The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 01, 1912, Image 1

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souiher:j pm gets
Mra.ur I'aaard CtMintU ltl
Iburxlay livening. I'wur lu One
MtsrciM: iMNimm suui
vu U (Ua Ufn aa Origtully Ak
,4. SUA. Mala Im(
Th Southrrtt Pacific iWiimny
Thursday rtiftcttt wait granted a
fram-l iit to run in electric line
f rvxn the MHith end of Sikth. north
on SuUi. t Main, went on Muin.
to North Itange, and then Mtuth
on North Range, to connect with
tli. muiu line, at the rutreme
southwrot limiU of the city.
After several week of rutting
ami filling, feeling the public
pulse, ami all that ironi with a
puMic frani-his wrangle, the
council met aftcrupier, Jan. 2T.
and after conferring for a short
time, proceed! to vole that
electric train shall run through
tht priricil hunine street of
the city. The Voir atmul: For
the franchise, Ucow, Kuratli,
lUrtramiif and Smith; atraitiMt
llcini. The mayor ha alfhed hi
nik'tiature to the ordinance.
In the unlived districts, w heth-i-r
the company ha a single or
douhle track, twenty feet of
street imiKt lie kept up by the
carrier cmany, when the street
in ordered paved by the city au
thor) tun. Steel Ik must carry
their irr limn through the
The nnwny will now carry
their light into I'lirtland. and
ak for an electric line down
Fourth Street, and when thin last
concession U obtained, the right
of way for the loop from Port
land to McMinnville. via llillnho
ro and Forest tiruve, and from
MrMmnville lack to Portland,
via the Yamhill division, will
have Iteen secured.
In Hillsboro there has been
nothing of public nature discuss
ed for week, except the fran
chine. Teddy' position on peace;
Wilson's slap-on-the-wrist pre
sented (4)1. Harvey; the Oregon
inn's (MMition on the jiension bill;
China' chin-chin on independ
ence -and even tht suffragette
(jueHtion - all - all paled into in
"ikniticance. beside the all ab
sorhing question an to whether
the S. I. should tie allowed to
ruin the county neat, or whether
or not the county wat should he'
ruined by refusing to allow the
company to come through the
husiness district. All in nettled,
now; and. incidentally, all in
peuee until another big question
Hhall ln brought to the surface.
1 1
i '
At The Crescent Theatre
Commencing Monday. Feb. 12,
l'.12. the Kmrgctic Medicine
Company, nix bin vaudevil
and motion picture. I'haf
program nightly. Will
two weeks advertising (M
reparations. All medicinf
by thin company are poJ
guaranteed. These medici
chosen by mo to assist
1.;.. .11.. 1 .a
Mnuiy, ami by their uf
i unctions are adjusted td
normal conditions, thus
one at their best The
Hire for the blues is by nd
in me performances gi
thm company.
NO. !
Mr and Mrs. J.,hn iMitii.H re
turned Sunday from an en tended
visit in San Francisco. J.,hn
says they Jiai a flt. tltn(. ftni)
that he iu-ver again vxn.i to
witnenaa,, lur-a ce,.hrati..r, as
he ,, ,n U. (;()t,.tl (;att. (.lly
on New Year's eve, when :tm ikk'i
M-.p,. m.t lt(, t(l(. Hlr,.(.u'aril
pranked the old year out and the
new on,, in. .Mr. Iannis states
that when he na the ih.mtchH,
tellmif of the burning ,f the
Ciinrnercial lUel. that h
thought at first it wits in iI!hIh
ro, a suburb of San Francineo.
Ijitcr he noticed a Hilislioro. Or.,
date hne. and he then realized
it was a home tragedy, lb Kays
he like San Francisco but "Oh.
you Oregon."
Why pay ten dollars for a map
w.Vich merely Khws Washington
(4Htntykwhen mi can get one on
a laruvr Kah. showing every.
thing rn.m the Willamette Kivcr
west, to the w,t liiti(iary of
the county, size &iG7 inches,
for if.wi, or a ns ket ize, 'llxltt
inches, for $2 ? I let it of your
isaiKiieiier. or ail.lress T. S.
Wilkin St Son. Oregon.
Hob Caples hal a column in
terview in Sunday's Oregonion.
on the subject of Washington
... i ...
ouniy nais. iu wants a
trunk line road through the
a.. a
count v inim to wii. ho
that fanners will have good haul
ing all along the line. He was
originally in favor of Umding
the ciunty, but present cutuli
tions have made that impractical.
Twoor ihre,. years of the present
tax will bring that a!iut. and
have it paid for as nuick. or
quicker, erhaiH, thtin the bom
For sale or exchange: Will
sell hous,. ami one acre, wimm)
shetl, fruit, small orchard, chick
en conal. city water, on county
nad west of JelTerson. near I'.
IL A N., at a bargain, or will
trade for house and one lot,
nearer to business center, pay
ing or receiving cash diifer
ence. -Wm. Wolf. City. 45-7
J. W. II. Adkins. of dales
Creek, was in town Saturday
getting signatures to a petition
asking Congress to tmss favora
bly on the cluim of the heirs of
(Jen. John Svier, a devolution
ary (lenernl. who tHTfonned ser
vices for the government and to
whom a land grant was made,
The land, however, was ceded to
the government, for $2.IX) per
arre. but the money never reach
hI Sevier. The heirs have U-en
fighting for their claim since
For sale: White Orpington
eggs. 13 for J1.5U: Hr hundred.
for inculmtor loU, $10; will take
orders for chicks, one day old, at
120 ier hundred. Also have
few cockerels for $2. ft) each: - H.
Jeilimann. North I i Islsiro. on
Itsker place, CarahaKli Ave
and Glencoo nmd. 4-1-6
Vincent Jacobs, a retired dairy
man and cheese maker, of 1 ilia
mook, was in tow n several days
lost week, waiting to get through
to the coast on the 1 K. & N.
He recently s-ld one place over
wn ttl
Arc J II. A. It. Man Lived Alon.
nj l'cJ I rom Heart f ailure
Sua Dinaurtd Body ua Saadav Mura.
i"I Judjc Smilk latcli(tlcd
amen Hamlin, aged fj years.
veteran of the Civil War, and
or aUut ten years a resident of
wo miles this side of Timber,
was fouml uead in his cabin a
hort distance from the house of
is son, Geo. T- Hamlin. Sunday
lorning. The deaii man was wen alive Friday, when he
came over to the place of his son,
ho runs a shingle mill, and
round a hatchet On Saturday
eo. i. went over to the p ace.
ml found the door locked. He
thought nothing of the incident,
thinking perhaps his father had
gone over to Timber to get the
mail -not unusual proceeding for
W hen he did not bnng the
I he cat came back, is an
old story, but was renewed
again, the last of the week
of For several years the black cat.
Seattle, was a guest of Mrs. A. "Sam," has made his home in
W. biegnst, the last of the week, the Lamkin tinshoo. A few
J. G. Ii(nneville. the Forest weeks ago Lamkin had two song-
Grove blacksmith, was in the birds brought to the office, and
county seat Monday, attending ..c.m Herded fr other nuar.
lera .Ipalnusv u-aa tho rauso
Sydney Therkell ot Portland. Lf ,eavi and he never
bw busy to call on many of his showed UP xcept late at night.
former mends. e wouia men peer mio me win-
Walter Jackson and family, of dow.8 n? ?? tle onRsters. and
Portland, were out the first of a?a,n "K.e " 3 aepanure. Lam-
the week, guests at the home of K,n 80,a1 D,raf a Ie aaV?
visit. The next morninfir after
Manuel Ingram and Clara Ful- the birds were removed he was
ir were united in marnage by waiting for Ijimkin. with a look
mail home Saturday evening the Judge W. I). Smith, at the home 0f reproach in his eyes. Sam is
.i.i ... .i til.. ' f I n t vmnl T... .. . . .
n (.onciuueu 10 go over lomeoiu w vj,-o. ingnim, jan. n0w holding the iort, sleeping
ntleman's place, Sunday morn
ng. r mding the door still lock-
he forced his way into the
cabin, ami found the father dead
bed. He was cold, and the
son thinks he must have passed
away Saturday evening. There
i . i j i j i . . I...
Geo. M. Hunter, in the real
Plains, was over to thecity Mon- a 8iari a ioo up
day, transacting business.
J. II. Collierand father. M. C, and sleeps the sleep of the con
were up from bcholls, Monday, tented. Who savs a cat can t
. . M 111 1 I I I II . ... .
was no evidence of violence. Herman says mai nis onion iana reason? The reunion or Jim and
and it is supposed death was due is now enjoying itsannual blank- the cat was well worth while
to heart failure. Judge Smith,
SherilT Hancock, and Dr. W. 1).
Wood went to the scene, and
Smith held an investigation, act
ing for Coroner K. C Prown,
w h is absent in California.
Hamlin was a widower, and
nLs init the one child here. 1 wo
aughters reside back in Indiana, you. try your luck by feeding her oyer again.
he old gentleman had been in some of Liggett s delicious Lhoc-
Ihi'XC lor yK.OOO, an.l sti
) 10 i-
Iro into
no or
Dog license due the
ihiri, for the year
due and imvable.
undersigned, or to the City lie
wder. Must be paid by Feb.
lo, or dogs will be impounded.
C. HlaiM.r, Chief of Police.
Hillsboro, Ore., Jan. 25, 1911.
Emmotts have a fresh lot of
Knnklecorn flakes, 3 for 25 cents.
Richard Wiley, of Portland,
was in town over Sunday, the
Kuest of his father. W. V. Wiley.
Chas. McArdell, of Portland,
was the uruest of Virgil Cooper,
the last of the week.
Dp not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke-no "cough dust"
in tho Schiller. 12tf
Alfred ErickBen, of Mountain
dale, was in town Monday, trans
acting business.
For sale or trade; Twelve
acres, 2k miles southeast of Hills
boro also a house and; 21 acres
at McMinnville. WilK sell at a
bargain, or trade forvHillsboro
residence property, close In. C.
F. Bunien. Hillsboro. Ore.
JSC IM tV;- .
he city of ,:;';
. either lo lklknew the towtK so
I iiikorm
11 jr 10 1 o
knew the town, so many iin
orovements having Invn . made
since his last visit. He returned
home Monday.
For sale: A fifteen-sixteenths
Jersev bull, a fine animal, ami
nerfectlv irentle. F. It Kincade
It V. 1). 3. Hillsboro. Ore.. Pox
ID. Three miles north of North
Plains. 45-8
M. M. Mead, who has been
doing some contract grading
work over at Lake Lytic, and
who is still in that kind of work
over at the Tillamook end of the
line, came over the last of the
week, for a few days of visit
with Hillsboro friends. M. M
is looking as though the coast
climate agreed with htm.
Duck hunters were out Sun
day, after the bird that smells
orood in the roaster. The day
was hardly stormy enough for
good gets, but several came home
with pretty good luck.
Mr" and Mrs. A. C. Shute vis
ited with Mrs. Elizabeth Shute,
in Portland, Sunday.
J. 0. Miller and II. C. Munger,
of above Glencoe, were county
seat callers. Monday.
Aw'rtas Pendler, of North Tua
U tr Plains, was over to the city
Ik-nj. Scholfield. of Cornelius, Insulted Over Pair f Sonr
was in the county seat Monday
Ja-i. Cruikshank.of near Farm
ington. was up to the city Mon
day, and called on the Argus.
Don't half do it, make it Lig
gctt's Chocolates or nothing.
Get them at The Delta.
W. C. Graddy, of north of Cor
nelius, was a county seat visitor
Mrs. Thos. Kirkpatrick.
Reauiif Away Fran Hamc at Choke
Several Weeks
The Quality Drug Stor
The place where yon are always sure of
drugs of absolute purity and Highest
(Quality, prepared by competent pharma
cists who take pride in the accuracy of
their work
Remedies .
Candies and
The Delta Drug Store
et of water.
Chas. Meacham is the proud
possessor of a cow that present
ed him with twins a short time
ago -and Chas. thinks that his
dairy here is increasing rapidly.
seeing. J. U. took the old round
er to the butcher shop and gave
him a hne steak, then escorted
him back to the office and made
Sam a little nest for the Mor
pheus act, and the two are just
like a divorced couole that have
If she don't think enough of agreed to makeup and try life
fairly good health, and had at no olates. Big boxes and little ones.
time made any complaint of feci- -I he Delta Drug More.
m WW')' Chas. Kames. of Oak Park. Will sell reiristered Coach Stal-
states that the water is too nign H0n. Winsor. Finely built and
m . I a I ... -
ior successiui trapping on uairy. creta good colts, lientle. tract
but that a great deal of fur is able. Will sell for cash and
he undersigned, admr. of the coming in from the Scholls sec- gome cows as payment
estate of Angus McLeod. will tion. Herman Boge, Hillsboro. ur.,
sell at public auction, at the i r. Jnplton running on Uoute5. Residence near Farm
home of the late deceased. 4 f.;.,i, A Tiiin- inirton. 46-2
miles N. W. of Glencoe, or North mnnw. ns conrliietor. was in town
ains. ai 1U a. m.. on th first of the week pn nv nir a I Junm dckuck ok.
SATURDAY. FEU. 3 vacation, and greeting his Hills-
Span mares. l.UOu each. 4 and 6 boro trienus. . John Berger Sr. died at the home
ph- Mitche wairon. . inch, gooui inrnM u Qu-aii una in tnun lot his son. jonn cerger. at cetn
' . " 'i:...L.""" """V ii "J : 1 OQ
mi tii'w: z vr neuers. vcurunK i ,n, . Mr Suwo w hm .una anv. moiiuay niurimiK.
heifer, all high grade Jerseys; L 8Uburban town out on his once 1912. his affliction being general
rood sow, 4 shoats. 14 chickens, bur farm, and has sold a great debility. Mr. Berger was Dorn
ilow. mower, snnngtooth har- m n flfto tA ruvintia InnWiniT fnrlin Clinton I56rn6 oWltZGn3nuf in
niw. drag harrow, roller, buggy. amnii !.,, 1834. and was married to Maria
hnvmrw huirirv shafts, havfork . .... Kunz. in 1858. Thev came to
and rope and pulleys. 4 horse me unaers gnea nas pur- the Ur
hilars, 4 tons hay. lot bacon, ex;
The undersigned has pur- tKo iTnitvi StfP9 :n ictq. &nA
tens on table, treasure, z coos j" .L J-wnere mrs. uerger passeu
in Stark County. Ohio.
toves. heater, safe and dishes,
iron bedsteads complete, dress
r fi rhnirs. caking utensils, i
amps, 14 mm jars,
will hereatter conduct tne same. 5n ,001 in vasA Mr. Benrer
liatns. I our patronage is so- mcwtkA tn nmn Rett nr on
iiciteu. uourieous ireaimenu- the donation, near Beth
set work Jullua oure,,au"" anv. Two sons sunnve, Jonn
harness, grindstone, logchain, 50 Mr. Thiel. a Portland mining Better Jr. and Fred Berger, both
bu. oats. 2 pitchforks, set single man, has bought 20 acres of the prominent citizens of the Beth-
harness, stand, mantel clock, Sewell Acres tracts, and will put any section. A aaugnter, wrs.
rocker, couch. 2 x-cut saws, set up a nine-room bungalow, for his Fred Stucki, died near Bethany,
k.nw avthi omihhft" family Hp hn an auto, and in 1892. The funeral took place
nni.ii tnnmie Rorinir. andMnrinir own! weather exoects to yesterday from the home of
numerous other articles-all to motor backward and forward be- John Berger, and interment was
h? sold by onler of the county tween his new home ana tne me- in tne rniuips cemetery.
mnrt i.unch serfed at noon. troDo is.
T.rms of Sa e.-Under SIU, c a w nfl eea cnoppmc nonce
cash; $10 and over, one year si . . rv All kinds of
time, at 8 per cent, bankable t k Also a choice lot Beginning with first Saturday in
of White Leghorn pullets, and February, we will run chopper
r. fti. MCbeou. hnin Rnner ducks. Residence and roller every Saturday
Administrator hstate Angus t it k pr jahe throucrhout February, commenc
" a 3VI 111 VI VifcJ - I"" " . .
McLeod, Deceased. Wilkes. Address. Adams. Box ing promptly at noon. Croeni
483. Hillsboro. Ore. 43-tf Bethany.
John TeuscherJr.,of Portland,
I . If 1 i.t,:. .
... 11 a was in tne cuy aiunuajr, Humand no one cat
A pretty wedding w .celeb rated after the interests of the Boys' & tTteSfy to that than
at the verwHiri Girls' Aid gocety, of which or- Imhpie. 8on of Jaa. Imbrie
Viirlutnrr. I HCSdaV. Jan. ou. i.'i-i I ,a la a arupml nTticer. I j-.. :
E. Fmin. Amt Caahia
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Tuesday. December 5, 1S1L J
Capital and Surplus 05OOOCJ
Capital t2S,CCar
Loans - $263,631.07
U.S. Bonds (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bonds 67.160.00
Banking House 18,500.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 102,025.23
Undivided Profits
$476, 316. 3
Thoa. C. Todd joha E. ftalUy J. W. ruwat
Wilb.r W. McIIdownay J. A. Tkcnkkwf: J
1 Mr. Farmer I
m u
Class spirit runs high in Hills-
1 bet
'r ... j.. 1. Mtwimuwi irew!fvv. wne. wonuay murnuiK mere
when Miss oeriieeniper,uuK.i- Mp Teuscher a few years ago uoa Mnt nn tn whioh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. was employed by various school L,a89 should get possession of a
NemptT, wi Hu.i-. districts 01 me county w 8Chool banner. A little lady beat
to Rene Cropp. Mr. and Mrs. pp He nag wlth the Socie. tQ the Mryt and when
Cropp will make their home ! in fof gome arg emerged from the stairway
the Verboort settlement, and .l1ota4 he was cracked on the nose with
thev have a arge circle 01 inenus reiiuons ; wmn ' .-t hotHp and tho dent
Sh then? every happiness, for paving Wash ngton S SnIfSJSSto
belwe?"C0"":B""r r". conceal the banner. He took his
THERKELl. -n A wn u 'Aparit gmt
" .rV"- Y,ntrpafnrWftshinir. and no one was more reaay 10
Sydney Therkell and Creole May TO'atwatd to help him get into a good
ir.teh were united in marriage w"Lro:nth v.iectrie valesence than the pupil
ot h M K. Parsonage, Hillslw-
.... .i
Inn 97 1H1Z. IteV
Weher 0 Relating. Mr. inerne 1 . Wt . thp Pvnense
fnrmerl v resided in this city, and wl , . vour Dian0 coupons for the con
left here to take up work on a u M. Whitmpre, tne ver. egt fa patronizing Aug. Tews,
ightship at the mouth of the ton Reporter founder, sent to hfi m when want your
Columbia. Later he moved to the Salem asylum, last week. -t or enta cleaned and
Portland. The newly wedded died at that ins
couple are making 'the,, -nomc V P?5S5- !2???a!S
No 6b Norm zisi Dlrcc uiivbilu .vv, moncn biock, eniraiiceun ocvuuu
- - - . 1 . lima 1 : a Manna u mm nn ?i nacw. 1 n. . jiit.
The nriae 8 resiueia-c waa iuukcu 'w'w " v" w ." street.
. . k to mur in 1
Build up your Country.
Buy tome Stumping Powder.
Clean out the Stumps.
We can supply your needs in the stump
ing powder line, as we now bny in car
load lots; Therefore can fill your orders
at the right price. So call around and ,
see us.
Yours for a Q deal
Ro well Broo. & Co.
Phone Priv. Ex. No. 2
have to Dave a loot eacn
- k r I I u.' Ill IIMV IT kU mjtm in . . 1
a tVJ 1II1J lf1 W .1. - . tn a . II 2rtll nrrt
ro, Jan. u, ' u-Tu side of the track this win neip
to his
the David act
Ladies and Gentlemen: Get
I He was a very bright fellow in
minv resDects. and was a practi- W. E. Boucsem, wno nas a
riXr He had never work- fine mountain ranch above Moun-
given at Portland.
John Nvberg. county .comm,s- cai pnnr . 'r.r itorial taindale.wasinSaturday.andcall-
- . . .a.. bvm n.-a nn in a i un iui u&uv----(
... i 1 1 -J Ut frko tanoiia a tint
IVHua aw
He had never
Martinazzi versus wn.
The filled Xktii
You probably know who made the "works"
of your watch, but do you know who made the
CASE? Yet the case plays an important part in
the price of a watch, and it is the wearing
quality which fixes the value in Gold Filled
. Cases.-
You can't know much about the diretce fca
value of Gold Filled Cases, for they U ki
alike, and you must depend on the coed fciih
of the seller. But all who sell Fflted Ctrca
are not as conscientious as they shoot! ks.
Let me show you how to distinjsttici It f" 3
Makes of Filled Case. It will pay yd to 1 J
fulfy informed before yoa try.