p TjBT' i i JnlILLSBR vol w in lllU.S.U)RO,ORl.r.ON, MARCH 7. ltUl NO. r2 GO'JMERCIAL B.O Kl IHE NEW QUH S t v trnrr Main A Sctand DKM'D 10K M'SIXtSS MOMHV an J Ceatraicat I ounty CU rk J. W. Itail. v talon the Ult ri'iisiiH figures and computed the center of imp utation. Ah near hh ran Im .1... rmined the city nark in the center of imputation, and there in a greater imputation south f liuselme than there is north: and a greater imputation cast of North Iwange St rev t. thr west line of the city boundary, than to the westward. It ret pared a con siderable figuring to get the cen tral oint within a radius of a ijuarter of a mile, and while this was in U10. it is supposiM that the North IMui get her with Timber, will stand 'n' Wonder, jolly good frl- OS...EII BURY IHE UtIEFRED6.BR Mutkian. on Iteath IWd. Makra louthing Ifaiuwat of IcIUm ASkS 0K ,AIID LAW SVSI:" t kaaaa ia lac Batlua Sfiliua. Hat lag Prapcily Tfcrr ot corner ot Main and Svond. inj opened for business Monday morning. 'l'b' new banking hous" has m tv commodious and convrtiicut accommodations and th interior is tinished in Uauti ful oak. The location is one of the Imst in thr cilv. and the building is modern and has a pleasing exter ior, president Kd. Schulmerich The HilM,"o Commercial Itank hi moved to its new quartern in olT anv increase at Orenco and low an.l one of rortland's mpu . . ....;..! l!,,,l.l.,..r u..ntl. I.lituil lil.kink. I t,.i I I.......... L'l. . . ... inf omiimi i" "Mm- ; n. wii r.H-, 11 1 lar musicians ami muni leaders. . ...... .. , M .l im- tl l A , f. the county. r'.v one o.iy mm ween, in ion (.i , , , , , . Ia,". uiuier circumstances that l.iliiK iii N P Ol IIUI11S. I . . Will sell at sacrifice to t1,,.rT''P",,' I'utluw. Won wishing to li tin their yards '"'r nm' P'ayt'd with scores of and thry w ill do writ to call and musicians, and he was a friend see what we have house plant, of all. Years iuro IM. K Atkins uooer. uues. iHi n.es. f Kon.8t (:ruy,. ,, j W rr. uvui i.-v nun oilier I n,.j(m it iiumt-riHin in nirniioii. t ui- Uio and tomato nlants in their season. We also have some tine Farmers are Kettintr ready to ut out kale seed. J. J. Mel late, of (oomt Moun tain, was in tow n Saturday. The I'itteiitfor resilience, on Itaseline, is nearitiK' cinilrtioii. I. L Houston, of I'ortlund. was in town Friday, KreetiiiK his friends. Fred Lsli. of near Iteavrrton. was a county scat visitor the last of the week. (!eo. .rtiuan. of North Tua latin I'luins. was over to the city Monday morniuir. Mr. and Mrs. John Marty and two children, of Cedar Mill, were in the city Saturday after- tf south ot Cornelius, played with Wonder, and held linn in hikv'li esteem. One of m) t'ashn-r Willis Ireland will cemetery Mants and shrubbery. nier s last rnniests was that . . . I a a "111 i it. . . . . be pleased to show the pul.lic Mrs. Aw'nes t amplK'U. l orner snouui play Aulil Um their new tiankint nuarters, i N'venlh & Mr MrtH-t. fhone ne ai nis k'rave, umi tins was hich are a siuirce ol pride to ity i.M. .rJtl til ho U-lieve in llillsboro. A. N. Shannon, who was with Hi!!sUro now has three of the tju, Wm. Keid railmad survev U. twivn IlillsUiro and Astoria, away hark in the nineties, was in the city Thursday and Friday. Mr ShiiiinuM is i'iiiiiiuti.l uilli pare with the three institutions w Warr-n Itrns. Construction m HillsU.ro so Jar as euiuiiont. h'omianv. and has iust returned 'I In undersiirned has rented his f nun an extended trip to South Mann aim v. ill sell at imhlic auc Cantlina and Viririnia. his tild turn at his farm 1 mile west of home, and a run tin b New t edar Mill, at 10 a. m.. on York, where a sister resides. Mti.MA., MAKITI 11, .... i ii I.ry lui i.ih; yiay liutr, usa. Iilm'k nv i) ien uouars mr a nuio .li vi w. .v. u..i.., which merely shows Washington luifnmk: (.utility, when you can ketone on " "vv iinir. tittyi i.k a larger scale, showing every Urest lankmir houses in the state and taken all in all there is not a city in Oregon outside of Portland that can tteiiin to coin- 11 1 . t loiiownl in the oliseouicH. Woiuli-r owned some iiroiH-rty in the Kuxton section, and had many friends at the tlrove and out liuxton way. ft hi ic sai.i: beauty t tm;sh. ire concerned. and solidarity i:. It. lOVUI; CanJiJatr lor Nomination A tfood, gentle milk cow, fresh :t mouths, for sale. AlU-rt Uuef, llillsboro, Koute ;. Ouartermile north of New ton. W K! Aiocri i'einieis ami sou. 01 Scullers, near (laston. were in tow 11 Monday, on business at the court house. Automobiles wen out Sunday. and drivers reimrted the rosuls pretty fair. Tlie day, however. was rattier too bracing to make motorim; a decided delight. J. It. and I.. K. Wilkes. A. A. Mead and Fred (ihis-n made u trip to I'ortlund, Saturday after noon, in an auto, and rcort the rouds as very kinmI tit that date. For sale Fresh Shorthorn cow. irood milker, and calf at side. Near Sew ell station, on Oregon Klirtric. Address (!us Steves. City U. 4, or see him at Virginia I'lace. W-2 aii ... 11 . 1. e L'l 1 t 1 rtiis'ri nranui, 01 ruierwmiii u. I, was in the city the last of tin week, and was more than sur prised to see the wonderful im- I since his Win Itridr Ihrouitli Advertise ment to rind that he Knew IK-r IIHSf Mi r III K I l lfS iil I REX ALL STORE pnv'iiH'i)l.s tnslatU'ti hiiici Kv h.tnr.1 .Mis.oriiiu k i.in.in. Man.- last visu here a year UK. thinu from the Willamette liiver T,. , ".;,;" ''l,xZ.. ". ul. frum west, to the west Uuindary of iiti, irri (:. h.ir..t, ,.. S-holls, iMinilay, with the auUi the county, size fhf? inches, hum nrr... 14 it .u.. 16 im h in w hich he toured the hast and Suith, last Mimmer. lie louml the muds rather bud in smts. but Kixl enough to make fair time. Fnmi present indications, and pmmotion under way. IlillsUiro this year will do more luiildinvr hIouk mamifucturinT lines than it has fur many seasons, llus is what the town needs mid badly. Work is pnum'Ssintr finely on the Kcrpfrcsh btiildinir. Kth and Washington, and the liciiunn . I . ...Ml -. I Ik. I -i .1,,.. .,.a ......n. Ik. rbi,.l. Iw.i riH-klniirhiiin. M..rri..'h.lr. I'lUUl Will soon IK- coinpu ieu. 1 . "... Ttl. ' .ln-.rmi -uiiii. .mi.t uhi. I'lHnrt. (he company is how nut tfcttinK contnuts front fanners and fruit If I am nominated and elected. I 'ill. during my term of ollice. honestly, vigonuisly and impar i.M.- t ...fi . . V r. Iiili ..tll.-ltkl illltl.l ""V ' ' 1, r . , ...... 1 . In liiw. H llli h lilimr. ru tivalur ntn Wltnoul learor tavor. rnueavor- ''"'..." r"' t-Ualn. Ii.ml tmmthv rr.ler. Imml ag to accord to every individual, mines, tor op. uei 11 01 our ui.k .,,,, t,.Vri. h.v f.nk. M-ffet mMmx-livu nf nirlv im III is nr I nooKSClier, or auuresjt . im mm tiuiiryt, in irrt , Huh new ...1.:. .' 1 ...1 .... W'ilk.'M Sin llillslmni. Oreiroll. n'l. !- I k rrn,. 14 mnl ift huh der the Laws, ke pinu always .m,,w i n f. of Ituiton wns vine. Itou ne. nrni ilnll. ine tlmnktr UDDernmst in mv mind, the in-1:.. ...... f; 1.... m. 1 ...... 1.. ... Murr, lunnuri. ionk., hlrl. e lil turAvl ,,f fti 1 11 ki I itl I11IM I U ill I '. k k .1 kl : . . 1. m .'"- . celiuyvisiie.1 his mother in ie- ,k ,,,, f ,, ,.,, prouil uie mnmeni, o. weo u-- iruska. hlS lirst meetllUT Willi hmarilinrlttK uulM, rl il.mhl W.inlt, pnisecuie me jruuiy. h.ie,in'' venri He was there l'' nr. l.v hmii. .1 ri iimiMr- llnrilu' mv lin-Srit tlTin of Mf-I . 1, ...1 .. I il.. . Itrum, 4V Um cuiiiihiiiiuI trn. uli klr .... 1- - ' - - ...... - - ,11k Hii'iirinH'r mill mii. kii., L kill-, . . . . . c II, 1 j I -- V' , 1 vnitiinr, ii(M iniii won irnu wi, iiih Hkc, 11.1c mi unit iwiii 11 ii..,,.-. vv,.athrr tjacK there is aiugeiner iniiii virtr.'iii-r, iiimiiiiiiiiii.Mmu of more than ikt cent, of my I i,w. ,.,,1,1 f,ik. nit t li-kiiriiiiiiin I In (urk, ili'(i lutk, lruli Irmkki, yrul - , iiitM krriki.il imiii. iiiiiir z iikwiminrii O l I....L kk.fka in rnk,,, I iliol Khii. urn Ihk liiarhlno. K (,miI r Hull aUve North I'lains, Saturday. ic. I!eha.iiecn married in jcars, rn,u jr,, , ,,nr lriiriniii I 1 . I,.... I .t ni,.l ltiW.nl I .u.ii.ut-.iioi l.t i.iHithmi It it. tit Ml 111 u it I arm nas si inn- ihijji uuu I..... r..- n... hh-j , 11 .... i.i ..r iiui M.i-k lenns 01 mi e Din er ?w. trirlu family an.l that is certainly cusn; i ami over, iiannuuic a 1.' I l..kt.t 1 twit mitt iktkftkliltk iklttk Uiim.i ,'iyHli 1. li t rtlnril I IM'U i n I I'niHim "'v cases. 1 have won every crimi rial case tried U-fore the Su preme Court. I have 'defeatei my tiniKihrnt. Mr. iortilail. in every case 111 which we have been opimsod to each other. Every District Attorney lie lore me has U-en given twti lerms. lints the record aimve merit the secoml term for ine? Othcs Hours:'-Any time, day tv in Oklaboma gniwing city ot or ninht. you have olluial btisi- mx) for trade for Washington neas to transact. County farm or town property K. H. Tongue. If intrrested. see II. L Mcduire, r.i I f:- Hi uI.,.h, rjl.r.. lillll UMU III, lllll.-im'l". ........ ...... 1 M'l.CI XI. L...l ri.oon ta Krt Una ftk.Mn m .1 I a nriK-essing (r the condenser ui On StiitzinliitrL'S. New tons and Forest drove, was down to the Golden Ortl. ys. Four ami six i-Uv Saturday, taking a day's va foot trees, lu cents each. All cation, and visiting his parents, mun latilit, 8 lino, y uak rlialni, rli'nUiarit, 11 lliilv lo III with iranrvulr, kllrllllll JuJtf T. J. Cli-clua. Well ka Ihrc. Marriol Ibc Cuuple ' (Iri'tit is the Miwt-r of the press, and romance occasionally llirtsits wand and strikes close to the Uiundaries of Washington Coun ty. James Turk. of the Nehalem, and well known to many of the ranchers ubove I'uxton. w as wed did to Mrs. Hannah Chapman, in I'lirtland. February 11)12. the marriage living the culiuina lion of a campaign in the news papers, wherein Turk asked for a wife. Mrs. Chapman answer ed his query and a corre.Hnd elice ensiled. Last Week he went to the metroMiis to claim his bride, and tit once recognized her as an acquaintance of l'.i years back, when he worked in the Kose City. County Judge Cleetoti per formed the ceremony, and Mr. and Mrs. Turk are now located on the groom's ranch near Tim lier. Mrs. Chapman had U-en a widow for 12 years, and the groom is aged bli years. Two months ago Turk inserted an ad vertisement in a Portland news paper and he and his bride are now satisfied that "it pays to advertise." st wi'k'isi; I'.xwi v Fridav. Feb. 1. many of the friends and neighUirs of W. J. tiregg happened in unexpectedly to congratulate him on his semi- t 1 i . at j centennial nirinuay. airs, iiregg and family hud planned it lis a surprise, and it worked success fully. After the guests had enjoyed the good things of the festive Imard. the aftcrr.oon was spent in sociability. The event w as al so made the opiortunity to ex- pn-ssaudibly and to his face how much Uith he and his family were appreciated in the com munity. Short speeches were made bv A. ( hauliers. I . A. Ilanley, W. Phillip, John Boyd and his pastor. Kev. A. Carrick. Mr. (iregg replied in his unique, forceful way expressing his up JWrf ar your Doctor! The two are closely ASSOCIATED The Doctor puts all his shill into diagnos ing your case and Prescribing the Remedy To the drug store is left the carrying out of his instructions. You take great care in choosing a doctor in whom you have confidence you owe it to yourself to take equal care in se letting a IUtUC; STOKK All the physician's care is useless, if the drugs he prescribes are carelessly comiiounded. 1'ring your prescription here ask your doctor why? We carry all kinds of Medical Supplies The Delta Drug Store 1I1LLSHORO, ORK. A. TIPiKNllfKCU I'll H.lrMl J. K. HAII.KY W. V. McKLlM)VNKV Vice I'rrtiilctit Caaturr II K. Krrrtn, Aaa't Caahicr Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Tuesday, February 20, 1912. Capital and Surplus $50000 Ik-,,,,. II miiil iti IJI iItivu lull; Itiwiniiukt iiiul rimiiliiiiei' lirolier-1 ' . ' . 1 1 I,.,..,,...,.. r- , - iinnriutl The WashinL'ton-Oretroii Cir isiratioii has lieeti putting in mal- preciution for such friends. trees guaranteed. - Scholls Nur sery Co., Scholls; Sherwood. Or., Koute 4. UV.I Dave Wenger, of Helvetia, was down to the county seat Satur day. J. v. CiKMlin, of Gleiictx', was in the city Saturday, greeting inendri. Charley King. Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. STAI.I.ION I OR SAI.I; Will Hell registereil (,oach Stal lion. Winsor. Finely built and gets good colts, (ifntle, tract able. Will sell for cash and some cows as payment. Merman Hoge. Millslsiro, Ur. jute 5 Kesidence near Farm- 41.-2 It . I a .. I . came plates over ine ineieni leading to the water supplies in the business section, and it rc a l I i 1 I uuircd consideranie wtirK wnere the plates were laid in the con crete walks. The frost that followed the Several useful remembrances were received among them being a Keil-letter Itible from his fam ily, and some fruit trees which he planted that same evening to comineniotate the occasion. 1 he Pillowing guests were .- 7' , '. " present. Messrs. ami Mesdames cleaning of the streets. Saturday r.,llmil t.M'iw.lm.n-k, t' II,,,,. ey. .1 Itoyd. K Uaycraft. W Phil lip; Misses Nellie and Annie tior Lians - $r:i.4il.:M5 U.S. ltonds (at p:u) UTi.lNHI.lNI Other iiomls .r7. lW.tN P-anking House lS..rMKI.(H) Cash and d ie from Hanks and U. S. Treasurer If.i.f.iH.L'.i Capital Surplus Cndivided Profits Circulation lciosits 25,(K)().(-0 3.9SS.29 374.HU7.3fi $!.';!. 7i..i;"i noMorvo U 4 Por Oout, $45:7,J5.C5 Tltoa. Ci. ToiUI Wiltn-r W DIRECTORS John C. D.il.y J W. Tuqvta Mt t.Uowriwy J. A. Thornburft Harrv Cline of ni-ar Ijiurel. was a HilUU.rn visitor Mondav nrnviiil since his last visit b aiicnifxin, and called at the Ar- alstut a year ago, KUS otlu'e. Tlios. (iheeti and wife. 1JL Itowlby. of South Tualatin. departed for Uupert. Idaho, after ingion u Winter's Htav with relatives in Wimhinifton t ountv. His sister, J. M. hllurson. ot Ucavenon. Mm l.ois Mitchell, of Millsljoro, and son. K. Kllerson, of Forest is still at UuiM-rt. drove, were in the city Saturday i c.i.in.- f MpMinn. aftemiMin IIITN1UII kTIIIIVI, .'k ville wns down to the city urday.and had all kinds of praise for the wav the ciiy had night, made it bad traveling for horses the next morning. Sev oral horses fell on the slippery tiavemeiits. which resetntiled a lake of ice in places. The street committee has decided that here after no chances will lie taken where there is liability of a heavy frost, as ice forms easily on hard surface The court in front of the Dr. i t i in 1 1 . I ' i ; ... I i 1 don, Maran rniiiip, r.ii.aiKiu .Chalmers; Mrs. IJiiigglcaiid turn- ily, Alex dordon, N lleming and Kev A Carrick. DID DAY OUT TMCM? i . 5 y Iwl ulvlltul).h Some weeks ago, w hen John Day was in llillsboro, and was daily I II nLIrkl.,kk k.10tjjltlf.l llfia lllllll. II I . . . ll . . '.. Sat- Wood for sale: Sixteen inch " u" ' . .: V'.. i ". 1 1... W'"1' a mim n.1 1W m Hfour ftMit drv lir- C. U. r'"1 , "'" V "V lhtf nly H ,H)Uen t.0niaining n w im a y J,- 'i- on roller Hkatcs. and every fair r..u un,.,il nmntv wnmmts n im- (slgdon. l.uy pnone, i-uy o'ii.i ,lf ,.,. iiui,. r..l. ; . ' . . V ere orders promptly tlelivered. G2-2 ' "r " . "V; """m, "'rlllli;ult. ' Wml ,H'IM" limn i.uii in on ""'.. . , lo acneni 01 ine ouice, caning Mia Aninwt VitnCoo mid have found out that cement is r- i iuu ,! ,, moHirMir,. ! .Will Wohlschlegel, of Scholls, ,auhter. Miss Cora, were down not quite as soft as a feather Li((1!, )m'l otu,r mjnor Hellaire, of still in the tlairy business, is now from VerlsMirt, Monday nfter- bed, and occasionally a cracked was 8t,,t.n from the sale. Later, Mr. anil Mm (!o Glencoe, wen; in the city Mon- putting up a fine Kiultry yard. immt on a tax paying trip. uay. paing taxes and making and exiiects lo go inio im- n' meir annual call on the family en business on a nig scuie, l J"urnai. , ,ra f,lP I HIIII IllfUtu Iirilliu I'KKr Fred Sutler, of Mountaindale, i.jitchinir. 11 per setting of 1U, as a city visitor Saturday after- .hn,.citv IM.- Mrs. W. Whit nfxjn. Fred resides in one of the .,,,, llillsboro, Seventh and Fir iwt .1.. . i ; :.i I : '. r.o o "--u., 11,-1 LnaL is nav nif a rauiu vinm n--. aeveloiinifht. Dave head brings tears - but the cb f i'IiHiIIhhmI cannot lie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shearer, ,1,U1.f.ui..l - nnd the Hkntimr is who have been visiting with rel-1 Mt.ill in vogue. atives. here, ail winier, returned I.' : .Ul...,l, ' ,iml, n ruinnlu I Ifinunj iicin u, ii . riHIIIIUWn, vuiui ...... .-w.... w, - . , . niUIIIIII UMU Vi iillir, ui. ".iv m. to one of the warrants was picked tin in the rear of the lualatm - j . .... .i . Motel. Ihore has ttcen no elm to the identity of the party who purloined the pouch, which was taken from one ot the pigeon ltailey, W. V. . I... ....... - , , , , . ,, I I 1VI1II1III1 111,11 t ilIU'M. kll . Wl' C UL the past week. n,i,,nia at thu Porilnnd Press holes in the depository, and it is Mlua Kli.n Shorev returned I'lnli' session, last Thursday eve- highly probable that Day was " " . V . " I . a - - , , . ... Ill i e.m.hiv from a severa weeks' n nir. An nterestniff program Ihe party, w ho neipeu nimseii 10 a. I kJIIII.Itl I w-f --- . '. . I . 1 .. HO i it.. 1., ,.f MnUinnvi i. ..ui .ic.t. P-n-Kni-ii Im Anir.l.,,u i.nii.,,1 ir mu w .1 itrvnn the naners. 1 he tuivmcni wns I ,,, .. - , ave I'llljl "I -r VISIl Ut klUIItU IIUI kru, u, .... .....r, YY tin M,II... , .... . ,. 1 J. VV. (melius, of south of away8 a Hislioro favorite, was (,esanu Sacramento, and is again delivered a 30 minute address at stopied on the certificate ot ile tornehus. was in the city, bat- jn t(n wilI -(, Virginians," at'her desk in the law ollice of the close. John M. Wall attend- posit, and it will not be paid lie ismaKitiK uie pnmai y ,i.m an. cu lied on ine Ar-1 a ttnn.i John Hi. wa 11. Miss n.i the Mrvan mceiintr ai mc wnen iireHenicu. ouainciou n.i- . oaiuiimji - : ...i:. , ; . i. ...n. . f..o.. l.i;..:. UH Shorey says mat wregon, wiin uiypsy smun lanernacie, aiwnicn mmnj moa on mc k piunui., l I..- n,,r.nnr U UTIetl. IS (IUIIU KIHIU I'llOUK " I I U V O.VHIO IHSHIIU WCIU UIIUIIIi: l IIIUIIUH VI , l n i.'.in, " I v ,.ij rtiexniMiei, iMH".. L' Mill..- A II W..t. inn,v...nt nf the I heft.. s tlown I lor any one. eniei. u i-imuiu, n, . .. i ..v.... . . urday run tor county commissioner, and will base his candidacy on ine good roads question Fggs for sale. Thoroughbred Bull' Orpington. Per Betting, ?!.). Mrs. Jas. Sewell Jr., t'hone 4fi9, Hillslioro. K. 1. Three miles N. K of llillsboro. 52-2 in p. Mr. Farmer Build up your Country, buy some Stumping Powder. Clean out the Stumps. We can supply your needs in the stump ing, powder line, as we now buy in car load lots; Therefore can fill your orders at the riuht price. So call around aud see us. Yours for a Q deal Rowell Bros. 8c Co. SCHOLLS. OREGON I'houc Priv. Kx. No. 2 ,rxxp' Tav i"t,outli. Vll..nb. . , .. v. kl ...n.i , I, ,iun I mi nnv JTlUhJ.--.. t Thc ArKua roportr.ho for JJJ2Z vacauon. several years lougni vauuimy , fi Mrs. Geo. Hiersdorf, fr a watering trough for the Proposals Wanted Chan uiwn in Hein, who has been the SherwixsJ seetion m i rti -a i .itn itiiirHiiiiri. i mr n witi.i;r,iiu iiuuk" v,.w , , , , .,, , i .T: " M r- I::. ftfVenm driven into Those who are enthusiastic Sealed proposals win tie receiveu 01 iNOnil luo.au. .......... w... --;" . : n. ttu viatnntiiv morninir. town nv larue'it " III I IIU VIVJ 1 Alfred over the pmiMisition of a good up to 2:00 p. m., Tuesday, March I ... ".a a. aa . I 111 4trB .1 it u I i .1 i ntH.wih hum inm Mini nrii iniiiuiiiiiir i i. i m a. tmii i.iiitii niii'iit'ii. in it .1 .. .1 i tit nuvnti nuiiru i nui i mi.i i't!L win Linn i un ui tiiiia m - i - , alwve Moun- f 'a""VV the city now has not to get busy early in the Summer, crushing rock at Goodin Spur, on a,7,h a convenience for people and arrange for the best district ine s. r. u. i contractor, 10 . cxh bit ever held in this section; pay an latior ana crusner repairs, Krickson for, Itnindale. was transacting wL in ,i! W.',lht t fit maa pjt By the time the carnival opens, the county to furnish crusher, was in the city the. first of the . ocn HURheB, of l'ort- When the lvnK wm pUi uown y Successful contractor must file a Kus Hitrict ii m ,nl ine Ar" land, is the uest of Miss uiene ast and fl committc? j,,,, a,)point gufflc ont bond when contract is WJ wnctum. Imbrie, this week. token out a na non to confer with farmers and Bwardod. The court reserves . J. S. Myers, of the South Tua- of Vi inia iMace, fat the city authorities will see fruit growers so that there will the right to reject any or all atm Hcction, was in the city GS3'at -yKr fSaturl Sjt that one ia installed In the lie an abundance of exhibits, bids. Address bids to County Monday. He Haya that Winter ?,!i loir future to protect against The last fair held was the one Clerk, llillsboro, Ore. gran iMi.u.Hn., on.i thni ih day forenoon. near tuture, w . , nMimt-oirnrt. hut the endeavor H. 0. Stevenson. Judge. i nok nir ne. and that the UJ ' Hov mm ntr. Dremler eliort. uut me enueavoi cold wave has not injured it as Sheridan Wheaton. of near ine wa,, t'romise of a bumper crop Tualatin, was in me coui.v, 17 - - , mie8 diapiayB. ' the way Mr. Myers looks at it. I Saturday. By order Commissioners' Court. Hillsboro. Ore.. Feb. 20. 1912. Let Me Show How 1 Can Mahe You LooK I I can in most cares relieve that squint, take away those frowns and overcome headaches, and relieve much of thc nerve strain, when caused by defective sight, which, if left un corrected, will cause irrepairable harm. I offer you careful service, for I can't afford to make mistakes. You are safe if you come to mc for glasses. Kvcry purchase guaran teed satisfactory . LAUUKI, M. IIOYT; JEWELER AND OPTICIAN i? I i t y V , i k ... ' f-- I y - r- r I