The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 08, 1912, Image 1

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iiiusnoRo,()Ri:r,oN, n-iiRUARY 8. 1912
NO. 43
ah i
,h- Slock la Pr-ttkally
Southern I'atlfk ia hit Hardest by
Ta Collector Hancock
Fred Iioud, of below Newton,
was in the city Friday.
Horn. February 4. 1912. to the
ifeof T:H. Tongue, Hillsboro,
Horn. February 2. 1912. to the
wife of Neil Kmmott, Hillsboro,
a daughter.
I. a Stream, of East Plains,
('apt. I'aul It.-imcrH. owner of
ntimiitfruttk Washington (!ounty
roH'rty. was fined $70 lust Fri
day. lfore Judge Smith. it-
mer was t hartM with casting
sawdust in a stream in the south
part of the county. ('apt. Itei
mem wan in charge of a big
merchant vessel in the Kusso-
I Japan w ar. ami beached a vessel
I;. ....I... l .. : . ..r I ...... .
nii.Tiri W THE mit l ; 71, ' i V w COWAMES PA IftMENSE AWOtNTl transacting business in lown
ni4in hatuUof two Japanese guaUiaU. Saturday.
Keimers came to this country he
lalialat aa. Clab fre the war cloned, and lioughl P"'!' Takw Firit Hacc-OrtfM
pmjierty south of Corm-liiiH, Fkitric Nctl
Mlncii he uter mild, ami then
I iii'i.l.. i.t'liMnoa in H,.. I'l,. l I A I'milmi-u-r and u-ifp nf
With a cai'taIialMin i over i.- ha!em Mountain and other sec I i"-' " me ro snows Karmington. were in the county
gut, ,f which over haa al tion Bouth of the river. " the carrier transpiration seat Saturday
.,! Uen ulcnlMHl. HiIlnUru Ancnt ,h isu,m WBt,.r mj,J companies with their auxiliary Don't half do it. make it Lig-
t t have a new organisation tor ply. the article in last week ' '", ucn an mwrn unionanu gelt 8 tnocoiates or nothing.
iiei itiem ai me iieiia.
J. C. Martinazzi. of Tualatin.
tas up to the city r nday, on
business at circuit court.
J. W. Hughes. Forest Grove.
was in the city Friday afternoon.
on business at the court house.
Take rallra l atlak
Herman 1 lan now, of Farming-
ton, was a city visitor Saturday
js to have a new organisation for ply. the article in last week 'a 'mes, sucii as wesiern union and geU
the promotion of the public wel Argun, telling atuwit the plans of the IM1 telephone system, pay Get
f.r.. A I! Shute and associates ,ht' Washington Oregon Corpora- over one-tenth of the total tax J.
t commercial ciuu. ana a mr,. tian ,-(,,uttr ,-hord. If ",r w VT OI wur 1X)ru lJl
draft of their plan shows that private capital shall put in the The total corporation tax amounts
n,- entire uirner lloor of the system it will save the city thou- to $17,420.81. w hile the grand
- ... - - -
Itlock. on the corner
f sands of dollars, with practically total of Ux levied is $4C7.2M.
k u ......
c.,,.,,,1 and Main, w ill lie used for - . . 'V " " T " Southern Facif.c Company is
, l t lllliil
quarters for the rowei in
ttitution. There will lie a kitch
n tlinimr room, lounging moms.
billmrd rooms and rani moms, as
Frogs were croaking for sev
eral nights prior the first of the
week a sign that Spnng.wm be
nimnanvreeeiveiitliereiinrtofiu mi ine aruesi oi any oi me
engineer. mast and railway companies, with the Ore- here-some time.
Ntill have mountain water and gon NectriC a Close second,
if Private cat.ital shall Put it in The Southern pays of $21,000.
I . - I I ......I ...... k- ... UM MM1t I . .Hit. .It it,.. 1 . . I I . . .
VI I'll S SO llltKirill i"i iiiik o lilt- i un,
Work wil U'gin on the hew
Slavonian Highway Man Sen
tenced by Judge Campbell
Tars Pale Waea Jadfc Ihibc Lonf
Tens Scatcacc
Mat to Marinovitch ha3 discover
ed that the way of the trans
gressor is hard for he was sen
tenced to 15 years in the Oregon
penitentiary, last Friday, by
Judge Campbell. Marinovitch
was convicted of holding up J no,
Foropot and threeSlavonian com
panions near Sherwood. The
robbery wa3 committed on De
cember 3. and Marinovitch and
another entered the Foropot cab
in, where the Slavs were living
while cutting wood. Marinovitch
went through the boys while the
assistant kept them covered with
a revolver, taking a watch.
. . . ... ...... ..
niiailrm as wmn B ro r wi
den, and a canvas for inemln-r-
hii Mill soon start. As the
cluh hai already raised so large a
um the gentlemen in charge
will at once start work of getting
thinirs into shape.
The membership fee under the
new article cost but liftwn
M. Kehrli. ot near Hillsdale,
i-.u;.l e,im ii.. 'i';n.A m uie city rnuay. wr,
vn. iiigvn g vii lilt a iiauivjwn lirif-. J t i . . V.. .
lima QnrfutrtarlAMl en tlu I henrii is one oi me dairymen oi nne, and several dollars in mon
Why pay ten dollar for a map ,h .um..nt ,.lnn,ia.. his section, and knows how. ey The next day Foropot and
which merely shows Washington i,,.-- p...:. tin.vJ ri Trit- imprintpndnt nf one of his companions took the
County, when you ran get one on o p it,.av.Wiils,.uv... SOfiTOl the eountv farm, was ud from train to Portland, and saw Mar-
lliricer m air, hiiiiwiiik evrrv- x m.fc lino r. Ittl U) Kutin Kntonlav Ho rotvirta lllOVllcn on ine cars. iney
- - - -. - . - - i . i a m . i
( Above all S. 1) twelve inmates in the institution, waicned mm. ana wnen ne inea
Oreinm Kleetric 17.CTA10 . l . . .... u w Ki on ai a siauon near ine
The Quality Drag Store
The place where you are always snre of
drags of absolute parity and Highest
(Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the acenracy of
their work
Candies and
thing from the Willamette Kivtr
went, to the west boundary of
the county. Bi.e .illxfiT inches, I tt,,it.w1 Hnilu-nvn
rur .;. or a rsei sue, l!ni,, i.nk
innin, lor - i": n-i u in jour
Uaikselter. or address i. h.
dollar, and thev pmpie ti get & 1111,, Oregon.
a nieiDUTHniP 01 ai leiui 1 or
lines, expri'ss, etc 4fiH.ll
Telephones 582.81
fore elTorls shall cease.
r nnii iun w rninv nnnnirn ar i ......
2 Oil 49 . CIly DiocKed nis progress, ne
you. try your luck by feeding her remained on the train and as
7" Y'" D UVT. "., v soon as they arrived in town
olaU'S. Big boxes and little ones. pnpnnA anA ku fnVn raiw
The DelU Drug Store. policeman. The watch and ring
John and Fred Berger. of land some money was found on
person. He was arrested
MlfS. I DWAUl) l Al'ST
The funeral of the late Mrs. Fd
ward Faust took place lait Sat
unlay, Kev. Kvan I. Hughes
hreachiiig the ohse iuin. Inter
ment was in the local cemetery.
Mrs. Kva O. Faust was the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L
llarngniver. of Uyond Varley
She was born at Tualatin, May
11 lSKl and moved to went of
HillnUiro with her imrents. when
he was a child. She was wihI-
ded to Kdward Faust. June 14,
1'JiCt. and imihsihI away at the
home of her parents, February 1.
1312. after lieing a sufferer from
tube rcu
Faust resides at Dufur. and Mrs. hv working hours
Faust was brought to Hillslioro o'clock (board
last Spring, when her allliction Henrietta Stohler.
II. ...1. I' f... r.,..., ..f.l Cnn.l tnlol . 1.17 i'll Kl
llllfcll IWI)i in, IUI llianw J-Oini ........ I .. " C i. L-
.1 .. ..i. ii... ti i i. m 1 T.uw... i,u M uui anmiaiiu I lieinanv. w no were in vownoai- HIS
urdav. sav that Winter wheat is and brought here for trial, his
acting as agent at Huxton. then the state Ux commission took fine-much letter than case going to a jury the first of
tmata. . I. . . ... I ...... n I tU.i knua Af iliA ifAnn i loof iaAAl Thfl i ii tvM no! i hop.
transfernHl to TimU-r. was down hold or the assessments, although - " 00 v ,r..
... -c 1.... In ivair.inaiiv u.inir f.rr.i nn. . . .. .. j ated but a few minute3 and
u" v L"' ' . V "I I: tJr' U. Andrew n. found him jruilty.
111 Lf nitimiUY iiiurriiiikf . air. luwincnu in ivm ikj inau kiihuhk wii,.,, i,vi. iiinmruinn unra tin . .
. "'.. " ;.. 1- r:a.Ni when ho late Judire r":' :"T"rzi' C.:. I. Mttio was UKen to me peni-
n i.i mm iv i' in ini r iv nauiraav. on uuau n
ever since it started construction
out of Hunks.
The Delta Drug Store
Hood was on the county board,
Assessor Wilcox was the first to
start the values of railway road
to the city Saturday, on business tentiary jt Friday morning by
Hancock. When
m. . I, . . .... tiiyi I i man ine values oi rauwa
1. J Allen mit up $ U) bail be- M jmbi h ,
re Judge Smith. Monday, th, 0ne-tenth of the tot
lw. l'"
lore juok-e .inmn, mmu. o.,.i..ih nf th tntnl tax
charge lN-ing assauii on r. . h. nmnlMm -well.
Allen. It is rnargeu oy u w:hat Jo know about
inimtuiiiiK iinT" ' Itk...?
V i .... ... i. l w .... tt... Iinai.
lenuani smica r.
W. on the
head with a rock, near the tower,
a few hundred feet east of the
Heaverton deuts, Saturday
I . I mat.irv Itmtar Mill
l.xis several years, ine n,e undersigned win go wi ,,-.nn rhnrt.h nn
of her parents, her hus- houses to do plain dressmaking, on,I1Plj L,,h 24 1912. at 130
and two children, aged b and mending, at II.WJ pt-r m a'nd a parties interested,
t it-niB. sunnr in-i. UilV. or im- hh " ""-I,..
t u ... r i
U'came severe.
Twelfth Sts.. HillrtUiro, Ore.. It
I'hone City 477. 4S-W
connected with a cemetery addi
tion, the two former being
trustees of the association.
The undersigned has pur
chased the entire interest in the
Main Street barber shop, and
will hereafter conduct the same,
Baths. Your patronage is so
licited. Courteous treatment-
Julius Sorenson
The trustees of the Union School H. A. Ball, ex-county school
u- hn .1 suDcnnienaenu was up irum
Bonita. on the uregon tuecmc.
Saturday. Mr. Ball bought there
before the electric line went Contracts for the improvement
twrties wishing lots, are re- irouKn. 1i uj of St Clair Street from Wayne
. t a m Bin w n n in avtnBMinon in itoiniiu . m a, r . m
An Duuomimoi iiiunw ...uv Ma,n an(j Asn alreei irom
addition to the cemetery has Tl uiao- nnu nvor s Front to Third, were awarded by
been platted and lots will be 0....1. Tualatin, formerly the the Executive Board to the W ar-
ihe : ion ia havincr a nmrnmr ren Construction Co., at 4:u,
Tuesday afternoon, the contracts
mill 11 uuuii aiuuiiu kill, ioiuviivvi 1 - ... .
I. .t 1 L A.
Shentt Hancock. When sen
tenced Marinovitch turned pale,
and told the judge that anyone
could see from the looks of his
hands that he was a "working
Street Improvement is Rushed
(Portland Evening Telegram No
vember 4, Saturday)
. , J a - r
irom 0 iuo , . ...
i.,.l..-t -ir MTOw " -.iu..
Oak and
Premdent Vice-PrcsMcnt Caahier
II. E. Fcrrin, Aat't Caihitr
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday, December 5, 1911.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - $263,631.07
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67,160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Undivided Profits
or Oeaat.
The. C. Todd John E. llr J- W. rtqua
Wilbvr W. Mctldownvr J. A. Thermburtf
. 1 a
Inn sale irom mai uaie,
books of the association will
Cmsi. Schulmerich has pur- open ior insiiecuon, an uw re- jt ja 240 feet jn iens:th. and eight were aignwi w euncsua, .mK
ehasiHl one of the prettiest new port oi ine trustees vm ue reu f t jn width Th,3 ,3 80me py mayor KusniiKni, wora wa
w I
At The Crescent Theatre bungalow homes in the city of at that time
ell. and he will live in town
and operate the ranch at the
tnme time. Mrs. Schulmerich
L.viwH-t.i main to leave to start
. . . . i .. .
.housekeeping in me new nome.
A irtnnee at the delinquent list
. r.' . - - . ihiiHe who made the nan
0. H. Keeves
Andrew Eggiman) Trustees
liobt Thompson
Cedar Mill, Feb. 8, 1912.
porch, and is probably the long
est one in the county.
started that afternoon and the
two improvements were finished
and accepted by the City Engi-
H B. Tongue, district attor- neer this morning.
ney, has an opponent in the pn- This is a record for quick street
maries. an Astoria man by the work in this city. Only 57 hours
name of Norblad having hied his and 50 minutes were consumed
Commencing Monday, Feb. 12,
lit 12. th Energetic Medicine
Conumny. six bin vaudeville acts,
arnt motion pictures. Change of
program nightly. Will remain
two weeks advertising Oriental
Preparations. All medicines sold
by this comnanv are positively
guaranteed. 1 liese medicines are
i-hikUftn ma If. ftiaaial nature
- ... n,v- v.. f.. ,.mmw... - iuiii-in- iiivi niv it . ii . i soia a tt ay tm nna inr ni i w ""
kindly, and by their use the wwk. ArRUi,, and it braces ing those who so Kinmy iTawnM steamrollers. The
functions are adjusted to their J 31 tracts. This is a KkI ued us A I in relays of eight-
ucK-iwwuj j"'..v- whito I trhnrn millets and nour snilis, ana mini ine ume
by February 10. tfrhi&i5TO.lS work started until it ended
awh Af nit nrW npnr Jahe there was no cessation in opera-
Willroa Addeoaa AHnmfl. Kox lions,
petition. Tongue a f nends in from the time the contracts were
I'latonn ("Vtiintv Haolaro that thev I atrmaA until fku tost hit nf u.nrU
niiv nwnts shows that there were We have sold our hardware store w m ve xonrue a big majority was completed. Practically the
very few w ho took the half plan to Percy Long, or bugene, ana jn Norblad's own county and it entire working force of this com-
.1 A t .. i:....m,.(.wI ciu.ritT he will take possession rebruary frkof urov nAtin waa onnrarrtorl in tYia unrlr
Hancock hn the list in this 1 Wketttjof th- An fing jncudi 200 teams and 300 men
normal conditions, thus placing Lhowing.
one at their U'St The surest
cure for the blues is by not miss
ing the performances given by
this company.
r. I. lVrrine. of St Johns,
was out to the city Saturday and
Monday. Mr. I'ernne lormeny
Hillsboro. and was
in tho iMirlv nineties, lie
II. 1 t ait " ' - , . . .-, 1 , on the orurinai acnui
mcrich bhck. and did mucn ma
sonry here and at McMinnville,
Em rick & Cor win.
Hillsboro. Ore.. Jan. 25. 1912.
T. J. Allen was given a confirma
turn of sale of and in the case
against the Heaverton Clay Man
ufacturing (.
I W P.UU1U ...... .JirnH a mil
Med title in his case against slovewood leng hs.
Henrv Kamna. of Blooming, 483, Hillsboro. Ore.
was a city visitor, Monday, pay- me Li vesly, father of the
ing taxes. Livesly Brothers, hop buyers. Wiii SPn reristered Coach Stal-
1). P. Corrieri has opened a was over from beyond Oak Park, iion winsor. Finely built and
Ak markot nn Spcnnd Street. I r rniav. Air. uvesiy is over 01 mwl i-nlta fjpnt o tract.
, . ,nlllfSII llllI- ' I " , , - ; I . I fV W "V'V. v...
I aw cord w(km1. poles up 10 l next door to the Kocber parlors, years 01 age, dui carries ma ab e w,u sen for casn and
i.whes n diameter, lence rims, an(i w endeavor to Keep a sup- years as ngnuy as me avcruKc some cow3 as payment
mul Uurnls of all kinds, into lv in 8ea8on at all times, man of sixty. He .says that a Herman Boge, Hillsboro, Or.,
win go nn" , . man is never oiuer uiu ne iccio. UQujg 5 Kesidence near 1 arm
the country.
cull on me. --(-
Write, phone or Sam Paisley, of Buxton, Mr. Livesly at one time was one jnirton.
url Skow, Tualatin in Monday morning, reaching the of the heaviest buyers of hops in
JohnHon ct als, covering
t;HHlm farm, near Glencoo. call on ffliSi.: dtrt nT" o'clock, after riding state VhepvVisn
VVIflK uinu ko munnv In ffln aim. I I t nf (Snston. WDSl . . m t9 Corneal the hop gro wing
". nn tut- uniici ...... iiriuv 'iwn . lamintr Rome lur a man vi . . , .. i, A l
le of land claimed bv Jennie j,u, to the county seat Mon- - There is now underground the unaersignea win seiiai puo-
U F, Galbrcath. . dav. and brought in a wolf hide . whispers that the United event- lie auctwn at hw farm, miles
1 . thin iii i 1 n tu nnii lwui niuiiLiia viui v -- 1 maim nno naop 1 nnnoi 1 hi 111 inn . 1 111 h rnaL ui xviii lwij. uii biiv uiu
dollars each for the cats, making make a fine .fH- east of North Plains, to Hillsbo- Behnke place. 2 miles north of
.i..n.. fm. hw tr n. mussen, 011 nni h-w. h thAn run i,ne over iscnamDunr DnaKe, at w . m,
eieveu uuiiuin Pottdu lp and Farminirton. r' :r",;'5 .Tl"...,.,.. ..r r,r.rtv nn
1. -...!... Tutlvel . . ! . " 7i "z. u througn ine ncn isouin iuhihum mumuai, rrinuAni
hwta diiii iir li iiiiL j,!.-., MontTorinn 1 irHtniii. iv. 1 - z. . . . . A 1 .....
ne es 2 rmiles southeast of Hills- "uureo' " 50 nd ". 0nnec11ng Driving horse, 9 yrs, 1100; horse,
acies, miiia . 4, Mnwn with the main line of the 10 lorm- mora q venra
" . . . . 1A icniOi Aa)Wa v . w.. 1
Oscar Thaver was mven a de
cree covering land on which he
has resided for a number of
years, the judge holding that the
land was bought for him, and
that the eouitv was in Mr.
1 tiayer.
1l!!yt'r- . boro-'nlsoa house and 21 acres
I kcrecs of divorce were grant- Will wU at a
Decrees of divorce were grani-r. v: ..- u;n .n at a TUa sithern Facinc nas en- Dsaiem run. una wuuu i nnnn. cood worK animais: nve
eil in I.U.n a Ukmin and Mtminiivim.. .i;-tJnn fne a (tnnhle miorhtv fine Country, and there- mwvi m;ilr mwi all fresh in
HiriK ' rBTCi 18 l? t.bC Kh M months
1 residence pro KiK'cl ISk Qirt and the Mmnanv Stranger things have happened. Ly. o brood ao,. hoar. 18
IXX1 LICENSE DUE p' uunstn' , Ltates that it will not admit of PoPfl rn(ip of Scholls. was months old; four pigs, 3 months
. .. j Ki.ti. i'lnins are 1 . . A A..AM ifi " - . . ' . . I .1 j. 10 .k,ni,nK. .ii nAh vnio
Cornelius hhu "-- the common user ciauoc, e u t th itv Fndav. and stated UU 10 -"-
Hog license due the city of Hills- said to be Candida or.muu"v" the right is not iofthcomlng. - Argus reporter that the takbS, X
ro, for the year 1912, is now tain water-something Ihat jJ The ordinance has been publish- covin the river road "fss. buggy harness cultivator,
aue and navab e. e ther to tne thriving iowi ed in tne roruanu unmco. hetween There and farmington FI"W "".v ."."" :""v'""
.! j" ii. nu I v.iuu nhnnlil have. - I ' j.t :Ar.f ,t. lzu-eeir tncuoator. not water
-'ui-raiKneu, W hi u c vhj . M, Rv v jo MSSterS. 01 UOId- Were UOIHK iiiokuiuvc... "-."I Il. .nnmoHim
corder. Mua Im nn d bv ren. I fni-o-ot to asK ior a ""r . i "u. p...t with the an it-loir aDDaratUS wiin ;
v . lai iiijii a v i p -- i .-ha l a I1HIIUII l.tTI UI 1IIU1QWII t " .. .1L.U nui. ah
If), or dogs will be impounded, filler when you want a good c:me 0Ver Sunday, to which thev are draining the u"'r rw0v;e"'
p uu-.- ri.u Wiimv ??ni". Jl. ''niiiH dust" Masters, came over Dunu, w WOi, d Lunch at noon.
i. .V. . "C,JL v,,ucf W1 I iu ceni wm-" i" r.y Ka present at tne iunerai oi nei "w .f . . . ij
I nA Ion 9R 10.11.1. .. n .L:n.,- 12tf 1 06 prcBcii . . .. . lv..4K KaiIova thp device could
, . m me ociiii.. - .unt tne laie mra. iici . :au. in hankahl
ma ni. .,n rn hn nw tin, was over w m i ro. "j ... GhorA. bhr bououet when the flowers ber l,
ir," ..Vl. i a Khnmnn Owner.
Terms of Sale Under $10,
Chas. Bloom were up from below
ness at the court house. Krinkie corn
. . . l .' J ..,11k tka nltv
Witch Hael. Monday, on busi- Emmotts have airesn v . j-rM" ,fttf .fternoon. bloom in the Spnn.
- . ' i. . .1 UabAd m rnrznpniiui. iluiiivu wvi-i
nnKie corn uci w
Mr. Farmer
Build up your Country.
Buy some Stumping Powder.
Clean out the Stumps.
We can supply your needs in the stamp
ing powder line, as we now buy in car
load lots; Therefore can fill your orders
at the right price. So call around and
see us.
Yours for a Q deal
Ro well Bros. & Co.
Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2
One might as well have no watch as
one that's fast or slow
is not necessarily an expensive one I
have a variety of styles at compara
tively low prices that are guaranteed
to keep good time.
Will be pleased to show them to yon
and explain the merits of the various
styles and qualities