in Northeast
Washington County, During t ie
day of the wedding festivities
fully three hundred jH-ople called
to tender their congratulatioiis,-
ud many ieople from Portland
ere present to present their
beat Ollires.
Mr. arid Mrs. Wismernre held
in high esti'ent h'v all who have
known them, and their visitors
were given a hearty welcome.
There was an amplitude of re
freshments, music, and a pro
gram that was full of interest.
The children horn to the union
Emma, wife of Henry Hamel;
Louise, wife of J. F. Dvale; Wal
ter J.; Otto; Ida, wife of Dr.
Von Grunigen, California; J. J..
Carl, Freda and Solomon Wis
mer, the latter of whom passed
Candidate lor Nomination
b i
tit IHt
6 U,
in. 7
0 V
0 7S
li; .hi
J 7'
S 7
CUm.V I'luillnuuine, m-ii ' i f W 'hi
I'.Um A 1'iuilliuiiiliia. ihriill'i of 6 Tki
M C IW, xlimil iiii ISA 4d
M C C'a, wliixil luiit rip ii
KtnitmU lrrc I'o, frllrf II iw
i Iim A I jtuikln, Ui 47
JiiIin Mil lnmn. fo r.niil 4"
folia NyiHiK, c conn 07 7
K (I Mtryrtmiii, to roll 1 1
A W Sii-grot, woik en Ui mil..
I' r.l SlrKfiM "
W D SiiiiiIi, iutlirr.
l',ro() llauriK'k, tilriii
O ( llmit-iM'k, IxMiril iiriminrn...
Notlli I'Uiin Kr:iliiirl. tuinUiiK.
('.rot. llnnriM'k, ilirrlll t irtlnry.
IlllUlmtu Kiiililluir Co, rrllrl .
I if W l W.wl, rrhrf
Mike Hum
lllett Krpreaentativra lor Stale
(trance Scaalon, in May
"'T mil AT tOSI'BlBU ANNtAt
lailrail Dclrftltt Afalad Stale Roa4
Boadlaf Mcaiarc
On Spitzcnhurgs. Newtona
Coldeii Ortleys. Four and
foot trees. Id cents each.
trees guaranteed.--Scholia Nur
sery Co., Scholls; Sherwood. Or.,
Uoute t. M i
Dr. Uwe.
March 'JU.
A. U. riNIM.I'Y
A It Klmllev. tiioneer ot lrs-(,
... ... . . . .., ...,
iwxl at in home near l.tniar win,
March 7, 1U12. after an extenaea
illness, lie was horn in Indiana,
Ian IS. 1S:W. and came to Wash
nitnn Territory, then uregon.
liw ii.-irents. in lo-IT, set
tii.xr ut h'ort Vancouver. Two
and one-half years later they
, In , Oreion l llV. AS a
v he w tnessed the hanging oi
If I arn nominated and elected, 1
will, during mv term of ollice,
honestly, vigorously and impar
tially perform mv official duties,
without fear or favor, endeavor
ing to accord to every individual,
irrespective of party, politics or
' personalities, a square deal un
der the Laws, keeping always
uppermost in my mind, ine in
terest of the taxpayers. 1 wil
Protect the innocent, as well as
Prosecute the iniiltv.
During my present term of of
fice, I have secured convictions
of more than 95 per cent, of my
Cases. I have won every crimi
nal case tried before the bu
preme Court. I have defeated
my oDDonent. Mr. Norblad, in
every case in which we have
been opposed to each other,
Every District Attorney
lore me has been Riven
terms. Does the record
merit the second term for me
Ottice Hours: Any time, day
f night, you have official busi
ness to transact.
E. B. TonKue.
ill to
tO IKt
7 no
nj ij
loi 7S
i .
n't mi
$ '-'S
3 tM
47 .
1 1 ixi
it ti
al mi
mi Su
m s
5 5
5 w
10 (M
I ir Hit IClc-knrl. tilirf
Uii. Wrlcli, t anil lu...
Iltooki Ht "
Cliai II llllihcork. r ami h
Tlioa II Toukii, circuit roiirlM...
Mx t tmiiUll, aiwMor
Kail Hurirlwm, work on tai roll..
Clar.Tillra, rrhrf.
John Variilrrwal, c Ii lua
Marvatrt (iomlin, aimriacr of...
Conirllua Tnlmnc. tiiHa... .
r'raiik ICrh. r ami Ii
IlllUl.oto Mrrianllle Co, irlirf... Ill i
Urn llecaackrr, r ami h o m
O l Ray " - .1 o
C (i Krllrr " " - 5
(5ro MctW " - li H"
Cro McOrr " - i i
I'ar Stat c I'llnllnn Co. auppllrn 4 "
Haithulit Hani Co. iupii.iri 3 10
J K t: Tlioiiipwin, r ami b 4 i'
C li Krilrr " " V "
II. l Findley. of Cedar Mill.
was in the city Monday morning.
I torn, to T. Madsen and
wife, of Milkapsi, March 5. l'Jlli,
a son.
I. W. Sam. of daston. was a
IlillsUiiM visitor the last of the
week .
C. W. llarr. of near Cedar
Mill, was up Monday, and cullid
on the Argus.
Fred Narup and family, of
near Hanks, were in the citv
Monday. While in town Fretl
called on the family journal.
Wood for sale; Sixteen inch
and four foot dry fir.-C. It.
Ilodgdon. l!ity; phone. City 64-1.
Orders promptly delivered. G'2-2
Mrs. ImU-rg, of Middleton,
was in the city Friday, paving
taxes, and incidentally called on
the Argus.
Frank Petrzilka watt down
from Huxton. the last of the
week, on probate business, re
turning home rriday.
Fggs for sale. Thoroughbred
Dutr Orpington. Per setting,
Mrs. Jan. Sewell Jr.,
l'hone ir.ll. Ilillsboro. It 1. Three
miles N. F. of llillslsiro. B2-2
U. K. Hrvan and son, Kdgar,
f Portland, were in the city the
last of the week. Ihey are now
nterested in one of the big pa
per mills of the stale, ana nnu a
inand for their pnMluct.
For sale Fresh Shorthorn cow,
good milker, and calf at side.
Near Sewell station, on Oregon
llectric. Address Uus Steves,
itv U. 4, or see him at Virginia
Mace. b'l'Z
('has. Stephens, of Huxton,
.i a v I
was down to me city rrutay
morning. I'has. is ready to get
and umpire a few baseball
games tins season, mil is going
to wear a mask.
a v
la. i
ll UI
M W.
10 UI
xi w
7 aw
7 7 -.
3 M
a 7v
I u
I u
I mi
3 ;
w Ik-legates from the various coun-
iuiiy granges mei in mis city last
I " Saturday and elected representa-
4 I lives to the State Convention of
.. ... ...
it : drangea wtiicn iikh-is ai iusc-
1 I I-.- !.. li.. TU.. .1.1 .....
14 lHlrK in diay. inr ueu-uu-a
elected were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ferd (Ironer, of Scholls tirange,
with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Flint
as alternates; C. II. Hays, with
Sol Weckert and wife, alternates,
of Sherwood Orange; Mr. and
Mrs. A. L Ilolcomb, of Hethany
Orange, with Mr. and Mrs. It. F.
Owen, as alternates.
A resolution was passed in
structing the representation
against the bonding of the state
for roads.
The representatives of the var
ious granges in me naiuruay
convention were: Ilillsboro
Chas. Ilanley, H. Scholield an
Philip Olson.
dales t .ranges, roresi i.rove
II. T. Huxton. I.. J. Corl and
Mrs. Kennedy
Hutte Orange - A. N. Cutting.
Mrs. Alice Cutting and Mrs
Maud Hrennen
Winona Orange- (ieo. (.al
Sherwood Orange - C. II. Hays,
C. Oeiberger. Sl Weckert.
Heaverton - A. W. Pike. A. V
Denny and H. II Pat ton.
Scholls Grange - A. H. Hint,
Ferd Oroner. II. T. 1 1 esse.
Leedy. Cellar Mill-ICnbt
Tliomnson. Iuis Stark.
Hethnnv -A. k Ilolcomb, Mrs,
H. F. Owen. Jas. Larsen
Washington -II. Munger, Mrs
W. II. Hlack.
H. K. Denny presided over the
meeting and A. H. Flint" was the
sri-retary. L J. Corl, C. A
Ilanley and Chas. li. Hays, con
stituted the committee on ere
u's'&lS'hant HCAaS--"" '2S
L Meek, as U. S. Marshal, hang- K f h ,
edat Oregon City. The family ,mU,a ,U( simn, irlirf 4
Marion ( ounty. and in id, I'rrklna, ircmlrr i7 i'
iVi.i, u a to Miss I n.lrlrn.l.iit. prlriliMK v bi
Sine Ueeves, a pmneerof KSS::: SS
Wil, at IJelipasi. in iorw iiicj Wl Tu,,)ft, r 1, 1.350
moved to Union ('ounty, and ,y mii.liir. work on tat
A . ., ..miirrnted to roll n 00
r.nrei! vmm inn, r - , . . ...... ,.i1,,i .,,n n no
- Wnllnwa. where he was one "' T' "v " o
11 ' . 1 1 r v i""i . "" t-
of the first to UKe up j " , " I A R tianlnrr, ...iir.l.
Htead He was in me wanowo Wm scoit .
district when the, Hannocks made w,,, Barker .
their raid, and aisow nen j,Vv.nKirk " .
Joseph was conducting: his war- iheu urMWO,th .
fare. wir. rniu.--j "
nent in the light put up y,m WTv 'h
Indian depredations and was " KJ "K ;
held in high esteem by the fron- W11U Ct(mity .
tiersmen for his sagacity and K w luine.
wise counse . lie. . veu ... u.- - s..,rv .,
i- ir.. .oi w a 1 iiwu 11 11 Lii 1 ' - -
imnana i Sarah K M..rK
I Oil
I no
I 00
I no
I 5'
4 J"
4 5"
I 50
I 50
I 5"
I 50
I 50
milium. " ' , naran r. w"in ; -
18J8. when he sold out and came mone & v,n..irr " i '
to Washington County, settlinK ll(,e,i w Tuk.r " so
Zr Cedar Mill, .. w. e and (,t, .. e, ........ j;
the following cnuuren umc
him: Mrs. Florence Johnson,
wife of Jack Johnson, Wallowa, , t
SlIIL Findley, of Cedar Ml. kc
Hrnton Bomnn
K A Itallry
7 3o
1 5"
to 00
14 90
t 50
1 . . 1 . 1 a..Mino 1 vrnnir inritciia
- . ) The funeral UK)K piace ou..u. . - ,. 5
,je" , Deceased was a member or ine c.,eb. smith " ?"
twoiw & church; ol the aiaie uwiaJurM ;(
a"ve ( -.range, and for years naa oeen bhow- m m
? r mher of the Orejcon ro- SS .... 100
Grant Mann was down from
near Cornelius, Saturday, at
tending the grange session.
a memoer 01 - w . cia
neer Association, mi. CMor,
., iw Mr iiiiirh lin personally, n Rait
and Until ltte """ii' w"n Barrett Jr. reltratlon
anecdotes to tell of that empire w N tt
builder. Findley was highly es- r ,d
' 1.:,. monv o-nrul nuali- ..n t, lull, relief
rpomeii lor 11m ii.ibj n 1 Hifuw"-- ... . -..
master ui
6 J5
31 5"
5 "5
and your
The two are closely
Doctor put U his
sKill into dierfnot
in your case mnd
Prescribing the
To the drug store is left the carrying out of his instructions.
You take great care in choosing a doctor in whom you have
confidence you owe it to yourself to take equal care in se.
letting a DUL'G STOKE
All the physician's care is useless, if the drugs
he prcscrilies are carelessly comiounded. Hrinif
your prescription here - ask your doctor why?
We carry all kinds of Medical Supplies
The Delta Drug Store
The undersigned w ill sell at pub
lic sale at his farm one-halt mile
east of Hanks, beginning at 10
o'clock a. m., on
I'rrchar-m Irani, b anil 9 yrara olil. wylit
mo Hit; bay borar; itrlillnK, 4 Tar olli
' . . . . , It ft L wromrn 10 orivr, wru nruir,
iml from Mllla' arrr: ilrWhiK tram;
Icraty row, 6 yrara olil, Irrih laat (K tc
ilwr; Jrry hrllcr, firali 1 month ago,
ralf al al.lrj hrifrr calf, half Jnary and
half llolalrln, s n.onlhl oltl; cwn
with lamba, aonic with lamln now and
aouie latrr. i arta hravy harnraa; art hark
harnra; arw hravy biiKKX barneaa; kikmI
Stutlrhakrr waKOli. inch, hroad tirr;
Mltchrll back with rilrntlon top, 1 in;
llradlrv liiiioiv: lilalfoim aralr, 1000 IU;
Ullvtr ri.ling low 14 lech; Canton iliac
plow, r incitiuuvrr waiti.iR piow, 14
Inch; 16 Inch dlar; aprlnu tooth liarrow;
Iraa harrow; roller, u iiiot ligrr (inn;
culllvatora; (lalH.rar lilmlrr. (HlHirne
niowart io- O1I10.M hayrakr: Wcalrm
Cxi Ciilhrenth. of below Tlia- fannina mill; lo-aal. krille; root cultrr;
atin. wasuti to the grange meet- Vu,h.,'lcle" "w'"!" j.?;
imr Satunlav. as was also Fred W&SEZXkX
.anger. Oeo. Seems to be Hold-1 ,mothy hay ami aome looae clow hay;
ng his own along with the pio-1 45 bnahrla prrrlraa potato-a; aoma cnlar
tuur nf the eiirlv fifti(M( ! ' ,toe "iniiirri pnamoic auger;
neers 01 me enriy nuns. . . ..... , mllh P.,.ri,i-f -an:
n . . 1 (i r .l.......n.l 1 1 larkicrrwa: atone iara; 7 or 8 barrrli of
aim. J. v. ' - . ,,,. fn,i, ,ryer; w.ahlnK ti.a-
Fnday morning for an ex tended chln;; he,t,g 0vra;a No. 9 atovi;
visit with Mrs. (.CO. Archbold bouarlmlil fmnitur anil other artlclri
ieb. of Uidgelield. Wash., and too numeroua to nuuilon.
.1:1. ii...... ...:n .u t.iir Mm I Lunch at noon.
Willie iiieii; win wnw .mn io. -- . , t,i ain
.1 n..., ,..i w a t,in. Terms of Sale Under Slu,
Clarence iwyi, o.iu .1. . 1 0.n . - . ,
mill w fe ican;over uvwa iw j
i, . 1.. . t l. "" l'l"'- j -
J. II. rvenneilV. Ol l.unnn, n ... intnmat
n town Friday, and called on the jacob Maus9 Owner.
First on The Page j
J..W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Argiu. Mr. Kennedy was in for
the first time since Hillsboro's
naved streets were completed,
and he said he rather liked the
.ubu r.f thufilil rmmtv neat, even
... ... j " 1 . . .. . . . . , . .1
f his tax check was a pretty Notice is hereby given mat tne
ui;ir,m,. 1911 tax roll for Washington
Wm. Mahon departed Sunday aWiMi
m all! ' . I LUIILVblVII HIIU 1aaj mivii "
or an cxwrnica inin .n Mond Feu 5 1912,
.acK lo m.cnigan and all who make full payment
the nraisesof Oregon to all his .... . , ail: i. ir.
: u:L r: 1.. ua !. lk IVM. OI tneir IH uciure maim 111,
oiuuine invnun , ... V"', M912, will receive a rebate of
venne state, and if there isn 1 1 tnm n,f nnvmpnt9 -
iiiii I.; m . f r ...a. uci kviibuina vw w
an exojiusor . iviicmganuen. y"Hkmade by the firet Monday in
here the com ng season me r- . ., -gj, Jthout interegt
gus win miss its guess. hW. or nenaltv. and the re
J. J. Hartley, Montgomery maininjr half can be paid at any
Turner, Mrs. Martha K. Cars- time prior to tne nrsi wonaay in
ina am f . f'nrstenB. t lie com- Uctouer. ivu. vvnere no pay
nii' fnrmnii to nurchase the ment is made by the first Monday
I" J . 1 . 1 A !l 1nin 41... knnn
Monaa rnneh. now nave tne aeea in audi, ivit tun ma ucvumm
to 78 75 acres of the place, and delinquent and the statute re-
,.m11 ut nnpo nut not in acres or au res irom mat aate a uenaiiy
hops. J. J. Hartley will run the of ten per cent and an interest
place, and next year they expect I charge oi one percent, per mom
to put out tne oaiance, except unui pum.
the house plot, In the product (Jeo. G. Hancock, Sheriff,
that has been so profitable to Ex-offlcio Tax Collector o
Oregon. R. M. Banks bought Washington County, OreRon.
tUa w ri.nnr-o tract across tnei nv j. j. Aooienaie, iseuuvy.
road. Mr. and Mrs. Mauss will Dated at Hillsboro this Feb. 2,
ro to Mt. Angel to live. 1912.
CAPITAL find SURPLUS. $53,000
The oldest aud strongest
Nation DanK
in Washiugtou County.
The most Substantial in
resources of any batik in
the County.
(.ivc us your business and
wc will make it your busi
ness as well as our busi
ness. Wells-Fargo & Co. Traveler's checks for sale Good the
world over without identification. Safety deposit
Uixes for rental, and a private room in
which to look over your papers.
A. C. Smith, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Mmlm am Third, MKHmmro.
rrratilrnt Vlccl'rraiilerjt Caahler
II. K. Fcrtin, Ata't Caahier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday, February 20, 1912.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Ixians - $2oa,441.3G
U.S. Bonds (at par) 2.r,(XX.00
Other Honda 57. KM). 00
Hanking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Hanks and U. S.
Treasurer 99,094.20
Surplus .
Undivided Profits
3 988.29
Roaorvo O A Per Oont,
Thoa. C. Todd John C. Bailor J- W. Tuquo
Wllber W. McEldownoy J. A. Thernbwrg
In nothing which you will
have to purchase during
your entire lifetime should
quality be such a factor as
in the engagement ring.
My assortment of rings suit
able for this purpose in
cludes perfect gem stones,
beautifully mounted in plain
substantial settings, and af
fords a selection at a range
in price from
$15 to $150
The lowest price is of the same superior quality as the
highest. The difference in size only causing the dif
ference in price.
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