The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 15, 1912, Image 7

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    BUJJWjRO ihrji,'3 mi'.l'AP.T IS Ki 3
hunJ IV.IIar
t. U Sk4 Part-
...J la-.
ul .fl. rtot !
v.- ito-ntr oibVe ha nl a fair-
ti'tkV. .. f thi mtl.
A h' crowd tln-tium
'lUi ntilc hull in thu city ;i;t ,v,..
!. Tlir rir.tum.M wr Oh
lito-nt for u unmix r ot y-:irs.
and all hud art enjotahb- time.
The irii- win- awarded an fob
low: t't MiittaituMl character
lt prize. Mm H.ii l Knout,
of Portland; "Jtnl. Tom p.ailey;
inmi comical character -1 '1.
Itayticld pool.-y; 2nd. Mhs Kth.i
ToaiikcihI.II. I, S lim. lti r ami
hi hintcr. Mn. Harder, were
given first ine for 11 wait
era; W. C. (liiToril an. I Mna Kva
llfisli-r receiving meond pri.e.
I In- oldnt couple waltzing were
II. I. S htti-!t.i r uimI Mrs. K. K.
. i i . . .
tM-iiiiiini.i'r. incir couiMncii uch
ling Jirj. Tin judges were
Mm. rred illy. ..f Portland.
. spencer, of Ashland, ami
Argus ami Journal, &.
II. Taylor Hill, of aUve Roy
wai in town Monday afternoon.
Krwin Hitter, of Ib-thany, was
in th- city yesterday.
T. II. Young, of C.opcr Moun
tain, was in town yesterday.
John Korh, of beyond Bloom
ing, came in yesterday on a bus-
IT mess trip.
(rant Mann and Albert Bun-
I Wide t rail l!irkM.c. ning. of t-orneliuH, were city vis-
Wrttc (iM4 Idler nvrs yu-ria.y.
Andrew ilcckmann, of IJ-th-
. . . ...ii.
Armi- ...m.. h any. wan uo to me city me ia.-i
San J.s Stale i Now the Ijtt I
limalr I'rry of I rult Men
It. Iti.
Met in Hillsboro. I Vb. 1.1. and
Will Name Ticket Soon
t ''- l'n lr,,,,d m,r Mr. Mur.soii. of Hales City.'
" lh, .ounty tr.-ttHur. r. it Mug Kr A tlft... hut,.,Itth,
,h-i'l" y "rMr- um,,, k !w trl JTey ImiII. a line animal, ur.d
tutu the hand of that
ui. kly a iHilt'. A
run until in March,
I'J. ilire.
k ntillH'V
.A-ial a- P'" Hy A"
.I,- l.iif nr.h il't y'l
mW kit.. I"'ver. and tli.
rlriy i-aMii'-i't iH r"lwvr th
,(,,.., at tlu lani mirnur.
. . i :.. .' .: .......I I ...
't.A i .l Ill'' ir un huh i ii h i iu ii
. ..H..H..U hn Hofd r.l-1 inier. ;m
tna "', y.7
Va. . y lr am i.-.
inarrif! i w"an'i.
in r.M. n'l '
plaint ft"''- ' lh"
. . .) or mil.
H aileitt-H inai
HTIectly ii-litli'.- r. It. Kimade
It. r. I
tini to spray for San J ok Hcale.
so calU d iMrausi1 it wan first no
ticed near San Jose. Cal. It is
l Asiatic ornrin. I lie scale
fetU entirely hy Huckinjr the
J UK es trom the tissue. It is a
.small plant louse, with a habit
of the week.
John Gfeller, of Mountaindale,
was down to the county seat
Saturday. '.
Mlsb Qazel Konntz. of Tort
land, is ther iruest of Mr. and
Mrs. ('. K. Koontz, this week.
John S haer, of aU)ve Mrun-
t. r.-.. U,x of cov. nnir its.-ir after iK-oominj; taindale. waa In the citv the last
nines noriri oi .win allixed to the surface of th? tree, I of the week
with a protected liard Khell. . W. Dodson. of Ixtween
hence the the name, "Hcale." Mountaindale and Banks, was in
l!y removing the scale livhtly. town Monday.
I with a knife, or thumbnail, you Henry J. Smith and Geo. Van-
CiMwnillee of Three Selecitd lu Get a
Complete Schedule
The nrohibitionisU met at the
Crescent Theatre, Feb. R and
were the hosts of Mr. Chafin.
once presidential candidate, who
delivered one of his characteris
tic addresses. They will put up
a ticket, and as it must fo on
the ballot by petition, the follow
ing committee was named by the
chairman: Itev. Hiram Gould.
Forest Grove. S. T. Bowser.
Hillsboro. and Prof. Gardner.
Forest Grove.
In the evening Mr. Chafin de-
Hon. VV. N. Barrett wa3 in Sa
lem. Tuesday, and met with the
mem!'rs of the state tax com
mission. The Irfxiy proposes to
; subrrit to the people a constitu
tional amendment for an income
tax; an initiative measure to I
voted u;.-on exempting household
furniture in actual use; and an
other measure, making a gradu-
i i : . 4.. vn
aieu inrit niance uix, iouowihk
the N'tr York sta te, which
has I -en di clarei! by the
hi;rh it c(urts. and t ;n exempt
note and accounts. hich art
oftin h not tangibl . anyway.
The iroiosed inhei Vance tax
Phfiiriai tad Sarto
Otfic: l'ptir in Schalmtrich Bloe.
KMilnc-HoaUit rornn Raailin
and bM-ootl HirMta. BuU rbooaa.
5. T. LINKLATBR, M. B. C. ht,
OtBw tumUln over Tb Dlla Vnu BUr
t f Court H
la taa coroar of tho block.
wouia mane estate iy a larger 3unt. P-.IB. Railroad C
percentage wnere I S legacies l.nd !o of th: Otrgcm Klectnc Kailroad
fell, and smaller taxatirm where vM,u,1,on rn or Encnah,
the estates were small. The leg-
H. L Ma-rt. of U-yond Ijnirel.
returned Friday evening from a
two months stay in Minnesota
. I i ,L. it. t. ... til :i .
mm rxiiiio I'anoi.i. nue ai .. .. .It . ' . . i. l . . u:i.::.. i,-.
South hikni i this ' '"" Hinall. yellw gpecK. uii-oevennvr. oi ikoy. w.-ri- mj uvcmi a pnnooiuuo iwiu.t .
..M"L .4:.'1.." i.h 'f ... visitors. Tuesday afternoon. the M. II Church to a crowds
nit ii in i i."i""no i 1 " uti'ifiir. ' " ' '
IS d er, eH U iow, and Main-s. t-r the inser t. Crush it and J. C. Smith, of Greenville, was
who had left the Pacific coast ym can tell if alive or dead. If a county siat tiller, the first of
without mittens, was obliged to wet it is still alive and doing the week.
get out and make Home cold business. It passe the winter . , vva.,,-, 0f the Wash-
.i i . .. : ........ ........ .........! - - - -
lie says llie I in an immaiunr muxe, uumin u
weather imrchtisfH.
to the bark, hidden h-neath the
ington-Oregon Corporation, was
A countv chairman and secre
tary have been selected by the
party, and a vigorous campaign
is promised.
I Office Iluaro to nam; I to 5 p. m.
TiwtiUy. TbarwUT, htarrtT 9 to I
Callt aaswered liav or night. ik4h
uhooea. Office over Hilltboro National.
. . ... Illll-L'i' I III I III""' J
lulr I'lt'i'-. ii.,!,!... linn, i.n h.. scale, which IS of dark, ashv I AtClHir sauu
,k, ,1. ih sertea 1.1m. .... . p : V' M' v f n. n t hat color The female is more or A card from the family of J. a splendid new parapnernaua ior
'f"! t:rMU '' lesscoithct center being M,Grecar rerts fine weather lhe undersigned w;ll sell at pub- team work , the hird rank
k, Livf f'r l"-r. ..I .. .. ' .. 1 ...... I . It n U'i mv Arrnnn 1: k;a fnm rno.half (JUtSlde 01 I OrtianQ iniS 13 Willi"
.. i , I lti.iit sue the Mil tf" me Mimtner. .Mr. IWapeS eievmeu. mini Kionii iv " " lie- iiuciioii at ."a .o..". HnKt thA thatito be
Wr I I". t F. i nay.: "It seems good to get birth toyoung, which craw from mu iise, a Portland at- mile north of Farm.ngton Store, out do ubt the Ust that tobe
"XS K f W &-Z& - " honoay! march , SS
Kiy... ,.,..1 i... uiuwer nothing to compare with Oregon, liu-s. and a numur oi itnira- 1 . J , " ve.r;im, AnM VM,man work, but w th the
r'r: .r.: " the ,lefe,,H, Oregon ,,n.luct:H and. of lions come during iheMmmer, itock. work new hall, with its fur
priiut i ,. mi,!,! rimnuitfinio mi oris. nueun-i Antone vanueney. oi nvm .... ,., i m Snnnir. o
i tiut known
ADMiNMtmott's nam:
pi osuwl. I'KlH'liKIV
lirm Qtair, in tho Cainvnt Blix-k HUIa
nnrtii af Main Ht Mills ham. Or.
islatire apjxjinteil :ir. tiarreti
one of the committee to advise
with the state tax commission.
He states that Chas. V. Gallo
way, well known at Yamhill, is
one of the best informed men on
taxation in the state.
For sale: An extra fine lot of
strawberry plants. All kinds of
nursery stock. Also a choice lot
of White Leghorn iullet3 and In
dian Itunner duck3. White I?g- n
horn eggs, anu uay om ciium
fmm Z year olu hens, no ieuer PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON
stock or layers in tnis country.
Residence south of city park. Calls Answered Day or Night
near Jabez Wilkes. Address
Adams. Box 483. Hillsboro, Ore- ,u'"k"" "
gon. 48-0 OREN'CO, OREGON
Phoenix Lodge No. 31 Satur-1 jMMrV
day evening, received from Ohio Trim TY Tl
I . V iJAJU, ab V
OFFICE: t'pataifi to Schnlmerich BMg
Reiilence:-Baelint Street, second dot
eat of Sooth Side Sticet
Both Phone office am etiilcnce.
Physician and Surgeon
V.iiuv is hereby given that pur
iuanl t" an order of th County Slr -et
(".wrt of the Sl-w "I Oregon ior
'i,l.ii:t.-n tmnty, mal nnl
mlrnil m the matter of the
e.!,. nt Michlle KilhU. He-
this, even if we do have a little
II !
Of I dampness occasionally.
For set ting" of W hite and
Barred Plvinoillh Itock egg" of
ne winning stix k. call on Mrs.
liolan. I otirth and Main H If
prize v
W. B.
twlievable. the exiH-nment ta
lions estimate each female as the and called on the Argus.
niweiiitor of 50.000 descendants
and one can readily see w hat !i00
could di to a tree, or orchard.
.So you may sec that it is import
ant to sprav. and spray we!L
,.t m tim much nl A
John uertier. oi near uema'';
ut on . . . .l j A fn.
Banks, was in the city Tuesday, bot. helKi,n" eKu.e e,, .union, iZr.
broke atnft'e awl loallc; 7 uener. hk 1 iuouci 11 jjoiaH"--"'""- j.'
r n.m hint: ro. Iteh oon; t heifeti Irhnsn renresents an eXDenaitUre
James Gikson. pioneer, and frtn iQ September ami octob rj t hm-A f neary yx). It was shipped
who knows more oldtimers than ..ue, ia W"?1 from the East Feb. 5. and came
the most of the oldtimers them- ;cM h.'"n through in five days-pretty good
selves, was up from Keedville, j,(;lmj(Ky,two.ietmrtev. goo-i rejir; tjme The new costumes will
yesterday. ' d'.i aet uner himm, Milwaukee b.mi- plenty of use as the boys
I rr vOCMl urw. . I""" . . nv i .,.-. mnr.tintT TMfTriT
i . i are
v 'i xj " - ----- . 1 11 new a 1 u 1 i r i . , i . j .
and Cedar Mill, was up to the h.nd roller, npringtootu hir(,w, i'ie- with candidates.
Mrs, J. C. W ilson, of Bethany, hurry to conclude, and ay,'l
i I a t a I. .1 I.... in m fittaf min.
litW riMU 1 1 L i i I lllli'l liriI1l' Iti IIIl'llMlll Kl niV M 1 1 1 IT III U ll'H null- I biiw " i ,
. ..r i. ... .... :i.. vv-iiii ,.7..u'Mf the time to amnty wat Tuesday aftern(on. o. , now have my clover
niiiu iii ii i '" " . k. nun, j"-..-.-. - - I hm lan null, ti'i'-rni ia,i'i", -"";'i , . , i
II I I. .. C.... '..r I . ...,...). cr'iu i'llt lloWTI VOIlf I .. . -i . n. 11. nfh. f PUntT It WOrK. W1U II MS W
mn.',,i,, iii. ...iii . i'i"" 1 1 ' . I II I'.. I areiin. 01 liOV. was IIII050 iin. iiiiui I----. . ' .. . i.i .a I
tra ouw iiuabiiife I
seed, and for-
1 1 ... 1 1 .... 1 1 ."
...... 4v iiafi-u - hnnl,.,o.Cal. He was the young, tree, so you at least town Tutsday. He has just re-y l'"-n" "M ' " "cIeJ' P'Tu W
T S IA. MA ( II 4 . . . .1 . . t .1. . 1..... C.....I :....U.M ..n-hr. n thpvl10" ' , I aoolr.rk. cart, anil mn arucieJ. n(i aM 0ther
" ' ,. , M-l un.uier oi ior i.ue .-.i. ,,, , , ,K.-. CCru y domiciled his iamuy in U'SCII AT NWS .
.1 ii... ,nr i.r 10 0 clock . m..i 11. 1 t. ...... ..r it, id 1 ii i
.V . . ... .L. I,..- r..K;.l..,w.. 1'" ;: ' " r",. " ".. i- .,f mrh inPir,.r meir new reb.ue..ce. Terms of sale-Under lo. tpp(i. i chanre 11.
5r. 1 Icc -al. r""y ; . T'w ' ." rl Tt n On J. F. Ilaynes. ranching on the cash; oven bankable note. 8 per lb3.-Henry V
...7r...'. i; . u'ui,; ,., r....n. ' .i . .. .. . i... ., ... ', ..... .. . , r..,l ooot rn I Chehalem Mountain. wa3 over to ct.nt. interest, payable uct, pst Grove. Route 2.
rrj' Tuesday, and called on m2. . Verboort. through
t.,thliicl.eHt bidder the follow . ,L.riinr,mii ii here he U cnme fested orchards the entire tree the Argus. . .H,L-"iPSV,. . antral.
intf .l. srnUsI tK-rsonal lnM'rty. ,. ,,f .i... i,n.minent and inllu- U-comes encrusted. . Oance at W. 0. W. Hall, Glen- Jotin anaerwai, v.i-r The council met
ll... ain.l I'.Ktlltf. to wit
IMl.'Uhl-'K - It'lHIUI I III!.. !''" " J a . IIUC, IM.UIUHJ " " .
Tr. ua iv "' H,. lt.d tb.Miilice of county clerk rate the scale from the tree and wiln xoelle's oahestra formusic
''." ."'..7"7 r..r v.-ars. ad he the tree's suriace win nave Tii-kebt. il. ' 4'J-ou
k)if lu ,.lk,n'II. . IIIIIB r". 1 irr.o,, .... .......
.!.... .,1 rhukrw.. W.. Huikrr, ,v,sl IWM Hay longer lie ui 1.1 ) ei uw inn. Mt i . . . pUin:ns
mi emirt. .., .. i,ih hist iiruii av. lie ami ine uarn nwn iii"i -.... ....,- , -
u-. an uncle ot the llolcomb the elW't is death to the tret, if Bethany Bect.on, wm in
U.vs. of Bethany and West Union, ymi do not spray at once. It is yesterday
InJ mill !.! h, Iwarl
Ct hnr .loll. I'll ni'lB wihm-i. Mil
uikw ri-. I 4l't I'Uotrr, tll'l
ilunl alii-1 tullnal'if, ft l"th rulO
mor.itiw liiii,lWlm haiio.
Ie(iuI . ,i.Ui liKK''. Chain'lon elitn
kill. li.K kiilrl, I loa. Kllii'lli'lr.
luj 1'illri, liwik, t-tmh Milrlitlt
m n il V" !' "I"!"
iuii( .' . m-U h liioria. i
MiMri Mini l"H lmi!t. illl 0
I.. I.r. ..I l.ertiian coach
Phone Farmers' :!17. Address "
II. K Pranger.,
' . . l' i...i.:. a.a
not uncommon to see young irees is iwmhk im--.
You have said tnai many at a ijarira,n
ning. and talked over the matter
of a new hose cart, ana noon ana
ladder for the fire department
A very pleasant surprise was Now that the city has a team
.i...4 Mm .1 s I xirsune. the citv council Drouoses io o
uwn i ienui-1 --- , .-.-..i ij
ii-v. Winter erain Sunday evening, at the Lorsung new outnt mat can oe uau.u
ic r. loh
nonie. van i '
1 1 1 V. mv' bw..n i ut y, 1
the occasion fires with some alacrity. Peti-
c.K Tu-rt i-i.-ir nK I rtlt "l vu B ' V V . heinir her 45tn Dirinaay. ine uons were aiw iwciucu, vV
SaU I (iiro.ii cou, , ... , tt r after t) ant- civ f,cK m iWnw. P1111 ,lu . ... j i nu-npis sukintr
niu.i w . 7 . " I riMDttlv ltia itvui. - . lii'onmir WHS I'll IU IU iUi uiuoiv, i uy o uiaiviuj v .
. I .waaA.40 n . " l I t I a" . irn,ron rrrr
jersey K,au" Uoncinir and games, alter wnicn tor nara sunace on umnw.
I'U.. II l!m,a iua.iv.llin '". j I , n j . V'.U Ponrra
ifU' asked for this article, and so here , milkers.-Thos. H. Sims. ,:ht refreshments were served, from Second to North liange,
17 9 H'H'S for the spraying part-s) j mile lelow Farmington. 49-51 gtiests present were: Mr and on First, from Main to
,,, ym can. raisejime wiMBP- , this and Mrs J S Lorsung and family; Washington.
1. i il.aa aatil.lnll 1 I.... II. II.. .i..i I fit Tl .. . 1 IliU d T mill III V IIW II t A' I lj. V. Ill VT II
7 Tl .r;,: i.V.-. ' i''e."o .-.. fmm extem,ed trio to UeorKe Marrow ana wue. For sale: Sij Butt
r , 1. , "l''!""r ,l nnr r l-'wnce: t w - -- . ftl. p (.aiifurnia Uehse and wife. Ado pn mnza . v.., imported stock
,,.;uirH,rhi.....n.-.u. chargedw.iii n egai conaouai o. KirMi ,, r, ir.n.- r?'" Richard Heycraft. Miss .Marina n . from this
I was r.W.1 rom prison M.m- ."m 'Th;: PO'"- , Freudenthal. Alvina Mohr. Julia 7. Hatching7$1.50 per
l.n the following terms or day. and the lust tiling VmMXi; . ri..,Wni con-iiiioii. V C. Helmold, oi tyonu Dlowm! I and Minnie Honzaik, Mary nar- S F Goodwin. City
tt.,- aii u.....uim.i.. t..n il.illurs. una to "blow Kl on a marriage ...i,,!,,.. in o.rta of water toMnir wns in town yesterday, anu . uuia r.rnenpr. Henrv I. ' . .
. MO .TIUI.i Mom I ---!..- -- . iiiiic ajlli " I
Office honr-9 to u a. m.; ito.Sp. m.
Calla aniwered day or night Both
phone. Office in American National
Bank, npttaira.
Rooai 1 aid t Mate BalUlic
cleaning guaran-1 WMMMMMMMMMWrMriWi'
ao per eacu n m y tt ia
nnllvke. For- t.. B. 1 U H U W
Phone 551
Forest Grove
43-51 Office np tair in Schnlmerich Block
Tuesday eve-1
Upstair. A. C. Shnte BWg, Main k nd
Or not: Main Street, opp. Court.Hooaa.
........... i vim nn mise nrif vii.iiiihk i " . .. . I i n
.......... , j...:r, L. . , . . w i . . .
"i . . ... .
Route 4, 1 Office, npetair in acnnimencn oioca.
t?acolinp I TTrtl.t.
r , r r i is. --- , - . . .. . 4uiro" '"'"' " r ... II mile vsnv ui iunu "ii --'" I rriiisijuru. vii..
,01-,)Ut, hi. h.. ti'?:"h DeVle. 01 niu; "WK3T
' . ' . .. I. .! lhal av I m rJ 1 lUa L'vhnba I DnkAt UflHIMU.' I .
rV".7!.rr iJ- loni ainay.anu m. .....IWc.t .v. gch()U3 Granpe ,3 to have an
e uiooming. were vi.i. m mfarf9inmiint Feb. 23. at 8 P.
Ot ine I , ,. . . nvctor ann.
m. . iOIIOWfU uj an uj"-' "-r
A fish pond and canay
cash in hand on duv of Kale; nil license. The lady he niarrieti . r .iui
Btiin.1 i.f tlll a-ranltt lf I u uu th. iiiii who was With lllin claim u or more
aiitl.t ll.d u ill ll iriiLll oil I v. I... n ll.i WJ: ilked into trouble with
est at
lllolillis W ill W w nen lie .iiim ' i"" ,.,tr that will tet w. Joni
isnoi-y notes with approved the state of Oregon. ,liy ( ,iartr.l niaklnn the Aetna '""'"J- 0f wv.
y. s;d notes bnlraw inter- A w wlm hw , vis- QXlSSLifSS in thee,
it the rale of b K-r cent. jUnf auntt ami daughter the ,,w u if t up to tn.Ur.l noon.
annuni troinimie. IIW, fl... mi,ihrt. dei.urted lhurs-1 .rlli ir cent . winen i aw.y n . p.ti-.i was n town V
Henry Kuratli. Auctu.neer. . tir ,.imu, in l'a,kw.Kil, i. A tnei from i-onian.i teea u..., r. - ;v st . pn . here a y
Ivlwurd Shule Clerk Iowa, lie went &wt ovtT the " Arll ,1W (ne wotk. ,m, w I kept JJJ eWash..' we're vWing rela: would liye now
!,;lh,l:n,;l.T.,1J,i.;. ... Oregon KbH-tric and H.U Ion. Joking more ?,t and frienos in the city. Commercial
. ,m ,,. re . , m-,. okoik i . I ,.. v..i(-or. ,tw. were then ...... rc.y .,Anllnv. - 0,0.tlVl n9 foUow
wi ri.ur win ii i7iii.-ii i .... . i .... i.:.... .,,! i inrrr ii . . . i .1 .
seat Tuesday after-p - n Hornecker. owner
ri ntr.;f nhfB he nw isewion
esteraay. ne ..a0 K ., , fpatnres. The
ear and says he . hoU in rh Arti.
. . .1.. 1 MieeiniK ui uv --
nere eise.
..1 1 ..l.i.i.l.i.i.r nn.l
ri.N of live years. win win uo , , ! ; ""."
Peter Ralin. give you esun.a
Administrator of the F.tate of work ..hwiys. ami m es that
Chil.lii i. iiuiirneiiilniriMMl things Set'oiid Street.
to eat us much us anyone. When John Knssehaum ami Sam John-
To mr knowlnlne there it not one in
nv I ! one ".
Miss Ruth Tupper returned ning
triifrnni atwfattn, r4taMlte, aa iarr.
Cnrol,3lot4rtdna. aMttaltenrufima.
mnitjlrn. XrUament. UrlunttB an all teMp
mpptincr Will De neUl in ine Aril- I utien jintnuuoe auwiirui. .n'win'u"
m .. j v r.oo4a sen In Surw inU n t (tarnen Hn.
san Hall, and the net proceeds t,,.
Club officers were will be used for the benefit TO
3 the other eve- tne juvenile Grange. &cnous tufiifei mu anitr itenm
- Horriuv nres o n ...n.-a hna n irnort time. 1 n.-i,"'-"- ------ --- - -
i7u M Wall viepr A. C. Shute. ,4 t'l,p o-pneral nublic is invited. JeloSon: WarlMU 200: :iq2T:
juiiii m. i.i ... 0,,v .T .1 jt I f-uufclelrtilwit: Wiain
(,. Jack Jr.. treas.; iagie.v. i)0 not torget me nme, me uaw, iimmn stn t
ck, v . v . the ptace g p. m., r eo. iw. Aru- pORTL
Scholls. fcveryooay
and a sulendid time
my uu i..". . -- --- . ., fi,, c,.nHv from A visit 10 aa em. as nuiii. i". -- , ... o. --, ' - . au.Zelrn: WJain iwc bii ?".
OTiiPV for the Evangelical Kif r P ffiu- W. V.
n,iwi-ri ih twi ma.iehone.iir. church Christian Kndeavor. Wall. C. h. J," JtK: ' c theP'':
" mire lime ami pure .nlph-r, ami uolh- - v. Vlley. Wm. Mahon I and A. , U san , Hall,
,J a.Mr.1 tmt w.ier. Thi. i no aiiver- F repairs of sewing ma- shute directors. The club wants weiCome.
they Htnrt out for a cone of ice
cream or bag of candy, tell them
to he sure to go to tiltf Den of
The second of a Hcries of win
dow sales, at the Hilllro Mer
cantile Co's ntore. next Satur
day. The Coffee Club ladie.4 will
have home-made brown bread,
cakes, pi.., milads, etc., on sub1,
and solicit your patronagt?.
A. It. Kirk, of the Keepfrcsh
vo., has completed the exciivn
turn for tin. cement furnace build
iK for the factory in Kiutt Hills
boro. Th,. Comjiuny will put up
a substantial building to connect
the two si mi'l iii-iu nlr.Miilv on the
tirop, i ly. The factory will be a
boon to the Hini.ll fruit men and
Hardeners, Und should receive
cvery encouragement
, ' M. Iloyt has not closed the
o -ui tor tbe Wvatt & Co. store,
he article in last week's Argus
wing premature. The inventory
aa not un to exnectations and
presentations, anil Mr. Hoyt
nt'clined t further proceed with
the bargain. At the time the ar-
titlu was written Hovt wus in
hopes Hint tVtu Inuonlorv would
fiKnre up to the amount that wus
lv n mm as tho oossiblo Btoek,
put us it ft. short, according to
J" inventory taken, he did not
take over the stock. Mr. Hoyt
states that he had an option on
je store, nnd was to have mane
'he trade had the stock been UP
or over a certain amount.
111 Sim. v irooK. iieyonu
m...'.ii. ll..i.,j vieroin town VeS-.U.ilie wine lliinit.
up ins way nre Keiio'K -'j
.......i if there wa. a
ili.n ilir Aetn., 1 asHilil
ii- .M. I if i.nii r.n r.m
n.)rn " i Lha ilipte ..not
llcra from Tortland deal
ave all aave one
lZ IVIt chines, bicycles, guns, etc., go 135 members, and membership assured.
,u belter pny. to the Wilkes Auto and Oarage fee hag been hxee al ru.uneI For Sale-Five good young
Holstein bul', pertecuy
11, Let. Reavetton,
(Jet the gO.1.1- W.ln"ton Cmmty can heat the . ' 800, of above tam. was . 'vwinter.
lobytheDuiHrnt wolM Mr f,it. w to. have it. .ml u . . Tuegd and Geo : "'JSnty, N.a.
d sold by J. E. we can,. oil n . MM . 9tay in Wwbjl Lounty ; u
t .1.1 I .A VI
- i.l .VIM " J . ... t,
nn.lare iust h'ggitig toliecaugtu. af, lime ...i Rest ltoom. Mrs,
Say -don't let anyone se
a cheap lewder,
ine Hercules, mat
I ..,.. I'o ii n
I i.n lit i . , - . .
Ilorwitk, Keedville. tre. u
H. T. Johnson, of aiKiveCUm
c.H, was in town the last of the
. ii . :.. uMiMiri'iuni of
weeK. uenry "y -
is road district, ana is gciu..
ready for the Summer campaign.
Afl..r Feb. 1(1. Kd.Miuiew
lM rviTrtohrnnk Rooks are on nonresident, tl. Quarters . are
i v"i.'-v v v" " . ... i . i .1 aj hn a I . mi ih i . i
r.. hnd.ful of u m th follow nc Places-the to Deseiecieu ... jrentle.-C. Vandermost, Dtayer
Rest ltoom. Mrs. ain s nun m- uuoU...b, .
ton. Ore.. R. 3. one and one-half
tf r.pv Miller, of Cooper Moun- m;e3 s. W. of Beaverton. 48-0
the Hunger mill is now turning 'finest mountain dew
out lumber in great shape. that the world ever knew. He
i m i it nom lmi.Ln.,0 thof Viro-inia still has all
weal iu. DenucLi, ui . oojo j fu.
rel, was in the city Tuesday.
Attention of the public is-called Neat igcarryinjr crutches, having
tn the fact t tatoniy wto cnoppeu one w.
Mimii n in wnicn iim -new wccao "
run his chop,H;r every two weeks 9af ly sprayed for the fan dose
Farmers piease. scau - ,
limpson. of, Buxton. J&$1
city Saturday morn- when t" n Ionir that
inir: Mr. Simpson was one o. ."-"-uiii knoW it; If the
the early settlers up m the J' doesn't happen to be
tnn uiu'tion. ' than ift orobi
i vAiir Lino. v"- .
Leap Year dance at the new y otiur pest. SproyinK will
.. . L. 11..11 vi'iiio-iiiiv evening, f: , the trees anyhow.
Iieiveun .io. v aii lnviKV" 77. lon nr..
rine music. fhc law says we muai. v.... -r.
1 1 i, tVi. po-oneration oi v
Feb. 17th.
vneu. 1 1 asri mo v-r-r- riKanitta
." ."-ft, '"littttlL"-.!-!?
was in town nwj. - ,-.uup9 0P do t yourseu.
... located in Portland, and w and busheB. or ao iu y
jaiiu short, the deal was called
- . . i iu..nitMiiir mav
K into tl, hotel business. ratey ,
E. Wenstron and wife, of near w u t be d,iuted.
Scholls. were in townSunday gJf ,y- when tree Is wet
and . Monday, having u. jth rain or 'rog.- .
w..aa ecture. It will pay you, to
r i- Mareh 1. lBl""" V v..,..:.l..o
K ir. of the "nhVdr'
Albert Spifcrings, of Gwnyiue. Fruit InBpector,
was a Hillsboro visiwr,
kinds of cheap lands, and that it
can be purchased an me way
from $10 and upward, ne minus
that the soil will produce with
proper cultivation, and says as
the cumaie is not ii&viw,
n vmino man should do remark-
nhiv well. Sections of Virginia
and North Carolina, ne says, ic
not as well settled as wnen nc
was a boy.
W. tf. Johnson, of Dilley. was
; tnwn todav. He and a Michi
gan friend have bought 1G0 acres
near Yamhill, and Mr. Johnson
riii nnndupt the D ace. mere i
For sale: Incubator. 250 egg
annnttv Ann brooder. Guaran
teed to be in good shape. Also
large top hack, or will trade for
Inauire of J. B.
VM. . - ,,..i
McNew. Beaverton, ure., aouw
Bring your baby to the John-
. j 'it ,.Ait nn in nf
son 8 stuaio. u y" ""-.
, lnnhiP nrizesin ine ieie-
ll.uai' ' V.. Will vviiuuvv - r -
Wmm Habv Photo Contest X0U U tract of good bottom
stand a good show of l securing . lftnd under cultivation. 40 acres
...kinh in in eiover ana umouiy.
Thar nre also about 2,500 cords
of good oak wood on the place,
and the fences are of woven
. rm. -. UA wtimn At
wire, xney were xivci. mui... .
Editor Argus. The free short
course in the Oregon Agricul
tural College was very good, and
well attended. Farmers and
their sons should be grateful for
the kind and useful offer to the
public, thus enabling them to
get value receivea ior mc a
they pay to maintain the institu
tion, it is to De nopeu uiav
many farmers, or tneir sons,
around this section, will take ad
vantage of this short course nexi
year. A subscriber.
Thna. Simms. owner of
! Office np-Uin over Hillsboro National
DENTIST Bldg. Room 5 and 6
Main and Third.
$50 cash prize if you have ; tle
right ktnq oi a oauy.
For gale: White Orpington
eggs, i3 for $1.50; per hundred,
M ;lnMMw;ui old at the eduipmentof the ranch, and
om for chicks, one day old, at 1" 4C
. - . , . 1 u.. n it aronna T.nem oul iw vi
AISO llV '."v;"Tj:.I A la nn
and Glencoe road.
The only crnduated and Uceaatd Voter-
the inary in HUUboro. Sixteen year prac-
willing to pay aoume nis uixea
on road levy provided 50 per !M s
cent, of the money would be ad- Argus and Journal. $2.25.
vantageously expended Q hM .
,ha3- "ickeI'j! JESS Pted a big, porch on htare..-
iuui, v, a w v.., , i dence, on JacKSOD aireei,
day. Chas. sees a little more much to appearMCeof the home.
improvemeiivevcijr nine 11 1 . .
the city. uenuintjciaDMiii"-.-."..
Robt. Johnson, of near Cedar A&V&SSiSSSi
Mill, was up to the city Tuesday, card.-TheUeiuuniRSwre
and paid his annual taxes. h. B. Dauchy, the Banktef-
Fred Goetz, of beyond Bloom'- penter, was in ye-terday. ft ,B. ,
SSwS a CUnty -8Cat SaaelhWaci1