H TT JnliLLSBR MM-SHORO, ORISON, FKBRUARY 15. 1012 xvm The NO. 49 bjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj aaMMBajjjjjjjjjjjMawaaaMaayMiMaMaiaaaMaMMaia T 051 LECTURED or hUUItUuL The lltllfdmm M.-rrantile to. llUM lillttllv Mettled to .UMiliesS in the ii.-w Sehulmerieh IUim k. an. I lite Mtore in one of the linen t on the Went Side otitMnle of I'ort Intnl. There is every ronvenienee fur liBiullitiir tin trti.li i. f u l.iir I'riMMt l"ulU.lr M.lmtrict. and the he plant i an innovation for llilNU.ro (M-opIe. Thin rolil ittoraifo eoneern enahU-K ft ft . - . . . t ! . . -.K.wlta1l lu" """iwny to mime oik pur tAM"M,e chH4of tin-Hue., meat for their mam mold nhott. ami keep it in- Uff Sili J definitely. If you want to H-e I the iee tilant anil ri-fru'enttiir. h.' Hi. AMrM i nJ yMj wjtni.M lh(. " Ihlant at work. The mammoth (,,( aM Weil delivered ,,.,. WttH vimted l.y hundreds of IS WT CO. BOARD CONCLUDES A VERY BUSY SESSION I mo County load Latahliahcil IVr Viewer' Report. iiimi usr or mils wire paid Jainct II. Sccll Appoinicd Supcrviwr Di.trnl No. 12 The county commissioners' court Ufium t."'l niwrn mil.-. from ile county m-m. lit Gov. West I l eariu-Bi m .f I'" rr,orm ,w..,i anting, ami ti.wi m I I . -I ... l . ft. . . I ft.t ii .1 ii.ii.l nr. I'lO n f t..r O IkllttV i.l uriMott reiortn iiiui-i jm-oi- jcrucrnay, ami many lori'-'J"" . lulu I . . i I . . . : :. I : .. i . . : t II'.. I. I.,.. irilMUK in I wwiihii, i.tiurix iniiu urnin-.maj e various morning. Janu s II. So well wan in- nn iiri'. hiilxl ovi-rhy courteous salesmen, and now that the building o ra I ion it are i'oiii'liultl the romtiimv will Kettle down to a hit; business. Why pay ten dollars for a ma tlVreMvnt Theatre. Sunday the first lime saw i,e fo, tK" . the lug marhine. I he r,n-s, ntat ve an- .j,...,.,,.,,,, Uu. .n.l many of hi Itstertiers . , , , ...,.. . apMiinted suix rvisor for llistriet No. 12. vice ll. K. Schmeltzer, who could not M'i:iUfy. owing to resilience in the city limits; Hen ry Kcc mm wan appointed suiter- Mil- 7 vii'i I 'luin nrlpone tinioriuiuii.- - - l hhinrf fri.m the Willamette Kiver i.f-ven at the exiM-nne oi w,.Hi to the west U.tindary of .l..-in m-vi-ml eams. I the count v. size filKtn iruhe. r to all hin audi- for era iketsize. 'lX w in ri . i . . . . kidiJate for eliH-tiott. iti.i.Tiiur rxiillUieti 110 Vr urninst his critic, ami uu his mihiecl in a manner ii av. wiinoui npiH-nooK it, .nuitimis tf hi hennr. .k kim it is a matter of hl- .m m . . ft Wihinism. and neunven nis C. rl..r Ho said that he the tenet of ;' . . . . . . i mt. anil he intended ilointf ail u u)rr to U tter orison con- an.! uhi-re iHHtsitile. to I 1... ht which merely show Washington! visor of Hist. i . . . i I I i.llt.l .. 1..... .-...I ...... i..t ...... i .1. I I 1 . 1 . .1 14.. I. r.. . n.l (l I e sav it a ietter 1 itnfu 10 u.ini y , iw n alien tie say a larger m-ale. showini; even . r,u.t ,.rr was animitited mi- l't- l.i ... ti... li-;n I ;....-1 - . i i iniitr iriini uir it ui.iinri ir niti i i . . . . rs of . . .i . it. i r MH-rvisor of I ist. Si, vice i. . oi I if...! tit t In i. it. I I Bfl hi 1 1 1 ft I n r v oil1 Sain, who would not pialify. 1 1 nil I'.r.w u .-r.' erntitiil SlIM) for C lecture wa illustratiil inche. for tlet it of your planking in road district No. .51. r- . i.lu..ii.. ...i.)r.a T U I (ir,l..r.Nl thnt .1 II HolTman Im L aork of convict on the Wilki- & Son. HillsU.ro. (hveon. paid $ lift. -II from Dist. 21 HHt-ial W Knsmds. and on county S.mie enterprisinw' automohile la;, .. . . , ,. Ik rlC. H- Kvr d..ul..r in Portland wants 11.11. 1 ,l,t,,'n hl J" 1 1T1 '.l f ...i.i .... t. j . .1 eiunmeiiT rtiirrt'ti lit nisi nn hi Vliu..i-.-"" lain, loirailetisnewiy punn.is.-u . . of ;nra. I WWII ir no iuiu iniiu, w im n i , , i i Mill Im k'Uiirutittiil to pull not only the street cleaninir hrush, hut the sprinkler, as well, ami imll Uith at the same time. It is said that the company will also teach at least two memU rs of the Ktrcet committee to run the machine, and the nuto firm promine. it i1 Haid. to take over the team at the punnuse price. This article is authorized by the fellow who fn-ouentlv i.i. .hi k. prison wrvictf a matter f t,,wn tt quickstep and you Omnium rather thnn punitive. Lit l u i, i... u nV him l?farjs to capital puninhmfnl I aMWlt ji a Wmt stated that hi nal .... . ... Uvl U.".r Ihn Hcntences l Ih aintal punishment, ami mat nwH- u. ... .... .. -"- taaamild have a chance to fwmir anu men. h.k. i i FTurvon the linuaaUHl U ''; or take the work home hcp,ta.punihmenUhi Imirjf Fall. It the people voleu - , " ' ' " V waUitiinir rni'ital punish- M inn -a .n ... ... tthr aaid there wmihl l- a Jr flh iU:. IIiMUtu. Ore L k ..... , i (-... i iw.ne i nv 'iii. -t..-.- w luwm Kimruy sun i.h-i !tion. ami if nssil.le to K'l J. ( Hare states that the lum em tu tome he was tfointf to H.r tu n the f.sit of Third novrr thet-Mfutionahamlde Stnt-t will n.sn start oHTtions ... . . ..I I.' . I . ..I.I n vmt anient puoiie nvM latter an exienueu wmi-",B himrinic. and let him have Bj.itt will U hipK.l in this i k..i..l.. .. .....I .1.. il. tA-urk I i. .. i it... u.iv.-a uill have a Lt those in chark'i' havt' ttlwaya ! lonur run on order accumulated. L. I . . I .... ... .i 1 r ft ..m 1... .... n t;m w perioral. Guv. West was intnsluceil to lililience hv Mavor II. T. Wfy. a ho asked the Hsple t I'f the executive a reHfliui Virinit. Mr. West wan fre- pntly a.plauiled, and alt who llrmlnl Id.. I..i-lnrii I'l'ioi those r - ........ ..... ... .. , niivv rorouiHKi. im. a - - i , - " . I "..ri incite in diameter. lence nmrs .i l-mrd-i of all kimls, into stovew.std leiiK'tlH. N ill "to Writ., tihone or Wie fiHiiui;. -- call on me. Oarl Skow. lualatin Hotel. Hillslsmi. Uretron. ). M. Mclni.is. of West Stay ton where i-eople have awaken- kit the Parish 'home, on r'ir eil to the imiUncj. o Mrnj- trrnfti . i .i r 11 ... . tikii mil i w nrit i""" . - . - - tabe with the Kxeentive: s-n, Father leMiller, tflinort: Father huiim. Itenver- K Father Solum!. Tijrard; Kalh f Buck, Forest (Jmve, ami F. S. jwiltiin. of the lVitlc States 'IflihoiH'. I'ortlnnd nml a reo- Tentative of the press. )UU I'.KpOt IU..I It Kwh lull Noll kr llroljf IUllllll' Witt MvOuilUn Mi llu(ruin IH U'.il A ' Ilolliiutt Wm Tuckn JrM l'rn J C W(ner lUrrv l.uilrilull Joint J li.ugtilrity Vhtiic IM. unuin I .IU Hatk Lavirar Wi'ton Kulwft Oilfrlt V V. lU.lcy In Tuckrr Walter Tboni(Mn Am Mk Cbw V Catrrl A'tain Wilkift I M Jniiit it I(Ikhii Wm k.r K A KMr t rl Ol.-.B Crank kitchry In l'rlry Win Mil.uillan l.l lUikrt Hairy Ito'ftjrr I 'hriKt i:it. l,i-hni:tn Koads Nti. iVJS and .r2t ordered it.il.lished ils u-r viewers re lairts. and K-tition of Klizaheth Ihivttiint,'. Road r'-W. disalln Sh'l Ihstnct No. 107 wa authorized to U-trin condemna tion suit for school house site. The following claims were au .lit.., I ion! nr-iliTi-il tiaid. Inlm Mil luian. ro ctmit Il' So Ji.litl NUi,t ' , f J W lUilrv. co rink ! and eii JiS jo T II ToiiKiir, rir eul o oo U II Slrrii.in, coimli-c nl - II II VWm Imiirr, tll;ra 4 VI.-lV i ami ll . .. 7 So M I' I r. arlun I aunt ml rel ri tjS to Win Tunu-i. Unitmc h 00 I- It s-hiluivIimi. ro lira. ?t oo K I. I'rikin'a, trcimln 7S Maiif.irl t;hn,wsorioinoe I1 0 l.. 1 f,.n.l,.H. l-.MlllH afti-ll-... IOI V I.. II l. k .v li.uil aiinrivKar.... l)t IS licof. llinc.Hk. aiiroir. ftp... 1 1 7 l.o tl ll.oir.H k. Iaan.1 juiaimrra 141 oo Croat Mii..1. '! b - J6 10 M C l'a, rjnri ' 35 I. S HinW, ali i h 1 H II llair.l. r li ami jail S J" f ll IVtkina, c h mul jail K A lkinv jail V 11 Maury. JIT lU.onx lln. r ami h i::mri II Smith, c It ami jail.... F I' A'ilni, rir nmrt (' l.atnkm, c H ami I il ...... Ki'ltam Suli.nu rv .". Mipplit r W Wali-lt. rrlirt . S 5 S o i 1 oo 4 oo a Ho J 20 3 3 5 5 5 " t 4o s o 4 o 7 Ho 6 00 uu 1 o M 00 S 00 H 00 a 00 9 00 S OO 1 00 H 00 t 00 00 5 1 11 i a 4 00 on rnunm c norninc uu. GunuuLu rnuHiiL i FOR COUIilY EXHIBIT I -- ? The Quality Drag Store Will Have big Fair in Hillsboro This Fall. Early THEN SEND TO STATE FAIR Teachers Will Give Ptaa Cs-Opcratioa aa Earseitt Wanted -Krnpty barrel. $1.00 ach. Notify 15. Ieis. IVaver- ton. Ore. Must hold liquid. It si.rot and ltot.t. Caules. of Wheeler, were up to the city nday. S. A. D. Meek, of above North Mains, and Jasper Keller, of West Union, were Hillslioro vis itors. Saturday afternoon. For the best values in irro- a a 11 cenes. Issita and pIwk-s. ami la dies' dress goods, . call on T. B. Perkins, Second Street. I-'mnk Peters, now nraetii.'ini law in Portland, was out to the city Saturday, greeting his boy hood friends. If uhr don't think pnoutrh of von trv vourluck bv feeding her some of Liggett's delicious Choc olates. Hig Itoxes and little ones. -The Delta Drug Store. W. H. Venable moves to Mont- It has been decided that Wash ington County is to have a big school fair early this Fall, in the county seat, probably at the same time the street fair will be held. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Alderman wa3 attending the teachers' meeting in this city last Saturday, and m company with Calvin C. Thoma son. started the ball rolling. The plan was approved by the county educational board, r nday after noon, and SupL Alderman, in his address, dwelt upon the spirit of interest such an affair will i-rente in tiuhlic school circles Tha r.lan has heen financed bv tho ntntp hankers, under tne di rection "of SupL Alderman, and the system will bring up a state wide enntpst. that will be nro- ductive of creating a great in terest in Bc'.iool work, ihe state fair takes nlnce at Salem. Oct. 2-9. and the plan will be to have the school fairs, local in districts, first and then have the exhibits 'irought to Hillsboro. at the reet fair, which will be held tn enable the dis plays to be taken to Salem and tin tonxt in the state contests. has been all The place where you are always sure of drugs of absolute purity and Highest Quality, prepared by competent pharma cists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Remedies Candies and Stationery Rexall Mr Thomason nvor the Rtate. and finds that all ives to Mont- Qn rtivp in. avilla this week. e recen y t . the ,an of Supt A1(ler. traded his tract near Kood undge for suburban property on the Washington County has some llast Side. n n finPat schools in the state. L- onta. Viia no roc ..A ko ovriiKita ivill make some well improved. 3 miles S. K. of 0f the contestant counties bring HillsUtro, on IL V. D. Price. hn some great work, if they are . - If 1 I . ....... 4L araaa-a-ftn A. U lansKfy, nm- 10 sweep away uiv prices. ia-..v 9 4fU!il I Pommoroinl rluhs. teachers. UUItf t kA'U IV, M I W'""" T - Mr. and Mrs. L A. Truitt, of citizens, and parenU of pUpi . m i. I. f tha art! Hit ttSHCU W " Mia.iy nns.s. u n . in hlnim7 the movement The Delta Drug Store HILLSBORO, OKfc I. A. THORNBURGH T. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNKY . - . 1 rrcaulent vtce-rrcsutcni II. E. Ferrin, Ats't Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. t of Condition on Tuesday. December 5. 1911. Capital and Surplus S5O0OO capital vso.ow.uu Sitrnltia 25.000.00 Undivided Profits 2,035.99 Loans - $263,631.07 S. Bonds (atDar) 25.000.00 Other Bonds 67.160.00 Bankinsr House 18.500.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 102,025.23 Circulation Deposits 25,000.00 399,280.31 js Smith .place, were in Saturday, y - -nBolof the 1 , attenu the teachers mecung. - r; vr ffi . . arlyand s The Grand Marca is the most it wui it will be the means of .?Jm wholesome "two for a ntiarter i.rincnnir in manv Deoole whose ht smoke on market made in Ore- LkiUren will have entries of i. I l... L' C.ktll Wliftin vmtl . .. i.. 'i gon, uy c. otiunari. ....v.. iscnooi worri ntlulge in a goou smoKe ouy tuu i i . 12tf - . lira u nitMi it. - -- U ISI i - - 16 ho p diMKreeil w ith him, oke il oi his fllort. Ihe Giivt-rnor mentioned his rp Fist with the Uovornors' woal, and said the iteople back the stati-s" were takinir a ml interest in the West A six oVIis k dinner was ten- Nlsiv. West lv Father Iji - . . , i ....... .. la.tA.il The mill will hereafter be given -".,71 h . " its juiwer hy electricity inmi ua ,,(nr Wri,i,, mm'g lKn,.. Cates tilant, and this will be , A am-h, i ' .......mi I ii. V Cii .ulilillr.. ijuite an .m prtiyemtMH - - c, WPb.-.c.... 1 he t iiiuat miu "". K m Hk. r an I It ed eleetriC jstwer, gevtiuK n,iiiom I'haima.v. rmri wees, mier ..aiv..., . Mj gets gooa coiis. ueituc, iuice from the same source. U I. u iiuttWk. coimniion "' in Cornelius and Hoy. they will aWe Wall sell for cash and J . l a...I..u.m ami li ......a 4 GO I - I. ll:Ht 17 iok 4-AmnL-ol A Uaw cordw,Hl. ,H,les up W : " i vcocourt ? s ff " some cows as payment. Ml IIUIl "" I tlVIIIIOII IIUM llinwv.l "l For sale or trade: Twelve Route 5 Residence near r arm- STALLION FOR SALE Mr nnd Mrs. G. C. Ilogers. of ..i i . VV 11 I ii j u ool .u. 70 Reilinir and wife, the first of the hinn Winsor. Finelv built and .al 1. A flm triftiitinn1 iolatlVPa i uA rA4l. f nrfr $476,316.30 Rosorvo 84 $476,316.30 'a Oont. D1RCCTOBS Tk.. C. TW John E. oailaar J. w. tiqi Wilber W. McEiaown.r J. A. THorbr v Mr. Farmer I ii...i,,,m.i .v I'n. uimliri II Wintrn-a, t ami n J W lluulua, r an.l h - ie it Smith, hailltr Circuit courl- iv. ...n t'onatriirtion Co, atrrrt aMraaiiirlil C.laa. Si rtit'lltiitiiine. inlie Timiralr, M l, ul' II Until, r ttl h Hurt S W'llkca, t an.l It u ii i..siirrr. r ami It t llT I ' 111. -i. Mm. l SMTMIlH-B-f ... II.. e llllllltllltCV., wotli " PUBLIC SALE S OA -t l Vaw anlrt Al ti a ,.r..a 9. miles southeast of III Is- mgXOn. taxA- nijn a hfii.Qp And 21 acres 7 at McMinnville. Will sell-at a '. 7 oo bargain, or trade for Hillsboro . lo oo - I, l.UII.I. I.) ..."" - . - - - I I X. u.av. - - - W .., ..... liuaof (IT Tiomrrlvtl e and one mi J Henry t'arson. ot uiuey. .was - , Vt;V;; m, th old a WAnxt nml ollorl An I III 1 IV rttoi vi iiwr..f - III VU ll iavi i t residence property, close in. 0. The undersigned will sell at pub v ltnnsen. Hillsboro. Ore. lie auction at his farm, 24 miles AI'CI ION SALE triiiv. ana canea oni1""- ft- --- --- heM at and $.M ht " l" e A HW and. the Ar- Behnte place , mue ? W now selling at ami m. ci.;v'". " V." Jso KUs man worked together away V tTv t.t ;n Ya oiirhties. nn railwav I MUMUAl. rtuUUAfti ixt. W III! W ilftft . ' .i . l .. ., It S fft' lilt J J I UUl.- ... n.v .p.... -- . .. ii ... fti.mt Kridav. on ' " t,l?v" V .. . n...i.,. .: .i fmrn iholn.:,,:...!, Q vra lliYl! hors Hie tMll nuui.j r..... - IHiILIhuo rinnitiiir .x iconstruitiiiii. " " i trt inn uu.-"-. " j " i .... o i. .n.l imt Lm nt.i nino hnnrH hut it was 19 vonm 1200: mare. 9 years. Kr,.o: 1 good work animals; five excnisiviM.i iNu.i .. . Mu.ya.v aiiikm: .-"" pftP!,flie. An extra fine lot ot t."rr. k,,h is months loa,.ciiM.v."- r r- - J.t. All kSnnf "relI ?clsV """1 io rcnti- " "i siruw uen v inauw. InlH- hrootl SOWS. ooar. to Mumlfrsiirned will sell at nub "ictum, at the farm. 1 1 milei ' oi iiiiislsiro. and I mile .1L .. ' - w oi N-we station, on Ore eXCIUSIveoi imiii " , .,i 1 lUiva.V littl rity water, wired for lights, lot Ty- i tfftv-oA with add tion exiensiiMU't Muiinn ni; r Ti...u,mIiiI J UIWU " . ' ' l..ft i I for 3 horses. Hmninu um, rriu-f " s nursery stock. Also a choice lot montnsoia; f0Ur pgs, 3 months OxUa; also ; barn o . ; (. , u of white Leghorn pullets, and JJng thickens, 2i-inch Stude- lAttsof fruit, - J-.". 'K,5:hr;;(, w.,i. .C;.Nr ;',C0C! I 45 44 India Runner ducks. .Residence ffk'e,b?, d(mble har- h- v ow ad,l.tun. kdween Mh ami J? S south of city park near Jabe ffrSl. cultivator. I th. ?7'"! ... .... v p.iiniitft' Co. wiikma ArtdepM. Adams. Box 1 . mnk;nA. I'acilic Slntioniry v i ""s auplil"- . it ..f ...rliers. WHS llthnf U n " t-.. I'.meSl lien. ' I I .m-w.-ii htttiiiiii, uu , , ,i... sittviriiiiy. ii" i ractic m ! " i ' , ; w Uin-tri,. i . . in dotvn totheuty raj" ' ) . 9. F,,n,.,rI,m ir.l... 9 " 1 lurJsDAY, FKBUUAUY 20 "rT ' i" ... suoervisor in , ami uu...: ? P team nmres; driving, horse. for many years, but ,v ps,,,!,,, jl;-:;;:; J Mr. j 1 ' ""oo COWS in iiiiiaj . .,' t. ututlifv alter IH'ing wm imy. 6 af) cin foa hrtsnl mow.- 11 iiitrs: declined t 1 ''""y ior.niiVtzi:r""-;-T ,o., of 2.J. ,hi,kens; one lot of appointed at me, , - JSgTO-I horouKhhred Brown U-ghorns. k. sale- a horse mule co It. H w m ,,0t 39 3 r horiM.ghhred White Ug- months old. big .for age i.. Uw, Klrc,rCo ,eb.nj jj K lot of thoniughbrod White mX a line animal.-- II. Kg- "i"f2rioi oJT ppi " wd,lt,.s.,,tfthorouKhbml on Merrill l,,uV1' . S SL JJ !te '"I of mixed chick- fw . Ivillo and Farmingto . wi r. j 5 Pm oannr i.:.i l. . r : 1. ....... ,.i.in Oretron. lv. r'. : . utIii' ml "5 x "nil IUIU IUKI-. li"c I A.lilreSS. IM'"'11 v""' " r.i .: 1 1 - IIC0O, .'hfij . ' , . .lime hmrow. mowing machine; 120-egg incubator, hot water; many farm tools, and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Tom. of Sale Under $10. IXCIIIftJIII lta.j.o .. rl - I ftviina w. ' . ...1..:. o...ii ilia maila nut ..ok' cin anH over, bankable tlllltUIIK llliuull v..v ........ . voo.., ' n . this office every year, and his note, 8 per cent., payable Octo- ... 1 1 n 1 . iAin visits are always welcome, Der 1, well as Droductive. S. Shaman, Owner. TKa undersigned has 483. Hillsboro. Ore. 43-tf Wm k'emnin. of VerboOl t. vas in town last Thursday eve ning, and called on ine Argus. Kempin keeps two papers pur- DOU LICENSE DUE muvur u.. 5. i 1 ,,,w harness; sad- 4 uiiiui. ju-incn uiow. net n 1 .u r. Iedv. formerly ot sncr va woot the rh.ir... 1......: 1...- ol is one 01 inw.--- . . , Plcan Lii'.i airomonv tor t tu " " ""A.i. ii iaiiKe.n--.i.K - - .i a Keb. ZJ. other - ..in , HI-lllVII UIUW, BIV , Knti; x- (ll.ua .. .. Ni chm WaT 3,? at Corvallis. Feb I ML. "M.ixiniiti uiiuun 1 1 111 n a - a unicu's TOM nn '"ma of Sitl.t- tin ami 11n.hu P:oycr $10. six months time. ""Kati e nut.. ..1 u . u. i. m, o itvr tt-tit, ii- r. 2 per cent olT for ci Mhorurl "5 00 ..1 .1..11 r .nil 11... ...... -tj .1 mill's 1111111""" . i;ia. .V l't.t.niottniie, iriHo Hrli-tri lr. .- H WiMtstroni r mill It... HillalHtro Argiw. Ptlnliiig J ilm lU'li, t " V '.. . 1. . i..iftln retialra chased the entire interest in the Ma!n. Tf'.r n.. lionnse due the dtv of rfills wu nereaiwr " r" -C; h Mr 1912. is now HatnS. 1 our pBtruiiuK" v - rr. 1600 ,in;toi rnlirteous treatment- due and payame, nuwrw -j . 1 in..v, . , :.j - tna I "if V KP. 12 Julius Sorenson. unuers.B. u. r r ... r , - S . ii u coroer. aiusi oe uwu uj Wm. Finney, of Ridgefield, 15 or d0K8 will be impounded 1 06 Wash., was over to Hillsboro, c Blaser, Chief of Police. 19 80 Saturday, greeting his oldtime Hillsboro, Ore., Jan. 25, 1911 m friends. W. A. uvea nere trum 94 5Ul.ft time ho WH9 hom Until a ieW I 1 e ti acU HIV n.. . .1 1 Ml 11UL 1UIKCI. V" too numerous Lunch at noon. Build up your Country. Buy some Stumping Powder. Clean out the Stumps. We can supply your needs in the stamp ing powder line, as we now buy in car load lots; Therefore can fill your orders at the right price. So call around and see us. Yours for a Q deal Rowell Bros. &Co. SCHOLLS. OREGON Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2 One might as well have no watch as one that's fast or slow AN ACCURATE WATC - ' Vftv. n 1.1 . r ' l" Jacos. tiwncr. Sri 01 ural,l Auctioneer. Shute, Clerk hl .7 :.. . nKv Vi- the last VtoT ?.mr f Verboort, was was in v.. v. - "n i niiatiiimt araHMftMM.a 1 uriiMH . T Father LeM.llor v.-- . Iolm oiiwrt of hpansn. - Vincents, rortianu, , krWn.u of Portland, r.,ori(e linsU j a. . rxr. 'Vk; iMt of the ;,i, p?t .. . .. rnu 1 ' 1 1. v b.ftw 1 . .. .1.. Ijut Uoiclcli t 00 6 80 6 00 6 no 5 60 a 60 Portland, was in wwn r..- hna:ne9 xhos. says Cornelius day. ms nrm is seuniK r 8 forging ahead all the time. Apperson na e M,nonrt.Was a Portland purcnasers. is not necessarily an expensive one I have a variety of styles at compara tively low prices that are guaranteed to keep good time. Will be " pleased to show them to you and explain the merits ol the various styles and qualities. LAUREL. M. HOYT""'"' " "': r