The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 22, 1912, Image 1

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Sl. xvin
llllXSROkO, OKIX.ON, FKliRUARY .22 1012
NO. 50
Mu.h liirirr romin
ajoM to hi wwhd ai ma
p,, nimmiiHMitH-nt' court
...II in I In" VirV lU'ar liliuri-. hi-
,ui..-w and larirrr nirk rrush-
K ,t :.nIh! spur, niui me
- mil dismantle! and hi-
J l, the Forest tinv iMH-timi.
,. . .....
hiTf it ' ,u'" 1
The c-fiirt is now uskirur Ir
t.;.u from contractor for th
crushing f r'k Ht .'.mmin Spur,
md bi.N will I"' 11 March
H in tin- uftcrwmn. IM iiccc-
!itv the court H ,,uv M Kn,,t
.u.l uf road machinery thin year.
.nj the Lard in very an ions to
tluiu's uiiiirr way ir in.
Summer campaign uf macadamiz-
itllf. itllllieroU mnnil I'lliniii-in
; haw l I" HiMHiieu iit
inJ tin re er the county where
ruck is iii"" t convenient.
On. K. ui.. l :. J
Tongue wi n- Salem visitors, last !
I luir-uhv. urL'iniiL' the Mill u
I'. I', cas- U fori- tin- Sunrcme
urt . Mr. Huv'U-y represented
the Hill end f tin- rase, and
Tongue :tpH-anl for the I'
nit). Ilu in tin ras- win-rein
tin lull I my was injurv.l ly a eo
pluT pin's CXJiloHioli lift tin- t'ni-vt-mly
campus, mi th' archery
course. I h- janitor had Hi t the
VrHliT gun, Hinl tin boy. while
archery practice was im. ran
afoul of tin' wniimn ami wan
luully injured. Th I'nivinity
conlrtidid that it Man iniritutii
from iriiivutioti because tin in
stitution wan' in char
ui t r. anl that its t-rulowinnt
u i-tcnded tmly fur the pur
nikh of education. Thi- court
Mill take uiiiirr ctmsiilerutiuti lli
barter of tin- Inivcrsity. hut an
thin in more or less ambiguous.
there will jirolialily ! hhiih- n-Hi-arrh
U furc uljulit ation.
lhi- T. W. Wyatt & '. utori
was cluM'il la.t Thursilay: i-vi-.
in II f, l till III tarlltlHMil Mlllt
lrouht by U. Ifc Salin. n r
Hi iitmif I'urtlaml rn-ililnr. atxl
till' Htot'k Mill U' ilsmS4-it of in
tin' intm-ft of tin-m holt-Hali rs.
IIih Man tin titixk that I.. M.
Ilt Man on n ili'al to huy, hut
n-fusril to taki' oT li-ausi thi
inwntory ilul not oiiii' up to a
n-rlain Huiii. John Pi-niii. Mho
hi hl a prior Inn on tin htori-. has
mud Mr. !lol toinfon-f tin al-h-p'il
contrart inn! tin- ruatti-r
Mill ! truil in tin-nit court.
(I. H llarnn. m-ar Mountain-
hlali-. w as in Iom h Saturday.
11.111, V i. C IVUII 11 WlkM
Akiuna v.rniriiniaii'uMii.iiy man I J- rulay.
Calw lua Check nnd DralU A. W. Walk r. of South Tuala
tin. Ma. in tin city Saturday
W. C. niornmx.
II Pit.rvi.n of U-low I'juji
The! Imk. u TtiMia kcr he Malt. !ri,J'. ' 'n om" thi; last of
. L.. 0 ...
i. . iv . ine w i iiui-
. . .1 ..4
. . .1 Ht-yman. mbs in inu couniy wai
jonii iay, wiiu rianuiiii uir inil" Saturday
in-iiy cini oi me i vnii-nmai, lai
Ixap Year and Suffragette Ques
tion (jive Him a Shock
Tarat Trkk
Kail, ami m ho later came to llills-
J. K. Um-vi-s, of soutli of (Vr-
mliiiii U'tm in tVu Hiltntu 1USlt
imni with k'ool criiicntialH, and Saturday.
wa-4 i mployi-il hy thi lM vtlo- vanti-l Kmpty harrt-ls. $1.00
mint lii a'u' to jri-t together a I each. Notify 1.. m. Heaver
puhlitity fund for advertisinvr ton. Ore. MuHt hold liquid.
WashiliL'ton Cotintv. haH U'trav-1 (imtr:wtor llimton has a force
cdthetruKtof some of hi friends of men at work remodelling the
and at last rcu.rU was a fu. Hire u. panmeni apparaius nm.
live from justice. I l'eter JoKsy and little daughter
I lay rnnheil a draft on a man were in from near Helvetia. ta.
hv the name of Custer. W. (' ur,,ay. an'' called on the Artfus,
l!itTii.l tn Liiiir It i in tint tiwtmit fih T. W. Wvatt. of HIack Itock.
' iiin'iu iiviii nun uiwin - - -
the pi,Mr. which Custer, a Kuest " "J
at the lm,H-rial Hotel. Portland. vwitor the last of the
refused to cash. I lay went from wt"'K-
Cortland to Iacotna. where he Jacoli Uahinden, ot aujve
cashed had paper raneintf in I tanks, was in town Friday and
sums of and $.rl. and then Saturday, also visiting Forest
dnipM'ii out of flight. He also drove.
owes the Oregon Hotel quite a Mis3 j,azt., HnKarner. of
I The Q mlity Drug Store
Mca Foaod to be Timid and Very Sell
I Jmve u curhmd f first etas
milk cows which will reach lluis
bor on or almut March I. All
Al rattle, and will U frchh with
in fi M ii:iH. IIm-W are k''m
mt an'l they w ill leprii e.l m
tell nlf the reel.
Also 2 team T kihnI work
honi. Ihis Mock will le Hta
bled one half mile wet of the
uir( house, on the (iardi-n
Tnirts, west end of Main Street.
Address MrlJinl oojM-r. Jn,
HilNUro. or He him in tierHon
on the Harden Tracts. W&l
Ja-ii-r KilTer, of near West
I'nion. was in town Saturday.
r. Uiwe'ii tflaHHe are death
to headai hes, Ask your neivth
bom. County Treanurtr Sappink'ton
his notice of call of Mad war
rants in this Week' issue.
Hurt WilkcH. now workim; tut
iliivi- Muimtiiiniliile. wail in the
City Monday. Kreetiiik' fricmls.
All- i t S. Sholot. the Cornelius
banker, was transacting ImsiiieHs
in the county neat Monday fore
noon. Iost: Full IiUmmI Sv'otch collie,
yi'llow and white. Phone 1H'J.
Address, l'eter Josy. Ilillslmro,
Kuute I. W
It. L F.wal.l. the Portland
architect, was in town Siiturdav,
cnnferrinur with hirt partner. Mr.
A wood, eentle milk cow. fresh
3 months, for sale. AlU-rt Uuef.
Hillslmru, Koute r. tjuarter mile
north of Newton. w-u'l
It. puty Clerk K. C. I.uce hml
I relapse the lust of the week,
and has hcen confined to
room, lie is atrain on the nieinl.
Ueese L-alnt. of Forest (Jmve,
cashier of the First National
Hank, wun in town Satunlay.
Mr. I, culm now resides in
Will Coulee, telephone chief
with the P. U. & N.. in day of
construction, was in town oyer
iMinday, koihr out on the line
Monday morning.
Francis K. McHnde, of this
county, and Malnd Pearl Stew
ait, of Yamhill, were married in
Forest Cirove, February lf. l'Jl-.
Father Ituck ullk'iuting.
OraiiKe PhelH has been very
uisv getting the old Slmte Hank
biiildinir into Bhano fur bis nov-
niK picture outfit. It will be
Hoveral weeks yet liefore ho will
have the structure completed.
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Caple. of
Aloha, last Friday evening enter
tained uhout fifty of their neigh
bors and friends at their new
bungalow. The house ami lawn
were lighted with Oriental lan
terns, and after a varied pro-
Knim litfht refreshments were
fThe better your eyes the
-better and quicker deci
sions your brain will make.
Your eyes plus your brain equal
you. If you have defective eye
sight Dr. Lowe' n"""n fitted
ty hi- " . wnginen
your eyes and brain. He will be
Pleased to analyze your case and
demnnatrntfl thin truth to those
interested. Consult him at Ho
tel Washington. Friday, March
1. Scores of Hillsboro references.
At ForeBt Grove, February 2U.
(ieorge Payne Sunday loaded a
carload of milk cows for F. IL
Pials. of Tillamook t'otinty.
This is the first carload of stock
KhipMt from this county to Til
lamook over the new line. Tilla
mook is eoiiiL' into the dairy bus
iness heavier than ever, and
agents are out in various outside
counties buying up stock. The
contemplation of Summer visi
tors, and the increase of the
cheese Inisiness make it imix-ra-
tive that there is a greater milk
'production over in the coast
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Phillip,
ami son, W. T. Phillips, returned
Thursday evening from Tennes
see, where they were for the
Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips
went early in the Fall, and when
Mrs. Phiilips liecanii' seriously
ill the son went Fast to lie at the
Uslside. Mr. Phi'lips says that
while there was no snow down
South, the Meather was quite
had. lie is glad to get hack to
Oregon, ami his wife is mending
Why pay ten dollars for a map
which mere lv shows Washington
County, when you can get one on
a larger scale, showing every
thing from the Willamette Kiver
west, to the west Imiinuary 01
the cunt v. 'w .HKfiT inches
for $7.'m. or a tockct size.
inches, for fJ (ft? (let it of your
u-.La..ll..r or address 1. S.
Wilkes & Son. Ilillslmro. Oregon. I'.lnser has lieen hav-
ing the time of bis life making
Itcople Is lieve that the chicken
ordinance is in effect As a re
sult of his campaign there has
hecn several thousand icei m
chicken wire put up in the city.
,..! "" has a strenuous
time of it if she is caught out
side the enclosure.
'1-1 I. will go to
1 Ml III.'" .
i ..u , ..l.i tiluin dressmaking,
sew ing and mending, at $l.r0 per
day; or take the work home.
The working hours - fmm 8 to 5
I....I. (I.....1..1 iiieliuled. I Mrs.
Henrietta Stobler. Oak and
... .... n-.i. iiu llilla uiro. Ore.. U.
f,. Phone City -IT7.
A heavy hail storm visited this
section Sunday morning, between
el.u-k. Heavy
nine no" 11 " . e
rain fell with cannistcr. am i r
minute the rrouiul was white.
Heavier hail storms than th s,
iVovIever. frequently fellH m the
Mississippi Valley, and 'tj'e;
g.NN to the recent immigration
from that section.
For sale: House of fourriHims
oxclusiveor bath and fruit room,
li. J u,,ter. wind for lights, lot
i,i. w,. Kn -" jis3 uazt. Hoopengarner. oi
sum. and he is also in bad for .urtan,jf was a KUest Sunday,
cashing a bad chink at the Im- at th. hnH. of hl.r CMUgint y,-s.
Mnal, even w hile he owed that j.-,, j;arr
: ..... : i ..i
ii " : i tuv t... ,A Notwithstanding Mr. Ground
work out here, although he ac- bog saw his shadow reb. L the
i: .i....i .....i.:.... ii.. ... I mliins are N-irinninir to tune vn
for advance navment. ami as he their vocal chords.
had the work well under way at Isaac Knnes. well know n here,
the time, be was given the rnon- writes that he has moved to his
ey. Almut the time that it ap- 10-acre apple orchard on Ilender-
lcarcd that he would get the j;ayt ljerce County,
money raised - all money was to of
havetss-, Pa;in' w in c , Mi .onewho Sieves in
surer .f tbel - w s ilTiKation if properly
created some doubt i ' he minds M WM to thcounly
of signers as to Day s integrity. . , .
and no one would come through stul rnujy-
...:ii. ii... u...,.l.iiiv Vnrm for mile- Five acres.
nun im ppniiiiiu... - --
Warrants are ou. for Day's ar- well improved. 3 miles b. h. of
rest undas he had leen in trouble lliiisimro, on ii. r. i. i rice,
lfore it is likely that he will $2,100. - A. L Yanskey. Hills-
get but little consolation in easel bum, Route 2. 4'J-ol
he is apprehended and brought j. Oaarde. w ho has conducted
tO trial. In I liii'kuniilh Khun down at Ti-
Dav is a versatile fellow, and L,arJvile for m,ary nineteen
readily makes friends. He bor- years, was an Argus caller Sat-
I iliai n in.1,1 in Purl gml '
ro-u n ; umay morning.
on me sirvngui oi uuiunui
.. .. ii u. i it i. .....,.. I According to a rorest tiroe
wun me iinuimro ini-iin" , r ..... .
,,.,,,, ..l'-hZ Klectrio. at tli at H ream "
UU ml oi ine "inu la w , , ,l : i , r
league he w as told that Day had place, has given up the idea of
no claim on the organization. k vu..w, ..v...
Gihi. K. Townsend and wife,
John W. Smith, the deaf mute
watchman at the paving plant,
has been thinking over the suf-
tragette question, and Leap Yrear,
and the other night he had a
dream that startled him John
W. visited a doctor the next
morning to see what was wrong
with him. He dreamed that he
came up town one night, and
there was a woman chief of po
lice taking a man to t-he hostile;
two women, a shentiess and a
deiuitv. were taking a crazv man
to the dejmt enroute for Salem;
hardly a man was seen on the
street, and those who were out
were timid v lookmcr into the
store window s, and all wore big
picture hats and short skirts. A
woman was driving the street
cleaning apparatus, and several
of the sex all were attired in a
costume that w as a cross betw een
the present masculine and femi
nine garb -were standing around
on the corner. Presently a man
rami rushinff uo to one of the
ladies and implored her to come
home as the baby had an attack
of the colic. The lady advised
him to warm some peppermint
and irive it to the child, as she
could not come home just then.
having a committee meeting on
some lodcre matter. He found a
crew of fifteen women putting!
down paving, and when the men I
passed they would cast sny
glances at them. When one of
the women would smile at a man
he would blush and look quite
confused, lhe men were doing
the cooking and all lines of oc
cupation were reversed, except
ing the splitting of wood the
women still did that. Jonn .
said that he saw a very large
woman hurriedly making toward
him. and realizing it was Leap
Year he started to run, and fell
down. As he did this, he fell
out of bed. and his topsy-turvy
The place where you are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
Ouality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
Candies and
The Delta Drug Store
j. A.
thorn-burgh' j. e. bailrv w. w. mceldownky
i.., Virc.Pmitlent Cashier
II. E. Ferrin, Au't Cashier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday, December 5, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $500O0
Loans - $2G3,631.07 Capital $25,000.00
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25.000.00 Surplus
Other Bonds 67.1GO.00 Undivided Profits 2,035.99
Banking House 18,500.00 Circulation j&EM
Cash and due from Deposits 399,280.31
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Hosorvo a 4 Por Oesxt.
Tho.. C Todd John E. B.iUy J- W. Fuqu.
Wilber W. MeEldownoy J. A. Thombwrg
Proposals Wanted
,. .. 1 ....! J
vi.. n. yn spitzenourgs, iewions aim
of below Bethany, on the Ger- (, , , Qrtlevs. Four and six
mantown road, were in the city f t tp ip9 10 cents eacn. All
iiiuiii.i.v.11 ........ "v.v. ... Vi foot trees, iu cents eacn. ai
Sealed t.rotmsals will be received Saturday. While in town Mr. . mmranteed. -Scholia Nur
up to im p. m.. Tuesday. March Townsend called on the Argus. gery Scholls; Sherwood. Or.,
l' 1912. and then opcntHi, ior .., ,. r vrt-mia;a Route 4. M-6
t . I a i i:M Ci.iia rn I " ' uulnouil, ui iwi via a.
crushing rocK ai emu... u.. .. : tftV..n Saturdav. W. C,
the S. P. R. R. contractor, u . . ... . . - th t jf
pay all laU.r and crusher ripairs. -j hj3 taxes in I -
payniimimi .... v. many a man paid his taxes in
the county to fu'8h ;'&r; dollar bills they would cover the
Successful contractor must tile a h
.... .1 ... ......... M..n.mnt ,j
sullicieni imnu wiieii vuiiiiuv
' The court reserves
i .1
Mr. Farmer
CUV WJliei. . r
qr,vV with addition extension of
40?fi- also barn for 3 horses. h.h.1;;-;
view ad.lilion. wiwwi.
9th. 4
F M ('rabtroe is putting in a
t deal of his tinio t the
m rol hopynnl and fruit ranch,
C day . getting ready for the
Spring work.
)r Thornton nnd wife. Port
land wore gnosis of Mr. and
Frank Crabtree. the Itotof
the week, returning home Eun
iday evening.
... n i.w.nlia nf Portland,
0d Ali. Washinj-
Knodell olliciating.
Argus and Journal, $2.25.
A. very pleasant surprise was
mvan 1 .1 1 v schmiiiT nr mp nome
Tlin Morpn ia thu mil nF hai rinmntt at IJJIirp. W eti-
IIWliriltHl l IR COUrV llMll.l ii Vila... ii.w.v. M v..' . . . - v, i.v cwi .. - -
tin. riirh't to rejei-t any or all wholesome "two for a quarter" nesday evening. Feb. 14, 1912.
. .- i . .i.Im.,0 i.iiW in i .DiiTiLV i miiiiKt 1111 iiiui ni'L iiiaiiu 111 vsiv-im iiiriiui vi iivi a . ui
11:0 .1...'-., iw iron. I.v K. Ri-hiller. When you She received a beautiful silver
I .UTK. 1 1 II IMM'l .'i viv. ir-"'-. ' - - 1 - . ,,
R () Stevenson, Jiuige. iinnuiguui u kooo siowc uu.i oiiuuei, ei, a iiiMtiiw nv...
Hv order Commissioners' Court Grand Marca. 12tf the visiting friends.
1..11 1 la'-.i i nil"-' I . r 1 . . 1 i i 1 nfiKt iiretiiL WC f. iHCOOi;'.
ituismni, rvu. . Archie smun nas leasea a piaue VMf"" pj,f it
. I. .1 att a ai II. . nn 1 11 1 HSI 1.11 1 1 1 S 1' I'll hJlULIItUb J
in Norm ill suoro Acres, 18 V, ,t 1 ii ov,,;if v 1
STA.......N MMt S'.n a m .nd bricklayer uit H-A
recent v came nere irom Awr- r;- .-, , ... vauu
Will -II registered Coach Stal- doen. Wash: He, comes well U,y v w -
lion, Winsor. fine y iuih recommended, ana nas an " a7;v,l Lula Messinger. Olive
W f r LVTd n0URCCment ,nanother mnmVk
ame. - vni. co nr trmie- Twelve Pa row. Florence and urace uaiy.
some it)ws as pavmeut. miiannthnnt of Hills- Mntthea. Olira Frederick-
Herman ltage. ur.. - i V" " ' mplin K leier: Wm Kleier.
Koute 5 Residence near rami- 1s , w 1 sell at a FnU K own Peter Clifford. A
ington. qu uin tmiln for Hillshoro r. TieVnor. John Mullov. John
TTT" . t 1 residence Drouertv. close in. - C. Will. Walter Chambers, Earnest
Harry Mine, " "ear -u.. . 0re Ualph Rnd WaU y ,
w as over to the city the tirst 01 , ch find CeC)1
the week. John H. Stenvenson, of 1'ort- . At
. . 1, f n..n Fnrminir. Innd nnd John M. Wall, of IllllS-1
. reter reime. ui m. . ; " J. " i.. i- i
ton. was up to the cty Monday ro wETLi: PUBLIC SALE
afternoon. ' Uo)timrtt n.,mrmt .e
.. . .. .1. .rw:i.kll. ww'5"' w.v....". ... . , I
K. J l-arreue. 01 (;onvention. They will taKe The undersigned win sen at puo-
in the poultry business, was in thejr chanceg fore the state nc auction at his farm. 2J miles
the city Monday. primaries in April. southwest of Tigardville and one
Mis Loan nou anu, vi i t t f hplow Tort and. m,lc cuat Ui nmvy.., w.v v.
liUUK iivM.iv, I on ine nrKua. ouun inauv ; v..r - .. 4 1v. ol!
.... t II ..T,., nf 1 1 1. lnmonv act 1 M M AI. riiDltUAAl U,
Mr and Mrs. j. . menew uiick w uuuui -
mi. uiiu .... t Ka u - .m that oftof i Hn.:..;n liMva 0 vk 1100- horse.
i, i;. .olivine, wrre uu w mi i iiiiiiiuei. unu oio nm ,v eimiw v'' -
ikiu , i , . j jjfJnna irrimt. Iio M 1900- mnrp. 9 vears.
e tv the last 01 me wccr. yeum lie iviunu wimii.w." J"-""3' - Steves, of Virginia Place. I. ,'1 t c A Thon.h Kaw cows a fresh in
was up to the ty Monday, on h, h Hye. March; Jersey bull, 18 months
business before circuit court ?foppmcrlv resided beyond Lid: 3 brood sows, boar, 18
n.,..t lJunnrter C. E. Uunyon, ni.,nno months old: four Digs. 3 months
1 .11111 a v a-"' - , u vnvwi I . . n . 1
of circuit court, was a caller at q aboye Gaston lold; 18 chickens -.nch htude
. KnlrAM 11 QITJin 11 I irtl V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1! Iiai'
Build up your Country.
Buy some Stumping Powder.
Clean out the Stumps.
We can supply your needs iu the stump
ing powder line, as we now buy in car
load lots; Therefore can fill your orders
at the right price. So call around and
sec us.
Yours for a deal
Rowell Bros. & Co.
Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2
SeKs. Monday -rn-ILIn
I " District Attorney E. B. Tongue Th? 1
went to Astoria Monaav morn- ate Almoran mil. is stun reason- "f.r"'"L and numerous
bis i to attend a session of circuit ably 8pry at the age of 89 years, many Ann tools, and numerous
court her 89th birthday coming July 26. otf f"c' 'cn8-
C l in.,a9 and residence proper- She has lived on the Almoran at noon
ty in Oklahoma growing city -ot "SbTS cash ' $10 and"over7' bankable
A for trade for Waslungton PJJ note, 8 V cent, payable Octo-
County farm or ww i faP' tenure is concerned, ber 1, 1912. . n
if Interested, see H. L. McGu re, so far as JnMw 1 1 :Zin. I S. Shaman, Owner.
It Pays to Buy the
you can afford. At my prices.
anybody can afford . a pretty
good one.
1 have no watches at any price
that 1 "can't warrant to Keep good
time. My name stands for Re
liability. Quality and Fair Price.
KS SE WKT ImV HiiilWes-with Uncol,